Topic: War Files - Lysandrian Campaign - Preparations


Date: 2008-12-22 16:41 EST
There were reports from her spies situated throughout specific areas within the cattle infested city; a capital known to many as Rhy'Din, who spoke of mercenaries and assassin clans. It was indeed an early appearance for her to undertake considering her grand design, however, there was no other way to go about it. Like hell would she allow for one of her mindless underlings to take upon delicate matters such negotiations with a synthetic. So, she decided she would come here in person, and boy did she feel the nostalgia crash into her like of nausea.

Approaching the Red Dragon Inn, she tilted back her head to the two Black Monks that stood upon the roof, indicating the currentl location of her intended target. With but a mere nod of her head they dissipated from sight. Up the steps she trod, bare feet lightly tapping against the grain of the porch, until she found the door. With a wave of her hand, backhanding the air just before she reached it, the door swung open upon its own accord.

Wait a minute. That was not Renna? A young woman, of near perfect skin in all appearances of perfect health, came strolling in without a single stretch of a scar across her surface. Long, lavishly waved hair hung tamed about her shoulders. This perfect shape that was her body was accentuated with a tightly fitted armoured corset, where affixed upon the lower portions, a long black silken skirt hung to hide her naked legs.

With a beckoning finger of her fleshed hand, the door slammed shut, and her supple lips curved into a dangerous smile that was typical of someone you would expect who served the Betrayer herself. But, <I>no</I>, that was Renna herself. Who else in the realms of the multiversed possessed that all too familiar wickedly crafted gauntlet, with its long claws and encrusted gem upon the forehand? Who else had those crimson coloured eyes, pupiless now, with nothing but distaste and malice?
"And here I was expecting a welcome back party..." Her voice muttered in its strangely new seduction. "Anyway..." Eyes land upon Hex immediately.

A rather sour smile to a man who decided to speak to her. With a lift of her gauntlted hand, she pushed away that subject for the mean time, and gave a rather long but impassive glance to the Blood she could smell in the room. Of course, she could pick one out in a crowd; for they all smelt the same, they all had that stench. Bare feet took her through the room from the door, eyes still locked upon Daniel until she passed him by at the bar. Kitty too, had a glance, but that was nothing but hateful. "Kitty. Glad to see you are well." A total lie, and she made it quite evident. She stopped next to Hex now, and turned her head to him, bringing the synthetic thing her full attention. "I think you and I need to have a little chit chat."

Hex was musing on a conversation just past, this trip to the Inn had certainly been profitable indeed. Watching Azjah return to her own devices, then the machine turned to watch Renna approach, giving her a polite nod. #A pleasure to see you onworld again Mrs. Bloodstone.#

"A pleasure I am sure - but I have little time to waste, my business elsewhere demands my full attention; yet I have made time to come back, just to see you." She had a new body, that was for sure. Although it fully did not look like the old Renna - the typical form everyone knew and loved, but yet it somewhat how just <I>did.</I> Whoever owned that body before, they sure as hell weren't alive now. The look in her eyes brought over a different dimension. She almost looked smug, more high and mighty than she ever did before. "I have heard a few things that have perked my interest... One of which I shall not discuss in the public of this bloody hellhole."

The machine listened to Renna's speech and 'pleasantries', then finally nodded and stirred to life. #Will the Hall or Arena do?#

Renna regarded the woman who nodded to her with a soft smile, but it was hard to tell if she was eyeing the woman up for a potential meal or for some other dark deed. Swinging her head back to Hex, she took a singular step back, and then offered a hand in the direction of the Hall. "Any place shall do. After you, my dear."

Once again stirring to life, the machine's legs unfolded and it began to work it's way through the growing crowds towards the front door. Once there, Hex opened the doors and held them open for Renna.

Strange how a machine can be more gentlemanly than a real, breathing organic construct. Passing Hex by, she tossed her last glance back towards Daniel, the shoulder length hair, now in a completely different light, shimmered between its natural colour of black, to a warm chestnut brown. It was then she lipped something to a young man, something she did not voice. 'You might be seeing me sooner than you think.' With that, she left in front of Hex.

