Topic: -- Faculty Directory --


Date: 2010-11-01 20:32 EST
Natolii Azeraith Soulbinder-Tanner
Shadowmistress of Institute of Arcane Principle

Rank: Instructor; Shadow Magic, Rings of Honor Dueling, Dark Races
Schools of Focus: Shadow/Evocation with Combat Applications
Race: Demon Lord/Shadowknight
Age: Well over 600
Familiar: None; Soul bound to her sword/father Saris

Personality: Summed up with this quote.
"No one who crosses sword with Arshes Nei's third army of the Four Lords of Havok will ever be permitted to surrender. You seem to have forgotten the steel laws of combat, my friend."
~Arshes Nei to her adjutant. Bastard!, The Complete Collection, "The Immortal King Di Mon (Episode 4)."

She has no favorites. All students are equal in her eyes, even her own children. Though she has been known to push the twins harder as she expects more. Make no mistake however, she has no sense of humor when it comes to her loved ones. As a former slaver, she knows the laws within those circles quite well.

It has been said that certain students have a crush on the red-headed demon. It has also been said that a small handful of students of drawn her ire...

Spouse: Markus "Darkblade" Tanner
Children: Damien Lee Tanner
Angelica Rose Tanner
Other Family:Cieara Jade DeAuster & Daniel Rhystil DeAuster (Niece/Nephew)
Lucius DeAuster & Fiona Jeuree Dewil DeAuster (adopted brother/sister)
Rhyslin Darkblade (Old friend)

Status: Given that she is a demon lord and instructor, Natolii has full access to materials and resources. As a Lady of Gharnholme in Carowyn, she also has access to Arcane lore not available readily in Rhydin.

Natolii's History
The Wedding of Natolii & Markus

Natolii with Saris


Natolii and Markus

Natolii was created in 1996. The Former Third in command of the Slaver's Association under Lord Brutin.

Arkon Daraul

Date: 2010-11-03 13:10 EST
Marius Mistmark
Master of Spell Craft

Class: Professor
School(s) of Focus: Evocation, Divination, General Magic
Teaches: Spell composition, Component use, Arcane dialect
Race: Human
Age: 131 years old
Familiar: Gambler - a Screech Owl

Personality: Marius is easy going and fairly whimsical, never one to shoot down an idea before giving it a chance. Because he teaches spell composition, he understands that wizards sometimes need to have compulsion and instinct guide them rather than strict formula. This trait sometimes draws the ire of other professors, but he has found over the years that teaching young wizards magic in this way can serve them greatly down the road. When comfortable, Marius can become extremely flirtatious. This draws the ire of fellow professors as well, but none more than his wife and collaborator, Ulyssa Mistmark.

Connections: Besides for a friendly relationship with his colleagues at the Institute, Marius teaches along side of his wife, Ulyssa. It has also been suggested that he has been romantically linked to a few students, but those are merely (supposedly)rumors.

Status: Maruis is a bit capricious and does like to teach by the seat of his pants on occasion. Because of this, his classes are often a student favorite if, for nothing else, the guarantee of not knowing what to expect from one day to the next. His regimen is loose at best, but he does expect work to be done and tasks to be completed on time. If anything, students complete their assignments promptly just to keep him from changing his leisurely and impulsive format.

OOC: NPC open for interpretation in storytelling.

Satariel Shah

Date: 2010-11-03 21:13 EST
Ulyssa Mistmark
Mistress of Components

Class: Professor
School(s) of Focus: Evocation, Transmutation, General Magic
Teaches: Spell composition, Component use, Arcane dialect
Race: Human
Age: 82 years old
Familiar: Unknown (Kept Secret)

Personality: Ulyssa is a refined woman who demands a certain level of discourse and manners. She can be a bit 'chilly' to those she considers unworthy; however, to those select students who become her favorites the bounty is endless. As Mistress of Components her labs are extensive and her items boundless. She is infamous for her ability to remain calm in any situation as many a student has engendered an accident or two in her classroom.

