Topic: Moon Sickness


Date: 2008-03-03 19:25 EST
She had been struggling since the news of Aolis' disappearance had touched her ears. The elveness had closed up shop and spent desperate search for the sweet-hearted male elven. But as the days dwindled on so did her strength, for each passing night the moon waned the moon sickness began to rise.

She found herself nearly passing out in the marketplace the day before in her feverish search for certain herbs that would help the moon sickness and thus allowing her to continue her search. And if it had not been for the wise words of a man she barely knew, she might of continued until she collapsed in the streets.

But this night before the new moon, she found no strength to move out of her bed. Her head felt as if someone had placed it within a vice and she knew it would only get worst until the moon started it's new cycle. Failed in finding the rare herbs to help, she knew she would not be moving for the next few days. This clawed at her mind and heart.

The feather down mattress of her bed was no comfort to her even as it's softness, coupled with the satin sheets of leafy green, cradled to her exhausted form. Like a hug from a big squishy stuffed animal. Her room was lightly decorated but nothing really stood out. The four post bed made out of cherrywood, which happened to be her favorite type of wood. The color was simply marvelously! An elegant armoire that kept what few of her personal clothes she owned. You would think with someone who owned a clothing shop she'd make a lot more for herself. Aside from that there was a well sized table nudged right under the window. The desk was well kept, papers and books stacked proper. The only thing that would of stood out on that desk, and to any eye, would be the vase of flowers she had plucked from the display in the marketplace.

It was the only memento she had of Aolis save for pendant and memories. And as day faded to night she stared at them, almost unblinking. Worried even in her sickened state. She prayed to Ithil that he was safe. That he would remain safe. And that soon she would see him. If anything just to ease the ache that the dark elven had stained onto her heart.


Date: 2008-03-05 10:47 EST
Sera sighed faintly as she watched the sun rise, the moon a sliver of itself as the sky's night faded into a colorful display. Her head felt think and pounded like an unforgiving migrane. She knew what this meant. Tonight would be the new moon and the moon sickness would be in full effect. It probably wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't for the heart clenching ache in her chest.

Aolis was gone for so long that she started fearing the worst. Not that she was giving up. She would never give up. She would faithfully remain waiting and hoping until there was something to give her reason to do otherwise. It had to be the sickness making her so depressed. But it was hard to keep a happy demeanor when you were in earth shattering pain.

Slender shoulder dipped as her ferret friend jumped onto her shoulder. Even the soft chatters it made caused her head to throb heavily. A small smile was given to the tiny creature as she pulled from the window and started her daily routine. Soon the shop would be fully opened so there was still some things to be done before then.

After dressing she made her way downstairs and straight to the counter. Swaths of cloth was folded and gathered, placed into the room behind the counter. A particular cloth was kept on the counter and she returned, running her fingers over the powder blue silk. She hadn't spoken to Ms. Rini in a while and was looking forward to surprising her with a pretty dress. Sitting down in her chair she observed the fabric. She decided to start working on that. She didn't need to work on the shop after just waking up after all. She had plenty of time to do that.

Then the realization that she still had Mister Johnny and Miss Sianna's wedding gifts all prepared and ready for delivery. Maybe she would give them early since she didn't actually know when the wedding was. Or did it already happen and she missed it?! Oh that made her rather sad. She was looking forward to seeing such a beautiful couple in the blessed ceremony.

Her mind slowly returned to her work on the dress, fingers measuring the fabric before a needle and thread was taken to it. She thought of Ms. Rini and how flowing she moved. Then a idea popped into her mind and her fingers went to work. Even with a heavy and pounding head her work never suffered.

By lunch time she figured she would be done if she continued to work so feverishly. It gave her something to do. Something to focus on other then the pain in her head and heart.


Date: 2008-03-06 01:57 EST
The day had slowly dwindled by. So slow that it was almost unbearable. Almost. She got some things done done and one particular was ready to be delivered. An anxious little boy waited while she folded the beautiful dress into a box, wrapping it with the shiny crimson wrapping and pink ribbon to keep the wrapping in place.

The dress took longer then she had thought but the time and effort was well worth it for such a special friend as Rini. A coin was offered to the boy before the package was placed in his arms. A bright look shot across the boy's face at the gold coin. That about made his week!

After explaining the description of Ms Rini and the boy took it to memory he would bolt out the shop with package in tow, carrying it like it was a precious babe.

When the package reached Rini she would find a small note laying tucked just under the fold of the ribbon:

To a special friend.
I hope everything is going well for you Ms Rini!

Nothing more. Nothing less. Though she was sure just by the way she acknowledged Rini would give away who the gift was from. Inside the box she would find first a pair of cloth woven earrings, like interlocking Celtic knots. A similar necklace was under them though pearls seem to be offset among the cloth. The dress itself was powder blue and worked as two layers. Spaghetti strings to help keep the flimsy dress up lead to a low cut straight collar line, brush of sparkling sequence leafs across the bust and the hem of the first layer. The dress itself is seamless in the front giving it a sleek and flattering appeal to it's wearer. Of course since she didn't know Rini's shoe size she couldn't exactly give her shoes to go with the outfit.

Hopefully she would like it.

Forsaken One

Date: 2008-03-06 02:01 EST
Aolis was free, thanks to that vigilante woman, Bellora Vendetta.

He stumbled as he walked, recieving sneers from some of the citizens he passed, most of them thinking him drunk. He was not; he was weak from the flight from Darkon, and pained that he had to leave the other innocent captive's of Dalia behind. He had had no choice.

