Topic: The Bonny Delivery Angel

Rose Black

Date: 2013-10-29 20:18 EST
Rose was supposed to find this guy... Brian was his name. That's right, head of perhaps Rhy'Din's most prominent family. Of course, Rose understood little of the importance of all this. He was just another person Mary had said she was to see to personally.

And so it was that Rose would appear at the compound, as close as would be allowed. To those sensitive to environmental disturbances her arrival would be obvious for miles around. She stepped forth from a portal all crackling with telekinetic energy, almost as though ready for a fight. Though in fact, she was simply excited. Rose liked being kept busy and was quite enjoying trying to track down everyone from the list given to her.

Hopefully her demeanor and intent would be clear enough to whoever received her... Regardless of who was it was though was irrelevant to the Rose. She would smile, curtsy, and announce her purpose, "I'm here on behalf of Mary Read to seek an audience with Brian Ravenlock."

Aleyah Ravenlock

Date: 2013-10-31 10:20 EST
Close as close can be, and noticed indeed was she, especially mostest by a pair of particular red headed beasties!

How could miss such an arrival? Yes if they had they'd very much in the realm of denial.

But these two red headed ones were hardly of that ilk, cause that stranger's entrance caused one to nearly spill her choco milk!

The recovery was rather fast, cause that milk wasn't sure to last. So drinked right up it was, and then they-- *Buuuuuurp!!*

?Dood, you burped! Nasty!?

?Hey, it wasn't my fault! Besides YOU try to self narrate while some girl in a miniskirt pops outta nowhere, with half her clothes off!?

?An who narrates while they try to drink milk, too??

?Everyone actually, trout sniffer! Even the Shanachie peeps do it on stage--- I think??

?Lies from your lie hole!?

?Your face is a lie hole! Oh yeah! Where was I--- uh... ?

?So drinked right up it was, and then the beasties with the bestest of interest asked...?

?What up, cuz!??

The Ravenlock twins seemingly stared at the stranger, with there lilac eyes widened ever so. Rose would find those eyes taking every bit of her in, as their heads bobbed left to right with such calculation. Looking much like a pair of owls, or a rather fixated cat.

So much alike were the pair in appearance that it would definitely have been hard to figure out who was who, save the purple ribbon one had in her hair opposed to the crimson in the others.

?Sorry miss, forget what my sister said about your clothes. She forgets what our mom used to wear when she met dad, heh.?

?I forgot until now! Ewwww.?

?The wards say you're gravy, so you're here to see our dad??

?Hey what's a bonny? Is that like a bunny that's all fat an junk??

?Leyah! That's where she's from! Daddy knows them real well.?

?Could be a trap!?

And then a new arrival...

?A new challenger has appeared!?

Settling up to the twins before Rose was another young woman, older than the pair of eleven year old girls. Lightly skinned with eyes of hazel, and a head of blonde hair. Unlike the twins who looked dressed for adventure, this woman of seventeen was garbed in the robes of a mage.

?What's going on??

?Sup big, sis! Someone's here to see dad.?

?What she said.?

?Oh is that so?? Elena's eyes shifted to Rose, as she smiled. ?I believe father's in the garden actually, out back. Why don't you get him, and I'll guide our friend here inside??

?Copy that, yo!?

The twins saluted and took off around the house rather excitedly, leaving Elena with Rose.

?Welcome to the Ravenlock Compound. I'm Elena Isuelt Ravenlock, it's a pleasure to meet you.?

Elena bowed with a smile, ?If you please, I'll show you inside??

Rose Black

Date: 2013-11-01 17:54 EST
Rose looked down at her clothes when comments were made about her being half dressed. She had to check, seeing as how she often forgot about such details? But no, she?d made sure to dress nice for the schools she had to visit earlier.

Half dressed? She tugged on the light white fabric on her shoulders? still there. Smoothed down her skirt, yes she was dressed. So she just smiled in polite confusion to the apology.

"Actually, I think Bonny means beautiful. I guess their family must have all been very pretty." She concluded, mostly to herself. That assessment made sense, all of them she had met so far it had held true at least.

Taking in the pair of red heads with emerald eyes and her own silent calculation. Not sizing them up as she might have been wise to do? She was merely curious at the way they oriented around each other and how their heads bobbed as they looked at her.

She couldn?t decide if they were some sort of pets? or predatory ninja assassins about to take her on in battle. Perhaps they could be both? She of all people was never one to make the mistake of underestimating what dangers may lay behind a sweet face... Either way, she just watched them and awaited whatever move they were to make.

Except the last bit of conversation perked her up ?could be a trap' and 'a new challenger has arrived?? Someone to fight her they meant? Rose?s attention immediately shifted to Elena at her arrival. Whether she was aggressive or not matter little to Rose. She offered a friendly smile and a curtsy.

?Pleasure.? Agreed with Elena. ?Oh yes, please, lead the way.? Rose followed her eagerly inside. She had been in a hurry, but found herself effectively distracted from her work for the time being.