Topic: This One's for Johnny (18+ mature content)


Date: 2016-04-12 20:17 EST
"Damn it!" The yell cut the night around the Macintosh camp. It was Cole.

At the end of the enormous RV was a shining light. It seemed impossibly bright, flooding out the details of the figures that were there. Most of them were Mac's boys who always had that lean and hungry look. There were a few females amid them, all of which looked like they came from abusive foster-care parents and weren't afraid to throw a punch. People trying to claw their way to the top of the barrel.

A few of them wore hates, but it was Mac's shadow wearing the fedora that made him easy to identify. He wasn't the tallest, but he was hard to see being that he was in the innermost circle that was flooded by the RV light.

Something had gone wrong and everyone was on pins and needles because of it. Mac turned and called, "Get that little fuck Ian over here." Upon getting closer it was clear that Mac's hand that was down by his side had his 45 in it.

That little fuck Ian was feeling like death warmed over. The heavy rains followed by the erratic weather patterns had him just on the verge of sick--without actually tumbling over into full blown illness-- for over a week. He had literally just gotten back to the camp site, having borrowed the boss' car (as he did with increasing tendency these days) to do some laundry and get some soup. The teen had just turned the engine off, was in the process of climbing out of that red subaru with the keys in one hand when one of the pack came jogging up to him.

"Boss is looking for you, kid," the voice was gruff, a sound like crunching gravel. The man's smile was a gleeful one, full of malice. Ian was a newcomer to the Mac clan, and the way he'd risen through the ranks all the way to the bossman's side had not gone unnoticed. It wasn't just Cole -- the scruffy, scrappy teen was used to getting dirty looks from most everybody these days. "He sounds pissed."

A shrug lifted Ian's shoulders, his expression neutral as he patted his pockets down for his cigarettes. Leaving the laundry in the car, he nodded, following this dude -- Jack or Jeff or somebody, he couldn't quite remember -- over to Mac.

There was someone in the center of their circle. A man was tied to a chair and at first, he was impossible to recognize. That was because of the blood. It was more blood than usually present, more than had even been between Cole and Ian. More than Ian had ever seen at any of the disagreements at camp. Upon closer inspection it was clear that *something* had happened.

Ian was not of Mac's original camp, and he'd seemed to know a thing or two about werewolves and monsters. Despite his age, Mac had come to treat him as the 'go to' for the 'what-the-fucks' of Rhy'Din. They had a situation.

Johnny had been out drinking with Cole and two of the other boys at the Salty Dog when they stumbled home. Halfway there, well, something happened to them. It was fast and unclear and they still didn't know what to make of it, but it bit clear into Jimmy's neck. It latched onto him like a bulldog and then, before any of them could get over being startled and cock their guns right for firing, it had gone. Now Johnny had a torn up neck and was gnashing his now-pointed teeth irrationally at all of them from the chair he was tied to.

"What the fuck... is wrong with Johnny?" Mac was irritated, his thumb kept fidgeting by turning the safety of his gun on and off. Ian was supposed to know this. He better know this and he also better know--, "I need him to get better... now."


Date: 2016-04-12 20:23 EST
As Ian approached, he shouldered his way through the thick knot of people clustered around the scene, forcing people out of his way as he moved towards the center. Both hands were up at his face. In one, he cupped a cigarette that was caught between his teeth, inverted so that the palm made a little protective arch. In the other he held a lighter, with which he was in the process of getting the cigarette lit as he moved his way forward.

Sure, they'd all heard Mac call for him, but nobody was going to help him get there.

When Ian broke through the crowd to the inner circle, he took one final inhale on the cigarette in his mouth and then pulled it free, passing it off to Mac without a word. Slate green eyes moved over the boss man's frame, reading his expression, the tension in his shoulders, the spastic impulse of that one thumb. Two things jumped out at him immediately. The first -- Mac was indeed pissed. The second -- Mac was not, in fact, pissed at him.

Turning his attention to Johnny then, Ian exhaled, pulling a second cigarette from behind his ear. Getting this one lit much more quickly that the first, his eyes swept the stricken man appraisingly. With a sigh, he stepped forward, scratching at his jaw once as the burning cancer stick dangled from his lower lip. Bending at the waist to get a better look, he waited for the snap as he got close to Johnny's face and as soon as it came he shoved his elbow hard up under the man's jaw, connecting with a sick-sounding crunch that snapped his neck back. It gave him a better view of the wound and kept those teeth away from his hands.

When he'd had enough of a look, Ian jumped back, his reflexes lightning fast from years of video games and months of hardscrabble infighting with Cole et al. Dragging fiercely on the cigarette, he pulled it from his mouth on the exhale, attention swinging back to Mac. "Has he bitten anybody?"

Mac took the cigarette, his gun still at his side. Johnny seemed wounded and still for a moment after the blow, but when he recovered he returned to gnashing his teeth. It lacked focus and coordination. Like a rabid, blind dog that attacked light or any movement which was near enough. That was the reason for the circle. For the swearing. At Ian's question, Mac turned to give a pissed look at Cole. He was irritated that he had to make any motion at all to get the man to know he needed to speak up.

"No, no." It was the first time Cole had ever looked shaken. Unfortunately, he also looked like he wasn't doing much to hide that he as shaken. Mac had never thought he looked so weak, but he also thought that whatever happened to Johnny was pretty fucking scary. Cole continued, "He was fine up until we got to camp. I brought him inside to look at it, to figure out if we needed to get him to a hospital or something cause there was so much blood. Then he started acting strange and fell to the ground. After a few minutes it was like he lost his mind. It took the three of us to get him under control."

No bite marks. But Cole and the other two had blood on them. Was it just Johnny's?

Mac looked back to Ian, a line of smoke shooting out of his mouth, "What is this?"

Those gray green eyes were fiercely bright despite the way he buried a cough in the crook of his elbow, watching the exchange between Mac and Cole like a hawk. The sneering smirk that began to lift one corner of his mouth was covered by the re-insertion of his cigarette, gaunt cheeks gone yellowish with fading bruises hollowing out momentarily on the inhale.

He nodded. For a sick, savage moment, Ian had hoped against hope that perhaps Cole had been bitten. He studied the man a little longer, trying to match the amount of blood to the extent of the injury to Johnny. It seemed a little uneven, and the kid couldn't really resist needling him just a little, just to check, just to be sure. "I see." He said in a non-committal, deadpan way that suggested he heard but did not necessarily believe. His gaze swept back to Johnny for a moment. "And the thing that got him. He the only one attacked?"

His attention moved back to Mac while he waited on an answer, there was a subtle shake of his head that was for their leader alone. He stepped closer, bridging the distance between him and the boss, his voice low. Pulling the cigarette free again, he leaned in, speaking as near his ear as he could without actually touching him. "Johnny got family, boss?"

"It happened so fast," Cole breathed. For a rather large and muscled man, he looked deflated. He wasn't looking at them but in some other direction, reliving what had happened. Then it seemed that he snapped out of the haze and drew his shoulders back to make his chest look bigger and his posture not so crumpled. Mac had been watching him the whole time, taking a pull on his cigarette simultaneously with Ian. To an outsider it might have seemed that by their unblinking stare at Cole that it was Cole who was on trial.

The gagging, gurgling sound of a monstrous not-Johnny continued on in the background. Someone swore and kicked a rock towards him, maybe to see what he would do. Johnny was entirely redirected and was snapping teeth towards where the offending rock had come from.

Mac lifted his head up by about an inch when Ian came over to him. His shoulders turned a bit more his way as if only half-committed to squaring off with him about things. The back and forth push of his thumb on the safety of his gun had paused.

Ian asked about family and Mac pulled the cigarette from his lips, indicating around them, "You're lookin' at it, kid." There's a pause where maybe he takes into account that this kid was picked up on the road and wasn't a gypsy. That maybe he didn't just didn't get it. Mac looked back at Johnny, his thumb over the safety tab, "He's my cousin." There was 'family' and family all around them.


Date: 2016-04-12 20:31 EST
Ian made a face. He walked a careful line even with Mac -- acknowledging the balance of power without exactly bowing to it. He didn't recant or back down, but neither did he snap off some eviscerating insult like he would anybody else.

He knew about that kind of family. "I meant a mom or a little sister or something," he said quietly, clarifying between his teeth. There was family, and then there was moms and siblings and kids. That kind of family. At the acknowledgment that Johnny was his cousin, the teenager nodded, taking half a step back with a tilt of his head. "Can I talk to you a minute?" Maybe... not... at the center of a crowd? Those gray green eyes were asking for privacy.

Mac's face tightened like he might say no. Instead, he took one more look around them and called, "Everyone keep calm and don't lose your heads over anything." With that, the gun was on safety, tucked behind his back but still prominent. They could all still see it over the long sleeve shirt that was tucked in with the gun when he shoved it back there and under his belt. His mouth held the cigarette while he adjusted and then he followed Ian off.

They moved away from the painful glare of white light, from the visceral look of Johnny tied to the chair. The light that hit on everything was that stark, bright one from the security light at the back of the RV. There was a slice of it, going over the side of his face and down his chest. It wasn't on Ian so much, but that was because his back was to it more than Mac's. It kept him squinting at Ian, which he probably would have done anyway.

His eyes were saying it before his lips did, "What do you need to say, kid?" It was the first time he ever addressed Ian in any way that hinted towards kindness. It was mostly in tone. He kinda barked everything all the time, but when he said 'kid' there was a certain give in his voice. It'd been there, just for a second.

Following the leader away from the assembled crowd, Ian threw an assessing look at Johnny, then pulled out his phone to check the time. "How long ago was the attack?" This was called to Cole as they moved away, out of immediate hearing range, though he lingered long enough to hear the response. He checked that response against his phone with a nod before joining Mac on the outskirts.

"I don't know, an hour?" That was Cole's voice, but there was now a small rumble of conversation in the group. It had the same feeling of kids whispering back and forth in a classroom when they saw that the teacher was occupied talking to one of the other teachers.

His position was a deliberate one. He wanted his back to the crowd, his face out of the light. He wanted to make sure no one but Mac could see the way his mouth moved, could hazard a guess at what he was saying. He didn't really want the boss where his expression would be clearly visible, either, not for what he was about to say.

Ian took a final drag off his cigarette, flicking it away from himself and Mac in such a way that the cherry popped free on its descent. Exhaling slowly, his fingers plucked at the ring speared through the right side of his lower lip, only recently reattached now that most of the infighting had been settled. Momentarily brought up short by the way Mac addressed him, the kid swallowed once. "...He's been bitten, Mac. There ain't no saving him. We either turn him loose, or hand me that gun and walk away." Swallowing again, he's still pulling reflexively at his lip ring. "Y'got... maybe a couple more hours to decide. By then he'll be strong enough to break that chair." His tone could not have been more clear. Letting Johnny go was A Bad Idea.

Mac's cigarette was close to its filter, but he hadn't pitched it aside, yet. He just let the column of ash grow long until it broke by the slightest moment of his hand. Ian told him what he had to say and he absorbed it for a minute, his eyes looking past Ian and into some other place. The give-away that he was upset was in the ripple of his jaw followed by the jerk of his hand as he pitched the remaining bit of his cigarette off in the same direction Ian had.

"You?" He said it with acid, stepping up to Ian, almost to where their chests would have touched. He was angry. Angry before Ian had even 'offered' to do him a favor. His voice had gravel, glass and blood in it when he spoke, "You're going to explain whatever this shit is later tonight. That's what you do. I'll gut you if you ever think I'm going to let you put down anybody, especially my cousin." Mac broke from him, calling over his shoulder, "He's my goddamn family."

And rabid dogs get put down too. Once he breached the circle watching Johnny he reached back, pulling out his gun and flicking the safety off. Some said he paused just before he pulled the trigger. Others said it happened in seconds. There had been a pause. Mac put the gun to Johnny's head and waited for some sign that he was still in there. If Johnny was in there, he'd been too far gone, too in deep, to see. Two shots to the head. Everyone was still after the ear-ripping noise. Johnny's head slumped over, cavernous and gaping wide and red at the back. Mac's body seemed to stiffen and then he was shouting orders about getting shit taken care of. That people needed to be goddamn careful and that Johnny was teaching them all that tonight. That he died so that they all could learn a hard lesson.

"And tonight we're gonna get torn up, properly, for Johnny. So put on your best fucking shirts." Dave was going to have to be there somehow. He had to step away from the Barlows and be there for Johnny.

The anger wasn't for him. Ian knew it; he'd known before he'd made the offer what its answer would be. It was the kind of offer that needed to be made, though-- he'd have caught shit for being a coward had he just suggested that Mac do it himself. The politics of the camp's hierarchy were breathtaking, would have made even a Borgia blush.

The teenager nodded, conceding with a quiet "You got it, boss."

He followed Mac back to center, standing just behind and to the left of him when the shots were fired. He knew the hesitation for what it was, but later, he'd be the one to personally spread the rumor that the whole thing was over in a second, that Mac had never so much as flinched or batted a lash.


Date: 2016-04-30 13:44 EST
The Next Day-- Back Alley

"What I want is another case of bourbon or you can suck it," he was on his cellphone in the alleyway, his other hand over his ear. Off in the distance, at the mouth of the alleyway, was Cole and a few of the other guys. They gave Mac space because he was needing it. No one liked to feel like someone was sitting on their shoulder. His outline, his identity, could be made out by that old plaid fedora. Run down clothes but, hell, Mac was sexy the same way a scar was. Uneven but healed over.

The rogue hadn't been doing much, she was supposed to meet Dove way later that night for some pants-off dance-off or something like that. She flipped her hair from her face, and in dark pink waves, it rolled away from perfect porcelain. Eyes shifted from patron to patron until she found her mark. It was an important-looking business man, typing away on his phone. Eyes were a mere ring of silver-blue consisting of mostly pupil. She launched herself into the guy, and fell backwards on her butt shortly after.

"Watch where you're going!" he barked at her, huffed her off, and continued on his busy way.

Keirra waited for him to be out of sight, "...Watch your wallet, bitch." she hissed beneath her breath as she lifted it from her sleeve, and began counting the money. Jackpot!

His cheeks sunk in as he drew on his cigarette. Dragon-breath grey left both his nostrils. He looked up from his phone call to the chick with the dyed hair coming his way. He turned, putting his back to the wall. He whistled at her, but it wasn't a cat call. It was sharp, like a punch in the air, "Hey, sweetie, you lookin' to party?"

