Topic: The IAP -- Akuma Taijiya

Brais Galician

Date: 2010-12-25 17:06 EST
{This is cross-posted from Dorm Life to branch off into its own stand alone SL}

Akuma Taijiya -- Part One

Midnight. You know where. what the note pinned to Ozalynne's door read. It might have seemed odd that he was so insistent they keep their meetings secret and yet willing to just leave that sort of blatant message on her door, though it was all explained after a passing Kish had asked her about the Sweattar Sale she was attending, referring to the note that he 'accidentally' read. Obviously the magic used upon the parchment allowed only her eyes to read what was truly there...though it was just as obvious that she was oblivious and completely inept at lying and poor Kish would've been left with an odd stream of garbled explanation,

"What? Sweettart Sale? No. I'm not. But Really? Because that would be awesome! I'd love it. I mean cuz I'm going. Right? They're my all time favorite especially when..."

...she'd launched into all the different and delightful ways that they could be devoured until Kish had come up with some way to extricate himself from the diatribe.

At 11:55 she materialized at Twilight Island pleased to discover that the snowy, icy, weather seemed content to leave the magical pocket be for now.

Alone, he stood just beyond the entry portal leading to the Island. He was not dressed in his customary Mage Uniform, but the oriental attire of his homeland that included an intricate and lavish obsidian Kimono lined with silver symbols, hakama pants, and split-toe boots. Oddly enough, there was also an instrument present that might give those familiar with the mage pause; a katana.

With the scabbard tucked through the belt at the small of his back, its hilt would be seen just beyond his left hip. "Who knows that you are here?" He asked, his hair drawn back into a knot-top that revealed the handsomely sharp features of his angular visage.

Ozalynne hated that his first question always seemed to relate to their secrecy. If she were to die out on one of their secret meetings would anybody even know? But drawing in a deep breath she answered in her sweet dulcet tones, "No one, Mage Galician." Her focus drawn inevitably to his attire and his present weapon. She wanted to ask but knew that he would explain in time. She bit her lip for now.

Brais' eyes fell in cursory appraisal before he stepped around her as though to head back through the portal. The long lash of stark white hair slithered about his shoulders with each stride, yet beyond that there was no mindless motion. He seemed very focused. "Come with me." Was all that he said, stepping through the gate, and disappearing.

Surprised, Ozalynne turned about as he moved, wide candy blue eyes following him closely as she tried not to blurt out the dozens of questions that pressed her. She knew he hated it when she was impatient and had learned to bide her time but it was nearly impossible. Her mouth parted to exclaim at his sudden departure before the futility of it sent her darting through the portal after him.

Brais Galician

Date: 2010-12-25 17:07 EST
Akuma Taijiya -- Part Two

Dark and wet, the intricate weave of alleyways running through the heart of the city were left, for the most part, alone by the city watch. Within the urban corridor they suddenly occupied, which was empty save for them, there was a sense of lurking danger as though the brick walls would at any moment reach out and grab her, or the cobblestone street would open up and swallow her whole. Brais was not far ahead, the wide span of his back covered by the image of a swirling silver dragon that adorned his obsidian kimono. He examined the corridor momentarily and then turned his peripheral gaze over his shoulder to observe her, whispering. "Follow and prepare your magic. What happens next will be quick, and you will need to be ready." He understood the look in her eyes and the plethora of questions that stirred inside of her, thus the reason why he took off in a dash, one hand dropping to his sword hilt as he raced away from her and down the alleyway.

"B-but!" His speed was effective in keeping those thousands of questions stilled and she quickly sped after him. There was no way she was going to linger in this dismal place without him. And while his command of preparation might have meant something else, she did indeed ready gate away to safety should the need arise. The cobblestones were slick with refuse and ice, the cold air puffing out visibly from her lips as her cloak rippled around her novitiate's uniform. Thankfully dark enough to offer some concealment in this less than pleasant place, though her hot pink leg warmers might ultimately give her away.

A quick turn here, a sharp left there. There was no doubt that if she could not keep up she would be lost in the labyrinth they traversed. They raced passed ominous entryways and dark arches, all of which seemed to have some sort of eager groan emerging with their nearness. Something inside the darkness loomed, awaiting the common passerby to indulge their curiosity and be ripped to shreds. Brais finally ended their hasty sojourn as they arrived at an intersection, pressing his back flush with the wall and quickly taking a look around the corner with only his eyes.

Ozalynne had been in the process of looking over her shoulder into one of those groaning dark alcoves when he had stopped and turned flush with the wall. Her gaze came around just in time to pull up in her hasty flight, desperate to not be lost within the labyrinth she had been moving with little regard to care. She tried to stop. Really she did. But the icy slick cobblestones were her undoing, her footing lost as she slammed into his side, her chin hitting his elbow with enough force to knock her legs out from under her.

His narrowed gaze could be felt burning a hole into her soul, even as his free hand lashed out and took her around the waist, offering no comfort of recoil from her slick collision with well as no chance of tumbling. Her small, feminine form was crushed into the hard lines of slender muscle that laced his body, his mouth pressed hard against her temple as he dared to not even breath for a long time. "If you wish to end your own life I will assist, though do not take me with you, foolish girl." He hissed. He turned his head and again took a quick look around the corner, his sigh of relief foretelling of their continued covertness. "A cambion." He hissed. "You know what a Cambion is, yes? You have Master Smout'n's necromancy class don't you?" His voice was barely existent.

Brais Galician

Date: 2010-12-25 17:07 EST
Akuma Taijiya -- Part Three

She stifled a whimpered squeak. well aware of the need for silence, not because he commanded it but because the very area demanded that they remain unnoticed. The urge to demand answers as to why they were there or to even plea to leave such an unsavory place was on the tip of her tongue as he held her from the cruel impact of the ground. But his interest in the creature gave her pause and fed her curiosity. A lean across him to peek around the corner accompanied a whisper, "Smout'n says Cambions are little better than beserkers."

"He is right." Brais whispered.

As she turned her eyes around the corner, a little bit of her innocence would undoubtedly be stolen due to the unholy union taking place. Twenty feet from where she stood beneath the tawny glow of a street lamp and trio of scaly skinned humanoids would wickedly indulge in the carnal offerings of a lone Drow woman. Her eye, trained in arcana, would note the pentagram the union took place within, as well as the crude altar that stood just off to the side.

Though it was monstrous and inhuman, the setting seemed right.

Ozalynne gasped.

It was not to be contained, stricken eyes flickering up toward Brais as she ricocheted back against the alley wall. Flattened beside him, "Why are we here?" She hissed, seconds from gating back to the Institute and away from this place.

"To end their foulness." He snarled, eyes floating starward for but a moment. "The Cambion infestation within Rhy'din is quickly getting out of control and must be stopped." He brought his eyes down and turned a look upon her. "I am part of the Akuma Taijiya." His words were followed by the sound of steel sliding across the brass scabbard mouth, his sword suddenly in his hand. "Prepare your magic." A quick motion and he was gone, the flowing trail of his knot-top the last to round the corner.

"Part of the wha?" Her words were lost again into the dark hold of the putrid alley as she was left alone by his speed. She wanted to wail after him, prepare what magic?? but was worried that her words would reveal their location before he was ready. She wasn't sure why they were there, why the Cambion 'infestation' was her problem or even if they were a problem. Yet Smout'n stood out in her mind, his icy rational approach calmed her nerves. He had said the Cambions were a danger and that fueled her into action. Stepping around the corner to watch the stealthy agile approach of her mentor, she aided him in a whispered incantation that slipped over him. He could quite suddenly smell and taste sweettarts. The sugary confection there upon his tongue as surely as if he'd recently ate one and with it came a dash of blurring speed to his movements.

Brais Galician

Date: 2010-12-25 17:08 EST
Akuma Taijiya -- Part Four

Naturally he was fast, though thanks to her spell Brais seemed indiscernible. The first stroke of his sword came across in a sidelong line that took the head of the nearest demon, though before that decapitated body could hit the ground Brais pivoted around with a forward plunge to sink his blade into the chest of the adjacent Cambion. Movements were precise. Form was flawless.

That demon, however, was a bit quicker than his fallen comrade, and lunged backwards, clearing more than twenty feet through the air.

Brais launched into a forward roll, out of range of the last demon who laid upon the alleyway floor nearby, avoiding the creature's maddened swipe to cleave his ankles with its claws. Brais held his tongue, warding off the need to shout instructions to Ozalynne. She was still hidden near the corner and they hadn't appeared to notice her presence. While he knew that wouldn't last, the longer he could distract them the better.

Ozalynne was frozen for a petrified moment. Shock and fear were combating with the freezing drizzle that seemed to fall from the sky in weeping tears. The sudden carnage was too much for the young novitiate and she opened her mouth to scream a warming that was unnecessary as Brais' nimbly avoided the deadly swipe of the prone Cambion's claws. The scream would turn into a summoning, as the power that she undeniably possessed rose in a wave at her riot of emotions. The rain that fell seemed to alter in a slow glazing of its hue directly above the creature upon the floor. A sickly greenish luminescence changed the very nature of it to acid.

The transmutation of elements was something she'd always found a natural ease with, perhaps because it was one of the rarer studied forms of magic and therefore required less rigid rules for understanding and completion.

The prone Cambion roared in bestial misery as the acidic rain saturated its flesh, scrambling about and clawing at the cobblestone in frantic search of an escape.

The other fiend snarled as it watched Brais, gathering its composure as it splayed its fingers wide, the black claws that adorned each digit lengthening nearly four times their original size to that of daggers. If there was any sense of panic with the Mage it did not show on his angular visage as he, with a simple word of power, summoned a pair of warriors to stand at each side of him, their glowing eyes and rotting flesh able to be seen through the cracks in their armor, a testament to their undeath. Clenching the hilt of his sword in both hands Brais let loose a war cry and darted forward, followed by his conjurations.

Ozalynne couldn't chase the Cambion with her spell as that would require a change in the casting, nor did she dare alter much more of the rain in the area out of fear of accidentally harming her mentor. As he conjured forth undead warriors she nearly clapped in glee, certain that Smout'n would be proud. "Yes!" She exclaimed in her excitement, inadvertently giving her location away. With a dance of her nimble fingers upon the air, she cast again.

Brais Galician

Date: 2010-12-25 17:08 EST
Akuma Taijiya -- Part Five

This time as Brais felt the sensation of her alteration descend upon him, he'd (of course) taste Sweettarts even as his strength multiplied.

Brais dipped his shoulder as the Cambion arrived, the swipe of its elongated claws slicing through the air just above his head. This did expose the midsection of the demon and, without hesitation, Brais struck true with a horizontal slash that opened up the scaly gut. There was little time for the Cambion to respond to Brais, though. The twin skeletal warriors descended upon it with harsh downward strokes of jagged, vicious weapons, drawing the focus away from the Mage. Brais knew that the undead warriors would be no match for the superior Cambion, but he didn't need them to be. They were a distraction.

Scraping its claws across the stone floor of the Alley and drenched in acidic rain, the Cambion's attention was drawn to the voice screaming from the intersection. Swallowing the agony caused by the magical downfall, it summoned forth its own dark magic and thrust out its hand, sending a trio of flaming daggers blazing, end over end, across the distance between it and Ozalynne.

She squeaked. It was not the most fierce of sounds, in fact it was a frightened girl's cry as she instinctively threw herself prone on the icy slick ground of the cobblestoned streets. It didn't occur to her to throw up a shield, perhaps a statement on her lack of abjuration classes. Rolling over onto her back as the flame daggers singed past, she tilted her head back, blue hair spilling across the ground in a visual display of shocking color.

From her inverted angle she would see the Cambion skittering across the floor toward her on hands and knees with an inhuman speed equaled to that of a man running.

Big, luminous sapphire eyes surveyed her attacker from an upside down position and with a shout she thrust her hands toward him. Suddenly that candy blue gaze appeared to be glowing in an inferno of power that was echoed and mirrored within the Cambion himself, a blue smoky residue oozing from its mouth, eyes and ears before it quite suddenly... imploded.

Just before it arrived and ripped her to pieces her spell took hold and left it with a gnarled shape upon its neck, spewing ichor as it crashed lifelessly to its belly and skitter across the slick cobblestones.

Across the alleyway Brais rushed in, the intricate dance of his blade tearing open the back of the Cambion, whose lethal claws had destroyed both of the conjured warriors. It spun back with a wild swing that Brais was able to duck beneath, another sidelong slash tearing open the creatures stomach wider, buckling it over. Brais spun on the ball of his foot, bringing the sword up high in a continuation of his abdominal slash, and then swept it downward with an arching slice that freed the creatures head from its body. It dropped to the ground, twitching.

Slowly Brias scoured the scene and then turned his eyes to his pupil.

"Now..." He said evenly, "...let's review today's lesson."

Brais Galician

Date: 2010-12-27 20:19 EST
Umbral Audience

影の女王-ブレ; ードのマスタ;; ー
(Kage no joō - burēdo no masutā)

Akira -- Ichi

The summons came toward the end of his morning class. A directness of interruption as Sartha stepped inside the doors of the room and interrupted the Mistress of Divination's explanation of star's alignments. His growled voice cast low but carrying easily and it became quickly known that Brais Galician was being called to the office of the Deaconness.

Brais gathered his things quickly and rose from his seat, his menacing focus avoided by most in the class as he made his way out the door. He did not dally along the way, his stride attentive and military like in its composure. Dressed, as always, in the entirety of his Mage Uniform, Brais made his way up the long stair case that led to that ancient and haunting clock face, a bit unsure of how to proceed, though convinced that the Deaconess would show him the way.

And she most assuredly did.

