Topic: The Blood Moon Pack- Beta and Alpha's mate

Savannah Liberty Caine

Date: 2009-11-13 21:45 EST
Libby moves up to the room in Red Dragon Inn, The room belong to her alpha of the Blood Moon Pack, her hand slides on the rail before knocking on the door. A few minutes, Libby?s brown eyes look into the jade eyes of Kraven?s wife, Lady Jade. She sighs and smile softly to the older woman. ?Hello, Jade.? She bows in respect.

?Libby, dear. Please don?t bow.? The older woman blushes. Libby took a second to look at the older woman, flaming red hair was pulled from her face. Jade?s face was beautiful, her jade eyes shinned with the love and honor she had for her family. She also gave her jade eyes to her daughter, Rain. Libby smiled and nods.

?Yes, my lady. But you are Kravan?s mate. Like it or not. You are in head of the pack along with Kraven.? She smiled to the other woman.

?Well, Kravan is out of the room. He should be home soon.?

?Thank you. You should be have a better place than this. Perhaps the Golden Mist??

?The Golden Mist is gone, Libby. It was destroy from a look of a huge fight.?

?Then I will find you a cave.?

?Libby. That?s something that Kravan and I should do.?

?Yes ma?am.? ]She nod ?I think your daughter is just ready for a visited.? She watch the mother?s eyes sparked.

?Really, I missed her.? Jade spoke.?Can you tell me what is going on??

?No, I can?t. You need to talk to her yourself.?

?Can you come and get me tomorrow morning??