Connections: Besides for a friendly relationship with her colleagues at the Institute, Ulyssa teaches along side of her husband, Marius. Every year she forms a small group of select students who merit special attention. On the reverse side of this coin, it would seem every semester she takes a personal pleasure in the destruction of a student that has caught her husband's eye.

Status: Her classes are a necessity as components are a basic foundation of most spellcasting.

OOC: NPC open for interpretation in storytelling.

Vesper Fey

Date: 2010-11-07 14:21 EST
Vesper Fey
Groundskeeper of the Institute of Arcane Principle

Class: Faculty, Staff
School(s) of Focus: Nature, FeyWilde, Evocation
Teaches: Application - Think of her as the Field Trip Supervisor
Race: Unseelie Blooded Human
Age: Immortal
Familiar: Denubae "Preshuss"

Personality: Crazy. There's just no way around, nor would diplomatic terms coach it in a more palatable way. She's off her rocker, her meds, and her mind. Capricious, fickle.

Connections: Desperately wants to be invited into the Shaitan Covenant and will sacrifice anything and anybody to be given that opportunity. Her pact with the Fae remains problematic as they can and will expect payment for the gift of their blood and all that entails. Used to believe L'loris was her favorite but is now seeking one to take her place.

Status: In good standing. Her classes are a chance to explore the applicability of the spellcraft that the students are learning. If accidents happen...well...the students still learn something, right?

OOC: Vesper Fey

Satariel Shah

Date: 2010-11-11 02:00 EST
Lillura (Last Name Withheld)
Mistress of Abjuration

Class: Faculty, Staff
School(s) of Focus: Abjuration
Teaches: Abjuration
Race: Withheld
Age: Withheld
Familiar: Scorpicore (A manticore with a scorpion tale) named Paramour.

Personality: Withdrawn. She interacts with peers and students alike, from a distant place that allows her to remain reserved and untouched. Pale and elegant, her beauty is marred by an angry scar that trails down the right temple and cheekbone. Clearly whatever injured her also damaged her eye as her right eye lacks any color. A sea of white surrounding the oddly diamond shaped iris. She rarely leaves the spire that contains both her classroom and her suite of rooms above it. Only when directly summoned by Arkon Daraul or Satariel Shah will she venture out and only then for mandatory meetings. When not teaching she works on enchanting and creating magical items (so finely crafted that they fetch an incredible price when sold). Everything she focuses on is devoted to protection magic. Shielding and concealing one?s location remains her specialization. Due to her horrific past (one that dictated she become very adept at shielding and hiding), Lillura relies on psychotropic drugs to get her through her day. These may make her difficult to interact with.

Connections: Few. The only student who has managed to reach a general understanding of her is Fleur Rousseau.

Status: Her teaching methods are erratic. Her coldly reserved nature not conducive to promoting a good teacher/student relation. She is undoubtedly brilliant, but this does not necessarily translate in a learnable approach.

OOC: NPC open for interpretation in storytelling.

Arkon Daraul

Date: 2010-11-12 09:40 EST
Master of Necromancy

Class: Faculty, Staff
School(s) of Focus: Necromancy, Alchemy
Teaches: Necromancy
Race: Human
Age: Ageless
Familiar: Fangdeath -A Cerberus hound.

Personality: Even though the master of Necromancy is demanding and authoritarian, he is not the heartless Undertaker most assume he will be. He sees Necromancy as the greatest of all magics because of its ability to thwart man's most feared adversary - death. Because of this, he can become rather passionate in his teachings, and it is no secret that Smout'n shows favoritism to those who have a zeal for his school of focus. On the other hand, those who seem to fumble over the intricate workings of death magic are the focus of his wrath when it comes to explaining certain folly and blunders. It is well noted through whispers among students that only those who are confident in their ability should volunteer for any of Smout'n's examples, lest they be ridiculed for the remainder of the semester.

Those students who have been in the school for more than a year or two would have picked up on the fact that Smout'n is not very fond of the Mistmarks, though the reasoning behind this has never been clarified.

