Topic: The Clan Ravenlock Official OOC

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2013-08-01 16:06 EST
Here it is! Our new home, and official like OOC thread!

So let loose and have at it!

Darcy Angel

Date: 2013-08-01 17:56 EST
Congrats on your folder! Yay for more awesomeness! :D

Katt Batten

Date: 2013-08-01 18:23 EST
-streaks through and tackles Bri and Jen- Congrats! And darn Darcy for getting here first!

Alex Ravenlock

Date: 2013-08-01 23:17 EST
Admittedly I haven't been here for a few days. Came in, saw this.

Was like having a slice of cake AND pie.

Lain Amthras

Date: 2013-08-02 02:20 EST
Or cake flavored pie. Pie flavored cake. Whichever.


Date: 2013-08-02 05:49 EST
Cake is a lie.....Icecream and cake, now thats where it's at XD

Wait....Did Kitty Rider streak through?

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2013-08-02 12:07 EST
I'm also gonna add personalized 'sticky' folders for each Ravenlock who wants their own lil corner of the compound, or what have you to call their own.


Date: 2013-08-02 15:54 EST
I'm also gonna add personalized 'sticky' folders for each Ravenlock who wants their own lil corner of the compound, or what have you to call their own.

I like it. What are we to do with them?


Date: 2013-08-02 16:28 EST
Thought about family meet-ups.

What if we did one every two months or so. Each time, someone else can host it, and they are responsible for the date, time, and location.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2013-08-02 16:33 EST
I like it!

Storm Ravenlock

Date: 2013-08-02 18:15 EST
Looks cool bro.

Lain Amthras

Date: 2013-08-02 19:04 EST
Contribution level UP! I've wanted to add a character sheet for Lain forever, but f*ck does she have a lot of history. And she ain't even as old as all you people!!!


Date: 2013-08-02 19:07 EST
Flint and Flick McGreggor (Adopted twin brothers, Flick is deceased.); Brian Ravenlock (Adopted brother-in-law), Jenai Ravenlock (Adopted sister-in-law); Jewell Ravenlock (Don?t ask.)


Lain Amthras

Date: 2013-08-02 19:10 EST
HAHA, I thought you'd approve of that. XD


Date: 2013-08-03 14:03 EST
Profile posted. Nice that I had my old wiki entry for Jewell on file still to just adapt/edit for this.

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2013-08-22 05:54 EST


omg, am I to do another bio? /epiceyeroll /lesigh

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2013-08-22 09:03 EST
Holy sh*t yer alive!?

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2013-08-22 11:39 EST

Storm Ravenlock

Date: 2013-08-22 19:06 EST
Copy paste for the win, Jadie.

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2013-08-22 23:39 EST

There really wasn't anything to update, other than the picture. I thought it was a loving touch.

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2013-08-22 23:44 EST
Just noticed I had a typo in the bio for forever now.

Ravenlock clan... not clad


we're going Ravenlock clad tonight, guys

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2013-08-26 23:32 EST
Where's my sticky, yo?

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2013-08-28 07:16 EST
Coming right up sweetness!


Date: 2013-08-28 21:18 EST
ZOMG, Jadey's back and on a roll!! :)

Storm Ravenlock

Date: 2013-09-18 10:05 EST
Profile updated.

Added a clarification to her Occupation and removed a relationship...

Go figure, eh?

Lain Amthras

Date: 2013-09-22 13:42 EST

That is all.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2013-09-24 19:43 EST


Date: 2013-11-30 14:00 EST
::Throws something, probably a pillow, at Brian::


Date: 2013-12-24 15:07 EST
I hope you're having a happy holiday, Ravenlocks!

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2013-12-29 13:54 EST
Thanks Art! It's been a bit hectic but we're managing and will be back in full swing come the new year! Our best to you & everyone else and see ya soon!


Storm Ravenlock

Date: 2014-01-16 21:49 EST
Who'd Thunk it... Rhy'din has a theme song

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2014-02-24 00:44 EST
Very cool sis, and we're still here in some fashion. We hope to be back full time shortly, once we deal with these health issues. Be safe and well everyone, and we love you.


Date: 2014-04-07 15:45 EST
Just wanted to pop by and say Hi! Hoping to see y'all back soon!!!


Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2014-04-13 18:00 EST
*hugs!* Thanks dear, we hope to be back real soon!

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2014-07-31 18:44 EST
@#$!#! Wombats.. That is all...

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2014-08-17 18:53 EST
What you see below are my words and those of no one else... Consider it an OP ED, of sorts. Thanks!

