Topic: In Cold Blood


Date: 2011-07-10 14:25 EST
The premise of this story begins here.


Date: 2011-07-10 14:40 EST
Gideon shut and locked the door to 25 behind him and slipped the key back into the pocket of his waistcoat as he made his way down the deserted hallway and through the empty inn. So silent, this place in the early hours before dawn when all the world seemed to slumber quietly, a shroud of lonesome silence settling over the city for those brief few hours before the bustle of the early morning began. He let himself out the door of the tavern and paused upon the porch to light a cigarette. The sky's gloom was just beginning to lighten, gone from inkwell black to midnight blue as the dawn came on. It was not late - or early enough, depending on one's perspective- for him to feel that heavy torpor of sleep that made limbs feel numb and useless, but it was only a matter of an hour or so. Down the steps, feet carried him on what now seemed a well-worn path through the city toward home and sleep.

To hot now in the oppressive summer humidity for his fine suits and the suffocating weight of tailored jackets. Instead he wore trousers, their knife's edge pleat ruined to wrinkles by their recent habitation on the floor of True's room all evening, as did his light cotton oxford in its deep sanguine shade of red, its sleeves rolled carelessly under the bend of elbows, the majority of its ruination hidden by that black, closely cut waistcoat that buttoned snug around his torso, kept the brilliant white of his tie tucked into place - the one article of clothing that had not been abused to lines and crinkles by the course of the evening's affairs.

Other taverns like the Red Dragon dotted the path back to the Lanesborough, a few still open or at least unwilling to evict their remaining patrons. Some had found suitable corners to share with their partner for the evening, and the rest hovered on the thin edge between a deep stupor and unconsciousness, not yet willing to give up the fight for another drink even as dawn approached.

Elias, unsurprisingly, seemed to fall into the latter category instead of the former. His old suit was rumpled, damp with his sweat and a few spilled drinks, and he lacked the coordination to pull a cigarette from his pack, much less light it. He was barely able to make it through the door to begin with: he stumbled several feet out into the lane, stared dumbly in both directions, then stooped to the monumental task of lighting his crumpled, stale cigarette.

Gideon was fairly used to having these streets to himself at this time. Well, to himself and to the multitudes of other predators that roamed the city streets, most of them without the benefit of the camouflage that he had, letting him walk in plain sight. No, most of these went unseen, and left Gideon to feel a peaceful sense of solitude in that brief journey, so as he rounded a corner to find what was clearly an intensely drunk man fumbling with a lighter and reeking of the stale, sharp scents of sweat and spilled alcohol, he drew up short. Calculating gaze took the man in for a half a second before he pulled out his own lighter and flicked it open and to life, stepping close to offer the flame to the wobbling male before him.

"Late night, hmn?"

Something vaguely familiar - a scent that stung the edges of his nostrils, something not quite the warm copper of regular mortals.

"Nf..." Elias stumbled into the little halo of light provided by the predator's lighter, held his cigarette into the end and sucked on it. Then he lifted his eyes to stare duly at the flame's kind provider and started a bit, unsteady on his feet.

" 'S you," he managed, squinting and frowning.

Gideon's eyes narrowed as the flame of his lighter explained away the mystery of that scent. Brows drew a tight line over sharp eyes before one lifted slowly away from its brother, arching dryly.

"Elias. What a pleasant surprise. And piss drunk too? Must be my lucky night."

He flicked the lighter closed with a snap of his wrist and advanced slow steps upon the shorter male, inexorable enough to force him back toward the bricks of the wall behind him, slow enough that he would not fall in his intoxication.

"That big pet of yours did me some serious harm the last time I saw you. Broke my damned shoulderblade in half like it was a shortbread biscuit. And all because you were too good to hold a simple conversation with me." ?

That cheshire cat grin of his took on terrible implications as it broadened with a slow molasses pour across handsome features.

"Your manners, I'm afraid, are evident by their absence, Elias. I had genuinely thought better of you when I first saw you in the Dragon. You were such a disappointment."

He drew his head back, that wicked smile fading away as he drew a breath and regarded the state of the other, taking a step or two back and opening an arm toward the street.

"Still a disappointment. Come on, then. Let's get you home, yes? You look fit to fall in the gutter and sleep."

"Geroff," the scholar grunted, shrugging off Gideon's gesture and backing still further away into the alley. He put his hand against the wall to steady himself and slid back into the darkness, away from Gideon and the street.

"Think I'm just... stupid, do you? Like I'd go along with your kind... like that, do you?" He huffed a scoff, raised his hand to wave him off, and nearly tripped over his own feet. "Leeches..."

He shook his head dismissively, turning his back on Gideon in his plodding, stumbling retreat.

The set of Gideon's shoulders slumped as he rolled eyes heavenward with Elias' terse, biting reply. He took a last drag upon his cigarette and tossed the thing toward the street, hands settling back into his pockets as he tailed the scholar at a pace.

"I'm not going to bloody hurt you, Elias, don't be daft. I don't think you're stupid, just incredibly, intensely rude."

He caught the other up easily in his stumblings down the dark, garbage littered alleyway, and reached to press a hand to the middle of his back to steady him.

"Lot of nerve you have. My kind? I took your advice from our last conversation. I know exactly what you are and you are not much better."

It might have been the dark gray pot calling the kettle black, but still, Gideon had a thing for semantics.

"And... and yet..."

Eli struggled with the words; perhaps with Gideon's eye for semantic details, he would notice other details as well, such as that the scholar hesitated over his words, yet did not slur them, in spite of his apparently unsteady feet.

"...and yet I don't truly know what you are, Gideon... I admit that... I'm being honest, here..."

In spite of the steadying hand Eli slipped from his grasp again. He took a breather for a moment, leaning against a shabby old wooden door, his cigarette hanging from his lower lip.

To his discredit, he did not notice, too preoccupied with the chink in Elias' armor that showed suddenly with the admission. He paused as the other did, kept a comfortable enough distance in spite of that steadying hand, and frowned slightly.

"No, I think you put your finger on it quite succinctly. Leech seems to be accurate enough."

Though the word itself rang bitter on his tongue.

"Come on, mate. Enough of this, let's get you home."

The scent of sweat and spirits seeping off the other was enough to turn his stomach, and the state of the alleyway in the oppressive humidity and heat of the summer night was not a help either. The sky above was creeping toward a lighter shade of pale, and he felt the pressing urgency of departure. He shifted foot to foot, unwilling to leave Elias to fall and lay in that alley, but equally eager to not be caught in the blinding rays of light that were crawling nearer every second.

