Topic: The Brutal Truth

Katerrina Hess

Date: 2008-04-19 00:07 EST
Blood always leaves a trail behind. In this case a long trail from the largest training room to the Tower's sleeping quarters where Katerrina sat, beaten and bloody, on her sleep-couch. Blood covered her. Blood that was slowly being washed off by one of the Tower girls. The cool water stung, but Katerrina didn't flinch. Flinching hurt too much.

The exercise started like usual. Katerrina programmed random waves of probe droids to fly at her. One of the waves was Master Travanix. He came at her hard and fast, but she counterattacked with a flurry of blows that seemed to catch him off guard. A nasty slash across his chest staggered him backwards. His eyes went blood-red, and the next thing she felt was his fist crushing her jaw. She never saw him move. She barely blocked his lightsaber as it came for her neck. Each strike he dealt her was a killing blow, and she had to fight off his saber as well as his fist. The pain channeled into rage, but it wasn't enough. Master Travanix kept coming. Katterrina had felt his brutality before, but it was always tempered by iron control. This time, she knew he had no control. The last thing she remembered was Master Travanix throwing her against the wall, pinning her against it. After that, everything was black.

Katerrina winced as ellie applied bacta patches to the deep wounds on her back. The girl worked quietly and efficiently. She rewarded her work with a slight touch of the girl's mahogany hair. It was all she could manage with a broken wrist.

Once the girl finished and was dismissed, Katerrina went deep into the Force. Bacta was good for the cuts and burns and bruises. But the Force was better for internal injuries. The Force told her she not only had a broken wrist, but broken ribs, a broken jaw and a fracture in her pelvis. She had deep lacerations. Her body hovered slightly as the Force worked to heal her wounds. It would take more than the Force to heal her confusion.