The clock face slid to the side within the wall and demonstrated a long lonely stairwell that spiraled ever upward. But before he could enter she emerged, a skittering of dark energy leaving the impression of her image behind as if she were the negative of reality. Pale, emotionless. Statuesque in her perfect, her twilight eyes appeared to have been burnt into a dark ochre. She was surprisingly small and curvy up close and personal, the voluptuous quality of her figure contained by the wisps of black satin that she favored. With that same skittering burst of energy she quite suddenly bled into existence before him, the after image of her remaining in the position she'd recently vacated. A hand reached out to touch his shoulder and there was a brief sensation of spinning and falling before they appeared in Mount Yasuo. The portal glowing welcoming behind them.

His breath caught in his throat as she materialized and instantly his eyes went to the floor, head tilted forward in the traditional greeting of his homeland. He remained there as she touched him, the lifeless caress of her fingers on his shoulder causing the flesh and blood beneath his clothing to surge and tighten from her darkly potent presence. He kept his eyes closed as the arcana erupted around them, recognizing that they were traveling, falling, to a new location. The cold chill of the mountain was a familiar welcome, knowing it well from his childhood upon the Galician estate, and slowly he parted his eyes to drink in the sight of her. Arousal in its purest form would be ever present, swirling within the somber oceans of his gaze, as the one true aphrodisiac able to consume him to the very core was the mastery of power. He parted his lips to speak, to greet her, but decided against it, and merely watched.

Nothing was said.

Her steps miniature in nature, the small contained stride of a woman familiar with the formal customs of this land. Eventually they made their way to a breathtaking sight, the ancient Asiatic pavilion of the White Lotus, obviously her intended destination.

Brais fell into stride beside her, arms folded across his stomach so that his hands could rest tucked inside his wide sleeves. Still he said not a word, nor did he let his eyes linger upon her. He kept them forward and a bit down, surveying the path they took. The wind played along his lengthy alabaster hair, sweeping it away from his sharp visage to reveal the angular handsomeness of his youthful profile. There was just something about the keen cut of his features that made him appear dangerous and nearly feral. As the pavilion came into view there was a slight careen to his lips in appreciation of its architecture, certainly a craftsmanship that he enjoyed to witness. Still he said nothing, not bothering her with small talk or worthless banter. She had summoned him and it was for a reason that he was certain would soon be revealed.

Brais Galician

Date: 2010-12-27 20:23 EST
Akira -- Ni

She was greeted as if she frequented the place often, though there was concern evident, a fear that hovered about the staff's features. Led to a low slung table she dissolved to her knees in a glimmer of shadowy essences that writhed around her once attention was drawn to them. Tea was poured and then they were left to be. She smiled an odd gesture as it made no move to lightened her expression or intill any emotion. She nodded an agreement to his prescence, "Brais Galician."

He moved to the table and took his spot on the opposing side, lowering to his knees with her. He lifted his gaze to meet the eyes of the attendant and nodded his appreciation for the tea she offered. Brais drew in the scents of the pavilion, of the tea, and let them flow through his body as though they were the missing essence that fueled his soul. The sound of his name upon her lips did bring him back to their meeting, and he greeted her with features crafted from stone and eyes swirling with reverence and ...envy. "Deaconess. I am honored to join you." He said, another quick bow of his head pouring his chalky locks into his lap.

She appeared as a statue, knelt by the table, the icy perfection of her skin and the immovable features offered no hint of life. She did not breathe. She did not twitch. And in the pools of her eyes, his reflection hovered against the ochre backdrop. She recognized both the awe and the envy for what they were, as well as the power and the ambition that burnt within him. He had always been one to watch and she was pleased that such vigilance was bearing fruition now. She took his accolade as her due and allowed the silence to deepen between them. The only movement about her was the twining and undulating of the shadows that pulled greedily at her.

Brais noted the shadows - how could he not? Their serpentine affection toward the Deaconess was a myth among the students and yet he was getting a firsthand account of the rumor's authenticity. The silence was nearly unbearable if, for nothing else, the need that burned in his soul to speak of his accolades and accomplishments. He wanted Satariel to know of all that he achieved, and though he was certain that she was well aware of his success, he wanted to voice them in detailed recollection just to be certain. In the end, though, he said nothing. He merely knelt across from her, eyes watching the pits of her darkly sensual gaze, slipping away only to glance at the tea cups between them. He wouldn't drink...wouldn't speak.... not until she did.

"Your activities of late have been most fascinating." It was a simple indictment, a truly neutral statement that lacked any inflection to forewarn whether that was pleasurable admiration or spiteful denigration. The tea remained untouched, as it always did. Satariel had long ago given up the need for sustenance and felt no earthly urges to partake in things such as food and drink; yet, the piping heat of the spicy tea brought her a minute reminder of what it had once been to be human. Her reflective eyes held him unmercifully.

Brais Galician

Date: 2010-12-27 20:24 EST
Akira -- San

Beneath the weight of her stare Brais did not waver. If anything, he seemed to thrive under its scrutiny. He kept his shoulders drawn strongly across, his chin slightly inclined so that his eyes were level. Hands rested upon his thighs, fingertips barely touching and thumbs entwined. Her words anchored a sense of caution within him. There were a variety of activities he was currently involved in that could have garnered such observation, and to inquiry as to which she spoke of, he knew, would only lead to suspicion regarding them all. He thought about his answer for a moment, though not so long as to appear plotting, and then responded with a short head nod. "Thank you, Deaconess. Anything I can do to gain your attention is truly a blessing, and an achievement of its own."

Her head tilted. It was much like watching an art piece come briefly to life. The shift only altered the angle of the reflection of his serious stature within her gaze. Motionless she held before him, her lips pulled into a semblance of a smile, just a hint, made undoubtedly unnerving by the lack of any emotion in the doll-like perfection of her unanimated face. "Not always is my attention garnered wisely but you have done well with your excursions into RhyDin to rid it of vermin. It is this that brought you to my attention." Her head readjusted. Again a simple slide lacking any change in expression, "And has nominated you for a task that may make you desire that you had never received my recognition."

Rid it of vermin. Those words played in his mind in an echoic loop. She spoke of the Akuma Taijiya, and obviously knew about his trips into the city. This thought spawned an assortment of connecting contemplations, though the one that surged to the forefront was whether or not she knew about Ozalynne. She wasn't with them, so perhaps she didn't, though a chill nearly caused him to shiver, realizing that there was a very real possibility that Ozalynne wasn't in attendance because the Deaconess had already met with her

....and dealt with her.

He showed no sign of hesitation though, again offering a slight bow that differed only in the sense that with this one his eyes never left her. "I am eager to hear what you have intended for me."

"Your thirst for such endeavors, it is a long held tradition, is it not?" Revealing that she did indeed know quite a deal about his activities, though no mention of his pet project gracing her lips. She held up one finger to stall his answer as the staff arrived to quickly divest their table of the untouched tea and replace it with freshly brewed and hot reflections of the original. Again her mug was poured and placed in the same spot near her elbow, though she did nothing to acknowledge their assistance. They did not apparently expect it as this was obviously not a foreign exercise for them.

His new steaming mug mirrored hers at his elbow before they nodded and departed. Should he pay attention the shadows writhed angrily so long as the others were near, draping and twisting about her as if to conceal her from view.

Her finger dropped upon their departure as she obviously expected an answer.

Brais Galician

Date: 2010-12-27 20:28 EST
Akira -- Yon

He waited patiently, saying not a word until they were no longer near. Brais did indeed note the shadows and the jealousy they showed regarding their mistress. They were possessive of her in a sentient way, something he would remember. Once her finger dropped he answered her with a nod that licked those stark white locks across his shoulders. "It is. My family has long been slayers of such vileness." He paused, shifting his weight just a bit from his knees to his haunches. "I long to excel at such a craft."

"And you shall." It was a simple enough proclamation and as easily delivered as if she were discussing a small detail. "We would see you succeed." The WE ambiguous but easily deciphered to mean the Institute despite its much darker connotations. "In fact, we shall aid in giving you every opportunity to advance this talent of yours." The shadows, with his attention upon them, would reveal another facet of their strange life. They exuded anger and hatred toward him, and if he thought their reaction to the serving staff a visible jealousy, it was clear they despised his nearness to their Mistress even more so.

His eyes remained upon those of the Deaconess and yet his focus was divided with a dark mockery leveled upon those writhing lashes of shadow. They moved with a purpose and exuded an emotion that betrayed their simple origins. He knew they could feel his mockery of their possessiveness and made sure that it radiated from him with a harsh potency. Her words drew just the slightest arch of his brow, the smallest shift of his chin. "I would be honored to display the name of the Institute, though I must admit that I wonder as to the price I must pay in return for your...aid."

Coldness really. When the lack of emotion is placed fully upon its target, surveying it as though it were a lab specimen or a talking animal, a student, or even a peer. There was nothing to give her away. She simply watched him for a quiet moment. "Worry not of payment as the assistance we grant you would not be worthy of such. You will receive no break from your studies or your course work, no reward for your extracurricular activities, no public accolades or awards. Yours will be a silent task hidden from the light of day and from the knowledge of others. There will be, quite simply, no perks. All that we promise to deliver is the opportunities." Again, a slow head tilt, "As we are quite knowledgeable in the movements of such creatures. In fact..." A pause as she gauged his reactions, "There is a prominent family here that has opened its doors to Cambions in exchange for corporeal gains."

Those movements beneath the table became his focus, driving the edge of his nail into the surface of his thumb to fill his mind with pain and steal from it the terror of her arctic, emotionless stare. It was a simple trick he had learned long ago, and had never been more thankful for it. He watched her with tightly pressed lips, echoing her lack of response, listening to the words she spoke. Being one of the Akuma Tajiyia, hunting and slaying the Cambions, had always been a personal endeavor, darkly intimate, for him to accomplish at his own leisure. He wasn't sure how he felt about having others involved, though he was certain that if Satariel were in his corner than he would have leverage when it came to other such facets; namely the acquisition of the Primorius Discipulus. He kept his eyes leveled upon her, soaking in all of her explanation, and then after a brief pause nodded. "Tell me more." He said quietly. "A name?"

Brais Galician

Date: 2010-12-27 20:30 EST
Akira -- Go

Kept secret from him, of course, was that she would always be watching. Judging his advancement, a keen eye on this student who exhibited such potential. And that his reward would quite possibly be to take his place amongst the shadows that bedecked her, a concept that was recognized by those that undulated about her; their hatred of him only growing stronger at the potential for another rival. But such a condition was only placed upon those of incalculable well as those reluctance to do her bidding. His burning ambition and desire was duly noted. "This particular Act has a personal connection." She draped one arm over the table, the very first full move she had initiated since she'd first sat down and it was shocking in its strangeness, lifeless movement. "Your contact will meet you tonight at midnight, here. Should you choose not to enter into this venture, do nothing. Your lack of attendance will have no consequences." There was something in the lifeless gaze that warned otherwise.

That haunting movement caused a sharp breath to fill his lungs and muscles to tense in preparation of exploding into motion. He was prepared, no matter how futile the attempt might have been.

Always, was he prepared.

The brow that arched earlier did so again, though this time the camber was a bit more defined. Contact? She would not be his informant? He really didn't like that, though the indication that he could put a stop to such activity kept him interested. He nodded, understanding what she said, both openly and veiled. Eyes shifted to glance through a nearby window, taking note of the time, and then returned. "Certainly. I look forward to meeting this contact." He measured the weight of his next statement, swinging upon a pendulum of caution, though ultimately leapt from the proverbial edge. "There is no need to consider my refusal. I will comply."

She rewarded him, though one might question whether it was a trophy he wished to possess. Her smile widening, parting her lips to reveal her straight white even teeth. Almost mannequin like in the lack of anything behind it. A gentle hand reached forward to touch his in approval and the shadows writhed and boiled in agony, for a moment completely concealing all but her slim fingers from sight. Her features disjointed as they were revealed and hidden alternately beneath the shifting blanket of shades. "This is good." She intoned. "Should you wish to form a task group for this special assignment it would be well understood, the only condition I hold upon you is that you keep the students alive. I would have no more deaths." And this would appear to be concern for her students but was in reality a focus upon their reputation. Too many deaths and new students may be reluctant to join.

With his eyes he followed the path of her hand until it was upon him. His folded hands were warm to the touch, and because of that his reaction to her cold embrace was tense and tight. Drifting upward, he met her eyes again and listened, finally answering her with a shake of his head that caused stray strands of white to veil his dark eyes. "There shall be no group, Deaconess. I require only my magic and my blade to accomplish such tasks. Others would merely get in the way." He noted her concern and took it at face value, having no reason to believe that her intentions were not for the betterment of the a school.

Brais Galician

Date: 2010-12-27 20:34 EST
Akira -- Roku

"In this we can be generous. While I warned that there would be no perks, I did not include the basics that we can offer." She withdrew her chilly hand but her smile remained, "Assistance in the form of handpicked students by yourself, should you desire it. Some item craft and potion craft from our stores should not be too hard to arrange. And the benefit of our healers should you find need."

Handpicked students in a way had already been taken advantage of, though he was very interested in the idea of items and potions to help him take down the vile half-demons. He considered her words evenly, not wanting to steer this toward an outright negotiation. Maintaining the student/teacher relationship was important to him. He didn't want to become her business associate out of fear of losing the connection they shared with the Institute. "I appreciate your generosity, Deaconess. I will consider such an offer greatly."


"If you don't mind me asking..." He said suddenly. "....why?"

His follow up query brought the cold weight of her gaze again and the smile slid from her features as easily as melting wax. The shadows, sensing the change in their Mistress subsided quite suddenly, twisting and twining back around her and revealing the icy perfection of her body, pale milky white skin as cold as marble. She simply gazed at him with that same alien distance. Questions were not something she was asked.