The whistle had her attention, but given earlier events with Saila, she was a little wary of people calling her by cute pet names and asking her to party. "The kind where I wake up with no pants and a sore ass?" It feels like she said that before... She stood to her feet, finally, wearing a fitted black shirt, a black jacket, and dark colored skinny jeans. Her all but falling apart boots tucked her feet away as she flicked a few pink locks from her face.

"I can do that," Mac muttered into the phone about the guy getting the order right and sending him a text. He darkened his phone and pocketed it before he stepped up to her. He's rough as they come, but she didn't look like an angel and sure wasn't talking like one. Mac nudged the brim of his fedora up as he spoke to her, a bit more gentle-like, "You have any girlfriends you want to bring along? See, we got this party tonight for a boy o' mine and I want it to be a blowout. A real balls-to-the-wall event."

Keirra didn't back down as he stepped up to her. He easily had her with height, but who didn't? She was small, and looked easily broken. There was a pointed stare up to him, eyes glazed over and her pupils giant. "Hm.. You do strike me as someone that likes balls.. You always come up to strangers in the marketplace looking to party? What if I was a man-eating succubus?"

"Balls? You better watch those pretty lips before I split them. I've given a girl or two a right time." His eyes swerved from her to Cole and the others that were dark silhouettes outlined at the end of the alleyway. He looked back at her, "You just look like someone whose ready to party, and we could use a few more girls. Well? You comin' or not?"

"Mm..." Thoughtfully, and the sense in her told her to say no. Don't go off with a strange man in the alley! The other part of her was broken, didn't care--and was absolutely reckless. "Fuggit, where we going?"

He cut a handsome little half smile to her, his head cocked to one side. He looked down the way to his cohorts and then back to her, "Not got any friends to bring along with you, honey? Right now it's five to one and I was hoping this wouldn't be another sausage-fest prom."

Saila came to mind, but it wasn't as if she had any desire to put that girl in any possible danger. Quinn would kill her. Like, seriously, murder. "Please.. Do I look like the type to have any friends? And don't call me honey, Sugar Shaft, I'm not about pet names..."

"I've got a car right around corner. Room for one." Mac's smile didn't change any as he spoke, but he did start towards the the two figures at the end of the alley, "We've got to pick up some bourbon and then head to the docks for the party." He flicked his cigarette and then looked at her, one eyebrow shooting up with question, "You ready, princess?"

Princess? Really? Could he not understand English? He spoke it better than half her friends! Eyes shifted to him, narrowing. "Sure, honey bunches of oats with chocolate..." The words were spat between teeth like corrosive acid dripping off of her tongue. "I'm ready," she mumbled.

When they got to the opening of the alley he looked at the boys and said, "Guys, this is Princess." and to the girl he looked at them and motioned, "This is Cole and Jimmy. You'll meet the rest at the docks with the party." He pressed the unlock button which caused the headlights of a 2014 red Subaru to light up and the mechanism beep. Unlocked.

Keirra's jaw clenched lightly, and she didn't like this. She had no clue who they were just yet, not putting the names together. Once she heard his, she'd have true reason to panic. When the car beeped unlocked, she slid inside and pressed her hand against her cheek. "The name is Anita, not Princess." Keirra told them, "'s a pleasure," she mumbled softly.

She got the front driver's seat next to him. Cole was lighting up a new cigarette and passing it forward to him. If she paid attention, Mac didn't light his own cigarettes. Certain things were done. Maybe most people thought of them as small, but they were symbolic. In about five minutes she could be certain that the bruiser who had talked to her was also the ring leader of their little get together, "I hope you like Scotch, Anita."

Crossing her legs, she didn't bother with a seatbelt. "I like anything with a burn, Sugar Shaft. You don't have to worry about me, I promise I'm not as helpless as I look," she said, eyes shifting out the window. She swallowed hard as she tried to figure out the order of things and just who she was about to get in bed with--in a manner of speaking.

"You think you can run with us?" Mac looked at her like he doubted it. He saw a half-helpless little girl there. He cracked his window and then looked in his rear view mirror at Cole, calling, "Why the long face? She might call up a few more snatches, you never know." Mac grinned at her, eyebrows arching, "Or we'll just swing by the inn and make for a nice, broad invite."

"I can outrun you tools," Keirra scoffed, confidence aplenty in her voice. It might have been a facade, or she might have just been that damn sure of herself. In any case, she looked back at Cole. "Yeah, you don't know me son. I'm drowning in snatch, some call me the Taco Queen. If you're reeeallly good, I might just make the call..."

They stopped outside a little kiosk in the market where Jimmy out out of the car and put the bourbon in the back. Mac looked Keirra over once... twice. Maybe even a good third time. On the radio it seemed that he always played Sinatra. "My Way" was playing when they pulled up the the dockside. It might have been at that point that Keirra/Anita would know who she was with.

There were RVs. There were hand-me-down clothes and the faces of abandoned children who turned into thieving grown-ups. There were a few sweet faces. The den-mothers that the rough-and-rocky always seemed to draw in. The sweet-faced ones who lit sparklers and cried. Mac put the car in park and then smiled at Keirra, saying with fun and gravity, "It's Johnny's send off tonight, so you put your best breast forward."

The rogue looked at Mac, and then at the camp. She had an, Oh crapballs revelation spinning around in her head, but at that point, she couldn't really make it known. Still, it didn't stop her from visibly paling for a moment, and taking a hard swallow at the lump in her throat. "Tch," a scoff to knock away at her nerves. "What breasts? They're both, just...terrible."


Date: 2016-04-30 14:11 EST
"Oh, I'm Mac." And if she had wondered about her little guide, and just WHO he was. Well, no more mystery. That was Mac. The Mac. As in leader of the whole damn MacIntosh crew. He got out of his red SUbaru and shouted to the gathering. Gah, what a gathering. Mark had a camp 30-40 strong INCLUDING the kids. This one had atleast 30 adults milling about with drinks and laughing. "Party is here, folks!" Mac laughed hard and rolled into the group. In his camp there was no familiar bonfire to draw people to one spot but a grouping of picnic tables that had food and different framed pictures of Johnny on the table.

Ian only hadn't gone with the bossman because he was in charge of getting everything set up and running. He'd put some people on figuring out how to build a bonfire, others on setting out the food and drink and moving the picnic tables together. Still others had been gangpressed into playing bartender, at least to begin with, and somebody else was in charge of making the music happen. The party was just getting started - though the bonfire, so far, was a dud --- when a familiar subaru pulled up.

Mac had returned, and.. who's that with him? Shading his hand against the streetlights, he squinted gravel green eyes against the glare to spy it out. A crooked grin painted his face then. "Lookit... Mac brought a townie girl."

Of course you're Mac... Why wouldn't you be Mac? That would just be convenient if you weren't! Cried Keirra's sarcastic little brain. "I was wondering if you'd ever introduce yourself," keeping it civil in the open, but it seemed like her entire temperment had changed. Relax, Koko Puff... He has no clue who you are. Then her eyes shifted to Ian as he spoke up, she crinkled her nose. "Townie girl?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Mac looked at Keirra sidelong and off his shoulder before he grinned at the sight of Ian. His hand flew up in the air, palm open to receive his. His eyes were fixed on him and he smiled, "Need to have some more fun girls here for it to be a proper party, right?" Their hands closed together and he pulled him in, clapping him on the back with his other. Then he nodded to her, "This is the Princess Anita and she needs a proper drink. Jimmy is getting the bourbon out of the back of the car. Whose got the shot glasses? We need to get this set up for midnight to see him off."

The teenager raised his hand in kind, letting them collide with an easy grin as he was tugged closer. He draped that arm around the boss in kind for just a moment. also clapping him on the back but a hair lower on account of the angle. "...You're so right. I got nearly everything set up. Jeff's playin' bartender," he pointed, "....Jen's on DJ," pointing over there, "And some of the girls is makin' food." His grin's a lazy one as he studies Princess Anita. "Pink hair. Cute."

The rogue wanted to keep her wits about her, "Make it a double," to Mac, a dangerous little look in her eyes--hey! She was only asking for a double, not the whole bottle. Eyes shifted to Ian, and she swayed lazily to the music. She studied Mac, and the way he interacted with the others. Taking out her phone, she played around on the screen. "Just seeing if there's anyone who can come..." she winked at the boys, and then clicked a button to have her phone start recording.

"Jeff is going to make some sewer water. I thought you were looking AFTER things?" Mac grinned. Jeff wasn't that bad. Mostly. Okay. Maybe he was. Anyhow. He turned when Ian pointed out the pink haired girl and he chuckled, "Might be out of your league. She looks like she throws a curve ball." One clap to his shoulder before he was on his cellphone again, at the table where his hand dug into the sour cream and onion chips. Yes. Ko had sat front seat with the leader of the MacIntoshes. For better or worse, a subtle exit, if any, was necessary.

Ian rolled his eyes good naturedly at Mac. "You'd a' said that no matter who I picked," he muttered, leaning in fractionally, his voice pitched low. As Mac moved away, the kid rolled his gaze back to Anita, rubbing absently at the edge of his jaw. His eyes travelling slowly over her form, he plucks at the titanium ring in his lip, studying her. "Not a townie, then?" Challenged Ian, as he offered a hand out to her. "Let's get you that drink."

Those eyes shifted between Mac and Ian, "I guess you could call me a townie, but it's not really polite.. What if I called you a trailer park boy?" ...says the girl who lives in a camper. The rogue smirked to Ian, "Yeah, let's." Definitely some fire to the little rogue.

For **** and giggles would be the reason that the red-head showed up but hey she was toting some bags worth of food to be delivered. A peace offering for crashing a party? Not when she was indirectly-directly invited by some passing invitee. Dressed for weather less fitting the nippy air and more of your summertime fling, Delphine was in cutoff shorts and a short sleeved flannel that was tied just at her left rib cage. The music called and told her she found the place so the first thing she did to announce her arrival was to hold the bags up. "Food is 'ere!"

Every camp had their thing. With Mark and the Barlows, it was family first. With Mac, it was blood first. One could argue that those were the same thing, just with drastically different interpretations. Half the crew had bruises or scars. Three had missing fingers. Mac looked rough and polished at the same time. There was no doubt he was the leader. If anyone hesitated about that he checked them proper. At the table with Johnny's photos and things he did his best to make some rearrangements. To him it had to be perfect. It's what he'd want. He eyed all of the items that were there, turning about when he heard the mention of food coming around. Why was it that everything seemed to be in a fog? He called, "No one does shots til midnight! The shots are for Johnny!"

Ian peered over his shoulder at the silent hulking shadows of what looked like miles and miles of RVs. Then he looked back at her. "...I would say that was accurate?" He chuffed a laugh, a smirk rolling lazily across his jaw. "After you, Princess Anita," he said, parroting Mac mostly because he'd seen the look in her eye when Mac had said it. He gestured towards the picnic table - **** bar to let her lead the way.

There was a visible wince when he called her that, "You're on thin ice, Smalls." No shots until midnight? This party was a bust! Keirra looked at Ian, "So what do y'all do around here? Just throw wild parties all the time?" she asked, gaze slipping back to Mac. "Looks like he runs things," she said moving forward.

"He does," agreed Ian with a ready nod. That bit about anyone who didn't acknowledge it gettin' checked proper was no joke. He'd seen it done, though he'd never come across the boss so far. There was a certain confidence to the teen that projected him well beyond his years, though there were markers that gave him away. The barest dusting of peach fuzz along his upper lip, catching the light at the edges of his jaw, for instance. The fact that he was lank and gangly -- tall and awkward, he had an unfinished look to him, like he wasn't quite baked. "Them two that was with him, that's Jimmy and Cole. It goes Mac first, then.... Sonny, " he looked around, eventually pointing out a man built like brick wall. "Then it gets a little fuzzy, but Jimmy, Cole an' one other are all kinna.. in there together." Patting down his pockets for his cigarettes as he shambled along, his steps paused a moment when he found them, allowing the pink haired girl to get ahead of him.

His eyes veered first for the hot redhead who'd brought food, there was a grin as he planted a cigarette between his teeth, and then for the ink decorating the back of Anita's neck. "Oi," he commented, catching up to her in a few quick steps as he hunted for his lighter. "...What's that on your neck?"

"Oh," Keirra's hand clapped over the back of her neck a moment, and then she smiled a beautiful smile. "My friend talked me into getting a tattoo, and I got a tarot card," purposefully mispronouncing the word. "..You know, like of death? It's so punk," she said, laughing away the nervousness. "Do you like it?" Biting her lip and batting her eyelashes.

"Hey, you in this, too?" Mac shouted at the person with the shorts and the fannel. Jeff was near trembling as he poured the shots and was aided by Jimmy. At first Jimmy seemed like he was that scared of Mac. He was. But he wasn't. He was sad. Jimmy and Johnny and been J&J and that was how it had been for eight years. The idea that he was shot and buried in some undisclosed location was still a strange adjustment.

Mac clapped Jimmy on the shoulder as he filled a tray of shot glasses with bourbon, "Sometimes... people don't make it." It was a small comfort, followed by, "Hand then out." At this point, Jimmy was handing out shot glasses of Johnny's favorite bourbon. Maybe it was ironic that it was called "Revival" but no one was going to say it aloud.

Somewhere there were tables and she'd dump the bags in question on said tables. A nice little spread of this and that was pulled out and placed down for anyone who had the munchies. It is a party of course someone was going to have the munchies!


Date: 2016-04-30 23:00 EST
Eye of newt, hair of dog, and most important something from Princess Anita herself that was left behind. The woman sat before the basin of water adding each one of the regents she needed to complete her mirror spell. The scrying of the woman was something she had been planning to do as she was wanting a certain tid-bit of information. Though when the scene before he appeared within the reflective surface she took a moment to observe. Fingers came onto the plate beside her where she had burnt some sage allowing the tips of them to drag along the surface to take the ash. A mark of the moon was painted on her forehead allowing the information to find her. Oh! What a plethora of information was given to her through it but one of the most important things was a location. Tick, tock Miss Anita.

Out of nowhere there was a gathering of the wind - that seemed a more isolated vortex and unnatural as (most) Rhydin Boobs. That breeze built itself into quite a hissy gathering scraps of in its wake. If they looked again they would see that they seemed to grow in size somewhere around that of playing deck cards. One, after another, after another, they gathered to complete a spell circle allowing the mage to step out of said portal. Her, and the skunk, came to view to the others there in a full on smile. Golden hair tucked into a messy bun, a sparkle of mischief in grey eyes, and most importantly a candy bar hanging from between her lips.

