Topic: Joho Wa Chikaranari


Date: 2012-07-23 16:52 EST
"Tell me again," Kotetsu said to Akito, his lieutenant in charge of recruiting new shatei.

Akito hemmed and hawed for a full minute before explaining what one of his own lieutenants had reported to him after hearing about it from one of the Watchmen in Koreatown's Watch House. Sometime over the weekend, at least 30 young men who had once called the Five Kingdoms home had been brutally slain. They came from all over the area?Little Tokyo, Chinatown, Koreatown, New Saigon, and Little Bangkok. Out of the 30 slain, only six had been members of the area's gangs, and out of those six, only two had been members of Kotetsu?s own Kakure-Kai. The only similarities the men had with each other were the fact that they were Asian and had tattoos, hardly unique qualities in the area.

"Our organization was targeted, wasn?t it?" Kotetsu asked in a quiet voice. Akito nodded reluctantly.

"Yes, Kotetsu-sama. It appears that whoever did this was hunting our men specifically. The tattoos the men had were all at least full sleeves." The shateigashira lowered his eyes and spoke softly. "What will you do?"

"We must ascertain who did this. Speak to the other bosses. They lost men; perhaps they will be willing to enter into a temporary truce while we investigate. Then reach out to any of the kyodai who have relations with people outside the Kingdoms. We are insular and cut off behind the torii gate. We need to forge relationships with gaijin so that we know what they know."

"Hai, Kotetsu-sama." Akito bowed deeply and backed out of the office. Once he was on the other side of the closed door, he dialed a number on his cell phone and relayed the wakagashira's instructions to the rest of his personal crew. Then he went downstairs to the fight room, seeking Ishi-san. His fighters were the best place to seek an alliance with someone outside the boundaries of the Five Kingdoms.

((Written in response to this playable.))