Topic: Rumors and Reservations

Viola Draygon

Date: 2009-07-15 23:34 EST
The scroll of data rolling down the screen was almost as endless as the vista of stars outside the view port. Viola was as tired of watching one as the other. She never should have taken that promotion. Administrative work was not her forte.

"Vi, you gonna keep watching that all night? We were supposed to get dinner an hour ago." Wendy had been watching the older woman for most of that time. Since Jax had married his woman Wendy had started spending more time with Vi.

"Won't be too much longer. Bloody Intelligence department wouldn't know a vital report if it bit them on the ass. Who the devil thinks that it takes thirty four pages to explain that all on the home front is Status quo?"

"Are they all like that?" Wendy peeked at the screen over Vi's shoulder. " This one's interesting. Isn't Odious City near where you were born? I remember Jax said something about it."

Viola did a double take. "Where are you reading that?"

" Here. Halfway down the screen." Wendy pointed to the entry in question. In the list of arrivals to the spaceport sector there were half a dozen names all hailing from Odious City. All affiliated with a group Viola had nightmares about. Reserve XI.

"Bloody Hell. This can't be anything good."