Topic: When you go

Bridgette Sato

Date: 2012-10-02 12:15 EST
Jet was not upset. She never got upset, not in any of the memories she still possessed -- admittedly there were many missing -- had she ever been upset. The man she was beating into unconsciousness might have thought otherwise. Her fist came down again and smashed his cheekbone with the force of the strike, her knuckles were bloody and she was growling like a rabid wolf.

The bounty was for alive, but there were many states of not-dead that could be seen as still alive and Jet was walking a thin line with this guy. He wasn?t human, some type of reptile demi-god that was probably wishing he?d paid more attention to the tiny red-haired woman that came up to tell him he was being taken in and not to resist. He had swung at her. Once. It hadn?t landed.

Now his face looked like guacamole and his screams had turned to whimpers had turned to silence. Some part of her brain told her she should stop or she wouldn?t get the creds for bringing in her mark in a state that he?d only be good for making belts and boots. Her arm co cked back for another blow and stopped, a drop of blood falling down into a pool that had formed on the street. Pushing off the lizard-mans chest to gain her footing again she looked down at the wreck that was her mark. ?Nine hundred hells, I?m going to have to patch him up before I take him in.? She leaned over him and said in a very menacing tone. ?If you try to die on me I will make sure you regret it.?

The lizard man moaned and she took that to mean he understood. Retrieving her pack she pulled out her medkit and staunched the worst of the wounds. There were people watching, in that oh-so-subtle way that gawkers had when they couldn?t look away from the train wreck. She ignored them, tossing the mostly unconscious lizard-man over her shoulder like he was a ragdoll and starting toward the address she was given for the drop off. She would drop him off, get paid, and then... her mind pulled up a picture of Brooklyn. Sitting there with a beer in front of him, not looking at her but waves of disappointment and rage coming off him.

The gawkers fled at the sound of her roar, lifting the lizard man up over her head and throwing him at a wall. Good thing he was a demi-god or he definitely would have died from the impact, as it was there was the crunch of bones submitting to the force and breaking and then the sickly sound of a bag of broken bones as he fell to the unforgiving street. The wall showed fractures where he had struck it and there was a trail of blood from the impact point to the puddle of lizard man on the ground.

The sound that had come from her was inhuman, but instinct was strong in humans and on some level they knew it was the sound of rage and pain ? and loss so deep that anything, or anyone nearby was a target for releasing those emotions. For those too dim to get that from the scream the ease with which she threw a being three times her size did it and they ran from her, from the scene and did not even look back for fear of catching her gaze and becoming the next target.

Brooklyns words tormented her, repeating in her mind like some song that got stuck and would not set her free. It was her own fault, she knew that, knew that this day would come and that it would be her fault... that didn?t mean she was ready for it. Didn?t mean she thought it would... hurt so very much. It was like he had torn out some vital part of her and she could not move past that pain. Did not want to move past it, she needed it to remind her that she did this to everyone... would do something to drive people off. She had forgotten, and Brooklyn had reminded her...

She fell to her knees, choking as she gasped in air that did not seem to make it to her lungs. Her chest felt compressed, her heart twisted. There was no one left to see the tears that came, and for that, at least, she was thankful.

Bridgette Sato

Date: 2012-11-27 20:40 EST
Time was something that she never could get the hang of in all the days she could remember. There were cracks in the whirlpool now and the images that slipped out were disjointed and chaotic, scenes from a fantasy novel not a real life. How real was her life? She knew she was at least forty years old and by comparison she did not look, nor act beyond her mid-twenties. This might not have been so unusual except for the fact that the memories, if that is what they were, that were creeping out showed years, decades, centuries worth of time progressing and she, with the exception that in those memories she had wings, looking just as she did now.

Fine, so she was not human. She had known that fact for awhile now even if she refused to acknowledge it openly. What was she doing with her life? This long life she seemed to possess and wasted by hunting down criminals and pretending to be in a relationship with a man that was hardly a man yet at all? He had lived less years than she could remember, and she now knew the time she could remember paled in comparison to the years she could not.

Vio had accused her once of being deliberately ignorant, and she was beginning to suspect that she had hit the nail on the head and sank it into a plank of denial so deep that Jet wasn?t sure where her self deception ended and facts began anymore.

?You are worried, Amato.? The rumble of Excalibur?s voice vibrated throughout her body. Considering the size of the automation and the fact she had her body pressed against one of the legs it was not so odd. Excalibur was one of the fighting machines here on this world, the best fighting machine and he belonged, as much as anyone could own him, to the royal house, more specifically to Trevorius. He could tell she was bothered by her vitals which were accelerated in a way he had never seen in her in all her visits. He could sense her tensing up and he added. ?You do not have to speak of it. I am satisfied with your company, silent or otherwise.?