Connections: Smout'n's classroom is a separate annex off of the main building of the Institute that overlooks the I.A.P. cemetery, which is directly south of the Shah gardens, meaning that a majority of his social involvement and interaction with students begins only after their demise. Still, he is available for consultation if need be. He has an affinity for Satariel Shah, but most speculate this centers around their haunting demeanors. Birds of a feather...

Status: Smout'n is a harsh disciplinarian when it comes to the procedures involved with Necromancy, if only because he understands that the slightest misstep can lead to the caster's ultimate - and normally excruciating - termination. He is not opposed to students taking the initiative, though if there is a blunder or lapse, those students should be prepared to hear about it. Incisively.

OOC: NPC open for interpretation in storytelling.

Arkon Daraul

Date: 2010-11-12 10:06 EST
Master of Elemental Fire

Class: Faculty, Staff
School(s) of Focus: Elemental Fire
Teaches: Elemental Fire, Energy Substitution, Evocation
Race: Efreeti Half-Fiend (Glabrezu)
Age: Timeless
Familiar: Plameň - A fire Naga

Personality: Outside of his classroom, Menolymus is quiet and reserved. Because of his constant conflagration he makes it a point to remain secluded within the charred pit that is his lecture hall, emerging only when required. Through spell craft he is able to keep the flames that lick and writhe around him at bay, though it is the fear of losing this control that imprisons him inside a self-engineered solitude. Because of this eternal condemnation, Menolymus finds it hard to relate and sympathize with those in need. Student troubles are often met with a heartless response lacking any support, normally resulting in the questioning of the student's devotion to the Institute.

Connections: With his seclusion it is hard for Menolymus to connect with students and faculty alike, though for a time was visited by L'loris Ondyn, who was apparently fearless of his wrath or reprieve. Any sort of amity he felt toward the Infernal Elf was stolen once he learned that she had defected from the school, and now he only feels for her a burning hate that rivals the fury of his swath of fire. Recently this position has been filled by the apprentice Xera, though their relationship is still in the fledgling steps. Because of the dangers involved with elemental fire, Menolymus is often hesitant to take on a Ucenic (personal pupil).

Status: As the days go on, Menolymus continues to teach his class schedule. Because the elemental schools are rarely considered a focus, he also teaches a class on energy substitution; the augmentation of one energy type to another - fire.

OOC: NPC open for interpretation in storytelling.

Satariel Shah

Date: 2010-11-14 11:25 EST
Zhennavieve LaCroix
Mistress of Illusion

Class: Faculty, Staff
School(s) of Focus: Illusion
Teaches: Illusion
Race: Vampire
Age: Uncertain, appears to be early twenties
Familiar: Dire Wolf - Traveler

Personality: Friendly, Seemingly Sweet.

Connections: She has just arrived at the Institute and has only interacted with Satariel Shah.

Status: She will be teaching two sections of Illusionand a section on Cantrips, as well as an advanced course in Sentient Items.

OOC: NPC open for interpretation in storytelling.

Satariel Shah

Date: 2010-11-14 11:26 EST
Depha Roksana Vadten
Mistress of Divination

Class: Faculty
School(s) of Focus: Divination
Teaches: Divination
Race: Vistani
Age: Appears to be in her thirties
Familiar: Fesha, a sentient glowing globe of fiery energy, a trapped spirit of unknown origins.

Personality: Quiet. Reserved. Passionate about her art.

Connections: Rarely makes any. Content to stay in her tower and focus on her readings.

Status: She teaches a myriad of courses around the art of Divination and possesses an impressive assortment of scrying devices.

OOC: NPC open for interpretation in storytelling.

Satariel Shah

Date: 2010-11-17 08:35 EST
Mistress of Earth

Class: Faculty
School(s) of Focus: Earth Elementalism, Transmutation
Teaches: Earth Elementalism, Transmutation
Race: Minotaur, though appears as a moon elf
Age: Appears to be in her mid life. (76)
Familiar: Jankins, a very dumb minotaur - much smaller than Sartha, though towers in a lanky misshapen kind of way.

