Topic: A chance breaking and entering


Date: 2012-04-18 21:25 EST
A navy blue suit, white shirt and dark blue tie. The Bluetooth-styled ear-piece connected to the radio cleverly hidden under his coat on his belt flashes it usual connected blue. Non-Descript patent leather shoes click softly against the tile of the floors. Snow white hair tied back into a tight ponytail, and a pair of Gargoyle Guardians over his eyes. Just another nameless exec on his business making his way through the halls. Under the glasses, eyes are peeled. Behind the com ears are open. Each and every day he dutifully makes his rounds, making small talk with a few as he moves along. Those that care to assume figure he?s just another face in the rat race. He keeps the real reason he walks these halls as he does to himself. He doesn?t wear a name tag. He doesn?t introduce himself with anything more than his name. No alphabet soup afterwards. Those that need to know, do. Those that don?t won?t. Appearing quiet but friendly he keeps himself up on the goings on through the daily course of the day. Both official and otherwise. Always a smile, a little twisted though It may be, and a friendly hello to any he comes across. His small office off to the side of a hallway has no markings on the glass. It looks normal from the inside except for the three monitor system sitting atop the desk. The usual family photos on the wall, though he appears in none. One could assume he was the eye behind the camera. The only indications of his position are the guards occasional nods to him and a small bulge under the coat between his right arm and side, possibly a weapon of some sort, or a large phone in an interior pocket that Bluetooth is connected to.
Never seen before noon, and never seen entering or exiting the building, the hours he keeps are his own. It could even be plausibly rumored that he is sleeping in the building. Though who?s to know the truth other than he? The outward appearance of the office was unremarkable save one fact. On the door there was no visible lock and key system. No hidden switches along the walls. No holes, slots, or buttons, no sort of visible theft deterrent, yet one turn on the knob would validate that it is in fact locked. Any more aggressive trials would yield any would-be snooper a warning jolt of around 70 volts as the security armed. A further attempt would get the doors attacker the full 150,000 plus volts that run through the buildings main circuits.


Date: 2012-04-18 21:27 EST
One late night, long after the days business has concluded and there are but a few people milling about taking care of the nightly operations, he sits quietly in his darkened office, feet up on the desk, smoking one of those trademarked hand-rolled cigarettes. The only light in the room are the monitors as two of them flash through the various cameras, hidden and visible, that are strung throughout the building. The third runs the algorithms that update the passwords for the doors and computer accesses. The key fob?s the employees are given the only way to keep up with the random numbers letters and symbols, and only certain fobs have certain access. He loosely watches the monitors as he draws on the cigarette. Suddenly the third monitor beeps and begins a beeping tone with a red flash going across the screen. An unauthorized entry at the north door with a fob that is not scheduled to be in the building at this time. A few quick taps to the keyboard bring up several images from the north door, the halls, and the corridors in the general area. Strangely there?s no one there.


Date: 2012-04-18 23:47 EST
It took me only a short month to get my hands on a key fob. I wasn?t happy with how much I had to pay for it though. It doesn?t matter really. The rewards Ill reap from this are worth the short-term costs. I run over the blueprints of the offices themselves. The plans for the ?secret? base underneath weren?t accessible. Oh well. Improvisation is the soldiers best friend. Now to plot the steps taken. From which door to use to which clothes to wear, everything is planned out for days to guarantee perfection. Okay. Its time to go.
In black from head to toe. Cybernetics woven into the cloth itself scramble the wireless signals for the cameras making me invisible on the screen. The same cybernetics keep the outer layer of the cloth cooled making the thermal detection equipment useless. The tools I may need are strapped into hidden pockets here and there. The wire for the audio recorder goes from my ear to my throat with my wolverine communications device and down to my right inner pocket.
I approach the north door quietly and cautiously. A silenced shot takes out the light over the door at about 20 yards. He leans his back against an outer wall as he runs the key fobs through its codes. A soft click alerts me the door is now unlocked. I had four seconds to open it and get inside before the lock reengages. I did it in three.
I?m inside now. Its eerily quiet. My feet make patters softer than children?s as I move down the hall, my path having been painstakingly planned. The first office I need to be in is three doors down to the left. I silently make my way there, my senses on the highest alert as I move. I reach the office quickly. It takes a blink of an eye and I am inside. I set myself in front of the computer terminal and slip the USB thumb drive into the terminal. The worm virus uploads in a matter of seconds and begins pulling the first pieces of information he needs from the terminal. After an agonizingly long 2 minutes the process finishes and I take the thumb drive back out.
I slip back into the hall again silently, moving farther to the left down the hall weaving my way through the maze of corridors. I spot the second office I need. This door is a little more complicated. A simple doorknob lock. A toothpick and bobby-pin gain me entry after about 15 seconds of working them. I repeat the process with the worm, this time the virus uploads more quickly as it begins to slowly infiltrate the entire network.