Some things have come to light, that I feel need to be addressed.

Recently it's been shared with me, that there are people have been afraid to approach members of our family here due to the personal feelings and or comments (in regards to other players/charries on this site) that members of this family have made openly known to others players on this site.

Now I'm going to slap it in regular speak.

Basically someone(s) do not like certain parties and are making it rather known on the OOC front to more than a few other peeps and it's been blended a bit as well.

To the point that other players / charries have literally been rather apprehensive about approaching other members of the family.

Some have even stated, they felt others of us felt the same as the parties who apparently have the issues at hand.

I know for a fact that is not the case...

I don't expect everyone to get along here on DM, not by a long shot. In fact I know there are people who can't stand me, or I them and guess what?

We STILL play in a room together (when we happen to be in the same room) and more so are in fact pretty damned polite when doing so.

I also know I'm no saint here on DM, and I've been in some rather public wars. I've been very head up on that, and I took it on the chin when it came time for taking my share of the blame. Something that some people here still can't get over, yet--- they sure as hell come to play.

That aside-- I know we all won't get along with eachother. It's the same as life, you know? There are charries and muns that will annoy the ever loving hell out of us, and guess what? We may annoy them just as much, too.

I'm not asking for a love fest, alright?

What I am asking for is respect.

Which is something we each deserve here, on DM.

We all have the right to respect here, and the right to feel how we want as well. Don't like someone, no prob! Can't stand someone, good on you!

Hate the fact that Bri & Jen can revert to a pair of horny 18 year olds on the drop of a dime (cause yes she is in fact THAT DAMNED HOT), hate on hata-saurus! Cause it's YOUR right to do so!


It is not your right to express that to the degree that it interferes with anyone else's play, and more so, their rights.

When things like that happens, it becomes a real problem and a much larger one than simply not liking someone, or feeling slighted, etc.

No one's issues/hang ups should impact anyone else's ability to play with anyone they wish to here.

If it's one thing the Ravenlocks can be known for inside and outside the box it is their diversity when it comes to their associations inside and outside of Rhy'Din.

^&%$ happens, folks... It's how we deal with it and move forward that really shows what we are made of.

We all have enough crap to deal with in the real world, so why bring that here? This is supposed to be our escape, right

Another thing... OOC / Charrie-wise no one person in this family speaks for ANY others (w/out consent)... I have NEVER spoken for Alex, or Jewell and they have never done so for me, and it's not changed after ALL these years. I don't speak for Jenai, Storm, Jade, Wren, Zeph and the list goes on.

It's a mutual respect issue. No one Ravenlock exactly thinks like another, and the same is for the OOC as well. We are all very different peeps, here. So please understand, it is something we have never done and something I personally do not like at all.

I'm not saying this has been done on purpose, but just don't do it... Please.

I apologize for this being out of the blue, but I felt it needed to be addressed. Normally I'd go to Jewell for some kind of touchy feely PSA type deal, however due to budget retraints and union issues, I couldn't out her on the clock... Also, I don't pay her-- yeah that's an issue too.

Below is something I post a while ago as well, on Sojourn.

This is just a friendly reminder that we are all here to play and enjoy ourselves, and this environ that is the RDI, and Rhy'Din is one we share with a great many other people, not to mention our own alts as well.

I've never been one to care about who plays who, so I never bother to ask. It's not my business, actually.

But when it reflects on the family here, our work IC & OOC, and it becomes a disruption, it then becomes an issue.

The Ravenlock Family does not condone Disruptive / Dramatic / Sniping, or Vengeful behavior.

Remember this is supposed to be enjoyable and Lord knows we all have enough mess in the outside world.

So enjoy damn it!


Date: 2014-08-17 19:29 EST
I am putting in my unaltered vote for respect.

And if I may add something.

Cross talk occ/ic ways can happen. Things get all messed up and people start to assume all too much.

My line in the sand was drawn a while back. And it is this simple. Don't assume. And try to get a long. Be civil as possible. (Unless being uncivil is all like planned out then go for that.)

We all wont get along. But we can show respect and be understanding. We can when in doubt send a PM and ask the person at hand questions. I have found that most are welcome to questions, comments and all else. But being disrespectful isn't a good thing.

We all have our IC and OOC battles. Our IRL @#$% and the crap that comes about. But we come here to RDI to play/write/post and enjoy this hobby that some of us have found great for us.

What I am asking for is respect.

Which is something we each deserve here, on DM.

