Topic: Prestent day,the island


Date: 2006-04-28 11:23 EST
"well Saru,you and Kohaku must get a break from all your missions"
he said with a warm smile,but Ko just slamded his fist's into the desk,breaking it.''No!the villages need us master!"His master stood,glaring to him''do not aise you voice to me!Kohaku!you an Saru are going on a break,you have done far to much and the villagers need to train some them selfs insted of being slakers!''Ko couldnt fight master,so he turned,soon as he got out side the door,boom,through the wall came a messed up table as kohaku stormed of,saru just sat there....blinking as he just shook his head as if in a daze''me and who going where?''looking around,his master sighed and sat back down,stroking his bread a moment then another sigh''you and ko are goin to rhydin for a break,saru,have a good-''before he was finished saru was out the door and away yelling ''WE GET A BREAK WOOHOO!!''another loing sigh from the master''what i do for those boys ill never know...''


Date: 2006-07-15 04:52 EST
''Saru,your just one lzy son of a-''then saru put his hand around Kohaku's mouth''hey zip it its a chance to get away for a while,anyway,your a sourpuss so you need to losen up,getta girl friend or something,geez..''then kohaku just punched him in the chest as saru backed of''well,some people are decent and dont think about girls all the time...and i dont plan on having a weakness that could lead to-''
''blah blah blah lead to my dimise and all that crap...''saru sighed''no wonder people hate you,you always give lectures....''
''oh shut your trap already...''kohaku just looked pissed of with saru as he walked down the roads with him,looking for saru's 'favurite game shop'....and if you want me to continue,youd see alota stuff that you see in life,well,not an exploding shop or bloody fight between brothers,ok maybe the last one but heck,im thinkin...