Topic: A bottle of Vapor

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2013-08-14 09:07 EST
This thread is for vapor type happenings that occur with many of our charries on a day to day basis, and yet do not make it to play, or get any formalized postings. I'd like to thank my sister Jewell for the inspiration with this.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2013-08-14 09:14 EST
The Ravenlock twins Aleyah and Nathressa have been rather busy and were seen roaming Town Hall with a basket full of cup cakes and what appeared to be rolled up blue prints in arm.

They were escorted by one self proclaimed 'Queen of Mithra Mayhem' and a half dwarf female wearing a CoS tabard.

Their destination was unknown, but they were overheard speaking of the Governor's Office and Building & Zoning...

There was also talk of seeking lobbyists to make the Malaysian Tiger Trap a main stay for Animal Control in the interest of defense against rogue Tigers and lawn piddling Garden Gnomes...

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2013-08-14 09:28 EST
Remodeling work for the Sanctuary of Zi'Tah springs and spa is near completion...

People have noted New Buildings along with the newly scaped grounds. Also loads of activity as well in the form of transport vehicles, carrying loads of furniture along with the constant deliveries of food stuffs, sundries and a constant presence of the CoS

A large sign was also seen being installed in the front of the main hall.

Part of the sign looked to read, ' RC '

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2013-08-14 13:34 EST
Garet Jax-Ravenlock and Kathryn "Katt" Batten have been given unrestricted access to the Ravenlock Compound and the wards have been adjusted to reflect as such. This also applies to Felix the Moor Cat that Brian had given Katt upon his return.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2013-08-15 08:27 EST
Apparently a Malaysian Tiger Trap was set up just outside the door of one Zephyr Ravenlock in hopes of seeing if he actually exists or if he was a rarely sighted urban legend much to the like of Bigfoot, Nessy, or a newly arrived being to Rhy'Din that does not have a penny to their name, a place to work and all that jazz.

The Ravenlock Twins deny any involvement, and attempts to reach Kerri for comment have met with negative results.

Kerri Al Tuatha Ravenlock

Date: 2013-08-21 08:53 EST
Hearin' an seein' as we gots us a tribe Oni livin' in the forest near us and frequentin' Wren-Chan's barn, 'ol Kerri here has decided to frequent the forest more, with some cases of Badsider an Silvermarks in hopes of some contact.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2014-05-25 19:04 EST
Seems Brian is sporting a black eye patch covering his right eye. A scar can be seen peeking from the top, and bottom. A nice length, about an inch from his eyebrow, extending to an inch and a half before the eye. As to the eye itself, that remains to be seen.

Katt Batten

Date: 2015-05-11 18:53 EST
A slipping through of the grounds by one Katt Batten to be leaving a box on Mother's day for Jenai. There was a note as to whom it was for but no note as to who it was from. Either Katt figured that it wouldn't be hard to tell or she was just that shy on leaving the gifts.

Happy Mother's Day Jenai

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-05-27 09:57 EST
For the last 72 hours, there have been a pair of armed Watchmen posted directly in front of Unkindness (The Ravenlock Home), coupled with a patrol vehicle. This has been an alternating detail with the uniformed presence being constant.