He held that inhuman gaze of hers as long as he could and then finally looked away, dropping his eyes to the hands he held upon his lap. "I apologize, Deaconess." He said quietly. "I forget myself." He paused, gathering himself, and then cleared his throat. He looked back up. "I will make sure to meet with this contact as the hour strikes Midnight. You said she would meet me here. Did you mean in this very spot or somewhere in the Pavilion in general?"

"She will find you." And with that she slid back into the embrace of the shades, which welcomed her eagerly knowing that one constructed essence would be her destination. She would gift one of them with her presence and with her the life-giving properties she created. Slowly, she melted away into the darkness, an ink blot that slid and dispersed as casually as if someone had turned on the lights and chased away simple shadow.



Brais Galician

Date: 2010-12-31 11:54 EST
The Contact


Kage no neko wa, ketsueki-chū no burēdo

Akira -- Ichi

Brais returned to his dorm to don the traditional garb of his homeland, the Galician Gi. The kimono style robe was inky black and trimmed in silver, with a swirling dragon taking up the width of the back. Hakama pants and split toed boots finished off the ensemble, along with the sheathed length of his sword, housed through his belt at the small of his back. He returned as close to midnight as he could, not wanting to be late and yet not wanting to seem too anxious. Unsure of who the contact was -a faceless stranger for all he knew - that first impression was an important element when meeting enemies and allies for the first time. He pulled back the door to the Pavillion, and stepped in.

Shieyu Atsumichi watched him enter the Pavilion with feral eyes. He passed right beneath her as she lazed on the arched trellis that led up the garden's path. Expectations had led her astray. He had no appearance of a gaijin or a student. He blended easily.

Awareness. It was part of the magic that surrounded him. Though the chamber was empty he could feel the presence of another lurking inside. He could have began an investigation, searching the large room for the place where they hid, though instead decided to go another route, moving to the center of the room with a calm and composed step. Upon arriving he lifted his chin to the empty air. "I am here." He stated, his tone even.

She unwound from her position with a flex of sleek muscles beneath soft fur. A large padded foot found a delicate balance upon the framework and with the agility of a great cat she launched herself from the trellis to the roof of the pavilion. Gliding along it with ease and surety she came to the skylight. This. This was the favored killing position of the clouded leopard. Her prey beneath her, the strong tail lashing the air with agitation prepared to hold her weight as she lowered to sink her lengthy fangs into the flesh and rip him into the air with her and death.

But, he was not prey.

He was an emissary and she was to ally herself with him. She chuffed. A low growling cough that warned him of her position even as it threaded through the air, a dangerous reverberation of intent.

The sound from above drew only his eyes upward, even as his hand slid around to take the hilt of his sword firmly within. He had not ruled out the very real possibility that this rendezvous could have been a trap...a see how gullible he was. Feet slid across the floor as he moved out from directly below the creature in the rafters, still unable to make it out completely due to the darkness. "Show yourself." He commanded with a quick glance, taking note of the doors and windows. He wasn't looking to run, but wanted to know the locations of all the exits incase this assailant sought to flee.

She prowled along the rafters unable to resist the temptation of keeping pace with him. A game to indulge her predatory instincts was hard to pass up, but she was kept in the dark much as he was to the true intent of the Mistress of Shades and Shards. To risk offense was unwise. The leopard settled onto her haunches to gather the strength in her hind legs, a launch sending her into a leap to land lightly atop one of the low tables of the White Lotus, directly within the spill of moonlight through the open window. She prowled about in a circle, the lash of her tail revealing agitation as she cooed a purred growl in her throat.

As the cat leapt through the air Brais took a brief moment to appreciate its lethal beauty; it was certainly something that he could admire. That moment was fleeting though, and as the cat landed his sword was freed of its housing, drawn to the somber melody of metal upon metal. He held the katana in a reverse grip so that its curved blade ran the length of his arm, nearly hidden from view save for the glimmer of random candle light staining the steel. "I am here at the command of Deaconess Shah." He chose those words carefully. He hadn't been commanded, in fact it was more of a request, though if this cat was indeed the contact he sought then it would appear to put them on equal footing by suggesting that they were both there following orders.

Sagi wa, sensō no surudoi burēdodesu -- Deception is warfare's sharpest blade.

Brais Galician

Date: 2010-12-31 11:57 EST
The Contact

Akira -- Ni

The cat's circular prowl twisted about in a sinuous pattern eight, circling her in the other direction once before she slid free from the table's top, gliding to the floor to approach him. As far as large cats go, the clouded leopard was one of the smallest, yet it possessed the largest canines. The fangs revealed in a huff of her velvety maw. The paws were large for her frame and padded carefully, quietly about him in ever tightening circles that required him to turn if he wished to keep track of her progress. And between one step and the next, she simply changed. It was like no polymorph spell wreathed in arcana, or shapeshifter's curse that required a reconfiguration of bones and mass. Hers was an innate spiritual being, a racial quality and seemed but a trick of the eye, as if in the simple blink of the spectator's eye reality was revealed to be false.

He turned only his head to follow her behind him, keeping his knees bent, sword always at the ready. A simple shift from one shoulder to the other was swift and smooth, whipping ivory locks about his angular visage like lashes of cream. He hadn't expected the change, and was a bit startled by the ease in which it transpired. His first thought being that it wasn't a transformation at all, that it was simple illusion magic, though he hadn't sensed such spell craft in the air and was normally quite adept at doing so. He didn't have time to contemplate it at that moment, his focus fully upon her. "Are you the informant?" His tone was no longer demanding, though it was still low, like a growl from the throat.

"I too come at the bidding of Shah." A simple statement from a voice that was velvety and low. She stopped in her movements. Sudden in its marked lack of action. Stilled. Golden eyes reflected the light when it caught it, like an animal's.

The tension in bent knees eased and slowly he raised up to his full height. He kept the sword still in hand, not ready to completely surrender his guard, and turned to fully face her. He observed her feral eyes quietly for a long time before speaking. "She said I was to meet a contact here at midnight regarding the activity of Cambion's within the city." He didn't see a reason to keep such information to himself. If this was the contact then she would have the information he needed. If it wasn't then the knowledge would be worthless - unless she was associated with the Cambions, in which case the meeting would take a violent and deadly turn regardless.

She nodded at his explanation. "Come." And turning on her heel she ran. The burst into speed as sudden as her stillness and transformation had seemed before. An easy step onto one of the short tables, a flash of her feet across its surface and she leapt into the air to land in a crouch upon the windowsill. She looked back at him once, hovering there on the cusp, the moonlight illuminating her Asiatic features. And then she poured into the night, an agile exit that beckoned he follow.

Brais Galicia was not a big fan of chases, though it seemed it would be the only way. He centered his focus and with a simple word bathed his entire form in magical haste. Just as quickly, he shot forward, a spring to his final step and a twist of his body sending him through the open window upon a corkscrew's path. He landed easily on the other side, feet in continued stride of their pace inside. He followed her, and though he was not nearly as feline as she, there was something feral in the way that he moved.

She was not attempting to elude him but to lead, and while her movements were agile and feral in nature they were not hasted. He would have little difficulty keeping pace with her despite her mode of travel being an odd shift between streets and roofs. The sleeping city of the Jenli people paid little heed to their swift passage and they moved as easily as death amongst them. The first destination was not far from the White Lotus and she slid into frozen stillness on a stoop directly across from the townhouse.

Nimble and swift, he followed her, echoing her silence. He seemed accustom to the darkness, as though traveling by moonlight was not foreign to him. The same could be said for their avenue of travel, as the transition between cobblestone of roof tiles did not hinder him in the slightest. A twisting leap brought him to land smoothly beside her upon the stoop, instantly fading to a crouch. He observed the opposing townhome for a moment and then glanced to her. He spoke not a word, though there within his dark eyes was the question as to their purpose.

"This is the Kokuro Apartment, home to those who pretend to still be of the Kokuro family while they stay within the main city." She leaned into his crouch, fitting into the spaces of his body as easily as a puzzle piece. They maintained their position on the small stoop as she motioned with a small hand, "It is said that the family of Kokuro tied their bloodline to that of demons nearly a century ago. They are a prominent family with many holdings and many relations."

He words drew a somber stare from dark eyes, and with statuesque stillness he observed their home. He did not seem bothered by her sudden nearness, his attention far too divested upon the Kokuro Apartment to worry about trivial embraces. He took note of the windows and doors, how many stories the building was and where the main entrance was located before slanting his chin to speak quietly, his eyes still trained upon his target. "And where will these holdings land if the Kokuro's were to perish?"

She didn't have that answer, paying little attention to such economics and political strivings. Her golden gaze turned to his, small dark head tilting back as she looked upon him and read within him the coiled strength of a predator. He would spill much blood here and quite suddenly she was much less annoyed to be called away from her own plottings, "They are many. Ventured into many areas of trade. Slavery as their richest.

"One would assume that the holdings would continue to pass down amongst their ranks until the entire line was gone..." A tilt as she considered this, "Someone married within might inherit, unless you plan to rid the world of even their relations by law?"

"I do." He whispered. He had hoped she had a more definitive answer as he had assumed the same, though did not hold her accountable for knowing such things. He enjoyed the benefit of inheritance in such cases, as they would always lead him to the next target. "I'm going in." He proclaimed, pausing so that those words could be fully understood before he pulled his gaze from the home to study her regard. "Will it be alone?"

"Servants. Slaves. Perhaps a business associate. Most assuredly a concubine or a dozen." She slid her golden eyes back to assess the small walled angular building. "This is only the apartment used by the family when they visit the imperial city. Though one of the brothers lives here throughout the year to see to its upkeep." A hungry smile curving her lips at his assertion about entry, "Did I mention a few guards?" Her body already coiling with tension as she prepared to join him.


Date: 2011-01-04 10:04 EST

Part 1

Early morning. She had risen well before the sun to answer a summons given the night before. The sparring ring near the Evocation Hall was the destination, and upon arrival she would have found Mage Galician, bedecked in his station's attire, awaiting her arrival at the center of the main arena. He waited patiently, a silhouette amongst the darkness as there were only a few candles lit, and while she could not see his eyes there was no doubt that they were trained upon her. He said nothing as she arrived, merely watched, and waited for her to approach.

Dressed for classes, half cloak, wand, spellbook in hand, she looked mildly subdued today as her choice of leg warmers was a simple grey. She made out his solitary figure by the rings and hurried toward him, staving off a tired yawn. These early morning sessions were compounded by surprise late night sessions and fostering her relationship with Blizzard. Of course this meant this was translating well inside the classroom because I less focused Ozalynne worried less about doing something wrong.

"I'm glad to see you made it." His tone was even, flat, as always. "In order to prepare you I have decided that you will need two different forms of training. In the morning we will train in the martial arts. In the evening, spell craft. Ultimately, once you've gotten a grip on both we will weave the two together." He assessed her, his harsh gaze running the length of her form from head to toe and back again. "You may put your things over there and then we will begin." With a nod of his head he motioned to a peg on the wall directly beside where his sack hung.

Over the last few weeks of their continued interaction she'd learned to accept his harsh looks and strict tones. In fact, she did not regard his instructions as any less potent but had grown less skittish. And there were inexplicable moments where she apparently chose not to let his demeanor alter her. Case in point, She didn't stop walking until her urchin's face was pressed into his chest where she rubbed it back and forth in a blur of shiny blue tresses. Turning her face upward she let her chin rest upon his rhythmic heartbeat for a moment and cheerily blurted, "Mornin! I brought you a donut with sprinkles." A glide back to hang up her things as he demanded, the wrapped pastry put in his bag that hung there. Beaming a sparkling smile she turned about and lifted her fists in the position he had demonstrated, "Are you sure you want a piece of this?" She growled.

He was not thrown off guard by her early morning affection. Just as she was starting to accept him for who he was, he was doing the same for her. It seemed that she often greeted him with a tight hug or a kiss on the cheek or something equally generous , so to find her nuzzling his chest left him standing there in quiet acceptance. "Thank you." You said evenly in response to the news of her gift, and watched as she slipped it into his pack, nodding to her next question. "I do, actually." His gaze dipped to those fists and he tilted his head, studying them. He then approached with a smooth gait, taking her arms, lifting one a bit higher and dropping the other. "Balance, is the key. In all things."

As he adjusted her arms to their appropriate position she gazed deeply into his onyx eyes, her breathing slowing as the candy blue of her eyes diminished slightly with the nearly hypnotic enlarging of her pupils. She closed her eyes on a long inhale that sounded kind of "Awm-ish" but it wasn't a mockery, she was steadily learning how to center herself. To focus and still the perpetual bird's chirping whiplash speed of her mind. Using Brais' somber eyes as her foci she was able to glide into a place of calm that allowed her to ingest his teachings as if she were soaking them through her skin.


Date: 2011-01-04 10:06 EST
Part 2

He could feel her ease, her focus, and that brought him pleasure. He stepped around her, his hands falling to her waist, slender hands that were deceptively strong taking her by the hips. "Good. You are finding your center more quickly now. I am impressed." He turned her lower body so that she was more in line with her shoulders. "Now we have to use this as leverage, whether it is to launch an attack or defend an oncoming one. Your center will be the calm in the storm, where you can observe, consider, and then react." He slid his foot between hers, his knee wedging between her legs from the back, and parted them to widen her stance.

She was doll-like in appearance, size, and ease of maneuvering. Lost in her center, zoned on this calm that was so new to her, she offered no resistance to his touch or guidance. A fluid delicacy to her form that demonstrated her willingness as well as the fragile quality of her sprite's physicality. If she were to have to rely on pure physicality for her fights it would surely not bode well for her, yet this gave her no pause as she was aware of her body's limitations that could be aided with magecraft.

