Topic: The Circuit Disrupted.

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2011-03-30 12:08 EST
Rook opted to head for the ship, it was closer than the apartment she shared with Hawk and probably more secure. It wasn?t large by any standards, but Hawk would talk of its, or her as he was prone to insist upon, specifications for hours.

Currently only two people could enter, and the door slid open as she pressed her palm to the interface and it took a reading of the nanites in her blood, confirming her identity. Ducking as she entered and crossing toward her cabin, located closer to the back of the ship.

A sultry voice broke the silence, it was all too apparent who had chosen the personality for the AI, ?Rook, you are trailing dirt.? The voice sounded as though it were attempting to be helpful but Rook knew better.

?It?s blood.? She said in that flat tone that she adopted when she was pushing all emotions aside. It wasn?t her blood so that made it easier.

Rook would have sworn she could hear the AI sigh at her. ?Notify Hawk, I need him to do some cleanup.? She was speaking as she entered her cabin, and was in the process of shrugging out of her jacket and then pulling off the shirt beneath.

?He will not be happy.? The voice sounded petulant now.

?Amato, I need you to focus.? One hand brushed across an interface, allowing some of the nanites to merge with the AI and give it the necessary details. A wave of her other hand and four images appeared just to the side of her, all displays hanging midair and showing her images of various locations. One was showing her vitals on the ship and other pertinent information that she might need.

?You have three broken ribs, will you require time in stasis??

That made Rook laugh, and then wince. ?Karma is a harsh mistress some days.? Still it would not take long for the nanites in her blood to repair the damage to the point where the pain would subside. She paused to take a look over her shoulder at the mirror behind her, the majority of her right side was a purple-black hue, she?d taken a fair amount of the force from slamming into the wall. She would need to stay away from Arlin for at least a day unless she wanted to have to explain that. She sighed, she was unsure that she could force herself to stay away from him.

Then, because she knew she would have to tell him sooner or later she added, ?Inform Hawk that the Black Rose ops have found us. He is to step up security.?

?Information transmitted. I can not repeat his reply but it was colorful.? Amatos soft voice chimed in as Rook was switching what was being displayed with an arc of her hand through the air in front of one of the displays. Hawk had programmed the AI to never use vulgarities, he didn?t find it attractive.

?Do a sweep, find the ship they arrived in. Let me know immediately when you have it. Send a transmission to Admiral Rooks, encode Alpha Sigma four four nine Zeta, Special ops sighted. Situation controlled.? She laid down on the bed, prepping a cigarette to dull the edge of pain. She?d used a lot of her strength on that fight and needed a few minutes to convalesce.

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2011-04-18 09:31 EST
In the annals of history there are seldom few mentions of women on the field of battle. Behind the lines, back at camp attending the wounded, or entertaining the men during downtime, those stories abound. But fighting shoulder to shoulder with the men? That seemed to strain and stress a societies view of itself; those gender blurring actions that the general populace seemed unwilling to allow to be seen as a ?norm? for their society.

When the genetic mutation cropped up only in women on Alterra the implications of it were not fully understood. The first generation of women with the gift of technomancy were able to do only the smallest of parlor tricks. Scientists predicted that, in time, they would be able to assist with things like complex surgeries, or perhaps even something like defensive shielding.

?You are to report back to Alterra, to the Ziagon Holding Center. You have ten days to comply with these orders.?

Rook stood in the center of her cabin, the hologram of her father was at eye level and she watched his face for signs of any emotion. It didn?t have to be regret, or pain, but something, surely something must go through a mans heart when he was ordering his only child to their death.

?And if I do not comply??

It was the third generation of technomancers that saw its first level five. The first that discovered that their ability could be used for something less passive. It was then that the military instituted the policy of actively seeking out girls that showed the skill of technomancy. It was kept from the public, this new discovery, and for a time society was blissfully unaware of the possibility that things had changed in their male-dominated world.

?You will be forced to comply. I recommend surrendering yourself. Perhaps you can save Hawk.?

?Save Hawk? Why does he need saving? He has done nothing to --?

Her father cut her off. ?The mission was top secret, as far as most of the military is concerned he went rogue already to illegally assist a technomancer in escaping Alterra.?

?You fucking bastard.? She wasn?t sure who was more surprised to hear her say that. Never in her life had she cursed at her father, she would have sworn that the possibility of such a thing was not even worth considering. ?He was following your orders!? The air surrounding her pulsed, her anger getting the better of her control.

?Ten days.?

The image winked out leaving her alone in the silence that followed. ?I won?t take you.? Hawk spoke from behind her and her shoulders stiffened.

The first level ten technomancer was Cassandra Del?Toro. Found at the age of five in a small village north of Firenze. She had thrown a temper tantrum and split the earth open, sinking nearly the entire village twenty feet into the dirt. The area suffered earthquakes for years after the incident. The military enacted a strict policy of forced registration, and each girl found was taken from their homes to be trained at newly opened Academies.

These Academies focused on training, on exploring possibilities but above all else they focused on instilling these girls with an unwavering loyalty to the government and a strong need to obey orders. Specialists in the arts of human behavior were enlisted and paired with scientists to tailor the process. Any child that showed signs of independence or rebellion were quietly sent away never to be heard from again; the other children were told that they failed out of the Academy and were sent home.

?Were you never told it is rude to eavesdrop, Hawk.? The muscles along her jaw were tight with anger, her mind still reeling from the implications of her communication and what it meant for her future... or lack thereof.

?They?re killing all the technomancers that surrender themselves, you know that. I won?t let you.? He closed the distance between them and grabbed her arm to turn her around and face him. ?You won?t find anyone else to take you to Alterra, I?ll make sure of it.? His grey eyes shone with the conviction of a fanatic and he met her stare unflinchingly. ?I?m going to tell Arlin. He won?t let you... I won?t... you can?t.?

She stared at him, then his hand on her arm. ?I can?t? It is my duty. What am I if not a technomancer? What?! You have known me for years, Hawk. Tell me how I could live knowing that I have turned my back on everything I believe in, have always believed in since I was a child?? There was anger in her tone and the air surrounding her pulsed again.

He felt the pulse and nearly dropped his hold on her but he knew that would tip things away from him and he could not allow for that to happen. If he had to go to Arlin to win this battle he would, gladly. The thought of losing Rook to Arlin was painful enough, the thought of her dead; the pang that struck his heart felt like a steel stake piercing through the muscle. ?You believed in it because you were a child. You haven?t been given a chance to do anything else. We will find something else, Rook.?

?You will not go to Arlin.? Her tone was cold and commanding.

When a society is brutally awakened to the reality that it should no longer be a male dominated world is when tragedies on a massive scale are usually seen. History itself seems to defy the role of a passive viewer and twists fate to set things ?right? that it cannot, or will not comprehend. History was not surprised at the chapter being writ on Alterra; it was, according to history, only a matter of time.

?I will. The only way you will be able to stop me from doing everything in my power to keep you from following that bullshit order is by killing me, Rook. So do it now if you?re going to do it.? The honesty of the words left no room for doubt, no possibility of uncertainty.

?Hawk, if I do not turn myself in they will kill you too.? Her tone had softened, as did her expression. ?How could I live with myself if that happened? I am no longer a child and I know what those orders mean. Do you remember Kinos??

The mention of that place caused Hawk to pale, an involuntary shudder raced up his spine. ?Why would you bring that--? He paused, his eyes narrowed. ?That was not the same. We were on a mission and what I did was in the line of duty.?

Only a matter of time.

?Liar.? The word was spoken with affection. They both knew what he did for her on Kinos was not in the line of duty. The commander on that mission ordered him to retreat, ordered him to leave her there. He?d nearly died pulling her unconscious form from the ruins of the building, her own blood had done massive damage to him. Without commands from her the nanites in her spilled blood reacted offensively, burning anything that came in contact with it that was foreign.

He?d been in the hospital far longer than she for that mission.

?Don?t go. Please, Ciani.?

?We are done this conversation Hawk.? She turned from him and headed for the exit, she needed to be alone with her thoughts.

? Only a matter of time.


Date: 2011-04-25 11:03 EST
There was an art to what he did, and it required a light hand. Her dreams were bright in the landscape of the night, so easily identified as uniquely her. His people all possessed the skill to craft a persons dreams to some degree or another, Vegas excelled at the manipulation of nightmares.

His approach had gone without notice, infusing his consciousness into one of the trees that spread languid arms over the silver waters below. Beautiful white flowers in bloom served as eyes as he watched Rook relive her day with Arlin on Karpathos, the landscape distinct enough to recognize even with so narrow a view.

The couple were entangled, Rook?s back was pressed to a tree and Vegas shifted so that he was one with it. He could feel her flesh against the bark, the light colored sundress was hiked up by questing, greedy hands and he could sense Arlin moving his body to merge with Rooks. Sounds of pleasure filled the air and Vegas could smell the rose and almond of Rook blend with Arlin's more masculine scent.

He, like many of his kin, was a voyeur and the scene unwrapping before him aroused a passion that stayed his hand for the moment. Both Rook and Arlin were well formed, fit and pleasing to the eye; the way they consumed one another was impressive. It was no wonder that Rook found this a subject of her dreams, the expression of rapture on her face was nearly too much for Vegas and he nearly snatched her from the scene to fulfill one of his own devising.

Suppressing the urge with difficulty he waited. When he sensed the lull in activity, both having temporarily spent their lust was when he brought a curtain of night down upon her thoughts; sending her into a deeper sleep while he set up his trap.

A successful trap was simple. Too many made the mistake of believing that the dream needed to be elaborate and full of stimulus for the victim to be fully immersed. Vegas knew that what was required was basics that were detailed and touched all of the victims senses.

It was with that in mind that he created the room that was mostly barren, white washed walls with harsh white light. He placed her on a slab of metal, a cold steel table that he set upright and then fastened around her wrists and ankles metal bindings that would cut if tested. The air held the sharp bitter tang of copper and little else.

When all was in readiness he reached out and prodded her consciousness, bidding her to enter his world. The expression of confusion was sweet to behold... he did so love his work.

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2011-04-27 09:42 EST
She slept. The usual calm expression that descended on her features nightly as she was freed from thoughts and concerns present as she curled against Arlin?s side.

Her dreams were not typical; the nanites in her blood recorded events and then, on occasion, would play them back during the times that most people dreamed. She was back on Karpathos, the warm breeze playing in the fabric of her dress and Arlin was pulling her close to speak, ?But if you insist on hearing my perverted comments...I would be the cat she rides wearing that dress.?

Rook had yet to simply state that she loved him though she was slowly coming to accept the fact she did. There was no denying that she lusted for him and his touch, the chemistry mixed with the technology they both possessed had easily made him the best lover she?d ever had by far.

Every touch was placed perfectly, every kiss sending shivers up her spine. It had produced sharp memories that lingered close to her consciousness so it was not surprising that she replayed them. Due to the fact it was essentially a recording each moment was sharp and complete. All her dreams were like that... When the landscape went dark it did not alarm her as it was a common event; one memory giving way to another.

There was a failure to notice when another had commandeered her consciousness though, someone so skilled that he did not leave a trace for her mind to rebel against.

The cold bite of steel at her wrists woke her from her slumber. It took her a moment to focus and another to snap to attention. A moment ago she had been with Arlin, his arms wrapping around her as they sank to the lush grass beneath a blooming tree, no that had been a dream of the day. She should have been in bed next to him, safe... secure but instead she was in an upright position pinned against a metal slab, her wrists and ankles were bound tight against it and when she jerked the bindings held fast.

