Topic: File Entry: Travanix


Date: 2007-11-13 12:03 EST
Name: Travanix; No known alias.

Age: 47 Galactic Standard Years

Weight: 170lbs.

Eyes: Dark Auburn, reports that his eyes have glowed Red

Hair: Dark Brown

Known History:

He grew up as an only child on Coruscant, in Imperial City. He was born a few months before the start of the Clone Wars. Travanix was at one time a high ranking member of the Galactic Empire, enlisting early and being advanced to the Imperial Training Academy for officer training. Upon completion of his second year, he found that his parents had begun speaking out against the Empire and the Emperor. As part of his final graduation "right", he lead a stormtrooper squad and gave the order to have his parents executed. The home was then destroyed, leaving nothing left behind him.

He was able to adavance quickly through the ranks, eventually receiving his own command, and then promoted to a moff. At the rank of grand moff, he had 5 imperial fleets, and 10 star systems under his watch by the time the Rebellian began. Records dictate that there was a failure on his part that eventually lead to the complete fall of one of his systems. This lead to his removement of his command, and eventually his dismissal from the Empire.

Due to his loyal service to the Empire for so long, he was able to maintain his credibility, and changing his name, became an assassin for only the upper tier of the Empire's elite, reporting directly to the Emperor once again. With the destruction of the empire by the hands of the rebellion, records continaing his activities after that are limited at best.

He remained an active assassin and bounty hunter. Rumors spread he had found a storehouse of the Empreror's and began experimenting on himself, eventually causing an adaptation of the Force (see Skills section). He has been reported on multiple "watchguard" lists in 13 star systems as a wanted criminal.


Due to the changes he forced on himself, Travanix is considered a Force user, having a wide range of skills, including but not limited to:
Mind Reading
Life Sense
Energy absorbsion and disipation
Healing (Himself and others)
Poison control
Attribute augmentation (Strength, speed, endurance)
Telekenisis (finite, being able to control muscles within a body to extensive, heavy objects, crates)
Force Lighthing
Force Storms (Rage induced cataclysms known to have decimated cities)

There are other skills he has been known to display that are not documented. In addition to this, he has mastered Sith alchemey, having known to create vicious beasts from human DNA. He has combined his mastery of alchemy with his understanding of chemestry creating horrible spices and drugs that have been used as experiments on slaves.

Due to his military training, Travanix is extremely efficent at combat - melee and ranged. His use of the Force only amplifies his already dangerous skills. Though he is proficient with a lightsaber, he has grafted metal talons to his forearms, calling on them to expand around his fingers and hand when going into combat. These are unique devices, having been molded from cortosis fibers and durasteel mixtures.

Above all, Travanix is a tactition and master planner. All efforts to engage him in combat should be considered high risk with substantial casualty counts.


He has few allies and considers any that work for him or with him to be expendable. He has few friends, relying on service and aid from those who he has enslaved by various means.