Topic: Kazoku no gimu

Matsumara Eiji

Date: 2012-07-07 22:41 EST
EJ had been following his sister around all day and had, of course, noticed that she had another shadow, one who was not him. He'd heard that their father had asked Ishi-sama to allow one of his kyodai to watch Ari-chan, but had no idea that it was Nishimura-san who'd ended up with the duty. EJ was both relieved and a little horrified to learn this; he knew Ari would be safe but on the other hand, Nishimura-san attracted violence like a copper rod attracted lightning. After watching them enter Moshi-Moshi together, EJ decided that now was the time to speak to his sister's guardian and make sure the man understood that he was there to do a job and nothing else.

Once Ari had clocked in and been assigned to work, Hayato secured himself a seat in the corner of Moshi-Moshi that allowed him to view the two main entrances to the establishment, the bar, and most of the main room where the patrons and guests sat and waited to be served. He'd known EJ was following them for a short time before they stepped into the restaurant and when he came in, a sudden pit formed in his gut and he wondered at the conversation that was soon to follow. Bracing himself for the inevitable, Hayato stood and waved the man over.

EJ nodded and headed in the man's direction, the weight of the concealed 9 mm pistol at the small of his back suddenly very comforting. He might not be as gifted with martial arts as Hayato, but he was a killer shot. He bowed to Hayato once he'd reached the man's table and said, "May I join you?"

Hayato stiffly returned the bow and motioned to a seat opposite him. "Please," without waiting, he slid back into his own seat and glanced up at EJ with the indifferent gaze he was most known for. EJ had a 9 mm on his person, Hayato was also always in possession of a similar firearm with the addition of a knife.

"Thank you, Nishimura-san," he said, choosing the more formal form of address and erring on the side of caution. "You are waiting for my sister?"

"I am," he replied. "Tatsuomo-san has requested that I keep an eye on her until things in Little Asia are a little less exciting."

EJ chuckled, a rare expression of emotion from him indeed. "That will not happen any time soon, I am afraid. I have heard rumors of the puppet government sticking its nose into ninkyo dantai business. And there is always the pressure from the White Lotus Society." A waitress dressed in a traditional kimono brought them tea and EJ remained silent while the woman was at their table.

The moment she went away Hayato nodded. "I hear things, but I don't know everything. This last job has kept me...occupied," he eyed the tea that had been placed in front of him thoughtfully and decided not to partake just yet. "I suppose this is why you're here?"

"Hai, it is." He sipped his tea, cut a look around the room and spotted the back of Ari-chan's head. A tiny smile curled his lips at the sight of her in the kimono, one of their mother's he thought. "She is very important to me, Nishimura-san," he said, turning back to face the other man. "Of all my family, she is the most important."

His chin dipped in a knowing nod. "I understand your concern," he began, "I am taking my job very seriously, you of all people should know that I will not let any harm come to Arisu," he didn't realize the slip in formalities, perhaps due to his close relationship with the Matsumara family as a whole, or simply because nerves had caused him to forget himself.

"It is not harm from without that I fear." His eyes had gone cold and flat, reptilian in their appearance.

"Then explain to me what you do fear," he had a pretty good idea by now.

Matsumara Eiji

Date: 2012-07-07 22:43 EST
"You are not the man I would choose for her." There. He'd said it in a very un-Japanese manner. No beating around the bush, no worries of saving face or being eternally polite. He'd been blunt and that alone underscored the very real worry he had for Ari-chan.

"I am the man your father chose for her," he reminded EJ coolly. "And that is all that matters. If you fear that I'll do her harm, your worries are misplaced."

"He chose you to do a job. Nothing more. You are an employee of my family. Do not forget yourself."

"What are you implying?"

"Do not confuse your duty with that of a suitor's."

"With all due respect, that is none of your business," he leaned back in his seat to stare across the table at EJ.

"It is completely my business. She is my sister. My much younger sister. My much younger and innocent sister. Who else's business would it be?"

"Hers," Hayato replied. "She's not as innocent as you think she is, and no matter how much younger than you, she is still an adult," he shook his head. "I understand your concern, but once again it is misplaced."

EJ just shook his head and finished his tea. "She is too good for you," he said in a soft voice, eyes flashing a challenge. "She deserves better than a hetsurau, a toady of the wakagashira. She deserves a doctor or a lawyer. Someone without ties to the society. I do not want this life for her, Nishimura-san."

"Neither does she and neither do I," when he recognized the challenge in EJ's gaze he just shook his head. "She will ultimately make up her mind, with or without your consent. Neither one of us can change that. I just hope to keep her safe and happy for as long as I possibly can."

"You can change it. You have the opportunity to change it." His voice, though still low, had grown passionate and earnest. "Do not allow yourself to become attached to her. Turn her advances aside. Remember your duty to our family and leave it at that."

"Your warnings come far too late, I'm afraid," Hayato glanced over at the woman who was the subject of their discussion as she moved through the restaurant, delivering the orders of the many customers present this particular afternoon.

EJ's eyes went reptilian again as the other man's meaning sunk in. "Tatsuomo-sama will hear of this," he promised and rose from the table. He delivered a stiff, shallow bow, not nearly deep enough to afford Hayato the respect he deserved, before EJ turned on his heel and left the restaurant.

"No doubt Obaasan has already told him," he replied as EJ rose and left. A noticeable stiffening of EJ's spine was the only indication he gave that he'd heard Hayato's parting shot.