It was a party with half a dozen teenagers and a whole lot of weed. The munchies are toast.

She works at an apothecary, has better things then weed. Just saying...

Ian accepted a shot glass from Jimmy, snagging a second to pass it to Anita. Something like an amused sneer decorated his young face, though whatever comment he had was kept to himself. "It's very cute," he nodded, his eyes following Jimmy a long moment before they slid back to Anita first, then the circle of light with the blond chick suddenly in the middle of it, then almost immediately to Mac.

The portal was enough to make her squint that way, and when Dove appeared, she looked almost relieved. Thank God and Black Jesus... Her mind cried as her safety net arrived, without being cued in the slightest. She shifted her eyes toward the woman, Play it cool. The look said it all, as she looked around for Mac. She didn't want to lose him in the crowd. This was an opportunity that presented itself, and she needed to make the most of it. "I was hoping you'd think so," she smiled at him in the most flirtatious way she could, and then slammed back the shot without so much as a flinch.

It was an automatic reflex the way Ian stepped directly in front of Anita, blocking the line of sight to Mac. "You weren't supposed to drink that yet," he said under his breath, shaking his head in a tsk tsk kinda way. "Hide the glass, I'll get you another."

Mac had a shotglass now, everyone did. "Anita" didn't wait for the toast but one came, anyway. With their shot glasses held up, Mac climbed to the top of Johnny's commerative picnic table and called, "We've come to a strange... strange land. And we don't all have to learn things the hard way. Johnny learned it hardest, for us all. So... we're all going to drown in his bourbon. Timmy will be around with a camera to make some quick videos for his Ma and for me. But... Drink! Laugh! Party! Talk about what was good and what was Johnny and if you're in the real spirit of things," Mac tipped his shot glass up a little higher, "just get lucky." He threw it back, which was a sign for all others to also do it. Keirra needed to find another shot! It's right there, on the tray walking past her if she's thief-quick about it.

Please, Mac saw everything. Still, she'd tuck the glass away into the middle of her bra behind her jacket. She gave him a pat on the back as too fast fists snagged another drink from the tray, "I got one, it's cool." She lifted the glass and tossed it back. "I owe you one," patting his side.

Her right hand rose, the one with the glove and relic, commanding the cards to come back to her being. When the order was given the set fell from their place finding the base of her palm. It wasn?t that they were expensive to make at all, however, they were taxing to make time wise. Flexing fingers allowed her to keep those cards tight in her grip the hand dipping into her bag at her side for later use. The fact that Salia was there also only added to the mystery of what was happening.

That smile came to her as she stepped closer towards the two women leaning right in to give Anita a kiss to the cheek. ?Aye birds. yer forget we were gonna git our nails done the-nite?? Skunk on her shoulders was objecting to being stationed too long there. This made he take him up in one arm to gently place him onto the ground. ?Ah videos. ye tell dem aboyt de wan we made?? Fanned the lashes along the apples of her cheek giving a wink.

Why hey! A shot of bourbon for her troubles? Why thanks! A Mad Hatter card was left tucked among the food while she shot back the drink. Oh wait was she suppose to wait? Tough **** that! The gal was thirsty and it had been a big haul just for lil ol' her!

Ian lifted his drink at the end of the salute, giving the pretty girl beside him a nod of understanding as he threw back his shot. "To Johnny," the call and response was echoed all about the camp. "We lost a man yesterday," explaining, perhaps overly helpfully, to the lady at his side. He winced at the recollection. "...Nasty stuff. Sommen'... " he gestured with his free hand, the one that clasped both a cigarette and a lighter, "...sommen' in this messed up place got him."

Och, she winced. Delphine heard some sort of explanation for the toasting and muttered something under breath. A cajun's wisp for the departed while she planted her rear on the edge of a table.

The rogue looked at him, and for a moment, she looked actually empathetic. "Yeah.. Damn non-humans," a pale look to her werewolf companion as she waltzed up. "I try not to associate with them at all," she nodded with a shake of her head. Oh look, it was a very human friend! "Just the cheek?" she pouted and returned the kiss to that perfect porcelain skin. "I didn't forget, we'll go out.. I just.. got invited to a party by these awesome people, and couldn't pass it up," she grinned, swatting Dove's rear. "Grab a drink," she said, and looked around, when Mac was spotted, she moved up to him. "Hey, I gotta pee," she told him. "Why don't you show me where you're staying, so I can see where the magic just might happen tonight..." It was a very low whisper.

Mac had now settled into a seat at the picnic table adorned with Johnny's photos. He was looking at his phone like he might send something but put it away when Anita cruised on in. Both his eyebrows lifted in an entertained expression, "You sure you pick me for tonight, doll?" He shoved off the picnic table, half on his feet. It was hard to say how may shots he'd snuck, only that he smelled more like bourbon than seasoned oak.

"M'thinkin' about it... You seem like the one with the best head on your shoulders... Like you might teach me a thing or two," she smiled, biting back the nerves and disgust. "...but I can't really make any decisions when 'mabout to piss myself," she said.

Ian ambled over after her, snagging another shot of bourbon on the way. He fit the cigarette back between his lips again, rolling the lighter twice to get it ignited. Dragging once and then again, he hands the cigarette off to Mac as he joins him and Anita, already peeling another cigarette out from behind his ear. "Good turn out," he cut in, like he hadn't heard any of that exchange.

"...Missing a few faces, though."

?Oi gie a better party an' yer nu it.? Index finger and middle were placed on either side of her mouth tongue coming out to wag about in a rude gesture. Spank on her bottom had her giving a playful yelp followed by a smile. One thing she could do was blend in despite the conversation going on aginst the... nonhumans? What a curious thing that was. Drinks being offered were taken. A shot glass with a beer bottle she plucked from the table. As she took in the shot glass she held it up, showing the empty glass by knocking it on the table top. That beer the stole? Was about half empty and used to fake drinking it by spitting the shot into glass faking a beer chaser.

Mac looked at Ian and used his cigarette, pointing to his camper, "Show her the pisser, kid. She wants to know. Princess won't be squattin' in the woods tonight." Mac was there, sharking around a bit. Eventually they would all set fire to Johnny's table as another means of 'sending him off,' but that would have to come later. Right now he seemed slightly reserved towards Anita, like he meant for the kid to have her.

Well there was some interesting conversations floating now wasn't there. She'd snicker against the rim of her glass just before swallowing down the second offering of bourbon.

"So kind," a bit of sarcasm playfully touching her tongue. Then she looked to Dove and winked, "But you already did that," she grinned. "This is my roommate, Dove. We share an apartment together over on the west side of town. You'll love her, she's a trip." Eyes to Dove. I'm going to DIE here. Then she looked to Ian, "Shall we?"

Mac grinned at the both of them, his eyes adjusting on Dove for a moment, "Room mate?" His held tilted to the side like he thought that was a curious bit of information. Maybe some things just struck Mac like that. The food delivery girl was safe, for the time being.

Drawing himself up with squared shoulders and a puffed out chest like some sarcastic, sneering approximation of a gentleman, he offered one arm out to Anita. His gaze was on the roommate, his study of her features intense as it was quick. "So y'live with people who just walk out of magic light circles like that an' can't pronounce 'tarot'...?" Ribbing the girl playfully, he waited for her to take his arm before leading her that way.

There was a sheepish laugh as she took the boy's arm, walking with him. "Y'know, I always get that word wrong.. I was hoping you wouldn't notice.. It's one of those, read it before y'heard it kinda things," she said, holding her breath so that her cheeks would flush a bit. The alcohol helped.

Snorted back a bit of a laugh at Mac with that one. ?Phrasing.? Sing song vocals gave away the fact she might be a fan of some cartoons from back on earth. Skunk who was near her was picked up to hold against her form. The looks she was getting from the woman and their talk about metahumans put her in with the idea that it best keep certain things under wrap. Such as the whole skunk being a familiar and not being human herself. Hearing her name she gave a smile to her. ?Oi swear love, wan day oi'm gonna git yer oyt av de closet.? Tongue swept her lips as she watched Ian and Keirra just to make sure she knew where she was. It took her a moment but she came closer to her hand coming down to Keirra?s ass to slide into her pocked slipping a card inside while taking advantage of it for a squeeze. ?O i read oracle cards mostly not tarot.? She corrected them.

Long as they kept lining up the shots she was glad to take them and probably could drink a man under the table with good stuff being poured. After the work day she could use a few more shots in her. So Delphine wasn't all that afraid!

Mac sorta grinned at the kid showing the dyed pink girl around. Seemed he wasn't such a fixer-upper as he might have thought. Kid... maybe was less of a kid than he thought. Just seemed to hold his own was all. His attention swerved to the voice directed to him. Phrasing. "You two like to live out of the lines and party a bit then, huh?" He said with a smile.

Jimmy was filling another round of Rivival Bourbon shots for all. That was nearly forty. At that weight the trays bowed partly and he sort of rushed with the help of another to dispense them to those at the party. Mac took his easily and held it out to click it with "Anita's" room mate, "I'm Mac, just who are you?"


Date: 2016-04-30 23:31 EST
Conversation directed to her caused the woman to pause a brief moment. There was a few things she wanted to say in defense of metahumans but this was not her turf. She would behave for now. Beer to lips she faked another swing of it. Just enough to let the beer graze over lips giving her that salty breath of beer mixed with the tea she had before. ?Depends on de day. yer nu 'oy so'tiz.? Signed in a way that showed her annoyance with life. ?Work. life. sleepin'. dohs sort av tin' git in de way av de rayle fun.? Tongue swept lips again gathering the few lingering drops. ?Dove.? As she said it she turned her back to him while pushing her top down on one shoulder to show the white mark there of a near bird.

The bourbon helped. Youthful cheeks were flushed from the drink, his steps rocking as they walked. Well, there was music, and he was a traveler. Maybe it was dancing? He walked Anita to his own RV, veering a little to the right where Mac had pointed left. Nevermind that he almost never spent any time in it anymore. "It's this way." He watched the roommate palm the girl's ass and maybe just maybe his smile got bigger. "Your roommate need a bathroom too?"

It was inward, the way she winced when he took her to the wrong camper. She smirked, "I wouldn't be surprised if she could just magick the pee right out of her taco, honestly. Sucks being normal," she noted, and then fished out a bottle from her bag. The eyedropper dispensed a few drops of strange liquid onto her tongue, and as she swallowed, it seemed almost instant that her pupils went back to being huge. "Can you wait here? I'm kinda a nervous pee-er."

The kid was shooting for a threesome in the restroom. Oh no, Delphi didn't look like a grinning cat as she drank.

"Excuse me," Someone was motioning for Mac to come over. At that point in the party he seemed to disappear into the crowd. Now and then to reappear, but never as available as e had been earlier that night. He was making sure everyone remembered that this was about Johnny. Sometimes he even checked his phone.

There were a handful of girls who weren't from camp there, and you could guarantee that sparked some interest. The pretty redhead, the punk pixie in pink, the cute blonde with the... whatever animal that was on her shoulder. Whether it was Cole or Jimmy or Sonny or some other of the thirty-some men milling about, one by one most all of 'em would take their chance at talking with the new girls. Ian, for his part, nodded her up into the camper and then took a lean just outside its door, fishing his phone out of his pocket about the same time that Mac took off in the opposite direction. Could be he was looking for the same person the boss was.

Dove was entertaining herself. A few people asked if they could pet her skunk. Amonst other things. Phone was out she actually sent a text to her room mate there asking for a certain something.

Oh she'd talk and happily drink so long as those fellas were pouring. A charming southern smile and a coo in her voice, you'd think she was trying to steal the bottle of bourbon or at least have it offered over.

Cole in particular seemed to have taken a shine to the redhead. He seemed ready to hand over one of those bottles, his dark eyes a little shellshocked. Could be he'd been there when Johnny was attacked. He'd even go so far as to sit down beside her, and if he got an opening, put an arm around her.

Keirra looked around the room, eyes shifting as she moved quietly and listened. The phone was looked at and she texted back. She shifted screens and began to snap photos of the entire room, quickly and quietly. There was one thing in particular that stood out.. A ton of books on werewolves. So, they definitely knew about Quinn.. Comforting. She snapped pictures, pulled out the books, snapped more pictures, and took in a nervous breath, putting it all back before heading to the bathroom and yanking off her jacket.

"Calm down, Ko," she whispered softly. "You can do this.. You were made to be a super spy. You have got this!" Mark would enjoy that little recording... After doing some business, she moved to leave, jacket off and phone in hand. "Sorry.. Never been inside one of these before," she smirked. "It's pretty cool. You live here?"

Dove had drawn a lot of gawking stares, these weren't fellas who were used to seeing people magically appear like that. In the end it was Jeff, a good looking guy with hazel eyes and a mop of messy blond hair who sidled up to her. He kept asking questions though it seemed he couldn't understand a word she'd said -- he smiled and nodded and asked another question. Could be he just liked the accent.

Long as their was no fighting. Hell she'd sit between the fellas and let them both sling an arm if they wanted. All was good! Though Johnny, for his worth, got a palm patting his thigh in a rather playful manner. Just before her cellphone went off. The look that gloomed over her face screamed a too fast sobering. "Fils de putain." Oh opps she probably shouldn't be talking about her boss like that! Subtle hips wiggled on the edge of the table as she fished her cell from her back pocket.

Phone was dropped back into his pocket as the girl reappeared. He had another shot ready for her and everything as he lifted away from the sidewall with an attempt at a casual nod that did precious little to cover the pride in his eyes. "Yup. That one's mine."

There was a bit of amusement in the text. For the most part, a man or two was trying to hit on her but Dove didn?t like many men. Typically she went for the more curvy, softer, type of people ? the ladies. Though conversation kept going for a while. Questions, answers, the whole nine yards. Even placed her hand on his shoulder as she laughed at something he said. Yep, use the accent and smile to one's advantage.

"That's actually pretty cool," she said with a nod, and looked around, mostly at Dove. She put a hand on his chest, "Must get...really lonely, though.. Having that all to yourself.. Maybe you could give me a tour sometime, and a taste in the very, very near future..." Gag me...

