Topic: Caravan Christmas

Levi Clark

Date: 2015-12-25 15:27 EST

Levi had already given a couple of the gifts that he'd purchased for Christmas. Billie was given the bumble bee earrings that he'd purchased while they had been dating. And the hoodied sweatshirt and t-shirt were left on Mark's bunk with a note that said "Merry Christmas Markus Areola!"

But the other two gifts, those were to be given when in Kentucky with Keirra and Quinn. The drive there on Christmas Eve had been a mostly silent affair. Levi wasn't sure if Quinn was angry with him, if Keirra was angry at him or Quinn or both.

Everything boiled over once they'd reached a clearing, and like most pots that boil over, the water put out the fire that started the pot boiling in the first place. Things simmered and calmed down. Things were peaceful as they settled in for sleep.

Christmas morning found Levi up early, as usual. His eyes opened up and the deck of cards that he kept for long trips was laying not two inches from his nose. This was an oddity but then Quinn had been known to surprised him a time or two. The pack was grabbed and he got up to do a little sneaking and playing of Secret Santa, himself.

The cabinet that he'd stored the gifts in was under a shelf in the bathroom, hidden from view by the mirror. It was one of the reasons why he'd loved this RV from the get go. It had so many little nooks and crannies to get all of his stuff (and anyone else's) stored in neat, organized fashion. The pack of cards was put into his pocket while he retrieved the leather bound gift for Keirra and the garment box that was Quinn's.

The lock pick set he'd purchased in the market. They were enchanted by dwarvish magic and could only be used by Keirra. They were hers, and hers alone. Atop of the roll of leather that contained the tools he left a small note. "For Ko Ko Puffs. No no door will ever be locked to you. Love, Levi."

This was placed upon the kitchen table, as well as the garment box for Quinn. The box was wrapped in a shiney gold paper with a bright red bow upon the upper left corner. Only his name appeared on the outside of the box. Not from whom (thought it would be obvious) and no note. Just the name, "Quinn."

Inside of the garment box was a matching set of hoodies that proclaimed the wearers Partners in Crime. Levi had seen them in the market and thought it would be perfect for them. Not too romantic, not too expensive, not too fast or too much.

He sat down then and fished the cards out of his pocket. He opened up the box and then flipped the cards over to pull the jokers out for a game of solitaire while Keirra and Quinn slept. It was then that he noticed the writing. A slow, joyful smile appeared as he read the first joker, and then the second. He flipped a card over and began to read. His eyes brightened and soft laughter was heard coming from the table. One card, after another, each one prompting more smiles, more laughter, and by the time he read the last one, tears of joy.

He held the cards in his hands and looked up at where Quinn was sleeping, and then to the garment box on the table. He sighed and knew that he'd failed miserably in the gift giving department. Quinn's had been so thoughtful, so from the heart, and hadn't cost a penny.

Still, the sweatshirts were going to be given. He looked at the cards again and then got an idea. He grabbed a pen and with the cards laid out onto the table top, began to write.