Topic: Dirty carpet.

Keirra Owens

Date: 2015-12-16 19:24 EST
Gerry had been off working, and her two best friends were off checking one another for prostate cancer. So Keirra did what any good friend would do? She raided the fridge and lounged around Levi?s RV in her underwear. A knock came at the door and she could do little more than grunt and put on clothes. A soft sigh escaped her, ?What is it?? she snapped impatiently at the man dressed in cover-alls and work boots.

?Oh, I?m here for Mr. Clark?s flooring,? he said. ?I didn?t know you?d be here, Miss???

?Mrs. Clark,? she snapped, raising an eyebrow at him. ?I sincerely hope that he?s informed you of the changes.?

?Oh, I wasn?t made aware of any changes, he didn?t even mention a wife,? said the flooring guy.

?That?s just like him!? Keirra said, putting her hand on the baby bump, and feigning emotions. ?I swear, if he didn?t knock me up, he would want nothing to do with me!? she shrieked, sobbing lightly. ?And now I?m just fat and useless?and he finally agreed to let me pick out something! The carpeting! ?and then doesn?t even bother to tell you!?? she asked, throwing herself against his chest.

The man awkwardly patted her, ?No! Mrs. Clark! Of course he mentioned you! What were the changes you wanted done?? he asked, looking back at his truck.

Keirra sniffled, ?I don?t remember? I lost the samples. Could I see them??

Something didn?t seem right, but the man didn?t want to argue with a hysterical girl. ?They?re in my truck, let me go get them for you.?

?Yeah, why don?t you do that?? she asked in a calm, devious voice after he?d already walked away. When he came back, he brought a sample book, and she began to flip through it. ?This one, definitely!?

Staring down at the sample, he raised an eyebrow and swallowed hard. It was a white carpeting sample with pink hearts all over all conflicting shades. ?You want this everywhere??

?Well, yeah,? she said, looking at him as if he were stupid. ?Brian.. Can I call you Brian?? she asked, tapping the sample and gifting him a gaze with dangerous crystal eyes. Circling around him, she cleared her throat.

?What? My name is Chuck??

?Yeah, Brian. Let?s not get into technicalities here? That?s not what you?re here for, is it??

?It?s Chuck,?

?Brian? Brian! Listen to me! We need this, for the baby? Now, my husband is a very busy lawyer. If you want to call him, by all means, interrupt his work. I?ll even dial him out for you. But Brian? I can promise he will not be happy with you.?

Staring at the woman like she was crazy, he grabbed the sample book and sighed. ?I?ll get the supplies and have it done by tonight??

?Yeah you will,? she said with a nod.

Keirra Owens

Date: 2015-12-16 19:29 EST