Crying tears of guilt and grief, he stumbled up the street, reaching for a young woman. Falling nearly into her arms, he whispered to her.

"Please, I need to find someone. Sera...she is a seamstress? I cannot remember where her shop is, can you help?"

Seeing the elf was obviously in trouble and knowing of whom he spoke, the young woman slipped an arm about Aolis' waist, leading back up the street from which she had come. "It's this way, Sir. I will take you, it is all right. No no, don't worry. What has happened to you?"

Recieving merely a limp shake of his head, the girl spoke no more, but led him to Sera's door. She knocked as she supported him, nearly falling beneath his weight as he went weak in the knees. She pounded a bit harder, a slight tremor of fear in her voice as she called out to the lady of the shop. "Miss? Miss! Someone to see you! I think he is ill!"


Date: 2008-03-06 03:35 EST
Her ears lowered a touch at the sound of the pounding. Had the boy already forgot the directions? Slowly she made her way towards the door, each rap against the door's frame causing her head to split.

The unfamiliar voice reached her ears. Someone to see her? Ill? Maybe it was Torrin! After all he was a moon elven too and a nobleman thus he too would be effected as she. Reaching forward she opens the door, first spying the panicked woman who looked as if she was about to topple over under the weight of the man leaning against her. Violet tainted blue eyes drifted to the male that clung to the woman so desperately. It took a moment for her to register who it was and if her pale flesh could go any paler it would of. She knew this man. "A..Aolis?"

Her heart clenched and stopped all at once. It was painful. Happy and terrified in one swoop. But she found herself quickly and rushed forward to assist the woman, diving down to Aolis' other arm and draping it across her shoulder. "Miss I would be very obliged if you helped me bring him upstairs to the bed so he could rest. And ..thank you. Thank you for bringing him."

She knew how people tended to be in these lands. Most usually only caring for themselves while a good majority seem to thrive on the pain of others. So few seemed to really care for the sake of others.

With the help of the woman she lead Aolis across the shop floor and to the stairwell that lead to the second floor. The first door was opened and lead into her room. He was carefully laid into the bed and Sera made sure that he was comfortable by tucking an extra pillow under his head and the blankets up to his shoulders. Even through her sickness her eyes showed her worry. If not through the tears that clung to her lashes then the expression that remained ever still to her features.

He was safe! Alive and safe. But he looked horrid!

Her eyes looked to the woman as if awaiting an explanation. But even as her eyes left Aolis she remained ever close to the bedside, hands clenching the edge as it was currently the only thing keeping her from toppling over. In the rush she had forgot about her own illness. Coupled with the relief of Aolis' safety it was a true surprise she was still standing.

Forsaken One

Date: 2008-03-10 13:13 EST
Aolis murmured her name, softly, even as he drifted into a deep slumber, a smile graced his lips. He could smell her, he could feel her near, and he knew she was safe.

The young girl was a bit worried herself, unsure and willing to help. After helping take Aolis upstairs, she spoke in a whisper:"I don't know what happened, Miss. He collapsed into me and begged me to find you. I assumed he had been in a fight of some sort. Is there anything I can do for you? You look as if you may faint as well. Why don't you sit. Can I bring you something?"

The young girl tried to fret and fuss about Sera and Aolis both, having no real place to be off to and quite worried about the state of them both.


Date: 2008-03-10 13:49 EST
There was a center of peace knowing he was safe. Her ears twitching hearing Aolis' voice and she would of blushed if she could of. Did he think so much of her that even his subconscious acknowledged her presence? And that smile. Was it because of her?

Tilting her head slowly she reached forward, fingertips brushing under a few strains of his hair that found their way along his handsome face. As her fingertips slid down the hair, ushering it to the sides of his head she would decline the woman's offer. "I am fine. I have just been so worried about his safety. Thank you greatly Miss for bringing him back to me." As the ends of his hair strayed from her fingertips she would turn to the woman, offering her the warmest smile she could muster. "Please. Let me compensate for your kindness and time. A gown perhaps? Or a stuffed animal if you've a child. Both?"

Delicate fingers of the moon elveness found rest against the top of Aolis hand. She would find strength to take care of him. So help her Ithil she would. Course once he woke up he'd probably wish he was still asleep. Once he woke up she had a bag full of questions that needed answering.

Forsaken One

Date: 2008-03-17 18:40 EST
The young girl would curtsy, shake her head, and know that she had done a good thing that day. She would excuse herself, and rush out of the shop, feeling wonderful that she had obviously reunitied two lovers, or so she would think.

Aolis tossed a bit in sleep, but at Sera's soft touch, he stilled. His murmurs where of her name.

"Sera...Sera must be safe. I will keep her safe."


Date: 2008-03-17 19:21 EST
Sera couldn't help but blink when the woman rushed off. She attempted to call after but she heard the woman out the front door before she even got to the bedroom door! Scratching her head she looked over to the sleeping Aolis. Poor Aolis seemed so exhausted. Making her way back to the bedside she heard his words, whispers on a breath of sleep. Pink bloomed across her pale features but then she realized she had been right. He had been in trouble because of her. To keep her safe.

Sighing she pulled the covers snug to his shoulders. She would talk to him when he was better. She couldn't have him risking his life to protect her. The guilt alone would kill her if he ever got hurt. Heck, it already ate at her that this happened to him because of her! Leaning forward she pressed her lips to his brow, a soft whisper to his ear as she drew away. "Rest well, dear Aolis." Then she drew away and exited the room to leave him to rest. She would check on him later of course but he needed his rest.