Topic: Ascension Walk Through

The I.A.P. Superintendent

Date: 2011-09-03 16:28 EST
An Ascension Walk Through

As I'm sure many of you have noticed students have begun working toward their Ascension.

Here is a basic walk-through of Ascension for your roleplaying and storywriting pleasures:

Ascension is much like Graduation. Having done away with the years of focus we have moved to a system that allows the character to progress based on their own talent and desires.

Novitiate (Formerly First Year) traditionally takes a year to get through but can take longer depending upon your character's personal storyline and/or outside interruptions and/or abilities and/or difficulties of their foci.

Apprentice (Formerly Second Year) traditionally takes two years to ascend.

Mage (Formerly Third Year) traditionally takes three years.

Sorcerer (Formerly Fourth Year) traditionally takes four years.

With advanced levels beyond this that allow for further studies. Sorcerers maintain the right to start their own Houses with the approval of the majority of House Overseers (this approval is normally granted only when it can guarantee havoc within a rival House) AND a minimum of three housemembers already pledged.

Okay, so how does Ascension work?

To make the transition from Novitiate to Apprentice is a simple matter of a demonstration of abilities (the standard equipment must be completed and some spell or project to exhibit an understanding and competence to advance).

To make the transition from Apprentice to Mage is more difficult. The task must certainly be more complex and should demonstrate either the ability to do something new within one's chosen focus and/or the ability to teach said focus to another (a project or lesson plan of some kind).

To make the transition from Mage to Sorcerer is extremely difficult. The task must be straining and exhibit both dedication and perseverance over obstacles. The outcome needs to be something new, or a new version of an existing practice.

Finally the transition from Sorcerer to Master must exhibit a mastery over the focus. This project will undoubtedly be taxing and should not be undertaken lightly as the price should be high for success and the repercussions equally high for failure.

This is a basic overview to give you an idea of what kind of writing/roleplaying the school is looking for to approve your students Ascension.

This is also expected to take three - four months of IRL time to accomplish and should demonstrate the time put in it. All Ascensions must formerly be approved OOC by Arkon Daraul and Satariel Shah. The Deadline for Ascension REVIEW will be 1/1.