Topic: Making Amends

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2009-10-15 22:26 EST

A man's very highest moment is, I have no doubt at all, when he kneels in the dust, and beats his breast, and tells all the sins of his life.
(Oscar Wilde)

Confession is always weakness. The grave soul keeps its own secrets, and takes its own punishment in silence.
(Dorothy Dix)

October 7, 2009 R.S.C.

Locke was lallygagging in the marketplace, slowly traipsing from window display to window display at the various wares on display. The shoes from the cobbler, the hats from the milliner, and the bouquets from the florist were almost enough to raise his spirits. Almost. His heart sank yet again as he thought of the latest sacrifice he'd made, in a futile attempt to assuage his guilt.

His place in the spring season fashion show. He had spent so much time before the trip to Hope preparing for it, but when he got back, his interest plummeted. On more than one occasion, he had found his mind wandering while staring at a bolt of cloth that he was planning on making a dress shirt out of, his hands idly crimping the soft fabric. Eventually, he had come to the conclusion that he was better off not presenting in the show. If the inspiration wasn't there, he shouldn't be as well. Cottar had been disappointed, and Athelstan could barely contain his glee. Gerard, however, had shown little emotion, once he had made sure Locke wanted to pull out. He'd just told the ice elf to start working on the fall show. It took all of Locke's willpower not to laugh in Gerard's face, or break down before his mentor.

Would Gerard have been as supportive of his wunderkind designer if he knew what Locke had done? Would he have even listened to Koyliak and taken on an intern, if he knew that Locke had robbed a bank, right before he'd started? Of course not, Locke thought, leaning forward to rest his head against a glass window. The cool sensation only brought momentary relief. No one could understand. It's a bloody millstone, weighing me down, day by bleeding day. It's a cancer, sucking the life out of me slowly but surely. First my friends, then my job, then my beloved. And after that, there will be nothing left but a bitter, broken man.

Absorbed in his misery and his lean against the storefront, Locke could only feel and not see the familiar brush and bump against his backside. Instinctively, he reached out to grab the arm of the street urchin who had just picked his pocket, before the pickpocket even had a chance to mutter an apology to cover up his crime. The boy yelped and tried to squirm away, but the frost elf just tightened his grip on the lad's forearm.

?Ouch. Ya hurtin' me!?

?Trust me, mate, if I wanted to hurt you, the gloves would be off.? Locke's toothy grin reflected equal parts charm and menace. Realizing he'd been caught, the would-be thief stopped struggling, though he still scowled at his captor.

?What ya want??

Locke wanted to tell the kid he was a damn good pickpocket. It was the boy's bad luck he had targeted Locke, and not an average RhyDin citizen. Just about anyone else would have been an easy target, and if they had been in a marketplace crowd? Forget it. Locke would have never noticed his missing money until he'd gone to pay for something later. But he couldn't say that. His sense of responsibility won out.

?First, I want my dosh back.? Locke stuck his free hand out, palm up. The boy attempted to break away from his grip again, but he simply tightened his grasp and kept him close. That brought forth another scowl. The ice elf responded by tapping a foot. ?I am waiting, mate.? The street kid tossed the wallet in Locke's general direction, but low, attempting to force him to let go to get it. The ice elf's reflexes were quick, and he was flexible enough to lean forward and grab his money without letting go. Locke didn't skip a beat before continuing. ?Second, I want you to go to High Spires. Are you familiar with the place??

?Sure am,? the boy replied, before spitting on Locke's shoe.

?You are going to go to High Spires, and tell them that Locke D'Vestavio, a friend-? He paused for a beat longer than he intended to on the last word, as he winced involuntarily. ?of Lirssa's, told you that you should stay there. They will have food, and a bed, and they will help you find a trade to apprentice at. One that is not as dangerous as being a natty lad. Savvy? Savvy?? He placed more emphasis on the repeated word, catching his captive staring off into the distance.

?I got ya.? There was no enthusiasm in the kid's tone, but Locke let him go anyways. Cobalt blues watched the boy scurry down the street, run into another well-dressed gentleman further up the road, and rush off with a mumbled apology. Locke watched as the man took a few more steps down the sidewalk, pause suddenly, and whirl around in the other direction, crying out. ?Thief! That child stole my coin purse!? The culprit had quickly vanished from sight, though, leaving the man with no recourse but to tell his tale uselessly to a city guardsman who had quickly arrived on the scene. A small crowd gathered around the two men, but Locke just shook his head sadly and headed off in the opposite direction.


1999 R.S.C.

The formerly abandoned warehouse in Dockside was loud and boisterous, filled with the shouts and yelps of teen-aged hoodlums playing cards and roughhousing with each other. In the island of this storm sat Locke and Granaff, the former on the cold concrete floor, the latter on a makeshift throne, a garish high-backed chair that had been haphazardly covered with gems and gold across nearly every square inch.

?Will you ever go straight?? Locke asked, looking up at his mentor.

?Go straight, boyo? Why??

?Well-? Granaff immediately interrupted Locke before he could even start to formulate his thoughts.

?Why would I ever want to go straight? I make good dosh, you lads all make good dosh, and we live as we please. Tut-tut-? Granaff held up a hand, as Locke began to protest. ?Wethrin, if there is one thing I have learned in my years ? and I certainly hope there is more than one ? but if there's just one, it's that the game never leaves you. Boyos come, and boyos go, but I know the urge to fork and filch never goes away, even if they do. Once you get a taste of how easy it is and how much quid you can take, with none the wiser, it sinks into your blood and bones, and you can never get it out. Never. Savvy??

?I g-? At the dirty look from Granaff, Locke mustered up a smile, and started over. ?Savvy. I'll never leave you, mate, and I'll never peach, no matter how they poke and prod me.?

?Good to hear. Now run along, boyo. You should be having fun, not shilly-shallying with an old fart such as I.? Granaff waved Locke towards a group of young thieves playing poker, smiling weakly all the while.

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2009-10-25 23:23 EST
October 13, 2009 R.S.C.

The weather in the WestEnd that evening was cold. Unseasonably cold, with a brisk wind to make it that much more miserable. Those citizens who were lucky to have oil, gas, or electric heat that consistently worked cursed and grumbled and turned on their furnaces earlier than they had wanted to. Those who used coal or wood had to scrounge through what remained from last winter, or head to the streets to hunt down a coal or fireplace log dealer, and pay a premium. Those unfortunate enough to be homeless, as many of the street kids forced to live by their wits in this district were, made do with whatever they could find.

One such kid was half-bent over a rusted-out oil drum, scavenged from who knew where. Inside, he had combined trash, copies of the city's various daily newspapers, and scraps of wood he had begged off of a carpenter to start a fire that threatened at any moment to die off completely. He took a couple of steps back and rubbed his hands together briskly, afraid that the slightest move might extinguish his lone source of heat for the next couple of hours.

Gaslight and the dim orange glow from the drum cast long shadows over nearly everything in the alley. The boy addressed one shadow, shaped vaguely like a person, long before the corporeal shape corresponding to it came in view. ?Yer late, Dismas.?

?I know, I know. What's the good word??

The other boy spat at a large rodent that had wandered a little to close to the pair, before continuing. ?Ain't no 'good word' these days. He's out.?

?Locke?? Dismas stepped up close to the drum, tightening the bandana around his head and curly brown hair.

?One and only. Pulled up stakes on the dead drops.?

?Where's that leave you, Ames??

?Shit creek with no paddle. No silvers, no place to stay when it's nippy, no nothing.? Ames spat to the side again, at nothing in particular.

?You can't go back to the homes?? Dismas' question prompted a snort from Ames.

?Ain't going back there. Too many rules. Too much-? Ames stopped short, glancing around nervously. ?Too many rules, yeah??

?Yeah.? Dismas looked over his shoulder, but spotted nothing but the empty street and sidewalk behind him. ?What now??

?What now? I live on the damn streets. I eat what I find or steal. I freeze. That's what's now.? Ames' features tightened up, before he spun away from the barrel and struck the crumbling brick wall behind him. Bits of mortar mixed with the blood welling up from fresh cuts. Dismas looked down at his feet while Ames stared at his bleeding right hand, before breaking the silence.

?You know, Ames...I can put a word in for you with Granaff. We could always use another natty lad.?

?I don't-don't wanna do that. I was happy clean. With clean hands.?

In response, Dismas held up his hands in plain view. He was wearing a pair of mud-covered gray fingerless gloves. Glancing in Ames' direction, he could see that the only thing covering his friend's hands were fresh scabs on the injured one.

?I'd rather have dirty and warm hands than cold, clean, and dead ones. Think about it, Ames.? Dismas locked his fingers together to crack his knuckles, before waving. ?Stay warm.?

?Yeah. I'll try.? Dismas shoved his hands into his coat pocket and walked away, leaving Ames to wince as he brought his closer to the fire.

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2009-12-18 18:39 EST
November 20, 2009 R.S.C.
Star's End Spaceport

The impeccably dressed Japanese businessman pushed his way through the crowd of arriving and departing space travelers, paying little attention to the dirty looks and outraged cries his rude behavior provoked. He was in too much of a hurry to pay them any mind. A careful observer might have supposed he was on his way to interplanetary customs, to sign off on the last bit of paperwork before whatever goods he was importing passed through. They would have been surprised to see him veer off towards one of the lesser used corridors of the station, towards a small sushi shop with just a single employee present. It was mid-afternoon, between lunch and dinner, so the lone worker, a man who bore a striking resemblance to the businessman, was alone in the store, cutting up slices of salmon in preparation for the evening. The chef set his knife down and removed an erasable marker from his front chef's coat pocket, when he spotted the other man through the store's front glass windows. He tucked the market back into his coat, and smiled broadly.

?<Ryosuke, what brings you here?>? He asked pleasantly in Japanese, leaning up against the front case with his forearm draped over the plastic display. Ryosuke responded by pulling a datapad from his trouser pocket and slamming it down inches from the chef's arm.

?<You know damn well what brings me here, brother!>? Ryosuke twisted the datapad around, so that it was now facing his sibling.

?<Actually, I do not.>? He tapped the blank screen of the pad. ?<You have not turned it on yet.>?

?<Yusuke...>? Ryosuke gritted his teeth, then pressed a few buttons beneath the screen. The device hummed quietly and displayed a serious of brightly colored logos upon start-up, before shifting to a decidedly less colorful database. The pad displayed columns and columns of numbers, with Japanese headings describing them at the top of the screen. ?<There is money missing. Where is it?>?

Yusuke scanned the datapad, then scrolled through the screen with his index finger. After half a minute of examination, he answered his brother's question. ?<I presume you are asking about Locke's investment?>? Ryosuke's angry nod answered the question. ?<He pulled out.>?

?<Yusuke!>? Ryosuke tugged at his hair, before slapping his hand on the sushi bar. ?<I told you to do everything you could to keep that money in our company! Now, we cannot expand into the Marketplace and Dragon's Gate like we had planned.>?

?<Not now. Eventually, though, we will.>?

?<Not without money! Not if you let our investors pull out whenever they want to!>? Ryosuke leaned over and took back his datapad, putting it back in his pocket.

Yusuke removed his chef's hat, smoothing over thinning strands of black hair. ?<Locke is more than an investor to me. He is a friend. He told me that he was in financial trouble and needed his money back. We can afford it. How could I refuse him? It would not be honorable to do so to a friend. And to dishonor a friend would be a grave sin, indeed. Ryosuke, in the short term, this is not an ideal situation, but if he still thinks of me as a friend long term, then there is a chance our patience may be rewarded further than with two stores elsewhere in the city.>?

Ryosuke looked ready to speak, but when he opened his mouth, all he could do was stammer in response. His brother was right, as much as it pained him to admit it. He sighed, before responding once more. ?<As much as it pains me to admit it, brother, you are most likely right. Still...we need more capital, despite what you may think. This divestment does us no favors.>?

It was Yusuke's turn to sound aggravated, as he turned around and headed into the back, where the sink for washing hands was. Even over the sound of running water, his annoyance was audible. ?<My job is to develop the menus, hire the service staff, and make sushi. Your job is to make sure I have the money to do so. Has something changed, that I no longer have the money to run this place?>?

Anger flared in Ryosuke's eyes, but it went unseen by his sibling. He dulled his voice in response. ?<No.>?

?<Then raising capital for new stores is a discretionary goal at this point. Do not forget that.>? Yusuke turned the faucet off, then walked back behind the sushi bar, his hat back on his head, transparent plastic gloves on his hands, carrying a knife. ?<If you will excuse me, I have to prepare for dinner.>?

?<Of course.>? Ryosuke bowed, then spun around quickly on his heels. Only when the glass door to the store was shut behind him did he start muttering curses about his brother. A traveler or two looked at him with quirked brows and puzzled expressions, but the glare he shot back at them had them quickly scurrying on their way.

