Topic: A Dark Messenger


Date: 2008-05-30 12:13 EST
(I apologize in advance if I was supposed to ask one of you before posting here. T.D.)

As the rays of the morning sun fall upon the gates of the Brotherhood Fortress, there is a great disturbance outside the gates of your fortress. When you go to investigate, you are overcome with a sense of forboding.

One of the young Acolytes of your Order who turned up missing a few days ago is found crucified to one of the great doors that protect the fortress. He appears to have been tortured and his robes are in tatters. Carved into his chest you notice a symbol that has not been seen in Rhydin for some time. The notorious brand of the New World Order.

Thara Snowrose Hue

Date: 2008-06-04 00:39 EST
thara being the first to arrise, she was in the kitchen arguing with Armand over the days menu. She knew Armand meant well, but fattening everyone up was not high on her list of priorities.
A pause in words as she unmistakenly picked up on the noise at the main gates, at one time it would of never been heard by her, but since a few changes she easily heard the ruckus.
Taking off running, with the aid of her wings she reached the gates and looked at the two guards that were changing shifts with two new guards.

"Ye nae saw a thing, I imagine?" Those crystalline blue eyes studied the guards for a moment, One stepped forward and bowed. "M'Lady, it was dark and the stench of magic seemed to cover our eyes for a moment." He stated in their defense, He seemed true to his words or she was getting rusty in determining lies from the truth.

A gift she rarely had to use, for most that knew her understood she knew when someone was lying. "Alright, return to thy barracks and ye will be sent for when M'Lord Vargus and M'Lord Pyriathin ihas had time to look into this."

She stepped outside the gate and looked up at the young boys body and the symbol etched into it. She called forth her priestly powers as the bindings fell away and the young boy was lowered to the ground. Her body glowed softly as she called forth his soul and returned it to his body. Tears rolled down her cheek as she worked her priestly duties upon the young boy. He was too young to die, and it was her duty to insure he had a good life reaching his destiny.

It had been some time since she had to call upon her magic, and ressurecting the acolyte put a strain on her, but together they walked back to the Fortress so he could tell his tale to Lord Vargus and Lord Pyriathin.


Date: 2008-06-07 13:26 EST
The young acolyte's memory is hazy and full of holes, but he recounts his story as best he can...

He had been walking down an ally when something strang caught his eye. He saw two men dressed in black cloaks carrying what appeared to be a body into an abandoned warehouse. He went to investigate and as far as he could remember, was hit by an unknown assailant and renderred unconcious.

When he came around, he found he was half naked and tied down to some sort of alter. The air was thick with incense and it burned his nostils. All around him he saw shadows dancing in the dim candle light and heard the most nerve-wrenching chanting.

Someone ran a gloved hand over his forehead and spoke softly to him. He could tell it was a woman's voice although she wore a mask. She told him that he was a fortunate soul, that he was destined to be the messenger of change.

He shakes his head slightly, the memories causing him to tremble slightly. He goes on to say she told him that a new era was coming to Rhydin and he would herald its arrival. The last thing he remembered was a searing pain on his forehead and the dagger piercing his chest.

With a sob, he takes a drink from his goblet and looks up at his seniors. "What does this mean?"

Thara Snowrose Hue

Date: 2008-06-08 23:29 EST
Thara listened to the Young Acolyte, she sent word to Armand to fix some broth and mulled wine for her patient. She knew dark tidings were stirring and that Lord Vargus and Lord Pyriathin had been quite busy as of lately.
The New World Order was before her time, and she was not sure the meaning behind all this. Her thoughts ran to Travanix and Romax Pol stirring things up, but they would not send a message this way. Least they had changed their tactics since her last run in with the two of them.
Thara watched Armand bring in the tray she requested and set it down beside the bed. "That will be all for now Armand, thank ye."
Armand gives a slight bow and makes his way back to the kitchen to finish up his plans for the meals within the fortress.
Thara began to carefully feed the young acolyte the broth and aided him in drinking the mulled wine. She sent word to Bruce, that she needed his aid and also word to Vargus and Pyriathin of the guest they had within the fortress. Thara knew they would understand this more than she did, but what ever had happened did not make her feel relaxed.
A darkness was stirring and she knew everyone had to be prepared for this for the Light must never fade or all would be lost within the chaos that would ensue.
"I have sent for Lord Vargus and Lord Pyriathin, they will be able to tell you more than I can, young one." Thara finally said to him as she continued to feed him the broth. It was all she could manage as her thoughts dwelled on the young mans words. She did not have an answer, but hoped that one of the two she sent for would know and enlighten them all.