Arlin had gotten out of bed without waking her and was meditating nearby. He did not see Rook?s face twist into an expression of anger, did not take note of her arms twitching, nor did he hear the soft growl that came from slightly parted lips.

Drawing in a breath she began the process of sending her nanites out, there wasn?t a substance in existence, none she had ever encountered, that could successfully hold a technomancer. Immediately she realized something was wrong, her nanites weren?t responding, something very much like panic attempted to grip her then.

A pulse of undirected force flowed outward, shaking the immediate area. Arlin, somewhat disoriented, got up and moved toward the bed. One hand reaching out to gently nudge Rook as she tossed, ?Ciani...?

?Impossible.? She whispered and began the process again. There was an emptiness inside that she had never experienced, a lacking that filled her world and left her at a loss.

?Tsk, tsk. Rook. Have you forgotten all you learned of us?? The voice was silky smooth and layered with power and a dark seduction. When Vegas stepped into her field of vision she found herself unable to look away. He was in his true form and it was nearly blinding; silvery white wings sprouted from broad shoulders, he was bare to his waist and his musculature could have come straight from a physiology book of perfection. Dark, unkempt hair fell to his shoulders and eyes of molten gold focused on her with an intense mixture of lust and hatred.

Reflexively she jerked forward again, the bindings biting deep and opening the flesh along her wrists. ?Where is Arlin? What have you done? I will kill you.? The venom in her tone did nothing to phase Vegas... whatever he had done to disable the nanites in her blood was a process he was apparently confident would continue to do its job.

Again, a wave of force flowed outward, it was strong enough to bruise flesh and shatter fragile objects within the room. The growl turned into a snarl, a trapped animal about to lash out at whatever got too close. He could see a web of silver snake across her flesh and although unfamiliar with Alterran physiology it didn?t take an expert to know that was dangerous. This time he shook her more forcefully, ?Ciani, come on love, it's just a bad dream. Wake up!?

There was something she was forgetting, something important but just then her thoughts would not turn from finding Arlin. Again she jerked against the bindings, blood now flowed down her arms, ruby red drops falling to the floor below.

?I do not have to do anything to Arlin, Rook. You will kill him.?

?Never!? She spat the word out and tried again, futilely, to lunge at him.

?You are a monster, Rook. A pretty monster, but still, a cold-hearted killer to murder him in his sleep and after such a lovely day. Did he not satisfy you? You looked satisfied. Still this is the price for not turning yourself in, next will probably be Hawk. Can you imagine the expression on his face when the only woman he has ever loved tears the flesh from his bones?? Vegas was closer now, his smile showing pearly white teeth as he leaned to bring his face mere inches from her own.

?Stop! Shut up! I would never! Never!?

"Something like a puppy kicked by its beloved master, I would think." His voice was unbearably smug, twisting a knife in Rooks heart with each word spoken. ?Maybe it would soften the blow if you allowed him the same liberties as Arlin before you killed him??

?STOP! SHUT UP! I would never! NEVER!? Came the final warning that something was horribly wrong. The glow of untold power shone through closed lids as she jerked and prepared to attack her nightmare...

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2011-05-06 13:49 EST
The spaceport was nearly deserted, it had been every evening this week, some festival in town had drawn the populace and left the remaining areas resembling ghost towns. There was a portion of her mind focused on tracking any oddities in her surroundings, her military training would allow for no less, the rest of her mind was shifting through the recent events in her life and possible solutions. How she had managed to collect so many enemies at once was astounding, considering it was only a few months prior that few would dare make challenge. Perhaps she had grown used to the safety that came with the title of technomancer, there was nothing to do about that now except adjust and move forward.

It had been days since she allowed herself to simply sleep, she started going to the ship to put herself in stasis instead; that was her current destination. Vegas was eluding her attempts at finding him and she could not be sure any precautions she took against him would be successful, as she had never tried to shield her dreams before. It prevented her from spending nights with Arlin and that made her... what? She had spent her nights alone for years, why should a few nights now make any difference to her disposition? And yet it did. She would not risk another episode like the one the other day; she had done damage both to Arlin and to his home.

Hawk was still hiding something from her, she was sure of it. She had caught him researching files on odd topics twice now; walking into his room as he hastily tried to change the view. It probably wasn?t regarding Arlin, what other things could he possibly hope to find that was not freely given?

She rounded the corner and entered the private bay where the Sparviero waited, everything was silent. It wasn?t that she had forgotten about the mysterious messages, they were filed away to deal with when they became more pressing. Someone sending her vaguely threatening messages simply could not compete with the very real threat that Vegas or the Black Rose represented.

Her hand was hovering over the control panel that would slide the door to the ship open when she sensed something wasn?t right. Slowly she turned and tried to parse what it was she sensed, as she communicated via her uplink silently. ?Amato, scan the bay and the surrounding area, look for heat signatures. Also, check the footage outside they bay in a one block radius over the past 24 hours and tell me if there was anyone, anyone at all.?

The sensation of being watched increased and she reacted by pushing her shield out. It redistributed force and if there was a larger area it would mean less to absorb by motion or pain. She could see nothing, heard no sounds beyond the hum of the lights and the ship waiting.

Amato transmitted images to her optical uplink, a method by which she would be able to see things privately. It produced the image of a monitor hovering about a foot from her, it was a construct her mind created to help her process the information that was being fed through the technological link.

There was a flash of movement, then for a moment there was someone caught on one of the video feeds that Hawk had hidden around the port. ?Freeze that, enhance the frame.? One hand rose, her fingers moving to just in front of where her mind projected the image, a quick flick of fingers outward caused the image to enlarge and a push of her palm forward zoomed in to the persons face. It was blurry, and even as Amato enhanced it there was still too much distortion to positively identify the figure... not positively. ?No. She is dead.?

Amato mistaking the softly spoken statement as a question replied. ?Cross-referenced photos have come up with two possible identities.?

Her pulse was picking up and she could feel her defenses building without conscious thought. ?No. She. is. dead.? Each word emphasized as though she could imprint that on the universe and make it comply with the facts as she knew -- needed -- them.

?The first is unlikely, as I have a record of your whereabouts at the time the image was taken.?

She shook her head, one hand moving to strike the access panel so she could retreat into the safety of the ship.

?The second is Calypso...?

?Silence.? She hissed the word as she stepped into the ship, swiftly moving toward the stasis chamber. ?Lock the ship down Amato. Only allow Hawk access if it is an emergency.? She needed to think but not now; now she wanted the quiet oblivion that stasis would offer. For just a short time she wanted to believe that the name Amato was going to speak was not that of Calypso Rooks...

Jonathan Hawk

Date: 2011-05-11 08:55 EST
The message he?d received was that Rook had found Vegas and required his backup. The intelligence he?d gathered on Vegas was incomplete, few if any accounts of the mans people existed, and too many read like commoner superstitions of angels and demons.

He knew that the man could shift his shape so that the large wings that sprouted from his back were not visible, and that his people were adept at some forms of magic, according to Rook Vegas specialized in mental magics, that was probably the reason she wanted his assistance.

When he got to the Inn he scouted both inside and out, Rook wouldn?t be happy with that but he wanted to get a feel for the place and he had hoped to find Vegas there and catch him unawares. When the time Rook gave passed he was mildly concerned, one of Rook?s quirks was habitual punctuality. When the wait stretched to nearly an hour past the time he was pacing in front of the building nervously and waiting for Amato to get a fix on Rook to hunt her down.

?Hawk, come with me.? The voice came from the shadows nearby, and Rook stepped into a pool of light thrown by one of the street lamps so he could identify her before turning and heading down the street again, expecting Hawk to follow.

He did, of course, follow her but there was something that felt off about the situation, beyond the tardiness of her arrival. Amato had still not responded to his query and that was another oddity to add to the pile of growing incongruous events.

They walked for nearly thirty minutes without speaking, any attempts to engage Rook in conversation was met with a raised hand as she indicated that they should maintain silence. Three times he tried to get a response from Amato and was met with nothing but a mimicking silence from the link.

When the approached the port he hurried his step to pull along side Rook, whom until that point had been keeping a few paces in front of him. ?I can?t reach Amato. What?s going on Rook??

When Rook turned toward him and in a smooth action wrapped her arms around his shoulders to draw him into a kiss that had only ever happened before in his fantasies his brain told him that he should panic. His body responded to the contact by sliding his arms around her waist, pulling him hard against his frame and returning the kiss with a passion he would never have admitted to Rook existed.

She smelled wrong, was the thought that popped into his head. Ciani always smelled faintly of roses and almonds; the woman in his arms now smelled strongly of a flowery perfume, the hint of almonds was there but nearly drowned. He began to pull away but one hand had reached up and rested against the back of his head and was now pinning him in the kiss, not allowing him to retreat.
It was just about then that he felt the nanites begin to shoot small electrical shocks through his body, and he jerked violently. The woman allowed him to fall from her then, a wicked smile on lips that looked so much like Ciani?s.

?Was it as good for you, Hawk?? Dark laughter laced the words and he saw her hand move to push a palm out toward him.

He tucked into a ball and rolled to the side, a bolt of lightning striking the spot he stood just a moment before and the scent of charged ozone filled the world. There was a gun in his hand, he didn?t remember going for it but muscle memory was a powerful thing and he pulled the trigger without thought.

The rapport of the gun sounded loud in the corridor, echos of the lightning still bruised his ears adding to the cacophony. ?Caly.? It was an acknowledgement that was spoken like a curse.

?Calypso to you. Where is the love? Where is the gratitude for not killing you already?? Her tone was cold as the deepest winters night and her hands were moving again. The shot had hit her shield and was easily absorbed and she was approaching him like he was a small animal that would soon be cuffed behind the ear for misbehaving.

Pain whipped through him as barbs of metal ruptured through his flesh from the inside. He had allowed her to touch him... not just touch him, he?d given an all-access pass to her nanites to enter his body. He drew his second gun and aiming both at Caly opened fire, they dropped from unresponsive hands a moment later as barbs thrust up through wrist and arm severing the muscles.

?Barbs are not a good look for you Hawk. I wonder if Arlin will wear it better.?

The sound of laughter followed his descent into unconsciousness...

Calypso Rooks

Date: 2011-05-14 20:20 EST
The past week had been spent scouting the bay and infiltrating the systems with her nanites; on the fly a technomancer was powerful but given time to lay a trap she could be devious and elegant. It was a simple matter to shutdown the security cameras as she made her way through the corridors with Hawk slung over her shoulder, the nanites left behind her as she went would clean up the trail of blood.

Marching up to the Sparviero like she owned it she pressed a palm to the interface, and the door slid open. Amato?s voice called out to her as she continued toward the stasis chamber in the back of Ciani?s cabin. ?Rook, what has happened? Hawk?s vitals are all wrong. Is that his blood that you?re trailing? It is!?

Calypso had finished reprogramming the sensors on the ship earlier that day, replacing Ciani?s imprints with her own. It would work for most of the functions of the ship, she would be unable to control the weapons, there were too many things to change in a ship built specifically for her daughters DNA and nanites to complete in a week; but navigation and sensors were hers and that would suffice for now.

?Oh I would not concern your pretty little head, Amato. He is still breathing.?

?What?? Came the confused reply.

?Gods why have they not upgraded you yet? You are an antiquated piece of crap. I suppose I should thank them, you have made my job so much easier. If they had a real AI it might have taken me longer to get the information I needed on Hawk and Ciani. I have no idea where the girl gets her sentimentality from, that must be why she keeps you.? As she spoke she made her way toward the stasis chamber.