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2009-12-20 21:13 EST
Eva had written Lucien Mallorek's address down on a small slip of paper the last time Locke had seen her, and that note had been worn and nearly torn by the ice elf's nervous gloved fingers as he made his way from New Haven to the Marketplace on foot. With his navy pinstriped suit, pale blue dress shirt, and darker blue micropatterned tie, he cut a business-like figure in his rush across the city, short stature and blue-skin notwithstanding.

Locke stopped when he saw the signpost announcing he was on the street written on the paper. He looked down at the numbers, then up to the street itself. He slowed down, studying each building, before he found the proper townhouse. Light footsteps carried him up to the door, where he knocked politely. He nervously tugged at his tie as he waited.

Lucien was sitting in his office, poring over the thick volume when he heard the knock at the door.? The Barrister looked up from his reading, reaching up to rub the sting out of his eyes.? He'd sent Gwyr, his faithful manservant to tend to other matters, so he pushed up from his desk, the leather moaning its protestation.? "Coming!" he called over to the door, as he made his way out of his office and down the hall.

"Coming," he called again as he reached for the door and swung it open.? The Barrister regarded the gentleman standing at his door briefly.? He knew the man as the one who had helped Lirssa.? He bowed his head in greeting to the man and opened the door wide.? "Afternoon.? Please come in."

Locke mustered up his best smile, though it was by no means as bright as some of the grins he had been known to flash before. After a couple of tugs at each of his shirt cuffs, he stepped inside, dark blue eyes studying the interior. "Thank you most kindly, Lucien. Have you been faring well thus far today?"

Lucien closed the door behind the gentleman and nodded toward the front hall, which was the first room on the left side.? The foyer led to a corridor that was lined with doors on the right and the left.? Stairs leading to the upper floors sat off past the barrister's office door on the right.? "The afternoon has been relatively quiet and uneventful," he offered in replied to Locke.

The front hall was a spacious room lined with bookshelves and two tall windows on the far wall framing the fireplace.? A couch and several arm chairs were arranged around a table with a chessboard, apparently in the middle of a game.? Lucien nodded toward the arm chairs and couch.? "To what do I owe the honor of this visit?"

Locke approached one of the arm chairs, but did not sit immediately. Instead, the easy smile he'd worn when Lucien had opened the door melted off of his face, replaced by a blank, inscrutable expression. Locke looked the barrister dead in the eye. "Eva has told me that you are aces when it comes to legal matters, and that you are to be trusted to boot. You will forgive me for not taking her word straight away. I would much prefer to hear it from your north and south. Can I trust you with a matter of grave importance to me, and those who are close to me as well?" Locke took another moment to crane his neck and look around the front hall, at the furniture, floor, fireplace, bookshelves and ceiling. "And are we safe from scrying and other forms of surveillance, magical and mundane?"

A brow quirked, less at Locke's change in expression and moreso his remarks.? Lucien moved to join him and nodded for the gentleman to sit before taking a seat in the armchair across from him.? "Discretion and trust are the cornerstones of my profession.? Without them, I would not have a practice."? He nodded then, cutting his glance to their surroundings before cool blue gaze settled once more upon the man.? "This place is warded from surveillance, magical and otherwise," he assured the man.

Locke settled into the armchair, folding one leg across the other and resting his hands on his knees. "Right-o. I suppose I might be a touch paranoid, but I would much prefer to negotiate on my own terms, rather than be at someone else's tender mercies." A corner of his mouth twisted into a faint smirk, before he was back to smiling again. "To the heart of the matter then. I am here because I need to know what sort of punishment I can expect from the powers that be if I turn myself in for a crime I have committed, and ideally, I would like to have somebody in my corner helping me to negotiate the best plea bargain that I can."

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2009-12-20 21:13 EST
"This is Rhydin.? To be cautious is being prudent," he conceded to the man.? He sat back in the chair and regarded the man as he spoke about crime, punishment and a plea bargain.? Nothing was betrayed upon the barrister's features as he listened.? There was a light quirk of his brow when he spoke once more.? "That would depend on the crime that was committed, the reasons behind said crime being committed.? Not to mention, if it could even be defined as a crime to begin with."

Locke laughed lightly, although it was tinged with bitterness. "Even here, I cannot imagine that bank robbery is something that blokes will let pass with a slap on the wrist or a stern finger shaking." He paused briefly, to gather his thoughts. "The long and short of it is that I needed money to pay off a debt of 14,548 silver nobles, was recruited to help break into, enter, and lift some things from an iron, and came out on the other end with considerably more dosh than I was expecting to. This occurred in May of last year, and, after having the money laundered, I invested most of it in sundry businesses across the city to keep it out of sight, out of mind." He shook his head, faintly smiling. "And I completely got away with it, too."

"But now you want to turn yourself in for a crime that you got away with?"? There was obvious puzzlement in the barrister's expression as he regarded the well dressed man.

Locke shrugged his shoulders. "I can't live with the guilt." He unfolded his hands and rubbed at his temples, brows furrowing. "Look, I am engaged to be married. Someday, I hope to have children. I cannot have a wife, have a family, and have this secret looming over my head like a Sword of Damocles. I wouldn't be able to look them in the eye and teach them right from wrong, when I had not done right. It was a colossal mistake that I made, in a moment of panic and nostalgia for my younger days as a footpad, and I regret it immensely." He slumped backwards into his chair, and the fatigue that lurked in the dark rings around his eyes became clearer.

Lucien didn't speak immediately, instead he regarded the man thoughtfully.? His fingers were pressed together before him as silence settled over the room briefly, the fire crackling in the fireplace.? The barrister shifted in his seat and sat forward.? "How much was stolen, all told?"

Locke's eyes shut, as he did the calculations and pulled the numbers from his memory. "Approximately 1.4 million silvers. With the returns on my investments, and additional savings scrounged up from my legitimate employment, I can account for half of that. My partner in the crime, presumably, has the other half."

The barrister's brow rose at the figure that Locke gave him and he shifted in his seat once more, coming to sit near the edge of the seat.? He weighed the measure of that amount for a moment, then his brow knitted to a thoughtful furrow once more.? "What manner of plea bargain were you looking for?"

Locke sat up, resting his fingers on his chin and tilting his head to the side slightly. "Well...I would assume it is a given that I would give back my share of the dosh. I would suggest turning in my partner, except for the fact that I do not know for certain that they are in the city anymore. I have heard nothing from them since that night, and they are a master of disguises, to boot. I-" He cut himself off, glancing over towards the dancing flames and then the floor, before continuing in a softer voice. "I don't wish to be imprisoned, but I do not imagine that is a wish that will be granted to me."

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2009-12-20 21:15 EST
Lucien ran his hand thoughtfully over his chin.? "You would be willing to give up the identify of your partner?? Testify against him, if he is ever caught?"

"Or them, as it may be," he amended.

"Just one," Locke replied, holding up a gloved finger rather needlessly. "But yes. I will sever every last tie, even the tiny ones I maintained after the robbery, to that lifestyle. Peaching against your fellow thieves is an unforgivable sin for those still in the game." Again, a somewhat obvious statement.

Lucien let out a deep breath and nodded.? "Well, I won't lie to you.? That is a significant sum of money that was stolen.? And a long time has passed before you decided to come forth."

"And unless I were to open a store on my own, and be wildly successful at the start, I could easily work my whole life and not earn the other half." Locke pulled at the fingers of his gloves, then readjusted them on his hands. "I threw a spanner in the works of my life."

"Can you give me a few days?" Lucien finally asked Locke.? "I want to speak with the head of the Watch, and a few colleagues of mine in the courthouse.? I won't be discussing specifics, of course, but I want to see what sort of...." he paused to search for an appropriate word,"....reception," he finally selected with a light grin at the corner of his mouth," we might expect."

Lucien's small smile had Locke grinning and chuckling as well. "I would imagine that, given the stakes involved in this, it will not take long for them to put two and two together, savvy? I do not believe there have been any other robberies of this magnitude in the time since."

He gave the man a reassuring smile.? "Well, we lawyers can confuse things with our double talk."

Lucien's humorous expression sobered once more.? "Locke, this won't be an easy sell.? But I will do my best to keep you out of prison and settle this debt for you."

Locke's smile turned rueful in response. "I understand. I was not expecting being punished to be a walk in the park. But I will do just about anything to avoid that scenario. My skin tone-" He pinched one of his blue cheeks for emphasis. "-limits much of my effectiveness as an informant, but I do have some knowledge of the ways of the underworld, dated as it may be in places. And I can certainly walk them through how we bypassed all their lovely security systems."

The barrister nodded, considering that.? "They may be amenable to learn that, Locke."

"Did you have any questions for me, or of me?"

"Nothing, just-" His cheeks turned a faint shade of purple, blushing. "Please don't tell Eva or Lirssa or any other mutual acquaintances we might have that I am betrothed. I have been keeping the knowledge under my hat, until this storm blows over."

He smiled.? "No need to worry about that, Locke.? I've kept many a secrets.? Besides, news such as that is for you to announce and share, no one else."

Locke nodded, looking clearly relieved. "Other than that, I have no questions that immediately come to mind. I shall wait and see what the scuttlebutt amongst the guard and courts is, then."

Lucien nodded, then pushed to his feet.? "If you think of any questions, do not hesitate to find me and ask."? He offered his hand to the man.

Locke stood as well, reaching for the offered hand and shaking it firmly but quickly. Even through the leather, the ice elf's grasp was cool, if not downright cold, to the touch. "Will do, mate. Thank you for your assistance, Lucien."

He gave the man's hand a firm shake and nodded with a grin.? "My pleasure, Locke.? I'll be in touch with you over the next couple days.? Where would be the best place for me to send word to you?"

"Katarina and I live on Belling Street in New Haven, if you wish to send word there. It is usually simpler, during the work day anyways, to send word to me at Highlife Haberdashery on Benson Boulevard, in New Haven as well."

Lucien nodded.? "I will send word to your attention at Highlife then."

Locke dipped his head in a half-nod, half-bow, before making his way out of the front hall to the foyer. "Thank you most kindly. I will leave you to your other work, then, as I return to my own. Have a perfectly pleasant afternoon."

Lucien walked Locke to the front door and opened it for the man.? "Enjoy your day."

((Edited and adapted from live RP))

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2010-01-02 23:45 EST
December 26, 2009 R.S.C.

The comm started chirping insistently at Locke, interrupting him as he flipped through another legal volume. With a slightly annoyed sigh, he set the book on the coffee table and walked over to the device. The screen flashed, in big red letters, TAYLOR FAMILY. They called yesterday, Locke thought to himself, as he pressed the button to answer the call. What bloody gives?

?Hello?? he said, trying not to sound annoyed as the screen flickered to life.

?Liam proposed to me! We're engaged!? Eavan hung over Liam's shoulder with her arms around his neck, practically shouting into his ear. He had a smile on his face that looked awfully familiar, and Locke couldn't help but reflect it back to the happy couple.

?Congratulations, mate! When did you pop the big question??

?Yesterday. After Christmas dinner. We walked on the beach, and I...? Liam trailed off, looking up at his fiance.

?He dropped to one knee in the sand, and asked me!? she chimed in immediately, before kissing him on the cheek.

?Bleeding romantic, mates,? Locke said, chuckling. The happy couple seemed to take no notice.

?I know!? Eavan held her left hand up in front of the comm screen, showing off her ring. The band was platinum, with a solitaire diamond sitting on top of an intricately patterned undercarriage. He whistled, loud and slow.

?Very nice, mate.? He wished he was there in the room with Liam, so he could nudge his brother playfully in the ribs. Instead, he held back a sigh and brightened his smile. ?Have you selected a date yet??

?Not as yet, but we are thinking the spring after this upcoming one.?

?I will do my best to be there, but no guarantees.?

Liam frowned, switching to elvish as he talked to his brother in a disappointed tone. ?<I do not mean to offend, brother, but have I done something wrong? I would like you to be one of the groomsmen.>?

?<No...>? Locke looked at Liam, then Eavan, muttering something under his breath in elven. ?<Can you ask Eavan to leave us alone for some time?>?

?<Certainly.>? Liam turned around and whispered something in Eavan's ear. She didn't look entirely pleased, but she exited the room after giving him a peck on the lips. ?<What is wrong, Locke?>?

Rather than respond right away, Locke started tapping on various buttons on the comm, cursing as whatever he was attempting to do didn't work right away. Finally, though, he heard a beep, and the words RECORDING DISABLED, COMMUNICATION ENCRYPTED flashed on the screen. He grinned from ear to ear, before looking back to Liam. ?<Are mother and father nearby?>?

Liam looked over his shoulder. ?<No. They are out walking. Why do you ask?>?

?<I have something to tell you, but I do not want them to know yet. Will you promise not to tell them, unless I tell you that it is all right?>?

