Topic: Glass Stars will Shatter

The Hourglass Girl

Date: 2011-04-05 09:14 EST
And the things you can't remember
Tell the things you can't forget that
History puts a saint in every dream
Well she said she'd stick around
Until the bandages came off
Tori Amos ~Time

The darkness of an empty room was shattered by the glow of the girl, every emotion and thought bringing a prism flicker of color through pale strands and glittering as filigree beneath flesh, thin and fragile as the girl.

How long had she been here? She didn't even know but the position of her back to the door, the hug of knees was starting to sink in leaving delicate bones in protest. The stiffness ignored as finally she managed to drop her hands from her face, the ragged breaths as she tried to hard to muster up a fragment of control.

A press of palm to wall and the wallpaper burst into color, ignited into images seen. This perhaps another reason she would not look within mirrors.

Black and white, a spark and a crow, then those eyes. The visual reminder brought by the glisten fragment of her own energy left her stumbling back and shaky.

Those eyes.

Hands plunged through the pale strands, bleeding rivulets of color in a vibrant amber-gold to touch the winter pale.

So much left unspoken to be tucked away with a smile. Astraea was nothing more then a broken fool. The things unsaid told the true story of her.

Stretching fingers reached for the sky, even restless and exhausted the girl ignored the bed. Empty beds and hollow embraces, her thoughts left her to believe she was dreaming.

A hug, a caress, a kiss nothing more then fanciful illusion. None of it was hers to own.

Four walls and a girl. She turned in slow circles, not quite certain what to do now that she was here.

Fingers curled around that key, so strange and cold in her palm then the timepiece would ever be.

The Hourglass Girl

Date: 2011-04-05 22:11 EST
To be made of glass
When two suns are shining
The battle becomes blinding
To be made of glass
But we ride tonight, tonight, tonight, we ride
-Bat for Lashes- 'Glass'

The colors haunted her, interchanging in her mind?s eye from brown to amber to gold. The colors of the forest and the trees, the depths of hue for those as feral as the wolf, a shade as invoking as liquid ambrosia remained lingering in her thoughts from that moment.

It all twisted together amongst the visions of winks and joyful grins, lost against a background of crow feathers as black as night and of a curtain of hair forged of thick darkness pierced through with starlight. She remembered the way those star touched strands of darkness had felt in her touch, as much as she remembered the smooth softness of the crow?s wing against her fingertips.

When Astraea closed her eyes she ever would see colors amongst the visions of those known. Spark was as bright as the name the Hourglass Girl claimed him by. Ginger hair a vision of vibrant hue as that which a sunset on the horizon would be and that solitaire depth of blue as piercing as artic ice.

She dressed in the dark, the nature of the girl enough to give off the light she needed to find a change of clothes. There wasn?t so much that she would possess but it was enough. A simple pair of jeans and the blouse that seemed to have lived a full life during the Victorian age was chosen, even though as delicate and short as Astraea was she near appeared to swim in that peasant blouse.

Fingers smoothed through the pale of her hair, one glance tossed to the mirror for a brief once over before she swiftly tore her gaze away. It hurt at times to see that visual of the hair that would reflect colors in prismatic light, or the way her eyes never seemed to remain one color or became a kaleidoscope of hues all in one moment.

The vibrant smile she often wore was marred by the strange frown as she scratched upon her wrist and settled the timepiece back in place. Sighing deeply she gripped upon that key till it left a cutting imprint in her palm. It was not only her skin that was marked by the blood from her hand as the key itself now possessed a crimson mote.

The pain was raw and new to the Hourglass girl and a shred of that very peasant shirt worn was torn to wrap and bandage that wound. It was strange even in those hours how she swore she could hear a crow cawing and rapping at the window.

It was only shame and worry that kept the Hourglass girl from opening that window as she ran out of the room with her pale hair shivering in a tremble glimmer of color and light as crystal bright eyes took on a wet glisten of unshed tears. Astraea swore she?d never cry again and right now she was trying her very best not to break the sworn promise.

The Hourglass Girl

Date: 2011-04-06 22:16 EST
But I can see that star
When she twinkles
And she twinkles
-Tori Amos- 'Twinkle'

Time would often wander, it would drift and move and sometimes it had wings and learned to fly. Astraea often found that her mind was very much like time, always wandering and drifting. It was not the only thing she had in comparison to time but those things were secret and better left unsaid.

The timepiece was snapped closed as she looked around over the field since Weaver had left. The visions were not common but sometimes they came and it was not unusual for Astraea to follow a sheer whim. Such whim had brought her to field, had brought her to the circumstance of being impaled by Weaver?s spearhead and bringing more then blood.

The pain and Weaver?s coaxing had done far more when it awakened the Staff of Time and brought Astraea?s wings to be revealed in the lightning storm as pale wings reflected that energy in violent, bright shimmers.