Jimmy said something colorful about Delphine's boss, trying to talk her out of answering that phone. Cole, for his part, got her another shot. Jeff finally abandoned his quest where Dove was concerned, though he was grinning ear to ear as he walked away, patting his own shoulder as though to confirm that she'd really touched him.

There's a sly kind of smile that snakes over Ian's mouth when Anita's hand lands on his chest, and he looks down at it once before he raises his gaze back to hers. With Mac gone and Dave AWOL, there's a subtle change in him, a dangerous quality to his eyes that hadn't been there. But his expression's a friendly one all the same. He steps forward, easing a hand gently over her shoulder. "You're a Barlow."

**** me sideways running on a moving train in France... "You're smarter than you look," she said, trying to mask the fear in her eyes. She moved backwards a step, putting a bit of distance in between them.

Ian's brows shifted, his smile growing, but he made no effort to chase her. "Relax. Your secret's safe with me." The for now was heavily implied.

Jimmy's words wouldn't sweet talk her from not answering because the boss paid and he paid really, really well. She gave Jimmy a flirty smile as she slid from her seat and took the drink from Cole. The shot was taken and Cole got himself a peck right smack on the cheek as the glass was handed back. Cole now was the proud wearer of a red lip-shaped print on that cheek. "Been fun, ya'll, but dis gal gotta get." Didn't get no names and really didn't meet anyone past a few minutes but that wasn't a surprise. Like the wind she came and she went, pretty as you please.

Hands moved to dial her phone, she waited, waited, until she was sure she didn't hear the ringing anymore. She either got voicemail, or an answer, but either way, the message would get across. "So... You just pretended you didn't know I was a Barlow? And let me waltz right into Mac's camp? What comes next?"

He got touched! Oh what a wonderful thing. There was a bit of flirting but more concern for the couple that had been in the trailer. Ian, Anitad, those two. Picking up a napkin from somewhere she wiped another one of those beer tops off then proceeded to pretend to drink it. The napkin was shoved into her pocket for safe keeping at a later time. Whine. ?Anita! oi want yer!? Hopefully it was yelled loud enough for her to hear to get her cute bottom back outside.

Jimmy looked positively crestfallen as Delphine stood up to leave, his hopes positively dashed. Cole, he was looking a good bit more dazed, and found himself the proud owner of a bright red lipstick print. It took him a minute to realize the girl had gone, and then his expression turned sour, like he was looking for the man what stole her and had a mind to do something about it. Jeff stumbled to the bar/table, and took up another handful of shots of bourbon, none of which he intended to share.

Ian shrugged, his eyes intent and alert, but his posture isn't particularly menacing. "Gettin' to know the other side is always advisable, don't you think?" He asked with a casual tilt of his head. "Wanted to see what you'd do."

Almost causally, "I'll be out in a second, Dove!" she yelled back and then turned her eyes back to Ian. She scoffed, because she had to be herself. "For the record, when I agreed to get into the car, I had no clue who you all were, I was just excited for a party. Imagine my surprise," she said and then shrugged. "So what gave me away?"

Saila had been nearby anyway. She tended to wander the streets at night, and truth be told she'd located the Mac RVs some time ago, though she hadn't yet approached. When her phone went off, the sparkly monstrosity jangling loudly to some garish artpunk song probably by Oingo Boingo, she didn't even have to look when she took off at a run. Saila wasn't there, and then she was. No magic circles here, just a preternatural speed that increased exponentially in the week leading up to the moon.

Slowing only a dozen feet before she rounded the corner onto the docks, the muse smoothed her hair back and resumed her walk across the party at a more natural, casual pace. Scoping out the crowd, it's all human but one, a bright white signature she recognizes with a sinking sensation in her chest. Oh, great. This'll be fun.

"Your objection to the word townie. That bull**** pronunciation of tarot. Your sudden shyness about not wantin' me to come inside. Who'd you call?" His head turned to look out the windows then, driven by some instinct or maybe just the muffled sound of Dove's voice. He caught sight of the girl with the purple hair, the one who'd been at the bar the night of their meeting with the head Barlow. He sneered, his gaze moving back to Anita. "...the fact that the wolf's sister just so happens to be making her way across my camp. Answers that question, anyway." He studied her a moment, a sudden smile lighting his young face. "...You're the lawyer's sister, aint'cha?"

There was nothing but calm from her they didn?t have to worry. In fact she had a clove cigirat out from the pack stuffed between her lips. Hand cupped over the end for the smoke allowing the light to flicker to catch it on fire. She was milling about off to the side some pretending to be a bit busy on her phone.


Date: 2016-05-01 00:14 EST
Mac appeared from somewhere. If it was possible to smile and be agitated, he did it. The first order of business was to take another show and then he looked about, "Where's Ian?" And then someone nodded to the RV. Last time he headed that was it was for the "tour" with the townie. Not bad... right?

There was a few things that wasn?t really hidden about her. One of which was her preference for women when it came to things. This did not mean she wasn?t having her own fun via taking some of her cannibus pills to down followed with a chaser. Mac was back out so she sent him a smile going back to the dancing portion of the evening.

The party's occupants had changed some, since Mac had been around last. For instance, there was a girl in black with very purple hair drinking at the picnic table now, her fingers tracing the edge of a picture frame, its contents were Mac and the man who must have been Johnny. There was a bright blue sucker stuck in her mouth -- where had that come from? Saila seemed to have them stashed everywhere. Her gaze lifted with the re-emergence of Mac. Well, well. Where had she seen him before?

Mac was the sort of person that parted crowds and stopped their dancing, verse initiating it. Not to say he couldn't be drawn in. He was just getting his drink on and was ready to be drown in some booze. He looked like he just lost a fight. Some people people like Jimmy were drinkin' hard and missing Johnny. Mas was one of those. His default to express that? Anger. Posturing. A wall so high and thick that it warded off the word. Tonight some stones were missing. With a sigh to show he was relenting some, he sank back into a seat at the picnic table.

The El Camino pulled up to the docks and through that screen of smoke slid Dave. He wasn't dressed up, or dressed down, ripped up jeans, a floyd shirt, and a black button up which hung open. No glasses, no, those were for the Barlows, and no stutter or stammer either. Walking through and past RVs, he stopped to talk to different folks on his way to find the boss himself.

A click of glass shots that everyone was throwing back with a boisterous toast to the fallen Johnny broke any calm the night would have had. Mac was half sauced and it showed. He grinned at the side of David in camp, "Oh! Gents! Our brother in arms is here for Johnny! Pour him a shot! Now! Now!" Jimmy was so rushed to serve David that his hands were shaking.

Oh my. What have we here? Saila's smile spread itself by degrees. Saila happened to have a bottle handy, and so she poured a shot, stood, and advanced. "To Johnny," she said, her eyes locked solid on Dave.

A nod and he looked to Mac with a flourish and a bow in reverence to their fallen brother and when head lifted he came face to face with Saila, brows raised and he reached to take the shot from her. "To Johnny." He tipped it back, against his bottom lip and as if she wasn't there, he kept walking.

Gypsies were complex in their family trees, for all she knew, Johnny and he were related. But he looked to Mac and then to Saila. Sister of the wolf. And that, that was something they should NOT have hanging around. Eyes went to search for his favorite outlet for anger and yet, he couldn't find Ian anywhere. A shake of head and he took another shot, poured by Jimmy and carefully wound his way to Mac. "You know the purple one is a Barlow yeah?"

Mac nudged off the picnic table, holding a two shots between his fingers. One for him, the other for David. His expression tightened after David spoke, "Are you sure?" There was a connection, one he didn't want. Mac wet his lips and then said, more softly, "She's no gypsy. Think she needs to disappear or just get a roofie to forget the night?" His voice could be low and bloody when it needed to be.

Oh, but Saila knew better, didn't she? Saila, who had shaken hands with Ian in his RV. Saila who had been unattended at the table with all the offerings for fallen Johnny for... oh, at least half an hour now. Still, she played nonchalant, letting him take the glass as he walked. She looked at her phone again, then. Checking Keirra's deadline, perhaps.

"Positive. Shes the wolfs sister." He said softly, almost too softly to hear, he was taking cue from Mac on this one and he took the shot and knocked it back a clap of hand onto his shoulder as if everything was just fine. Dave was in a bad place at this point, and he had a feeling, one of those deep gut feelings that his days of infiltration were short. He had no idea just how short mind you, but hell, this couldn't last forever.

Right on schedule, Ian spilled out the front door of his own RV. He was dressed, but it wouldn't be hard to tell that it was a hasty job. Buttons slightly askew, zipper not entirely raised, shirt untucked. That wild mop of chocolate was all in his face, gray green eyes wild bright, cheeks flushed. Somebody got lucky, per the toast's instructions. Looking out over the camp party's progress while he looked for his cigarettes and waited for Kierra to rejoin him, his gaze landed on Mac... and Dave.

"Then we'll get her a proper cocktail that will help her forget about tonight. And if she wakes up talking," a small motion to his throat. The well known throat-slitting gesture except he did it more casual and offhand, like he'd done it plenty of times before. Mac saw the appearance of Ian and hailed him down with the quick 'come here' flick of two fingers.

With a jolt of adrenaline, he glanced back over his shoulder at the stunning rogue behind him. "... Mm. Take your time getting dressed, gorgeous." With that, he was down the steps and across the grounds to Mac and Dave, snagging a glass of bourbon on the way.

"Look who finally showed up," he commented conversationally to Dave, his gaze sliding back to Mac.

Keirra was oblivious to the outing of her sister-niece. So when she stumbled out after Ian, she had a weirdly sick smile on her face. Her shirt wasn't pulled all the way down, her hair was a mess, and she hadn't lost her smile until she stared Dave in the face.


"Yeah some of us actually have things to do. Not easy funeral **** things, but you know things involving..." There was Keirra and he froze and looked to Ian. "So we have two Barlows at the party. Might wanna make that two drinks boss. Your manchild here was ballsdeep in another one." He sighed and grabbed another shot knocking it back and watching Josh carefully.

"Hey," Mac guided Ian in closer to him with the motion of his hand. His voice was low. It was poison and lead and everything else that sank and stayed at tread level, "I got some pills I need you to put in purple's drink. In the morning she's got to wake up reall fuzzy on tonight. You hear me?" Mac's eyes went to David, his hand reaching back for his gun. The right was already wrapped around the 45 caliber.

On David's word it looked like executions were about to start.

"Vlad..." Almost betrayed, but not entirely surprised? "C'mon, Vlad.. Why you gotta do a sister like that...?" Then her eyes trailed to Saila, and she was reaching for her bag. Eyes shifted to Ian, better make this good and repay him for protecting her earlier. "I'm sorry..." she told him. "I shouldn't have lied to you..."

Ian made no attempt whatsoever to deny it. "...Of course I was. I made her as soon as Cole brought her back to camp." The tone of his voice is icy cool, his gaze fixed entirely on Mac. Notice he didn't say Mac brought her back. "Funny, I've learned more about the Barlows in the last hour than you have in ... what... two months?" His gaze slid to Saila, then. "... And am I not the one who told you to watch the ****ing wolf's sister? While we're at it, that blond was a wolf, too." His arms crossed, defiant. "Th' **** you think I been doing, Mac? We need to talk."

At Keirra reaching for her back, Dave had already drawn his own 45 and had a bead on her. "Yeah well, I can't exactly have a meeting with the wolf and follow the sister, while coming to the wake and doing a damn watch, and yet here you are, making a Barlow and instead of dispatching to Mac, you gotta bone her first." All this with gun trained on Keirra. Eyes shift to Mac and he wondered how much this kid got away with. He knew better than to openly question him, but things were looking sloppy as hell. "Oh and you know, when you made her, maybe, you could do me the damn courtesy of a message saying, hey I know Johnny and you came up together but the wake is crawling with Barlows so maybe it's best you don't blow **** cover and stay home, could you have managed that? No, apparently not."

Things needed to get better quick. Mac was a bulldog and his instinct was to grip a throat and hold unto it until his problem was gone. Reaching for the gun was all teeth snarling at best. Mac looked between Dave and Ian then. The kid was putting a wedge there, sure, but he wasn't going to flinch to show it. His hand was tight on the grip of his gun. Safety on. He leaned in close to David, almost like a kiss on the cheek and said, "Wait here."

The kid would have, exactly, eight seconds that he speak before there would be a bloodbath. Mac gave David a "one second" motion before he whispered, "If he can't answer up and I give you the nod, they go down." A look to Ian, he muttered as walking, "There better be a reason."

Dave had been told to wait, and more so, Josh had told him to wait. Not Mac, and so he did just that, and he was watching Ian and Mac now. Mind you that gun was still raised in Keirra's direction. "You touch whatever you have in that bag princess, you're going to spend the rest of the night putting your face back together." He eyed her and then the bag just a moment before looking back to Mac and Ian. Yeah, there better be a damn reason kid. Breaking his cover, cozying up to Mac, oh no no Ian, Dave was ready to pound you in the guts for the set up. Yes he was.


Date: 2016-05-04 10:24 EST
Dangerous blue eyes narrowed on Vlad and she looked pretty betrayed. They were supposed to be best friends, and now what? Now he was on their side? Wait... He was probably always on their side. The grenade was already in her hand, but she made no additional moves except to just sit and stare at Vlad. "Fucking dog..." The girl spat in Russian.

The atmosphere had gone thick and cloudy, suddenly. Dave -- she barely knew or recognized Dave, but Keirra's body language told her who he was -- had a gun drawn on the Rogue, the Rogue had her hand on... something... in her bag, the punk teenager had put himself between Dave and Mac and was gesturing Mac away from the crowd... and where the fuck had Ash gone? Saila found herself curiously not at the center of things, and that put her in a unique position. To do what, she wasn't sure yet, but it wasn't an advantage she would squander. Mismatched eyes slid to Keirra across the yard. Just hold steady, they seemed to say. Don't move yet.

Ian's chest felt tight, his breath sounded rushed and too-high in his ears, but he threw a final glare at Dave over his shoulder and followed Mac a short distance away from the others, out of the direct glare of all those heated gazes.

"Listen," he said softly, lifting eyes like grass on concrete to his boss, his tone was hushed, confident but with a note that was more or less begging to be heard. "That girl knew who we was the second she got here, and she stuck around anyway. I saw it as a golden opportunity to do a little investigating of my own. I wanted to see how she'd act, what she'd do. She coulda' called all the Barlows here at once for a showdown and didn't, you know? I wanted to know what her game was, so I kept it quiet and paid attention. If she'd done anything serious I'd have called you. But this is your cousin we're celebratin', man. I wasn't gonna interrupt your night until it was critical. I should have called him to warn him," Ian tipped his head in Dave's direction then, conceding the mistake, "...but I honestly didn't think he was coming. I'm sorry."