I will quote Brian on that and say damn skippy to it.

Everyone should be able to form their own thoughts, and not think that hey this person says these people suck so it must be so.

I hate that. I honestly do.

And having worked with many here and gotten to know many as well. I have found that most if not all those whom I have been able to work with are very good peeps, both IC and OOC.

Don't take the second handed talk about one group or one person. We may not all like one another, and there can be heat here and there. But RESPECT is possible I agree.

If it's one thing the Ravenlocks can be known for inside and outside the box it is their diversity when it comes to their associations inside and outside of Rhy'Din.

^&%$ happens, folks... It's how we deal with it and move forward that really shows what we are made of.

So in short, let's cut the %^$# .

We all have enough crap to deal with in the real world, so why bring that here? This is supposed to be our escape, right

So very right. No person or family should be so judged. Don't make assumptions about people. Find out the truth for your self, or keep your wise @$$ed cracks and thoughts to yourself. Don't post what you don't know. If your working with others and writing things, make sure you have the facts from the fictions right, and don't speak for someone else unless they say hey you can do this that and this..

This is just a friendly reminder that we are all here to play and enjoy ourselves, and this environ that is the RDI, and Rhy'Din is one we share with a great many other people, not to mention our own alts as well.

I've never been one to care about who plays who, so I never bother to ask. It's not my business, actually.

But when it reflects on the family here, our work IC & OOC, and it becomes a disruption, it then becomes an issue.

The Ravenlock Family does not condone Disruptive / Dramatic / Sniping, or Vengeful behavior.

Remember this is supposed to be enjoyable and Lord knows we all have enough mess in the outside world.

So enjoy damn it!

As always I give my respect to those who give me the same.

But all this was very well stated.

You have my back up on this.

We can all respect one another. We have all earned that much.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2014-09-02 18:23 EST

Looks like we've arrived, peoples

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2014-10-09 23:03 EST

Storm Ravenlock

Date: 2014-11-09 02:55 EST
Changes are coming...

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2014-11-14 23:45 EST
This is why I have trouble remembering my Characters are cold during the months of what most people call winter. I call it second summer.

Ebon Ilnaren

Date: 2014-11-16 22:46 EST
This is why I have trouble remembering my Characters are cold during the months of what most people call winter. I call it second summer.
You hush! You hush your mouth right now! :( ::looks at his light-blue spot on the map and sighs::

J/K... enjoy the warmth!

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2014-12-01 22:42 EST
LOL Sorry! But not really? Kinda?! LOL!

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-04-14 08:40 EST
My apologies for not being here as of late, as it stands it has been a rather hectic few weeks for myself and Jenai, especially with work and school schedules and what not. I hope to be back up to speed very soon, thus getting back to bid'ness if you will.

So thanks and take care!

We <3 you.


Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-06-04 10:13 EST
Just a heads up, work and life have been a bit busy as of late. I am working on replies as well for some posts, so my apologies in advance.


Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-06-06 07:46 EST
Just a heads up, I am doing some folder clean up and arranging between this folder and Sojourn, pardon our dust!

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-06-06 10:56 EST
This is from someone we hold so very dearly as a player and person, it's a damned good read too!

Lan's Soapbox FFRP Player Created Settings

The Overseer Returned

Date: 2015-06-06 13:05 EST
Cool, cool. If I might put in my two cents here, as the post is relevant to me. :D

Quite the informative bit of insight here. I can see how this kind of standard might be hazardous to set as a precedent for players both returning and newcomer alike, as I've seen it outside of my case, as well. Roleplay is, or at least should be, inherently a collaboration between people rather than against them, at least where OOC is concerned. The initial reason I had made for the disclaimer was to make certain someone could not attempt to god-mode mine whilst I was fashioning my still-fledgling storyline. That being said, after reading this, I don't really think that has a place in the profile anymore. Right now, it's probably just there as an excuse. There are a lot of players I trust enough with their storylines and my own to respect the character's status (( or arguably outright greater than him, and rightfully so. )) and place in his and others' stories. In the end, that should be what builds credibility in a character: a respect for those of others.

As for the settings a player would create, and this is coming from personal experience: I agree that respecting another player's settings is definitely something to strive toward. It's quite unfair to assume you have the ability to take over anyone's creations, and I have struggled with that in the past, myself. In fact, some might argue that I'm still doing so. Regardless, I've made it at least a recent wish of mine to ask a player involved in a roleplay I would like to join if I could feasibly enter in, and whether or not I would be an acceptable addition to the scene, as the feature character, Scionius, is rather heavily combat and storyline-oriented. I feel as though communication prior, during, and even after a scene(s) is essential to keeping all parties happy.