Soaked feathers arched up towards the night as she visibly shuddered in the soaked cold. Even still that radiant smile could not perish from her lips at the knowledge that her vision had brought Weaver a small fragment of peace. The knowledge that the voice Weaver heard was not hallucination but truth. The Warrior still was calling for Weaver to return.

Coming home had to feel so good. As she walked on the soaked path of the field Astraea wondered what home must feel like, especially if for those that were like Weaver a person and a soul could become a home.

Crystal bright eyes closed as images played behind dark lids like the lightning moving in the night sky. The ginger haired Spark with his artic blue eye, the crow that had kept her company more then once, the ever sweet vision of Mayu who Astraea was starting to feel would be considered a true friend, and finally the vision of the one she still had not discovered the name of but who had come to her rescue and been there at such perfect timing to aid her or protect her when least expected.

Astraea was lost in her thought patterns of darkness and color, drifting in her feelings and thoughts of Spark and the amber-eyed man that seemed nothing more then pure Magic to her. A thoughtful wiggle of nose left her sighing in the rain as she tilted her head up to face the sky.

The rain left those pale strands slick and vibrant shining like melted glass against her skin as she wondered and considered all that had happened. The promises Spark had made to not leave and how he had watched over her during the night and slept at her side. The tender kisses and that embrace of strong arms that never seemed willing to let go.

Spark had asked her if she knew the amber eyed man. The Hourglass Girl could only tell him what was known and what was the truth, she had only met the amber eyed man twice.

Still she had to wonder if perhaps once upon a time they had met before. His protection and nature towards her albeit different held the same shining threads of Spark?s own nature towards her.

Spark certainly made her feel safe and secure and at peace even as this amber eyed one awakened a strange dream, a wandering thought from the girl that left her drawn. Was it the Magic within that drew her or something more, something else that would draw her so to both.

It hardly left the Hourglass Girl conflicted over something she never understood, but still it would leave her wondering?

In a shattered, broken glass world that she existed in past the Parted Veil, what did it all mean?

The Hourglass Girl

Date: 2011-04-07 22:15 EST

Turn off your mind, relax
and float down stream
It is not dying
It is not dying

Lay down all thought
Surrender to the void
It is shining
It is shining

The shadow dark of the room was something new for her to adjust to but the quiet breathing of the pair in the room with her was what left her peaceful and at ease as she looked around the dark room. Astraea did all she could not to move or cause anything else to happen to awaken the slumbering pair. The smallest turn of head had the outline of Mayu visible on the floor, and Astraea didn?t even need to move to know that Toby was there. The firm press of his chest against her back and the protective wrap of arm around her to keep her close was enough reassurance that he was there.

Fingers rose carefully to brush strands out of her eyes as she thought over the hours prior. The laughter and companionship at the table with Mayu and Spark had been what she needed to keep her content and calm after all she had gone through. The pair of them made it so easy to trust again, to more so just feel again. Those feelings could be terrifying but even now the growth of those feelings and emotions had spread through her very soul to warm her spirit and ease her uncertainty.

It was because of the presence of the pair that she was enduring hours that once had been so lonely and broken. She was surviving all thanks to them and thanks to Magic. Nicknames came so much easier to think of them by then true names, the nicknames seemed so much more personable and meaningful to the Hourglass Girl because they were something that was given.

That you may see
The meaning of within
It is being
It is being

That love is all
And love is everyone
It is knowing
It is knowing

She smiled as she thought of those hours before they had given in finally to slumber. The playful visuals before the mirror as her energy made the strands of Mayu?s hair gleam and shine in vibrant shades of tourmaline and topez and the choppy ginger strands of Toby?s hair to burn like the sun, as breathtaking as a firebird finding its wings.

The vision of the pair left Astraea silent and breathless as she smiled at the beauty of it and the beauty of her friends. To Astraea they seemed so much near to visual personifications of Fire and Water. Maybe the Hourglass Girl with her pale strands could consider herself as Air, which left the Earth?and the Earth to Astraea more and more each day was Magic.

That ignorance and hate
May mourn the dead
It is believing
It is believing

But listen to the
color of your dreams
It is not living
It is not living

If an Hourglass Girl could have more then one friend, was it possible to have more then one knight? Silently she wished and hoped that eventually all of her friends would come to like each other and treasure the company of each other as much as she did theirs. Fingertips curled in her pockets to briefly caress the solitaire feather, common as any feather if not how it would shine and shimmer as a crystal in the light.

The Hours had been so good to her. As the Hourglass Girl snuggled and tucked herself securely against Toby?s sleeping form she would only hope and pray that those Hours would remain the same.

Maybe, just maybe, these hours could pass her by without pain, without fear, without loneliness and that she wouldn?t awaken to find this all to be no more then the shattered fragmented pieces of an Hourglass Girl?s dreams.

Or play the game
existence to the end
Of the beginning
Of the beginning
Of the beginning
Of the beginning
Of the beginning
Of the beginning