She sensed Amato trying to send out messages, and them being captured in the net of interference she?d cast over the bay. ?Finally caught on, did you? I would be careful not to anger me, Amato. Hawk lives only because I allow it.?

?You can not hope to win against Ciani, she is more powerful than you.? Amato was trying to stall Calypso as she tried again and again to contact Ciani.

?More powerful?? Opening the door to the stasis chamber she threw Hawk in with a force great enough to crack one of his ribs. The man made a soft noise of protest but put up no resistance. She leaned in close as she spoke, certain that Hawk could still register her words. ?She may excel at certain types of technomancy.? One hand reached out to touch the wall and send a potent bolt of electricity through the ship, shorting out the communications module and some of the other systems.

?But she cares too much for others. Like this one.? She said as she laid a hand on Hawks chest and sent a shock of electricity through his body. He jerked like a marionette on a string and she laughed. Slamming the door to the stasis chamber shut and turning on her heel, ?And for the other, Arlin Du?Masseuir, now he is an interesting specimen. I have some lovely plans for him. Now be a good girl and call her to me.? She forced the AI to send a message she had crafted, it would bring Ciani to her, and then she would send the other message to bring Arlin here too.

Ideally she would incapacitate Ciani and then bond her man while she was aware. Her orders had been to bring Ciani in alive and unharmed. There were many definitions of harm though, and the wounds she intended to inflict would be far more damaging than any physical ones.

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2011-05-14 22:19 EST
Her steps took her from the Stars End and she waited until she turned the corner before she broke into a run. ?Amato, report.? It was spoken through the link she had with the AI, so the people she passed on the street would hear none of it, at least that would not add to the strange looks she was receiving already.

?Hawk is in the stasis chamber, Calypso brought him in, she used some type of technomancy to hide her identity from me. I am sorry, Rook. I will run diagnostics and have possible solutions to prevent future breaches. The first two messages I sent were delayed by her and it was only when she left that I realized that it was not you and sent the update.? That was not what Amato wanted to send, Calypso had not left, she was still there, but that was what reached Ciani.

The update had been ?Calypso breached security, accessed files and there are signs that she has done something to Hawks vitals that I cannot decipher. Your assistance required immediately.? If Ciani had taken a few moments to think about it she would have realized that there was something wrong with the cadence of the words, they were not formatted in a manner consistent with Amato, but it was Hawk and he was in danger.

All of her information on Calypso was suspect as she believed that her mother had gone rogue a long time ago and followed only the orders that suited her own personal agenda. What that agenda entailed was any ones? guess, but Ciani held no illusions that her mother felt anything warm and fuzzy toward her only child.

?What is Hawk?s status?? She was rushing through the corridors of the port and was fast approaching the Sparviero, turning the last corner the sound of engines firing up caused her heart to skip a beat. ?Amato, what are you doing? Why are the engines spinning up??

?Rook, it is not me. I do not have control anymore.?

If an AI could have emotions then Amato was expressing panic as poignantly as Rook felt at the moment. The roof of the bay was rolling back to expose the starry night above and the ship was rising from its docking position. ?No! Amato, kill the engines! Shut down the cameras to this section of the port, quickly!? There was a part of her brain that was calmly telling her that Amato was not in charge and therefore that first action was impossible. The second command was to prevent the local authorities from showing up too quickly, she did not want to have to worry about harming civilians.

?No.? She growled and sent a wave of power out, this was aimed at grounding the ship, forcing it to remain within the dock long enough for Amato to regain control. There was no time for something elegant or subtle, and the ground shook as unrelenting pressure pounded against the reinforced structure of the bay.

Silver lines began to etch their way across her flesh, spidery tales of the technology that ran through her veins telling a story of strength and struggle. ?Amato!? The name tore free from lips that were curled in a snarl, the ships engines exerting more and more resistance against her efforts.

?Rook, behind you!? The warning came a second before the sharp and distinctive rap of gunfire began to echo in the bay.

There was no thought to the action she performed, there was nothing and then there was fire and shards of metal torn free from the bay doors aimed at the source of the attack. There was a roar as the ship lifted toward the open skies above before stopping as though it hit a wall.

There was a bitter taste of blood in her mouth as she growled and she felt some trickle from her nose, when was the last time she had a cigarette? If the weakness in her legs was any indicator the answer to that was too long ago. Pain raged through her body and threatened to steal her consciousness. ?Will.NOT.Happen.? She shouted at the ship. Behind her there was silence, the wall of fire and steel had torn through the fragile men that thought that flanking a busy technomancer full of power was a good idea.

Her breath was coming in ragged gasps, she could hear the wet sound of blood that was filling her lungs. Both hands thrust forward and a section of the floor broke free and hurled itself at one of the engines of the Sparviero, simultaneous with a burst of energy that would disrupt the shield there; a benefit of the ship being being built to merge with her specific physiology was that she knew precisely where its weaknesses lay.

There was a burst of fire as the displaced materials crashed into the engine and forced it to shutdown or explode, the ship spun madly as its second engine continued to operate for another minute before spinning down, the ship slammed down and went silent.

She barely managed to avoid being brained by a wing as it swung at her, the action of ducking out of the way morphing into a fast and hard fall to the ground. There was so much pain, and blood, a hand rose to wipe at her face and came away slick with the ruby red liquid.

?Amato.? It wasn?t out loud, her lungs were suffocating, she was drowning in her own blood.

Amato had not waited for an order, OK, she didn't bother to wait for an order she knew would never come; she sent a message to Mother. ?Mother, Rook needs Arlin at the Sparviero, now. Please, please tell him he must hurry.?

Calypso Rooks

Date: 2011-05-23 13:52 EST
?He's mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf...? Shakespeare

There was just enough time, she thought as she positioned herself in the corridor. The ruined metal doors to the bay were behind her, as were the broken bodies of the men she?d sent in as fodder. Ciani was in the bay and as near to unconscious as made little difference.

She ran her fingers through a pool of blood and combed it through her hair, streaking her cheeks with the viscous fluid; it was a deep red color but she didn?t think that Arlin would pause because it was not the ruby red that technomancers bled.

One of the things about being long-lived is at a point in her twenties she had stopped showing signs of aging, so despite being Ciani?s mother she could pass for her twin. The scientists on Alterra had taken note that the daughter of a technomancer seemed to draw most of their genetic makeup from the mother, the father?s traits swallowed beneath the burden that the active nanites produced.

He would be there soon, she was positive on that. The corridor that led from the outer bays to this one had been laced with her nanites, and now they were broadcasting on all frequencies; creating a net of interference that blanketed the area.

Arlin did not disappoint, he raced around the corner, a blond woman at his heels and stopped dead in his tracks, staring at Caly. She was on the ground, one palm flat against the unyielding floor, the other she reached out toward Arlin, a silent plea. She just needed to touch him for a moment, one moment and he would be trapped.

No one knew where, when or who came up with the process of bonding, Caly suspected it was a scientist. Done the way it was ?supposed? to, the way that was approved by the government, it would hand over control of a technomancer; giving whatever person they bonded with the ability to bypass the defenses and effectively shut a technomancer down.

It was a form of slavery that many technomancers willingly engaged in for the chance to have an intimate relationship that was supposedly free of fear. Caly would not be the slave, no, she had tested the process of bonding on a dozen men and half a dozen women until she successfully create a one-way bond. It would give her control over the other person without giving up any control in return. It made for some handy allies in the past few years, even if they started the relationship unwillingly. Next would be Arlin... just one touch.

There was indecision in his gaze and Caly began to wonder if she had underestimated Amato. Had she given Arlin more than the information she provided? The blond was pushing past Arlin,?It?s her Arlin!?

That seemed to get him moving again, holding his hand up to the woman in a hold signal. ?Keep back though, I don't trust uncontrolled nanites.?

?Nanites? She's bleeding over there and you are worried about what her nanites can... ? The woman with him began as Arlin slowly paced down the corridor toward Caly.

Ciani was not yet done with her interference for in the space between where Caly waited and Arlin approached a shelf sprouted from the floor, a six-inch wall of concrete. It could do nothing, but it was odd and that caused Arlin to pause again.

This would not work, it was clear to her in that moment that he hesitated. Well if it would not work she would leave them with a parting gift, the walls began to spark and lightning arced from one side to the other, Arlin and the blond caught between the two.

To say that she was angered by what happened next would be an understatement, Arlin did something to his arm and took her lovely lightning and redirected it away harmlessly. In a fit of anger she expended a torrent of energy to ignite the remaining nanites, a forest of white-hot filaments exploded in the air.

She did not stay to see what damage might be caused, activating her stealth she dashed off down the side corridor and out of immediate danger. Before it was a game, taking Arlin from Ciani was a prize that seemed worth taking, now she added it to her mission. If she would be forced to bow to the one man that held the key to her defenses she could make it entertaining. Besides, she planned on using Ciani to rid herself of that obstacle, and then life would be fun again...

Calypso Rooks

Date: 2011-06-04 23:43 EST
Life was full of ups and downs, this was something that Calypso had learned a long time ago. The fact that she could engineer more ups than downs was something she had begun to take for granted however and that was proving a weakness for her now.

After her failure at the space port she had retreated and regrouped, intent upon gathering better information on Arlin and his physiology. It annoyed her greatly that he had redirected her electrical attack without taking damage. It had infuriated her that he seemed to be mildly put out by the strands of white hot filaments that erupted in the air around him as she made good her retreat.

What had started as a method to cause Ciani pain had now turned to something more personal, she considered his skill at avoiding damage a personal affront to her skills as a technomancer. There was no one that was allowed to blithely dismiss her skills, no one that still lived.

That anger seethed inside her now, twisted and strained to be set free in a burst of destruction that left scars as deep as the ones she bore. Calypso had been unbalanced long before the virus struck; the constant pain it brought her now was an almost welcome validation to the madness she suffered. Oh, she did not believe herself mad, who does when insanity has gripped them so thoroughly that the world itself bent to the will of the warped mind? And in the mind of a person that could bend the world? To her everything she did made sense, it was just and proper that these things be done, and done by her hands.

When her underlings reported that the Blue Star had not only been back but took off again without her being notified there was hell to be paid. The first payment collected had been the messenger; his bloodied and broken body had to be removed using a shovel.

The ship was out of her reach now, but she knew that Ciani would return. She felt Hawk in orbit, knew that it was only a matter of time before they returned for him. Oh, she was positive that Arlin would return with Ciani, he would not be able to leave her alone. He was the knight type and his ego would force him to be nearby to ?keep her safe?.

These thoughts accompanied her as she stalked down the streets, her destination was his townhome. There would be no underestimating him in this, nor would there be a trap of subtle devising. The anger filled her vision and her pulse beat hard through her veins as she began to prepare for her strike.

The building was barely in sight when she stopped and dropped to one knee, placing her palms flat against the cool surface of the concrete and sending her nanites out. Passersby paid her little mind, figuring that she was just another intoxicated citizen trying to get her bearings. The nanites spread quickly and laced the foundation of the building before snaking their way up and into the support beams. The time it took to saturate, not just his building but the surrounding buildings as well, was nominal. This was something she was good at and it was fueled by the unreasonable ire that boiled within.

There were people in those buildings; she could sense them as her nanites made their way around and through. The nanites kept clear of any direct contact with the townhome with the number VII on it, digging beneath that structure so to give Arlin?s AI as little time as possible to sense the threat and react.

