Topic: Early Mornings : The Clan Ravenlock

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2013-07-30 13:20 EST
The morning after Governor Rekah's first GAC Meeting at the crack o' dawn we find Brian and Kerri in the kitchen of the Ravenlock Compound

?So what do you think??

?Well honestly, I think it?s been long overdue??

?What about Jen??

?She agrees as well, Storm deserves it.?

?What about Jewell, and Lex??

?Hmm, well Jewell?s been real busy and I didn?t want to want to intrude on whatever she has going on, you know? That Hydra stuff has been off the chain as of late with its activity and that?s a good thing. As for Lex, we haven?t seen him in a good while now. ?

?Speakin of Hydra, ya still haven?t gotten in a ring yet, muchacho. So when ya gonna pop that cherry, huh??

?Maybe when this Hydra stuff dies down, sides we have our plates full at the moment.?

?Yeah, I guess we do.?

?That we do? Between the Chamber, the 27th and the Mapping Project. Also the re-opening of the ?JRC? and all of Jen?s projects as well with the C.o.S. and of course matters of family.?

?Heh, listen to you. All CEO like--- big ballah, hollah! Heh heh.?

?I?m glad I have you here to keep it all in perspective, Ker.?

?Yep that?s me, old bean! Pokey to your ever lovin? Grumpy Cat!?

?I?ll have to admit to not catching that reference.?

?Then you need to get your @ss online more and look at dem memes, cause they?ll show you the way an with bacon too!?


?Bacon, bro. Like ham-boning, it?ll save your life man!?


?No man, it?s Ham?bo?niiiing! An hell yeah it?ll save your life!?

?I?ll take your word for it.?

?I bet if Renna got ham-boned, she?d make less of an @ss of herself in meetings, yeah??

?You got wind of that??

?Course I did! Some guy was already sellin ?I <3 sewers? shirts with ?ol Ren?s sour puss slapped on the front.?

?Did it have any tentacles and body limbs??

?Now that I think of it, I don?t think so.?


"So ya gonna head over Crios and have some words with someone about their Renna and her new chew toy?"

"That Vampiress-- I met her a few times. Lesinda I believe... In any event I'll get with Art and maybe Crowe. See if they can shed some like on Ren's new love for the sewer, an whatever's down there. I may speak with their leader as well. Sides Jenai and I haven't visited there together yet, and we are their neighbors."

"Yeah, that's a good idea. So whatcha gonna do if she decides to throw down?"

"Then we put her down-- again. I am hoping it doesn't come to that, and her outburst was nothing more than a cry for attention, same as her chew toy's actions last night. If it isn't, then we deal with it. With what we have to do down there, the last thing we need is Renna screwing around."

?Hey I?m gonna make some coffee, you want in??

?Yeah I?ll take some, also make sure it?s the large pot. Jen will be up soon and you know how she can be without her starter cup.?

?Yeah, we don?t need that again! I always wondered, with all the joe we drink, why the hell don?t we have 5 gallon mug. I mean the walking ?T-Bone? has em in the Inn, right? Personally I think we need a few around here man.?

?I don?t think Andu would appreciate being called a ?T-Bone? and while a 5 gallon container of coffee would be nice, I think even Jen would agree that?s a tad overkill.?

?How bout Steak-um? Think he might dig that? I?d be all like, ?Sup Steak-um? and then ?That?s my man, Steak-um b*tches?. Oh yeah, we could code name him ?Sierra Uniform?, heh heh. Steak? Ah sh*t now I?m hungry, hey man you wanna put some links on the crisp or what??

?Let?s keep it at Andu, Ker. An yeah, I can get some breakfast goin.?

?That?s m?dog right there! Breakfast for dat @ss!?

?Pass me those skillets, and we?ll get the stove goin.?

?Copy that, Chef!?

?You know I was supposed to be working on my planner for the week? How the hell did we go from that to me making breakfast for you all? Pass me that seaso?no that one?to the right, no your milita--- that?s it. Thanks. So again, how the hell we did get to this??

?Cause we?re ADHD like that, and I can manipulate you to cook when the hell I want? I mean really I can, we have the documents to prove it you know? Might even have a copy tucked in my pants for proof.?

?I?ll concede to the ADHD, alright. As to what you have stuffed or tucked in your pants let?s keep it there. Sides aren?t you saving yourself for Cor??

? Sides, we know you love to cook for the fams. Here, I got the home fries cut up. Yeah they?re seasoned before you even ask so ther--- oh man! You just HAD to go there din?cha? You had to bring up the one that got away?my one and onl??

?There was a restraining order, if I?m not mistaken??

?What you call a restraining order, I call a misunderstanding! Alright, got the bacon ready? Damn, that looks good, homeslice.?

?Thanks, now let?s get those rolls ready. Anyways, back to Cor--- he was at the GAC meeting last night, actually.?

Rolls chec--- what!? Cor was at the GAC meeting? Get the eff outta dodge! I calls lies and slander, damn it!?

?Dead serious, he was there. In fact it was a packed house.?

?Oh now ain?t that some sh*t. I miss that meeting, and I miss Cor.?

?Miss a little, miss a lot. If this bacon doesn?t wake everyone I have no idea, what will. Get the platters ready ??

?Oh man screw this, I?m going to the next meeting!?

?Just don?t make an @ss out of yourself.?

?No need to, Ren?s got that covered.?

?True? We?ll let?s go and rouse the troops. I think I hear the girls already, and I?m sure Jen?s close behind. See about Elena & Yotsuba, if you could.?

?Gotcha muchacho! One elder and newly placed Ravenlock daughter comin? right up along with a taste of the orient!?