?<Yes, Locke.>? Liam's brow furrowed, and he ran his fingers through his shaggy hair. ?<What is wrong?>?

?<I may not be able to attend your wedding because I may be in jail.>?

?<Locke...>? He trailed off, rubbing at his eyes with his fingers. ?<Locke, what did you do?>?

?<Something rash and foolish that I am regretting more than anything I have ever done before.>? The ice elf trained his gaze somewhere over Liam's shoulder.

?<You stole something, did you not?>? The lack of immediate response confirmed Liam's suspicions. ?<How could you do that?>?

?<Did you not hear me, Liam? I was rash and foolish. It is not like this happened yesterday, brother.>? Locke slapped a hand weakly against the wall beside the comm.

?<When did it happen?>?

?<Last May.>? Locke saw Liam opening his mouth to speak again, and he cut the half-elf off. ?<Liam, I do not need a lecture from you. I have already punished myself enough for my sin, and the courts will soon have their say. I...want to ask your forgiveness. For whatever may come of what I have done, and if I am unable to make your wedding. I am sorry for putting you through this, and I am sorry for putting mother and Arnand through this.>? Locke reached for the screen, then pulled his hand back.

?<Locke...I forgive you. But->? Liam quickly added on, ?<Will Katarina?>?

?<I-I hope she will.>? Locke's eyes drifted toward the floor, downcast.

?<I cannot speak for mother and father, but I think you should tell them sooner rather than later.>?

?<I...will take that into consideration. Now go, brother. Celebrate your engagement. Do not worry about me. I will be fine, one way or the other.>?

?<All right.>? There was a long pause, before Liam continued. ?<Take care of yourself, Locke.>?

?<I will. Until next we meet.>?

?<Until then.>? Liam reached for the side of his screen,and Locke's view flashed to black, with the letters CALL ENDED superimposed on the comm. The ice elf stared at the number pad for a few seconds, his hand slowly curling into a fist, before he finally relaxed and walked away with a sigh.

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2010-02-06 19:21 EST
February 5, 2010
Highlife Haberdashery, Benson Boulevard, New Haven

The store had closed promptly at 5 p.m., and the salesmen had dispersed throughout the city to their restaurants and bars of choice to celebrate the weekend. The floor manager had left some time earlier, too, returning to his New Haven condominium to cook dinner for his partner. Some of the seamstresses and tailors had stayed a little bit past the store's closing, working out final details with Gerard and the other designers, but even Gerard himself had left two hours before, his work done for the day. When the sun had finally set, the clutter and clatter of Highlife Haberdashery gave way to suffocating silence. Dim lights in the front end framed mannequins on display in the current season's wardrobe, but come Sunday, several managers and associates would be swapping out Fair Isle sweaters and long wool topcoats with light gray cotton suits and pale blue Oxford dress shirts. Fashion Week was almost here, and the orange glow held the promise that soon, the store would open again and be filled with the idle rich, browsing through rows of next season's striped ties and navy blue chalk-stripe suits. There was no such promise in the back, where the lights had all been flipped off once Gerard had gone home. The dim, neon-blue glow of Locke's low light vision was the only sign of life left in the building.

The ice elf was in one of the closets in the back half of the store, staring at several hangers full of clothes: peacock and Egyptian blue suits, dress shirts in cotton candy colors, and jeans dyed vivid shades of pink, red, and yellow. His eyes closely scrutinized every stitch in the trousers, every seam in the suitcoats, every rivet in the denim. His runway models would be in again in the morning, for another round of trying on and tailoring so that the clothes fit them like a second skin. Still, he couldn't help standing there, intently studying the last collection of outfits he might ever roll out in his all-too-brief fashion design career. This could be it. This could be his legacy. Either he would go out in a blaze of pink and pale blue glory, or he would be a footnote in fashion history, remembered more for the great opportunity he had squandered than the talent he had. No. It could not end that way. There had to be something he could do tonight. There had to be.

Locke removed one of his gloves, stepping deeper into the closet. He brushed his hands against each article of clothing. He smiled as he touched the fabric. When it came to making his clothes, Gerard spared no expense. His seamstresses and tailors were the rival of any of the Benson Boulevard fashion houses, and the proof hung right in front of Locke. The silk ties were soft and smooth, the wool was absurdly light and much softer than the blankets he'd slept beneath on occasion while living with Granaff's gang of thieves. They had held up their end of the bargain. It was now up to Locke to make sure every last detail was in line.

?Sirrah?? A flashlight shone on Locke's back, then in his eyes as the blue elf turned around to face the source of the voice. Leofrick, the night guard for the Highlife Haberdashery building, stood in the doorway, staring at Locke with a puzzled expression.

?Yes, mate?? Locke grimaced, and the guard murmured an apology as he lowered the beam.

?Sirrah, it is quite late. Should ye not be returning home to the missus??

Locke chuckled nervously, scratching his head and looking sheepish. ?I suppose you are correct, Leofrick.? Locke stepped out of the closet, shut the door behind him, and locked it up. ?Take care mate, and I am certain I will see you tomorrow.?

?Aye. Ye be careful as well.? Leofrick bowed formally to Locke, who returned the gesture with a ghost of a grin creeping onto his features. With a final wave over his shoulder, Locke headed down the corridor into the main floor area, where rows of sewing machines and tables sat empty and unused. He waved to them as well, laughing to himself, before pushing the back door open and heading out into the brisk winter evening.

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2010-02-21 17:22 EST
Fashion Week had the already impeccably dressed ice elf stepping up his wardrobe even more, cutting quite a dashing figure through the Marketplace in his gray pinstriped suit, pale pink dress shirt with the top two buttons undone, and brown leather cap-toed lace-ups shined to a sheen. The looks he got from passers-by as he carved his way through the throng made it worth the extra attention to details he'd spent. A shame his days of wowing RhyDin's residents might be coming to a close soon.

Lucien had sent word to Locke at his shop that he wished to meet with him, and Locke knew that likely meant one thing. It was time to pay the piper. It was time to learn the price of his mistake. He held his head high when there were crowds present to watch, but as soon as there were no others in sight, as soon as he arrived at Lucien's townhouse, he sighed deeply and kept his head down. He knocked politely at the door, and waited patiently.

The barrister had been buried in his office, as had been his wont of late, pouring over scrolls and books and journals.? He had made an appearance at the gallery opening and the fashion show and made several purchases (several more than he planned thanks to Tara), but since then, he'd spent most of his time in his office or at the shipyard.

He lifted his head up when he heard the knock at the door and pushed up from his desk.? He made his way out of the office, closing the door behind him and started for the front door rubbing the sting from his eyes.? "Coming," he called aloud.

Lucien swung the door open to see the well dressed elf standing there.? In contrast, the barrister stood looking like he had slept in his shirt.? "Evening, please, come in," he greeted Locke, stepping aside to let the elf enter.

Locke stepped inside, his facial features seemingly at war with themselves. His usual smile was on his face, but it wasn't reaching his eyes. He stepped inside, into the foyer, and waited for Lucien to direct him elsewhere within the house, though the ice elf took a half-step or two towards the front hall. He suspected that was where the barrister would bring him to talk once again. "Thank you most kindly, mate."

Indeed it was to the front hall that he indicated they would meet with a nod of his head as he closed the door and secured it.? He started that way himself.? "I see you've fully embraced Fashion Week," he offered casually with a grin.

Once through the doors of the front hall, he immediately started over to the bar.? "Would you like something to drink?"

Locke followed Lucien, shoes clicking lightly on the floor as he walked. "Fashion is in my blood and bone, I am afraid." His smile turned crooked, as he took a seat in an arm chair. "Gin and tonic, if you do not mind?"

His grin tugged to an easy smile.? "Well it suits you well," he replied, preparing the drink with a nod.? "I saw you at the gallery opening.? You did great serving as master of ceremonies for Koy's fashion show."

Gin and tonic was prepared with a twist of lime and a scotch was decanted for himself.? Lucien made his way across the room to join Locke and offered the elf his drink.

"Thank you. I saw quite a few familiar faces in the audience that evening, but did not have much time to mix and mingle afterwards, sadly." Locke took the glass and took a taste sip, smacking his lips a few times before nodding and smiling. "Aces, mate."

The barrister settled in the seat across the the ice elf and smiled.? "It was well attended.? Unfortunately, I couldn't stay very long myself."

He took a drink of the scotch, then drew a breath and sat forward, his conversational expression settling to a more sober one.? "I imagine you are not thinking I asked you here to talk about the events of Fashion week."

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2010-02-21 17:39 EST
"No." Locke mirrored Lucien's face, the line of his mouth settling into a straighter, harder-to-read expression. "This is in regards to our earlier conversations, is it not?" Locke crossed a foot over his knee in his seat, then uncrossed it.

Lucien set his drink on the table and sat forward with a nod.? "Yes.? It is."? He looked up at the ice elf and regarded the man.? "I made several inquiries, with the Watch and the Courts.? I also met with one of the officers at the bank."

"I would be lying to you if I told you that the initial reaction I received was...well, let's just say it was highly charged."

"As you admitted, it was quite a large sum that was stolen."? He quieted to let the man take that in.

"I would imagine they were also not happy that you would not just immediately hand me over with a ribbon and a bow." A bitter laugh escaped Locke, before he took another sip of gin. "But I am ready to take my medicine, no matter the sour taste."

He allowed a tempered grin at Locke's assessment.? "No, they weren't too happy that I was going to turn over one of the individuals responsible for the theft," he conceded.

Lucien reached for his glass and took a small drink before he continued.? "There were some....," he paused to find a suitable term for the shouting and fingerpointing and fist pounding tables and even threats that resulted, "...negotiations that were had and there are a few options."

The barrister took another drink, then set the glass aside once more.? "The first option is that you turn yourself into the authorities, confess your role, keep the money and face whatever sentence the Magistrate hands down.? In all likelihood, there would be incarceration involved.? How long?"? Lucien shrugged, "That would be entirely up to the Magistrate, but I will be pressing for as short a term as more than a year or two."

"Another option is that you return the monies that you can, throw yourself at the mercy of the Court and in that case, you would be looking at a much shorter sentence, perhaps even early release within a few months if the Magistrate is willing."

"The third option, took a little convincing, but I think I can arrange it, if you agree to it."

He looked over at Locke, waiting for the man to absorb what he had conveyed so far before continuing.? "The third option is that you return the monies you can to the Bank.? And you work with the Bank, consider it consultant work, and explain to them how you were able to get past their security and help them tighten their security measures.? You would also have to name your accomplice in the theft."

He drew a deep breath and a frown creased his brow.? "And be willing to identify him and testify against him, should he be found.? I am not sure if that is something you would be willing to do, not knowing how dangerous your accomplice may be."

As Lucien ran through the options available, Locke nervously drank most of the gin and tonic, mostly to keep his hands busy and to keep from tugging on his shirt cuffs too much. When the barrister finished, Locke leaned back in his seat and sighed quietly. "I was planning on turning the money over, or my share at any rate, no matter what, so that should remove the first option from the table. As for the third option...I did not hear you mention prison time. Am I to understand correctly that if I return my share, work as a consultant for the bank, and name my partner, I would not be sent to jail?" An eyebrow lifted, as curiosity, confusion, and barely veiled excitement danced across his features.

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2010-02-21 17:45 EST
"In a matter of speaking, yes."? He answered.? "The Bank was not happy about dropping any charges so that there would be no prison time.? However, they were willing to do so, if someone would be willing to say take responsibility for you."

He frowned once more as that didn't seem to make sense even for himself.? "Basically they want someone they would accept, as insurance, to be responsible for your possible future actions.? To make sure that you won't commit such an action again.? Does that make sense?"

"Someone to take responsibility for me? What precisely do they mean by that?" Locke's eyebrow remained lifted, and he twisted his wrist slightly, sending the ice cubes swimming and spinning in what remained of his gin and tonic. "And who?"

"I have, on more than one occasion, had individuals released on bail to my custody.? By doing that, I take personal responsibility for that individual, and I must personally make sure that the person shows up for court dates and that person doesn't commit any other crimes or disappear," Lucien explained to offer a point of reference.

"The Bank is looking for a similar arrangement.? Basically they are afraid that you may steal from them again and they want someone they can go to, to hold responsible, in the instance that they can't find you, like the last time."?

Lucien held up a staying hand.? "I've explained to them over and over again, the circumstances of the theft and that for you, that was a one time deal, a single mistake in judgment and that the very fact that you are looking to make amends is a testament that you are a changed man."

"A bail bondsman." Recognition of what the man was actually proposing dawned in the blue elf's eyes, and he nodded his head. He lifted the glass to his lips, and slid an ice cube into his mouth, chewing it slowly. "I cannot ask you to do that. Even though I do not plan on breaking the law again, it is too much of a burden to ask of you. Is there no one else, or no other insurance policy of sorts that they could not implement in place of that?"