Any man different than Elias would probably have been swayed by Gideon's surprising show of generosity and mercy, his sympathy to the scholar's vulnerability. He would have hesitated over Gideon showing mercy instead of pursuing vengeance, and would have let the beast lead him home after all.

But Elias held few kind impulses, and for a very few people, and Gideon was not one of them. He studied the ground, knowing he needed only a moment longer... just a moment, and then they would have the advantage.

"Once again, Gideon... you misunderstand me... and I think you always will. I don't know what you are, but by the time I'm done with you?"

He lifted his head, and oh the smile that curled his thin, pale lips, pulled barely over teeth that were hungry not for blood, but for a target for his malice.

"I will."

He threw his elbow back into the door behind him, depressing the iron handle, throwing it open into the basement below and stepping very quickly out of the way.

So many details that could go missed when one focused on a drunken scholar. Tim and Eddan watched the scene from a recess in the opposing wall, deep and dark. It had taken no small amount of change to buy the tokens that hung about their necks, masking scent and the beat of the heart. Tim's heart was racing, pounding and waiting for the signal. His hand stood tense about his blade.

As Elias moved, clearing the path of the door, the two bodies moved as one--a plow of motion to force their target through and beyond the door. Tim's wicked blade stuck into Gideon's back, pain to help him along. No words spared, though his mouth curled with silent victory. This was only the start. He'd had more time for talk, for gloating, later. His own plans tucked deep within his mind, not even shared with the oddly formed companion whose company he kept daily. For now.. Elias ran the show and Tim and Eddan were just on the brute squad. They were very good at their job.

The expression of strained kindness bled out of Gideon's face, mingled first with confusion at Elias' words, then alarm as he flung that door wide, but shock, that was the prevalent shareholder in the control of those fine features, and it was shock that kept him rooted to the spot instead of sending him into flight the second Elias turned on him with that sublimely horrific smile. Eyes the shade of glacial ice ticked from that deadly, foreshadowing grin to the maw of the door that swung open as he stumbled back a pace, too numb and confused for a moment to make sense of the fact that he'd been tricked, and morning was coming on swift wings now, the haze and stupor of sleep fogging the edges of a world that had already fallen off its axis, limbs going heavy, weak and slow as
He was hit from behind with a force, hustled down the dark of that door. That sharp steel digging into his back was hardly a deterrent, though. What did he need to fear of such things? Gathering wits, he dug his feet in and ground that progress to a halt, though he swayed slightly, struggled to keep himself upright. Dimly it broke upon him that, even should he turn and flee he would not get far before collapse, certainly not out of reach of Elias and whomever held that knife in his back. He'd been careless again, let himself stay too long fussing over the well being of a man he should have more likely killed on sight.

Hands groped outward, seeking the purchase of a wall as he turned, body being drug toward that inescapable death of a sleep unable to keep up with the foggy commands of a mind that was fading fast. It was dark, but not too dark to recognize that face in the gloom. Tim.

"No." He breathed, horror overwhelming. "No."

Gideon took a step, felt his leg collapse under him and went to a knee, hard.

"Carefully now, friends," Elias crooned from the top of the stairs as his horrifying giant of a manservant Ivan lumbered out of one dark corner of the basement to place his large hands on Gideon's shoulders.

"Gideon is our guest -- we must take great pains to show him our best hospitality. Tim, did you bring the truck around?"

The scholar took a step downward, but did not look at his 'comrade' as he addressed him. Instead his cruel gaze remained fixed on Gideon.

The blade removed with force, Tim looked it over and wiped it off on the sleeve of Eddan's shirt. The lad's facial features twisting with disgust but he said nothing nor did he attempt to move away.

"Y'think I forgot our plan?" Well, the knife hadn't been a part of it... He nodded, tucking the blade back into the handle and then the pocket of his jeans.

"Yeah. I brought it 'round."

Tim's tongue wiped against his teeth, looking over Gideon then the brute and finally Elias.

"Eddan, go ready th'truck."

Eyes that struggled to stay open flicked from Tim to Elias and back again as, too slow, too little and too late the anger came on strong. Despite the heavy weight of Ivan's hands Gideon managed to rise to his feet in a blur of a surge, bearing Tim up against the wall with force enough to explode breath from lungs. It might have been Elias that wrath turned upon, had he been closer, but either target seemed as good to a gaze gone bleary. A broken snarl cut off abruptly as the rage of teeth like razorblades snapped shut just shy of Tim's jugular vein as Gideon crumpled, fists losing their grip in his clothes as he went down unceremoniously, lifeless as a corpse as the sun hit the horizon of the cityscape outside.

"Perfect," Elias murmured with a glance at his pocketwatch. He did not spare even a moment to ask after Tim's condition. "Box him, Ivan. Quickly now."

They were safe in the basement, safely out of the sunlight, but accidents could happen easily.

Ivan lumbered back to his corner to haul out a large old trunk, clearly designed for suitcases, but still large enough to hold a man as slim as Gideon.

No need to check on Tim, he all too often flirted with danger and got hurt far worth than a sore back and head. He grinned like a devil at the threat and laughed when Gideon went lights-out to the sunrise. Nudging him with his foot before he moved out of the way for Ivan.

Eddan had been halfway out when Gideon went for Tim, the number of gods he would have thanked for being spared that sudden rush unnumbered. But the plan had worked, the leech didn't have enough time to cause real trouble and he knew if he didn't get the truck in order he'd get some of that real trouble from Tim.

Elias watched Gideon's fallen form, with very few emotions registering in his calculating gaze. Wrath, vengeance, a small feeling of satisfaction... He tipped his head to the sound of a truck starting.

"Best get moving," he muttered into the air, and followed Ivan out with the black luggage trunk containing their friend the 'leech.'


Date: 2011-07-17 12:25 EST
Eli had not yet begun with his newest 'patient,' but he had learned how important it was to have everything you could possibly need on hand at the earliest possible stage; hence, he had sent Tim and his strange servant out to fetch supplies.

Leaving Elias Thurfell Reid-Granger in complete solitude with his unconscious captive, Gideon, in the restricted basement of the run-down Community Faith Family Medicine & Triage Center in WestEnd.

He circled the beaten yet still beautiful beast, whose arms hung up and out to either side suspended by chains like a mockery of the Crucifixion. The legs too were chained to the floor, allowing just enough slack for some movement on Gideon's part in the small chamber.

