Topic: The Start of Something Bad


Date: 2012-03-03 22:47 EST
In the first days where there was naught but the mist things were simple but stagnant. The eons passed and the Mists grew into something more, something that demanded release and form. Thus formed the Nine Hundred Planes, the First of which was the center and home to what many refer to as the ?Creator.? This Creator cared little for companionship, there was nothing human about it except for its desire to protect that which the Mists had spawned.

From the very heart of the Mists this Creator spawned the Brigade. Four hundred beings of incalculable strength and variety of skill. The beings that were created were a flight of fancy, winged creatures that were infused with technology that was birthed far away but embedded in the mind of the Creator. Micro-machines called nanites were a part of them, blood, bone, sinew and it made for powerful creatures. The structure was set, the strongest of them named the First of the Brigade, Michael, the Second Qwen, and down the line though some subsets were numbered accordingly -- the First Scout, Hannah, the First Smith Athos, the First Judge Talos.

As the Mists populated the Planes the Brigade watched. The Creator laid down Laws that they were to follow, that they could not help but follow. Balance was to be maintained, damage to the Planes themselves was not permitted. Any actions that might cause damage to adjoining Planes was not permitted. The most expedient means would be used to restore the balance, that usually being violence and death.

The Planes grew in population and the Brigade slowly made it known to the new denizens that destruction of the Planes would not be tolerated. They went from a rumor, to a tale that was told to scare children, to a deadly fact of life, back to a tale that was told to scare children. Things even out in the end and the denizens of the Planes did not tempt the fates, nor the Brigade.

This, in the mind of the Creator, was ideal. For those of the Brigade as they became unnecessary lead to a certain bending of minds. They were meant to be useful, to be vigilant and to act. Some of the Brigade took this lull in activity in stride, focusing on training and studies, for others it was intolerable and new directives were dreamed up to keep them occupied. For the First, Michael, it took the form of an unspeakable betrayal, and that gave the Brigade something to do.

For Vegas, he was not strong enough to do anything so bold. He choose another path, one that he could convince others was a wise path to take. It was down that path that lead him to Ciani Rooks, a path that was now an obsession, but obsessions all have a beginning and the start of it was not so dastardly... he wanted a son.