Personality: Motherly. She takes to students easily and is naturally empathetic. Sometimes her classrooms can become a little chaotic as some students will take advantage of such a personality. She rarely loses her temper, in fact, it is only rumored that she has one.

Connections: Any student who has a need. Doesn't care for Sartha, avoidance obvious.

Status: She teaches a myriad of courses around the art of Earth Elementalism and trasmuting the self.

OOC: NPC open for interpretation in storytelling.

Satariel Shah

Date: 2010-11-18 18:19 EST
Mistress of Air Elementalism

Class: Faculty
School(s) of Focus: Air Elementalism
Teaches: Air Elementalism, Flight, Ancient Draconic
Race: Cloud Dragon
Age: Indeterminate
Familiar: Ailini a celestial tiger.

Personality: Fun. Adventuresome. Always willing to take class "outside."

Connections: Fleeting. Likes everybody to some degree. Almost never remembers a student's name.

Status: She teaches a myriad of courses around the art of Air Elementalism, Flight in all forms and magically aided ways, and Draconic as a Language and Linguistics aid in casting and researching.

OOC: NPC open for interpretation in storytelling.

Arkon Daraul

Date: 2010-11-19 21:32 EST
Tora Deron
Chancellor of White Magic

Class: Faculty
School(s) of Focus: Divination, Evocation, Transmutation, Necromancy
Teaches: White Magic
Race: Tulani (Celestial Outsider)
Age: N/A
Familiar: Aleaxa, An Owl Archon

Personality: Insightful and wise, elegant and beautiful, Tora is the epitome of the Tulani; an ancient celestial race whose lineage integrates that of angels and elves. She teaches from her Ivory Spire, one of the many structures compiled to assemble the fortress of towers, Barud Das. Never is she seen outside the walls of her spire, always surrounded by her two 'sentinels' who guard her with a fervor that resembles more of a prison than a sanctuary.

Connections: Out of the hundreds of students who attend the Institute, only a handful have ever seen the Chancellor of White Magic, and even fewer have actually taken her class. It is rumored that those who seek to master the White Craft are often driven into madness by its puritanical demands. There are, in fact, no students enrolled beneath her, and none who currently hold a rank as Tora's apprentice.

Status: Proficient in a number of schools, Tora is an Arch-Wizard of great renown...if anyone actually knew of her. Due to isolation that within the walls of her Spire, she is never seen, and rarely heard from.

OOC: NPC open for interpretation in storytelling.

Tora's Sentinel

Satariel Shah

Date: 2010-11-20 18:03 EST
Master of Enchantment

Class: Faculty
School(s) of Focus: Enchantment
Teaches: Enchantment
Race: Chameleon
Age: N/A
Familiar: Ginger, A Woman

Personality: Seductive and mercurial. His moods are an enigma. Sometimes dark and brooding, other times charismatic and ebullient. One never knows exactly what they're going to get with him.

Connections: Has issues with keeping his distance, comprehending barriers.

Status: He is a master of the art of enchantment and compuslion.

OOC: NPC open for interpretation in storytelling.

The I.A.P. Superintendent

Date: 2010-12-03 08:39 EST
Samcenu Tracha
Master of Evocation

Class: Faculty
School(s) of Focus: Evocation
Teaches: Evocation, Abjuration
Race: Dark Elf
Age: 436 years old
Familiar: Howler, a black wolf

Personality: Though he is knowledgeable and extensively adept in his class, Samcenu often comes off as arrogant with a majority of his responses and his overall demeanor. For one so old, more than four hundred years, he has a youthful exuberance about him that is often appealing to his students. For the most part, he comes off as one of them, though in a position of authority. His classes are often fun and exciting due to his offensive craft, with many trips out to Vesper's neck of the woods to keep any accidental explosions away from the main campus.

