Topic: He loves me...?


Date: 2008-05-25 15:42 EST
Nothing puts things in perspective quite like alcohol and girl-talk. After a night filled and fueled by both (and the later recovery), she found herself sitting in the Marketplace. She was perched on the lip of the fountain with her feet dangling and her mind whirling with ideas.
Locke had given her a rather brisk goodbye, and paired with her past mistakes and his recent schedule, she couldn?t help but feel like there was some major fixing to be done. She hadn?t the slightest idea what was going on in his brain. Was he fed up with her? Really, she wouldn?t be able to blame him; Da? always told her she was a dead-end. Plus, from what she?d heard, first relationships were mainly just for learning. Maybe he?d found out everything he needed to know...
Those thoughts didn?t help much, said her frown. Neither did her next, almost immediate, reflections on her conversations with Baker and Mish. Sure, most people would disregard the logic either of those two fellas spewed, but she found it difficult when they made good points (it happened every now and again). With the support for a break-up mounting up, she wasn?t quite sure what to do. She turned to watch couples strolling by with hands entwined and much as she wanted to loathe them, she couldn?t. They had something she wanted. Well, something she wanted back.
She got to her feet with a determination she?d seemingly just picked from the waters of the fountain and headed in the direction of a few familiar shops.


Very early the next morning (or very, very late that night)?

She stood outside Locke?s door with her body angled to try and see under it. There weren?t any lights on, yet, but she imagined there might be soon. He did have to get up early for work, still, didn?t he? Though she could have knocked until he answered, just to be sure, she decided his sleep was too precious to interrupt; she?d rather not incur anymore of his anger, if she could help it.
?Well,? she whispered in the quiet hallway, ?I hope he gets you.? With that, she set the small, circular basket in front of his door and moved back to her own. Most of the contents were covered by the folds of the gold linen she?d lined the basket with, save for a pair of flowers poking out from long stems; their elongated petals were dark blue with spots and streaks of purple. The only other bit left uncovered with a bright white, folded paper marked with Locke?s name.

The message:
First of all, good morning! I hope you?re well?I haven?t been able to see you in a while. I picked up these berries for you in the Marketplace (keep them cold! They?re best like that!). They?re in season now. That?s one of the reasons I like spring so much. I got you blueberries ( for the obvious reason), strawberries (they?re one of my favorites), and these other ones I haven?t heard of before. They looked tasty, though! I figured they would also be a really healthy snack, to help you keep you in shape for the Duels. How are you doing in them? I meant to come see you, but I wasn?t really sure when they were, and if I was allowed. That must sound silly?
I don?t know what those flowers are called, either, but they reminded me of you.

That?s all. I hope you like them!

P.S. I miss you. Amin mela lle.