Once she was positioned he took another step around her so that he was 'behind her' even though the slant of body made it more to the side. His foot again came into play, sliding hers just a bit to the side for better balance, and then around her once more to observe her from the 'front'. Apparently he was pleased by her stance as he stepped away, offering no further assistance, and at just a few feet away turned back to observe her. It took but a moment and then he stepped forward and, without warning, launched a punch for her face. Whether or not she could defend it was unimportant as the attack was well short of her, though it did hover just inches from her nose, lingering between them.

She was focused. Intent and had just lifted the thick fan of dark lashes to reveal a hint of those blue depths. His body's tension had revealed itself to her seconds into his attack and she instinctively drew her wrist down and across her face. It came after, a hairsbreadth delay that allowed him his objective, his fist scant inches from her nose but the collision of her wrist against his was an impressively delivered impact in that it most assuredly bruised her. She winced, all focus lost, though in her defense she didn't drop the position or dissolve into defeat despite her desire to check on the throbbing in her wrist. She still held firm just without the centered calm. He nodded. "Good, though do not end the deflection too soon. Remember, you redirecting my strike is worthless if you do not redirect it away from you completely." He reached out and took her arm, adding weight to it so that she pushed his hovering fist to the side. He could tell by the wince that she had hurt herself...he remembered those days. "This also increases the chance that I will be off balance in my recovery, which opens me up to your counterattack." As though she were his doll, he walked her through his explanation, turning her arm over and pulling it straight so that her fist lightly impacted his chest. His eyes never left her gaze however, adding weight to his words. "The first rule of combat is to end it quickly. Victory is often found in the first four seconds."

She nodded the only sign of her broken concentration as she allowed him to move her body in the direction he demanded and then repeated the motion without his guidance. And then once again as she was certain she had it. She had trouble with instruction that was not demonstrated, words did not always translate well into action and for some reason the more instruction he gave the less likely she was able to enact his teachings. It was her mind's dizzying intensity that made such knowledge difficult for her to grasp, as it worried at the words like dizzying birds, picking and dissecting for pieces that she then focused on to the end result of losing sight of the intended bigger picture. But his physical demonstrations were another matter entirely. In them she found something she could mimic without having to think about it. "End it quickly." She murmured, ignoring the throb in her wrist for now.

"End it quickly." He nodded. He took a step back and released her hand. "Though with your body type I would assume that kicks would be your foremost method of attack. You look to have strong legs." His eyes drifted downward to appraise her lower limbs, as he spoke and remained there. "Let me see a kick." He took no defensive stance, arms down and hands at his side, seemingly at ease with the thought of her driving her foot into his midsection.

She took another deep breath and readied herself for the next step. Her grace was not that of a dancer's or even a feline, there was nothing predatory in Ozi. Hers was a quick nimbleness, a flicker of too fast speed here and a natural ability to find her balance. She knew what he asked, thought she understood what he meant, and attempted to deliver. Swinging her foot forward in a whiplash of a kick, intended for his manhood, and while he was defending the blow, she lifted in the air on an innate levitation and spun the other foot around aimed for a connection with his upper-chest.

The shift in her shoulders, the slant of her hips. It was these two things that telegraphed the attack and alerted his trained eye just seconds before she launched them. He lifted his foot which intercepted and deflected the groin kick, and as she jumped and spun he stepped forward and around, removing himself from the target area all together. There was no impact as the kick aimed for his chest found nothing but empty air, though he did take advantage of her position by reaching forward, one arm sliding between her legs to hook her around the waist, the other curling around her shoulder to hook her around the neck.

Caught. Most securely in fact. And she did the first thing that came to mind. Exploding in a puff of glittery smoke, leaving him holding nothing but colored air. She reappeared behind him and normally her sweet candy scent would've given her away but for the fact that he was currently inhaling a ton of it due to her escape technique. She aimed a kick for his exposed backside, still determined to land one, though this one lacked any skill as she had taken no time to fix her stance.
Her glittery burst caught him off guard, though he was well aware of the strategy as he often employed it. Divide and conquer worked well on groups and partners, but was just as effective on the senses. As she disappeared he sprung forward into a roll, pivoting as soon as he came back up to his feet to face her. If she wanted to tests the limits of her ability thus far he would be more than happy to help her. With a magically aided leap he jumped at her, crossing the score of feet between them through the air with a kick aimed for her chest. "Centered!" He shouted. "Focused!"


Date: 2011-01-04 10:08 EST
Part 3

Stunned. Yea, the limits of her ability were not too hard to discover. She was untrained, naive, and a believer in the good of all. Her kick was supposed to land. It was tricky, devious and engineered quite well. As she met open air she stumbled into her own dissipating cloud of glittery smoke, she didn't even see him coming. Though his shout forewarned her enough to know that he was expecting more out of her. She drew in a deep breath to prepare and inhaled choppily upon the remainder of her cloud, a choking cough ended abruptly by the impact of Brais Galician's foot with her chest.

There was a fleeting thought to end his attack just inches from her chest, such a spell easily recalled that leave him suspended in the air before her. He was determined, though, as his sensei was to him, to teach her the consequences for such a mistake. If he were a ravaging cambion he would show her no mercy, and because of her misstep her life would be forfeit. He had to instill this severity within her, and knew of only one way. His foot hit her solidly across the breast bone, driven home by not only the strength of the attack, but the added momentum of his flight.

Needless to say, it hurt.

There was no cry, none could be made as the wind expelled from her lungs as surely as if he had conjured it. More importantly however was the explosion of pain. A new sensation really as Ozi had always been able to avoid such tragedies. She crumpled like a balled up piece of parchment, slumping to the floor, her tiny face hidden by the spill of blue hair. She didn't breathe.

Couldn't in fact.

Until finally her lungs filled again on a painful resurgence of air that lifted her tear streaked face upward on a gasped cry.

He landed with the grace of a cat and the silence of a shadow, his dark eyes trained upon her. If there was any sense of concern it did not show, and the only form of sympathy came in two very sharp words.

"Get up."

Her lower lip trembled to hold back a sob that was only held within by the lack of means to give it voice, her lungs still struggling to re-fill. Her stricken candyblue eyes pooled with tears that flooded and spilled. She squeezed her eyes shut against the vision of his harshness, the thick fan of dark lashes spiking with wetness and doing nothing to hold back the torrent. She pushed upward, her normally spritely actions aided by levitation for quick nimble responses, but in her current state she was unable to summon the energy. She made it to her feet but was unable to stand upright, though she dutifully lifted her trembling arms into the defensive posture he had taught her.

He watched her, noting the labor it took to simply rise. He held his tongue as thoughts swirled through his head. Had this been his teacher he would have scolded him and stripped him of any sort of self-worth, dressing him down to nothing more than a fledgling with a word and a look. He could not do this, however. Not to her. It had nothing to do with kindness or softness, he simply did not possess those traits, but what it did have to do with was his ability to observe. She was a not a warrior, and to expect her to be one would be foolish on his part. Instead, he stepped forward and reached out, taking her by the wrists. He lifted her hands again into the defensive form, his food sliding forward to part her legs once more in a wider stance. "This is the center. Do not be fooled by your own excitement. Finish the fight quickly, though do so without surrendering your defense." He stepped back and drew in a deep breath. He waited for a moment so that he was sure she was composed, then launched a punch for her face identical to the one he launched at the beginning of their training.

Her response came much faster this time, the block connecting solidly with his wrist and angling it downward away from her face. She was aided by a very real understanding of the pain that this man could inflict, a pain she hadn't comprehended before. And beneath the sheen of tears there was a heat, a luminscent hint of fierceness that glittered in the sapphire depths of her eyes.

As his punch was redirected with a force adequate enough to be considered a true defense he nearly smiled, though never would he show her such emotion. Instead, he offered a slow nod. "Well done. Very focused." He took a step back. "I want you to work on your kicks and your punches. One hundred of each. Straight punch. Hook. Hammer punch. Uppercut." He demonstrated each of them as he said their title, then he moved into kicks. "Straight kick. Side kick. Round house. Back spin." He turned back to her, ivory locks whipping about his face. "Every night before bed. Make sure to go from the hip. Power is in the hip. In the snap. Use your ki words." He launched a punch, a deep war cry sent with it. "Kiya!"

She nodded and held the position of defense, prepared for an attack. Again his words were confusing, moving into a hodgepodge of assortments in her skittish mind, part of her was focused on doing the math and configuring how many that would be, another was imagining a straight punch as a straight answer and a hook as fishing, a hammer brought to mind a construction crew she'd seen working on one of the wings and the word cut made her think of Blizzard's hair and how desperately she wanted to trim it. It was this inability to focus on directions that made her appear as less studious as her teachers would desire. But she banished all thoughts from her mind as he demonstrated physically, able to focus on that alone to the tune of all else.

He lowered his hands to his sides and dipped into a bow, eyes remaining upon her. "We are done for this morning. Go and bathe and prepared for your day." He lifted and stood tall, shoulders back. "I will see you at midnight on the Island." There was a pause as he glanced toward where her bag hung, bringing his own satchel into view. He turned back to her. "Thank you again for the doughnut. That was very...considerate."
She lowered her own hands and echoed his bow though the movement brought a clearly pained wince to dance across her expressive features. A smile curved her lips despite the pain as he complimented her on her gesture, "Midnight." She confirmed and moved to regain her own belongings, the mottling dark purple bruise on the snow white flesh of her wrist gave a warning of what her breast must even now be turning into. "I got the blue sprinkles."

"My favorite." He said dryly, truly uninspired when it came to such affairs. Still, there was concern about her bruise, if only that the time needed for it to heal would take away from their training. He decided then to get her bracers until it was fully recovered. No need to waste time on something as minute as physical damage. "What is your first class this morning?" The question sudden and random.

Ozalynne A flicker of her gaze toward the large clock faces that adorned the halls, "In an hour." She gave him a quizzical glance. "Yours?"

The quizzical look he gave her quickly melted away as realization set in; it was indeed Tuesday. He simply nodded to her and crossed the room to where his bag hung, stealing it from the hook to drape it over his shoulder. He turned back to face her. "That's right." His tone dipped into something a bit harsher than what it had been. "And you owe me the summoning formula for Formians."

"I actually did some late night research into Formians and discovered that they are based on a strict hierarchy and decided to have maximum effect for the summoning to tailor the formula to differientiate between which exact formians I wished to entreat." And with a flourish she pulled the complicated scroll from her bag, beaming up at him, "So would you prefer a Queen? A worker? Or one of the winged ones?"

He scowled, if only because he hadn't expected her to be so prepared. Granted, it was that sort of work that would lead to her remaining as part of the Institute's student body, which worked to his advantage. "All of them." He replied. "You will be the first presenter in class this morning." The corners of his mouth coiled upward then in a wicked grin. "Which only leaves you about forty-nine minutes."

A panicked gasp. Candy blue eyes wide and with a squeak she turned and fled for his classroom, preparation key. Her voice floated back over her shoulder, "Enjoy your donuuuttttt!"

He watched her go, arms folding over his chest. If she could stay focused she was going to work out well.



Date: 2011-01-07 17:18 EST
Second Verse Same as the First
Part 1

He waited.

The dojo was a family heirloom, built ages ago by ancestors that even Brais did not know. It's walls were decorated with the trophies and accolades of the Galician Akuma Taijiya, spanning from weapons, armors and scrolls to keepsakes of the Cambions they destroyed. The note left tucked within her bag this day was very different than the ones she had received thus far, not only having a time and a place, but a small token that, as a mage, she would know as a location gate. While it was small, no larger than a coin, it house a great power in the sense that with a word it would take her to wherever its creator had crafted it to go. There were no doors or archways needed, as it would simply swallow her up in the magic and deposit her at its destination.

Ozalynne felt a surge of excitement as this was indeed something new and quickly looked about to see if anybody would notice her disappearance. Scampering down the hallway she threw her backpack over her shoulder, her wand, spellbook, and books bumping about as she hurried. Finding an alcove that was unoccupied was a bit difficult at this hour in the day as it was passing period but not long enough for a break of any real means, so many students hung out near their next class. Finally she duckedinside the empty classroom of Zhennavieve LaCroix and activated the gate key.

There was a hurricarana effect that whipped her about, as was customary with all magical travel. It deposited her with the same fury, and hopefully she had the balance to keep from winding up on her backside. He knelt with his back to her, facing a large painting of an elder who wore a lavish kimono, much like his own. It was strange to see Mage Galician outside of his standard fact, she had only see it one other time. The night they killed those Cambions.

She did, but only through the use of levitation, an innate talent that lifted her small feet a half inch from the ground and saved her from falling upon her ruffled little ass. She beamed at the back of Mage Galician and gave into the urge to wrap her arms about him, her small face nuzzling into his silvery white hair as she grinned happily, "That was so unbelievably fun!" She smelled of sweettarts.

His back was strong and lean, able to be hugged and nuzzled easily. She would be able to feel the sharp intake of breath along with the tensing of muscles as he fought for control, his words low and threatening. "Let...go...of me." He hissed.

"Oh." Squeaked. She leapt backwards. Wide horrified candyblue eyes on him. "I'm so sorry!"

He drew himself up from his kneel and turned to face her, dark eyes glaring from beneath the veil of alabaster locks. "Have you been practicing your kicks and your punches?"

She nodded quickly, blue hair spilling free from the braid that she used to keep it back. "Yes, like you said, I do a hundred of each type a night." She swallowed at his glare, he was colder than usual and a shiver wracked her small frame.