Lucien ran his hand over his chin thoughtfully.? "The Bank is looking for a person, but I can ask them if they would be willing to entertain another option.? I am not opposed to taking on that role.

?"After all, I trust that you aren't planning on breaking into the bank again," he added with a grin.? "However, barring that, would there be someone else, another that would be willing to take on that role on your behalf?? Someone you would be willing to have do that for you?"

"I would think the issue is not in my willingness for them to do that for me, but vice versa." Locke rested his fingers on his chin, deep in thought. He swirled the ice in his glass again. "I can broach the subject with my fiancee if she would be willing to do so, but again, I feel uncomfortable having someone else put themselves on the line for me, even if there is low risk. That, and I am not certain the Bank would find her acceptable collateral. You seem more..." He paused to search for the right way to gloss over the rumors and suggestions he'd read from the GangSTAR. "skilled, in ways that would interest them, then she is."

"As I indicated, I'd be more than willing to take on that role on your behalf," he reassured Locke.? "I've given you a lot to think about and I don't expect you to give me an answer immediately."

Lucien sat back in the chair once more.? "Think about it.? Discuss it with your fiancee and let me know how you would like me to proceed."? A light grin tugged at the corner of his mouth.? "I don't have any qualms about going back to the Bank officer for another round of...negotiations."

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2010-02-21 17:51 EST
Locke gulped the remaining mix of ice, water, gin, and tonic, before setting the empty glass aside. He rubbed circles around his eyes, even as he shook his head lightly. "If you feel the need to negotiate more, but...the terms you have negotiated thus far are far beyond my wildest expectations. Thank-" His voice trembled and broke with emotion, and he coughed in a weak attempt to cover it up. "Thank you, Lucien, for all that you have done for me thus far, and all that you will hopefully do for me in the future. If you do end up taking that role for me, if that is the option they accept, I swear upon anything and everything that is holy that I shall not make you regret putting your neck on the line for yours truly."

"I wouldn't be offering to take that on, if I didn't have faith in you."? He offered quietly to Locke.? Lucien's expression eased some as he nodded.? "I am glad that I could work something out that you find acceptable.? That keeps you from being incarcerated."

" too." The enormity of what he had been facing, and what Lucien had done on his behalf, left the talkative elf nearly speechless in his seat for a long time. His fingers rested on his nose, head tilted down, and eyes squinted shut. Finally, he looked up, eyes open once more, and opened his mouth to speak. Nothing came out initially. Nothing seemed appropriate enough to say. Instead, he just smiled gently and nodded slowly. "Thank you."

He rose to his feet along with Locke and offered a hand to the elf.? "You're welcome."

Locke reached for the handshake with his own brown leather-gloved hand. "I will send word to you as soon as I have hashed out the details with Katarina. Then we can enter the final stretch, and I can put this...thing behind me."

Lucien smiled and nodded to Locke.? "And you and Katarina can start looking forward to more important things, such as a wedding."? He started for the door.? "Do not hesitate to send word to me to let know if there is anything you and Katarina need from me."

He followed the barrister to the door, letting his usual smile brighten his face once again. "I certainly will. Have a perfectly pleasant remainder of your day."

There was something about seeing Locke's smile radiate that did the barrister good.? He opened the door for the dapper ice elf.? "And you as well," he offered, his own easy grin tugging at the corner of his mouth.

((Edited and adapted from live RP))

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2010-03-02 18:24 EST
Physically tired after his journey from New Haven to Lucien's townhouse, and emotionally drained after his meeting with the barrister, Locke opted to take a carriage back to his home. The slight sway of the cab combined with the clacking of wooden wheels and horse's hooves on the cobblestones nearly lulled him to sleep. When they finally arrived, the driver had to call out to Locke several times before the ice elf became fully aware that the trip was over. Locke apologized profusely at the delay and tipped the man extra, before dragging himself up the sidewalk, up towards his house and onto the porch. He tested the door knob, to see if it was unlocked or not.

Not only was the door unlocked, but the opera music was barely contained within the walls. The recording of the Spanish-themed music was loud enough to be heard from each corner of the house, and would more than likely mask the normal tone of conversation. It was a bad habit, but Katarina would rather blast the music from downstairs to her place upstairs than to move the player upstairs with her. While pulling out clothes from the dryer, her body would move in mild movements to her steps, with a twitch of her arm or ankle.

"Hello?" Locke strained to be heard over the sound of the music as he stepped inside and shut the door behind him. He searched the living room, kitchen, breakfast nook, dining room, and even the makeshift workout room with weights and treadmill, before finally giving up and going up the steps to the second floor. "Hello?"

She nearly ran into the metal door of the dryer, after finally stopping Locke as he reached the top of the stairs. Giggling sheepishly, she reached for a small remote left on top of the washer, casually pressing a button to make the music stop. "Oh, sorry. I was.. practicing."

The look on his face was strange: an enigmatic smile that was a little tighter than normal, with a slight droop to his eyebrows. Even stranger was the way his voice caught in his throat momentarily, before he forced a brighter smile for her. "No worries." He glanced around a bit, one foot pawing nervously on the ground. What was the big deal?

She frowned at him, before bending over to reach the basket of clothing and placed it on her hip. The frown didn't leave her face as she ducked her head slightly to try and catch his moving gaze, "Everythin' okay?"

"I-There is good news. Possibly. And I am not quite sure what to make of it." He sat on the top step, looking down to the first floor below. "I just returned from talking to Lucien."

The frown relaxed into something more neutral, "Okay, jist giv' me a momen', yeah?" Taking the clothing to her room to be put away later, she tried to contemplate what news could have been good, and came up blank. Returning to the stairs, she leaned against the wall beside him, "Ya wanna talk 'bout it?" She offered her hand down to him.

"Yeah." He took the offered hand, a question in his eyes as he did so. "He laid out the choices I will be facing as far as my punishment goes." He swallowed, and before he could think to go over the options in order, he blurted out what he had been dying to tell her since Lucien had first put the idea in his head. "I might not have to go to prison."

She had intention of pulling him up to his feet, but after blurting his announcement of good news, her body went still. "" Contained excitement for the hope in that simple sentence colored her cheeks, and made her heart race. Taking a deep breath, sitting seemed to be a good option, and so she sat next to him on the top step.

"If I give them back what dosh I have left, agree to tell them who my co-conspirator was, agree to identify and testify against them should they be caught, and agree to work with the bank as a security consultant and tell them how we managed to pinch that iron, they may consider that...enough. According to Lucien."

She studied his face intently for several moments, before rubbing the back of her neck. Her mind was racing into several directions all at once. "They.. may. Meanin', tha's nah definite."

"They would also need someone to be responsible for me, in case I decided to go barmy and burgle some more banks." Locke's smile went crooked for a moment, before he continued. "My other options include turning myself in, throwing myself upon the tender mercies of the Magistrate, and keeping the dosh. Lucien said in that case, with his best efforts, I would likely face a 1-2 year prison sentence. Or...I can turn myself in, give back the dosh, do nothing else, and spend a few months in the rusty."

She closed her eyes briefly, and gave a slight shake of her head,"I don't.. I don't want you to have to go to prison if you don't have to." While she assumed the feeling was mutual, she opened her eyes to gauge his response.

Katarina Smith

Date: 2010-03-02 19:00 EST
His response was wordless. Instead, he buried his face in her shoulder, seeking comfort in her closeness. Finally, he regained enough composure to flash his usual bright grin. "I...when he told me there was a chance that I could avoid prison, it took every fiber of my being not to bawl like a baby then and there. These-these are tears of joy." He pointed to them, then paused, realizing he hadn't really answered the unspoken question in her eyes. This prompted a chuckle from the ice elf. "No, Katarina, I would prefer not to go to prison as well, and will tell Lucien to do whatever it takes to make that a reality."

Years of self-discipline helped in keeping her patience as Locke sought strength against her shoulder. She could feel her own tears brimming - tears of angst and worry turning into joy. However, they were kept at bay, "I.." words failing, she smiled briefly before shaking her head. If she went to explaining her feelings now, she'd never remember to ask the questions she had, "So.. if they eva find th' otha people.. ya could jist testify 'gainst 'em? Is tha' gonna be dangerous fer you?"

He wanted to sugarcoat it, but he couldn't. It was better to be his usual honest self. Still, the realization of the danger he and those he cared for could face made him frown. "Just one person. I am hoping that this can be taken care of in such a way that only you, the Bank, the Guard, Lucien, Sianna, and Johnny know the precise details of what happened. I can imagine that if this got leaked onto the front pages of the newspapers, it would not only put me in danger, but those closest to me." Shame tilted his head down and to the right, away from her gaze.

A slight nod of her head, she squeezed his hand tightly, "I kin't imagine it'd go any otha way, particularly if really, yer nah gonna be charged wit' anythin', yeah?"

"Well...and it will change things financially as well." His train of thought switched tracks, and he squeezed her hand back, finding the strength to look her in the eyes again. "I know that I have not been making a large amount of dosh as a fashion intern, but I think that once my internship has run its course, they may hire me on full-time in some capacity. But there is no guarantee that if I took this deal, that the consultancy would not also be full time and make it impossible to stay in the industry. And I cannot imagine that would be a paid job. They would probably garnish my wages for the remainder of what I owed them."

Katarina's eyes hardened, "Money won't be a problem." It was her turn to glance away, "I can do more - it doesn't matter. If it keeps you here with me.. " she shrugged as the end of the sentence.

"I don't want you to overwork. I want you to be happy." He held up a hand, to stave off any protests. "And I know that I am part of that, but..." Instead of continuing the thought, he set his jaw into a look of full determination. "We'll ask Johnny and Sianna for help, if need be. Or our mates. Amin merna na yassen lle.*"

The held hand was the only thing that silenced her various protests. It wasn't worth arguing over. She would just present or take on different tasks after everything was already in motion. Other questions disappeared from her tongue with his elvish, and took her turn to lean her cheek against his shoulder and cry quietly.

His arms moved quickly to pull her in closer. One hand rested on her back, while the other went through her hair, curling locks of blond around gloved fingertips. "Amin caela na aman*." He whispered it quietly into her ear.

Any first response was choked back from a tightened throat. His nearness made her want to cry harder, but it also soothed her. She waited until her tears lessened, letting each comb of fingers through her hair calm her down by another degree. She didn't bother to wipe her face yet, not wanting to move an inch away from his comfort before whispering quietly, "Amin mela lle.* I'd do anything for you."

"And I the same." The fingers that had been playing with her hair traced a lazy, crooked path down her face, around her eyelid and cheek until they rested just to the side of her chin.

When his fingers came to rest on the side of her face, she lifted her head up slightly. Though her face was tear-streaked, she managed a small smile, "So then, what's next?"

*I want to be with you
I have been blessed
I love you

Katarina Smith

Date: 2010-03-21 00:20 EST
Locke was in the kitchen, the sleeves of his brightly striped blue, green, purple, and pink dress shirt rolled up past his elbows as he chopped up green peppers on a cutting board. He had gotten into a good cutting rhythm, the staccato sound of the blade on thick plastic accompanying his loud whistling. With the amount of noise he was making, he didn't hear the comm chirping at him from the other room.

Katarina idly hiked her dress above her knees so that she could safely run down the stairs to try and reach the loud comm. "I'll git it." A mumble to herself as Locke seemed too preoccupied with his whistling and cutting to answer it himself. Nearly tripping on a particular bunched section of her thick black leggings, she pressed on the comm without looking on the screen to fix the material. "Ello?" The words might have been partially muffled since her mouth was facing the ground and not the mic.

"Katarina?" The surprised face of Liam, Locke's brother, appeared in the frame. Behind him was what appeared to be the dining room of their home, simply furnished and cozy. "Is Locke available?" He spoke quietly and nervously, fidgeting with his pale blonde hair and tucking some behind a well-hidden ear.

"Liam!" Surprised, pleasure first came to her features from habit, before she picked up on his subtle cues of nerves. "Yeah, sure thin'. Lemme go grab 'im." Leggings fixed, Katarina moved into the kitchen, making sure to be in Locke's peripheral in case he couldn't hear her approach, "Melamin*, yer brother's 'n th' comm."

Locke looked over his shoulder as he was addressed, a small smile crossing his face. "Right-o. I will be right there." Locke set down his knife, before turning on his heel to head to the comm. The smile vanished, though, when he saw how nervous Liam was. "Liam, are you quite all right mate?"

"Yes, Locke, I am all right. How are you doing?" Liam rubbed his nose vigorously.

"Fine, fine," Locke waved off the question, pressing his concern. "Pardon me for saying this, toror'*, but you seem like a bloody wreck."

Even though she wasn't really asked to be a part of the conversation, Katarina followed Locke to the comm, but tried not to stand in direct view of the camera.