Date: 2012-05-31 01:13 EST
He taps a few buttons on the screen of the PDA. The cameras images now are on the screen in his hand as he makes for the door to his office. He heads for the northern corridor as he sets the terminals in his office to remotely record the images from the entire northern wing. Just then another unauthorized entry alert blips on one of the offices. The image on the screen reverts to the door in question and shows it open and close, but nothing passes before it. A slightly quicker step begins to take hold as he pockets the PDA and rounds the bend into the northern hall. He slows his step as he reaches the office door and slowly pushes it open with one hand. The other reaches inside the sport coat as he steps into the small room, only to find it empty, the monitor on the desk running but nothing seeming to be out of the ordinary. Just then the second alarm trips on an office down the hall. A quick check of the PDA and hes moving down the hall to the second office. He can hear the quick keystrokes of the person inside the room. He moves to an opposing corner and waits. He keeps one eye back around the corner, watching the office door, the other watching the rest of the hall as he remains hidden. He hears the door open as he slides back away from the corner as not to be spotted. The soft click of footfalls on thick marbled floors indicate his quarry is heading away from him, deeper into the complex. Another door opens. Oddly the PDA does not chirrup its alarm, the security system having been one of the first systems to fall prey to the intruders cyber attack. Silently he reaches down and slips off his wingtips. He sets them on the floor and removes his sport coat, placing it over his shoes. The nickel plated desert eagle hangs tightly under his arm in the custom-made shoulder-holster. He draws the weapon and begins moving down the hallway toward the slightly ajar door, weapon aimed and at the ready. He can see the mans back as he peeks through the crack in the door. A breath was drawn in and a count of three was silently given before he burst through the door, almost immediately placing the barrel of the weapon to the back of the mans head. The man raised his hands slowly. Cal begins to speak before being startled by the man, whose reflexes and speed were in a word, remarkable.


Date: 2012-05-31 01:20 EST
I heard the door damn near come off its hinges. Whoever this was they had no knack for tact. Though they have me red-handed so to speak. I can feel the cold steel against my head. He started to say something but I wasn?t going to let that tiny little lapse in concentration go without being fully exploited. As fast as I could I turned and wrapped his gun hand in between my elbow and my ribs. My other hand came out and back in as I swung at the mans face. I was rewarded not with a solid impact to his jaw, but an impact to mine as he punched me first. Then he did something wholly unexpected. He let a round off out of the weapon. The discharged shell, still smoking and white-hot, burned my exposed skin as the remaining powder from the muzzle flash lit the cloth aflame. I let go of his arm only to be rewarded with another smack, this time the side of that large handgun being brought to bear across the side of my face. That one hurt. And sent me to the ground. I come back to my feet only to be staring down the business end of the barrel. I raised my hands and weighed my options as I looked past the weapon to its master, narrowing my eyes a blink in the dark and through the bit of blood and the now throbbing headache to see?.well I?ll be damned. I may just have lucked out here?