"Show me." He said, his mood somber. With his hands kept tucked inside his wide sleeves he studied her stance, awaiting to see the form and technique she used in executing her strikes. His instructions had been clear, and while he was pleased to hear that she used the phrase "each type" - he was fearful that she might have only been practicing one of them - he was curious as to how each punch, each kick, was preformed.

She had practiced them all quite dutifully and had in fact found within them a calming of her usually overactive mind. By studiously and carefully enacting each series of blows she could allow her mind to focus in a way that was normally impossible for her. The hardest part had been finding some alone time in which to do them and she was more than a little worried that Blizzard was beginning to become curious as to her lenghty 'study sessions.' Obediently she took her position and began at thetop.

He watched her, holding his tongue at her miscues. He wanted her to work through them on her own, and was impressed with how much she had learned just in the short time they had been training. "Again." He said upon their completion, starting forward in a slow circuit around her. Balance, power, focus, he was checking everything.

"Again?" She blinked her gaze flying wide, "did I do it wrong?" And then because he was behind her when she administered her questions and she couldn't read his reactions and based on his initial one to her he was in no mood for questions she simply slid fluidly back into the rotations. This time they were performed even better as she relaxed even further within.

He was behind her, and because of this allowed his stoic countenance to fall into something akin to a smile. He was pleased to see that her focus could be heightened even more. It was obvious that she wanted to perfect this as much as he, no matter the reasoning. He completely his circle to stand before her again, a step taken to close their distance, leaving him well within reach. "Again." He said. "With a target." At this range her punches, with full extension, would graze him.

And distraction marred her performance as her eyes fluttered open in consternation at his addition, "target?" She squeaked. Automatically pulling up.

"These punches will be aimed." He said, brows narrowing a bit at her hesitation. "Now you will strike with a purpose. My face and chest will be your targets. Remember, the best strike is the one you can control. Strike, though do not hit me." He nodded, a reassuring motion as though he believed she could do this. He was calm, a stone amongst the storm, and awaited her to begin again.

"Strike. Do not hit." She furrowed her brow and sucked in a deep breath at his orders. She wanted to please him and it was obvious as she sunk back into stance. The motions lacked the smoothness from earlier as she tried to deliver what it was that he required. The attention needed to keep from landing her blows taking the edge off.

Statuesque, he stood without even blinking, even as her firsts came just a hair's breadth from impact. He was more focused on her form, on her stance and her execution than he was the fear of her actually striking him. He was almost prepared to stop her as it seemed she couldn't get centered, though as she started to smooth out and simply flow with the punches he held his tongue. He nodded at her conclusion. "Good." He took a step back. "Now the same thing with kicks."


Date: 2011-01-07 17:20 EST
Second Verse Same as the First
Part 2

Her kicks were much more effortless than her punches. She liked kicking and it showed. The flashy yellow leg warmers doing nothing to soften the effectiveness of her sharp punctuated blows. Her breathing became a rhythmic thing that accentuated the activity.

That's what he was looking for. He had determined early on that, because of her sight build, she would be more effective if she focused on her kicks and it seemed this deduction was coming as naturally to her as it had him. He watched her with the same astute focus as he had her punches, unconcerned with the rush of hair that end his snowy tresses fanning out as her foot nearly collided with his face. "Well done." He said with a nod. His left foot slid back and his knees bent, lowering into a fighting stance. He slid forward. "Again with the punches. Now you will use your series of punches as a counterattack. You will punch, I will block, and you will counter with another punch." His hands came up, open. "Begin. Slow at first."

Bright blue eyes were narrowed in a rare sign of concentration as she nodded instead of responded with her normal squeaky concern. A series of deep breaths to keep her calm and focused and she mimicked his movement, already in a fighting stance, she simply slid forward to better engage her opponent. Ozalynne was short and as it stood her blows were necessarily aimed upward, as they progressed however she would instinctively begin to hover, somehow maintaining the same steady base as if she were rooted to the floor. Her punches a rhythmic response to his blocks.

Rhythmic. A good word to describe the flow of their attack and defense. He brought his hands up to easily knock away her attacks, though that was the point as he hoped that she would soon find herself thinking one step ahead: What would the next punch be? With a graceful flow he moved his arms to counter her strikes, using wrist, forearm, and open hand to send her punches away. After the first round was over her nodded. "Continue." He said. "Though now I want you to step into your straight punches. Hooks and jabs are fine with just shoulder and hip, but your straight punches need to have more power. Step into them."

She didn't seem to notice that she was no longer touching the ground, her levitation holding her in a steady pattern before him that seemed to respond quite easily to his demands as she interpreted them. Stepping on nothing to lean into the next jab, delivering two rapid strikes in a row. She was deep in a concentrating zone and the moves were fluid and graceful. The power he wanted behind them still slightly missing until with a thought she began to use the same power that levitated her to aid in the landing of the blows. Faster, more fierce, and definitely filled with more power, they came.

With her increased power came his increased defense. He wouldn't stop her, nor would he slow her down. He knew with her it would be a natural progression, and he would do nothing to stunt that. Now moving away as she advanced, their violent little dance began to span the entire floor of the dojo. His slaps were becoming more aggressive, as well, and soon the feel of their mock combat would begin to fill the room. He knew that she was channeling her inner power, her Ki power, as he knew it...and he wanted her to ride it all the way through. "Good." He said, sharp and stern. "Now faster."

She was lost in the surge of response and attack. The power that built inside her seemed to respond to Brais' words even as she gave him a quick curt nod that she understood his desires and gave him exactly what he asked for. Her light steps danced easily about the dojo floor, still a fraction above it, and her attacks differed as she pressed harder, faster. With less thought about which type of punch to use, now she simply responded to his blocks with her own and her blows came from a simple understanding of the art in which they engaged. Normally she might find his aggressive stance and pressure overwhelming and fold beneath his fierceness but built up to this zen place she simply engaged.

"Perfect." He said, and in that moment she may have very well realized what made Brais Galician content: Success. No, her success. Never had she seen that look in his eyes that betrayed the sense of stoicism his features attempted to portray. "Now, watch my shoulders. I'm going to throw a punch. Watch the shift in my shoulders and my arms right before I attack. You'll be able to spot it." Still he went through the series of blocks, knocking her attacks wide, and then, with a step and a shift of of his shoulders he launched his own punch aimed for her chest. It was quick, but not too quick, and lacked any sort of mystical force.

She blocked it. And the glee quite nearly undid her concentration. HIs praise was succor, the nectar that she lived on. Ozzie was a pleaser and to find success in pleasing her mentor was enough to have her privately throwing a celebration that may easily have shown upon her expressive features. She lit up like a firework, blue eyes blazing in her thrill, "Like that!" More of a statement than a question.

He paused, stepping out of his stance he tilted his chin upward as though giving praise to some unseen force and then slowly he opened his eyes to greet hers. "Just like that." He said. "Now, kicks. We'll move a bit faster since you know the premise. You strike and I'll block. At some point I'll throw a punch so make sure that while you are getting into the flow of the battle you stay focused. Don't lose yourself in your own attack. "


Date: 2011-01-07 17:22 EST
Second Verse Same as the First
Part 3

"Kanpekina bōgyo o fujimi ni nari, kaimetsu-tekina seikakuna kōgeki niyori." He paused and then explained. "Become invulnerable through a perfect defense, and devastating through a precise attack."

She nodded, a fierce little grin of pleasure tight and excited. And attempted to echo back, "Kanpekinna booogyo o fugeemee ne naree kaimetsu techina seichachuna kooogeeki neyoreee." She braced herself for the upcoming lesson and didn't wait for the signal to begin, a series of kicks delivered with an easy measured pace designed to advance him backwards.

Again there was a rhythm, her kicks answered with a smooth flow of blocks and deflections. Her levitation seemed to make setting the follow-up attack easier as balance wasn't the primary concern, so he made sure that his defense was a bit stronger than normal so that she would have to expend a bit more power. Finally his shoulders slanted and the punch was launched; a straight punch for her face.

A punch she not only blocked but that was twisted back to give her an opening to deliver her own following response, a rapidfire rabbit jab, quick to dance back and away despite failure or success. She was well aware what would happen if Brais landed a blow, the bruises on her snow white flesh were still very prominent from his last demonstration.
He feinted the opening well and let her land the blow - what better motivator than success? He stepped back and resumed his stance, nodding slowly. "Very good. Nice way to defend and then counter. A bit quicker this time, both kicks and punches. Watch my hips for the leg strikes. This means that your focus will have to be divided in many different directions, between your attacks and counters, as well as my strikes and my kicks. Stay centered. Don't panic. Let it come to you." He startedforward.

As he stepped forward she met him with her own timed blows and blocks. She was enjoying this and he would be pleased to note that she was responding well to this style of training, her movements becoming more assured and confident. But, it was an awful lot for a novice to expect to be successful at and while she was doing extremely well she could not keep her focus on both his shoulders and his hips to the degree that was necessary, she was having much more difficulties blocking his kicks thanpunches and it was evident.

He noted this, though did not let her use it as an excuse. He continued to advance, more punches than kicks, though he wasn't afraid to let one in. His blows were aimed for the area in front of her, so never would contact be made, though he had no problem telling her when one would have. "There." He snapped. "Keep your lead arm low so that it can meet the attacks. Let your back arm be the sword, the front arm should be the shield."

Again a nod. She was breathing hard, this had been a steady warm up and then work out. Her brow furrowing in concentration as she danced back out of the way of his kicks and in that found success. She couldnt seem to block them but she avoided them quite well, resetting for a furious counterattack whenever she had to give ground. Immediately her lead arm adjusted.

At the end of a rapid series he sprung backwards to land some feet away from her, though still remained in his stance. "Now you need to focus all of that energy in front of you. I will attack and you will defend, but you need to be ready. This is not a punch or a kick, but an insurgence of force. Are you ready?"

Gulp. She was out of breath and nearly panting, her tiny fists held up and body angled to provide the smallest target, which was rather easy when you were about 90 lbs. "Yes, Brais." Her chin lifting to show her determination. She drew in her energy and focused on forming a shield before her.

He narrowed his focus on her and then stepped forward, thrusting his hands out. Though he was more than a dozen feet from her the power of the blow could be seen just seconds before it exploded and slammed into her, rippling out like a wave across the corporeal wit enough strength to cause walls to rattle.

She stumbled back a half-step as the power hit her shield, a sweat breaking out as her lips compressed in a thin line. Almost whimpering she held strong against the magic, able to keep the shield in place for the length of the blow, though she'd crumple once it dissipated.

He watched her pool to the ground, though was fairly impressed that she had been able to shield the blow. He had held back, but not enough to keep her from exerting force, and she showed that she could manage it without breaking under the pressure. He stepped out of his stance and crossed the distance between them with smooth steps until he stood over her. "Very good, Ozalynne. I am very impressed." The words were said without emotion, and somehow that seemed to strengthened their sincerity.

She was panting hard. A whisper of a whimper with each breath but she pushed up from her knelt position to offer him a strained grin of victory. Her arms felt like noodles and her legs trembled with exertion but she slid back into the defensive posture, taking a step back from him in preparation.

He shook his head, sending his snowy cascade of hair sweeping about his shoulders. "No." With his arms at his sides and his feet together he lowered into a bow, dark eyes still trained upon her. He waited there, obviously for her to do the same.

Oh. "Oh oh!" Her eyes flared wide and she immediately mimicked him, bowing and sending a fluffy cloud of blue hair to spill to the dojo floor, the braid long ago having slipped free. She looked up at him from beneath the luxurious blue fall and beamed happily.

He rose to his full height. "We are done for the day. Go and enjoy your holiday." He turned to face the huge painting on the far wall though paused. He turned his head over his shoulder and spoke again. "You did well today, Ozalynne. Very well."

She wanted to hug him but didn't dare risk it. Though she was giddily excited at her success, "Thank you!" Spinning about and rushing a few feet away before she stopped and slid across the dojo with the suddeness of it, "Wait! Where are we?" She was always wary of gating without a start and a stop clearly designated.

"We are in the Galician Dojo." He said it with a reverence reserved for Mothers and Gods. He drew in a deep breath. "Just outside of Mount Yasuo."

She nodded and gathered her things, teleporting away with a blink.

Brais Galician

Date: 2011-01-23 13:03 EST

Hantāzu -- Ichi

Hantā wa emono ga shinde, korosu

Midnight ~ The Descry Inn and Tavern ~ The Market Place

That's all the note said.

Ozalynne was excited. Giddy with it actually. This was the first time he had asked her to come outside of the dojo training grounds in awhile and she could barely wait for her Illusion class to disperse so that she could prepare. She'd left a note for Blizzard explaining a late night crash study session but left it deliberately vague so as not to imply any real lies or falsehoods. Dressed in her uniform with pale lavender leg warmers she carried her wand and spellbook in a knapsack slung over one slender shoulder as she approached, seemingly on foot, clearly out of place.

The Descry Inn and Tavern was modeled to personify the ideas of Victorian Goth, as was epitomized by its architecture and clientele. There was movement all around the wrought iron gate and velvet ropes near the front as those in attendance - often referred to as the Chic' dredge - came and went with the passing of time. Oddly enough, her attire for that evening, while unique, did not seem all that out of place considering the eclectic steampunk compulsions that swayed fashion's viewpoint. The snow along the main street had mostly melted away, though a few piles did remain along the curbs where it had been brushed off the cobblestones. Perhaps it was the bustle of those roaming that particular section of the Market Place or the light howl of the wind, but his approach was silent, alerting her to him only as he spoke soft sounds across her ear, just over her shoulder. "Ready?" A single word, and yet it seemed to hold so much weight.

