Topic: Holy Days of Asharan


Date: 2009-08-01 14:49 EST
Here now is a listing of the High Holy Days celebrated in Asharan, each Holy Day is marked with a number of days of Feasting, Drinking, Song, Dancing and Prayers given in the Temples. Days of the Equinoxes and the Solstices, the Four High Seasonal Days change based on the Year of the Calander.

The Four High Seasonal Feastival Days-

December 21st-22nd; Midwinter, The Winter Solstice, YuleTide. A time of Gift Giving, Bright colored lights, Feasts and the Yule Fires to mark the coming of Winter.

March 20th-21st; The Vernal Equinox, GreenTide, The Coming of Spring. A Time to mark Fertility in the Earth, the Planting Time of Crops in the Field.

September 22st-23rd; The Autumnal Equinox, HarvestTide, the marking of the Harvest of crops in the Fields, to eat of the Bounty of the Land, and to prepare for the coming of Winter.

June 21st-22nd; MidSummer, HighSun, the Summer Solsitce. A time to mark the longest Day of the year, to feast, to dance and to light large Bonfires to keep the light during the dark of the Night.

The Four Great Feastival Days- The Major or Great Holy Days

Samhain; October 31st- November 2, Feast of the Dead. This Feastival marks a time of Rememberance to those that have passed beyond. To honor ones Ancestors with celebrations. It is also on this night that the Veil of Life and Death is at its weakest, and Spirits can walk the Land.

Candlemas; Febuary 1st-2nd, HearthFire, a Festival of Hearth and Home, to light Candles, Hearth fires and Bonfires to mark the approach of Spring. Special Foods and Games are part of this Festival.

Beltane, May 1st, this Day marks the beginning of the Pastoral Summer Season, when Livestock are put in the Pastures to graze. It is marked with great Bonfires, usually on hilltops and mountains. This is done in the hope of a Good Harvest in the Autumn, and to protect the Living from Spirits that may do harm. This day is also marked with the rising of Ashar, who on this day gave light to the Peoples enslaved by the DragonLords and lead the way to Freedom. Ashar, the Founder of Asharan is honored every year and this day marks the Day of Foundation for the Imperium.

Lammas, August 1st, a Day of Thanksgiving for the 1st Harvest of the Grains of the field. It is also a time of Handfasting when lovers are married or betrothed to one another. This day also marks in Asharan the start of the Gladiatorial Games(The Blood Sports) and the Games of Prowess(Games of Athletic Skill). The Games of Blood and Prowess last until December 1st. Both Opening and Closing days are marked with Sacrifices of Livestock, namely Cattle and Sacrifices of the Field, namely Grains, in Temples and in the open fields of the Arenas and Stadiums.

These Eight Feast Days or Holy Days mark the beginnings and endings of certain points of turning of The Cycle of Life, Death and Rebirth. And are held sacred by all the peoples of Asharan.