Most of the details Elias had elected were chosen on practical grounds, but this small allowance was intended for no purpose other than his own amusement. He touched Gideon's chin with two slender fingers, stroking the cold, hard yet smooth skin, and whispered cruelly,

"Soon enough, my friend."

Then he exited the chamber, turning all three locks behind him, and dropping the keys into his lab coat pocket. There was only a small window of reinforced glass in the old steel door, and no other means at the moment of seeing Gideon.

The boarded up loading dock was easy enough to take care of, a job simple enough Eddan was given the task while Tim had gone home to collect himself. With the boards but not removed, they'd gain access to an old service elevator and a means to enter the basement unseen. Tim didn't have a free pass to move around the clinic as he pleased and it struck him that Elias was doing his best to keep him and Eddan out of his hair. Limited access to their prisoner, it threw a wrench into his plans but he could wait it out. Eventually he'd find the chance for some alone time. There was little need to rush it before he could have his fun.

He had other ways to have fun. Once Eddan had finished with the boards, the two met to scour the city for the blood Elias had told them to fetch. Eddan had come ready with their draining equipment, but Tim patted the odd fellow's back and told him he had a better idea. Bagged and bottled blood would only last so long and give Elias reason to keep sending them back out, and while Tim was happy to bide his time, he wasn't of a mind to further assist in keeping him removed from the premises. Eddan reacted with sulky nerves but his complaints were cut short by a cruel backhand which sent him cowering and ready once again to do the bidding of his dominating partner.

Now they returned to the clinic, blood supply well in hand. Tim carried the taller of the two whores, her body handing unconscious over his shoulder. Her blonde haired head hitting against the boards as they went through the docks. Tim stopped long enough to make sure she wasn't bleeding. Eddan dragged along a small petite brunette, her eyes wide and watching all the wall. Both females had been bound at hand and foot, their mouths gagged with green duct tape. Through the docks, onto the elevator and down into the basement.

Eddan's burden became too much for him to bear, releasing her against the door where she squirmed for any chance of purchase away from them. Tim smirked,

"Don't think she likes you mate."

He grinned down at the brunette who watched him in horror, then booted her out ahead of them once the lift reached the lower floor. Stepping out and over the girl with the blonde upon his shoulder as blue eyes checked the hall.

Ivan was there waiting for them, the giant of a ghoul enslaved by a cocktail of Elias' blood, that of several powerful revenants, and an arcane rite no mortal eyes should have been allowed to see. He greeted Tim and Eddan with a scowl, but its impact was lessened by the confused blink he gave them.

"Master said to get blood," he protested.

"You think these bitches are full of sugar?"

Hefting the one on his shoulder for better placement, a moan softly sounded in protest. Tim looked to Eddan, having trouble with the squirming brunette, her cries muffled.

"Give her here."

Shoving the fellow off the girl, Tim unceremoniously grabbed the bindings of her hand and dragged her behind him. Up nod given to Ivan,

"Lead the way."

Ivan had all the computing power of a broken abacus. Still, after a long moment he decided aloud,

"Master will not be pleased," but led the way all the same, down narrow corridors illuminated by flickering fluorescent lights, past empty boxes, broken stretchers and biohazard bags. He led them right past the steel door with the reinforced glass window (currently unlit), and onward to the lab.

There were eight cages, and only two were occupied. One was a 'fresh' revenant, still powerful and enraged from the feeding frenzy that had the Watch freaking out over the radio, and which led Elias and Ivan to intercept and capture the beast: she climbed up the bars of her prison with hands and feet, shaking them and roaring at the sight of Tim and Eddan, black blood and spittle sprayed from her parted jaws. Yellow eyes darted back to Elias, and she gave him a simple growl and slunk back to her corner.

The other cage's tenant seemed to have far less fight in his veins, a matter Elias was presently seeing to. He had been a human until very recently, turned against his will, and with his nature and vulnerability so very evident one lonely night in the same WestEnd bar as Elias ...well, the results could be seen as plain as day. Elias pressed a firm hand against his jaw, clamping it shut, reducing his cries to a whimper as a mechanical pump extracted what remained of his blood.

"You're late," he told Tim and Eddan without turning around.


Date: 2011-07-17 12:43 EST
Tim looked around, nonplussed with that which surrounded him. However one got their jollies, so long as it didn't involve him, wouldn't bother him. Eddan was a different story, being more creature than human and not feeling as secure in his station as Tim seemed to. The odd man ducked, standing further back and behind with hopes to blend and be forgotten. Tim's interest in Eddan's behavior was nonexistent.

"Eddan had some lady trouble." Smirking at his own joke. The brunette attempted a scream that didn't go anywhere.

"Always better to ignore them," he offered as a rare, unthinking piece of advice to Eddan. It was driven by no sympathetic impulse, only one to hear a few of those thoughts allowed. Rare that he discussed the matter at all, even with his short list of friends. He tossed a flask of blood over to Ivan, who looked about ready to pick a fight with Tim up until that moment: the ghoul lumbered into the corner to slurp noisily at the gift, leaving Elias to inspect his wares in peace.

Boots squeaked on a blood-slick patch of the floor as he circled the brunette first. He removed the mask from his face and the goggles from his eyes, and seized the woman's jaw with a black latex-gloved hand.

"You know what I was asking for," he informed Tim while staring at the woman's eyes. "It wasn't this. We have standards we use to evaluate specimens of this nature."

"Standards higher than the specimen himself."

Tim's hand stayed tight on the brunette's bindings as he shifted the blonde again, glancing over to check her face--still out. His suspicions of Gideon had been confirmed when he caught him in the act one dark night.

"They're right up his alley." Turning to his hiding friend, "Ain't that right?"

Eddan didn't appreciate being brought into the discussion, but he nodded quickly.

"Alley. Yeah. Yeah Tim." Nervously chuckling, his lanky body trying all the more to be smaller as his yellow eyes darted to the two in the cages.

Tim turned his attention back to the mad scientists.

"You wanted somethin' fresh." Patting the rear of the blonde, "Nothin fresher."

"Bastard," Elias hissed, glowering at Tim; it got Ivan's attention, who licked at his lips as he turned his head, rumbling a growl. But the scientist moved on, shoving the brunette away and grabbing the blonde next, far more delicate with her. He turned her head this way and that, very gently, and passed his fingers in front of her face, watching her eyes.

"...She has a concussion," he observed, "not necessarily severe, but nothing to sneeze at. I can't spare any of my attention to see to her care."

