Topic: Fort DuskWatch, The Asharan Colony in Rhydin.


Date: 2009-07-24 14:31 EST
As per the initial plans, Kos, High WarLord of Asharan was seeing to a new Colony, some 20 miles Southwest of Rhydin City. it was to be set along the Coast facing out on the Great Western Sea. A Natural Deep water Cove, that could handle upto Five large Sailing Ships, made the ideal spot for this Colony. Along with nearby Forest, some hills that had iron and copper deposits, and a River flowing from the Inlands out to the Cove. All was just right for a Colony and a Trading Enclave representing Asharan.

First arrived the Work Crews and building supplies, to build the Colony Fort, which was to be made of timbers and earthen mounds. That is until the Fort, DuskWatch could be made of quarried stone. Next being built would be the Colony Governor's Mansion. The Colony Governer or the Governor-General was a portly old Dwarf named Durisun GreyHammer. An old retired UnderThane of the Order of Hammer and Shield. Given one last post in service to the Imperium.

At his command were 20 permenent-posted Imperial Marines and 50 Imperial Army Troops, as well as two fully armed Carravels, each with crew of 40 Sailor-Soldiers. Housing for the Marines, Troops and Sailors family had also began as well, enough for 400 people. Work also began on the Colony's Trading Enclave, a complex for Three Merchant Houses of Asharan. The Elven-ran H'Veril Merchant House which deals in Textiles, The DragonBorn-ran Usethis Merchant House which deals in Grains and the Dwarven-ran Jurandur Mechant House which deals in Gold, Iron and other Metals and Minerals. These three Merchant Houses, each with a bought stake in the Colony, share one quarter each of the Colony. The last quarter to the Imperium.

This Trading Enclave, would be set out as a compound of three large Mansions, with outlaying support staff buildings, Merchant Guard barracks, warehouses and a market square in the center of the Compound. The Market, being used for the sole purpse of buying and selling Trade Goods in large bulk quantities. The Colony would have its own Marketplace for a wider variety of goods for Homes and personal use.
And of course the Colony would have a Inn/Tavern, one for now, The DeepCove Inn and Tavern, a two storey building of Timbers for now, with only 14 rooms. For Traveller and Local alike, plans were to make it bigger and shore it up with stone and brick.

Within a few months time, the Fort Dusk Colony will be a thriving Outpost of the Asharan Imperium. Especially when work starts at the two mines already scouted out in the hills, some three miles East of the Colony. One for Iron, the other Copper. As of now a road is being cut through the Forest, land to the sides of the road, cleared for Farming and Livestock grazing.


Date: 2009-07-28 13:55 EST
Work has began on the housing for the Families of the Military personnel of the Fort, as well as the Governor-General's home and Fort DuskWatch itself. For now the Colony is a fairly large Tent City, home to Humans, DragonBorn, Dwarves, Elves, Half-Elves, Gnomes and Halflings. A small army of builders and laborers work steadily to turn the surrounding land into the makings of a thriving Colony.

The Forest road continues apace as beasts of burden such as horses, elephants and mules are used to haul away timber from the Forest to the makeshift Sawmill. From here planks are made to be used in building both the Fort and the first houses of the Colony.

His Imperial Majesty, High Warlord Kos the First made a visit today to the Colony. Visiting with Governor-General Durisun and the three heads of the Trading Enclave. After visiting with them and with a number of the families of the Military forces at the Colony, which lasted all day. Kos then had the Colony's small contingency of Priests offer prayers and blessings for the Colony to have good fortune in all its endevours in service to the Imperium. And then his Majesty left with cheers and fanfare from the Colonists.


Date: 2009-07-30 13:59 EST
Today three large pavillion tents have been placed together just outside the Colony's makeshift wall of earthen mounds and timber. These three large tents, have a sign, marking then as the temporary Customs House of the Colony. Placed here just next to the wooden gates that lead into the Colony. Its most basic function to inform people that come to the Colony about the Laws of Asharan that are in effect at Fort DuskWatch. Not all the Laws are mentioned only a few. However a person that wishes to now all of the Laws, can pay a silver coin for a parchment copy.

At the gatehouse those who are not citizens of Asharan(as citizens have special red clay permenant passes), must pay a silver coin in order to be issued a temporary blue clay pass, no more then three inches by two inches by one inch. Stamped with the Imperial Seal and that day's date. This allows access to the colony for a whole week starting from that day. Should someone wish to stay longer, they need to get another pass at either the Gatehouse, the Customs House or the Fort itself.

There are some ordinances in place in the Colony as well, One: No Mechanized Vehicles are allowed; Two: All Weapons must be Peace-bonded that is to have a tie up weapons in sheathes and scabbards with a piece of colored cloth. Which are issued at the GateHouse. Should someone be carrying concealed weapons, they well forfeit all weapons while in the Colony and pay a fine of 30 gold and their name well be recorded on the WatchList for a full 30 days. Second Offenses are punished with Imprisonment in the Fort's makeshift dungeons which for now are big deep holes with iron grates. This lasts for two weeks. And a third offense is permanent banishment from ever entering the Colony again.; Three: No Drinking in or wandering about the Colony after Midnight. Such offenders are placed in the Dungeons for a full day and night.

The Ordinances are included with the copy of the Laws. Visitors are not required to buy a copy of the Law and Ordinances, but are encouraged to do so. The Dungeons at the Fort are not big enough to hold a lot of people, as the more permenant stone and brick dungeons are being constructed.

There is not much business as of yet, the Trading Enclave is still mainly a Tent City as well. And there is no real Marketplace in the town either, both are still under construction. Within a few weeks both well be open for business. The single Inn and Tavern, The DeepCove Inn, is more Tavern and feasthell. Consisting of two large pavillion tents, long wooden tables, chairs and open cooking pits. Nearby the more permanent Inn of Brick, stone and wood is being built.

There is however talk of the Colony serving as a Port for Visitors and Citizens to embark from leaving by Sailing ship to Asharan on regular monthly trips. This however won't be happening until at least another week or maybe two at most. Other modes of Transport are being discussed as are plans for Inner-continental Transport services to an from the Colony. But theses services are months from now, years even in the planning.

Work continues steadily on the Forest road to the Hills where the mines are to be placed. Farming land is cleared at a steady pace as well, so far some 1,200 acres of prime, rich soil Farming Land is ready for purchase. Though it is estimated at least another 2,000 to 5,000 acres well be needed for Farming land. Initial plans call for the colony to be able to effiecently support 3,000 to 5,000 citizens and military forces.