She also took a moment to study Liam. While Liam wasn't exactly a familiar face, nerves were rather universal, and she encountered seeing them often on stage, "Is everythin' alrigh'?"

Liam licked his lips, glancing behind him for a second. Hearing Katarina's voice, he instead addressed Locke. "Does Katarina know?"

Locke's eyes narrowed, suspicious and unsure of what his brother was getting at. "Know what, mate?"

" know." Liam switched to elvish, in an attempt to converse with his brother without Katarina understanding. "Angband*."

"Uma.*" Katarina smiled slightly for Liam, and took a small step closer to Locke, "I know wha's goin' 'n."

Liam looked a bit flustered, as he realized that Katarina could understand what he was saying. He sputtered a bit, before stammering out an apology. "Amin hiraetha*, Katarina. I did not know you understood me. I know it is rude to speak in another language when you know the other does not understand, understand?"

A small nod and reassuring smile, "Ya dun hav'ta apologize ta me. I know tha' yer jist concerned like th' res' o' us, yeah?"

"I haven't told mum or father yet. I kept your promise, just like you-" Liam's moment of pride was interrupted by a quiet, oddly formal and accented voice from off camera that immediately set the half-elf on edge again.

"Told me what, Liam?"

"Uh, uh...nothing, atara*!" Liam turned nervously to face Raina as she partially entered the frame, looking a bit tired but otherwise in good spirits. "Locien, Katarina. It is...excellent to see you all."

*My love
I'm sorry

Katarina Smith

Date: 2010-03-21 00:21 EST
Katarina placed a hand on Locke's back to support and calm down any riled nerves. She smiled warmly for Raina, "Hello, Mrs. Taylor. I hope tha' all's well?"

Raina seemed clearly uncomfortable at speaking in Common, stopping and starting several times through her reply. ", Katarina. You...are well, too?" She looked suspiciously at Liam first, whose guilty cringe and shrink away from his mother only confirmed her suspicions, before looking to Locke, who was a bit better about hiding his reaction to his brother's mistake. All was not revealed, yet.

"Where is Arnand, mum?" Locke asked, trying to steer the conversation in another direction. He shared a brief glance with Katarina at the comforting hand to his back.

"<Your step-father is at the store, Locien," Raina replied, faster and more fluid in her elvish speech than in Common. "<That is not important, though. What is Liam talking about?>"

Katarina wasn't sure that she wanted to reveal that she could understand Elvish or not. Instead she idly turned the ring on her left finger in to face her palm before pressing it against Locke's back in hopes that it would give him something quick to say.

Locke sighed quietly, before acceding to his mother's preference for speaking in elvish. "<Mother, I have good news for you. I am now betrothed to Katarina.>"

Both Liam and Raina reacted in the same way, eyes wide open, with a surprised cry. There was a *thud*, as Liam fell out of his chair and out of the picture. "<You are?>" For the time being, Raina didn't seem to notice that her son was just as surprised by news he should have already known as she was, or that he had fallen to the floor.

Concern for Liam overruled trying to keep up the facade that Liam already knew. "Liam?" She rose effortlessly to the top of her feet, as if she could see where he had fallen to, even though the camera didn't have the angle, "Liam, ar' ya okay?"

Muffled from off camera, Liam responded. "I'm all right, Katarina. When did you get engaged?" Liam slowly pulled himself back to his feet, looking none the worse for wear after his tumble. Locke looked at his brother and mouthed the words "Go away", in an attempt to salvage the situation before his mother discovered their subterfuge. Instead, Liam replied out loud. "What?" Locke's brow furrowed in agitation, as his brother's complete lack of guile became plainly and painfully clear. Raina, for her part, rushed over to where Liam had been sitting to assist him.

Katarina pursed her lips and bit back the urge to sigh. Feeling somewhat responsible for bringing attention to Liam's surprised response, she acted as if she didn't see the looks and any of the elf's faces and answered the question, "It happened jist a coupla weeks 'go."

Finally, Locke took matters into his own hands, as his mother looked over Liam. She gave a satisfied nod, once her examination was concluded. "May I talk to mum alone for a spell, Liam?"

"Certainly, Locke. But I want to hear all the details later."

"You will, mate. I promise." With Liam out of the room, Locke turned his attention on Raina. The tightness of her smile was familiar to anyone who had spent time with a member of Locke's family.

Katarina made sure to not have a guilty or disappointed look. Instead her face was almost just as pleasant as it was when Raina first appeared. Watching Liam leave, she deliberately took another close step to Locke, to show that she had no intention of leaving. The hand on her back left only to reach for a hand for support in whatever Locke was about to explain to his mother.

"<Locien, I would not be a good mother if I did not know when my own sons were lying to me. Are you truly getting married, or are you lying to protect Liam?>"

Katarina Smith

Date: 2010-03-21 00:23 EST
Locke reached for the offered hand gratefully, giving it a light squeeze as he looked at Katarina. "<I am truly getting married, mother, but...that was not what Liam was talking about. We were attempting to protect him, but->" Locke laughed a little, gesturing to where the chair had been on screen. "<He was not prepared for something he did not know.>"

"Mrs. Taylor.... <Liam was only honoring Locke's wishes. There is no need for him to become involved in this.>." She kept her sentences slow, trying to erase the traces of her own accent out of the Elvish as best as she could.

Upon hearing Katarina speak in perfectly passable elvish, Raina's even-keeled demeanor was rocked. She took an noticeable step back from the comm screen, eyes wide open and mouth agape. She placed a hand over her throat briefly, before it fluttered back down to her side, where she smoothed out the wrinkles in her blue floral-printed sundress. "<You speak Elvish quite well, Katarina. Quite well.>"

"<I have been tutoring her for a year and a half now, mother.>" Even in Elvish, Locke's voice contained both pride for the accomplishment and the desire for his mother's approval.

"<Indeed.>" It was not quite the ringing endorsement he had been looking for from Raina, and his ears flattened a bit in disappointment.

Katarina bowed her head in acknowledgment, accepting the compliment regardless if it was fully meant or not, "<I thought it would be important to learn the language of the person I care for deeply and his family. I did not mean to startle you or seem under false pretenses.>"

"<I wish that I had the same fortune you did, to be able to learn Common as well.>" There was still no praise, implicit or explicit, of Locke's teaching skills, which had the ice elf pawing at the floor nervously with one of his feet. "<Now Locien, are you going to be honest with me, or have you not changed as you so often claim to have?>"


"<I beg your pardon?>" One of Raina's thin, white eyebrows lifted in confusion.

"<Mother, I prefer to be called Locke. How many years have you known that, and how many years have you insisted on returning to a name you know I do not like?>" He squeezed Katarina's hand again, a little bit stronger than before.

Katarina returned the hand squeeze, biting her tongue about Locke's point of his name. She didn't feel like this was the appropriate time to bring it up. Frowning slightly, she took a deep breath, "<Mrs. Taylor, before Locke talks to you, I would like to have words,> yeah?" Her nerves were bringing some of her Hope grammar into her Elvish, but she continued anyway, "<I believe I know as much of Locke's background as possible without actually being there to experience it. I know that as a parent, you have been justified in your feelings, and punishments. Not all but most.>" She rubbed the back of her neck, "<I like to think that my parents gave me a good sense of right and wrong. I don't accept ill treatment of people lightly.>" A light clearing of her throat, "<So I know that when I tell you that I believe Locke is a person that I want to stand beside, I hope that you can understand me and the situation a little bit better than before.>"

"<What situation are we talking about?>"

"<Mother, I am in trouble with the law. I->"

Raina cut him off before he could finish, sighing lightly as she did so. "<You stole something, did you not?>"

"<I did.>"

"<In recent days?>"

"<In May 2008.>" Locke seemed to wither under the rapid-fire questioning of his mother.

Katarina Smith

Date: 2010-03-21 00:24 EST
Katarina flexed her jaw slightly as her words seemed to go by without notice. The hand that was holding his let go so that she could gently rub up and down the lower portion of his arm comfortingly. She decided to stay silent for the time being, until Raina finished her questions or said something that was out of line.

?<...You have not changed.>" The words were spoken in Raina's usual quiet, calm tone, but they had anything but a calming effect on Locke.

"<That is not true!>" He shouted at the screen, shaking his head.

"<You were a thief as a boy, you were a thief as a teenager, and you are a thief now. What proof do you have that you are any different than you were when you first came back to our home?>"

Katarina gave a sidelong glance to Locke, before making sure to look at Raina square in the eye, "<Locke has never made me doubt that my nor my families' belongings or money are in danger of being stolen. I make good money.>" Her chin came up slightly, "<I worked bloody hard to be where am I now. Locke told me when we first starting dating that he had been a thief before. Why tell me this if he was still so? If you never give him an opportunity to change - he won't. Why would he bother to try and change your expectations when nothing he does seems to bring favor to you?>"

Challenged by Katarina, Raina seemed to visibly shrink before their eyes, her posture slackening and her gaze shifting away from the ballerina. Instead of speaking to her, Raina replied to Locke. "<She does not know everything, does she?>"

Locke blushed purple, even as he denied his mother's insinuation about his playboy past. "<I have no idea what you are talking about, mother.>"

Feeling ignored once more, she almost stomped her foot. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she tried to calm her rising temper and keep her cheeks from being flushed with emotion, "<Mrs. Taylor, our pasts do not define us. They are a part of us yes, but they do not have to define where our futures will go." She thought about her words, and then nodded as if to reassess that she believed them to be true, "<I have told Locke that I cannot judge him what has already been done. Only for what happens now.>"

"<I hope...I hope that you are right, Katarina.>" Raina clucked her tongue sympathetically. "<Now if you will excuse me, I have dinner to prepare.>"

Locke's embarrassment had boiled over into a slow burn, and he barely maintained enough politeness to say his goodbyes. "Goodbye, mum."

Katarina didn't like the doubt that was beginning to grow in the pit of her stomach. Something was there and real - some memory that she didn't possess. Raina had succeeded in driving a small wedge through the dancer's self-confidence. It didn't show however, in her tone or her expression. It was second nature to suppress and put on a show, "Hav' a g'nigh', Mrs. Taylor. Say hello to Mr. Taylor for me." It would be how she would end any other conversation, and refused to change for the circumstances.

"Goodbye Locien...Katarina." The stilted Common came back as Raina said farewell to the couple, before hanging up the comm. Her face dissolved into black as they were disconnected.

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2010-06-05 16:09 EST
?You wanted to see me, sir?? Locke cracked the door to Gerard's office open just enough to slip inside. The ice elf's mentor sat at his desk, fussing with the keyboard on the ancient beige computer he used on occasion. As soon as he heard Locke, Gerard looked up at Locke and smiled, gesturing for him to have a seat.

?I did. I do not suppose you are familiar with the inner workings of RTPCs, are you??

At the question, Locke laughed warmly, prompting chuckles from his boss. ?Sir, Katarina practically has to hold my bloody hand every time I want to make a call on the comm. I am positively lousy when it comes to technology.?

?It was worth asking, I suppose,? Gerard said, folding his hands and sitting up just a little bit straighter. ?Do you know why I called you in here??

Locke's smile faltered just a little bit. ?I have an inkling. My internship is just about finished, is it not??

?Indeed. Hard to believe two years have passed. I...let me be perfectly honest. No beating around the bush here. I want you to stay with Highlife Haberdashery on a permanent basis, as our tie designer. Locke, I am sure I am not the only one who sees you as a rising star, and I think with you on board, we can push Highlife even further towards the cutting edge and into the hearts and minds of this city. What say you??

Locke rested his elbows on the table and rubbed slowly at his nose. He breathed in a deep sigh, then looked straight at Gerard. ?Sir...there is nothing more in the world that I want then to work for you...but I can't right now.?

?I beg your pardon?? Gerard's eyebrows lifted, and he looked nearly ready to fall out of his chair.

?I just-? The word stuck in Locke's throat, and he swallowed to try and force it out. ?I just can't.?

?Have you gotten an offer somewhere else? I will match it, Locke. You are too valuable to us, to me, to lose you to that Vance bastard.?

Locke had to resist the urge to laugh at Gerard's rare use of coarse language. Instead, he shook his head slowly. ?No. No offers from any other stores or designers.?

?Then why can you not take this job, if it is something you want, and something that I know you want??

As soon as Gerard asked the question, Locke's hands dropped into his lap. The ice elf interlocked his fingers and wrung them, as he searched for what to say. ?I can't tell you why precisely, except to say that it is personal and, God willing, temporary. Long enough that I couldn't take a leave of absence, but not forever. I have...things that I need to take care of, and they are going to take some time to handle, but once I have done so, I hope to return to the industry, if not here at Highlife Haberdashery. I know that I cannot expect you to hold a position for me indefinitely. I...know.?