Tim's steel blue eyes found Eddan again as he spoke,

"Not surprised."

Despite Tim not sounding upset, Eddan could place good money he'd get it later. He hadn't done what he needed to do and having to act quickly had caused Tim to use more force than was necessary. Tim's eyes moved around, looking for Gideon.

"No need to try to make her last any longer than night fall." The gears of his mind turning at his plan, his eyes returned to Elias. "Where's Gid? I want to introduce the ladies."

"I'd explain our procedure to you, that we do not need them tonight, but..."

Elias waved it off, finding no need to explain science to the man he increasingly thought of as a petty thug. Instead he barked an order to Ivan:

"Feed the revenant!"

The blonde recovered from her daze with a rush of adrenaline when Ivan seized her hair and dragged her closer to the snarling thing in the cage. There was a careful procedure here, the sound of locks clicking and a building surge of electricity, and the revenant found herself on the receiving end of a nice little blast of it the same moment the cage door swung open. It bought Ivan just enough time to hurl the blonde into the cage and elbow it shut, but the revenant's pounce at that moment was not for freedom after all: it was for food.

As claws ripped and tore thoughtlessly, spattering the revenant's lifeless neighbor in the other cage with fresh, warm blood, the duct tape came loose and the blonde had an agonizing minute to scream until the beast finally succeeded in killing her. Elias spoke calmly over the noise, while his captive rifled around in the whore's guts:

"I am watching you, Timothy. I don't know what you intend, but I have made you fully aware of what I intend to draw from Gideon, and nothing shall happen before that moment which I have not explicitly planned for. This is a dangerous facility, with many confusing controls we use on our captives... It would take a simple slip, a simple error, for the laboratory door to become locked while others were at work within, and for the cage doors to swing open, and then... Well." A smile crawled ever so slowly onto his lips. "Accidents happen. Do we understand each other?"

'Gid' as it were, was just coming to. As night came on again so did all those little affectations of life return to what had, for all intents and purposes become a hollow lifeless shell of a body that hung there upon the chains behind that reinforced door. One by one small muscles went from torpor to tension, and before too long the constriction of that spread-eagled ribcage lifted in a shuddering choke of an inhalation, diaphragm finding itself limited by arms pinioned wide that the weight of that body dangled upon. Consciousness was not so kind as to come on slowly, not after the knowledge of his own abduction had seared itself upon that psyche just before Morpheus had stolen him away. No, it snapped back in place with the sting like a rubberband pulled tight and let loose against the flesh.

Eyes snapped open wide and terror poured a bucket of adrenaline over the brain, short circuiting reason or anything beyond feral instinct. He was hanging, that much was clear, some sick approximation of crucifixion, spread wide like an insect pinned to a specimen board but without the benefit of pins to keep him down. Hands fisted and shoulders burned as he pulled hard at the chains, feet kicking as he sought freedom, a slow whine of fear building through the octaves and in volume to a crescendo of a howl of rage and terror that rattled that thick door to the room that held him.

His own plans for the blonde ruined, Tim took the time to flex his fingers and stretch the arm that had been so long holding her up. The look he returned to Elias was calm and cool, at contrast with the open fear Eddan wore.

"Understood, El."

The threat had been submitted. It was done, and something new demanded their attention with an agonized howl down the hall.

"Ivan, see to the pump, and the cleanup. We have a guest to look after," and his smile only grew. "This way, gentlemen."

It was only a short walk back down the hallway to Gideon's chamber. Elias removed something that looked rather like a bulky old remote control from his pocket, flipped the large dial in the center, then pushed a button, and the lights came on. The scientist made sure he could be seen through the window, even lifted one hand for a finger-wiggle of a wave at the prisoner.

Tim gave a nod, hoisting the brunette up and over his shoulder. His hold going tighter as she resisted as she could. He made a list in his head of things to see to once he was finished here, unconcerned with her fighting. His feet carried him to follow after Elias and Eddan had no choice but to do the same or be left behind with Ivan and the caged ones. Looking through the window with a smirk, this was too good.


Pupils contracted to pinpoints and eyes narrowed into slits as the blackness was snatched away by the burning flood of those bright lights. He blinked against the sudden illumination and the sounds of footsteps, heartbeats, and muffled voices from behind that door riveted his attention to it. Dark brows drew together and down in a taut hard line of a glower as Elias' face appeared behind the thick translucency of that glass panel... and the bastard wiggled fingers at him like a fucking coquette. Gideon roared and tore at the chains, wrists rolling to lock onto them where chain met manacle, hauling with all his strength upon it, determined to wrap those chains round Elias' throat and use them to sever that head from his body the second he gained freedom.

"It appears we should adjust the tension threshhold,"

Elias informed Tim with a look aside at him, and with another twist of the dial, another button pressed, he saw it done. As electrical shocks surged through the chains so long as Gideon stretched them so far, Elias explained what was going on to his 'colleague.' This was not science after all, merely simple torture, and he believed it would keep Tim happy to a certain degree.

"You see, out of sight those chains are coiled up, tense but still allowing a little slack, enough for a limited amount of movement. However, once he increases the tension to a certain point, a punishing electrical shock surges through the chains."

Once again, his smile twisted.

"Ensuring our prisoner remains safely within." Then he pressed the intercom by the door and said loudly, "How are you this fine evening, Gideon?"

The tone and pitch of that roar changed to something horrible as that electric current surged to life. Amazing thing, electricity... how it shut a body down in ways that no amount of training, strength, or control could ever overcome...the simple and painful physical science of nerves overwhelmed by electrical impulses suddenly finding themselves unable to control any aspect of the body they belonged to. Pain seared through him. Like being struck by lightening, everything went white for a second as his world contracted into that blaze of pain and helpless jerking. When the current finally gave up its hold he sagged upon the chains.


A rattle of air escaped him before the muffled sob of broken laughter followed. His head lolled up, rested against his upturned shoulder as he smiled wildly at the door, one hand turning in its manacle to extend a singular finger in answer. Electricity. Severely painful yet extremely elegant in its application, one needs not get ones hands dirty to cause more pain than any living thing could take. Leave it to Elias.

Not only did it keep him happy, it gave him ideas. Thoughts of the redhead always near his mind coursing through. If Elias did not need the brunette tonight, Tim would be happy to make use of her services. He wondered if there was a room they could use, should he decide to do so as he watched Gideon's pain with pleased satisfaction.

Elias let his laugh be heard, then released his hand from the intercom.