She shivered, and it wasn't the snow swept grounds or the icy bite in the air but the silent approach of her mentor. He was a deadly whisper on the wind and in that moment she knew that they were about to rain death down upon another sinful cambion. She nodded, a fierce light catching in her candy blue eyes as she gathered up her courage. An easy enough task for someone who didn't quite have the sense to be scared. Brais would allow nothing to happen to her, after all.

Brais stepped around her, his shoulder slightly brushing hers, eyes locked upon the doorway. The length of his sword was sheathed at the small of his back, its hilt just peeking up over his hip, well within reach. He decided against bringing a weapon for her as their training had yet to progress that far. She was becoming adept with her hands and feet, and of course her innate talents, which would make her formidable enough. Soon she would learn the blade, but not this night. "Stay near me." He said. "And hide your thoughts. We hunt tonight within the den of Vampires. They will let us be, though only after they realize we are not prey." His glacial regard was impervious to the threat before them. He hoped she mirrored his resolve.

Ozalynne nodded quickly, her cotton candy blue hair tamed in a pony tail to spill a river of brilliant azure down to the small of her back. She didn't mind being weaponless as she had never not been and didn't realize yet the comfort a blade could give when walking into dangerous territory. For now she was content to believe her body capable enough of handling whatever was thrown at them. She wasn't sure what he meant by hiding her thoughts and did her best, though they were their usual constant swirl of motion, zinging willynilly, here and there, a hodgepodge of the most inane and marvelous matters. She did attempt to mirror his resolve and there was no hint of fear as she didn't feel any.

Brais walked along the line of people that formed outside the door, bypassing the natural order of things to advance to the front. A group of women dressed in tattered bell gowns hissed and cursed him and the disregard he had for their idle wait, though he showed little concern for them. In fact, he showed little concern for any of it, including the student to trailed in his wake. Well trained, was he. The door man was resistant to Brais at first, though a few hushed words and a handshake that contained more than fingers and palms was enough to gain entry. The music from inside was blaring, the deep bass rattling the walls, the ears, and composure. It was meant to cause chaos and challenge her focus.

Ozalynne bounced up behind him, the hemline of her uniformed skirt fluttering upward as she nearly collided with his back. She had to raise her voice to be heard over the noisy crowd, "Did you just bribe him?" Curiosity, wonder, and even a hint of awe painting her words even as she looked around eagerly.

The only hint of an answer came in the slant of his chin, spilling thick locks of creamy white down his shoulders and chest. Cold eyes narrowed as he perused the crowded interior. It was a swarm of bedlam barely contained, infused with the tangible taste of debauchery. Drinking and dancing marred the room, with entwined limbs and desperate moans filling shadows and alcoves. He seemed attentive and keen, even amongst the entropy.

Immediately she would have found the attention of a man passing by. Shirtless to show the hundreds of tattoos that laced his flesh, he wore only a pair of glossy breeches, a bow tie, and a top hat. He nearly swerved into her, leaning in to whisper beneath the thunder of the music. "Hey sweetie! Have you been a naughty lil student? You lookin' for detention?" He was funny....or at least that's what his intoxication told him.

Ozalynne blinked in startlement, no witty rejoinder quick upon her lips. A mute shake of her head sending that tail of candy blue hair to tickle about her back. She took a half step in the direction of her mentor, fingers flexing slightly in reaction to the drunk man's approach into her private space.

"I like yer hair!" He barked, the following chuckle sending a line of saliva racing down his chin. "It's like a candy bar!" Who knows what he meant, he surely didn't seem to, though that didn't stop him from taking a step toward her and reaching out to touch those locks.

Brais scoured the swarm, seemingly unaware of what was transpiring just behind him. Truthfully he knew exactly what was going on. There were some fights she had to partake in on her own.

"Yea?" She managed. Cringing at his uncouth loudness and the string of attractive saliva and with a whisper of arcana, so light as to be unnoticeable gave the illusion of her hair slithering to life, small, pencil-thin serpent bodies writhing upward, the diamond shaped heads searching out the hand that sought to touch them.

Brais Galician

Date: 2011-01-23 13:05 EST
Hantāzu -- Ni

Those snakes didn't seem to bother him at first, though it was obvious that his drunken stupor simply hadn't made him aware of their presence. He stepped into her and looked as though he were really going to dare kissing her, though with a glance he found those writhing tendrils of cotton-candy blue and snatched his hand away, his startle squeal blending into the high pitched violins echoing through the tavern. In that very moment Brais seemed to have found something as he started away from where they had settled, a turn of his shoulders starting his weave through the horde. On a side note, while Brais was not the only one carrying a weapon, there were only some, fewer than a handful, among the hundreds inside who joined him.

She took off after him with a patter of her feet, quickly leaving the drunken would-be suitor behind to wonder what someone had put into his drink to cause such a hallucination. The illusion abandoned, her hair returned to its soft silken fall trailing out behind her like a blue banner as she rushed to catch Brais. Alas, her training had not reached such a point that she knew enough to be aware of who was armed and who was not, her faith in Brais approaching worshipful. He would let her know where danger came from and she would be prepared to impress him. Her heart sped up with excitement at the thought. She found herself breathlessly awaiting the chance to make him smile, and if that had to come at the gory death of a Cambion, she was more than willing to comply.

Brais moved in a winding path toward a spiraling staircase that lead to the mezzanine. There were only two times that he had to become more aggressive than graceful to convince an irritated patron to stay clear of his avenue...clear of his wrath. He paused just below the stairs and turned to face the opposing balcony, his dark eyes narrowed, the upward tilt of his chin motioning for her to follow his gaze. "There." He whispered.

Ozalynne moved just a step past him so that she could take the first stair and gain the small measure of height, always the tiny one she was used to it, but surrounded as she was by patrons who were drunk, excited, and caught up in their own personal pleasures, she'd had a rough time navigating the crowd even following behind in his wake. She turned bright blue eyes in the direction he motioned, searching the darkness with an innate darkvision.

Above them, upon the opposing balcony, was a gathering of individuals lost in the sinful undulation of their own hunger. The first wave of the small crowd all appeared to be women, scantily clad and seeking the attention of those men nearby, willing to indulge in even the most salacious of endeavors if it were rewarded in praise. A handful of the others were men, not only reveling in the lascivious offerings but taking full advantage of them with little concern as to who may be watching. The glint of their pearly white fangs were seen easily even from such a great distance. Among them all, standing at the epicenter of such wickedness, appeared to be its malevolent maestro. With flesh as white as cream and hair as black as night, a pair of horns protruding from the ebony mane, he stood as though an overseer of their activity, his approval heated and glowing in his eyes.

Ozalynne recognized the Cambion for what he was without any prompting from Brais. While she was innocent in most ways when it came to warfare she would never be able to forget the malevolent energy that exuded from those of the half demon's kind. Her gaze drifting from their target to the salacious entanglements of those around him, lingering for a moment in shocked awe before a blush stained her snow white skin. Not breaking her sight, however, she stood firm and asked a surprisingly lucid question, revealing that she was more cognizant than her inexperience may have let on, "Will they fight for him?"

The simple inhale was enough to widen the span of Brais' chest, though his eyes remained focused upon the target. After a pause he shook his head, sweeping those snowy locks across his shoulders and back. "The first few may, though if taken out quickly the others will dissolve beneath survival instinct. They are not his servants, simply his guests." He looked up and then started up the stairs, his stride feral and graceful, brushing him across her back as he moved passed her. "Come. We'll attack from the top."

She nodded her understanding already formulating an attack to keep the participants from interfering with Brais' brand of justice, as she chased up the stairs behind him, her lavender leg warmers flashing, she had to ask, "Are they evil? Like him? Or are they under an enchantment of some kind?" Her voice still pitched low to keep their conversation secret and intimate.

He arrived at the top of the spiral staircase and followed the railing around until he was directly across from the target and his raging orgy. Twenty or so feet separated them, with the deep drop to the common room below filling that distance. He slanted his chin so that his mouth spoke to her, though his dark eyes remained trained upon the Cambion. "It matters not. They forfeited such consideration when they decided to consort with the fiend." He meant it. Finally, his eyes slid to where she stood. "Prepare yourself. We'll cross the gap and unleash hell upon them. Target the vampires first." His thin lips curled into a sinister grin. "I want the half breed to know what's coming."

She swallowed hard.

The hard knot of fear worked its way up to close off her airway. She wanted to ask a billion more questions but was fast learning that Brais didn't offer that kind of mentorship. Instead she gathered her wits about her and focused inward and the pulsating energy she discovered inside. She was calming. The fluttering beats of her heart slowing into a thudding rhythm, her mind's constant whirl descending into one thought ... the vampires were to be introduced to hell. At the centering thought she crouched, a tension in her legs and arms as they instinctively sought the fighting stance he had painstakingly taught her. She was ready, though she said nothing only waited for him to unleash them both.

He could feel the mana swarming around her, submitting to her command. It was this serenity that overcame him as well as he found his center and narrowed in on it. He pushed away the insanity of the inebriated mob that crawled and pullulated around them, attentive on the source of his fury who unsuspectingly awaited him across the recess. He took three steps back and paused, a glance to her awarding her with a nod before he shot forward. Two quick strides and he was stepping up onto the railing to push off. Assisted by swirling arcana, he leapt the great span, turning his attention upon the group of Vampires congregating in front of the Cambion.

Brais Galician

Date: 2011-01-23 13:07 EST
Hantāzu -- San

She watched her mentor launch through the air, swallowing back the awe of the display as blue eyes drifted from him to the crowd awaiting his wrath. She had her own introduction in store, which was made evident by the ball of fire that flared to life in her small hands. She couldn't contain the smile as she looked across the balcony to the vampires, drew a hand back and launched the flaming sphere forward as if she were lobbing a football. The ball of molten flames only growing in rapid expansion as it surged toward the congregation of sin.

As the flame exploded, sending those in its path roaring about with fiery agony, he arrived. The extension of his leg planted his foot firmly into the chest of one of the startled Vampires and, aided by his magic, sent the undead creature flying backwards more than ten fee to slam into the wall. He had barely landed before his sword was drawn, its initial arch to escape its scabbard stealing the hand of a Vampire who sought to grab him, and then plunged into the open chest of a barreling second. As the Vampire hovered, suspended upon his tip-toes by the impaling blade, Brais sent a threatening look to those who still surrounded him, those who entertained similar thoughts to that of their skewered colleague, promising them the same fate if they advanced.

And as if to add a gilded edge of madness to his stance, she landed lightly upon her toes behind him. A school girl by dress and manner, bright blue hair tumbling from the ponytail that swung with her motions. Her fingers were already drawing forth another flaming ball of molten heat, prepared to meet any who did not heed Brais' silent warning.
As preordained, the remaining group of blood-suckers retreated slowly after a brief hesitation. It was not fear, but self preservation, as most vampires were predators in accordance to the ease of the kill. The Tavern offered a smorgasbord board of prey that would be easier to consume than the sword wielder and the school girl. It was Darwinism in its purest, undead form. As they began to withdraw Brais stepped forward, yanking his embedded blade from the chest of the impaled vampire and turning to face the Cambion, who was staring at the two with a devious grin splayed across his fiendishly handsome visage.

"My my" The Cambion said. "Aren't you two fearsome?"

She'd never before been called fearsome in her life and she recognized mockery for what it was, unnerved by his complete disregard for the destruction of his party she kept her slender body angled so as to offer him a limited target, facing him only with her head. She had two spells prepared and then after that it was anybody's guess what she would try to do. Pressure and Ozzie were rarely friends.

Brais kept the sword between he and the Cambion, a defensive slant held at the ready. He knew full well the level of deceit and sabotage these creatures could sink to. He narrowed his dark gaze upon the half-demon. "We are death, fiend. You'll soon know this." He took a single step forward, a sliding stride, though that was all as he turned his chin over his shoulder. "He is yours." He said to Ozalynne, the quick drift of his eyes ensuring that the surrounding vampires were indeed fullyretreating.
The Cambion laughed at the title of death, and did so even harder as he was given over to the girl. He turned his gaze upon her, devilishly reptilian, and drank in the sight of her. Sliding down one side and up the other, he again grinned, revealing a mouthful of fangs. "Yes, little one. I am yours. Come and let me show you what you've won."

This was a sudden shock that she was ill-prepared to receive. She was there to keep the vampires busy while Brais rained death upon the Cambion. Startled she shot candy blue eyes wide and fearful at her mentor, her calm center exploding into a shattered sense of panic.
Brais did not share her panic.

In fact, he hadn't looked more composed all night. He had given her the go on destroying the Cambion, and as far as she could tell, he had no doubt that she would find anything but success. The blade stayed between he and the half-demon, though a sliding step to the side opened up the floor for her. "He is yours. Destroy him and be done with it.' His nod solidified his words.

"Normally I would come at you with the fury of a thousand hells and peel the flesh from your worthless and brittle bones, but, since you seem so...convinced...that you can handle me, just tell me you are ready and we'll get after it." The Cambion laughed again, mocking the very notion of her assault before lowering his voice into a threatening hiss. "You'll fill the slave quarters well, and I'll personally see to your training."

Ozalynne swallowed. Hard. And turned wide eyes back upon the laughing Cambion, but Brais' assurance was enough to wall off that fear and send her spiraling thoughts to the back of her mind. Brais knew she could do this and so she could. Taking a few steps in front of her mentor she lifted her doe like eyes at the Cambion's threat, swirling depths of candy blue were hypnotic in the raw emotion that they exuded. She held the Cambion's gaze there upon the secrets that she revealed even as she drew her small clenched hands upwards. This time it was not flames that writhed her fingers but a greenish cloud of noxious gas that built in a matter of seconds. A kinetic blast of energy was thrown his way on but a word, her tiny body arching upward in a spin that took her arrow straight toward the ceiling, though at each rotation she released a glistening ball of acid in a rapidfire delivery aimed to pepper the Cambion and the area around him to make flight near impossible.

