Topic: Sheep in Diplomatic Clothing? - Ravensheart Kidnapping


Date: 2008-04-30 18:46 EST
Evening came quietly just as the figures appeared a fair distance away near the road.... quiet and unobserved. There was no reason to be observed at this distance. They were hidden within the foilage and they were no threat to the Chained Inn at present. Perhaps they weren't a threat at all. Time would tell...

A tall female dressed in black stepped to the side of the gated portal allowing the rest to step through. She wondered how often others had done the same, gating in to some place near while on their way to the Chained Inn. She could imagine many would do this on their way out, taking with them the slaves they'd just bought.

A nod was given to each as they stepped through. She waited until they were all present before the gate was shut.

"Any last minute thoughts?"

((Time line for this is the day after the Ravensheart kidnappings... in the evening. For more info:
Kidnappings and the closing of Ravensheart
Secret Base Camp - Ravensheart Kidnappings))