Topic: Tel'Narn En'Erestor


Date: 2008-09-05 20:26 EST
Adel strolled lazily alongside Theo, not far from Felagund Monastery. Theo was a young teen just about an entire head shorter than Adel, with short, messy ash blond hair and bright gray eyes. Pointed ears gave way to his elven heritage, though it was uncertain whether he was only part elven or a full blooded elf. Since meeting the hunter, his own attire had changed to mimic Adel's. He wore earth toned cloaks and tunics, paired with loose fitting trousers or breeches. He had even taken to wearing a large belt to hang pouches from, but rather than katars hanging to the side, he kept his panflute there.

As they walked, Adel turned his coppery gaze aside towards the monastery, eying it lazily. There had always been a question that lingered at the back of his mind when it came to the location, but he never thought to actually ask it. Not until now, at least. "Who's Felagund?"

Flabbergasted, Theo stopped in his tracks to stare up at Adel. "You don't know?"

Grinning, Adel shrugged his shoulders. "Perhaps I do, and I'm simply asking you so you can answer and waste our time. No, I don't know. I barely know of any of Tel'Seldrine you-"

Theo interjected to correct Adel - politely, of course. "Tel'Seladrine."

"Whatever." Adel chuckled as he waved a hand dismissively. "Is Felagund another one of those gods you all seem to hold in such high esteem?"

"A god?" Laughing merrily, the elven lad shook his head. "No, he's not." He started sprinting forward, so that he could catch up with Adel, who still continued to walk. Reaching towards the ground, he picked up a large rock and tossed it back and forth between his hands. "Erestor Felagund was a hero, though! He helped people and slayed a lot of monsters just like you do." Theo looked almost starstruck for a moment, before he turned to throw the rock towards a nearby tree, missing it by a good deal. Making a face of annoyance, he kept on talking. "That's why they named the monastery after him."

"Is it now?" Quirking a brow in thought, Adel grinned then cocked his chin up in a haughty gesture. "If he and I are so much alike then perhaps it's time for change. The monastery ought to be named after me."

Theo fought back a snicker before shaking his head adamantly, and spoke quietly. "You can't say such things Adel! If I'Amandil heard, he would have a fit. Felagund was a saint, and I'Amandil doesn't think very highly of you..."

"You just said he did much of what I did. So how far apart could we truly be?" Adel's grin faded to a more serious expression, however. "Tell me specifically of this Erestor guy, then. What did he do to be considered a saint?"


Date: 2008-09-16 01:27 EST
"It was many years ago that Corellon himself handpicked Felagund personally to be his saint." Theo and Adel sat next to each other, on the grass, the monastery just ahead and in their sight. Adel's gaze shifted to follow the priestesses wandering around it, though his ears were all Theo's. "He appeared in front of him one day and gave him his mission and a holy sword to wield and everything."

"Did the sword have a name?"

Theo blinked up at Adel in confusion. "What?"

"The sword. Did it have a name? All holy and legendary weapons do. It's like..." Trailing off, he waved a hand about vaguely. "...a rule."

"I don't think it did." Theo scratched his head, even more confused.

"Then it probably wasn't a very good sword."

"The sword isn't the point of the story at all." Theo's shoulders sank. He looked mildly dejected. "If you didn't want to hear it, you shouldn't have asked."

Finally, Adel tore his gaze off one of the more endowed priestesses to look towards Theo. Sighing, his tone and expression became apologetic. "You're right, I'm sorry." He gestured with his hand. "Please, continue."

Bright eyes dimmed and narrowed some on Adel before Theo nodded and spoke again. "Corellon gave Felagund a holy sword to wield in his name, and to do his bidding."

Adel interrupted again. "What was his bidding?"


"You said Corellon wanted Felagund to do his bidding. What would that be?"

Theo was confused for a third time. "Um... I'm not sure? I guess it'd be good deeds."

"What would one of those good deeds be?" Adel's grin bordered on wicked.

"Well..." Theo pondered a moment before sitting up straighter, excited. "There was a small village, full of poor people. They didn't have a warrior amongst them. It was mostly farmers and artisans. One day, out of the forests around this village, an evil army showed up, intend to kill them all. There were orcs and trolls and dragons! And mages! They were gonna set fire to the village, and steal, and kill everyone. But then Felagund showed up." Theo's eyes lit up. "He showed up with nothing more than Corellon's blessing and his holy sword. He used that sword and single handedly fell the entire army to save everyone!"

Adel blinked. "Wait... Corellon's good deeds consisted of fighting and killing?"

"Defending people." Theo corrected.

"And how can one man destroy an entire army? Even I couldn't accomplish such a task." Adel scoffed.

"That's why Felagund is a saint, and you are not."

"There's got to be more to it than that." Shaking his head, Adel twisted up his lips. Skeptical. "You can't just kill an army, then suddenly be a saint. That's just being... powerful. Hardly worthy of sainthood."

Rather annoyed, Theo seemed about to say something, but a voice cut through the air, interrupting him. "Theo! It's time for your lessons!" One of the priestesses, a middle aged matronly woman, though still charmingly feminine, smiled pleasantly from afar. She lingered not far from the monastery.

Adel grinned flirtatiously in her direction and tossed a wave of his fingers before looking back to his young friend. "Have fun, Theo."

Sprinting to his feet, Theo rolled his eyes. "You know I won't. My lessons are boring. I'd rather be out adventuring with you. Or hunting bad guys!" Nonetheless, he turned to sprint towards the priestess, not leaving her to wait long. As the two departed towards the monastery, the young elf glanced over his shoulder to give a wave of farewell to Adel.