Topic: Reborn and Returned


Date: 2008-04-24 10:52 EST

Nowhere, nothing.

A thought alone moves through fog.

Senseless, moving and stationless.

A volt of electrical charge passes through, a movement occurs. A shift along side, and another charge explodes. More movement, a beating starts, growing faster. Images flash and then blackness. It comes again, another shock, causing the beat to become harder, faster, stronger. More movement, subtled and strange.

He opens his eyes, as the tube thrusts him out into the world. The metal platting upon the floor reverbs with the sound of his hit. The slime dripping off of him into a puddle. The brown hair was slightly longer than he would care for, but a haircut could correct that. He clenched the metal platting under his hand. He whispered out, "I live." He pulled himself up with the aid of the door.

One of the slave girls came running to his side. The touch was strange and familiar all at once. He looked at her through the vail of goo. It was one the twins. She smiled, pulling him close as if to protect him. With each passing moment, his strength was returning, the body responding to direction. He allowed her to take him to the shower where he found it already running. Something in his senses warned him.

As he reached out, he could sense Romax in the distance, working a terminal. No doubt, terminating any other imperfect and undesierable form. The darkness flowed through him like a river, thanks to the rage he had built up. He understood things better now. He felt the course of power through his own body growing. The girl lead him passed the full mirror, and he stopped. He leaned forward, seeing that it was himself once more.

There were preperations, the girl said. Events to clean him up and make ready for the new day.

He smiled darkly and nodded, thanking his pet.


Date: 2008-04-24 13:38 EST
The water felt good washing down over his flesh. One of the twins, one of his "daugthers" hummed gently a tune that their tortured mother once hummed to them, trying to win them back over to her.

He leaned against the wall, still feeling the effects of the transfer. His muscles were coming around, and there wasn't so much effort to move any more. Finally, he stepped out, looking into the mirror once more. His hair was cut shorter, the way it should have been. Several of the "new" scars were healing once more. He ran his hand over his chest, counting them once more.

So many tales, so many deaths.

Yet, here he is. Still carrying out the operations that brings him closer to his goals.

The twins returned carrying his uniform and belt. They aided him in dressing, going over more details to keep him up today. Reports from the city directly were flashing up on a monitor beside the mirror.

The elder of the twins excused herself saying the shuttle needed to be prepared.

It was time to remind the people of what terror truly is.

Katerrina Hess

Date: 2008-04-24 14:32 EST
Katerrina watched silently as the tube opened. She understood how Master Travanix was able to come back after getting a lightsaber strike in the heart. She watched the slime ooze onto the floor, watched as the girl helped her Master into the shower. Getting a new body was harder than she thought. This was the first time she'd seen a transfer, as there weren't cloning facilities on Ossus. It looked painful.

She closed her eyes, going into the Force. This time she knew the man getting slime washed off him was her Master. She felt the Darkness around him, stronger than it ever was. She could feel the strength return to his body, feel the muscles charge and energize. Soon he'd be as he was when she first walked into the Inn. Master of the Chainned Inn, Master of the Dark Tower, Master of the Force.

Katerrina kept tight control over herself as she walked towards him. Nothing showed on her face as she stood near him, no sign of the emotions inside her. She bowed slightly as she spoke.

"Good to see you back, Master."


Date: 2008-04-24 14:42 EST
He straightend his uniform out infront of one last mirror before heading towards the hanger bay. Katerrina's voice was like honey for him. His apprentice had come far, and learned more every day. Today, she learned that there is no death. The Dark Side has taken care of that.

He folded his arms behind him, pulling the tunic tight around his torso. "It would appear that you have healed from your wounds, my apprentice."

Yes, he remembered the savage beating he unleashed onto his apprentice. Though, even in his weakened emotional state, she grew from it. "It will be time to get back to work once we return to the city."

He turned to face her, before stepping into the bay itself. "You have seen something few others see, even fewer know about. In time, you will learn that this is a greater power than you can possibly imagine. For it is true immortality." He turned from her, walking towards the shuttle as it began to warm up.

"In time, you will be taught all there is to what true power is."

Katerrina Hess

Date: 2008-04-24 22:29 EST
Katerrina looked over her Master's new body. A very small smirk touched her mouth as the tunic pulled across his chest. The right body made all the difference to her eyes. She nodded at his words.

"Those were just scratches, Master. They healed in a day."

Of course the wounds had been much worse than scratches. The beating Master Travanix had given her would've killed a normal person.

"This is some facility. I thought technology like this died with the Emperor." Katerrina looked around the lab, then turned towards the shuttle. "I can see why you keep it a secret. Power like this, the ability to transfer essence. Incredible."

Her stormcloud eyes went blood red for a microsecond. The thought of all that power was intoxicating.

"I can't wait to learn, Master."