? there anything I can do to help? Anything at all?? Gerard's face creased with concern, and he leaned back in his seat momentarily before straightening up again.

?Thank you, sir, but no. Time away will be the only thing I need. I shall give you my official two weeks notice later in the afternoon.?

?All right. And hey...? Gerard held up a hand to Locke as the blue elf began to rise from his seat. ?Take as much time as you need to wrap up your projects. Two weeks, three weeks...I do not care. Do your best work, like I know you are capable of.?

?Will do, sir. Have a nice day.? Locke stood and walked to the door, but turned around at the exit and looked back at his mentor. ?And thank you for thinking so highly of me. I appreciate the opportunity you gave me, and I hope you do not feel I was a waste of your time.?

?Not at all, Locke. Call me crazy, but I do not think this is the last that Benson Boulevard has seen of you. I am quite confident you will be back someday. You have it.?

With the compliment, Locke flashed a warm grin at Gerard, and dipped his head in half-bow, half-nod. ?Thank you, sir. That means a great deal, coming from you.?

?Of course, Locke.? Gerard matched the smile, before shooing him playfully with a sweep of his hand. ?Now back to work you go. I have to strike while the iron is hot, you know.?

?Savvy, boss.? With a sharp salute that prompted laughter from both of them, Locke turned on his heel and stepped out of Gerard's office.

Katarina Smith

Date: 2010-06-08 23:12 EST
It had been a difficult day to get through, and Locke had barely made it to the end of it without going back into Gerard's office and asking to leave early. Locke knew his boss and mentor would have let him go if he had asked, but the ice elf was determined to work through his roiling emotions, keep his upper lip stiff, and wait until later to deal with the repercussions. Once he had punched out though, he was in such a hurry to get home that he did something he rarely did: took a carriage back.

A few quick minutes later, and the horse-drawn vehicle trundled up to Locke's address. He paid the driver and stepped out of the cabin, then slowly walked up the steps and tested the front door to see if it was unlocked.

The cat was at the door first to greet Locke, winding through his legs and meowing for attention. From up the stairs, Katarina tried to glance to the door, but it was blocked, "Locke?" It was a habit to check the identity when the door was unlocked, particularly when family would just as easily walk inside.

"It's me," Locke said as he stepped inside, dropping into a crouch to pet Patches' chin with black gloved hands. The cat rubbed up against the cuffs of his solid black suit, leaving white fur clinging to the sleeves. He paid the shedding no mind.

Hastily tugging down her light blue tee dress, bare feet padded down the stairs to greet him. Her cheeks were still pink from her time spent at the theatre, and a smudge of green paint was hidden beneath her chin. "Nice ta hav' ya home." A greeting of a warm kiss, before leaning back to study his face, "How'd it go?" She searched his face for the honesty of his answer while her hands reached up to undo her long braid that bound her hair back.

"As well as such a thing can go," he said, after breaking off the kiss. He stood, and Patches took that as his cue to scamper off to the living room and under the couch. "Two more weeks, and then I starting paying back my dues." He smiled sadly at that thought, before he noticed the green paint under her chin. He removed his gloves and placed them in his back pocket before reaching to touch the smudge with his left hand.

"There's th' possibility o' goin' back when it's ova, though?" She frowned slightly as he touched her chin, but tilted her head for him, "Er maybe strikin' ou' 'n yer own 'bout it?"

The frown caused him to pull his hand back toward his side. He squeezed it into a fist briefly, then relaxed. "I hope so. I told him...that I really wanted to stay, but that I couldn't, and that I couldn't tell him why that was the case, just that it was...personal. I think he was about as understanding as he could be, given the circumstances." Locke sighed, as he began to undo the brightly multi-hued diagonal striped tie around his neck. "He wanted me to stay. He offered me a job designing ties."

That must have been painful. She cupped both of his cheeks with her hands, "Bu' tha's a good thin', righ'? I'm willin' ta be' tha' if he really understands tha' it's jist somethin' personal, tha' he'll take ya back when ya ar' ready, yeah?" She offered a supportive smile.

The hands on his cheeks, and the supportive words eased away some of the tension and disappointment. Slowly, he bridged what little space remained between them and touched his forehead to hers. His voiced cracked with emotion as he quietly spoke. "Y-yes. It is. It's just...I wish I did not have to do that. Resign."

"I know, melamin." She wrapped her arms tenderly around him and drew him close, "There wasn' gonna be an easy way 'round this. I'm thinkin' tha' all thin's considerin', this is the bes' way ta keep yer options open 'n th' future, yeah?"

His muscles relaxed even further, and he moved his head back just enough so that he could see her face as she hugged him. "I know. It was the best possible outcome. Beyond what I could have hoped or dreamed for. I-" He paused in the middle of his sentence, and just smiled broadly at her. "I love you so bleeding much, Katarina."

She gave a low chuckle, and kissed his cheek, "Makes it all worth it fer me, yeah? 'Sides, afta all tha' we've been through an' all tha' we hav' now, how kin it nah work ou'?" Her grip around him relaxed just enough for her hands to brush his hips, "Worryin' 'bout it ain't gonna make it any easier eitha. We'll jist get by these two weeks an' let it be."

In response to the kiss to his cheek, Locke leaned forward once more to rub his nose against hers, still grinning widely. "Precisely. Precisely." He looked about ready to say something further, but instead chose to tip his head to the right and kiss her softly.

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2010-06-08 23:35 EST
Locke D'Vestavio
27 Belling Street
New Haven, RhyDin City, RhyDin
Home Comm: D'Vestavio/Smith-1-New Haven

June 2, 2010 R.S.C.

Gerard Smith
Highlife Haberdashery
99 Benson Boulevard
New Haven, RhyDin City, RhyDin

Dear Mr. Smith,

As we previously discussed, I am hereby submitting my official letter of resignation from my internship, effective June 16, 2010 R.S.C., and declining your job offer for a position as a tie designer. Personal circumstances beyond my control have forced me to leave the fashion industry entirely, although it is my hope that my absence will be a temporary one.

It has been a great pleasure, both professionally and personally, to work with you and the entire staff of Highlife Haberdashery over the past two years. It is my hope that you have learned as much from me during my time here as I have learned from you and your staff. I hope that someday I will be able to take the knowledge and skills that you have helped me develop and apply them to fashion design once more, hopefully at Highlife Haberdashery if the opportunity is available.

Please keep in touch. I can be reached at my home comm or home address, written above.

Once again, thank you for everything that you have done for me while I was here. I am indebted to your kindness, generosity, and understanding.


Locke D'Vestavio

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2010-06-21 14:08 EST
(Excerpted from RhyDin Wear Daily Notes and Notables section, Monday, June 21, 2010 R.S.C.)

Locke D'Vestavio, design intern and rising star for Gerard Smith's Highlife Haberdashery line, has resigned his position at Smith's store, according to company sources. D'Vestavio's last day was Friday.

D'Vestavio was originally hired as an intern by Smith in June 2008 R.S.C. After presenting a debut collection during RhyDin Fashion Week 2009 that earned mixed reviews, D'Vestavio returned to 2010's Fashion Week with a collection that garnered widespread acclaim.

At this time, it is unknown whether D'Vestavio has left the industry or taken a job at another house. Both he and Smith declined comment when contacted. RhyDin Wear Daily was unable to contact other associates of D'Vestavio for comment before deadline.

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2010-08-09 21:31 EST
Locke hadn't been in handcuffs since he was a teenager. The last time he had been arrested had been a fluke, more than anything. He'd been playing cards late one night with some of the boys from Granaff's gang by the light of an oil barrel full of burning trash. It was their bad luck that evening that a guardsman happened to smell smoke and managed to trace the odor to the alley they were playing in. Worse luck for Locke that his first reaction to be found gambling in the early morning hours with other teens was to bolt up and scale the fence behind them. He cringed as he heard the bleat of the watchman's whistle, making the mistake of looking behind him instinctively when he heard it blow. What little was left of his luck for that evening ran out as he ran cheek-first into a heavy-set guardsman responding to the alarm. Locke staggered backward as the guard, with surprising speed, kicked out at Locke's legs. He fell hard on the cobblestones, his breath escaping with a pained grunt, and before he could react, he felt a knee pressed between his shoulder blades and rough hands pulling his arms behind his back. Locke attempted to escape the guard's grasp, twisting and writhing, but the knee kept him from getting off the ground, and the man easily overpowered him into a pair of handcuffs.

?What's the hurry...boy?? Locke could hear the sneer in the guardsman's voice as he paused between words. He was probably thinking of a racial slur, Locke thought.

?Oy! I ain't done shite, bloody rozzer!? That earned Locke a cuff to his ears, courtesy of a police baton. ?Bloody 'ell! I said I ain't done nothing!?

?If that's so, why were you running??

?I know you bobbies. You always look for a way to bugger us lads. I swear, we was just playing cards. Cross me strawberry.?

?We shall see about that. I don't suppose you could tell us where your friends went.?

?Who, me?? Locke blinked rapidly, the very picture of innocence. ?I can't imagine where they'd run off to.?


In the end, Locke had actually been lucky, or as lucky as someone picked up for a curfew violation could be. He hadn't been caught pinching an apple (like he had been before), or captured while retreating from a successful heist. After a night spent cooling his heels in a cell that was more comfortable than many of the places he had slept in on the streets, he was released with a boot to the rear and a muttered warning about ?staying out of trouble.? He had cheerfully followed the warning right until he made it back to Granaff's headquarters. Once there, he joined in the gang's next criminal scheme in earnest.

Locke's current stint in handcuffs was less defiant and less dramatic. He was standing in a small room in a city guard precinct office, head down and hands cuffed behind his back. Two gentlemen in navy blue suits sat at the interrogation table, glaring daggers at him, while a detective in a tan suit with the jacket unbuttoned leaned against the wall near the door. With shaky hands, a beat guardsmen in brown leather armor was strapping a pager-sized black box to Locke's ankle, above the ice elf's brown socks and below where he had lifted the cuff of his khakis. Observing Locke and the leather-clad guardsman was an white-haired man in a vivid red robe with a white tab collar.

?Are the handcuffs quite necessary?? Locke asked in a quiet voice.

?The gentlemen from the First Inter-Realm Bank of RhyDin,? the detective thumbed towards the men sitting at the table. ?insist that we follow protocol.?

?I understand, sir.? The bank officials murmured back and forth between themselves, but silenced themselves when they heard the snap of the ankle bracelet being locked into place around Locke's ankle. This was the red-robed man's cue to speak. It was clear by his monotone and the fact he was reciting the speech from memory that this was a monologue he had read hundreds of times.

?As part of your plea bargain with the RhyDin County Court of Common Pleas, and with the permission of Mr. Morgan and Mr. Witter, we have attached the home monitoring bracelet to your ankle. It is water proof and...? The judge paused here, eyes sharpening on Locke's skin, and a tiny smirk broke out. ?suffice it to say it is quite sturdy, no matter what extremes of temperature or pressure it might be exposed to. Monitoring sensors have been installed in and around your home and at the First Inter-Realm Bank of RhyDin. You will have 20 minutes to travel to and from work each day before an alarm will be raised. If the sensors at the bank or your house do not register your presence for five minutes, an alarm will be raised. If you attempt to tamper with or remove the anklet, an alarm will be raised. If the bracelet detects that you have consumed alcohol or illegal drugs, an alarm will be raised. Even though your house arrest sentence is one year, you will wear the bracelet for five years. And as obvious as this may seem to you, West End is absolutely off-limits. Believe me, we will have a pretty good idea if you have went there, and if we suspect you have gone there, there will be a manhunt. Please do try to avoid that. Do you have any questions, Mr. D'Vestavio??

At that moment, Locke finally looked up, eyes slowly panning across the room. The bankers' lips were curled up in sneers, the young guardsman who had put on his bracelet was still visibly trembling, the detective was smirking, and the judge's face was blank. Once he was finished examining them, his head dropped into a bow. ?No sir. May I leave now??

With a nod, the detective took a step away from the room's door. It was the judge, however, who addressed Locke. ?You may leave, Mr. D'Vestavio.? As he made his way to the door, the judge stopped him. ?One more thing.?

?Yes?? Locke asked, swiveling back to face the magistrate.

?Good luck.? The judge smiled, faintly, prompting the same response from Locke.

?Thank you.? And with that, day one of Locke's home arrest began.

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2010-08-17 22:39 EST
The sky was a bit lighter this time, dark blue instead of midnight black, with the setting sun throwing splashes of purple around the horizon's edge, but otherwise, the setting was almost exactly the same as the last time Locke had visited the First Inter-Realm Bank of RhyDin. His company was similar too, a female elf who stood a head and a half taller than Locke and wore the same dark clothes he had worn before, and was wearing now. Unlike Locke, though, she did not wear a mask or balaclava, but had her straw blonde hair pulled into a neat ponytail. Steely eyes cut to the side, measuring up the ice elf, then gazed up the pollution-stained marble facade.

