Topic: (OOC Thread)

Rory OCorr

Date: 2006-01-18 15:42 EST
A few items about this folder:

-The stories written here are intended for adults, and while at times may be suitable for any age group, they also at times may not be suitable for any age group. Anyone who is adverse to the occasional curse, consider yourself warned. There will be cursing from time to time within stories, that is how these characters live their lives.

-I will be using the written accent I have created for the O'Corrs as well as possible other dialects, if you're reading along and are stuck on words and/or phrases, please feel free to contact me and I can decipher it for you!

-The stories contained within all have something to do with the O'Corr Family and/or loved ones, friends, enemies, etc. While I expect myself and (possibly) Charna-mun to be the main people posting threads on this board, I have no objection to others posting on it as well, as long as they are somehow interacting with one or more of the O'Corrs or someone close to the O'Corrs.

If you have questions, feel free to ask! Also note that I reserve the right to delete any and all posts/threads that I feel are not within the boundaries that have just been given.

Charna Lyndria

Date: 2006-01-19 00:29 EST

-I will be using the written accent I have created for the O'Corrs as well as possible other dialects, if you're reading along and are stuck on words and/or phrases, please feel free to contact me and I can decipher it for you!

Also, if you're stuck on a word, just try to say it aloud. Apparently, that can really help.