Connections: Samcenu's lascivious reputation among the student body is well earned, though never clearly admitted. Rumors constantly are in circulation about the newest pupil of Master Tracha to be utterly evoked as some have come to call it, and yet somehow the deceptive dark elf is never openly accused of any wrongdoing, even when wrongdoing seems apparent. He is liked by most, and really liked by a few.

Status: Samcenu teaches Evocation for all classes of Wizard within the institute, augmenting his course syllabus depending on the progression of his students.

OOC: NPC open for interpretation in storytelling.

Arkon Daraul

Date: 2010-12-14 08:01 EST
Mos'em Dymierer
Master of Conjuration and Summoning

Class: Faculty
School(s) of Focus: Conjuration and Summoning
Teaches: Conjuration, Enchantment
Race: Human?
Age: 70's
Familiar: Chara - A sentient magical orb

Personality: Stern and stately, Mos'em embodies an ancient culture of strength and quiet resolve. He moves with a gait that foretells authority, and with a glance he can strip a student of the most potent steadfastness. He is a brilliant instructor, though harsh in his methods, as to him there is no greater teacher than the threat of failure or miscalculation. Considering his field and the havoc easily incited due to such a mishap, this outlook is explained with little difficulty.

Connections: Mos'em has a professional relationship with the Institute and all of the faculty and students within it. Outside of the campus there is little known about the Master of Conjuration, and when he attends faculty parties and gatherings (normally fit to make just a brief appearance) he does so alone.

Status: Mos'em teaches a standardized course for Novitiate and Apprentice class wizards, and an advanced course for Mage level and above. His advanced class is taught on another plane.

OOC: NPC open for interpretation in storytelling.

Satariel Shah

Date: 2010-12-22 13:23 EST
Naveah Lyricstar
Mistress of Water and Ice Elementalism

Class: Faculty
School(s) of Focus: Elementalism (Water, Ice)
Teaches: Elementalism, Summoning
Race: Ice Witch
Age: Unknown
Familiar: An ice dire-wolf named Sugar and an owl named Spice

Personality: Odd. A little disjointed as if she isn't quite connected to what is going on around her. But otherwise nice.

Connections: Favors water elementalists. Openly.

Status: New to the school this semester.

OOC: NPC open for interpretation in storytelling.

Arkon Daraul

Date: 2010-12-25 17:16 EST
Sartha Kruha
Dorm Warden of the Institute of Arcane Principle

Class: Faculty, Shaman
Position: Dormitory Curator
Race: Minotaur
Age: 846 years old

Personality: Stern and rigid, the massive Warden of the Dormitory is an imposing and menacing figure to behold, which is partially the reason that he does his job so well. It is his responsibility to ensure the safety of wizards in their homestead - both from outside sources and each other. He demands a strict curfew policy as well as congenial respect for roommates and housemates alike. If ever there is a question pertaining to his doctrine of rules and regulations have no fear, for the massive bailiff keeps a copy of them tucked into his cloak. Speaking of his cloak, it offers him several tools to help assist students who are too ignorant to understand the severity of his policy, namely an aura of suggestion to aid stubborn students in following his orders, as well as detection spells: invisibility and magic. There are creatures that appear large and imposing but once you get close to them a certain bond is formed and it is then realized that even though they are frightening, inside they are just looking to make a connection. That is NOT Sartha. He will eat you.

Connections: The Dormitory

Status: Coordinator of dormitory security and head of the I.A.P. campus patrol.

OOC: NPC open for interpretation in storytelling.

Satariel Shah

Date: 2010-12-25 18:17 EST
Bianca Van Blaudin
Mistress of Bardic Magic
Class: Faculty, Bard
Race: Gypsy
Age: 24


Connections: Newly arrived.

Status: Newly Arrived.

OOC: NPC open for interpretation in storytelling.