"Is there anything you would like to say to our friend... or, perhaps another time? I would say let's introduce her to your friend there, but... he is not hungry yet." Eying the prostitute rather coolly. "Perhaps tomorrow night, or the night after."

Tim gave Gideon an up nod through the glass, having no great message to convey for the time. Watching Gideon as he spoke to Elias,

"Y'got some place we c'n store her? An' us."

Eddan shuddered at the idea of staying the night down in that basement.

"Further down the hall, on your right, the door by the blue stretcher. There's a few cots and a small washroom. We keep some food in the closet at the end of the hall, but there isn't much," he shrugged. Then his smile returned, and he pressed his hand to the intercom again. "I'll be seeing you soon, Gideon. 'Til then, be good."

He killed the lights and depressed the button that would allow the chains Gideon hung from to descend just enough to allow him to stand.

He was hungry...that hunger never really abated, no matter how much he gorged it still remained, coiled tight within, licking greed at the back of his mind. Gideon hadn't fed last night, too preoccupied with his amorous tumblings with True, the only blood he'd had were the delicious tastes he took from his lover, little aperitifs that hardly slaked thirst, just whetted want. Gideon was older now though, and had greater control. He was not nearly hungry enough yet to take whatever that pair wanted to offer him. He did however want answers.

"Elias!" The shout of a name was all he managed to get out as those lights were killed again, leaving him in darkness. He writhed like a fish on the line of those chains as they lowered him and earned himself another hard jolt of a shock that tore a mindless scream out of him.


"Oh..." Elias turned away from the door, smothering laughter into his hand that rose to a rapid crescendo, lifting his head and ending it on a sigh.

"...oh, Gideon. Come. I'll show you to your room," he added to Tim and Eddan, leading the way down the corridor.

Tim looked off in the direction Elias pointed out to him, his glance broken away toward the cries that came from Gideon's cell. Let him rot for the night. Tim's smile carried amusement without laughter. He gave a nod and let Elias lead the way.


Date: 2011-07-24 18:44 EST
Lost. Lost to time and any sense of reality. Gideon was adrift in the dark. He couldn't have said how long it had been since Elias and Tim had taken him, chained him in the small, reinforced room. Hunger gnawed at him, drug angry, insistent claws through his insides, though it was not bad enough yet to curl itself round his mind and begin to blot out all rational thought.

Really the hunger was his only gauge of how much time had passed. He slept in the black of pitch and woke to it, his only company the sounds of chains when he shifted, or else the echos of his own screams when he became too frustrated and the fear of the situation gripped him too hard in its stranglehold, forcing him to try those bonds again and again - always to the same effect - that sharp, searing burst of electricity that left him hanging limp by outstretched arms while those echos died in slow taunting vibrations around him in the dark.

His nightmares were beginning to bleed into reality... he was unsure when he slept and imagined himself back in that room where Vincent kept him, and when he hallucinated it instead in his waking mind. The endless tedium played havoc with the psyche, turned sanity back in on itself in a spiraling ouroboros of doubt and deceit.

Now he hung in silence, kneeling as best he could against the hard concrete underfoot, arms extended like limp wings, shoulders long past the point of painful burning, head hung as he bit slow at the inside of his cheek, willing himself to recognize that he was in fact awake, not sleeping, not back in that other black prison, but trapped in another waiting and waiting for he knew not what.

Voices echoed down the hallway, Ivan's indistinct rumble competing with Elias' words, spoken coolly, quickly and clearly like most of his fellow Osthaven urbanites.

"...patient gamma, and make sure you put alpha's latest samples in storage... no, cold storage, you overgrown imbecile!!!"

Ivan's thudding footsteps retreated away, and for a moment, Gideon's world was silent again, while Elias Granger did whatever it was he was doing -- preparing for further 'tests' -- outside patient alpha's door.

And then the lights came on, glaring halogen lights from every direction, turned up high, higher than they needed to be: two had been replaced so far since the beginning of poor Gideon's captivity. While a virtual sun flicked to life without warning in the little chamber, Elias chose that moment to open the door and step inside. Whenever the scholar swam into view in Gideon's tortured eyes, he would be seen wearing black goggles, a green Howie style lab coat, long black gloves, black pants, and spit-shined black boots almost up to his knees. He tugged his right glove further up his forearm, let it go with a rubbery snap, and smiled up at Gideon.


Gideon perked at the voices, the sounds of footsteps - anything to break the monotony, even the harsh anger of Elias' refined accent a welcome thing when the only other choice was endless silence. That he lifted his head and strained through the dark was a mistake though, for a second later his world was on fire. He recoiled under the searing glare of the lights that flooded the room, hissing pain as hands struggled ineffectually toward his face as eyes scrunched tight.

Red, blistering red replaced the blinding shock of white as the brilliance of light he'd become unused to seeped through the thinness of eyelids with insistence. He groaned and struggled to his feet, pressing his face into the rise of his shoulder as he tried to soothe away the scald of the light. Breath came shallow and fast with the kick of adrenaline. No fight or flight left as options, it found its outlet in other ways.

"Fuck...unnh. Elias..." Not his most loquacious greeting.

"You should look me in the eye," Elias said, as he discreetly tapped a button in his coat pocket, "when I speak to you, Gideon."

The press of the button administered a tiny shock.

"I expect your full attention for everything I have to ask you. Your cooperation in this matter is quite important to me, and I will appreciate it, as I appreciate everything you have given me."

He took slow, deliberate steps closer, almost within reach.

The shock jerked him, sent him doubling forward for a second. He shook, half rage, half pain and righted himself slowly, hands fisting on the chains they hung from as he turned blindly toward the sound of Elias' voice, eyes still squeezed taut. They sickled slowly into small slashes of glacial blue as the adjustment to the blinding lights came gradually. He offered the sadistic bastard before him a thin smile as he tried to quell the shudders that racked him.

"Turn the bloody lights down..." Insolence was a familiar comfort, and he was so good at it. "Given you? I'm sure you mean everything you've taken from me."

"Oh, but this is where you have me all wrong, my dear friend!"

Elias laughed. He dared to lean further forward, his face narrowly out of reach when he turned up the electricity again, this time higher, and for much longer.

"I am a giver of a great many things, Gideon. I give you pain," he hissed, and only then switched it back off, then seized the beast's jaw in his gloved hand. "And I give you purpose... so... so very much more than you could ever possibly hope to understand!"

That close his eyes could be seen through the goggles, wide with rage and passion and the awe-inspiring heights he imagined these tests could take him to.

Elias paused a moment. The smile returned.

