Topic: The Personal Journal of Arlin Du'Masseuir

Arlin Du'Masseuir

Date: 2012-04-25 00:54 EST
From the Journal of Arlin Du?Masseuir?

The bonding ceremony was today? It is my hope that it took place and everything went as it needed to because I fear that I will not be able to go through another such an ordeal until I am whole again. For a while now I have been managing to dodge the question from Ciani about my well being by tapping into my own reserves to show her that I am still okay. Unfortunately I would be lying in if she were to flat out ask, however since we have both become experts at dodging around questions we don?t want to give completely honest questions to, I don?t feel too guilty? well? I will lie to myself and claim that. Lesson to you, son, don?t lie to your wife. It will only give you heartache and lead to trouble in the future. Unless of course she asks if an outfit makes her rear end look big. At that point it is okay to just smile at her and say that it makes it look lovely. But that conversation will have to wait for another day. For now I need to focus on the bonding.

It seems like it didn?t quite take as it should have and I feel it might lead to some awkward tension between Ciani and I. She will probably question and worry over it and think it is a side effect of the dual bond that she has. To be honest, I can not say that for certain that isn?t the case. It very well could be, however I also offer the following possibilities and, in my own time, will research them in however way I can without trying to create too much suspicion.

First off is my concern about there being two bonds that I share with Ciani. The first, of course, is the one through her nanites that now course through my body? again. Not an entirely unpleasant experience after you go through the initial pain. If you can stomach it, the rewards far outweigh the pain by a hundred fold. The second bond is the one we share through the crystals that are buried on Evo.

As I am yet to recover the crystal from the clutches of the Brigade, I am not quite the man I am supposed to be. Who would have thought that such a small piece of crystal would take so much out of me. Thankfully the tech has me juiced up most of the time or else I would walk around exactly how I feel? like a damned zombie.

Then of course there is the possibility that I screwed things up when I utilized the pendant that your Uncle Kumba created for me. Not that I didn?t trust what Ciani was doing in regards to numbing the pain however the shock I was experiencing was too great and had everything gone numb, I don?t believe that I would have been able to stop the tech from attacking the nanites. Both technologies are surprisingly resilient and violently efficient when they need to be. I have no doubt that should I ever have to fight the nanites off, it will probably lead to the end to this physical body. I can?t allow that to happen? especially not now that you are here. I don?t think it is likely that the healing burst interfered with the bonding however since it is a variable that was NOT involved the first time, I won?t rule it out entirely yet.

Last but not least is? no? I won?t even entertain that as a concept.

So? there will come a time, son, that you will be asked by a woman certain questions that there are just no right answers to. It?s called a catch 22 situation and they stink worst than your Uncle Hawk after a day without deodorant. See my above example about the dress making her butt look big question. If you answer ?yes?? you are being mean. If you answer ?no? you might be lying (depending on the tailor and if her posterior is rather? robust). If you say that it makes her look lovely, then she might try to pull the insecure (and oh so feminine) response.. ?you?re just saying that? or even worse.. ?are you saying that you didn?t like my butt before?? If the former, just give her a hug from behind and leave a soft kiss, that usually works. Or? if you feel the relationship has gone south anyway? just distract her? pointing to the sky and calling out.. ?look, a Phoenix? usually does the trick.. and while she isn?t looking dive through a window. I know.. sounds silly.. but you would be surprised at how effective it is. Women love phoenixes.

Arlin looked up from his journal and smiled inwardly as he began to put it away. He knew that by the time his kid read this, he would have probably figured out that he had a complete joker for a father but the life lessons he would teach the boy would be both helpful and comedic.

?EVA, get me a life feed to the nursery back home?? Arlin called out softly. ?Put it through to the view screen.? He continued as the connection was made and almost instantly the image appeared of his son sleeping soundly. Not for the first time he thought of his wife and smiled. ?Not for the world..?