Satariel Shah

Date: 2011-01-05 10:38 EST
Mistress of the Infirmary

Class: A Transmuter who has learned to heal through the arcane arts, her lack of a clerical connection has earned her the position.
Race: Unknown
Age: Unknown

Personality: Cold. As far as nursemaids go she is not the caring matronly type. She was brought in as much for her talents as for her strict no-nonsense manner.

Connections: She rarely leaves the Infirmary where she overseas a small contingent of helping hands. Mostly those of elemental stock or lesser fae.

Status: NPC open for interpretation.

Arkon Daraul

Date: 2011-01-06 13:08 EST
Illia Zio leli
Master of Transmutation

Class: Faculty, Staff
School(s) of Focus: Transmutation, Psionics
Teaches: Transmutation, Psionics, Necromancy
Race: Ilithid (Mind-Flayer)
Age: Measured in Thousands
Familiar: An Intellect Devourer whose name is unpronounceable by those with dialect limited to the requirement of oral membranes for speech. You may call him Brain.

Personality: Descending from a race as powerful and alien as the notorious Mind Flayers, Illia Zio's personality is as complex and odd as one would suspect. Sometimes erratic and other times painfully methodical, it's hard to tell what sort of response one will get from him. His audible language is an assortment of clicks and growls, with the occasional sound of his aquatic vernacular mixed in. This is not his preferable form of conversation, as he is much more comfortable speaking with the mind.

Connections: Because of his bizarre heritage, Illia Zio has very few connections within the Institute. In fact, besides for Praysin, he has zero involvement, and to be honest the only reason he has interactions with her is because she was the Interim teacher before his arrival.

Status: He has arrived, relieved Praysin of her duties, and is ready to instruct.

OOC: NPC open for interpretation in storytelling.


Date: 2011-02-05 17:44 EST
Quaid Eamon MacIntyre, The Dark Storm
Weapons Master

Rank: Instructor; Magical Dueling, Non-RoH (The real thing)
Schools of Focus: Shadow/Elementalism - Weather Manipulation
Race: Unseelie Sidhe
Age: 450
Familiar: A Demi-fae, Desdemona (Though she is rather insistent that she is the one in control.)

Personality: Jovial, fun-loving outside of class. Knows how to party, he is Sidhe afterall.

Inside of class, he is no nonsense. A stern taskmaster, that does not know the meaning of the word Leniency. Afterall, failing his class is a death sentence.

Once known as Leucetios, his control over weather especially the storm and lightning is an awesome innate thing. He was dubbed *the Dark Storm* by the Queen of Air and Darkness. He chose exile over becoming one of her Ravens.

Connections: None at the moment. Get to know him!

Status: Ready to chase the haughty few around the practice rings. A few students have earned the privilege of being assistants. These include Angelica Tanner and Brais Galician.

OOC: Quaid

(He is a PC and available for interactions.)

Arkon Daraul

Date: 2011-03-12 13:34 EST
The Vaden ?

These strange creatures serve the Institute in a variety of ways, though mostly as menial servants and retainers. They are no bigger than an average sized monkey and are often mistaken as such until their striking features ? outlandishly wide eyes and a lipless mouth - reveal what they truly are. Another indication of their exact nature is their prehensile tail which is stronger than any of their other limbs, able to grab, swat, and constrict.

They do not speak a decipherable language; though do communicate through a series of clicks, chirps, and snarls that other Vaden seem to understand. However, they seem to understand the common dialect flawlessly.

The body of a Vadeni (singular) is flexible to a near liquid level, able to contort into knots and overlapping ribbons as well as pour through the smallest of holes or flatten to a sheet-like thinness. Also, they have no difficulty moving along walls or ceilings in the same manner as most do floors, able to transition from one to the next without any hindrance to balance or equilibrium.

These creatures possess traces of magical resistance, though each Vadeni has its own personal innate level. There have been no accounts of magical casting from the Vaden though it does not seem farfetched that they would have some spell-casting capability.

While vicious toward one another they are subservient and docile in regards to the school; both its faculty and student body, serving the teachers as go-fors and assistants regularly.