A minute, sixty short seconds after she placed her palms to the ground she tilted her face up to look toward the building. Her body burned as she employed her technomancy, her temperature rising and a soft crackling sound filled the air around her as lightning began to dance around her, it was a side effect of when she exerted a large amount of power. In the moment before she set off the fireworks she wondered if Arlin was the type of man to be concerned over innocents being caught in the crossfire? ah by the Gods she did hope for that.

Then the ground shook and the entire city block erupted in a shower of debris and fire. People looked up in shock and then panic as the sky rained brick and flame; it was then that the screaming started.

Later there would be a few people that would report seeing a woman a few blocks from the explosion that appeared to be ?wreathed in lightning? and looking toward the flames that rose high above the line of buildings with a type of amusement before wandering away whistling a merry tune.

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2011-06-21 18:30 EST
They arrived back on Rhy?din and Ciani felt refreshed and loved. There was still a lot to be dealt with but she felt more prepared. On Evo they had bonded, both in the Evoian fashion and the Alterran and the connection she had with Arlin now was embedded bone and soul.

The night had started so well, there at the Red Dragon Inn until Vegas called to her from a room above the bar without voice, and she answered without warning Arlin. When she entered the room she had been prepared to fight, she wasn?t prepared to see Tresa?s necklace hanging casually from one finger. It did not mean Vegas had Tresa... but it was a unique piece and it could have meant he did.

It was not a risk she was willing to take. Later her own arrogance in that moment of decision would haunt her but she followed Vegas when he leap down from the room out of the window of the room.

For a brief moment she thought she saw Arlin, standing in the ruined mess that had been the room at the Inn as Vegas took them high into the sky; the explosion that erupted just after they vacated the room had to be Calypso at work. The man had an arm around her waist and despite his slender build she could feel the steel of his muscles and the strength that lay within.

Ciani did not fear heights but she did prefer to be under her own control when she was at them, or at least feel that she had some control. In this situation she was at the mercy of Vegas and that did not sit well, she could feel her defenses ramp up as they banked and then descended toward the northern section of the town.

They landed on a rooftop of what looked like an abandoned warehouse, the spaceport could be seen in the distance but it was at least a mile away.

?I love night time flying, it?s rare I get to stretch my wings when on assignment, something about keeping a low profile does not work when you look like some peoples idea of an angel.? He chuckled as he switched his hold from her waist to her arm, tugging at her as he moved toward a door.

Jerking her arm from his grasp she stood still. ?We can speak here, Vegas. I will go no further with you until I know you have solid proof for me that I need listen anymore to your words.? In a very obvious fashion she extended her personal shield, the air surrounding her body shimmering for a moment before settling.

?Tresa is below us. You want solid proof you will need to follow me. Oh, and don?t try to search with your little machines, they won?t get past the field Caly set up to keep your nosy little buggers out.? He did not even turn to look at her as he spoke but continued toward the door, confident that she would follow.

Drawing in a breath, she tried to make contact with Amato and, in an unsurprising event, found she could not. Caly could not have gotten here yet, she was close to the Inn when they left and traveling on foot, or even by horse would have taken longer than the flight. Squaring her shoulders she started off after Vegas, entering through the door just a moment behind him.

The staircase was dark and made of metal, each footfall caused an echo effect down and into the depths of the building. ?Just through this door and we can begin our negotiations, Ciani.? He had stopped at a landing and was pushing a thick iron door open, it swung inward on oiled hinges and a dim light spilled into the hall.

Arrogance, she was too self-assured in her ability to get out of impossible situations, but she?d gotten this far so how much of that arrogance was deserved?

She stepped into the room without bothering to do more than scan it quickly, one hand moved to hover near the butt of Morte holstered at her waist. The first EMP wave that struck her had little effect, she had begun shielding herself against that type of attack ever since her training with Arlin.

Her body whipped around, gun in hand, took aim and fired. Drawing on her power she tried again to send forth nanites to work her technomancy and found the way blocked. Had Calypso discovered a way to block even that? If so she was in more trouble than she thought, especially if she could do that at a distance.

The rapport of her gun rang loud in the small space, Vegas moved enough that the bullet struck his shoulder rather than his heart. She reached for Vita as she tucked and rolled further into the room. A shimmering metal rope whipped out and wrapped around her ankle, it didn?t seem like anything worth worrying over but she felt like someone hit a shutdown button and her technomancy was quite suddenly inaccessible.

There was pain and confusion but she still tried to complete the action to get to her feet, and that was when the second EMP wave washed over her and she felt her limbs go limp and unresponsive. The only thing that saved her from a bruising fall was the fact she was already on the ground.

Vegas was chuckling softly as he approached her, a boot kicking at her as though to test for response. There was pain where the chain wrapped around her ankle and he was crouching over her now, and he was busy wrapping it around her wrists while the EMP had her disabled. When he was done he circled her, and she noticed that he had some type of recording device in his hands.

?Calypso will be happy with this you know. Not as happy as she seems at the fact she is, at present, dealing with the nuisance that you call Arlin, but still happy.?

She felt her face to contort in a mask of anger, it was a reflection of the emotion she sensed from Arlin. He was somewhere far from her but still very much alive and although the bond felt muted it was still strong and solid.

?She?ll be back soon, then we?ll be heading to your home for a family reunion.? He didn?t wait for her to respond, turning his back and walking out of the room.

?My family is here, and they are fierce.? She whispered softly to the dimly lit room. Hawk and Arlin would both come if they felt she needed it. For now she focused on keeping calm so that Arlin would not feel the need... she wanted to deal with Calypso and she would do so soon. Again, later her arrogance in that moment would be played over and over as one of the bigger mistakes in her life.

Calypso Rooks

Date: 2011-06-30 10:43 EST

The glen was an odd place in the center of an odd town. Calypso circled around the small lake, just too large to be considered a pond, and sent a communication to Vegas. ?Make ready to transport when I get there. Get Iago to scan for any airborne movements, and have you spoken with Qwen??

The reply was quick. ?We?ll be ready when you arrive. No movements have been detected here, but we did pick up a craft close to your last location, Iago believes it was one of the Evoian ships. Qwen will not be available for another few days, her current assignment is a higher priority for the Brigade.?

There was no apology for the fact that backup would not be provided because she wasn?t important enough. She had come to accept the fact that the Brigade had sent their weakest member; whether it was because even their weakest member was stronger than most or because they secretly were hoping for failure she had not determined. There was something hidden in the depths of the amber eyes of Vegas that she still could not pinpoint; he was arrogant and self assured without showing any hints as to why he should act in such a manner.

The glen itself was riddled with caves and underground passages, for someone with enough tenacity to map them, they could provide a quick and stealthy manner to get from this area to any of the other sections of the city unseen. It was through one of the tunnels that she now traveled across the city, it would mean that she would be well hidden from anyone searching for her from the air, even her heat signature would not be seen so far beneath the earth.

She was jogging now, her thoughts racing ahead of her as she neared her destination. That man, Arlin, was nearly as arrogant as Vegas; her next move would wipe that smirk of his free from his face. Really what she?d prefer to do is just kill the girl and be done with it, the longer she remained alive the more chance there was that she?d find a way to turn the tables. For now that was not possible, not if she wanted to be free of the government, Ciani was her ticket to that goal.

?Vegas, send a copy of the video to Arlin and to Hawk, just the end part.?

?Noted. A video has been sent. ETA??

?Less than five minutes.?

~ Vegas ~

There was still so much about the Brigade that the Alterrans had failed to learn. They were a bright people when they set their minds to a task but they seemed unrelentingly blind to any truths that did not fit in with their ideology. The fact that their belief system was based off the Brigade, if unknowingly, was a source of great amusement to Vegas.

Calypso felt that she could boss him around like some lapdog, and he was willing to allow her that assumption, for now. He returned to the room that held Ciani and moved over to where she was on the floor, she glared at him and he could see she had spent the few minutes alone attempting to free herself of the chains.

He saw Ciani jerk and then watched as the frustration crept over those fine features, so close to Calypso?s but somehow infinitely more alluring; perhaps it was that he?d witnessed her in an intimate moment with Arlin on Karpathos that made him view her thus, maybe.

?The chain that holds you was made specifically to hold a technomancer. Before you bring harm to yourself thinking about that too hard, we had these made for a very long time. The first few times we granted the technology to a people it turned out... poorly. Hard to believe I know.? He was positioning Ciani as he spoke, a hand gently brushing her hair back from her face, fingers lingering on the soft curve of her cheek.

?What... what are you talking about?? Her voice only held the slightest hint of fear, and Vegas was impressed.

He paused to listen to Calypso and give her a few answers before returning his attention to Ciani. ?As much as I would love to explain we are short on time, and I need you to be quiet.? He reached out and placed a strip of some dark adhesive tape over her mouth. ?Look to the camera, amore.?

He snapped a finger and a light sprung to life, illuminating the small room they were in. It was a hovering camera that seemed to know where Vegas wanted it to go and what to shoot. It only took him a few minutes to record what he wished and then he tossed her over his shoulder and moved toward the depths of the building to meet up with Calypso.

~ Calypso ~

In less than five minutes she was entering the warehouse via the secret passage and she saw that Vegas was waiting for her with a bound and gagged Ciani draped over his shoulder.

?You are ready?? She asked as she strode over to the silvery archway that stood in the middle of the room, a doorway attached to no walls. There were intricately carved symbols on the door but they were from a long dead language and Caly could not read whatever message those long dead people wanted her to know.

?Always, Calypso. Your daughter has been very accommodating. You think he will come to us then?? He was following behind her now and toward the archway.

?Unless I miss my guess he is already on his way.? One hand reached out to touch the etched surface, feeling the cool surface beneath her finger tips. Closing her eyes a moment as she concentrated, allowing power to flow from her into the portal until it lit up and the center shimmered with an unearthly glow. ?Everything has been set??

?Yes, he will have a warm welcome waiting for him when he arrives here, all the bells and whistles.? He chuckled softly as he stepped through the portal with his unwilling package, Calypso following him a moment later.

~ Vegas ~

The video was sent out on the frequencies they had identified as the A.I.s used by both Arlin and Hawk and was set to broadcast on a loop until viewed.

The video opened on a view of Vegas with his arm looped around Ciani?s waist, her face turned away from the camera giving only a profile. Even with the limited view there was anger clearly etched on her features, that impression growing as Vegas used his free hand to cup beneath her chin and turn her face toward the camera.

?Come now, amore, you want to always play for the camera.? Vegas turned toward the camera and smiled brilliantly. ?Where are my manners? Signori buona giornata, I assume this message will find you both well.?

There was the sound of a growl from beneath the gag as Vegas tugged Ciani close against his body, his free hand now drifting down to gently brush down her side in a visible show of dominance.

?She?s feisty, no? But then I do not need to tell you that do I Arlin? You and she on Karpathos...? He gave the camera a knowing look. ?Impressive. I am planning on trying to recreate that day later, with a substitution on your part, of course.? The smile now showed pearly white teeth. ?This needs to be short, Calypso will want to leave when she gets back, she is impatient. The Brigade has decided it?s in our best interest to allow the destruction of the technomancers on Alterra, but leaving one alive would not be bad for other relations.

For the promise of Evo staying out of our business we could see to it that Ciani is that one. Think about it, mull it over at your leisure. I?ll contact you again soon. Not too soon though.? His smile took on a wolfish aspect and he was brushing a hand down Ciani?s cheek as she turned it away and the camera cut off.

