Topic: .: Task Set Forth :.


Date: 2008-03-06 23:34 EST
For Johnny and Sianna she had time to prepare for their wedding gifts. It took a lot of pondering. Johnny had been her very first friend in Rhydin and though they rarely talked he was definitely a dear friend to her. Just as was his fiancee Sianna and his cousin Rini. All three of them held a very special place in her heart and mind.

And it was in that she took to making Johnny and Sianna's gifts to be meaningful and special. They were such a special and adorable couple. They deserved the world but Sera surely couldn't afford to give them that. But she had another idea in mind. Something meaningful in more then just one way. But she would need materials to craft what she wanted.

She also needed to figure what to make for Shadow and Chantra. Though she barely knew Chantra she knew Shadow. Despite his past and his 'other half' he was a good man. He deserved this happiness. They deserved happiness.

Taking up her shawl and a basket she strolled out into the marketplace. Her first order of business was to the silversmith. What odd look she received when asking for some specifics but not just specifics. Specific materials not actual done wares. But he was happy to oblige the small woman, gathering her desired materials with little time. While he was busy gathering what she asked for she looked about the wares the man had to sale. Nothing she really wanted but definitely some fine crafted items! Maybe she would return when she wasn't so focused on other tasks.

With coins passed and materials gathered she tucked them into the basket and hurried on her way. So many places to stop yet so little time. But this was good for her. Something to focus on other then her pounding head and aching body.

A jewelry stall was the next sought out. Not for the jewelry but for specially cut jewels. Sapphires to be exact. Also a crafting kit for jewelry engravement and mold material so she could make the molds for the items. The woman found Sera's specifics to be a tad overwhelming but was able to give Sera what she wanted and more. This delighted her. It meant that her own work would be more easier and go along smoother.

Just before dark she had gathered the last item on her list of things to gather, the whole day rushed on by while she strolled the streets to fill her list. The first snowflake of a incoming blizzard touched her nose and she looked up to the sky. The sky looked so dark and sombre without the glory of the moon's light.

To her shop steps quickened, forgetting about food in her haste. Sera barely made it inside as the snow began to flurry down more rapidly, coating everything it touched in white splendor.

Now where to start...?


Date: 2008-03-07 02:56 EST
Several hours were spent working on a handful of molds. The hard wax pressed, carved, and sharpened in painstaking detail. She could see it so clearly in her mind's eye and she smiled thoughtfully. She hoped these items came out how she pictured them.

Thankfully she hadn't decided to turn her basement into a daycare just yet. The tables and furnace really did come in handy for her work. Two of the molds were set into metal turn vises, handles turned tight to keep the molds from moving. Turning the vise till the singular opening was found. A small circular incision for the melted metal to be poured into the waiting structure. Another vise held a different mold but just as equally important towards the complete product. Other molds were much more smaller, demanding more precise touch and attention.

Moving to the furnish she checked the metals boiling. One was pewter while the other was pure gold. She watched the churning and boiling liquid metal, using the observation as a moment to simply relax.

Finally plucking the vat of pewter she moved over and carefully poured the liquid metal into the proper molds. After she was sure she had done well she replaced it and did the same with the vat of gold. Once the metal was set to cool she prepared herself for the next task. Tools taken out for setting and engraving.

Settling into a seat the first mold was carefully removed from the vise and places it onto the table before her. Slowly the left side was peeled from the semi-soft metal then turned carefully over to remove the other piece of the mold. With a curving tool she goes about following the edge of the metal to smooth out the sharp edge where the metal had seeped a tad from between the two halves of the mold. She smiled at the beautiful sight of the dragon slightly curled with it's head downcasted.

With the metal still soft she placed in sapphires for the eyes and one in the stones that acted as a stem for the future goblet. Opalescent glass was forced into place between the dragon's wings. Once done it was carefully placed in a vat of water to cool and the second one was retrieved to do the exact same thing. The striking detail of the dragons was magnificent. Each scale pressed to exceed the one below it in perfect harmony. Even the wings had fine details to them.

She would wait till both were cooled down before using the engravement tool to write "Johnny" on the plate holding the goblet up on one and "Sianna" on the second. Smiling she settled both goblets down and pressed them together. Necks nuzzled and tails entwined they created the image of a heart between the two of them.

She gave a nod and turned to the other molds. One of the smaller ones was taken into hand and carefully peeled apart. Engraved leaves and flowers along a golden band. The uprise letters reading out "kuuipo". Definitely was harder to do the rings with lettering but at least it was done almost perfectly. She took the time with the engravement tool to press into the still soft gold in order to bring out the images of the leaves and flowers into more focus. The second ring was done in the same fashion and placed into the water to cool like the first.

Standing she retrieved some boxes for the special gifts and each was placed for view of their future owners. With each tucked under arm she started out in search for the two couples..