The origin of the Vaden is a lost mythos, though some of the older Houses may still retain knowledge of how they came to be.

Patience Powell

Date: 2011-07-15 20:27 EST
Shadul Ariaith
Master of Alchemy

Class: Faculty, Staff
School(s) of Focus: Transmutation, Alchemy
Teaches: Alchemy
Race: Elven
Age: Close onto 400 years old, but never gives an exact number
Familiar: Alaion, a fourteen-foot python with a penchant for deliberately sabotaging students' work

Personality: Possessed of a keen mind and an active interest in furthering his own knowledge, nonetheless Shadul is somewhat absent-minded when it comes to teaching his students, often so focused on his own experiments that he will not notice the progress of his classes unless something goes dreadfully wrong. However, he gives credit where it is due, and is constantly on the look-out for a brilliant mind among the student body to assist with his research. As a teacher, he is strict but also easy-going, allowing for experimentation within reason; he adheres to the creed that only through mistakes do people learn. He rarely comes out of his rooms except to teach and to eat, though the door is always open for anyone to drop in, anytime.

Connections: Shadul treats everyone as an equal, be they his equal or not, with an absent friendliness that rarely insults or causes offence. Anyone who takes his subject is automatically his friend; anyone who doesn't see the point had best be prepared to spend several hours in amicable debate over the pros and cons of any select course the Institute has to offer.

Status: Predictable is the best word for Shadul's lessons - you always know what you're walking into each time. He also makes a point of providing all basic ingredients and equipment; everything else must be obtained by the student themselves if they need more. For all his absent-minded teaching, he keeps tight control on his classes, and is not above allowing Alaion to terrify clumsy students into being more careful.

OOC: NPC open for interpretation in storytelling.


Date: 2011-07-30 10:02 EST
Amaya Tul'Nor
Mistress of Binding

Class: Faculty, Staff
School(s) of Focus: Necromancy, Enchantment, Divination
Teaches: Soul Magic - binding and unbinding
Race: Nephilim
Age: 94 years
Familiar: Ouranos, a barn owl who often leaves her side to keep an eye on her students

Personality: Patient and gentle, there is a welcoming quality about Amaya's presence that immediately sets one at their ease, regardless of their own personal alignment or motivations. She also seems to hold around her an aura of incorruptible innocence, no matter how many times she has enthusiastically allowed herself to be 'corrupted', by students or other faculty members. She works mainly with the first year Novitiate classes, guiding them through the essential task of binding themselves to their familiars, but is, of course, always available for consultation and further guidance in whatever project is assigned or chosen involving her area of expertise.

Connections: Perhaps strangely, Amaya is intensely disliked by Tora Deron, though she doesn't seem to be aware of it herself. She works closely with Mistress Evahlys when disasters happen. In fact, Amaya considers everyone to be her friend, whether they like her or not. She does, however, have a fascination that borders on the obssessive with Samcenu Tracha.

Status: Amaya teaches Soul Magic - the binding of one soul to another - to the Novitiate classes, in her own rooms at the Institute. She will also offered more advanced guidance in the same area to the higher levels of student, including the safe dissolution of a soul bond.

OOC: NPC open for interpretation in storytelling.

Callisto Fairbourne

Date: 2011-09-04 04:49 EST
Nuno Shadowlance
Mistress of Combat

Class: Faculty, Staff
School(s) of Focus: Evocation, Abjuration
Teaches: Applied Magic - Combat
Race: Tiefling
Age: Unknown
Familiar: Adrian, a beast man with the physical properties of a Manticore

Personality: A woman of few words, Nuno Shadowlance does not speak much except to advance instructions or a blistering dressing down. She feels that achievement is its own reward; no one should ever expect to gain even a single word of praise from this terse female.

Connections: No one really knows whether Nuno is even capable of having friends, but she certainly does cultivate allies like nobody's business. She is fiercely loyal to the Deaconess and Arkon Daraul - anyone contemplating moving against either of them had better be very sure that they can survive a magically-charged sword thrust to the head.