"I can also give you food, Gideon."

Teeth gritted as that current took hold again, the long needle sharp points of fangs outlining themselves against the perfection of the rest of flat teeth, a milky translucent blue-white, beautiful things for all their danger. The silent snarl of pain only lasted a second though before he cried out, ragged depth of voice pitch perfect to the tuning fork of agony.

He slumped when the current released him, not enough wherewithal left to jerk away from the hand that suddenly gripped him in a cold rubber grasp. Features worked betrayal, begged when he would have had them spit rage instead. Food. Food. The hunger perked within him, grabbed hold of his pride and throttled the life from it.

"Please...." broken whisper of longing. Food. "Please..."

"...the perfect conquest," he breathed with a growing smile, delighted by his growing skill in dominating the people around him. Elias pushed him hard with both hands as he stepped back, hoping to extend the chains enough for another shock, and called out.

"IVAN! Bring in patient gamma... and for goodness sake, let the poor man speak his mind!"

A few moments later, as Ivan's heavy footsteps approached again, screams erupted from a tortured man's throat. The hallucinogenic drugs Elias had pumped into him still terrified him beyond any rational thought, everything a monster beyond the abilities of the most grotesque imagination: Elias found it made some of his patients a little more 'pliant.'

The terror showed in his eyes when Ivan tossed him unbound into the chamber and slammed the door shut again. He had been a nobody from the docks, a sailor passing through, easily replaced by his crew. Now he was naked except for his tattoos, and the moment he hit the floor he scrambled away into the corner, giving Elias and Gideon equal parts of his wide-eyed attention. He began to scream again, but winced instinctively when Elias opened his mouth:

"I'm going to ask you some questions now, Gideon. I expect honest answers. Do we understand each other?"


He stumbled slightly with the shove, but managed to catch himself before the chains went too far, a thin hot slice of electric current searing through his arms for just a second before he righted himself. Something inside snapped, though and he launched himself full force at Elias the second the man turned his back to call for his ghoul.

Teeth snapped a hair's breadth away from the scholar's earlobe. Another fraction, one more link in the chains that bound him and Gideon would have had the pleasure of ripping the man's tender earlobe clean off. Instead of the satisfaction of Elias bleeding and screaming, he earned himself another jolting, agonizing burn that left him gasping for breath and moaning softly.

The world swam back into focus after a few seconds, though none of it made much sense. A naked male tossed into the room, scrambling back into a corner. Gideon found his feet again and swallowed hard, felt the sandpaper of his throat work dry against itself. He could hear the male's heart thudding like a time bomb, smell the copper sweet blood that coursed with drugs under his flesh. He shivered an exhalation, and in spite of the hard gnawing, driving hunger felt nothing but pity for the man as he curled himself against the cold concrete. He tore eyes away from him and back to Elias, glowering in loathing.


Elias did start at the snapping fangs, and for a moment he too was flattened against the wall, hands out behind him, off to either side. Behind the goggles his eyes narrowed, and the vanishing smile was replaced by a calculating scowl. He will pay for that!

And pay he would. Elias rounded on the cowering man, ignoring his clawing struggle, and seized his throat in his left hand, dragging him slowly up the wall. Either the puny scholar had always been this strong, or somehow, he was growing stronger. Then he withdrew a tiny blade, a scalpel from his coat pocket, and made an incision along the throat. The man gasped, and when Elias dropped him, began clawing at the wound, attempting to press it shut. He was beginning to bleed out. There were some minutes, perhaps, before the man was dead.

Only now did Elias find his smile again.

"You do not strike me as a very ancient creature, Gideon -- no child, to be sure, but man had long since illuminated the twilight by the time you stepped into it. Yet your blood... it tells a different tale. Who made you?" he said, folding his arms. Blood smeared in a single streak across his coat from his glove when he did.


Gideon's voice brooked warning as he watched the bastard round upon the man. The tone upped pitch as a knife flashed in one of those dark gloves, turned pleading.


Gideon watched in horror as he slit the man's throat and let him bleed out, his face contorted with misery. More than the waste, more than his hunger, that look of terror on the other man's face destroyed pieces of him.

"No..." He watched the other fall and turned a hateful glare back upon Elias. "You f*cking bastard."

God the scent of the blood in that room was intoxicating, heady, made it hard to string thoughts together. Still hot, still liquid as it pooled darkly upon the floor. Just a taste, just a sung in the back of his mind, a horrific contract to the pity he felt for the dead waste of a man lying crumpled before him. All he could do to focus on the question Elias asked, force that slow swim of his mind back toward rational thought.

"He said his name was Vincent." Useless answer.

"I am a bastard, Gideon. You are a very clever little monster, are you not? But, I do what is necessary... as you must as well, something I am sure you are well aware of," he said, and stooped to check the man's pulse. "I am no more a murderer than you are, my friend... ah. I estimate he has two minutes to live," he declared, dropping the bleeding man's wrist, rounding on the vampire.

"WHO is this Vincent, where did he come from -- what is he?!?"

"I don't know... he never told me."

Gideon took a half a step back as Elias rounded on him, but stopped himself before the chains could stretch.

"I think Vincent was just a name he picked, something more modern...he was the oldest of our coven, of any of the circles I knew."

Features bruised darkly as he spoke of his maker, hatred singing high in the cold light of icewater eyes that glared at the floor as if willing it to swallow him whole.

"When we were alone, he spoke in Latin, old Latin." He jerked his face away roughly. "I don't f*cking know who he is. I'm just his toy, and when I upset him enough, when I made him angry enough he sent me here to fucking rot till he wanted me again."

He grinned coldly to himself, thinking of how miserable he'd made that monster when the others had bayed for his exile or death.

"What difference does it make?"

"One minute, Gideon," Elias warned, though there was no denying the growing eagerness in the young scientist's expression at the prospect of a vampire so ancient and powerful that it could have been the origin of Gideon's blood, something already so potent.

"Where is he? What world, what realm?!"

"Earth...London, last I was there, but he may have moved....he had covens everywhere. him!"

Two paces took him forward to the length the chains would allow, eyes retraining upon the man dying.

Elias took a step back, calming once more, his soaring rage crashing down into a cool exterior without even a moment's notice. As instructed he walked briskly out into the hallway and returned with his bag. He applied pressure with one hand, and with the other, manipulated what most closely resembled a raygun from the old pulp sci-fi comics. Lights flashed, skin rippled and smoked, and the man screamed for mercy for several horrible seconds until he released the trigger...