Hex repeated the same gesture on entering, opening the doors ahead of Renna and holding them open for her to enter before moving inside itself. A humanoid arm unfolds and gestures to a large table in the corner, #Will this do Mrs. Bloodstone?#

"Of course." She would not state the obvious in this case, and headed straight for the table. For once, she looked upon it not as some mere vessel to which items may be displayed, but instead approached it with a slowing sway of hips, and languidly fell to lay across it upon her side, keeping her legs more than firmly closed from the sights of the man that was near the bar. Did not want him looking up her skirt, now do we? Figuring Hex to have little emotional qualities - her reading has taught her that much, she regarded the construct with those crimson eyes warmly, "Thank you for your time. This won't like too long, I hope."

Following behind at a polite distance, this being was one Hex was only passingly familliar with. It's past dealings with Renna revealed that while she was not totally unpredictable, it helped smooth things along if one used a certain amount of courtesy and formality. The machine stopped an exact two feet from the table and hunkered down, folding it's legs and resting it's frame on the floor directly. All four arms folded in a similar fashion, and the head locked onto Renna. #Now, how may I assist you, Mrs. Bloodstone?#

"I will be quite quick about this; I have spies, all over this place. Normally I find nothing that interests me, but, as of late, there somewhat public talk - but then again I should really classify it as whispers, that you may have some direct contacts with men of whom sell their services in the genre of... Guarding, and attacking, for coin of course." How very vague, and purposefully so at that.

Hex's head tilted slightly at her words, and it actually took the machine several long seconds to parse our her *very* vague wording. When at last Hex was confident that it understood her meaning, it nodded in reply, #Direct contact may be perhaps something of an understatement however. I am the Commisar of the Iron Dragons, a mercenary company of my own founding. It was established using the bulk of the forces of the Legion of Chain, which itself was the military arm of the Association,#

"So the grapevine says." Renna's gauntlet came to tap the very tip of its sharp claws against the edge of the table, marking the wood with little fresh marks that marred the polish. Eyeing her own destruction of the tabletop, she drew up her eyes back to the machine, her smile ever growing back into a curious smirk, "I am suprised the Association allowed such a thing to come into fruition. I know, I wouldn't... But anyway, back onto business. How much would it cost for one such as myself to enlist your services in a different dimension... World, realm - whatever it is you may wish to call it."

Ahhh, so she was looking to hire the Dragons? This certainly had Hex's attention now. #The exact price would depend on a number of factors. Length of the contract, exact nature of our objectives, size of the force required, threat level of enemy forces. The more details you provide about what you wish to hire us for, the closer I can come to a final price.#

Her face relaxed, and she finally took an expression of which a businesswoman ought to take. Withdrawing her claws from the grain, she lifted up the very tip of the index and itched a spot under her chin tha thad been pestering her for the last minute or so. "I see, makes sense. Very well then, I shall supply you with the details now so that you may finalise a price as soon as possible. If you accept, I want you to invade one of my enemy's outer lying villages, commandeer it, and harass the enemy troops as much as you can. The threat level in itself will change, as I am sure they will come to underestimate you at first. For you see, they are quite arrogant in their position of power. For how long, that may be subject to how quickly I can fully establish my city's defenses, as we're still recovering from a recent invasion attempt."

Hex listened intently as she relayed her intentions and request. Finally, the machine brought up a point of it's own, #Is our mission simply to divert their attention so you may consolidate your own forces, or will we be expected to press for capture of additional territories?#

"You may spread further into their land if you so wish, that is entirely up to you. However, we do plan to attack in the conventional method of using mere infantry, however, such information is classified, and only the members of my council can truely know the answer to the question you are asking of me. Consider it, a diversion of sorts. I would not worry, for there will be a chance of reinforcements from the Orks who are trying to survive the centuries of war with the human race of which I am asking you to harass."