The Cambion's initial response was a simple wave of his hand to dismiss the magic she cast. He had been presented with such spells before, and normally he was able to dismiss their effects. This time was different. He was able to sweep away the first volley, though the continual fall of the acidic spheres proved to be too much, some of them even exploding upon him to eat away at his clothing and his flesh. He snarled, something bestial and fierce as he wiped at those areas, snapping his gaze to her, he drew back his fist and slung it forward, expending a swirling vortex of frost meant to cling and culminate around her to add weight to her movements, to bite her with frost and slow her down.

Brais Galician

Date: 2011-01-23 13:09 EST
Hantāzu -- Yon

At the height of her leap she disappeared just seconds before his frosty vortex exploded in the area she was in. Reappearing in a blurring leap behind him where, with a thrust of her small boned hands, she delivered the kinetically-edged blow into his back aimed directly at his spine in two separate places. It was then that the potent mental blow caught up with her and she emitted a startled gasp of horror.

Her mind was overcome with imagery, envisioning the Cambion who stood before, her enemy and her prey, enjoying the lascivious offerings of her body bent across the chair he had previous occupied. With her skirt up around her waist, she was strewn from arm rest to arm rest, as he violated her from behind and she loved every minute of it. She gasp and blinked rapidly to dissolve the visions and return her to the fight.

The Cambion turned, though only got his head around as she appeared behind him. Having reached out with his fiendish grip, he found her mind, and yet that only lessened the blow to his back. He staggered forward, his fall to the ground quickly corrected as he rolled and came up to his feet. He spun and lashed his hand around, sending small shards of ethereal energy her way, a series of small, sharp wedges that sought to bury in her flesh, even as he winced with the pain of her blow.

There was a flicker of surrender, a glance of blue eyes toward the chair, and then he hit her with the ethereal energy, the shards cutting through her snow white skin and ripping a thin scream of agony. She was unfamiliar with pain. The most she'd suffered was bruises or a banged toe. Rage tore through her, as strange to her as the trauma and with murder in her heart she lashed at him a blow that should never have landed as much distance as was between them, but as if edged by a searing light it struck at him, even as she launched herself into a series of blows, quick paced punches, a roundhouse, jab, and a fierce kick. All of which delivered magically enhanced damage upon connection.

He had her...NO! He felt her submit to him just moments before those ethereal daggers pierced her flesh. He could smell her arousal, taste it upon his tongue, and cursed the impatience of his attack. He was unprepared for her flurry, and the searing light speared through him with a roar of pain. His face, his body, was there to be beaten, his attempts to shield and block always a move too slow, and as the final kick landed it spun him completely around before he crumpled to the ground.

Sprawled, half leaning on his elbow, he reached up between them, his battered face pleading. "Wait..." He said, black blood dribbling from his broken lips. "...Let me..." He didn't finish with words, but with images.
Brais watched from a dozen feet away, maintaining his position to keep any from interfering. As he had expected, those who had gathered around the Cambion at their arrival had already made their way to another host, where another bout of carnal indulgence was already taking place.

Ozalynne was impervious to the Cambion's next attempt, and a glare of wintry blue was her answer to his apparition of debauchery. The pain of her torn flesh still paramount in her mind. Her left hand lashed out to explode the chair nearby into splinters, the very chair he had initiated his temptation with. And with her right she called one of the splintered fragments of wood to her. She clutched the spear-like length in her hand, turned to the half-demon, and brought it down upon the chest that he offered up to her.

The explosion of the chair drew his arm across his eyes, though as he lashed out to grab her a moment after he was met by the plunge of her stake. His reptilian eyes went wide as his mouth fell open, caught somewhere between existence and destruction.

"Ozalynne." Brais said, her name stern and commanding, even as he tossed his sword to her. It flew in a steady path, the hilt aimed for her hand. "Take its head and send the bastard back to hell."

Ozalynne caught the hilt and spun it around in an arcing slash to do her mentor's bidding. The blow itself was not very clean but it was aided by her magical rage and the blade's keen edge. She decapitated the beast within seconds of Brais' words.

Brais watched with a lethal appreciation as she cleaved the Cambion's head, and as is decapitated body fell back upon the floor to spew blood in a growing pond, he slowly approached. "Well done." He congratulated her coldly, and while he showed no outwards signs of joy, she could feel the pleasure that permeated from him. "We need to go."

Brais Galician

Date: 2011-02-27 18:57 EST
Yoki shinai yūzā
~An Unexpected Guest~

Akira - Ichi

The midafternoon sky was painted grey thanks to the nimbus clouds that dominated the horizon, spawning a thin veil of drizzle that coated everything with chilling moisture. Brais stood beneath the wide umbrella offered by a corner cafe, which just so happened to be an unpopular establishment absent of wandering eyes and listening ears. Enveloped by his dark cloak, he stood deathly still, awaiting his student's arrival.

Ozalynne was hard to miss. In a grey dreary landscape she was a splash of color, vivid blue hair flying about slender shoulders as her cloak whipped out around her to reveal the novitiate uniform of the IAP. The vibrant pink leg warmers flashed as she ran and agilely leapt puddles of rainwater with the nimble fleetness of a sprite.

Hard to miss, indeed.

Dark eyes aligned upon her as she rounded the corner, unaffected by the smile that he knew was slashed across her face as she jumped and bound over dangerous pools within the cracks of the cobblestone. Her frenetic persona was different than his, and yet commendable. She was not the somber type, and that wasn't a bad thing. He watched her arrival until she was close enough to speak to and then slid his gaze away to focus upon a distant point. "Novitiate." He greeted her.

She skidded to a stop, the patter of her mary janes coming to such a sudden stillness that she actually weaved forward slightly, windmilling her arms to keep her balance, though it was unnecessary as she used a kinetic burst of magic to act as a cushion between them. Landing on Brais Galician would probably not be the best of moves. "Mage Galician!" She piped cheerily, her grin lighting up her face as she trained the deep wells of her brilliantly blue eyes upon him and then noticed his distraction. Immediately she turned to look in the direction he was gazing.

It was a two story building, though the upper floor seemed riddled with fire damage; utterly useless. A pair of pegs extended from above the door to hold a sign that swung in the wind, though what it said was muddled and marred by grim and damage that made it indecipherable. He could feel her attention sway to that which claimed his own. "Greed." He said, allowing the word to hang between them for a moment before explaining. "It is a club that pays dues to the Kokuri Clan. The owner has information that I need."

"Well then I think we should ask some questions, yea?" Brightly, and with the bubble gum cheer that discounted the fact that the long parchment case upon her back carried a katana and that the determined lift of her chin spoke of violence.

"Indeed." He replied with a sharp nod. "He is accompanied by ghouls and is a rather accomplished spell caster. I will make sure to occupy his attention, you take care of his entourage." It was not a request, and yet the tone was not nearly as commanding as when he spoke to a standard subordinate. It was evident that as Ozalynne progressed through the ranks of the Akuma Taijiya that so too did his outlook upon her transformation.

She didn't flinch away from the demanding tone but instead squared her shoulders and moved her katana case off of her shoulder to grip it in her hands. The fierceness in her eyes belied the innocence of her pose as she trained her gaze on the building in question, "We going through the front? Subterfuge? Stealth? Or outright blitz?" She loved the word Blitz; it made her think of Blizz and that brought a grin. She wished she could share these escapades with him and felt that someday soon she would be able to, though for now she heeded Brais' demands of secrecy. Blizzard thought she was running errands in the marketplace for Smout'n.

"I'll take the front." He replied, glancing to watch her handle the scroll case. He liked her decision. It went with the entire persona she epitomized. At first he had been a bit reluctant to let her go with the 'schoolgirl' motif, but after seeing how successful and distracting it was to their prey, he would not have it any other way. "Come in through the back, quietly." He hardened his eyes. "If you are spotted, kill them." He looked back to the building. "Kill them all."

Ozalynne knew nothing about ghouls and quickly queried, "Any magecraft to be avoided?" A glance revealed she could see nothing of the back entrance and she considered the best way to come at it. A whispered incantation had a shield of arcane might sliding into shimmering effect around her, disappearing from sight seconds after it was cast - yet the effects lingered. It was one of Blizzard's favorite abjuration spells and she had worked with him on its perfection.

"No, though do not let them bite you. Their saliva carries an infection that will turn you into one of them. If it comes to it, take the head as quickly as possible." He paused in observation of the front door. "Because the one they serve is a spell caster they might be a bit more resistant to magic. Your more potent spells should be considered." And with that he was starting forward, a wraith-like step leading him through the street between a pair of horse drawn carriages.

She shuddered at the mention of saliva but dutifully nodded her head and scampered off down a cobblestoned alleyway unmindful of the spill of the rain. She was already popping the top of the parchment scroll case, her katana hilt a welcomed sight. "Heads." She murmured to herself as she leaped over a homeless man and darted along the wall briefly before splashing down on the far side of a puddle.

The backside of the building was just as rundown as the rest. A narrow alleyway between opposing buildings was littered with all sorts of garbage and offal. Pallets were stacked and boxes were thrown haphazardly about, making a rather intricate obstacle between where she stood and the actual door, though not impossible. The bum she leapt was just the start, as the length of the thin passageway was filled with them, though luckily they were well beyond her point of entry.

She maneuvered easily enough despite the obstructions. A nimble sprite that relied on mana to dance along, she was light on her feet and rarely needed much of a physical touch upon a hard surface to send her spiraling over another obstacle. Her bright cotton candy blue hair was a banner behind her as she spun around the corner and skidded to the back door. The scroll case tossed up on the roof with a helpful buffet of air. She'd reclaim it later, the gleaming length of the katana kissing the air as her fingers curled lovingly around the hilt.

Brais Galician

Date: 2011-02-27 18:59 EST
Akira - Ni

The door was closed, though crudely engineered to barely fit within the frame. Movement was seen beyond it, shifting shadows and snarling laughter as men were at work. This only lasted a moment, however, and soon they were moving away, vacating the area beyond the threshold.

She tested the door, attempting to part it gently without much noise. She only needed a sliver really, as she was a slight thing in a school girl's uniform. One pink clad leg entered first and was followed by the slender line of her body, the katana held at a deadly and readied angle behind her. She didn't lead with it, the element of surprise was always her ally.

The hallways inside were narrow and the luminosity was dim, nothing more than pathetic candlelight barely hanging on to life. The corridor she entered was long, going from the back of the building clear to the front, with a dozen or so doors branching off. Six on one side, six on the other. Fashioned in the same manner as the rickety door she entered through, theses archways were of crude design. Some with doors. Some with curtains. Some with nothing. Muffled voices were heard up ahead, though the tight quarters made for a rather interesting echo-chamber.

On quiet feet, her mary janes kissed the sticky grime of the floor as she shuffled silently to the nearest door. She kept her back to the wall, occupying as little space as possible for less chance of being spotted. Yet upon gaining the open archway she spun inside on a lethal explosion of speed, not about to give anything the chance to set up an alarm. Her katana was poised and ready like a snake ready to strike. She had no idea what a ghoul looked like but was more than willing to dispatch any humanoid that looked dangerous.

This ignorance was quickly absolved as her entry step nearly drove her into the oncoming creature who was exiting the room. He did look human at a glance and could easily be mistaken for one, with dark eyes and long stringy hair, though when he realized what stood before him he narrowed his gaze and growled, his jaw stretching inhumanly wide to reveal a mouth that could swallow her head whole. The Ghoul dropped the box, lengthy tongue lapping at the air, and rushed forward in an attempt to wrap her around the arms and slam her into the far wall.

His rush met the small foot of a trained warrior as she planted it securely into his chest and blasted the creature back a stumbling step with the addition of a kinetic burst of mana. Spinning about, the katana whistled silently through the air an eager lover connecting with the creature's throat as she drove the blade across, intent on cleanly severing the monster's head from its shoulders.

Staggered, the sternum area nearly caving in, the creature was unprepared to the swift attack that followed. Her blade hit home, though the flesh, while appearing human, was far thicker. It sank deep, nearly all the way through, yet not completely. It would take more force than normal to seperate these heads. Luckily, the blow was devastating, and as black ichor poured, staining the tunic the creature wore, it convulsed sickly, held up only by the embedded blade she held buried in its neck.

"Ew." She made a face, a schoolgirl's disgust evident as she shuddered and yanked her blade free of its stump. A lethal spin had her headed in the opposite twirl, the blade delivered against the flesh that remained attached, hoping to rend through the remainder from the in-tact side. "Gross." The word mouthed, not daring to breathe a sound that would forewarn its companions of her arrival.

It hit the ground with a thunk, first the head, then the body, lifeblood spurting out in sable jets along the floor until finally there was nothing left. It twitched endlessly, as though refusing to actually die even though it lingered upon death's doorstep. Just as sound settled and silence prevailed once more, though, a demonic roar came from down the hall, as well as a series of booming noise and glass shattering. Magic filled the air along with the aroma of flesh singed and seared by arcana.

"Brais." The name rarely left her lips as she accorded him the respect of his title and surname, but concern flared wildly and she took no time to rush through the door and down the hall, she knew she was leaving viable targets to close in on her from behind but she needed to get there first to offer herself as a defensive foundation. There was no longer time to dispatch the ghouls soundlessly and singularly. She needed to put herself between them and their master, to keep them from interfering with Brais and his target.

