Topic: The Winds of Destiny..Tales of Kos and Shamil


Date: 2009-07-24 13:51 EST
It had been Fate, Destiny one could say, that brought Kos to the Lands of The Rhydin Continent. Across the Great Western Sea, some 2,400 miles West by NorthWest of the Rhydin Continent. His purpose at first was to bring Trade from Asharan to Rhydin. And also to setup a small colony of no more then say 500 or 600 Citizens to live on the Rhydin Continent.
That was his prupose, Destiny or Fate if you will had other plans in store for the High Warlord.

And this Road, this new course was set the night Kos went to the Red Dragon Inn. Here he would meet his Destiny, that would change his life.

Isn't funny how some of the Greatest Tales seem to always begin at some Tavern?


Date: 2009-07-24 23:42 EST
Shamil arrived long before Kos, but as her arrival was not recorded in The Books of Ashar before Kos began his journey, we have told it here.

Shamil was wandering the countryside of a land not listed in our records, when she encountered a battle between two fierce combatants. The Winds of Destiny sometimes blow stronger than other times. The combatants were a Demon Lord and a mercenary by the name of Vas Drel. The battle took the Demon Lord's life, and as his body exploded, but instead of killing Shamil, Fate rocketed her to RhyDin, where she resided for years.

Little did she know, the events to come from one meeting would shape her life forever.


Date: 2009-07-25 14:20 EST
Kos was one of just a few DragonBorn in town, though he was the only one here at the Red Dragon Inn. There were some beings he recognized if ony by their species. and not their names. He didn't know a single soul in Rhydin. At least the Two Moons and of course The Eye of Chronepsis, the Great Run Sun as it was called back home were familiar. Most of the Stars of the Night Sky were the same, a few new ones as this Town was roughly 800 miles to the South of Nirunar, the Capital of the Asharan Imperium.

All was new to him, he heard the stories of how the Nexus or as it was called the Maw of Tiamat brought new peoples from all over the Multiverse and even from different Times to this Crossroads place. Kos got an ale and sat down. He watched the door to see who or what might come through it. Sipping his cold ale.


Date: 2009-07-25 14:34 EST
Shamil was one Gnome in this big town, and the few people that she did know didn't fave too fond memories of her, so that night, when she saw an old friend, she ran to the table. This is where the Winds of Destiny were blowing her. This is where she met him.


Date: 2009-07-25 15:35 EST
Now oddly enough there are some ripped out pages in this next part of the Tale. The reason why and what was in those pages is unknown to all but Kos, and Shamil, perhaps. But what does come next is this, Kos saw Shamil at the Red Dragon, a lone Gnome with fiery Red hair and spoke to her.

"Hello there miss, I am Kos, and I am from Asharan, a Land far to the West of here. I was wondering if I might join you this eve?"

He said to her, in a polite manner, awaiting her response.


Date: 2009-07-25 21:45 EST
What Shamil saw next was a little odd to her, as she had never actually met a DragonBorn, but she say at the table as he requested. She responded very oddly.

"Hello, Kos of Asharan, I am Shamil Gitterhand. I come from the land of Ravenlock, about five planes in.... that direction."

Shamil pointed to the back door of the inn, but both sets of eyes never looked that way, instead, they just looked at each other. Two lonely souls, their Threads of Life about to become intwined... well tangled up, with the others'.


Date: 2009-07-26 01:59 EST
Kos never looked back to the Back of the Inn, he too just looked into Shamil's eyes and smiled. He sat down close to her.

"A pleasure Miss Shamil. I am have hot heard of RavenLock, how is it you got here to Rhydin then?" Then a look arround.."Care for an ale Shamil?"

Yes their lives, their Threads which came from their Hearts, their very Souls, the Measure of their lives. Indeed without knowing it at first, Kos and Shamil's Lives would entwine and strongly, unbreakable.