Topic: OOC - New Job!


Date: 2007-05-31 23:17 EST
Well, as some of you have probably noticed, I've not been around much. I've recently gotten a new job that has sucked all "free" time from me. I'm trying to come up with more avilable time, but I'm finding that to be a problem unto itself. I'm still around, just trying to work around a new schedule. I'm checking emails as much as I can, but its hard to do when I'm actually working.

Miss you all, back soon as I can...

Evil Mun


Date: 2007-06-01 23:08 EST
I noticed you haven't been around... ::whimperpout::

We ::that's the royal "we"; me, myself and I:: Miss you too!!!

Congrats on the new job though!!! (Yes, even though it's keeping you from us...) And here's hoping you'll get back on soon!!!



Date: 2008-10-11 01:37 EST
As many of you have probably noticed (those that care anyway) I've not been around much in the last month or so. I've gotten yet another job - only difference this time is - I LOVE my new job. However, it does suck all my time. In addition, they have blocked RDI and most IM services from the internal network, which makes even some time no time.

I don't know what's going to happen, or how this will impact things but I wanted to let you know that I'm trying to be here, often times I can't. We'll just have to see how it goes.