(Authors Note: All characters used with permission.)

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2011-07-10 20:23 EST
There was darkness.

When she tried to move she found her movements restricted, a burning band of foreign metal cut deep into the flesh of her wrists and the hiss that tried to escape her lips informed her that something covered her mouth as well.

There was motion nearby and she froze; not that it would do much good being bound, gagged and blindfolded. She reached for her power and found it slipping from her grasp like sand through open fingers. Confusion filled her until she remembered that Vegas said that the chain he used was made specifically to hold technomancers.

?Most women would be trying to scream about now, Ciani.? The voice was silk and honey, and it made her stomach crawl. ?Can you figure out where you?re at, I wonder??

There was the sound of footfalls striking soft ground. Shifting slightly against the surface she was bound against she felt a rough surface claw at her clothes, her boots had been removed and she could feel grass and warm earth beneath her feet. When she tried to move her legs she found that they had also been bound by chain, the loop of it now pulling tight against her ankles. Her head canted slightly to better capture the sounds that the wind brought; the bird song coupled with the babbling of the nearby stream brought the image of her surroundings crisp to her minds eye.

?You can! What a lovely creature thou art! I wish I could keep you awhile. I bore easily but I think you could amuse me for longer than most.? The words had told her that he moved closer so when she felt the touch of his hand on her cheek it was not a surprise.

The fingers drifted across her jaw and traced a path down her neck, when they reached the collar of her shirt she felt a tug and heard the fabric tear. For the first time she could remember she felt a stab of fear strike deep into her heart and it was all she could do to keep her knees from buckling. She pressed back against the tree and desperately jerked her arms up and toward where Vegas must be standing; the bite of the metal stung but it could not compare with the bitter taste of shame that was crawling up her spine.

?You?ve never been helpless, have you Ciani? Even as a child you could handle the adults around you like rag dolls. Even when they ?punished? you at that Academy you still knew that you could control the situation if you had the need. Somewhere in your mind I can see them surrounding you, those other technomancers suppressing your skill so that the bad men could give you ?medicine. I can see it in your dreams but even then you could handle such things, couldn't you??

She could feel his breath against her neck as he spoke, ?And now you have Arlin, surely he'll understand that you had no control over this, right?" By the end of the sentence the melodious voice had descended into a dark growl.

There was a hand at her waist now, strong fingers slowly marched down to grip at her hip and in a savage motion her body was pulled forward to crash against his even as he brought his mouth against her neck to bite the tender flesh hard enough to bruise.

Fear. She could feel it flood her and she tried to channel it into anger. Arlin was not close enough, she told herself, he could not be close enough to sense her weakness. Shame snaked up again and she prayed to all the Gods that Arlin could not sense this through their bond; she underestimated Vegas and this was her punishment, she thought it rather harsh.

Again she pulled against the chains, and the sensation of having been here before overwhelmed her, it was a blending of the two dreams; one so beautiful, her day with Arlin and the other where Vegas had her chained to that cold, impersonal table, blood flowing from the rends in her flesh where the chain bit hard.

Maybe this was a dream? The dreams had all been so very real, so perhaps? No, no this was different, it was too raw and uncontrolled to be a dream. Despite her best efforts she felt a scream try to force its way out through the gag, her frantic tugging at the chains now tearing her wrists open in an effort to free herself and get away.

?I have been waiting for this Ciani. You feel as sweet as I imagined, and that is quite the accomplishment.? He gripped her hair and pulled her head fiercely to the side and she felt teeth rake across her neck, his other hand pawed up and under her shirt; greedy for the flesh beneath.

And then the weight of his body was gone and she heard him move away. ?About time you boys showed up to the party. I was beginning to think I'd have to start without you.?

She stiffened, she hadn?t heard anyone else approaching, she renewed her efforts to free herself of the chain right up until the time she heard the reply. ?More mind games...?

Ah gods no, no, she thought, freezing like a statue. Please, don?t let him see me like this, the words filling her thoughts like a mantra.

?Ah, she heard your voice, Arlin and it soothed her, how sweet. Maybe you could continue talking while I work? Though I am thinking I will turn the camera just a bit, do not worry I'll talk you through the action parts.? His voice was so calm, and so full of dread promise.

She drew herself up and willed a calm facade, Arlin should not be able to sense anything via a vid feed but she could not take that chance. It didn?t matter the words she tried to speak, just the tone and she was satisfied that she kept the fear from leaking out as she barked out a command.

?I think she's getting impatient. How do you keep up Arlin?? And then he was moving closer again and she felt the touch of his fingers exploring under the bottom of her shirt. It took every bit of control she had remaining not to whimper and cringe, but she would not, NOT, show that weakness to Arlin.

He moved away and the words were lost to her as she struggled to master her emotions. She caught the words, ?In return you get Ciani back, in a close approximation of how I found her...? and a moment later Arlin. ?Of course in the mean time it could take us quite a bit to get to Karpathos by ship.?

Quite a bit of time? It would be too much time. There was a howl welling up from her core, despair and desperation warring with her will to let the sound loose. She needed to get out of these chains, needed to get away from Vegas. There was too much she underestimated or perhaps would not allow herself to consider. She thought him dangerous, yes, but she had never considered that he might assault her sexually, had never considered any man would attempt to assault a technomancer sexually.

Again and again she tried to get a grip on her technomancy, and each time it slipped away like a ghost.

?Give me your word now or I promise by the time you, even in your very fast ship, arrive here that I will have had my way with your woman and taken her elsewhere.?

?Over the matter of the kidnapping of Ciani Rooks, Vegas, the Brigade shall not suffer from any retaliation sponsored by myself.? That was from Arlin and she felt her panic rising, the kidnapping of her was not enough. He did not realize that it was no mind game that Vegas played, he had every intention of doing what he threatened.

?You're a bright boy, I am sure you can figure out how to make the portal work for you. In the meanwhile... ? And then she could sense Vegas moving toward her again and nearly as quickly she felt Arlin?s presence disappear, leaving her alone; bound, blinded and gagged with a predator.

Arlin... she never needed anyone to save her from anything. It was good that the feed had been terminated, she would not have wanted Arlin to hear the whimper that escaped from deep in her throat as she felt hands reach out to touch her again.


Date: 2011-07-12 16:41 EST
The vid feed from the room was killed but not all of the cameras so he was able to continue to listen to the conversation between Hawk and Arlin as they debated the best way to get to Karpathos. Whether they should continue to the lower levels of the warehouse to see if Vegas spoke truthfully regarding a portal or about having left a length of the chain that could be used to bind Calypso and negate her technomancy abilities.

It was interesting and obvious that both men did not believe that he did more than speak idle threats regarding Ciani. Later he would use the conversation against Arlin, he had made his intentions toward her quite obvious and had video proof that Arlin did nothing to dissuade him from his course of action.

His pulse quickened as he returned to where he had her bound, she that was the object of his current obsession. Her hair was a coppery color and currently it was loose and fell to frame her face in a way that he found quite charming. He would remove the blindfold in a moment so that he could see her eyes, eyes that ran a gambit of greens and browns with amber flecks depending on the woman's moods.

The whimper she issued when his hands touched her again struck a chord of anger within him. He was of the Brigade and women of many races found his appearance appealing, he had on more than one occasion needed to fend off the unwanted advances of lesser creatures. This rejection sat ill with his temperament and the fact he knew that Ciani desired another fueled the anger he felt. It was an odd blend of emotions that surfaced when he thought of her or was in her presence; the overwhelming emotion now was one of need and desire.

He pulled the gag out of her mouth and pressed a glass of liquid to her lips. It contained a mild sedative, he did not want her to continue in her struggles against the chains; she had already torn open the flesh at her wrists and he planned on keeping her up and occupied for a long period of time yet.

Her lips were pressed shut against the glass, she was stubborn. ?You must need this. I do not want you to pass out during our time together. It will likely be some time before Arlin arrives.? His words had the effect of her pressing her lips together tighter. Forcing the anger away he tried a different tactic, he changed his appearance, one of the many tricks that he could perform at will, to that of Arlin.

He then lifted her blindfold so she could see him. When she gasped in shock he spilled some of the liquid into her mouth and clamped a hand over her lips so she could not immediately spit it back out. There was no distance between them now as he spoke with Arlin?s voice, ?Is this better, love?? His hand moving from her mouth a moment later so that he could grip at a hip possessively.

She choked on some of the liquid and that made him smile, she would calm down some soon. ?Stop. Stop it. You are not Arlin, stop using his face and voice.? Her tone held undertones of a plea and Vegas felt his arousal heighten.

He could not remember a time, in his very long life, that he wanted a woman more. The scent of vanilla and almonds lingered on her flesh and he breathed it in deeply, burying his face in the fall of her hair as he whispered in her ear, ?And if I do, will you cooperate?? That would make this all the sweeter, if she consented and participated; he would have her one way or another but a willing Ciani would have been his first preference.

He allowed the glass to fall from his hand and shatter on the ground below, once freed the hand moved down her body, palm exploring the curves along her sides and in a smooth motion fingers dipped below the waistband of her pants and tugged once gently and paused.

Her eyes slid shut and Vegas could feel the thrum of her heart racing. The sedation was powerful and he could sense that it was beginning to work on Ciani, the tension in her body had lessened slightly, though not her obvious fear and loathing.

?Go to hell.? Her voice lacked the usual authority she commanded but it was heartfelt making it all the more enraging to him.

?Later, I have something infinitely more fun to do at present. And I want you to open your eyes for this, love. I want your memories of our time together to be crisp and clear, something you can revisit when we are apart.? The tug that followed was anything but gentle, and it set the tone for what was to come. He would leave a lasting impression upon Ciani whether she willed it or not, and eventually she would come to realize that there was no ending to this dance but that she submit to him.

Jonathan Hawk

Date: 2011-07-31 17:14 EST
Arlin?s ship could get impressively close to the ground quickly and the plan was to jump out, get the advantage of surprise and then save the girl and go; because that plan always worked. Arrive, kill the bad guys, get the girl.

Problems with the plan:

He was still hurting from the beating they took at the warehouse, Vegas had left a fair number of traps that Hawk had managed to trip. Who the hell used poisoned darts any more? They weren?t just poisoned darts, they were advanced projectiles that sprung from every angle and left him and Arlin looking like unhappy porcupines.

He was pretty sure that there was something wrong with Arlin, he?d over heard Mother, the man?s AI, arguing about his tech not being right, and in imminent threat of failure. So that meant both of them weren?t quite up to par.

The enemy seemed, not only in possession of better technology, to have an advantage of natural ability, Vegas had wings for Gods sake. The ?girl? was the strongest technomancer his world had ever seen and she was captured by Vegas and was being held successfully by him.

That last worried Hawk most of all, what the hell was the man doing to prevent Ciani from escaping? He had mentioned a chain to disable a technomancers abilities and that had seemed far-fetched but that had to be the reason.

It was a measure of the woman they were going to rescue that the two of them dismissed these issues as obstacles to be overcome. Still when they leapt out of the plane they had anticipated trees to break their fall, this area had been lush with forestry just days ago; instead there was broken, barren, scorched land. Not for the first time he thanked the Gods that he had good tech, the boots he wore soaked most of the brutal impact and a diving roll managed to soak most of the rest.