?You climbed this?? she asked him, voice neutral.

?Indeed," he replied, unable to fully banish his pride at the accomplishment. "Although it was quite difficult, even when I was in peak shape.?

?Well, I'm not in top shape either. It's been...a hundred years or so, I think, since the last time I've done this. We'll just have to get through it.? She reached into her pocket, retrieving a neatly folded navy blue paisley bandana. She undid the folds and deftly tied it around her head to keep her bangs out of her eyes.

?You used to be a thief??

The other elf scoffed as she finished the last knot in the bandana. ?No. I was a treasure hunter."

?Right-o.? With his balaclava covering up the majority of his face, it was easy for him to cover up the fact he was rolling his eyes.

?Are you ready??

At the question, Locke immediately opened his mouth, his usual retort springing to mind. I was born ready. He quickly bit it back though. This wasn't a time for bravado, or confidence, or cheekiness. This was a time for humility, a time to be thankful for the mercy the courts had shown him. He nodded slowly as he readied his rope and grappling hook with an easy twirl.

?Yes, I'm ready. Let's go.”

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2010-10-06 23:13 EST
Bank work was boring. As much as his life as a thief had depended upon him stealing items of value, the value itself was a means to an end. He appreciated the fact that he could fence jewels and watches and rings for large amounts of coins, but he had little interest in money besides the fact that it paid his keep with Granaff. The adrenaline rush, the thrill of breaking into and escaping from places he wasn't supposed to be, that was the real pay-off. It was the same with gambling. It paid the bills, but the reason he was a gambler and not, say, a butcher or baker or candlestick maker, was the thrill of it all. The risk, the reward, the sheer satisfaction of catching an opponent smirking too soon and wiping that look off his face by laying down a winning hand of cards. It had taken some time after his return to RhyDin, the right friends, and the love of his life to find something greater than that excitement.

His work bore no tangible fruits. No coin in his purse, no dress shirt or tie on display on a mannequin. Beriadhwen ? the female elf he had worked with to re-break into the First Inter-Realm Bank of RhyDin ? had almost certainly written a report about their exploits, and Locke had never seen it, nor heard another word or had another question asked about the experience. She had already grilled him about every aspect of the thieving business that he knew about, and he had shared his wisdom, although most of the time, she had seemed more interested in her fingernails than in hearing what he had to say. Still, despite her seeming disinterest, he had told her about how he picked locks, how he had bypassed wards, even going beyond what was useful for protecting a bank and detailing how to pick a pocket or snatch a coin-purse. He knew he was running out of things to tell them, and he didn't want to figure out what they would do if they had no use for him. Let him sit in his tiny little closet of an office with no windows and a door that couldn't lock, or have him sent back to prison? Neither choice was appetizing.

That was why he was devoting half of his lunchtime effort to eating and the other half to skimming a biometrics handbook he had sweet-talked a librarian at the local university's library into lending him for a week. It was dry and dull material, but Locke struggled through it, wiping his hands carefully on a napkin now and then so that crumbs from his turkey breast sandwich didn't get all over the pages. This was his life now. Sitting at his desk to avoid his ?co-workers?, reading books about topics that bored him to death, waiting until the calendar flipped over to the next day, the next year, the next summer, when he would be free once more to do what he loved, and not what he was obligated to do.

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2011-02-08 22:21 EST
Week by week, month by month, the neat stack of graphing paper on Locke's desk grew shorter and shorter, displaced haphazardly across the writing surface. Messy piles grew, mold-like, in irregular patterns, during the periodic evenings and early mornings he spent awake sketching. Clippings from fashion magazines throughout the multiverse were pasted to the sides of the desk and over the drawers: GQ, RhyDin Wear Daily, Мода Всемирн. The language didn't really matter. The photographs and drawings were a universal language, speaking of dress shirts and suits and worsted wool and space-age nanofibers in ways words and letters never could.

The last two weeks, though, the muse had been strangled. Locke was a little more than half-way through his work release, just a few more months until he could go back to the career he wanted. Yet now that he was in the new year, having crossed that psychological barrier, he felt farther from the end than he had since his first day at the bank. That first week, he found himself unable to draw anything. The white paper stared back at him, unblinking, mocking his inability to create something new from the scraps of the old that surrounded his workspace. The second week, he found himself able to draw again, but he almost wished he still couldn't. His lines were thick, rough, and messy. His designs were worse. They were deconstructions of businesswear: suits with frayed cuffs at the ankles and wrists, ties that were split like serpent's tongues, heavily distressed leather shoes, dress shirts missing buttons. They were terrible. They said nothing important about being a man, they did nothing to make him stand out positively, they were needlessly angry and punkish. It was his attempt to work out his anger at his forced job, but it wasn't helping.

The black electronic box attached to his ankle felt more like handcuffs now, or a noose. He couldn't blow off steam by going outside and running through the crisp winter air. He could barely take a step or two off of his property without worrying about setting off his home alert anklet. The treadmill was a poor substitute; he felt silly running in place, never going anywhere, the moonlight replaced by a never-wavering light bulb. The punching bag couldn't take the place of a real sparring partner, who could hold up padded hands to absorb his blows, or better yet, fight back, throw their own punches and kicks, move and make Locke sweat and ache and bleed. All the bag could do was hang by its tether, soak up his punches and kicks, swing back and forth listlessly until the energy had dissipated.

Frustrated, Locke grabbed one of the sheets of paper off of his desk and tore it up, down the middle, slow and noisy. He repeated this with two or three more sheets: one he ripped in half horizontally, one he crumpled into a ball and tossed into his trash can, and one he tore into confetti-sized shreds. With his anger now mostly spent up, all he could do now was sigh. He hadn't even broken a sweat.

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2011-03-01 23:10 EST
?I hear you?re a celebrity now, Locke.? Beriadhwen leaned against the door to the room Locke was sitting in as the ice elf pored over several sets of blueprints. He had been tasked with looking at design submissions for a new bank branch in Yasuo, to see if he could find any flaws in the layout. The fact that Mount Yasuo was a technology black hole and did funny things to magic to boot made it difficult to contemplate both how to secure and how one might break into this building. Happy for the distraction, Locke turned to face the blonde elf. She didn?t seem to be smiling, but he didn?t take notice of that. Instead, he beamed, hoping she?d smile back.

?But of course! How else would you describe a bloke who rose to the rank of Emerald in the Duel of Fists, who was mentored by three-year Opal holder Koyliak VanDuran-Simon, who interned under renowned designer Gerard Smith, and even presented a collection on his behalf?? Locke popped his collar out with pride.

?I?d call him a thief.? Beriadhwen narrowed her eyes, watching as he visibly deflated.

?Well, yes, technically, but-?

?No technically, Locke. You are a thief. You were a thief. You always will be a thief.? She brushed blonde strands of hair off of her face with quick, jerky swipes of her hand.

?Wh- was what I said so bloody awful, Beriadhwen? I thought- I thought we had some sort of camaraderie, some sort of connection, you and I both having been thieves-?

?Still are thieves,? she corrected.

?Wait, you are?? Locke tilted his head to the side.

?It?s no different for me than it is for you. We may work these legitimate jobs, or be forced to work them, but it?s always in our blood. You know this. You think you can?be some sort of jet-setter with the GangSTAR, or rock star fashion designer, or top-rank duelist, but deep down you and I both know that thieving is in our blood, and our crimes will always define us.? Her lips puckered, as if tasting something sour.

?No. No, no, no. I refuse to accept that, Beriadhwen. I refuse to let one small mistake define the rest of my life.?

?Small?? she scoffed. ?You stole 1.4 million silvers.?

?With a partner. And I returned nearly all of my share, and am here now to work off the remainder, and have probation and a lifetime voting prohibition and-? He stopped short, rubbed his eyes, and tried to look right into her own. She turned away, but his gaze didn?t waver. ?I just don?t understand why you?re saying all these things to me, mate. You?re the one person I get along with even remotely well, and here you are just tearing me down because I said I was a celebrity, because I did some designs for some bleeding fashion show! For charity, no less!?

?Come back to me in a hundred years, Locke, when you?ve seen what I?ve seen and done what I?ve done and lived what I?ve lived, and maybe we can talk and you will understand what I?m saying. If you live that long.? Her heels clacked sharply against the tile as she spun away from Locke?s makeshift office, leaving him unable to get the last word in.

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2011-03-27 21:28 EST
The ones who love us best are the ones we'll lay to rest?
The ones who love us least are the ones we'll die to please

(The Replacements, ?Bastards of Young?)

By the time Locke had finished, the daylight hours that had greeted him when he first came home had given way to the sunset's last embers of red and orange. He had needed to burn off some angry energy, and climbing up onto the roof of his home's porch had seemed like a good way to focus that into something...less destructive. The monitoring anklet hadn't really slowed him down any, but the bottle of red wine he'd lugged up there with him had. Now that he was up there and seated, legs kicking off the edge over the approach to their house, he realized he had forgotten a corkscrew, and that he couldn't even drink the wine anyway. So he carefully balanced the bottle near the side of the house, close to a window, and scooted away from the edge, lying on his back and staring up at the sky. Katarina would be home from practice soon.

Katarina used to find great pleasure in the cold weather. It meant a happy Locke, and therefore a happy her. Nowadays she barely noticed the cold when her nanites were on and kept bundled up when they were not. It was difficult to find pleasure in a lot of things. Despite her attempts, Locke's numbing attitude of the day was beginning to find opportunities to deflate her mood. Some days she won, and others she did not. Today was not boding well thus far. When she noticed a dress fitting more loosely than normal, she changed and bundled up and promptly ignored it.

Still, she hated bringing that attitude home. So some off-tune whistling kept her company home and helped considerably. Hood covering her long hair and features, she shifted her practice bag over her shoulder and turned on her nanites when approaching the stretch from lawn to porch.

His ears twitched and perked up at the sound of off-key whistling, and he hauled himself up to a seated position. He called down to her before she could step onto the porch. "Oy, mate!" There was some of his old mischief in his smile and tone, but something else was mixed in as well, making his voice more sour than it used to be.

She looked up, and pulled down her hood from her face when it covered her eyes, "Huh, fancy seein' ya up there." The smile was not forced as her mood elevated significantly, "So eager ta see me?"

"Aren't I always?" The smile turned brighter, and he winked at her as soon as she removed the hood "Join me?" He patted a spot on the roof next to him. "The weather's aces." It was cold still, but without the bite of earlier months. Spring was slowly creeping in on the city.

"Yeah, I'll come up. Need anything? Blankets?" She crinkled her nose slightly at the idea of just sitting on the roof. Didn't seem very comfortable to her.

"Sure. If you want, you could fetch yourself a wine glass as well. I retrieved one of Jolyon's bottles of..." He glanced behind him, shrugged, then looked back. "Something red."

"Sounds shiny. Be up 'n a bi'." It helped to make the dancer more quickly to get inside and change. The whistling turned down to humming as she waltzed up the stairs after retrieving a bottle opener and glass. Practice clothing tossed into the laundry basket and changed into a soft dress that was meant to be loose-fitting. Lastly throwing a blanket over her shoulder, the dancer carefully made her way up to the rooftop, holding out the wineglass over her head, "A li'l help?"

Locke leaned back and grabbed the neck of the wine bottle, taking the corkscrew from her as well. He removed the cork quickly, and filled her glass about a third full. "How was the theatre?"

"Th' same. Nah a lot o' progress. Count kin't seem ta pick a direction fer us jist yet." Once her hands were free, she climbed up and bundled the blanket around her loosely so that she could lay it down beneath her when she sat down. Once settled rather closely to him, she took up the glass and smiled, "An' th' bank?"

"The same." By this point, the meaning of that simple sentence had become quite clear: it had been another rough day. "Well, sort of."

"Sor' of?" She took a sip and raised a brow, "Th' blueprints nah very workin' ou' well er wha'?"

"They're fine. Don't know why you would want to build a branch in a place that's that bloody hard to secure but..." he dismissed the thought with a wave of his hand. "No...apparently nothing I can do will ever not make me a thief, and I'm doomed to go back to being one sooner or later. Guess the house-climbing was just one step closer to my ultimate destiny, eh?"

"What?" The sudden change in direction made her enunciate the word perfectly. "Who told you that?" The next sip of wine was a long one.

"My...supervisor, of sorts. The woman who handles all the security rigamorale." His voice fluttered into a falsetto impression of Beriadhwen. " 'You *are* a thief. You *were* a thief. You always *will be* a thief... thieving is in our blood, and our crimes will always define us.' " As if just talking about it had worn him out, Locke flopped back onto the roof with a sigh. "I don't think there is a single soul there who believes in me. Not even her."