Scratching at his jaw, Ian swallowed reflexively. "...We don't know what that purple haired bitch is, Mac. She ain't a wolf. Who knows if drugs or guns or ...anything we got will even work on her. Who knows how fast she can have that goddamn werewolf here, and it's like... right on top of a full moon tonight. Everybody here is drunk. If we make a move now ..." He spread his hands, shaking his head, "...this whole place erupts in a bloodbath and half our guys end up dead because they don't know what's going on." Lips pursing, he took a step closer, tentatively putting a hand on Mac's shoulder. "Josh, please. Let's just... all step back a minute. The jig's up -- fine. Let the girls walk away. Dave comes home. Nothing about the plan changes."

David didn't speak Russian but he got the gist of what was what and he smiled to her sweetly. No stutter, no stammer, no glasses and no delay in speech as he retorted. "Oh look, the Barlow drunk finally has something figured out. Yes, I am from this..." Then a single word stuck out in his mind. A name, but enough to snap Dave's attention that way and his eyes narrowed. "The fuck did you just say?" He looked now to Mac and asked HIM now. "The Fuck did he just say?"

The rogue eyed him over and then rolled her own, "I mean, honestly? I kinda pegged you for a tool the day I met you--you just finally confirmed it..." said the Russian as she continued to stare him down. Eyes flicked to Saila for only a moment, and she gave a slow, subtle nod.

Mac was lead away from the others, but it was with hesitation. He didn't like this Barlow in his camp, especially after David just spotted her. It was difficult to look past her being here but... it was also Johnny's wake. Some part of him knew a bloodbath for the man's wake wouldn't do he didn't want it. Oh, he wanted the Barlow bloodbath, just not here, just not now. This was supposed to be about Johnny.

Pulled aside he listened to the kid, the whole time his right hand was pulled around his back, holding the handle of his gun. With Ian, Mac and David all in conversation, it was an ideal moment for anyone to just slip away without incident. "You didn't think he was coming?" Mac frowned and looked at Ian like he was stupid, "Johnny was a fallen brother, of course David was going to fucking come." It was a sin to miss the wake of a comrade and could only be excused in the most dire of situations. This had not been one of them, but it was close.

Purple hair. In this world it was more significant. That maybe she was weird or special and not some misguided youth who needed help figuring her way through things. It wasn't a very persuasive argument. Saila didn't look particularly special and Mac was mad. All of that was diverted, though, when David approached. His hand eased off the gun and he stepped up to David, making a barrier between him and Ian, "The kid is just jawing away about options." His hand pressed, fingers spread, over David's heart.

Pretty much the second Dave started towards Ian, Saila stood, separating herself from her position at the altar table as she stole quietly towards Keirra. "We may get a break here to get the fuck out of here," she said in a low voice. "Everyone here has a gun and most of 'em are shitfaced."

When Mac stepped between them, Ian let his hand fall from the other man's shoulder, his eyes on Dave when he responded. "...No," the teen repeated himself. "I didn't think he was coming. He hasn't answered my calls lately. He doesn't know what the girl is. We keep hearing about this so called army they're building but that's the same line he's been telling me for a week now. For all I knew he was just... cozyin' up to the Barlows and making himself at home." The kid shifted his gaze back to Mac then, his expression softening visibly. "He missed the toast, he missed the fire. You got mad at some text message you got and pretty much separated yourself from the crowd. It stood to reason he wasn't coming."

"We don't want a bloodbath yet," he said softly. "There are too many unknowns here, too many variables. Remember the marketplace?"

"I don't fucking answer to you! I answer to him. You think you're the fucking second, you ain't SHIT!" He said and nodded once to Ian before looking to Mac. He needed to put a leash on this puppy.

"You wanna know what she is? When she's "hungry" she cuddles up to the werewolf, when she's mad he ushers her away, and when they go out they get pretty fucked up. I don't know what the fuck she is, but I'll tell you what, he don't know what the hell she is either. Makes me think that she may not neither. Yeah, I missed the toast, and the fire, I was on fucking watch, looking out for you and your slack ass little group, for you to come around half beat to shit by cole, Oh or for you to fuck up the second in command snatch and release, you know, because you two don't stop bickerin like a bunch of fucking poofers long enough to get shit done square." Eyes on Mac now and he was pacing back and forth that 45 hanging loose in his hand. His other went to his hair and raked through before looking to Ian. "Tell me why I shouldn't pump you a magazine full and leave you here to bleed out. Because you ain't shit to me. And you don't know a damn thing about respect."

When Saila approached her eyes darted between Mac, Ian and Vlad, "Sheesh, I thought our group had a lot of fags..." she mumbled to Saila, feet moving over towards her. She hadn't made a noise as she walked, she held the grenade just in case they needed it. Swallowing hard, she drew her hood and nodded, "Let's get the fuck out of here before they try to sacrifice us to the fucking hillbilly god of fuckdom..." she mumbled softly, and attempted to grasp Saila's hand with her free one.

"I've not questioned you," Mac asserted with a clear, unflinching eye contact with David. He was so geared up that Mac gripped his shoulder and squeezed it to try to ease some of the tension. Looking over his shoulder, behind him, he advised Ian, "David wouldn't fucking miss Johnny's wake and I have plenty of reasons to step away. What he's been telling me is between us." Ian might have planted seeds in Mac's head that he would die before admitting to, but he wasn't going to look broken or swayed in front of the gang. No. David was solid. He was on a job and he'd been gone but he was one of them, no doubt about it.

He'd wanted to kiss him, the sort of kiss that said 'sit the fuck down' but he couldn't. He didn't. He just squeezed that shoulder and then looked at David, "Ian's a good kid... but he's a kid, you two can go knuckle to knuckle. But... this is Johnny's funeral. And what we should do," Mac's other free hand went o Ian's shoulder. He turned them both to face the gathering, "We should send some Barlows home with bruises."

Barlows? What Barlows? The minute Keirra took Saila's hand, she'd known the Rogue had the same thoughts she did. With a nod and a sudden pivot, the girls were GONE. With Keirra's stealth and Saila's speed, by the time the trio turned, their opponents were apparently elsewhere.

Ian knew he'd pressed exactly as far as he could, so he shut up. His mouth a hard line, his jaw twitching, he turned to face the crowd and... what the hell? Brows furrowed. "...The fuck did they go?"

Dave was calming, still amped up and revving way too fast, but he was no longer about to shoot anyone so at least there was that going for him. Eyes went to where Keirra was and then back to Ian. "Damnit! You just HAD to fuck her before telling anyone who she is? Before telling me! Shit...SHIT!" He shouted clicked the safety back on and jammed his gun down the back of his pants. "Fuck! My books, my journal...All my fucking notes are back there..." He threw his arms in the air and flopped into a chair head in his hands. "FUCK!"

Dave could suck the left most part of her tits for all she cared. She'd return those journals after writing in them, little love notes and pictures of dicks.

"What?" Mac looked at David and then sighed. Part of him wanted to tell Dave to run like hell. To beat the speed of tongue and get his things before the whole camp wised up. However... it just wasn't worth it. It was worthwhile, but not that much. Mac wasn't willing to press it, so he instead looked at Ian, "Go to the Barlow camp, now, and bring him back his shit or don't come back."

Ian had expected as much as soon as Dave raised the question, and he nodded. Three words, and only three words, came from his mouth. He would say no more, certainly not right now in front of all these people. "Sure thing, boss." A brow arched, and one hand was held up for the keys. He stood a better chance of beating them home if he could drive, yeah?

When Ian was sent on the errand, Dave allowed himself to feel the slightest bit of pride, watching Ian get knocked down a peg. But Dave needed to talk to Mac, find out why that kid was calling him Josh, no one called him Josh. HE called him Josh, behind closed doors, or in the back seat of cars, or in a truck stop bathroom... but random smart ass kids, they did NOT call him Josh. A deep breath was heaved and he looked up to Mac before grabbing a bottle of jack and holding it up for Johnny. He drank from it, and only THEN did he let the grief hit him.

Mac reached into his pocket and planted his keys into Ian's hand without even having to look at him. The kid had done well and they had been spending enough time together that they could do those sort of things. He could grab keys and thrust them down and Ian's hand would be there to catch them. Just as they were now.

It was true. People didn't call Mac "Josh." He hadn't noticed it, honestly, with all the tension. He should have, but he didn't. His attention was swept up in shooting a girl in the head, not in anything else. Besides, it seemed the Barlows had abandoned the scene at some point. He uttered a "Fuck," and then moved his hand towards David, palm open and asking for the bottle of booze.

Ian's hand was there. Like clockwork or a well oiled machine, the two worked together seamlessly ninety nine percent of the time. Fingers closing around the keys, he shot Dave a look that clearly said this isn't over, and then he strode quickly for the parking area and the subaru.

Mark Low

Date: 2016-05-04 20:32 EST
Running a distance used to be nothing to Ko, but her body was run down and in need. So by the time they'd run a good distance away, Keirra was huffing and puffing, abandoning Saila's hand to put her own on her knees and bend down. She emptied her stomach onto the ground and groaned. They weren't far from camp at this point, "Holy shit balls... I fucked up..." said the rogue, sloppily wiping her mouth. "I really didn't mean to get us into that, I'm sorry..." she mumbled in a hoarse tone.

"When I figured out who they were and they had no idea who I was I thought getting information would be like... You know? Pistol whipping a blind kid? Fuck, man..." Eyes trailed to Saila pathetically, "Wanna carry me?"

Saila was built for speed. Inhumanly fast and far more accustomed to running with wolves, it had been a struggle to keep her pace checked enough for Keirra in the first place. Quinn was nearby, she could feel him so close it was like he was beside her; honestly she'd expected him to intercept them by now, anyway. Stopping short when the Rogue bent double, mismatched eyes were scanning the woods, zeroing in on her brother/father. "I can't, darlin', but we're out of range, and Quinn'll carry you." Because she was pretty sure he would.

Assuming he didn't kill them both, of course.

Oh they would be lucky if he didn't slap the shit out of them for that one and he came bounding up to them in rare form. The human kind. He, too, was checking his speed, and eyes went over his shoulder to make sure the car was still on the road parallel to the woods where he ran. He found Ko and Saila and had heard Ko's request. Grabbing her around the waist and tossing her over his shoulder he looked to Saila and silently looked to the road. Mark was coming.

Flipped over Quinn's shoulder like a sack of potatoes, the rogue let out a pathetic groan. She knew that Quinn was pissed, and he should've been, but not at Saila. "...It's not her fault," said the rogue. "It's mine, she only came to help me after I fucked up..." An uncomfortable belch, and she hung there.

Saila groaned, following the line of his gaze to the car. "Oh jesus," breathed the muse. "He's going to kill me."

"I know damn fucking well whose fault it is." He snarled and wondered why he was carrying the princess and not destroying the man whose fault it was. Dave had tricked him, it didn't happen often, but he had trusted him, agreed to turn him, worked side by side with him. Quinn was livid, but it was the kind that festered under the surface.

Mark had run around camp just before they left. He had an old high school book bag in his lap, filled with things like he were expecting there to be a war and supplies were needed. He gripped the steering wheel as he rode alongside Quinn's massively fast stride. Brakes squealed when he slowed down at their rejoining. Mark took a breath and left tha car runnin' as he climbed out, looking where Quinn was and seein' dat Saila and Ko was there. "Oi!"

Filling her lungs with several gulps and gasps of air, the rogue lifted her head, a waterfall of pink streaming over her eyes. "Quinn I can't see... Turn a little bit," said the ridiculous little rogue as she clung to his hips and swallowed hard.

Saila's gaze was tracking Mark. She knew what was on Quinn's mind and didn't need to say anything to confirm the direction of his thoughts. Somehow Dave had slipped past her. A million incidental touches with a million faceless strangers and that's the one she'd never touched? Damn and double damn. She felt like she'd let everyone down. Part of her wanted to give in to Quinn's rage, to double back and pound the pretender into the dirt, but her gaze stayed on Mark.

"THEY'RE GOOD!" He shouted over to Mark and headed for the road looking around for any from the Mac's who may have been following them. He dropped Ko onto the hood of his hoopty and went back to the woods to sniff the ground and listen to it carefully. Oh yeah, this didn't look super fucking weird, full grown man sniffing the air and ground.

"Nobody followed us," Saila spoke at last. Saila would know.

"You sure?" He said, reaching into the car and throwing his book bag on the ground. It must not have been explosive to show such disregard. He jerked his thumb towards the vehicle when he looked at them, "You folks goin' my way?"

A mechanical nod, her gaze lingering on Mark. "Positive. There's no one out there right now. If they followed us they did it in a car or something."

The rogue hiccupped and looked back at him, "Yeah... We need to get to Dave's camper," she mumbled softly. Hey look! She knew his name! "...he was on their side," because she wasn't sure if Quinn had said anything. "We need to search that shit A-Sap."

"I'm fastest, I'll run!" Quinn was already stripping and tossing his clothes at Saila. A nod to Keirra and a wink for Mark. If he met a MacIntosh on the way, well, yay for fangs? He was off running when the sickeningly disturbing noise hit the hair. Bones cracking and relocating, skin splitting and muscles peeled back and mended. The white wolf was gone like a streak.

Saila caught his clothes because that's what she did out of habit when Quinn started throwing them at her, and she was stuffing them in her bag. She watched after Quinn and then her gaze went back to Mark, torn. Every inch of her instinct screamed for her to follow the wolf, but she had no idea how much Quinn had picked up, what Mark knew. So she cut to the chase there. "How much do you know?"

"Huh? Why Dave's camper?" Mark said with a blink and then he looked between them all. Quinn ran and then he jerked his thumb to the car, "Well, get yer butts in here and I'll floor it." Mark hopped back intah tha driver's seat and shut the door with a thunk.

Keirra slid off of the car and her legs felt like jelly. A little whimper left her, but she climbed into the back seat and let out the softest of sighs. "Fuck me..." she whispered. "Aight, go!" she yelled after she was sure Saila was among them.

Goddammit Quinn... mumbling as she forced herself to deny the instinctive link that had her limbs pulling in that direction, Saila turned deliberately for the car, shoving herself into the passenger seat. "Go fast," she murmured, her eyes on the woods.