#Two things I must insist upon then, Mrs Bloodstone. I require either a specific objective which we must accomplish or see accomplished, or a time limit. Either of these conditions will serve as the completion of our contract. At the completion of that contract, we will withdraw all our forces from the field immediately, unless a new contract is negotiated.# #My second condition is this. While ID will be subject to the conditions stated in the contract, when in the field I and my commanders will retain autonomy from command by any of your own forces, save where explicitly stated in the contract. Are these conditions acceptable?#

Renna slowly leant up from the table, moving to sit upon the edge, both hand and gauntlet resting upon her lap. The machine bargins hard, of course, how could she doubt such a cold and calculative thing? It brought a smile to her face, a genuine one that just beamed with superiority. "Ah, of course, of course... Then consider this. That the contract is four standard months long, or until my city's defenses are completed. I can not spare any of my forces for you, so in truth you may be very alone for the first ten weeks into the contract. However, the Orkish reinforcements should arrive somewhere within that time. As collateral I am willing to pay fifty percent up front now, and the rest at the end. Lastly; of which I am sure my wife will be most upset about, is that all I can offer you, in reinforcements my daughter, and a small squad of a mixed elites"

The machine knew that many potential clients might balk at it's steep conditions, but long study of the history of the profession of mercenary had convinced Hex of one thing: If a merc was not given a strict 'out' clause in their contract, the client would either fail to pay, or claim that the conditions had not yet been met and demand further service. The ability to simply pull troops from the field once the contract was complete, or in the case of a breach on the part of the client... These conditions were put in place to protect the men and women of ID. Hex finally nodded at Renna's counterpoint, #That is understandable and acceptable. Before we finalize this contract, I would like to know more about the enemies we will be facing. What is their level of technological and magical development? What are their typical tactics and armament?# #Additionally, do you have any estimates as to the size of the enemy forces we will encounter?#

"A vast amount of their home militia were destroyed during the assault of my city, however, this means that a lot of their elites have yet to come against me. I suspect that you will be facing them, in large numbers." Renna's head tilted to one side, her eyes moving to a window, "Their magical understanding is low, and very few can use it with their own bare hands. Yet they do possess a few powerful mages who use Domination magicks to bend the perception of the mind. Otherwise? Swords and arrows are the least of your worries. You may also encounter the Bloodstone Elite Guard, who are currently supporting their war efforts." It was at this point she smiled, as the chances were that may raise more questions. "They, wear armour that allows them to become very much invisible to the naked eye. Normally they are designed to spread panic, so I would recommend looking out for those. In regards to tactics? Typical. They use flanking as a big part of their war machine. Cavlary they call Kataphracts."

Another slow nod as Hex processed the information. #One more clarification. Are there any natural or magical properties of the world in question which would inhibit the function of offworld technology?#

"Yes, and no." Renna smiled to Hex, "The former Goddess who controlled the land I inhabit once inhibited the ability to use advance to technology as a form of control, there are other Gods, but they are out of their jurisdiction in <I>my</I> realm. I shall lift all restraints before your arrival. However, I do not want - what is it they call them? Missiles, and flying machines - no, I want them to consider you an unknown threat who do not look to the skies. I have that area of domain covered for the moment."

The restriction was noted. It would extend the operational time somewhat, but Hex had worked with less and still come out ahead. #Just to be clear, powered armor, armored ground vehicles, and energy weapons are acceptable? So long as they are not ballastic in nature?#

"They could be walking titans for all I cared. As long as you scare them half to death, preventing them from even considering going through you to get to me? Then, you may just have a nice four months worth of just waiting around. However, I would be very careful with such technology, as the Bloodstones have no worry in using their... Mana bombs, I think they call them. But I very much doubt they would use them in Lysandrian territory."

#Do you have any technical data on these mana bombs by chance?#

"None. I am too low in the family ranks to fully understand them. But I do know they have some kind of, strange affect on technology. The correct term escapes me." She waved a hand to dismiss that word that was bugging the hell out of her, "Electricomaginetic-something or another."

