Topic: Scarred: Prelude


Date: 2010-09-22 23:05 EST
His fingers drummed lightly against the control are of the command chair. One leg was pulled up, resting on the other one. His auburn eyes scanning the data tablet in his other hand. The going on around him didn't bother him, it didn't impact his thought process, yet he understood everything around him. This trip had been long, had been taxing.

But was well worth it, and every price he paid for it. Images, maps, diagrams, reports flashed across the tablet. He pressed the pause with his thumb and stood up for a moment, the pad being put down in the chair. Taking a few steps forward, he moved towards the display. The starlines of the hyperdrive effect bathed him in a strange light, but it was so familiar, so at home. Turning on his heels, he walked back towards the chair and picked up the tablet.

He glanced over a few more reports before turning it off and walking off the bridge. So much left to be done, so little time to complete everything.

Katerrina Hess

Date: 2010-09-22 23:31 EST
The Apprentice stood in her chamber, dressed for bed in a black nightgown, staring out the window, as she had done since coming to the Tower. So much had changed, both without, and within her. Gone was the uncertainty, the hesitance, replaced with confidence and poise as fit one of the noble class. Her hands were clasped loosely behind her back, stormcloud eyes fixed on the sky she could see through the dark, twisted trees. On her bureau lay her datapad, the message received still flashed upon the screen. Her Master was returning from his journey. Soon, Travanix would be back within the Tower. In his absence, Katerrina had managed the RhyDin affairs with swift and brutal efficiency. Not a credit was out of place, every grain and drop accounted for. All would be as it was, and more.


Date: 2010-09-23 01:14 EST
The immense Eclipse class Super Star Destroyer blurred slightly as it dropped out of hyperspace just outside of the asteroid base of the Circle. Standing at the forward viewport on the bridge, Romax Pol smiled tightly as he once again used the Force to check on the exact location of Travanix and to see just how much time he had left until his arrival. Turning from the view the window offered of the asteroid belt he headed for the turbolift to the main docking bay and the shuttle that was being prepared for him to take over to the hidden base. There were a great many things to see to before his colleague arrived and the Dark Lord was going to make sure that everything was ready to go when Lord Travanix arrived. The doors to the lift opened as he neared and closed behind him as he pressed the button for the main docking bay. He began to chuckle softly to himself as the lift dropped him through the massive ship.


Date: 2010-09-23 10:48 EST
One, two, three...

Sweat dripped from an obsidian dark brow, beading down, rolling fast as it neared the low-riding crown of a snowy brow; then it was lost, and the count began again. Her body moved like the shadows wished they could, making the darkness itself mourn it's inept mass in each withered corners of the bright room. Isir had begun exercising her body some time ago as was Romax's desire and instruction for all his pets, but it hadn't been long after her body first showed signs of lean, strong structure beneath all her sweet curvature, that that exercise had given way to the motions of war and the deadly flare of precision combat.

One, two, three...

All manner of weaponry lined the wall, laying sweet and deceivingly innocuous on unseen mounts. Each piece called to the svelte form as she danced her deadly paces in it's own whispering way, spurring her further, urging her to move as surely as silk urged one's skin to quiver and pimple up in pleasure. Like a poison made pretty, she welcomed the creeping influence; it blended seamlessly with her Master's chilly, ever present presence. Out of all the weapons that lined the wall, however, blades called to the drowess more than anything. Much like her penchant for the shadows and the paths she enjoyed to weave through them, Isir craved to cool, smooth weight of a blade in the cradle of her palm. There was a moment when the hilt fit just right, and all the world was a song of glory. They became extensions of limbs; another part of her body to command and flex at will, to bend and whirl as she pleased.

One, two, three...

Now, deep in the Asylum, haunted by the distant pulse of the club, Isir danced, tending the blossoms that'd bloomed from her budding talents. Those distant pulses were her underlying rhythm, and until her Master's voice called her otherwise, she'd listen to nothing else. She waited; she danced; and oh, how she wove with those swords.

One, two, three...

Eiellani Rose

Date: 2010-09-23 16:51 EST
The broken form of a slave girl was cleared from the tower floor with swift efficiency. She'd fallen while polishing a particularly stubborn crevice of the ceiling. Lani had watched her fall from where she stood, supervising the cleaning she had ordered for the morning.

Flawed. The girl was unneeded if she could not perform such a simple task. Another was put in her place to finish it, swiftly and neatly to the satisfaction of the First.

Perfection. Nothing less. The Lord would return soon with business to attend to. No flaw at home should remain to disrupt his plans elsewhere.