Topic: Boot Camp Reboot.

Viola Draygon

Date: 2009-10-29 04:32 EST
It hadn't been a hard assignment. Just a simple, short escort flight. The destination planet wasn't even a military installation. Just a civilian world know for its sheep farmers.

And yet it had gone disastrously wrong.

"These results are unacceptable. Who trained this bunch, because I'm fairly certain that a demented monkey would have bloody well mucked this up less!" Vi tossed the report she had been reading at the head of the nearest officer. "Just because Hex went off on his own doesn't mean we slack. I'm bloody well not explaining to him why the company is in the toilet."

The officers seated around the briefing room table fidgeted in their seats. No one wanted to take the blame for the catastrophe that had befallen Bravo flight. While escorting a fleet of six merchant freighters, there had been fourteen collisions, three accidental weapons discharges and somehow Flight Commander Stevenson's as$ had been broadcast on all open com frequencies. There were reports that that broadcast had been received as far as seventeen sectors away.

That was probably the only thing that impressed Viola about the whole incident. Bravo flight hadn't been equipped with any com gear that could reach that kind of distance. She made a mental note to have whoever had rigged the short range com transferred to Fritz's engineering detail right away.

"No takers? No finger pointing and excuse making? Fine." Vi looked down the table to Laitnum. " Starting tomorrow put Bravo flight back in basic training, along with every officer who even so much as signed a ration request for them during their first run through. Have anyone who complains confined to the brig until I have time to come have a chat with them. That should be sometime next month as Vigilance Company will be picking up Bravo's duties."

Days like this Vi really hated Hex for leaving her in charge.

Viola Draygon

Date: 2009-11-18 10:40 EST
Exhaustion. That was the only word Vi could come up with for the dragged out, just been through hell feeling she had. Bravo Flight's retraining was putting a strain on all the other divisions. Thank goodness it was almost over.

It was a rare moment of almost relaxation. She was seated at a table in the mess hall of the Iron Dragon's orbital platform having lunch with Fritz and Wendy Jaxion. Wendy in her usual exuberant style was dominating the conversation. Fritz was used to it, and Vi was too tired to even try and hush her. The current topic of conversation? Private Edward Fitzgerald. The genius behind Bravo Company's radio upgrade.

"It's super Vi. He's taught me how the modifications were done in the field. We've been testing it out on all the different com units. We got the emergency transmitters in the suits to broadcast on a narrow frequency to seven sectors away. Before you were lucky to catch it if you were any further away than two solar systems."

Vi was impressed though she did little more than grunt at the information.

The gushing continued. Wendy was used to Vi's brisk nature by now.

" Ed thinks we should take them for a real test run. Fritz said he'd lend us a pair of suits if you'd authorize a shuttle and two suit pilots."

That caught her attention.

"Not only will I give you a shuttle and pilots, I'll give you two of our best. We'll leave at weeks end after you've filed a proper report Kiddo." Vi smiled then left the table to go search out Lait.


Date: 2009-11-19 02:37 EST
Laitnum was currently jogging down the dormitory halls, ignoring the greetings he received here and there from members of the Iron Dragons. He really didn't care much for people. While Lait jogged, he went over the last bit of Bravo Team's re-training, which was going well, but was still far too time consuming. It was during times of recollections like these, that he cursed Hex and cursed himself for joining the Dragons in the first place.

Back to the task at hand.

Laitnum zoned back into reality just in time to twist around a pair of trainees who were busy chatting it up and not paying attention to where they were going. As the dark blur that was Laitnum passed by, then hopped back and glanced off after him.

"Watch where ye're goin'!" He shouted back to the pair while continuing on his way.