?Thanks Ker, I?ll start setting the table.?

Brian chuckled a bit, as he watched Kerri take her leave.

Moments later the table had been set and Brian worked on the finishing touches. The compound slowly came to life, as he Brian could make out the sounds of their daughters closing the gap between them, and a full tummy. Jen was also heard trying to corral the somewhat stampede of Ravenlock girls, albeit to no effect. Kerri could also be heard?well the sound of her cow bell could at the very least?

?Come aaaaaaaaan get it!?

Ah, and now Kerri herself was heard.

Brian smiled warmly, loving this early morning time with the family. While chaotic in its own little way, it was a far cry from the day to day when it came to the Clan Ravenlock and the many hats they wore throughout said day.

The Chamber of Commerce? The 27th Division of the Watch? The Jewell Ravenlock Centre for Community Partnership? The C.o.S. ? The political arena that was the city of Rhy?Din, not to mention whatever else fate may want to hurl at them?

Bring it.

Because with mornings like this, and a family like this--- there was nothing that they couldn?t handle.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2013-08-04 14:47 EST
Early this morning, we find Brian, Kerri and Ursilda inside the kitchen of the Ravenlock compound

?Are you serious? Both of them??

?Do I be soundin' like I be lying, dog? Yeah it was both of em, it's all over the friggin' place, yo. Hat of the @ss on each of their heads, and everyone been seein' it. I'd tell ya to ask Ursi here, but I think she's makin' sweet love to that bacon we threw on the crisp.?

?How reliable is this??

?As reliable as it can be man! I mean between that mess you all had the other night, and this new junk last night, momma's beginning to think somethin' is up an 'J-Sis' may be center, and 'She Hulk' along with her.?

Brian sighed a bit, and managed to snag a piece of bacon just in time, just as Ursilda snagged a few for herself and went back to the business of scarfing. Pondering a bit, Brian bit off a piece.

?I was out of order with asking Charles to assist, I should have checked with Isuelt first. That was my bad, and--?

?Yeah man, but Issy didn't have to come atcha like she did man. That wasn't like her, and what was that sh*t about not trusting you, and you goin' all apr shi*t and junk.?

?She spoke from the hear--?

?Tell me that again, and I'll tell ya I'm havin' Cor's love child, Bri. You know that wasn't from the heart, and what about her dismissing Renna's lil' piss fit during the GAC meeting? An then J-Sis trying to bait you with all the talk about wanting to know what you guys were doin' down there? Why the hell would she ask you that out in the open man? Naw man, some sh*ts not right there.?

Nodding softly, Brian recalled the evening in question.

?An then what did you tell me happened with Jewell left the Inn, hmm??

?Isuelt and I talked again and were fine...?

?Exactly, man! See, I'm tellin' you this is some Vince Vaugn conspiracy sh*t right here!?

A belch came from across the room, causing Brian and Kerri to both look at Ursi who didn't bat an eye at all, ?M'bad guys, but y'both got some points there, yeah? Very least we know somethin' ain't right with the pair o' em, and Bri here also was actin' funny too. So w'need to find out what the common dealy is er' somethin'.?

?What the f-- where the hell did that come from Ursi!?? said one rather surprised Mithra, who kept looking between Brian and Ursi.

Ursi just shrugged and went back to nomming on her bacon, leaving Brian to counter with, ?No she's on to something there. Damn she's on to something, alright.?

?So what we do then, Bri? It's not like we can just whack em upside the head with a fryin' pan, or something.?

?That did work for me once, a long time ago. Kat knocked the hell out of me... But you're right, we could never do that.?

?We'd better do something then, man. Cause the talks all over and peeps aren't likin' what they be seein', dig??

?Let's just keep a careful eye out, and see how this plays out...?

?An what about you there, Brian? Y'gonna be careful with that temper o' yers when yer around them lasses?? Ursilda had asked a rather good question indeed.

?Looks like I have no choice in that matter, Ursi.?

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2013-08-15 09:39 EST
"Not going to lie: Jenai is pretty smokin? hot. Not anywhere near love of my life Gigi Granger hot, of course, but definitely in the realm of excuse-us-we-need-a-drink-to-cool-off kind of hot. So WHYYYYYY is it she and her guy Brian are the most vomitrociously sappy couple basically ever? We?re counting the seconds until that ticking time bomb of a relationship explodes and lets off all kinds of radioactive crazy, but until then we?re stuck suffering an endless No-you-hang-up-No-you!-No-you-first! sentimental loop. We get the whole honeymoon mentality, but seriously, gag. Someone swap out their drinks for sleeping tonic next time they get like that in public. Yes, yes, love is in the air, blah, blah, blah. Innocent bystanders don?t deserve that kind of torture."

"Hey Dad! What's Vomi-tro-shish-lee?"

"Isn't that, a food dish or something?"

"Your face is a food dish or something!"

"If I had a monkey that looked like you, I'd shave its butt an make it wal---"

"Girls, isn't is a little early?"

"Dad, we got innocent bystanders? Here in Rhy'Din? Really?"

"Daddy, you an momma aren't gonna explode are you?"

"Exploding parents next on Geraldo! You too can be just another statistic!"

"Your mother and I are not going to explode and what the hell did you both eat this morning? Nevermind, don't even answer that. So what's with all these questions?"

"You an momma made the news rag again!"

"Lemme see that..."

What followed was a chuckle indeed, that soon turned into a loud bit of laughter which cause the twins to raise their proverbial brows towards their dad in sheer puzzlement.

Brian soon calmed down and shook his head softly. "Welcome back to Rhy'Din, Post."