"I know we need tah get to David's camper right now or... something?" Mark put the car in reverse, backed up and then sped along tha way, back tah camp. Both hands gripped the steering wheel and his gaze seemed flooded with thoughts. Fast. She didn't have to tell him, he already knew and was trying tah close the distance between them and Quinn on the route home.

Sorry. Keep them safe. He was long gone, already halfway back to camp by then. When he arrived he would shift at the tree line and run, one hand over his junk, to the ratty old camper. Grabbing a hold of the door with his penis-free hand, he tugged and grunted. Locked. Okay, cool. A growl and he tore the thing from its hinges. Basketball shorts. Perfect, he pulled them on and looked over his shoulders for the other who were now doubt right behind him.

Saila glanced over her shoulder at Keirra. Technically this was her story to tell, and the girl tipped her head encouragingly.

Mark Low

Date: 2016-05-04 20:41 EST
The rogue looked up at Saila and then decided to tell the story with some parts left out. "Well, I texted you the start of it... Went there... Had no clue who they were, figured it out... Decided to stay and snoop... One of them figured me out right away but we agreed to a kinda truce, because one of their men died and it was like his wake or somin'..." Keirra said and then swallowed hard... "But then Dave showed up... He's been on their side all along... Saila and I barely got out... if it wasn't for a fight that broke out," she shook her head. "I got stupid and careless." Clearly they were all beating themselves up.

"Yeah, I got your text," Mark gave Ko a look, but now was naht the time and it didn't seem like he needed to give her a reprimand when she already knew what was wrong. Then he ran one hand through his hair, scratching at the back of his head nervously befer he gripped tha wheel tightly again. Finally! The tires of the car skidded when he came tah such a sharp stop on the grace road which lead up tah der caravans from tha main road, "Well, least you two naht dead. But you knew dey was in town sah..." he didn't continue. They knew what dah rest o' that rant were.

To be fair, Saila really had only showed up because she'd recognized Keirra's energy signature among them? But she wasn't about to debate or argue that point, now. Her gaze remained on Mark even as she was throwing herself out of the car. "Quinn's in his trailer already." She said quietly. "Are we looking for anything in particular?"

"Anything that we can find useful..? I couldn't get into Mac's camper... I got into the kid?s, and there wasn't much there, except a bunch of werewolf research," she mumbled bitterly, throwing open the car door and climbing out. She stumbled towards the camper, growling beneath her breath. "I'm sure they'll be coming for this stuff... So we might wanna make it quick, and maybe get this thing outta here?" Joining Quinn inside.

Mark looked back the way dey had come. There were still a cloud of dust from where rocks had been kicked up and not yet settled. He sucked in a breath nervously and then went to his RV, returning with a small tool bag. If Dave had something tah hide it might be under lock and key. He followed Ko into Dave?s trailer.

Quinn was tossing the place, but he didn't know what to look for, so far he'd found a couple side arms, some drugs that were not weed, either. Tossing it into the sink of the trailer he ran the water over the opened baggies. Ha. Fucking asshole Dave take that! He looked to Ko and Saila as they came in. Pointing to the scribbled out books. They were in shorthand but to Quinn, he wondered if the kid was one of those freaking code writing weirdos. "Any of you read that shit?"

Saila had been standing outside, keeping an 'eye' out for visitors, but Quinn drew her attention and she turned inwards. "Hm?" Mismatched eyes glanced down over the notebooks. "I mean, no, obviously. But... I can?"

Lock and key? Keirra has yet to find a lock that she couldn't pick! She stepped in and looked around, eyes shifting around the mess. "Damn, Bee... Wait for the rest of us," she said, looking for something to smash.

"Pick them up and figure this out!" He said as if he needed to say things, sheesh Saila catch up yeah? Let?s all pause to think of Quinn doing this while wearing Dave's shorts because he didn't have his own jeans at the time.

Saila totally has Quinn's jeans, though! They're right there in her bag. Quinn can totally have them. She peers at him a long moment, trying to figure out what's weird about his appearance. "What the hell are you wearing, Big Bad?" Shaking her head, she reached for the journal with the funny code in it with a sigh. "Let's see what's in his head, shall we?" Her lip curled. "Oh man there's a lot of drugs here."

"Easy, Quinn." Mark said when he were in tha RV and seein' tha books that was scattered leftovers. He knew somethin' was missin' but he didn't say nothin' about it. Instead he looked at the journal of code and thought shit and then sighed, "Flush the drugs. I don't want camp passing that shit around and getting into trading and selling it. It's the sort of thing that ruins stuff. Let's take the books to my RV and look them over."

Saila had the journal in hand, and she hugged it to her chest with a distant nod. Her expression was a scowl. Apparently Dave's thoughts were... interesting. Almost mechanically, she followed him back out of the RV.

The rogue followed suit, right after Saila. She was like her hero's little shadow at this point..

Saila needed the shadow, fear not.

Oh, yeah he should flush them. Picking the baggies out of the sink between pinched fingers he carried them to the bathroom and dumped them in. Flushing them away, he washed his hands and grabbed a hold of more notebooks. Something WAS missing, and being a homosexual man, Quinn picked it up right away. The only female scents in the camper were Saila and Keirra's. He didn't say a word, but either the kid was lonely, or he wasn't into the V.

Mark paused, waiting for tha sound of the toilet befer he pushed on.

Everyone loaded into Mark's RV. Voodoo might have been in her room and, because of the sound of them, step out to join. It was that or she might have sensed tha energy was tight and jist stayed away. The kitchen/living room area was there just as one entered. His kitchen table was in a corner with an L-shaped bench seat. It could seat at most six, but the bench seat could only handle four with the sides of the table away from the wall had no chairs, or they were put up.

Mark reached between the fridge and counter, unfolding a plastic stool and setting it at the end of the table. One side of the bench seat sat two while perpendicular to it there was a seat for one. Mark waited for them to get settled, "Do we know anyone who can translate?"

Saila followed him inside, and as though she knew what he was waiting on already, she slid into the two-sided seat all the way to the interior. It would likely put Quinn on one side of her and Keirra on the other, with Mark opposite them.

His question threw her a little, silvery brows furrowing curiously. Oh, right. He didn't know. Gradually lowering the journal to the table, she ran a hand over its cover with a nod. "...Yeah. I've 'read' it," her voice was soft, and she swallowed. "He's been keeping notes on...everyone. Taneth. Some chick at the bar whose number you apparently got. Some other chick he... no, wait. That's Ali."

Licking her lips, Saila took a breath, letting it out slowly. "There's a lot of animosity here. A lot of derision. Apparently he thinks I'm vapid."

Quinn had made a stop to check on Levi and change his clothes. He was behind them shortly. Ducking as he got into Mark's camper and he leaned against the counter watching them and listening to Saila. A nod. "Why, though? Why would he do this, I thought we were all friends..." Quinn knew why, and it was making him angry but he didn't say anything. Power was a tricky thing. He didn't know what Dave had to gain from getting Mac into power, but he figured it was drugs, money, something of the likes.

"Apparently naht," Mark said, even though it were the obvious thing given dah situation. With a sigh he looked at the book and then raked a hand through his hair, flipping the spades of dark brown backward befer speaking, "He coulda been flipped or wus always one of them. Dun know but... tha writin' is on tha wall, as dey say."

"We weren't friends, they fuckin sent him here to gain our trust... I'm surprised he didn't start pickin' us off in our fuckin sleep... Weasel!" She hissed and then spun around, folding her arms and pouting heavily. "Fuck nugget... Gimme one of them books," she said, arms reaching out.

"Wasn't flipped," she said softly with a shake of her head. The thing about Saila's gift is that she didn't really need to be able to read the coded writing, not with their author's thoughts so... vehement focused when they'd been written. "He was one of them from the start. A plant." She said the word bitterly, a scowl on her face. "...And I fuckin' missed it, but he doesn't know about me. How the hell did he stay away?"

Her gaze slid to Keirra, and then Quinn. She nodded. "Don't eat? any? of the food, babe."

Once she actually put the book down, Saila pushed it away like it repulsed her.

Mark observed the two of them. He didn't feel like he could have understood or read the books, but they had a draw to them, one he couldn't deny. He looked at the book that repulsed Saila and he turned it towards him, opening it up to peer at the strange hand which had wrote it. Ko's instincts matched Saila's announcement.

Somehow, David had just slipped in. He was a gypsy, like them, so hadn't seemed very different from others which joined. An outsider would have been odd, asked wrong questions and been tossed on their ass. David had been a great gypsy spy, because he was a gypsy.


Date: 2016-05-05 11:39 EST
Meanwhile... at the MacIntosh Camp (with some rp recap)

"What?" Mac looked at David and then sighed. Part of him wanted to tell Dave to run like hell. To beat the speed of tongue and get his things before the whole camp wised up. However... it just wasn't worth it. It was worthwhile, but not that much. Mac wasn't willing to press it, so he instead looked at Ian, "Go to the barlow camp, now, and bring him back his shit or don't come back."

Ian had expected as much as soon as Dave raised the question, and he nodded. Three words, and only three words, came from his mouth. He would say no more, certainly not right now in front of all these people.

"Sure thing, boss." A brow arched, and one hand was held up for the keys. He stood a better chance of beating them home if he could drive, yeah?

When Ian was sent on the errand, Dave allowed himself to feel the slightest bit of pride, watching Ian get knocked down a peg. But Dave needed to talk to Mac, find out why that kid was calling him Josh, no one called him Josh. HE called him Josh, behind closed doors, or in the back seat of cars, or in a truckstop bathroom, but random smart ass kids, they did NOT call him josh. A deep breath was heaved and he looked up to Mac before grabbing a bottle of jack and holding it up for Johnny. He drank from it, and only THEN did he let the grief hit him.

Mac reached into his pocket and planted his keys into Ian's hand without even having to look at him. The kid had done well and they had been spending enough time together that they could do those sort of things. He could grab keys and thrust them down and Ian's hand would be there to catch them. Just as they were now.

Ian's hand was there. Like clockwork or a well oiled machine, the two worked together seamlessly ninety nine percent of the time. Fingers closing around the keys, he shot Dave a look that clearly said this isn't over, and then he strode quickly for the parking area and the subaru.

Dave smiled right back at Ian, the errand boy, and he eyed the seat next to him wondering if he could get Mac to sit and maybe they could explain a little about what had happened to Johnny. This was something that he was sort of unclear about. He had been bitten, but by what? A deep sigh and he knew this wasn't the time nor the place to be asking. He just hoped that Ian hadn't been the one to take that shot. There was a moment where he stared up at the leader of their troupe and couldn't help but feel like it was the first night. Maybe it was the drink, or the inappropriate timing, maybe it was the way he swayed when he walked. Regardless he realized he was doing it and quickly cut that right out.

"We haven't burned the table yet," Josh said to Dave, looking at him and then momentarily past him. People were riled, having seen a commotion but now that some of the townies had gone, most were attributing the tension to some stupid locals fucking with things. The true story was being whispered along the way and by morning it would all be said and done. Mac let them talk, drink, and play their music. Johnny's funeral service after all.

"Looks like Johnny's brought you back home." His gaze shifted, focusing on Dave once more.

There was a thick swallow and he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. Standing up he closed the distance between himself and the table and twisted the piece of paper in his hands. Chicken scratch on it, looked like a note passed between school children. It was an IOU of sorts. The kind where two people owed each other the same 10 bucks for a dozen years and it became a running joke. David rubbed his free hand on his jeans and dropped it on the table before looking around and headed back to his chair. A nod to Mac, he was right. Johnny brought him home. "A little premature but when did he ever wait until the right time for anything." It didn't sound like an insult, there was fondness there. A hand reached out for the bottle that Mac was holding.

"Goddamn it Johnny!" Mac laughed when he said it, his voice an obvious imitation of one of the many times he had been famously irritated with him. Then his laugh, his smile, it sort of crumbled when the fact that there would be no more 'goddamn it Johnny' anymore. He was looking ahead and saw from the corner of his eyes that Dave reached out to him. He paused and realized it was for the bottle and handed it to him via a strangled glass neck, "You want me to handle the kid for you tonight?" Mac had seen their back and forth, and perhaps it was his personal investment in it that made him willing to intervene when usually he sat back and waited to see who lost in the dog fight.

"I think something has to be done, he is a little too comfortable in his position at your side. I worry about the things he is going to try to get caught up in. But I don't know if tonight is the night, tonight is about Johnny" He was looking ahead of him and very deliberately brushed those fingers against Josh's as he took the bottle. The tiniest reassurance that he was still here and always would be. The two had to speak volumes without words, it was just their lot, the hand they'd been dealt, and they were pretty epic at it.

"He called you Josh, I should have...I dunno, I should have let it go." He wondered now if he'd even noticed, no one called Mac that, not that he was aware of. Hand dragged over the stubble that had taken up residence on his own cheek and he heaved a sigh. Fucking death, he hated death.

The kid was back a whole lot sooner than probably anybody expected. There was a quick flash of headlights and then the Subaru was parked. Ian pulled the keys from the ignition and a bag from the passenger seat, letting himself out of the car with both in tow. Slinging the bag over his shoulder, the teenager tugged his phone from his pocket, glancing down at the display to check for messages before he put it back.

Fingers lifting to scratch at the delicate peach fuzz that dusted his cheek, Ian patted down his pockets as he crossed the yard. Hand closing over his cigarettes, he shook one out with a sigh, fishing the lighter from its depth so he could get it lit. Dragging fiercely with a hollowing out of his cheeks, he squared his shoulders. What a fucked up night it had been, both bad and good in strange and unexpected ways.

And now... now he got to deal with fucking Dave. Beautiful.

"Yeah," on both accounts, he supposed. He wasn't thinking of dealing with it tonight, just that maybe it needed to be dealt with. Dave was talking him down from it, though, putting it on hold until a magical, right time would appear. It surprised him and slightly unnerved him that he hadn't noticed it before. Why was that?

"We'll need to catch up," he nodded a few times as if discussing business, "When all of this is over we'll need a minute to talk about everything that happened." His gaze held onto Dave, searching for a yes to be somewhere in it. The lights of his car moved over the gathering, turning his attention to Ian's return.