One hand moved, petting the machine that was more human than most of the humans she had met in her life. ?Cali you are too good to me. I am sorry I have not visited more often. Forgive me?? The inflections in her tone told him that she spoke truly and it was with slight embarrassment he admitted to something. ?I contacted him when I felt you near. He asked me to do so, please do not hate me for it.? For a machine the pain and concern in his tone was heart wrenching to hear. ?I knew that you would have to do so, Cali. I came anyway because I missed you.?

She did, that was true, but she also missed Trevorius, that was harder for her to admit. Brooklyn and Vio had been so distant lately that she had been left mostly to her own devices and that was not sitting well with her at all. With no one to distract her, Sergei was so busy with school and other concerns that she saw him once or twice a week, she had begun to brood on things and that wasn?t a pastime she was used to indulging in.

Despite not being good at relationship she knew she should not be here, not when she was feeling like this. Feeling... she was angry at that, she did not want random emotions attacking the calm of her personality. She hadn?t expected that when she ventured into a real relationship with Sergei that this would happen. She liked him, he was a likable guy, and it didn?t hurt that he seemed willing to try and keep up with her physical demands -- no small thing. There was something that wasn?t right with her situation, she felt that she was hiding a part of herself away from Sergei, something that she knew was her fault, not his, but still there. Knew that if she showed him the entirety of her personality that he would run far and fast.

Her brooding was interrupted by the soft clearing of a throat and she knew that he had come. After the last time they met she knew he would ask Cali to inform him if she visited, had stayed long enough to give him time to get here even though she knew it was a bad, bad idea. When she did not make any move to remove herself from hugging Cali?s leg she heard him crossing the space and could feel him as he nearly brushed against her, waiting for her to turn.

When she finally turned she barely had enough room to manage and in an instant he was closer, her face turning just in time for his lips to fall on her cheek rather than her lips and after he kissed her cheek he sighed at her. ?Still with the boy then??

?He is not a boy, and yes.? One hand came up to rest on his chest, but despite her intention she did not push him away. ?Still with him and I have made a commitment to that.? He chuckled softly as if reading what it was she was not saying. ?And yet you are here. You miss me, and that must mean there is something missing in that so-called relationship. You know you should have let me know that you were ready to try something like that. When you are done with the boy come to me, promise that you will.?

She shook her head. ?I made a commitment. I intend to keep to it.? Right up until the time Sergei realized all her flaws. ?You cannot be happy, Jet. I can see it in your eyes, he cannot handle everything you are, can he? Does he know that you are violent, beautifully and skillfully so? Does he know you are sometimes cold, heartless, ruthlessly passionate and loyal to a fault?? ?How can a person be loyal to a fault?? She was looking over his shoulder now so that she was not looking in his eyes.

?Has he said that he loves you?? One of his hands snaked out and grabbed one of her wrists, twisting it up behind her back painfully. She bit down on her lip to prevent the moan of pleasure. When she had control of herself she answered in a strained voice. ?We have not been going out that long. It is not something I have looked for from him.? ?The moment I met you Jet, the very moment, I knew I loved you.? He released her wrist and stepped back from her, looking her over keenly. ?He does not know you. He does not know you like equal amounts of pain and pleasure yet? When will you tell him??

?I do not require that, he is...? It wasn?t that he was soft, but he was kind and kind-hearted, such things were outside his nature and she did not want to ask him to do things that would be difficult for him. ?I like him.?

He clucked at her. ?You are a woman of extremes Jet, we both know that.? He put up a hand. ?No, do not continue with this, it demeans us both. I know that you will be loyal to him until such time as you believe he no longer desires such a relationship and I will respect that. But the moment the two of you are done, come back to me and we will see what happens then.? He sounded so infuriatingly confident that Sergei would tire of her shortly ? it was infuriating because it was a view she shared, if she was of a mind to be honest with herself. ?Damn you, Trevorius.? She whispered without venom.

?Yes, I am damned. Damned to love a woman that refuses to be mine. Maybe this experience will work in my favor.? He said, not unkindly. ?I will leave you to catch up with Excalibur, you may take him out whenever you wish. I will not hound you, nor pressure you. I know you too well. You have given your word and few people realize just how special that is for you, and how reliable. But when...? Not if in that statement. ?When it happens you will come to me.?

She did not say anything but watched him as he left, falling back against Excalibur and blinking rapidly as she forced her emotions into check. ?Damn him...? Was all she whispered before she climbed into the flight seat in Cali and took him for a ride that bordered so close to the edge of reckless that it was noted by several of the local papers the next morning.