Topic: Shopping Adventures Of Awesomeness And Grooviness.

Darcy Angel

Date: 2009-03-26 00:49 EST
{Quick OOC note. I couldn't find the chat that I had saved so I'm just copying and pasting the post I had made about it.}

Da-da-da-da dun! It had happened! It had finally friggin? happened! Yes after a long over due delay The Groovester and The Awesomeness had finally gone on their shopping trip! The Groove Master and Awesome Incarnate took the Marketplace by storm! Buying a rather large amount of skirts, dresses, heels, boots, tops, and corsets. Nothing was restrained from these two!

Of course The Awesome One had bought herself an interview outfit for her interview to work at the club that Chase worked for. She was so excited! She was for once completely happy! She was in love with a man who loved her back. She had great friends. And she was going to be dancing again! Oh her life was going splendid. Though in the back of her mind she was cautious. She knew all good things could come to a crashing end. But for right now she was going to enjoy life.

She had picked out a few unmentionable items with Alucard in mind. Hoping he would enjoy it. Though most of the time he never appreciated the things she wore for him. Then again she was an impatient person who always riled him up. Oh but it was so fun! However?She was going to have to learn the art of seduction. Maybe a stop at Teasn?Tomes was in order? Or maybe some embarrassing questions with blushing advice from her friends? Why was it that most of the time this stuff came naturally to most women yet to her it was a puzzle? Then again she wondered if he even cared. She was going to have to ask him whether or not he was happy with her. That sort of a thing was very important to her.

After a very exciting day of shopping they went for a very well earned tall glass of OJ and it was then that they stopped at a burger joint called Twelve Guys. Such an odd name. However the burger joint was to die for! Darcy had a smoothie considering she was pretty sure that she couldn?t eat. All in all it was a great day. A great day indeed!