The yes was there for Mac, in the slightest nod before the bottle was brought to lips and offered back over to his companion in grief. Those headlights, the one that typically said get in we're going to go find a back alley, or wooded drive, the ones that they'd smoked behind laughed behind, shone through the group and Dave perked slightly looking at the kid. He eyed the bag over his shoulder and deflated instantly. There was about a dozen notebooks, and he was pretty sure they weren't fitting into the bag, but hey maybe he had jammed em in there. Neck arching and twisting to get a better look.

Ian didn't have them all. He had the vast majority, though, more than ten, and that had to count for something. Silently he walked, smoking his cigarette with the one hand and keeping the strap on the bag steady with the other. When he approached, his slate green eyes focused their attention on Mac, and he pulled the bag off his shoulder then, handing it over.

"Got all but two of them. The chick's got 'em. Something about wanting to leave Vlad a message." His words were short, clipped, to the point. "I'll have them by the end of the day tomorrow." Once Mac took the bag, or it got dropped at his feet if he didn't, Ian would fish the keys from his pocket, handing them over next. He had nothing else to say for the time being.

He remembered very clearly the first time he'd felt the urge to kiss David. They were fucked up a good bit, but he still knew what he was doing. It wasn't that he needed it to have the courage, but maybe he needed it to have an excuse if David had rejected him. Nah, man, I was just drunk or high. They had been through a lot, plenty of people in camp had, but David never put the knife in his back and it seemed that they were on the same page.

Still, he had grown accustomed to Ian as being an extension of himself. It never occurred to him that Dave and the kid might clash. Or that the kid would be affecting the way of things as much as he had. There weren't many would would willingly take on Cole.

When Ian returned announcing a mostly achieved objective his face hardened, uncertain of how critical the two lost books would be. It would take Dave digging through them to guess what had been left behind. "Did anyone see you get in and out?"

While waiting for a response, he reached, his hand over Dave's to slip the bottle out of his grip and then swallow as he muttered the thought to Dave, "We need to get a room set up for you."

"A room and something interesting to read." His good book, Mac. A nod in agreement and he was sitting there looking to the bag. "Nice job, kid." Whoa, he even halfway meant it. Going through the bag, he grabbed out the one he was looking for. The one about their wolf and the one's he was considering changing. Eyes that lifted to Ian were actually sort of thankful. A nod of thanks was given and the bottle was held out to the kid.

Ian shook his head to Mac's question. "No." Since Mac seemed in no real hurry to take either the bag or the keys, he let the bag fall gently at his feet, the keys landing on top of it with a light clatter of metal. His gaze shifted for the first time to Dave, then, his eyes flat and expressionless, as was his voice. It wasn't hostile or combative. Monotone. "You sound so surprised."

Attention reverting to Mac then, it seemed there wasn't anything else the boss wanted from him for the time being, so he dismissed himself, turning without a word back towards his own RV. Chances were he'd find Cole or somebody sleeping in it, but whatever. One obstacle at a time.


Date: 2016-05-05 12:00 EST
"Yeah, my trailer is, well probably being tossed right about now by the wolf and his weird sister." He rubbed at his brows and looked over to Mac, no one was paying too much attention so he was about to soften just a little bit. The way that it was said, he understood that this fucking blew and he if he didn't wanna talk that was fine, but if he did, he was right there. "God I hate that fucking guy, and the pink haired slut, she calls me Vlad, wouldn't call me Dave not once."

"Why the fuck would she call you Vlad?" Mac looked at him and connected, instantly with that sense of annoyance. Mac only stood to be called Mac, Josh, Boss or God. Everything else could get bent and his knuckles would say as much. There was a rumble of noise in the party as a few men started to sing "Oh Danny Boy" off key and with the best memory that drunks could have of what the lyrics were. With the tip of his index finger he pushed up the brim of his hat, looking at the congregation at Johnny's table as he spoke to David, "We could step inside my RV and you could tell me about the Barlows while it's fresh on your mind."

"Honestly, I think she's fuckin' touched. But it pissed me off, I wanted to slit he little throat every time I heard the name." There was a curt nod at his request. Picking up the bag of notebooks, slinging it over his shoulder as he stood, Dave headed to the RV. A knock on the door before he opened it. Lotta drinking meant people sometimes found random places to go about their making out and fucking. When no one said anything he slid into the camper and waited. The bag was tossed onto the table and he turned to look and see if Mac was right behind him.

"We'll get her sorted." It ook a lot of drinks to get the idea of going into Mac's RV for some fun. But, it had happened before and now and then things had to be reestablished. Mac paused, looking at his gypsy clan and the direction Ian had disappeared to. Then he turned and jogged up to his enormous RV, climbing into it so that he had been only a moment behind David. They'd gone to the RV with a tired, dutiful stride. Now that the door was shut behind him he cleared the distance to David, catching his mouth with his. He'd meant to say that he fucking missed him but when he got there that happened instead.

David managed to turn just in time to met by the mouth of whom he considered the better half of himself. Left hand lifted to catch him by the back of the head, knocking his hat askew, and the other grabbed a hold of his shirt to pull him closer. The kiss said what they didn't have to. David missed him, he was sorry for not being there, and he was more relieved to be home, beside Josh, than he could have ever expressed with words anyway.

It was how they should have greeted each other when he first showed up. It felt like a strange divorce, of lovers being separated even though there hadn't been a fight. Josh didn't like that mushy crap, it wasn't his style, but he did miss the affection and what it felt like to be kissed when it wasn't being used as a heterosexual affectation. Just the two of them, the party being a muffled play of noise behind them. When he finally broke the kiss he reached up for his hat and tossed it aside, "Fuck, I needed that." He didn't know how a kiss could be so important, but it was. He needed other things, too, but the first and most hungry was that reconnection.

David absolutely, and positively hated, that they carried women around like beards to hide who they really were. But it happened, he had tried to keep company with Alice to save face and make sure they all knew he was a strong hetero man. Poor girl never stood a chance, and she never even knew it.

When the hat was tossed, David's eyes followed it and watched it land on a chair. A single nod in agreement to needing the kiss before he released Josh's shirt. There was a deep mushy romantic side to David, one he kept tightly under lock and key, instead of flowers and chocolate, he'd leave Josh a coffee and a bowl. Instead of candles and long walks, he settled for car rides and dash light. It was a good thing they had going. And a terrible one, all at once. "I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner."

"Don't fucking worry about it. I was getting the new kid laid," he felt the tug of his shirt's cloth and pressed his lips into his again. His hands were on David's hips.. The kiss had with it the pressure of his body as he walked David backward. They stopped when David's calves hit the edge of his bed. Josh's lips parted David's and then withdrew. He bit his lower lip in that Damn expression, giving him a cocky smile before he looked back to the kitchen, "I'll get us a drink if you pack a bowl?" He wasn't exactly getting a drink. He reached into his back pocket and was busy making sure that people would stay the fuck away from him and not come looking for him as he fixed a drink.

There was a spark in those eyes, something that had missed home and refused to light because of it. Dave knew what direction they were going and yet when the backs of his calves hit the bed he jumped slightly. More so because he knew that mean Josh was going to pull away and when he did, Dave sat his ass right down on the bed. Admiring that cocky grin, he watched him walk all the way to back out was a tilt of head. It was a hate to see you go love to watch you leave situation. He was distracted only momentarily, then he would go about the task at hand.

Patting himself down he found the glass piece in his back pocket, luckily it was still in one piece. After inspecting it he found the baggie by the bed and went to plucking pieces free and one by one pressing them into the bowl. Once packed he set it, and the lighter next to himself on the bed.

Bourbon. Revival. It was still Johnny's night, after all. It wasn't a particularly good bourbon, Johnny didn't have a taste or wallet for the expensive stuff. It was just good enough that it didn't feel like drain cleaner stripping your throat as you swallowed.

Josh was a lean-packed figure with a tattoo of the Godfather movie cover fading in with sweeping lines over his left upper arm. He liked Robert DeNiro in the Taxi driver-- when he was really drunk it was 'Are you talking to ME?"-- it was the iconic moment in that movie where he puts one eye down the sights of his gun and smiles a crooked smile, he had that tattooed over a portion of his back on the right hand side. Some Frank Sinatra lyrics were inked along his right wrist like a bracelet wrapping in over itself.

He stepped back into the room, smirking when he looked at David packing the bowl, "You were supposed to take your clothes off, first."

"Sorry, I had this incredible view, it was fantastic, and fantastically distracting." The right side of his mouth ticked upwards in that boyish, almost mischievous, half smile. Pulling off his jacket, he tossed it off into the corner of the room. His t-shirt soon followed. Torn to shit jeans and then boxers quickly followed and he sat there, Indian style on the bed looking up at Josh. David at one time had fancied himself a spiritualist so he had a mandala tattoo'd on his left upper arm, capping over his shoulder. There was a strange attempt at some sort of script on his right inner wrist, but the job had been so poor and tattoo had become worn by his watch over the years, that at this point it always seemed like he needed to wash his hands. "What about you hmmm?" Eyes swept upwards in a single motion.

The drink tipped back as he watched David undress. Sometimes it was strange to watch him do that, if only because he had been so damn hesitant about even kissing him. Worried that he'd fucked up and that it would be all knuckling and denials. Even after the kiss, he didn't imagine him being so comfortable with him like he was. He guessed that was what people meant when they talked about someone being born a certain way and that conditioning just didn't change that. A woman never had his full attention, never got the weight of his love, in the way he gave it to David. That, for him, was when he knew.

"Me? It's not a distraction if it's what you're paying attention to." He crossed over, sitting on the bed in front of David with that Taxi tattoo with he gun pointed at David. He reached for the bowl and then cut a look over his shoulder to David, "I like it watching you take your clothes off, then mine."

Legs were unfolded and he wrapped them around Josh's outer thighs. Cozying up to his back, he let his chin rest on Josh's shoulder and he wrapped an arm around his waist. Hand slipped up and over Josh's chest, careful not to get in the way of the lighter or bowl. Fingers stroked over his pecs, between them, back up, lazily drawing circles. "True, but I was supposed to be paying attention to getting my ass out of those jeans." A nip and kiss was offered to that shoulder he had rested on just a minute before.

"Anyway, if you like to watch it, it's a good thing I didn't do it while you were in the kitchen so you could watch, or else you'd only get half the show." Slight nod given in a very matter of fact manner. As if suddenly he had all the smart mouth answers.

"Suppose you're right," he conceded, cutting a smile that seemed to say he was borderline wanting to jab him in the ribs with an elbow. He lit the bowl and then set the lighter down. One hand pressed to the side of the glass pipe as he inhaled, sending the bird's nest of green into a sweeping orange. His chest expanded, paused, and then he exhaled and saw the air touch with grey and then go clear. His left hand reached back, scratching at David's nape gently. He put his lips to the pipe for another draw. His fingers dug into the back of David's neck to pull him forward, this time his head craning to catch his lips again, nudging them open with his mouth to push in his tongue and herb smoke.

It was very clear, Josh's intention, and to be honest, he didn't mind the idea of catching an elbow for being a smartass. Instead of the playful punishment, he was rewarded with gifts, gifts carried to his lips by Josh's and that was something he would never say no to. His tongue slid against Josh's, twisted, tangled, even danced against it, all while he graciously accepted the hit. Lungs filled with the acrid smoke and he just let it sit there for an bit, more because he didn't want to break that kiss. After a short moment, he let the smoke free but exhaled it through nostrils. Luckily, there wasn't much smoke left at that point, so their eyes, if opened, were safe.

When the twisting of his boy started to ache and the bowl in his hand threatened to spill he turned back to the nightstand, placing it on top of it. Hands hands dropped to the front of his pants to work them over before he said, "We don't have a lot of time, babe. Johnny's table need to b on fire in about an hour and I got to fuckin' be there for that." He didn't sound as if being there was a problem, more like there was no goddamn way he wouldn't be there for it. There was this jumble of thoughts in his head, though, with the prevailing thought being a clawing need for him. To kiss him more, to pin him on his back and hear a gasp of 'oh fuck' in his ear.

Neither of them were going to miss that, not a snowball's chance in hell of that happening. When he started to get his pants undone, Dave was right there to the rescue. Nimble, slender fingers got everything unbuttoned and unzipped in record time. There was a wanting, no, a need, for their closeness. It didn't need to be pretty, or gentle, not with them, not after all the things they'd been through. Their relationship was built on the unspoken, from the very core, since day one, Josh didn't have to tell Dave that he loved him, and David didn't need to tell him that his body was his playground, a center for him to enjoy. At all lengths, and any way he wanted.


Date: 2016-05-05 16:52 EST
The day after his wake, Johnny's things were divided up. Those items of his which were personal and spoke of him were kept as keepsakes to remember him by. Certain people wanted certain things. The hat he liked to wear. The hand knife he'd had since he was fifteen. The less personal items were treated like supplies that were just allocated to where they were needed. The room in the RV he shared with Cheryl and Jimmy was cleared out and made up with the neat, sterile appearance of a hotel room. One of the 'den mothers' did a cleansing ritual with incense and humming. No one really knew if it was right but it seemed like they should allow it.

It was Mac that had Johnny's old switch blade. The thing was hardly impressive being only three inches, old, and maybe just twenty bucks in value. Goddamn it, Johnny.

He sat on the picnic table which was next to the one they burned with photos and other belongings he had. In the ash next to him there was still the smell of the gasoline they used to force the flames. Some of the items, glass in frames, hadn't burned at all. He was already smoking a cigarette as he looked at the debris.

Ian was keeping himself well away from all of that. He'd volunteered to do a supply run at first light; no sooner had he returned from that than he'd gone to the laundromat. Right after that he'd gone on a mission to reclaim his own RV, applying himself to the task of deep cleaning that space with the zeal and enthusiasm a teenage boy only shows when a teenage boy is studiously avoiding something else.

There had been glimpses of him as he went about his tasks, to be sure. The kid wasn't hiding. But neither was he making himself particularly available.

Mac had noticed. He was used to the kid always being at his side and now there was space there. It wasn't something that went unnoticed. He sucked on his cigarette and thought it over, feeling the sun at the back of his neck. Kid was at his RV, huh? Getting it ready to skip town or something but... why? Had Johnny's death freaked him out about Rhy'Din and he wasn't going to admit it, just get the fuck out? It was hard to say if it had anything to do with David or not. Ian had held his own against Cole-- why would he instantly buckle to David?

Holding the cigarette between his lips he shot Ian and text. At the tables. Meet me.