...and patient gamma was still alive, however weak. The wound, though badly scarred, was sealed, and he looked between Elias and Gideon, a smile creeping onto his pale, exhausted features.

"You see, Gideon? I am not all that I seem..." He offered his arm to the man, dragging him to his feet with some effort.

The muscle of his jaw jumped hard against his cheek, silent tell of rage though his nodded slowly in the lie of agreement. Elias was not all he seemed, he was much worse. At least the man was no longer bleeding. The cooling slick puddle upon the floor did terrible things to him though, disgusting as cold blood was he could have lapped it from the concrete as his stomach convulsed in starvation. The incense of the stuff in the air was torture, keeping his mind racing with all manner of horrific ways to reach the goal of that foul red pool. Again muscles of his throat worked hard, painfully rubbing parched flesh against itself in the remembrance of how hot blood tasted, how it felt, slippery and slick and full of life as it filled his mouth and his belly.

Gideon had the rub of it, certainly. Elias had been to dark places before, but oh the opportunities this captive presented him with, for power, for revenge! It had pushed him over the edge, and he had already plunged far into the abyss...

"I have helped him, as you asked," Elias smiled; then it levelled off again, another rapid turn to cruelty. "Now help yourself."

Before the poor weak sailor could react the young scientist, relying on his dhampir nature, moved swiftly and powerfully. He dragged the man towards Gideon, ducked behind the chained vampire, grabbed the sailor's arms and slapped handcuffs onto his wrist. Elias backed away into the far corner, pressing himself against the wall, watching what happened next as the man had nowhere to put his head but on Gideon's shoulder. He struggled weakly against him, smearing the still warm blood spilled over his naked frame onto Gideon, and wailed in despair.

Horror broke anew as Elias took torment to new heights. Gideon quelled away from the press of the man chained to him, to no avail. The wails were shattering things, and this close the scent of the blood that smeared against him called with a voice all its own, softly singing siren songs to the devil in the shell. Gideon groaned, forced his face away as sight swam red.

He felt his head drop, and ran his tongue over the legs of sanguine stain that coated the man's throat just under the hideous scar, eyes closing as the taste, just the taste ran a tremor through him. They opened to glare baleful hatred over the man's shoulder at Elias as he took what he could from what had already been spilt onto skin.

He waited for the man's wails to cease and pressed his cheek against the sweat of the besotted man's, sticky with that cold swear fear of death, reeking of whatever drugs Elias had pumped him full of and the all out dumping of adrenaline into every part of his nervous system. Cold eyes kept their cautious, hateful vigil upon the scholar tucked into his little corner as Gideon whispered quietly into the man's ear, words just enough to pass between them both.

"If I do not kill you, he will, and he will find some horrible way to do it just to spite me. I will be merciful, and I swear this will not hurt. Forgive me."

Gideon did not give the man time to think, time to respond or panic. He sank razor teeth deep into the man's throat and pulled with everything that was in him, pulled so that even the smallest of capillaries in that highway of the man's circulatory system collapsed in on themselves. He drank hard, deep, took what little was left, and it was so very little. Even before he'd begun that heart beat arrhythmic. Now it clenched hard against itself, once twice...was silent.

He swallowed the bitter taste of the man's death, though he hated it, though it chilled him and made him sick to his soul, he took it, lest he offer Elias one more opportunity to revive and torture the man again. And as he fed he offered up all that he had at his command to wipe the horror of this reality from the sailor's mind, letting that dark Gift wrap the other in the succor and sweetly hypnotic trance of the feed, let it offer him escape before Death's greedy hands came to gather their tax and fee for such bliss.

When he was dead at last and dry Gideon tore his mouth away from the wound of his throat and coughed a ragged, dry sob as the lifeless body sagged its weight against him. He pressed his temple to the listless, lolling head that hung against his shoulder and stared balefully out at Elias with a numb, slow smoldering hatred.

"Satisfied?" He hissed coldly.


Date: 2011-07-24 18:59 EST
The little brunette had become a hassle Tim wasn't much interested in dealing with anymore and he had instructed Eddan to set her up in Gideon's 'room' during the daylight hours. She'd been gagged, tied to a chair and left to wait in the dark with promises of being fed to the leech when he woke. It would be the longest day of her life and likely the last. These thoughts entertained Tim as he leaned against the door outside, watching the time tick away on his watch. A 'gift' from a sailor. Eddan waited alongside with equipment to drain blood, he was less thrilled to be there and it showed in the surly way he peered into the consuming darkness beyond the window.

Gideon woke slow, from blackness to blackness when eyes opened uselessly. Each night the pain of being strung up began fresh again, shoulders burning hot searing lines up arms and down his back from being outstrung. He stumbled from a kneel to his feet and had to plant each foot a distance from the other to stay upright at first. Gradually senses returned, or so he believed. He could hear someone, someone else in the dark, hear the hard hammer of a heartbeat, smell the myriad of tiny nuances of the skin, washed in the tang of sweat and pheromones, sex and fear, and heat, he could feel the heat of her in the dark. Gideon shifted in his chains, drawing himself up as hands caught hold of the link bound to his manacles.

"Who's there? Say something." Voice dry, ragged, and infinitely wary.

The woman responded with muffled screams at hearing the lifeless man now speak. Her chair suddenly rocking with force that had all but left her until this moment. The sound of steel scratching against the hard floor echoed against the walls. Outside, Tim's dark chuckle sounded. Pressing a button, he brought the lights to come on in full flare. His eyes turned away from the sudden glare beyond the window. A lazy knuckle wrapped against the window. Once. Twice. Three times. Then he turned his profile to the window, he pressed the intercom.

"What do you think of her Gid?"

Alive and full of blood, she'd been placed just out of reach and the squirming hadn't managed to put her any closer.

He started at the muffled screaming, and hardly had a chance to open his mouth to speak either reassurances or admonishments before those lights washed the room in searing brightness.

"Ggrrrnnnh!!" Eyes shut tight against the burning, blinding light, face turned to press into the rise of his shoulder uselessly. He was a state, already pale skin gone to stark white, and reduced to translucency where it was thinnest, showing the latticework of dark blue veins under its surface round his eyes, in the crooks of elbows, across his chest and throat. His chest and the dark pants they had mercifully left him with smeared with the black-brown of dried blood. Gideon snarled at the sound of Tim's voice over the intercom and responded with a rather rude hand gesture whose full merit was somewhat cut short by the fact that arms could not move much. He writhed in the pain of that light, kept eyes shut tight as he bared teeth toward the door.