Status: One of many combat instructors within the school, Nuno teaches the application of personal magical skills in the arena of combat. She shares her teaching space - a wide, warded amphitheatre inside the forest - with several other instructors, and is generally believed to live out there as well.

OOC: NPC open for interpretation in storytelling.


Date: 2011-09-04 10:30 EST
Saris Soulbinder
Ancient Shadowknight

Class: Faculty
School(s) of Focus: Shadow/Evocation
Teaches: Advanced Shadow
Race: Human at one point, Now Sentient Sword
Age: Ancient
Familiar: Natolii...

Personality: Cutting, Sarcastic, Stern taskmaster to the point of being a slave-driver.

Connections: Natolii Soulbinder Tanner - Daughter/Wielder
Markus Tanner - Son-in-law
Angelica Rose Tanner & Damien Lee Tanner - Grandchildren
Melisan Soulsinber - Wife. Missing presumed deceased

Status: Overseeing Advanced Ascensions in the Shadowpaths. An old warrior that still can cut you down with his sword of his tongue.

History: Seven Hundred and Ninety years ago, a man by the name of Asmodius Stormbender brought his world of N?blis crashing to it's knees. Asmodius was a charismatic leader, shunned by his people for following the path of ?hadow. The man began to drive his way of life into the hearts and minds of the people he knew, and eventually gathered together a following he called the ?hadowknights. Asmodius was a physically imposing man, standing almost seven feet tall and built well beyond normal human comprehension. He wielded an enormous two handed sword, but the most frightening thing about him was the combative magic he held in the tips of his fingers. That magic, coupled with his size and brute strength won the first few battles they faced.

In time, the ?hadowknights grew larger. The thunder of their marching into battle was enough to scare most off the battle field, and the few that chose to stay were so hideously destroyed that it drove the survivors, those that chose to run, into madness, most so severe that they were slain by their loved ones, or killed themselves. The ground shook beneath their feet and battle was a way of life. Sometimes they would walk into battle two or three times in a week. And always they prevailed, leaving a trail of blood and gore in their wake.

Six Generals stood by Asmodius's side, They were the only men that he trusted and let his guard down around. He held their confidence close to his heart and the seven men were bound to one another by oaths that went deeper then blood ever could. The Generals were named Thegrin Hell?oul, Steel Widowmaker, Evan Valor, Darian Deathblade, Saris SoulBinder and Kharn Bloodknight. Each man held a place in their Commander's heart, all of them being among the original ?hadowknights. Each General was charged with a division, a separate branch of the whole. Together, the seven men were immortal, unstoppable by any man or woman in N?blis.

Then early one bitter winter 'morn, while the seven were talking over a map in Asmodius's tent, betrayal struck. Suddenly and without warning, Asmodius cried out and slumped forward on the table, his blood spilling out across their map. Turning, the five men saw Thegrin Hell?oul wipe a long dagger off on his sleeve, a smirk sliding across his lips. With a snarl of rage, Darian Deathblade ripped his black bladed katana from it's saya and plunged it deeply into Thegrin's chest, uttering words that tore
his soul from his body and bound it to the steel of his sword. Darian etched runes across the blade that would bind the assassin to the steel for an eternity, every time a life was taken by the sword, his soul would feel it a thousand times. Darian named the blade "Hell?oul", and passed it on to his child, Drorian.

The five Generals, fearing a swift rebuttal by the forces in N?blis, took their divisions and went into hiding. As far as the people of the land knew, Asmodius was killed and his minions were claimed back to hell along with him. The five men kept in close contact and a loose organization was formed. Darian broke the ?hadowknights into five houses, House Deathblade, House Valor, House SoulBinder, House Widowmaker and House Bloodknight. Eventually, they made their way to other planes where once again the thunder of their feet would cause grown men to wet themselves, and mothers would use the name '?hadowknight' to scare their children into obedience...

OOC: NPC/PC, Please ask as this is an established part of Natolii's History.