The machine's eyes flashed briefly, #Electromagnetic pulse?#

"Yes, that could be it." Renna nodded slowly, "I remember seeing it being used once when I was a child. They used it on one of the other continent's forces, who employed electricity to run a lot of everyday items. Like lightbulbs, and strange, mechanical machines that walk. Kind of like golems." She spoke the last part to herself, as the memories came flooding back.

That could prove to be problematic. Hex put capturing a Bloodstone officer onto it's list of high priority objectives. Hopefully interrogation would reveal the location of one of these mana bombs, which could then be captured for study. #Hopefully our inital assault will deter their counterattacks. Very well Mrs. Bloodstone, I believe I have enough information to draw up a formal contract. Once that is agreed upon, I will issue departure orders immediately.# Hex paused while it did several complex calculations using the gathered data. #I can estimate our price for this campaign at three hundred million credits.#

Renna smiled, "Excellent, I am pleased." She pushed off of the table and slipped onto her feet, "I am sure they will be too frightened to make any assault that will be worth of notice..." It was at this point she placed her hands onto her hips, and directed her head to tilt down to look upon the machine, "I hope you understand credits mean next to nothing to me. Can you convert that into a valuable, solid metal that may be of worth to you? Like gold, silver... Whatever."

If the machine could sigh, it just might do so at that point. #I believe the current exchange rate is five credits to one gold.# In it's mind, Hex made the conversion in a heartbeat, #Sixty million gold.#

"Quite steep, but, as it would be rude of me considering the contract's current state to want to banter the price downwards. Very well. I agree to your demands." Renna smirked, "So thirty million up front. I shall it by tomorrow."

The machine shook it's head, #I will only ask for twenty five percent up front, Mrs Bloodstone. The rest will be paid upon completion of the contract.# Another spot of quick calculation and the machine came up with the down payment, #Fifteen million up front.#

Renna shrugged her shoulders, "Fair enough, if you want it like that, my dear, then it shall be done." She dipped her head forward to Hex, placing a hand onto her chest, "Thank you, however, for accepting, for you saved many of my followers lives." And kill many of her enemies in the process. Up goes her smirk.

#How may I contact you once the formal contract is drawn up?#

"Of course... How silly of me." Renna turned and lifted her gauntlet up into the air, to which with a slow pulling motion of her head, torn open what appeared to be a small tare in the bery fabric of the air just above her head. It was from this fissure that dropped a small round black crystal sphere. She offered this over to hex, which by the time that had happened, it had shrunk from the size of an apple, to the size of a marble. "You merely but pass any form of energy into that crystal, and talk. I will hear your words."

The machine unfolded a humanoid arm and accepted the crystal with a nod, #I will contact you when it is prepared, it should take no more than a day. After that I will require information on how to transport our forces to your realm.#

"I can provide you with those details now. You merely but find a large open space, and talk into the crystal when you are ready to be transported. When the time comes, you will see how you and your forces will get to my home realm. Would you like the arrival to be formal, or private?" Renna grinned a little then, "My people would be in awe of your pressence, considering your unusual construction."

#So long as the arrival point is large enough to accomodate some thirty thousand people and associated supplies and equipment.#

"But of course."

Finally the machine stirred to life, unfolding it's legs and standing to imitate a bow to the woman. #Then I believe everything is in order for the moment.#

"One last thing, when you contact me, others will hear. Most of all, my wife and children. Please, when you do, instead of Mrs Bloodstone, that you call me God-Emperor." Her smile turned demure, "As some may take offense to someone naming me in such an intimate manner." Which would sound strange, considering Hex is somewhat a machine. "Consider due to royalties and all such nonsense."

Another nod from the machine, it was used to the vaguaries of protocol. #As you wish.#

"Until then, I shall take my leave. I must depart quickly, for I have a city to run." With a bow, she turned, to which took her straight through a wall, like it was not even there. In her departure the shadows seem to sigh, almost in relief, allowing a few grey feathers to circle in the very spot she once stood.

Hex watched and waited till she was fully departed before turning and quickly exiting in more typical fashion. Once outside, it contacted the ID station for emergency pickup, as well as issuing recall and assembly orders for all officer ranks. There was much to prepare, and likely very little time in which to do so.