Hawk scanned the area and he saw Vegas near by, the man was sitting outside a line of cottages on a boulder and to the casual observer might have be mistaken for a statue. The image ruined only by the presence of broken and singed feathers on the great wings that rose from his back and were spread wide. He was crouched down, his weight resting on his heels, a sword was at his feet, his hand near it's hilt. His long hair fell to frame his down turned face and it was impossible to tell if he was aware of his surroundings or not. The area around him was quiet but it too showed signs of a recent battle. The earth surrounding him was scorched and torn, great chunks of it had been overturned and tossed aside like a child at play in a sandbox.
In a lethargic manner one wing shifted to give him a view of what the men that had just appeared at of thin air. For someone in the face of an imminent danger he did not appear to care. The shift of the wing allowed for a view of his body which appeared wrapped heavily in blood soaked bandages. His amber eyes were dull and his expression looked bored as though to say 'So, more to battle.' The only indication he planned to do anything at all was his hand wrapped around the hilt of the blade at his feet, though he did not lift it.

There was a boom to the north of their position and both he and Arlin turned to face it. Vegas did not seem to care enough to engage them so they both did focused on the noise coming from the north. Arlin seemed to come so some conclusion and began to dart into the ruined landscape toward the noise.

It was then that Vegas choose to acknowledge them and he spoke in a surprisingly strong voice, ?I would not go there just now if I were you. She is not in a very rational state of mind.? As though to punctuate that statement there came a rolling wave of earth that passed beneath their feet, throwing them to the ground and scrambling to recover. That was definitely Ciani?s work, Calypso was no where near strong enough in using earth to create that type of tidal wave of dirt.

?Either am I.? Was Arlin?s growled reply as he tried to steady himself and make progress toward the north.

There was madness in the churning of the earth, leeching into the air like poison. The crack and boom of what could only be the lightning produced by Calypso was present as well and coming toward them; a storm of earth, fire and pure power like the tsunami after the quake.

Arlin said something in a language Hawk did not understand but it was obvious from the tone that it was a frustrated expletive. Vegas shifted and Hawk began to circle back to keep himself between Arlin and Vegas in case of attack. He could do nothing against the coming storm of elements so he thought it best to get to a ranged position and figure out what he could do from there.

Arlin was standing near the edge of the chaos, the earth bucking beneath him. From where he stood Hawk could see the two women coming toward them heedless of the men they were about to trample with the forces they were throwing about.

His gaze shifted to Vegas for just a moment, but he was not on the rock and immediately he went on high alert, scanning the landscape for him. When he passed over the spot that Arlin had been he saw Vegas there; kneeling with his wings spread wide like a penitent come to confess to the raging storms.

?Arlin! Where are you?? He screamed, it was necessary as the sound of rending earth was rising to a fevered pitch and the winds howled in rage. ?Arlin!?? He screamed again as he cautiously approached the kneeling form of Vegas. There was no answer and now he could see Ciani as she rode a wave of earth; she was headed straight for Vegas. He did not know what Vegas was going to do but he trusted that it would not be good for Ciani. He would not allow it, whatever it was the man had in mind. Light sprang from where Vegas was kneeling, he could see Ciani look at the man and her rage seemed to falter, the mound of earth she had been controlling lost cohesiveness and Hawk saw her fall down into a cloud of dust and stone.

With a roar of anger opened fire and shot six times at the back of Vegas. He had gotten close enough that there would be no way he would miss, even with the rocking motion of the earth. He was close enough that he could hear the wet, tearing sounds produced by the bullets as they tore through flesh and bone. He continued forward until he was standing over the body, loading another clip into the gun when he realized that he had been fooled; beneath his gaze was the stunned form of Arlin, there was blood pouring from his back, he was on his stomach and groaning softly.

Suddenly Ciani was there, turning Arlin over to look at his face, her hands pressed to his blood soaked chest as she spoke in a soft but insistent tone. ?No." It was a demand. "I will not forgive you if you leave me."

Hawk could see silverly veins showing on every visible portion of Ciani?s flesh and knew that meant she was working some powerful technomancy, over and over she said, ?Wake up. Wake up...? As she bent over Arlin?s unmoving body.

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2011-09-14 08:37 EST
She was in a box. It was just big enough for her to sit in mostly upright, she had her knees pulled to her chest and at some point she?d begun to rock slightly. Her back would hit the surface of it then she would rock forward until her knees did the same, again and again. The precision of her mind would not allow her to stop the counting... one thousand nineteen, one thousand twenty, one thousand twenty-one...

This Ciani was ten years old. It was not the first time she?d been placed inside the box for punishment, it certainly would not be the last. The box was made of metal, just metal. It was not the box that kept her in, it could not. Even at the age of ten she had demonstrated a high proficiency in the art of manipulating earth materials.

No, it was the four older technomancers that kept her in, kept her from even attempting to escape the prison that was slowly breaking her mind. The girls learned quickly that you had to follow the rules when placed in the box. There was no using your technomancy skills for anything. You were not allowed light, nor heat, you could not do anything that might be viewed as entertaining or attempt to break free. Any of those things was met with pain. The four outside her box were known to her and she knew, from very personal experience, that they would love any reason to inflict punishment on the ?wonder girl.? It was not a name she chose for herself, nor one she would have preferred to be given.

No, she was not there, not then. She was sitting, her knees pulled up to her chest and held there by her arms. She rocked, touched the surface of the wall behind her and rocked forward. Arlin was on the bed, she did not need to open her eyes to know that, the bond was almost painfully strong and she could sense his breathing, his slight shifts and his discomfort.

It had taken just over a day to return to the Island. Arlin had been severely wounded, but alive. Her technomancy had taken care of the worst of his wounds and all of hers... all of the physical wounds. She did not speak on the way back, did not look at Hawk or Arlin. When either got too close her body would jerk away without fail.

The bond would not allow her to remain far from Arlin, the pull of him was like a black hole that she had strayed into and she could find no purchase to stop herself from falling in. It was tearing her apart inside, this need to be near him but unable to look him in the face, nor bear his touch.

It was only when she heard him speak that she realized she had been talking aloud to herself. ?No, I am not him. He is definitely not me, Ciani.? His voice was soft and tentative.

No, it was not Arlin there doing the torture, inflicting pains upon her that she was denied the ability to shield herself from or ease. But it was his form that was used, his voice whispering vile words in her ear over and over again.

She felt his hand extend toward her and her body reacted without thought, jerking away violently before the hand could get close. With a start she realized if she was getting that much information through the bond he might as well and she threw up a mental wall. Gods, but if he saw any of what happened... no, it did not bear thinking.

He drew in a deep breath and the bond flooded with mixed emotions. When he spoke again it was in that same soft tone. ?Ciani, I don?t know what happened, and I?m not going to press. But I am here if you want to talk, and I still love you.?

She retreated into herself, rocking back until she touched the wall and forward... one thousand twenty-two...

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2011-12-19 21:22 EST
The adage ?what was done can not be undone? was coined long before evolutionary and technological advances in the area of memory manipulation had been accomplished. With a simple use of Evoian crystals the memories of Karpathos could be erased without trace, or so Arlin promised. It had been days since their return and she still could not look at him, could hardly stand the sound of his voice. The pain that was a ball in the fore of her thoughts would not allow her to sleep without remembering, both the events and the terrible loss of being close to Arlin.

It was a week before she agreed to use the crystal. It seemed too small to be able to contain the memories she wanted gone but she could not bear being distanced from Arlin any longer. When he told her how to use it he likely believed she would remove the entirety of the events from her memory, but that was not what she did. History, we were doomed to repeat it if we did not remember, and it should not be completely forgotten. No, the memories she erased were those that put Arlin?s face and his voice on the deeds done, it was delicate work and took her some time to encapsulate each moment to extract the correct pieces. In the end it was still a sloppy job, she was too worried about losing the lesson that she kept a bit too much in the end, but it served to allow her to be around Arlin without flinching.

The only problems she was running into was keeping the information she retained from Arlin. The bond was going through changes on a daily basis, she was at a loss to explain how it could go through so many evolutions in such a short time. If she let her guard slip he seemed able to pick up her thoughts without issue, just as she could read him through and through if she tried. She could sense him from blocks away, far further from a bonded male than she had ever heard of being done before.

Most of this was not dangerous as far as she could tell but when she laid down to sleep that seventh day after removing the memories and slid into a dream that was not her own the changes to the bond would alter the way this one would go.

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2011-12-21 08:33 EST
When the dream began there was the distinct surreal sensation. The landscape was as foreign to her as having such a dream, usually her mind replayed memories and nothing more. The first thing she did was check to see if her technomancy was functioning, and although it caused her a moment of panic it did not surprise her that she felt nothing.

?This is not real.?

Even as she thought it she was back there. The tree bit at the flesh on her back, without shielding the rough bark had been slowly opening wounds with each brutal push against her body. There were rivulets of blood soaking in the trunk already, she wondered if it would reach the roots and feed the tree, then she wondered if that was morbid.

?This is not real.? She repeated as she felt Vegas thrust against her hard enough that she thought he meant to shatter bones.

They had fallen asleep together, the first time since Karpathos that she didn?t retreat away from Arlin before attempting to sleep. She hadn?t thought about how the bond would work when she was dreaming, still wasn?t even as she struggled to wake herself.

There was something wrong, she couldn?t wake herself and everything felt too real. The wounds that had healed from that day began to reappear, rough rents in her back that bled and soaked through the shirt she wore in short order.

?Does it matter if it is real?? The voice was silk and smoke, it was Vegas and she was almost relieved because it sounded like Vegas. One more violent thrust and his body shuddered hard and he softly moaned her name. She could feel her cheeks burn with the shame she felt, she should have gotten rid of all of the memories. Would that have worked?

?I am here to remind you of things you have forgotten, love. It annoys me that you would erase any of our time together. Look at me.?

She hadn?t realized that she had her eyes closed until he said something. Now that she was aware of it she could feel the strength with which she had her lids shut. This was a part of what she had forgotten, whatever it was he wanted her to see, and she knew she did not want to know it again. ?No. This is not real.?

?I will cut your lids off if you do not look at me, Ciani. Will you take the chance that this is not real?? He was leaning close to her and his breath brushed across her cheek. She could feel the bite of the thrice-cursed chain around her wrist and ankles, it was cold and sharp against her flesh. This could not be real, it was a twisted memory, or... perhaps this was another trick from the Vegas hat of horrors?

?Not real.? She kept her eyes shut.

?Have you checked to see if you were pregnant yet, love? We have crossbred with others given the gift of technomancy. Oh, admittedly it goes smoother when the mortal is the male, none of the females survived the birthing process. Still, we would make one handsome child, don?t you think??

In her sleep she shifted against Arlin, her nanites were working at closing the wounds even as more appeared. There was a soft growl issuing from deep in her throat as she fought to free herself from the dream.

?You haven?t. How interesting.? His body was still pressed against her as he spoke. She wanted very little more at that moment than to wake from this dream.

?Not real.? With the words she forced herself away. When she opened her eyes the landscape had shifted and she was back to the place she had started. The light held an odd purple cast to it and it made the land look bruised and barren. Rocky spikes rose from dry, cracked ground and continued to the horizon. Upon one of the outcroppings she could see Vegas waiting, wings wrapped around his shoulders and his golden eyes fixed on her as she stood at ground level.

?Impressive. But then I expected nothing less from you, love. It is one of the many reasons that I must have you.? His voice conveyed so many emotions -- desire, longing, pride, possessiveness.

?I am not your love. You will never, ever have my love. There is only one man that can make that claim.? From somewhere within her she felt for the bonds she had with Arlin, her technomancy was still inaccessible but those bonds were there and strong.