It might seem like backpedaling, but I'll admit, I've had some run-ins with RDI's rulings in the past, and I might do well to have another comprehensive read of them in regards with how I might go about establishing what I previously thought to be reverence for other players. We'll see if this might reach others who might shared my OOC view of things, but either way, let's make this a comfortable place for everyone to roleplay, mates! I'll try and do my part, too. ^^

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-06-06 13:34 EST
As someone who's been working with you for a while now, I have no problem stating to what I know to be obvious.

Yer pretty frickin' Boss, man.

It's been a blast collabin' with you and everyone else involved, an I look forward to what else comes down the line!



Date: 2015-06-06 14:37 EST
This is from someone we hold so very dearly as a player and person, it's a damned good read too!

Lan's Soapbox FFRP Player Created Settings

Thank you bunches Brian's Player!! I am pretty sure you already know how much I cherish and appreciate your opinions and those of your lovely lady Jenai! <3 to you both!!!

Cool, cool. If I might put in my two cents here, as the post is relevant to me. :D

Quite the informative bit of insight here. I can see how this kind of standard might be hazardous to set as a precedent for players both returning and newcomer alike, as I've seen it outside of my case, as well. Roleplay is, or at least should be, inherently a collaboration between people rather than against them, at least where OOC is concerned. The initial reason I had made for the disclaimer was to make certain someone could not attempt to god-mode mine whilst I was fashioning my still-fledgling storyline. That being said, after reading this, I don't really think that has a place in the profile anymore. Right now, it's probably just there as an excuse. There are a lot of players I trust enough with their storylines and my own to respect the character's status (( or arguably outright greater than him, and rightfully so. )) and place in his and others' stories. In the end, that should be what builds credibility in a character: a respect for those of others.

As for the settings a player would create, and this is coming from personal experience: I agree that respecting another player's settings is definitely something to strive toward. It's quite unfair to assume you have the ability to take over anyone's creations, and I have struggled with that in the past, myself. In fact, some might argue that I'm still doing so. Regardless, I've made it at least a recent wish of mine to ask a player involved in a roleplay I would like to join if I could feasibly enter in, and whether or not I would be an acceptable addition to the scene, as the feature character, Scionius, is rather heavily combat and storyline-oriented. I feel as though communication prior, during, and even after a scene(s) is essential to keeping all parties happy.

It might seem like backpedaling, but I'll admit, I've had some run-ins with RDI's rulings in the past, and I might do well to have another comprehensive read of them in regards with how I might go about establishing what I previously thought to be reverence for other players. We'll see if this might reach others who might shared my OOC view of things, but either way, let's make this a comfortable place for everyone to roleplay, mates! I'll try and do my part, too. ^^

First I gotta give you kudos Eternal Overseer's Player. You have the stones to step up and talk about it in a very intelligent and adult fashion. Wow, I really respect that!! Also, I do not see it as backpedaling in the least but rather you being open for discussion and willing to collaborate. Again, I highly respect you for being like that. Thanks!

You are spot on, no one has the right to god-mode your character. That being said you have to also be careful not to come across as someone intent on doing that to others while attempting to defend yourself. But you have given me insight as to why you would add such a disclaimer to your profile. I am grateful for the knowledge, it helps me to better understand. I will be less judgmental myself in the future.

I want to apologize to you for having been treated that way. I know I didn't do this to you, but no one should have. We should be more welcoming and helpful rather then the opposite. For that I am truly sorry. I wish it were otherwise.

You are also spot on about player-created settings. Although my goal in my article wasn't intended to point at you or your character and say that you in any way had transgressed such a line. Instead it was to point out that even the most powerful among us does not have the ability to wipe out anyone's settings just because their "character can". Some might refer to this behavior as Metagaming - playing off of their characters abilities. Most everyone else calls it as it should be called - powergaming/god-moding.

Stepping away from the conversation with the player of the Eternal Overseer and more into the realm of addressing the player-base overall:

The only way we can impact another player's characters or stories is through negotiation and collaborative plotting. Otherwise... no other character or player can impact any other character or player without their direct consent. This includes player-created settings. If someone wishes to impact another player's-created setting they need to ask permission. This is the only way that FFRP can actually work beneficially and in the long run for everyone and in the community's best interests overall.