It was an instant change that brought dizzying repercussions. Concern to insult made her want to hold her head to keep in from spinning. All that happened though was that her jaw dropped a little, "Truly, you believe that?"

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2011-03-27 21:35 EST
"Do you?" He dodged the question with one of his own, afraid to look directly at her. The fear was probably baseless, but it was still there, beaten into him by months of work in an environment where everyone expected the worst from him.

She waited only a beat, before finished the rest of the rather full glass and ignored the taste. "Bugger that." Her cheeks flushed as she tried to quickly untangle herself from the blankets. Her anger was making that rather difficult, "I didn't come up here to listen to your doubts of me. I've been by your side through this for over a year, and have a ring on my finger. Apparently that's not enough."

He pulled himself up into a seated position, knees pulled up close to his body and arms around his legs. He rocked gently in place. "I-How is anyone supposed to deal with this? How is anyone supposed to put up with this? With someone who is going through this?" He switched to elvish, but the words seemed too flat, nearly devoid of musicality. " Sina naa beika tangaa."* And just as soon as he said it, he tugged at the blanket. " Amin hiraetha. Amin uuma sinta mani um..."**

She wanted to shake the weakness and doubt out of him. Still, she stilled when he reached out and tugged on the blanket. The angry red blots still adorned her skin, mostly around her exposed neck. "I never said that this was easy. Don't you know I'm practically under house arrest too? What joy is there in going out, if you are not with me? But don't you bloody sit there and tell me that you don't think I believe in you. I can't believe you would let one stupidly foolish person get in the middle of that."

"I just- I tried. I'm just...tired. Just...please hold me." He had bottled up a great deal of his emotions in order to deal with his work, and it was all rushing out at that moment, in a way that made him feel more vulnerable than he could ever remember feeling. He pulled feebly at the blanket again, before finally burying his face in it.

Locke's emotions always seemed to find a way through her defenses. She was still upset, and tried to temporarily lock it away. She wrapped an arm around him, and tried to take the blanket away from his face. "Yeah Locke, 'm here." She wanted to add that she always had been, but kept that to herself.

He let her pull the blanket away, revealing his tired, near-heart-broken face. "I did try. I tried to tell her it didn't matter, that it was all a mistake...I'm just..." He let the words die right there, and tucked himself against her shoulder. "I'm sorry," he whispered into the fabric of her dress.

"Why do ya need ta convince her?" She was calming down a little, with her anger tucked away to the back of her mind, "Some lady who dun know a lick 'bout ya? I believe ya, Jo and Si believe ya, 'm sure Liam believes ya. How ar' ya gonna say all those people dun know ya as well as some lady who doesn' believe 'n change?"

"I just wanted to have someone standing in my bloody corner there, and I thought she would, and then she dropped this bleeding bombshell on me, savvy? I...would you mind if we talked of something else? Or...just not talk? It is quite lovely outside, and-" he pulled his head away from her long enough to turn toward the sky, which was mottled purple with fiery flecks of red at the edges. "the sky is gorgeous. Not so much as you, of course, but, well, what could possibly top you?" One corner of his mouth curled up, just waiting to turn into a smile. "We're wasting a quality sunset."

He was doing it again. Forcing her emotions to go into a thousand different directions at once. She didn't know what would be best - to comply with his wishes or to gently (or not so gently) deal with the situation. She exhaled a quiet sigh before rubbing his back in slow circles, "It's never a waste wit' ya, yeah?" A slight warm smile, "Bu' definitely betta than th' view fra inside yer ol' place. Up close an' personal an' all."

"The apartment? Or without the mods?" Deep down, he knew he was avoiding the uncomfortable conversation they needed to have, but having dealt with the situation throughout his work-day, he craved a break from that mental stress. Her words made him smile further, and giggle softly against her shoulder.

"Both. Definitely both." She leaned over and kissed his cheek, "I wouldn' trade th' mods fer anythin', an' havin' ya close by ta me always is much betta 'n ya livin' somewhere else."

"Even if I'm high maintenance?" He lifted a hand up to touch his hair, making sure every strand was in its proper place. The doubt was creeping back again, but he pushed it aside by shutting his mouth.

"It would be difficult if we had'ta share th' same mirror." A quick wink, "Yer high maintenance, 'm high maintenance. I like ta thin' o' it as a mutual understandin'." She removed her arm around him to rub her other one briefly. She tried to change the subject, "Talk ta Liam lately?"

*"It is too difficult."
**"I'm sorry. I do not know what to do..."

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2011-03-27 21:37 EST
"Not recently, no." Locke scratched his head, curling some of his white hair around his finger. "I would imagine he is busy with wedding preparations, though?"

"I'd guess so, yeah." She wouldn't know. The dancer just had brief opportunities to think about her own future in that way. Any anger or resentment on that was but a distant ache. "I'm really happy fer 'em, yeah?"

"Yeah. It is odd to think of sometimes, but ultimately, it suits them both well. It's...aces for them, yeah?" He laughed a bit, as he struggled to find the words to describe Liam and Eavan's relationship.

"Yeah." Another deep sigh, and she brought up her knees to wrap her arms around them, "It'll be us some day... yeah?" She didn't look over to him as she asked.

"Yes. It will. The future will be here before we know it. We just-" he cut himself off, shaking his head, shouldering the blame once more. "I just need to soldier through these next few months. Job-ian patience and all that malarkey."

She usually had the right words or the right actions, to make him feel better. If she didn't, then why would he still be here? But now she couldn't find the words or the actions. His doubt had cut her deep, and so instead she focused on something else, "Job-ian? As 'n th' Bible?"

Locke chuckled, then replied. "The only bloke named Job I can recall is the one in the Bible. Is it hard to imagine an elf knowing about that?"

?Nah, I dun thin? so. Considerin? wha? I know o? ya, I dun thin? tha? I kin hav? any assumptions ?bout wha? ya know an? dun know.? She thought about removing her arms from around her knees to wrap around him, and instead she removed only one so that she could pat his back affectionately.

"And Hope? Was there a similar religious tradition there, or something altogether different?" The pat on the back earned her a small smile from him.

?Nah much diversity ?n tha? area ? er, any area ?n Hope, really. Mostly Christian by practice er association.? Her arm went back around her knees.

"Not a terribly common practice around these parts, to be sure. This is probably not a surprising fact-" he laughed, interrupting himself. "-but I was not particularly pleased with my mother and father's predilection for church-going as a child."

"Now tha'," and she laughed, "doesn' surprise me a' all. Did they dress ya 'n yer Sunday bes'?"

"Of course. Clip-on tie and all. Hair perfectly done. We usually wore nice clothes when we worked at Arnand's shop, but they tried to pull out all the stops on Sundays. After the third time I managed to jam up the loo with my tie, they stopped forcing me to wear one."

"An' now look a' ya - always dressed up 'n yer Sunday's bes'." Her laughter died down to a warm, small smile. Her previous anger was beginning to fade and she was beginning to face his doubts with faith and confidence once more, "My folks didn' really make us go, save Christmas and Easter."

"By association more than practice?" He nodded a sage nod, seeming to understand what she meant. "There were quite a few Anglicans - and Catholics, too, from what my Catholic friends told me - who were quite similar. Why do you think they only made you go those two days, besides the obvious implications?"

"Dunno. Prolly 'n some Sundays, work jist had ta be done, yanno?" Trying to test the waters of his feelings, she leaned over to rest her cheek on his shoulder, "I thin' we wen' jist ta keep th' neighbors happy, maybe."

Locke sighed quietly, his own head tipping in the direction of hers. "Understood, on both points. Funny, how much worth we invest in the words and feelings of those who matter so little to us. And how often - too, too often, I'm afraid - we overlook and downplay and dismiss those who matter most to us. I apologize - I'm just so used to people expecting the worst from me, that I have a hard time sometimes seeing that you don't." He paused, then rushed out the next set of words. "See the worst in me, I should say."

?I?m nah gonna lie, it?s a li?l hard ta know tha? ya struggle wit? tha?. Bu? when I thin? ?bout it, I know tha? consistency an? time ar? ?n my side, an? I gotta learn ta be okay wit? tha?. I?m only one person, yeah??

"I wish...that I knew what it would take to be more trusting, melamin. I suppose it will not be an easy fix, and that is what I am accustomed to. It will be hard to wait on that consistency and time, savvy?"

It was an instant response - Katarina laughed hard and abruptly. One hand went to her side as if it would keep it from hurting, before she tried to calm down her laughter to explain, "Locke, we've had ta wait fer almos' everythin' else. I'm beginning ta masta th' art o' patience." She leaned to kiss his temple and hoped that her words would remain true.

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2011-05-10 23:31 EST
Exercise wasn?t enough. Talking to Katarina wasn?t enough. Taking a nice, cold bath wasn?t enough. Locke had just one month left at his job, but every day there felt like a lifetime, and he found it hard to imagine that hell or purgatory could be any worse than this. Fire and brimstone may scorch the body, but his job seared his soul.

When he was younger and angrier, Locke had wondered why his mother had abandoned?well, whatever faith it was exactly the losedhil had for his step-father?s Anglicanism. Locke had occasionally asked about it, sometimes politely, sometimes less so, but his mother had never given him what he considered a straight answer. ?It?s good to believe in something bigger than yourself,? he remembered her saying. ?It wasn?t for Arnand?s sake?? he had asked with some cheek and malice. Raina said nothing back to Locke. She just shook her head, sighed under her breath, and walked out of the room. It wiped the smirk off of his face. He knew he had made her angry.

Right before Locke left for university, his mother had given him a Bible. Bound in fake marbled burgundy-dyed leather, with equally fake gilded pages, she?d had his name engraved on the lower right corner of the front, and written a message in black ink on the first page inside:

?Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:20). I love you, A'maelamin utinu. - Atara. *
He had chucked it aside as soon as he moved into his room in New Northumberland, but since moving in with Katarina, it had found a place on a book shelf, along with a plethora of books about fashion and fabric patterns. Tonight, he decided he needed it.

He flipped to the back, to the concordance, and searched for the word ?forgiveness.? He traced his finger over the citations, and the beginning lines that accompanied them. He turned back towards the beginning of his Bible, to Psalm 25:18. He read it, paused and blinked a bit, then skimmed his way a few verses back. He read again, this time in a hushed whisper.

?Turn to me and be gracious
to me,
For I am lonely and afflicted.

The troubles of my heart are enlarged;
Bring me out of my distresses.

Look upon my affliction and
my trouble,
And forgive all my sins.? **

Locke snapped the book shut with a satisfying thump, and carefully wedged it back into its spot on the shelf. He stood there before his books in silence, eyes shut for a moment or two, then reopened them and exited the room.

*My beloved son. - Mother
** (Psalm 25:16-18)

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2012-04-16 20:18 EST
February 7, 2012 R.S.C.

The show was over. The last group of models had made their way down the runway, dressed in an array of suits. Single-breasted and double-breasted, notch-collared and peak-collared, black and navy and charcoal and khaki and seersucker and sharkskin. The army marched down to the bottom of the stage, turned on a heel, and then headed backstage for the final time. The music had cut out, though by the time they had turned it off, it could barely be heard over the audience?s applause. They stood, roaring their approval, as Gerard, Locke, Pierre, and Jax walked out from off stage into the spotlight, waving and smiling at the standing ovation.

They were all dressed in smart-looking tuxedos that almost seemed to match from a distance. It was only Gerard?s age, and Locke?s blue skin, that made the two of them stand out from the other designers. As Locke stood there, basking in the adoration of fashion critics, fellow designers, and other miscellaneous fashionistas, he felt tears begin to well up in his eyes. It had been so long since he had received validation from his peers, since he had received any sort of positive feedback beyond his wife, his parole officer, or Gerard. This many people cheering for him, this many people who only knew him as a fashion designer and not as a thief, bank robber, or felon, simply overwhelmed him.

?Locke, are you all right?? Gerard had looked to the side and seen the tears in Locke?s eyes.

?Yes. Yes, Gerard, I am quite all right.? Locke sniffled, lifting a gloved hand to wipe away the tears that had escaped his eyes and fallen on his cheeks. Then, impulsively, he turned to Gerard and wrapped his mentor up in a bear hug. The crowd cheered even louder, but Locke didn?t hear it. ?Thank you, sir. Thank you so much for believing in me. You?ve no idea what this means to me.?

Surprised at first, Gerard finally relaxed and patted Locke on the back, looking over his shoulder at Jax and Pierre, who seemed just as shocked as their boss. As Gerard responded, he chuckled. ?I think I have a good idea of what this might mean to you. But you?re welcome, Locke. It is good to have you back with me.?

With that, Locke broke the embrace and began waving with more fervency to the crowd, blowing kisses on occasion when he caught the eye of a pretty woman in the audience. He was back, and he wanted everyone to know it. This night, with this crowd, was just the beginning.