?I will. I have seen stronger women break when the right lever was used. I will find what tool to use and you will break for me.? He sounded so very confident, his posture changed and she watched as his appearance changed to mimic Arlin. ?You will break.?

?No. I will not. And I will not allow you to bear his likeness. No... he will not allow it.? Technomancy was not her greatest strength, it was useful and powerful but there was something at her disposal that was infinitely stronger; and she called that strength to her, using the bonds formed to summon Arlin into this place.

She wasn?t sure what she expected to happen, but she had willed herself away from that place and that time, so it was possible she could will an image of Arlin here to her, if only for the moral support it would lend.

The bond was unique. The nanites in her blood had already begun to evolve before she performed the ritual. Vegas had been correct in his assumption that stress would force the nanites to evolve again and after what he put her through on Karpathos they skipped over several stages and those changes starkly affected the bond and the way it worked.

When she called to Arlin he was asleep or else it would not have worked; but he was and so when she called it was more than just his image her need pulled in.

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2012-01-30 09:50 EST
When the image of Arlin appeared, he looked disoriented and curious. The landscape was nothing from his own experiences so it was not a memory for him. Unlike Ciani he did dream, and sometimes his imagination took him places that it created but this felt different, it felt real.

?Ciani, what is going on? Where are we?? Fixating on the one thing in this place that he did know, and trust.

Vegas spoke before she could answer. ?You are spectacular! None of the others could master even the easiest of tasks in the dreamscape and here you are pulling in another persons complete psyche, the others will be jealous that I get you first.?

There was so much in that sentence that was wrong, Ciani could feel her flesh grow cold despite the fact this place did not seem to have any temperature of note. ?You have gotten all you will ever get, Vegas. There will be no more for you or any other that I do wish. Take what you have stolen and do what you will with the memories but leave me alone or you will pay dear.? Her tone was calmer than she felt.

Arlin finally seemed to be adjusting to the sudden shift of reality, he had been dreaming of something pleasant and this was far from it. ?You were beaten, Vegas. Try to be a man about it and go away.? He moved to stand beside Ciani, he did not touch her, something about her stance told him that would be a bad move. He did want to warn her that something was wrong here, something he did not think she knew yet. It would have been easier if he could put his finger on what that thing was, but all he knew was that his instincts were on high alert.

?You should not make such bold statements Arlin. You will find out sooner than late that I have only just started the game and my next move is a hell of a good one.? The smile that formed on a face so lovely it should have been a portrait of an angel was chilling.

?For all your bravado we all know that you are nothing but a pawn in your own society. Nothing but a foot soldier that few pay heed to, let alone respect.? Arlin?s voice carried well in the barren landscape, seeming to echo off the jutting spires of stone.

?You know nothing. I will be exactly as I am now when you have been rotting in your grave a thousand years. With the exception that I will be with one of the descendants created between myself and Ciani and you will have nothing. If all goes as I wish perhaps the children will have that long a lifespan, there is potential. The first truly potential match since we began the project, so very long ago.?

There were images that seemed to drift through Ciani?s mind as Vegas spoke. Women of different ages, races, across a span of time that was inconceivable to her and the suffering they endured at the hands of Vegas and some of his brethren.

She took a hold of Arlin?s hand and spoke very softly. ?Your long life will end if you continue to pursue me, I promise you that Vegas.? The air around her shimmered, reacting to the force of her will alone. ?Do not attempt to draw me to this place again, I will not give another warning.? With that she forced herself awake, pulling Arlin with her out of harms way, she could feel his presence lending her strength and together they woke.

They were in bed, the sheets were bloodied and Ciani could feel the wounds on her back closing slowly as her nanites worked to repair the damage done. One look at Arlin told her that he had shared that ? what? It was no dream, dreams did not feel that real. Arlin opened his lips as though to speak but she forestalled him with a raised hand. ?No, not now. We can speak of it later.? She did not give him a chance to protest, rising from the bed and heading to the bathroom. She needed a shower and time to think, later would be soon enough.

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2012-02-16 10:55 EST
The disease was getting worse. It was barely an hour since she had the last cigarette that provided temporary relief from the searing pain that was caused by biological virus that was systematically destroying her Beta blood cells. She coughed into her hand and when she pulled it back there was blood on her palm.

There was no time for this, she needed to find out more about the Brigade, needed to know more about their history and their enemies. From what she had seen they must have enemies, they were a cold and calculating race. The search, thus far, had proven frustrating. There was a rotten portion of the race, that was certain but on most worlds they had touched the populace were the better for the contact.

Balance, the race was about balance and so it should not be so shocking that they allowed both ends of the spectrum for morality to co-exist within their society. It was a mentality that Ciani could not wrap her head around.

A wave of pain washed over her and the room around her shook with the release of power; a mist of powder fell from the ceiling as her body pushed a wall of pure force against it?s confining space. She was in an abandoned warehouse, in a little used corner of the town, she was not safe to be around in this state.

The holo monitors that had been hovering in the air for her to examine blinked and shook as her focus wavered. It took a full minute for her to get herself under control, the roiling waves of power pounding at the walls, even for so short a time, had taken a toll on the integrity of the building. She was reaching for a rag to wipe the blood from her hand and face when Amato?s soft voice chimed in. ?Rook, should I contact Arlin?? Computers, even AIs were not supposed to be able to feel fear, and yet Ciani would have sworn she could hear that emotion in the words.

?No.? The word was barked out, a command that brooked no further discussion. ?Have you finished running that last search?? There was a notable pause, long enough that Ciani added. ?Amato, what have you found??

?There are indicators that destination Alpha 32 has artifacts that are compatible with your nanites.?

There was a long silence as Ciani took in the implications of what Amato had just stated. Alpha 32, that would have been one of the portals she and Hawk had found here in town. Alpha would mean that the atmosphere could sustain life. 32... 32, that would be the world that had two suns and the endless ocean of blue grass. It was beautiful, in an alien way, but they had found no signs of actual civilization when they searched a wide radius around the portal site.

?Compatible with my nanites? That... should not be possible.? According to the history of Alterra the development of the nano-technology had been a work of generations, the last stage had been spontaneous. The most brilliant minds on Alterran had failed to deduce what the catalyst was that created the technomancers.

?It would be possible if the same technology was introduced by a third party to both your home world, and Alpha 32.? Amato stated. That chilled Ciani. ?You mean to say that Vegas was telling the truth when he said his people created us?? The us being the technomancers on Alterra. ?That he has been creating lab rats of different species for ? for thousands of years?? The thought of it had seemed utterly absurd to Ciani. A braggart doing his bragging, even though he did possess technology that canceled out her skills. That could have been achieved by necessity if they had encountered other species with the art of technomancy.

The way Vegas seemed to function was similar to some of her skills but if it really was technomancy on a higher level than how was she going to win this battle against him. Her thoughts were disrupted as pain enveloped her and she fell to her knees.

Before she could investigate further she would need to come up with a solution to numb the pain, would need to come up with it before she shook the world apart. The first burst of power that spilled forth out of her control cause two walls to crumble, fire rippled in a semi circle from where she knelt and out growing higher and hotter as it went. By the time she regained control half the city block had been reduced to ash and rubble... time, it was running out.

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2012-02-23 13:24 EST
There was a good reason she had not allowed Amato or Mother to run medical examines on her and perhaps some of it might have been valid. If either of the A.I.s had found out the true reason Ciani had little doubt that Arlin would be made aware within minutes. Part of it was she was lying to herself, if she examined the information her nanites were sending to her brain regarding her current heath status then she would have to address it. So she refused to pay heed to the warnings sent.

Common sense told her that the suspected condition would not just resolve itself, but there was such a deep rooted fear there that she could not bear to face at this time. Arlin had met with Qwen of the Brigade and it seemed that the actions taken on Karpathos against Vegas were being used as an excuse to find Arlin in breach of his verbal contract with Vegas and, by extension, the Brigade. Evo was an advanced society but she had little doubt that the outcome of a war with the Brigade would mean thousands of causalities, perhaps millions and that Arlin would no sooner allow that to happen then he could allow further harm to come to herself.

Further harm. Her dreams were haunted by broken pieces of that time on Karpathos, her mind trying to mend together the missing pieces as if to spite herself. The pieces she had already recovered were causing her to retreat into herself and she did not like what was waiting for her there.

The morning had been spent adjusting her weapons, stocking herself on items she thought would be useful for her foray to Alpha 32. She was in the process of checking her guns when she sensed that Arlin was close, the bond had been going through radical changes and she had been avoiding Arlin because she was no longer sure that her thoughts were not completely transparent to him. ?Amato, did you tell Arlin where to find me?? She could hear the anger in her voice but she had no room to mitigate it, she was in pain, and now she would need to try and wrap her thoughts away.

?No, he must have found out on his own. He is a capable man, Rook. That is one of the things you love about him, is it not??

She was mid-growl when Arlin knocked and entered, not waiting for her to give him leave to enter. ?Well, I suppose it?s a good a sign that you didn?t have Amato blow me up.? He teased, he wasn?t a fool and he knew there was something bothering Ciani. The images that came at him when she turned to see him were a surprise and that showed on his face. ?Ciani? What was that??

And when she was forced to review what flashed through her mind upon seeing him made her pause. Lying now would not be easy, and she was so tired... tired from the pain, from feeling alone when there was someone that she loved, loved, standing in front of her. More than that though, it was a man she loved and he deserved to know. ?That would be the worry I am feeling at the fact that I am with child.?

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2012-03-04 15:11 EST
Perhaps it was a bad idea to tell Arlin about the fact she was pregnant, it certainly had to contribute to the decisions that he made in the next few days. If she had known he was going to rush into rash actions she might have done things differently. Ciani was so used to being the one to leap before she looked, there was so much changing and she was having difficulties keeping up.

There were questions that needed answering, answers she was not sure she could handle. Technomancers were never known to bear anything but daughters and the thought of bringing a girl into the world, the world as it was now, was never something she intended on doing. Would the child be born with the virus that tore at her day and night? And what would she tell a daughter where she would not be welcomed on Alterra? A world that both hunted and feared technomancers?

Such thoughts kept her from learning the sex of the child until she believed it was doing more harm to her, emotionally, not knowing. To find out that the child growing within her was male was shocking, she double and then triple checked the data. The relief she felt was palpable, but the why of it was disturbing. There had been no known couplings between Alterrans and Evoians and Arlin was a special case even there so that could be the cause of the deviation. There was the rationale part of her mind that said that there was another, more probable, cause that the child was male.

It would be a simple matter, to delve into the base DNA strands of the child to see who was the father. Simple. Simple that the nightmares haunted her every time she closed her eyes, it was his face that was there waiting. Always waiting, always wanting, always taking... simple.

It was surprising to her to find out that, in this, she was a coward. There was no other word that fit, every time she thought to complete the DNA scan she froze. She was sitting in her chambers on the Isle, the A.I. was talking to her but Ciani heard none of it, it was mostly Amato chiding her for not informing anyone of the pregnancy. The pain was flaring again and even with the relief she felt at finding out the child was male she could not bring herself to test the DNA.

?Rook, are you listening? Mother has a message, she is quite adamant that you hear it.? Amato?s voice was exasperated, as if this was a sentence that had been repeated over and over.

?Yes, I am listening.? The decision she made at that time was not something she was proud of but it was necessary for her just then. ?I have run the checks and the child is definitely Arlins.? It was a lie, one that would likely be revealed when the child was born but for now? For now that was the answer she needed and so it would be the one she would believe. There would be months for her to decide to actually run the scan, or... to not run the scan.