Mac looked at his cellphone to check the time. He wanted to see how long it would take, if Ian would show. There was an idea in his head about how long it had always been. Something more objective would help.

He was in the middle of changing the sheets on the bed when his phone went off. Ian knew without looking who it was, if only because there was only one of two people it ever was and he'd already talked to the other today. Stuffing a pillow into place, the kid pulled the phone out of his pocket to confirm, and then he turned, heading for the door.

Snagging a hoodie on his way out, Ian was walking across the camp grounds already as he pulled the garment on, leaving the hood up over his head. There was something else in one of his hands that made it harder to accomplish. As a matter of reflex, he tugged a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, shaking out first a cigarette and then a lighter. Fitting the one between his lips, he sparked it with the other, shoving lighter into the pack and the pack into his pocket as he approached the tables.

Arriving there, his steps slowed to a stop a couple feet away. What he was holding in his other hand was the other two journals. Sucking on the cigarette, he gave a nod of greeting, his slate green eyes expectant.

Even with the sun at his back and the brim of his hat shadowing his eyes, Mac was squinting to look at Ian. They both had expectant looks on their faces. His eyes moved over him, slowly, stopping at the two books. He took a pull from his cigarette, but the light of day and shell of ash made it seem like nothing had happened until he exhaled grey. Mac was sitting on the table top of the good, untouched picnic table, using the bench seat as a foot prop.

They both knew the question that wasn't asked yet. At least they knew that one lingered and that there was something between them that had changed. "Back in your RV? Taking on any room mates?" Or are you just planning on skipping town? It was hard to tell if there was remorse or muffled anger in him about it.

One of the kid's brows hiked up higher than the other, and Ian turned his head slightly away to exhale a cloud of smoke. He shrugged. His body language was calm, maybe just a little bit miffed, but present. He'd come immediately after all.

"Is that not where you want me, boss? I was just... " He waved the hand that held his cigarette, gesturing vaguely. "Taking care of business. Giving y'space to catch up." Was there a glimmer of jealousy in his eyes? Maybe.

Mac scratched at his jawline with his thumbnail. He could feel the stubble that was coming in catch his nail, making a dry rasp of noise as he scratched. His eyes were on Ian, he noticed a shift if body language, in how things were. Ian wasn't smiling, not that he had smiled a great deal to him before. But the smile in the spaces where there wasn't one was also gone. He couldn't put a finger on it, of course, but he knew it was there.

"I'll get you set up in a bigger room than that. Your RV is a small fucking thing." All of it was true. Mac found himself wanting to offer the kid the room he had, but he wasn't sure about David. Living with David could be a real fucking problem, the sort of problem that gets you caught or atleast gets rumors started. So far, there were none. They had enough distance between them that people didn't suggest it. Beyond that it wasn't a secret Ian had gone to town on Anita... or whoever David said she was.

It was almost a mirror image, the way Ian scratched at the corner of his jaw. Pretty much all of the bruises that had once lined and decorated that youthful face like battle paint had faded, leaving an older, harder face in their wake. For a moment or two the kid was silent, smoking his cigarette thoughtfully, the journals still tucked against his side.

All at once he shifted, exhaling a cloud of smoke with a sigh as his body pivoted one hundred and eighty degrees. Not to walk away; Ian lowered himself onto the picnic table's bench seat a handful of inches from where Mac had placed his feet. The set of journals was offered up to the clan's leader for the taking. "I liked the room I had," he said, his gaze on the ground and not on Mac, of the bunk he had been occupying up to now in that man's RV. "But isn't it Dave's?"


Date: 2016-05-05 17:03 EST
?You got them?" He had seen the books but hadn't realized that they were the 'missing pieces' of the puzzle. He sat up a bit, taking them from Ian and not really expecting an answer to a rhetorical question. He set them on the table top beside him and drew on the cigarette. It was clear Mac still had some reservations that things were still being kept in close and tight to his chest. His eyes picked along the tops of the RVs before going to the kid's face, "I'm not sure about David being in my RV. He's been out for a while."

Mac couldn't say that he was worried that if David lived with him that they were doomed to be caught. You didn't put a guy on a diet in charge of guarding the chocolate. It created a rift, though. It had been an issue of rank that Cole and Ian had finally settled between each other, and now David was there. Josh wished that there was someone he could have talked to about it instead of running everything by himself over and over and occasionally getting shitty advice from people who just didn't see the whole picture. In his RV it had been him, Ian and Sonny, though Sonny always seemed like a non-person. He didn't say or do much, so being dubbed "second in command" was either a joke or because no one wanted to say he was a hired thug. Bodyguard? He was certainly the biggest meat head around.

"Told you I would." The question had been rhetorical, sure, but to the kid's mind it warranted an answer, anyway. He took another drag on his cigarette, holding it pinched between his thumb and middle finger as he stared off in the distance, his gaunt cheeks sucking in as he sucked in smoke.

Ian had begun to suspect at least part of what it was that Mac wasn't saying. Not least because of the curiously conflicted way Dave's presence made him feel, the way he'd had to fight the urge not to heed the second part of the orders he'd gotten last night, '...or don't come back.'

Feeling the other man's eyes on his face, the teenager waited a beat, then two, eventually lifting his gaze to return it. He scratched at his jaw again, his eyes placid - at least on the surface. There were a lot of things he wanted to ask at that moment, most of them in some shade of wounded or angry, but the one he settled on was this: "Where would you put him instead?"

"There's your place. There's Johnny's and Mama Lucy still has an open spot." At least with Mama Lucy David wouldn't be in the room of a man who had recently passed, but if he was in Ian's place? The kid had a caravan for one, and that would mean no room mates during visits. Mac had two room mates so there was the constant sense that someone could step in at any moment. At times it was thrilling and at others it fed an anxiety which weighed upon him more than he was want to admit to.

His eyes leveled on the kid before he added, "I'm sure you and Dave will be able to sort your differences. You haven't failed to hold your own so far, which is pretty fucking amazing." Mac looked away when he said it, like complimenting someone made him slightly uncomfortable. Perhaps it was just complimenting Ian.

Ian's exhale was short and sharp, like there was something he wanted to say but wouldn't. Or at least for the time being, didn't. Shaking his head, he raised his hand to his hair, knocking the hood on his jacket back and scratching his nails over his scalp a few times before smoothing dark waves deliberately back down into his face.

"What's eating you?" Ian sure as fuck wasn't close enough to Johnny for this to be about Johnny. Maybe getting a little freaked out that life was life and maybe some weird creature dropped from a tree and could end it. Wasn't much different from realizing you could die in a car wreck everyday. Mac squinted at him, blowing smoke out the corner of his lips and waiting for the kid to say something before he climbed to his feet, one hand adjusting the belt of his pants so that it was above his hip instead of riding on it.

Ian lifted those slate green eyes to Mac then, and the veneer of calm was gone. "Y'sent me on a fuckin' suicide mission and told me not to come back if I couldn't do it. Y'basically sent me off to get killed with him lookin' on like some..." he gestured uselessly with his cigarette, " some kinda' teacher's pet crossed with a cat who ate the goddamn canary."

Scowling, Ian took a final drag off his cigarette and flicked it angrily to the ground. His thick brows were furrowed above eyes the color of concrete splattered with green spray paint. Mac had never shown clear favorites before, not like this. Sure he'd had his inner circle and Ian had fought his way into it, but this was the first time Mac had ever shown an actual preference for who the victor might be. It hadn't gone unnoticed.

"Then I actually do manage it, and you two got th'fucking balls to show me how surprised you are."

His eyes were squinting, either from light, thought, or just being attentive and picking out the details of Ian's face as he spoke. He sucked on his cigarette and there was a small nod afterward, the smoke exhaled a near-invisible vapor. Ian had a point, though. Somehow the blame of the situation had been put on him, and as Mac recalled events he realized that Ian had, in fact, done nothing wrong but get laid at his own behest. Princess Anita had given him the eye and he'd nudged her at Ian. He had driven her over. It was her that was the Barlow that shoved her bag full of shit and left.


Ian might have been able to see that the set of Josh's shoulders changed a bit after what he said. Ian had done well crawling into his ear and getting a word in. Ever since he'd come in, he'd been more persuasive than Cole. This wasn't even persuasion so much as pointing out facts. David hadn't known that Mac fucked up-- no on had yet attributed it to him. "Let's smoke," he said to Ian, motioning him to follow him into his RV. There was a check over his shoulder to see if Ian was coming.

He'd deny it later, but Ian had absolutely been bracing himself for a backlash. He'd never heard anybody talk to Mac the way he just had and survive it. So he's a little stunned when the leader moves away, invites him to go smoke with him. The surprise is clear in his eyes but he rises, following.

And no, Ian had deliberately attributed it to Cole, to keep Mac out of it. That had seemed to go unnoticed until maybe just now, too.

Inside the RV mac sat at the kitchen tab, grabbing a plastic Tupperware dish with a red lid that he pried off of it. His hands set to work, picking and cleaning out stems and seeds on vanilla-flavored rolling papers. Most of the time the vanilla just disappeared, but the strawberry and banana tasted like ass, anyway.

Mac usually didn't take well to outbursts, that was true. His mind was still sorting what was to be done. Usually he just crushed a problem like that to make it go away.

Was the investment and what Ian's value to him worth losing it?

"Getting to the Barlow camp and getting David's notebooks was a fucking miracle," the paper was lifted and rolled. He angled its contents and then licked along the piece of paper to seal it before he looked back to Ian, "And we both know why David's cover was blown." That was all the detail or blame he was willing to verbalize on the matter. Ian would get it, anyway.


Date: 2016-05-05 17:10 EST
The kid followed him inside a trailer that was almost more familiar to him than his own. It certainly had been lately, in any case. He took a seat in his usual place at the kitchen table, immediately to Mac's left as opposed to across from him or on the right. In all things there were these little rituals. Customs to be observed.

At the admission, the barest hint of a smile touched the edge of his mouth, a slight shrug rolling off his shoulders. Ian laid his forearms on the table, his hands lifting in a gesture of 'eh?' that seemed almost dismissive, but wasn't. "Way I heard it, it was Cole...?"

"Yeah, I heard that too," Mac put the joint to his lit and lit it, barely taking a drag. Just enough to get the useless bit of twisted paper burning into a cherry with the herb. He tapped that awkward bit of ash into the tray and then offered it to Ian. This ritual carried the unusual twist of being prepped for the first hit and being given to Ian first, instead, "I'll talk to David, I wouldn't worry your head too much about stuff. I think I'll have him in your RV, unless that shit needs to get detailed, or something."

Once Ian took it from him he reached up, pinching the brim of his fedora before he tugged it off of his head and then set it atop the kitchen table.

Ian watched him at the effort of rolling and then lighting the joint, trying not to register too much surprise when the ritual got reversed completely and the fresh stick was handed to him. Taking it when it was offered, he plucks the rolled cylinder from Mac's hand gently. It's possible their fingers brush by the way he does it, but it's probably incidental. Putting it to his mouth, Ian took a long, thoughtful toke, pulling spicy smoke deep into his lungs. Holding his breath, the joint was offered back.

Dave in Ian's RV, huh? There was something poetic about that, even though it made him uncomfortable in ways he couldn't quite articulate. Still, it meant not giving up his place, sleeping in the bunk not four feet from the man in charge. "Whatever you say, boss," he said softly, a dim smile on his face. Exhaling smoke that was almost clear, his hands fidgeted on the table, almost but not quite reaching for that fedora.

"That makes everything good for you?" Josh's shoulder brushed Ian's as he leaned back, the forearm furthest from him balancing on the edge of the kitchen table as he studied Ian's face. This was, perhaps, the first time Ian might have ever seen someone with a little bit of leverage on Mac. It was strangely fortuitous that it was him that had it. The question he asked about everything being good had that unasked second half that said you're happy and going to keep your mouth shut about this, right?

Maybe he was just appeasing Ian by letting him keep his spot, or if he had wanted to keep him there and that there was some reason for David to have private quarters off to the side. He took the joint back and put it to his lips, his eyes looking subdued and waiting. It was always dangerous to tell a tiger to give more. Ian and the whole world knew that tests were never ending.

Their shoulders brushed, and Ian didn't pull away. He studied the table's surface a long moment, aware that he himself was being studied. At length, he lifted his gaze to Josh's, held it a long moment and then nodded. "Yeah, most things."

He waited until the other man was done with the joint and handed it back, until he had lungs full of sweet smelling smoke and eyes that watered and burned a little. "Last night sucked." He said finally. That much was a given, but which part did he mean? The show down, the having to deal with the Barlows, the feeling replaced by Dave, or the sleeping somewhere else?

"It was definitely fucked up," Josh was looking ahead at something. Maybe the future, or a replay of events. Maybe he thought about Johnny and how he shot him twice in the face because he'd become something rabid. About David showing up and suddenly his appearance becoming unexpectedly permanent. It was impossible to say that Dave being back in camp irked him, but it did. It had nothing to do with Dave being Dave, but that plans had been changed. He was irked that there was a wrinkle in what he wanted and there could be no ironing it out.

"Anyway," he took the joint and hit it, cracking a smile. Maybe the high was starting to hit him. He thought he felt that sort of warm, tingly sensation, "better times are on the horizon, I can tell. You want pizza?" A pause and then, "Maybe some chips?" He might have been getting te munchies.

"We'll work it out. Just means he's that much more motivated to get whatsherface, now." Said the teenager, perhaps reading Mac's mind, perhaps hazarding a guess at what had him so restless. He lifted his closer hand, then, putting it on the other guy's shoulder a moment without saying anything. Solidarity for Johnny, perhaps. Ian had been in that position before, too, and there wasn't anything remotely pleasant about it. You tried to tell yourself you were doing right by your relative, but it didn't make it any easier to erase afterwards.

Lifting his hand away, he took the joint for his third puff. Ian didn't even have it in his mouth real good yet when he started to laugh. The kid yawned, took his drag in earnest, nodded. "Yeah. We should get pizza. And chips. And then put the chips on the pizza."

"Anita or whatever. David called her Katie or something." Keirra was a slightly unusual name so it made sense that it wasn't just rolling off his tongue. Sooner, rather than later, he was guessing that it would. He grinned and reached into his front pocket of the pants to draw out his cellphone and begin typing with a snicker, "Yeah, maybe the bbq kind of chips that we crush up and sprinkle on top. I have to order food now cause in another half hour when the rest of that shit hits me I'll get like... something ridiculous."