Topic: In the Pups' Nursery...

Reika Valtryst

Date: 2010-01-04 10:25 EST
In the Blood Moon Castle there was one large special room. Quite possibly the most welcoming, warm room in the place; the nursery. Along the walls were high sided cribs of wood and steel (padded steel reinforced cribs for the ones that had biting and chewing issues). The room smelled of fragrant roses and the sweet smell of babie's hair. There was a soft hum coming from the little ones there as they napped, lost in their little dreams.

Reika leaned over a white ornately carved wooden crib, stroking her newly adopted pup Raina. The pup was roughly 2 months old, her black and crimson fur still very soft, looking strikingly similar to Reika own fur and Raelin who was sleeping in the adjacent crib. She slept soundly as Reika stroked her back, singing to her and the others in the room a lullaby that sang of sweet meat treats and a field so beautiful and open to run in. Her silky voice ran through octaves and scales throughout the song, her voice seeming as if it were frolicking through those fields being sung about. Reika herself was caught in her own thoughts of the pack and the new pups, realizing just how many pups there were around her. Part of her wanted to adopt another one but she just couldn't.... she barely knew what to do with just one of her own, but something in her felt as if she was called to care for them all, though in truth she couldn't do that and still stay semi-sane.

When Reika stopped singing, Raina's head lifted as she looked at her adoptive mother and she whined, tapping her fluffy tail impatiently waiting for something, letting a sharp bark emit from her throat, demanding more attention. Reika nearly jumped, but smiled softly and picked up her baby. It was after nap time anyway. This whole mother thing was harder that she thought. There never seemed to be any time for herself anymore, it was either for the pack or for the pups. This didn't leave Reika really upset, just maybe a little time strained, trying to remember to feed and let her pup go potty outside (for now).

Raina set her head on Reika's shoulder looking behind her with a contented sigh. Reika took a look around to make sure everyone was in their place, nuzzled her pup and headed out of the door and out of the castle into the gardens to enjoy the rest of the day outside in the sunshine.

Motherhood wasn't what she expected, infact it wasn't what she expected so soon to joining the pack. If she recalled right, her response to having a family of her own was not very welcoming. Now she had her own pup, what was she thinking... she shook her head but when Raina was staring up at her wondering why mommy was just staring off into space and not paying any attention to her anymore, Reika grinned and went back to playing with her darling daughter.

There were no regrets in her "new" life. Especially when she felt so blessed and loved.