Before Amato could reply she added. ?Now put Mother through.?

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2012-05-17 09:38 EST
She loved Arlin, there was no doubt of that but sometimes she wanted to scream at his rash decision making. Somewhere there were gods laughing about that, considering she was in the process of negotiating a trade, herself for Arlin. Why he would have agreed to submit to Vegas was beyond her, maybe if they both lived through this he could explain it to her in a way that didn?t make her want to scream. How had they both gotten to this point? Her life was spinning out of control and there was nothing she could do... nothing but trade herself for the man she loved.

Mothers? message had not been necessary, she felt the moment Vegas took Arlin. Vegas had taken him to a place that severed their bond so unexpectedly that she had nearly killed Hawk. The shock translated into a burst of fire and destruction from her and he had been in the way. Now she had a bond with Hawk, it had been the only thing she could think of to save his life, and her own. Without that bond the pain had been overwhelming, she would have taken the entire town with her in the haze of it.

An expression of satisfaction was so clearly writ upon his face she wanted to slap Vegas but instead she whispered,?I accept the terms.? The shift from the glen to the tower was abrupt. The words had hardly left her lips when she found herself situation in the center of room made of the whitest marble she had ever seen. It was sparse, holding just the necessities to label it a sitting room without extra adornments.

Vegas was nowhere to be seen, he had disappeared along with the lush rolling hills dotted with trees that decorated the southern glen. In his place there were two silent servants that were staring at her with bottomless black eyes. They could have been twins for all the lack of difference between them. Over six feet tall, lanky and full of awkward angles that reminded Ciani of nothing less than a very large bird that had outgrown it?s skin. That image was enhanced by the bat like wings that sprouted from spiny shoulders that seemed just a bit off kilter, it was as though a very clumsy hand had created them in a moment of peek.

There was a moment where everything seemed to stand still and then a wave of pain and nausea hit her so violently that she fell to her knees. It was then that the two servants moved forward and spoke in raspy but calm tones. ?We have been instructed to settle you in and prepare you for treatment to rid you of your ailment. Nausea is a side effect some suffer when traveling to this Plane, Lady, and will pass shortly. Will you allow us to assist??

Reflexively she reached for her power and found it slippery, as though coated in oil. There were somethings that she sensed she would be able to do and other things she knew, just as certainly, that she would not.

The two creatures kept their distance waiting for a response and so she kept her anger in check, it was not with these two that she had issue. Did she have any right to be angry at anyone but herself at this point? By the nine hells she did not know but just then it made no difference to her situation.

?Si. You can assist me.? Her words were strained and clipped.

For two so awkward in appearance they were very delicate in their handling of helping her up the wide spiral stairs to a waiting room. It was as sterile as the other but was obviously meant to be used as a sleeping chamber. When she laid down on the bed she was surprised at how very comfortable it was and within moments she was asleep.

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2012-05-19 09:56 EST
The cure to the affliction had been simple, or so it seemed to Ciani. Tick, or Tock had administered a single shot. The side effects were harsh enough that for several days she had begun to believe that Vegas had gone through all the trouble of trapping her to watch her die a horribly painful death. All of her energy was used on protecting the child growing within her, it was one of the few things that was apparently allowed here in this tower.

Three days after the shot she woke feeling more refreshed than she had since the day the virus was released. There was a well of potential just beyond her reach and she could tell that away from this tower her skills would be far superior than they had ever been, and without the constant destruction of her blood cells her stamina would not be an issue.

What else became quickly evident was the fact that now her body was free of the virus it had found something else foreign and worthy of attack. Apparently without the bond Arlin?s foreign DNA was unacceptable and her body had started actively working at rejecting the fetus growing within. She put up defenses against her own body and spent the better part of each day fending off her immune system to keep the child safe.

For the first few weeks she felt certain that Hawk and Arlin would show up and ? and what? She could not find any entrance or window in the tower and nothing she tried that would allow her to escape would work. It was a full month before Vegas showed himself. He appeared for dinner, he ate with her in silence, a sly grin his only contribution to the event. There after he appeared every evening at dinner and ate with her, slowly introducing conversation into the time in such a way that it was weeks before she realized they were speaking civilly to one another.

He did not mention what would happen when she bore the child growing within, nor did he mention the child, or Arlin, or anything but the most generic of topics. They spoke about art, science, he revealed some hints of his origin and that of the Brigade but nothing of substance.

It was around the third month of her captivity that she realized she could, after a fashion, sense the bond between her and Hawk. It was muted and distorted but there and after some work they had managed to start a form of communication. At first they stalled because there was a key issue that was wrong... apparently time was moving at a much faster rate here than it was for the men. That made her both relieved and terrified. The difference was drastic, a month for her was less than one day for them.

That didn?t give them much time to do something, if they were going to attempt to do something. Over the past month she had a lot of time to think, she had made a deal with Vegas. If she broke it was she any better than he? There were a lot of arguments she could think to use but they started to sound like excuses to break her word. How would it look to her unborn son if she actively worked to break her word? It would have been easier to bear if the future, according to Vegas, wasn?t looming so terrible in the distance.

The most horrible thing was that this didn?t need to happen. Vegas could have taken an entirely different approach to reach his goals that would not have entailed so much pain and misery. It was as that thought crossed her mind that a pang of pain wracked her body centered in her midsection.

This was happening every day soon after Vegas left, she assumed it was later in the day and she was running low on energy. Her body was working hard at ridding herself of the foreign DNA that was her child. It was wearing her down and although Vegas did nothing to bring further harm to her or the child he certainly did nothing to help. Well, that was not quite true, he allowed her to use her technomancy to help shield the child.

Nine hells, some day life would just be easy and evil people would just be evil all the time... and maybe she was in a fairy tale and Hawk and Arlin would show up and convince Vegas to just let her go. She went to bed, Tick and Tock taking up their customary positions outside her room, silent sentries that would come if she asked for anything at all. They had become, if not friends, welcome companionship.

Before she drifted off she sent out thoughts to Hawk, if they managed to get here she did not want them to harm these two, they were not to blame. Most importantly she sent thoughts of love and she tried to reassure Hawk that she was, if not wonderful, and not happy, relatively unharmed.

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2012-06-11 10:14 EST
The two men were waiting, in the distance the gleaming white tower rose up and pierced the crimson sky. Hawk spoke as he tried to contact Ciani via the bond they shared. Everything he?d gotten from her so far was fragmented and odd. She seemed to refer to what felt like weeks slipping past when it had only been days. ?Have we made a plan on how we?re getting into the tower? It?s not looking very welcoming.?

?Storm the tower. Take Ciani back, go home.? Arlin?s response, while not very logical, sounded very certain.

Meanwhile in the tower Vegas rose from the table where he had been sharing a meal with Ciani and gave her a look that chilled her bones. ?What is the matter, Vegas?? His tone was cold and edged when he replied. ?Where is your honor, Ciani? I am asking because there are men coming that mean to help you break your word to me. We had a bargain, I have kept my end to the very letter.? Vegas was rising from the chair and moving toward the hall that lead from the room. Tick and Tock moved to take up sentinel positions at the door in anticipation of their Masters wishes.

She was still trying to figure out what was happening, she felt sluggish and ungainly of late and it was showing. ?Vegas, I do not know what you are talking about, but surely you did not really think that Arlin or Hawk would accept the decision I made. The methods you used to get me to make that deal were not precisely noble or honorable.? She rose from the table and made to move after him, getting stopped by Tick and Tock at the entrance, she was not positive but she thought she saw a hint of empathy in their alien countenances.

?Vegas, what do you plan to do? They will not give up. If you kill them then Evo will respond, not for me but for him? For Arlin they will. I am not worth this. You can find a willing partner if you would just...? Her voice fell silent as she realized that Vegas would not be able to hear her anymore. Besides, what did she think he could do that would make him a desirable mate? He was beautiful, and there was some good qualities in the mix but most of what he had to offer was rotted, and twisted.

The child growing within her kicked at her ribs and the harsh exhalation of breath brought Tick, or Tock over offering her an arm. ?You will allow us to assist you??

Her gaze pulled toward the wall of the tower, she hadn?t seen the outside since Vegas brought her here, over six months without seeing the sun. Hawk was near, she could feel him now, it was so much stronger than anything she?d been able to manage and it made her choke up. She wanted to see him again but more, she knew that Arlin was nearby as well and there was nothing in all the worlds she wanted more than to be with him again. ?Don?t get yourself killed Arlin Du?Masseuir or you will have me to face.?

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2012-07-10 09:02 EST
The tower went silent. The silence filled her world and engulfed everything in a veil of a dream-like quality that stretched time until it had little meaning. It wasn?t until she realized that she had sunk down to the floor, her legs not having the strength to support her anymore that she realized that Vegas had activated something to sedate her. It was too late to do anything about it then, unconsciousness fast rising to wrap its cool grasp around her mind and then there was nothing.

When she woke she was disoriented, the place was not the tower, of that she was sure but her mind would not focus to identify anything other than ?not the tower.? As was in her temperament she immediately reached for her technomancy and found that she could access it fully, a harsh beat on the air sounded as she extended a defensive shield and sat upright.

Hawk was there, hands before him defensively as he spoke quickly. ?Rook, it?s me! You are home, it?s OK.?

Hazel eyes had flooded with silver as she built up power for use, this was probably the cause for his panicked tone, she could not fault him for that. The last time that had happened she had nearly killed him in the storm of pain she?d been in. ?Yes, I see you Hawk. Where am I? What happened??

Shoulders relaxed as Hawk knew she was coherent and under control. He could feel her emotions through the bond and for the first time it was untainted by the pain of the virus that had been killing her. She felt so very strong, it was intimidating and a bit scary. Her thoughts rang in his head and he knew that his own were naked before her, it was new and would take getting used to in the future.

?We are on the Island, you are in the spare bedroom.? They had put her there to be closer to the med center of the Island without actually putting her in there. Waking up there was a sure way to piss her off and both men knew that. Her physical condition had shocked both of them but he was fairly sure that Arlin was in a state of near panic.

It was clearly obvious that Ciani was very far along in her pregnancy, well to him it had been. Apparently Evoian women got far larger than Alterran women and Arlin had been in a state of disbelief when Hawk informed him that Ciani looked to be a week, maybe two away from giving birth. It wasn?t until Arlin researched this fact that he believed and even then he looked about ready to be sick. It might have been excitement, Hawk didn?t know the man well enough to be sure. He might be sick if he thought he had months to prepare for a newborn and it turned into just weeks.

? Or perhaps just hours. The pain that signaled the first contractions was felt so clearly through the bond that he fell to his knees even as Ciani let out a cry of surprise. It seemed that no one was ready for the child but, coming from the stock it did, was going to come when he wanted and everyone else be damned.

He had enough presence of mind to call out. ?Mother, Amato, get Arlin here now. Five minutes ago if possible. The child is on its way.? Ciani reached out and grabbed his arm, wrenching it so violently he was sure that she sprained his wrist. ?Make.It.Stop.? She demanded of him, and he knew the next few hours were not going to be a good memory for him. ?NOW, Mother, get him here now!? If she was going to be so violent, it should be targeted against the man that put her through this, Hawk thought even as he tried to calmly retrieve his wounded arm.

It was not a good memory for anyone involved, but it also was not the worst. And at the end of it Gavino Du'Masseuir was introduced to the world, with all it had to offer.