Keen enough to understand her surroundings, she was aware that there were creatures pouring into the hall through the doors she passed, just behind her. Still, at the end of the hall it opened up into the main room where the stage and bar were located. A half dozen ghouls filled the place as well as a tall and extremely thin man who seemed to be organizing them, barking out orders and pointing, sending them into motion to put out the fires that marred the chamber. Brais, with sword in hand, was engaged in combat with a another figure dressed in ancient attire resembling that of Brais' homeland. The creature wielded a long, serrated dagger in each hand. It's skin was as white as chalk and its hair inky black. It looked human, save for the patchwork of scales that marred its flesh. Seems they were not the only one's interested in visiting Greed that day.

A representative of House Kokuri was as well.

Gaining the doorway of the room that held her mentor she turned back and cast with the singular power of a savant, "Infernio!" One small hand shooting forward to unleash the blast of flame that exploded in a scorching roar of sound, so hot it seared blue, echoing the shade of her murderous eyes. The crackle of fire ate greedily at anything it touched as she twisted back around, arms spreading wide as she slid into a crouch, the katana glinting a dangerously pure silver as smoke poured from between the fingers of her free hand.

The ghoulish wave that was nearly upon her was suddenly engulfed in her spell. It seemed that fire worked wonders against the abominations as they were instantly set aflame. Writhing and flailing in desperate need, it seemed she was no longer their focus. Inside the room, though, the gaunt man took notice of her and set to casting. The room was decorated in a wide variety of scarves and sashes that hung from tapestries, archways and window frames, all of which were instantly infected by mana and lashing out as though serpents. A half dozen sought to coil around her in any fashion they could - arms, legs, or throat.

Brais Galician

Date: 2011-02-27 19:00 EST
Akira - San

Ozalynne squeaked, wide cotton candy blue eyes an innocent splash of fear, and lashed out with her katana to slice at the entangling ribbons. She kept their grip from her throat and upper torso but was unable to keep up with so many, the silken scarves gaining the flesh of her legs and coiling about an ankle and a thigh. She gasped as she sought to free herself, her motions growing more limited as she became unable to spin and dance with her blade.

The material was thin and easily sliced by her katana, yet as it coiled around her limbs it seemed much more solid. The scarves coiled tightly, painfully so, around ankle and thigh until numbness was gained. Luckily, distance kept the others around the room from coming, though they licked and hissed against the wall and empty air with equal hunger. The gaunt man barked at two nearby ghouls, each of which turned to face the bound school-girl, and with a bestial bite of their vicious fangs and famished lips, they started for her.

She was a quick learner and in typical Ozzie fashion didn't do things the normal way. Flames had incinerated their brethren and fire would surely take care of the ribbons that held her captive as well. With that being the thought it was a simple enough matter for the sprite to go up in flames, blue fire licking up over her petite frame as she smoldered to life, mimicking her favorite Azer with a fierce grin, the katana brandished before her threateningly.

The sight of the sapphire flames were enough to give the approaching Ghouls pause. Ribbons and silk were devoured easily by the fire, leaving the scorched ends that were now too short to take hold of her whipping and lashing as though in pain. The gaunt man barked at the two hesitant Ghouls in a language that was wicked and unknown, and after a brief moment of consideration they both launched themselves at her. Claws adorned what should have been human hands, seeking to tear open her flesh with an abandon regarding the devastating fire.

She hadn't expected them to risk the touch of her flaming nimbus and was caught in that uncomfortable moment of reaction on flat feet. Swinging the katana she took the first set of clawed hands, severing them in a gout of ghoulish blood, but the sweeping chop left her flank vulnerable and as the second ghoul sunk his clawed hands through the flaming radiance that seared its flesh, her own skin was scored by the rake of deadly claws. Her whimpered cry was girlish and lacked the fearsome quality of most fighters. Using the momentum of her swing to tuck and roll she sought freedom from the attack through an acrobatic move meant to gain her the safety of distance.

As deadly claws sank into her flesh the Ghoul mounted her, uncaring of its brethren's fate. Legs tucked up and bare feet found purchase upon her hips as razor-sharp talons buried into her shoulders. Fire began to engulf it, though it was mindless to the agony of the flame as it seemed to have only one goal in mind: tearing out her throat.

Across the bar blades collided in a symphony of steel as Brais warded off the skillful attacks of the duel-wielding Cambion, Ozalynne's scream enough to break his focus for but a moment, which was more than enough time for the serrated dagger to slash across his forearm. The Mage winced and danced backwards, putting room between he and his opponent.

The Cambion, with wicked grin firmly in place, brought the edge to his lips were a serpentine tongue extended to lick the blood from it. "I didn't realize you brought me a treat." The fiend snarled with a quick glance to the schoolgirl. "I'll see to her needs once I'm done tearing out your heart!"

Ozalynne brought the katana up, a barrier between the ghoul's fangs and her throat as she used their combined momentum to roll completely over, seemingly going down beneath the mounting attack; yet, it was just the speed she needed to flip them all the way over, landing atop with the blade angled perfectly to receive a blast of kinetic energy, bringing it down guillotine style.

The Ghoul howled in victory as its fang-filled maw snapped and barked, her flesh just a lick away. It rolled with her, holding on, just needing that moment to tear out her throat, which proved to be a deathly risk. On its back, it snapped up at her, unaware that the blade she wielded was coming down, and combined with the magical strength assisting her, the head was cleaved from the Ghoul easily. Beneath her, its sinewy body convulsed violently, arms and legs flailing.

The gaunt man, tall and lean, noted her victory and thrust his hands toward her, launching twin balls of acid in her direction in hopes of catching her off guard, or perhaps in a momentary celebration of her survival.

Brais brought his katana around in a wheeling deflection of the Cambion's next series of attacks, a change of speed catching the half-demon off guard enough for the lethal arch of his sword to hack his left arm clean off just below the elbow. The Cambion bayed in pain.

Ozalynne was too concerned with Brais to pause for a celebration over a simple ghoul's demise - after all, they were Akuma Taijiya, Cambion Hunters - and her tussles with their watchdogs was the least important task they were engaged in. Yet, her attention was surely diverted in her concern as the gaunt man had not been her focus. She had just a hint of a warning at the last second and rolled to the side, drawing the body of her fallen ghoul up as a shield between she and the acid balls. Devouring flesh and bone, the acerbic bursts detonated upon the carcass to splash harmful solution nearly the entire length of the body. Luckily the Ghoul was stout enough to absorb most of the damage, leaving her only touched by those small drops.

The gaunt man slammed his fist onto the counter and again thrust his cambered fingers toward her, forgoing physical attacks for mental ones instead. He sought to cloud her mind, shuffle the details of friend and foe as imagery blurred between the Gaunt man, the Cambion and her mentor.

Ozalynne flinched beneath a mental assault she was completely unprepared for, collapsing beneath the weight of it both symbolically and physically. Her fingers convulsed upon the hilt of her katana and almost dropped it as she tried to force the attack away. Candy blue eyes swirled in dismay as she clenched them shut and fought for control of her own mind.

Brais Galician

Date: 2011-02-27 19:02 EST
Akira - Yon

The Gaunt man was startled at the obvious success of his attack. The power in the blue-haired girl was easy to feel, though she was young, and he was hoping that she wouldn't be protecting every vulnerability. It seemed he was right. That simple alteration spell changed as he started toward her, those talon-bent fingers constantly aimed at her as though holding some sort of control or focus upon the magic that assailed her. Those images were transformed into nightmarish visions, where the entire scenario revolved around her own fear. Brais lay dying across the room, his blood pouring out in thick rivulets. A scream from the side showed Xera, her hands severed at the wrist, wrapping tightly around the bare-chested body of Blizzard, who was impaled a half dozen times by ruthless looking daggers and knives...

...and somehow, it all seemed to be her fault.

It was horrific and overwhelming. She was destroyed surely, writhing and convulsing beneath the successful destruction of her mind. Tears leaked from blue pits of distress as the girlish sounds of her sobs played musically upon the air. The katana had been dropped, forgotten, in her agony. Her trembling convulsions tore her from the shield of her ghoulish companion and she rolled into a fetal position, "make it stop!" she sobbed. "Please! Please!" Lifting wide blue eyes toward her approaching attacker with anguished hope that he was there to put her out of her misery.

From his belt he drew forth a dagger, its wavy blade normally used for sacrifices, but he would be more than happy to end the girl with it considering it was all that he had. The other hand twisted and turned in the air, doing the same to her mind, the vile grin that splayed his lips showing a mouth full of black teeth filed to a point. He drew the weapon back and screamed out some demonic praise in that language he had used to command the Ghouls.

And then in the impulsive decision of her youthfulness she decided desperately to end it herself, lashing out in an electrifying blast meant to scorch the area around her and to put an end to the nightmare.

The area around him was lit up by a tempest current, lightning igniting all around him. Unprepared, not thinking her capable of such a feat with the turmoil and tragedy conquering her mind, he had no defense prepared, and because of the potency of the mana summoned, between one moment and the next, he was stripped of flesh, stripped of life, and fell to the floor. Dead.

With his death the horrific images ceased and, after taking a moment to catch her breath and her composure, she was able to push up to a sitting position, her fingers scrambling about to find the hilt of her precious katana. In a rare display of temperament she used all of her considerable strength and skill to decapitate what was left of the gaunt man's scorched head. Itwas easy enough; lifeless, he had no defense against her.

Brais knocked the Cambion's arm wide and drove his foot into his chest, the force of the impact, aided by magic, sent the fiend ten feet through the air to slam against a solid stone wall. The Cambion crumpled to the ground, nearly unconscious, murmuring incoherently as blood dripped from his crumpled lips. The Mage took a step toward him though paused to glance over to where Ozalynne did her mortal work. There was a small smile, thin and approving, before started forward once more. "Come here." He called out to her, spinning his katana over in a reverse grip so that the hilt extended from his fist and the length of the blade ran flush against the back of his arm.

She was trembling slightly as she gained her feet but she followed Brais' command with immediate compliance, her own katana echoing his stance as she picked her way daintily across the scorched, acid pitted, and body littered floor. A schoolgirl's scrunch of her nose as she kicked a dismembered ghoul's hand from her path. Arriving at his side within moments, she eyed the Cambion he had cornered and offered her apologies, "I'm sorry. I know you meant to speak with the mage." A glance of sky blue eyes over her shoulder revealing the smoldering decapitated carcass of their target.

Brais glanced beyond her, following her line of sight to the corpse. A shake of the head sent thick waves of ivory hair lashing about, ending with his dark eyes locked upon the slumped Cambion. "We do what we must. There is no need to leave this one alive." He turned on the ball of his foot to start away though paused, nearly shoulder to shoulder with her. He could sense something in her, a dark magic that was lingering. He narrowed his gaze, remaining focused, hoping she would do the same. "Be quick about it." He started away toward the hall she arrived through, not wishing to escape out the front.

Ozalynne was in no mood to linger about her work. A fine tremor wracked her petite form as she drew herself up in an almost ceremonial stance, the kiss of the katana readied from its seemingly harmless angle. She was an angel of death, a trained Cambion killer, and her virgin tears-forged blade was deployed with a whistle of the air the only signal of this sad creature's demise. She took its head as easily as she would slice through a loaf of bread, but the grin that spread her youthful lips spoke of a much greater thrill. She wanted this one dead. Needed him to die. Desired his painful end. They had hurt her and she wanted nothing more than to hurt them in return.

Easily, the mystical sword severed the head and sent it skittering across the room. With pressure released from vessels and veins, blood shot straight up like a fountain only to cascade in a claret rainfall.

Her task was complete.

The Cambion was no more.

Brais Galician

Date: 2011-03-11 07:31 EST
~Hantā wa teddo ni natta toki~
(When the Hunters become the Hunted)

The sweet smell of death permeated the Cambion?s keen senses as he stepped into the desecrated club, the strobe of expiring candlelight crafting a celebration of dancing shadows that washed over the bodies that littered the floor; limbs broken and blood flowing. The rain outside had subsided and the yellow illumination of the sun breached the undulating roll of nimbus clouds, yet within the chamber of macabre there was only death and darkness.

?They are all dead.? Came a voice from the far hall, where a vampire servant called to its master. His exploration of the depths and bowels had revealed a similar sight to that which marred the main edifice: lifeless massacre.

With his hands folded at the small of his back, Jagger Kokuri stepped methodically along the splayed and splattered carcasses, careful not to touch a single one. Bedecked in the stolid grey armor of his clan, he was a fiendish monument to all that the Cambion?s stood for.

Strength. Stature. Brutality.

The crimson stain of footprints followed his path, the rivulets of blood that flowed throughout the room painting a story of his travels. Of all those slain, only one held his true attention, Hailzo, the only other Cambion who occupied the club. Headless, he lay against one of the walls, sitting as though he had been decapitated while lazily reclined.

Jagger kneeled and observed, the snowy hue of his scaly features transcending a shade of deep amethyst ? as it often did when he was angered. Hailzo?s trip was to be simple and routine: Collect what was owed to the Kokuri clan. Instead what he found was a reaper wanting his own payment, who took the boon of his head without mercy or quarter.

?Fool.? He whispered.

?Master.? The vampire said from over the knelt Cambion?s shoulder, his preternatural speed allowing for the swiftest of gaits. ?It was them.?

?I imagine so. It seems they will not stop until we are all dead.?

?It seems they have the tools to carry out such a task.?

?A welcomed challenge.? Jagger replied as he stood, the slant of his chin showing the Vampire his profile. ?We have tolerated their meddling for too long. If they wish to hunt the dragon then they will learn that it is easy for some prey to become the predator.?

The vampire moved back and to the side as Jagger turned about and headed for the door, smoothly falling into step behind him. Neither made a sound; one trained, one innate. ?Where to begin??

?Simple.? The Cambion answered as he pushed through the door. ?With a visit to Asceus.?