Through negotiation and compromise awesome stories can be told. But when someone pushes their IC upon others without talking to the players beforehand? They are overstepping. We should always know what the other players want out of the interactions (yes, even for our own stories) before we simply drop them into it. Communication shouldn't be seen as an evil thing but rather as a tool that allows everyone to get what they want out of the IC interactions.

We must all always remember, FFRP is based on collaborative play - we are all going to want something out of the play. Be considerate and include those involved in on it so they too can have a say in the direction a storyline that involves their characters will go. This includes Player-Created settings as well. If someone wants to bomb the WestEnd they should be talking to the player whose setting it is before they go about declaring it destroyed.

RESPECT is the foundation of FFRP. Respect is being considerate of those you play with and in the settings they have created. Respect is NOT "play my way or else". No one has the right to randomly destroy what anyone of us has created without our express permission - this includes both characters and settings.

Thanks again to Brian for promoting my post about Player-Created Settings! And thank you, to the Eternal Overseer's player for being as gracious as they have been about my commentary concerning the OOC in their profile. I am grateful for their input on this matter.


Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-06-06 17:06 EST
Lan... We <3 you... Also, thank you for bringing up the Borderland lore, because it was all of you that got me interested in that series of anthologies and books and it really opened my eyes.


Date: 2015-06-07 13:17 EST
Lan... We <3 you... Also, thank you for bringing up the Borderland lore, because it was all of you that got me interested in that series of anthologies and books and it really opened my eyes.

That was totally our goal from the beginning we wanted to share the B-Town love with the world. We had been table-top gaming (using GURPS) in BorderTown for years before we came online. We had a lot of characters with their own original backstories. So we brought some of them online. Then we decided to play the Bloods as a collective bad guy. That didn't work so well, but in hindsight it worked out awesomely! We have great stories today because we compromised with the community.

I am so glad that you have gained an appreciation for the series! Next recommendation is Thieves World - if you haven't already read it? It is another wonderful anthology with many amazing writers involved. I highly recommend it!

On a more personal note... I have been a fan of Brian and Jenai Ravenlock for years now and have watched as the two characters have grown. I am very impressed. I enjoy reading y'all so much! Keep up the awesome!!! And know you are appreciated for all your contributions to the community!! At least by me and mine.... As I can't really speak for everyone else. Heh.


Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-06-24 12:47 EST
This is just an update, or rather a heads up. I dunno, how to really call it so, it is what it is.

First off, I want to apologize for not being around as much lately. There?s just been a lot going on, both at home and at work. Honestly a ^&%$ ton more at work, truth be told. That being said, I?ve really not be able to write like I?ve needed to, especially in regards to replies for a few threats I?m currently engaged in.

Rest assured, I?ll be getting replies out very shortly and will continue to work on those threads/projects.

Now that being said, I won?t be working on anything new (save anything directly related to Bri & Jen). This is in an effort to get back to the heart of things, so to speak?kinda pull the ranks and get them where we need them to be, not only for themselves, but for us as players as well.

I think this is a bit overdue for Jenai and myself and in light of some recent things here that left a very bad taste in my mouth, I think it?s a pretty good idea.

So if ya need me, you can message me. Or if you have my AIM, or Facity-Book, the same applies.

Thanks again and much <3 to you all!


Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-07-27 20:49 EST
Still around, even if limited.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-08-22 09:59 EST
After looking over a few things, I'll be doing some shifting and archiving in regards to various posts.

Truth be told some never should have seen the light of day IMO, and for the record those are my own posts, not anyone else's.

So I will be archiving them, and then sending to the mod tank for deletion.

That being said, it's time to move forward once more an get back to work. So, see ya guys an gals soon!

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2015-08-22 13:06 EST
I feel fairly certain that I speak for many when I say we look forward to seeing the continuing stories of the Ravenlock family.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-08-22 13:15 EST
Just as we look forward to the works of you and yours good Sir. For the record, Brian will have to pay a visit to Lucius one fine afternoon, so they may discuss a few things, here and there. ;-)

Claire Gallows

Date: 2015-10-15 09:18 EST
Hope y'all are doing well. Always looking forward to more stuff from you people!

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-12-24 21:03 EST
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to one and all! May it be a wondrous one for you and yours!

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2015-12-24 21:07 EST

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2016-02-18 18:34 EST

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2016-04-24 12:04 EST
Sometimes you have to lose everything, in order to build from the ground up once again.

Storm Ravenlock

Date: 2016-04-27 18:48 EST
"The strongest steel is forged in the fires of hell."