Topic: War on the Horrizon


Date: 2008-06-07 13:32 EST
I have spoken briefly with Pyriathin about bringing back the guild wars to Rhydin. With the Brotherhood of Light and NWO being two of the "old school" guilds still around, I thought it would be good for us to work together to design a new war system and show the people here what it is like and how much fun it could be. My SL post about the dark messenger was created to be a prelude to this war and likewise I invite your members to post something similar in our NWO folder as well.

I am out of town on business until the end of the month and my time is limited, but I was hoping our people and yours could work on a viable system and host a trial war sometime in July for all of Rhydin to see and hopefully generate enough interest to bring about more guilds and more wars and storylines.

The Dredded Mun of Rhydin