Topic: Return of Tetronus

Talos Iceshard

Date: 2006-04-19 18:52 EST
etronus: :: Sparks begin to fly everywhere and a bright light apears out of the ground::
Marcella_Mahura: ::startled:: What the hell!
gourry'sgirl: ::Glances at the light curiously as she takes a step closer::
Lily Hell-Fire: ::covering her face:;what the
Tetronus: ::A form with wings begins to appear as the light growes brighter and the ground trembles::
gourry'sgirl: ::Begins floating in the air as she observes what is going on::
Shadow-chantra: (chantra)::stedies herself::whoa, what is going on
gourry'sgirl: I don't know...but it is strange::to Chantra::
Tetronus: ::The ground cracks around them as waves of light are emitted shattering walls and
gourry'sgirl: ::Casts wind barrier, confused as to what the f-uck is going on::
Lily Hell-Fire: ::covers her face with her wings::hey
Tetronus: :: the light begins to fade as well as the rumbling as a figure steps out of the light:: I am