"Go f*ck yourself, Tim. I won't touch her."

"Wouldn't blame you, mate. She's not nearly as fun as our little Clover. Cries too much for one."

His tone was kept casual and friendly, it was hard to take any gestures or words too badly when he had the upper hand. Tim certainly didn't feel like Gideon was just toying with him this time. He pressed a button and the door opened. as the door shut behind him and Eddan, Tim's feet carried him over to the girl who had, indeed, started to cry again. Tim shook his head in fatherly disappointment. A hand lifted to cup the girl's cheek in a hard grasp, keeping her from squirming away. He forced her head to the side with one hand as the other came out with the wicked switch blade from his pocket.

"Such a waste."

Gideon stepped back blindly as he heard the door swing open, forced pale eyes into slits to see against the brilliant light. Figures swam black, watery silhouettes against the white background. Tim bent over the chair, knife in hand, the terrified girl straining in her chair. He rushed to the end of chains without thinking, and earned himself a searing jolt of electricity for it that drew a hard shout of pain as he slumped toward the floor limply, hanging loose from his bonds before feet could find themselves again, and only with a struggle.

"Le-leave her alone. Just...let her go. Please." Ah and it was the please that tasted bitter and and foul as dirt in the mouth, but he said it with sincerity anyway.

Rich that was, Tim looked toward Gideon and the darkness within shown through unabated. His hate of everything a shadow far blacker than that Gideon awoke to every night.

"Let her go? 'Fraid I can't do that Gid."

Tears fell from fear widened eyes, duct tape continued to muffle her screams. Not needed down here, but Tim had grown tired of her pleas and pathetic bribing. What did he care if there were people waiting for her? No one had ever been waiting for him. His grip tightened on her jaw.

"You won't have her an' I've had my fun. Only one hasn't had a piece is Eddy boy here... and he'll get his after."

Eddan watched from the sidelines with his gear. Yellow eyes glowed. Unconsciously a tongue rolled out in hungry wait.

The narrowed slants of Gideon's eyes slid toward the pitiful monster in question and his mouth curled in disgust. He could only begin to imagine what Eddan would want with the girl, and it nauseated him. He paced to the ends of chains, more carefully this time, letting arms fall back behind him as far as bone and joint would allow.

"Then f*cking give her to me. Just don't...don't do that."

He nodded toward the blade. The waste of it all, more blood split hot and and wanting upon the cold floor to taunt the pain of his hunger higher and fiercer, the useless waste of life just to torment him.

"Look, I don't give a sh*t what you do to me, just please..." again that hard word, he grimaced, "Leave her alone. She never did anything to you, why hurt her?"

Long hours in the dark must be taking their toll if Gideon's arguments had become reduced to this level.

He watched Gideon move in his chains, secure in the knowledge that the man couldn't touch him. His smile was dark all through Gideon's argument. Tim planned to do what he wanted to Gideon as that cold smirking smile said it more than words ever could.

At Gideon's last statement, Tim's features folded into a thoughtful pose. He looked down at the girl, almost as though he was looking at her and seeing her humanity. Perhaps Gideon and the girl would think some part of Tim that was actually human had been reached. He moved toward the girl's side, his grip softening. Unfortunately, that part didn't exist. Just as smoothly, the mask of humanity was killed by that devil's smile and his grip returned.

"Why? Because it's fun."

The sentence punctuated with the blade biting across the flesh of her neck, sending a spray of blood forth.

Gideon choked on whatever words of protest rushed his throat, too late, too little, his face whipping aside as the hot spray of the girl's blood hit him, spattering ruby drops of life across face, throat and chest like some grotesque Pollack painting.

He backed away, glaring chill hatred at Tim with all the sharp intensity of a large cat caged and tormented, pupils dilated to pinpricks. He ran his tongue over his lower lip and caught a taste, sucked that lip between his teeth hungrily, glaring balefully at the other male all the while. Hard not to taste that tease of the hot blood whose scent not stung the air and not be washed in fervent images of ripping Tim's throat out, swallowing the life as it gushed from him, breaking bones to suck the blood from the very marrow as he howled. Gideon growled soft and low, something feral seizing hold of the back of his brain and sinking claws in deep.

Smirking, Tim tipped the chair over. The body was out of reach, but maybe the pool of blood would seep toward Gideon. He could only imagine the thoughts that danced behind the vampire's eyes. Tim looked over the blood on his knife, frowning that the whore had dirtied his blade. His steps carried him further away and he wiped the blood off on Eddan's purple polo shirt.

"Now I'll have to go out and fetch us a new one."

As Tim moved so did Gideon, steps tracking him to the length and breadth that chain would allow, red murder in the icy depths of those eyes. Let the girl bleed, it was a torment now, but no use to him unless the pool of it seeped closer, and even then he was not nearly hungry enough to give Tim the satisfaction of watching him lap dead blood from the floor like an animal - not yet. The stuff had the pull of a magnet though, and he sank to his knees straining toward it as the glass shards of his eyes drifted slowly away from the object of his fury, down to the poor, hapless dead thing slouched just out of reach, pouring beauty upon the floor in slowly congealing clumps.

"What do you think Gid? 'Nother brunette? Blonde? Maybe you're in the mood for something strong, or exotic."

A casual air for the business he discussed, he watched the pool widen and get closer to Gideon. He'd willingly waited for the moment Gideon would lap at the blood like the dog he was.

"Maybe a redhead?" Eddan offered his voice hungry, eyes on the girl. Thoughts far away from watching what he said.

Gideon's eye flicked upward as dark brows drew down.


He breathed the word, fury dying slow deaths within to fear. Tim wouldn't, surely.


He felt the warmth of that sticky puddle seep close, soak the knees of his pants. So difficult to restrain himself, to keep from trying to double over uselessly against those chains to get to the foul, cooling stuff.

"What the hell did I ever do to you, Tim? What did she ever do to you?"

Hard to say if he spoke of the dead girl before them or the redhead that Eddan's thoughtless inquiry brought to mind.

Tim was slow to register Eddan's words, his eyes and thoughts intent on watching Gideon's predicament. Gideon registered the words and reacted to them, which was the only thing that saved Eddan from Tim's would-have-been response. No. No Tim wouldn't give that one to Gideon or the creepy joke of a being beside him, not before getting what he needed. Clover was his.

"You? You got in my way, Gid."

His anger boiled, he remained mute on the crimes of the redhead.

Through the exchange Eddan must have realized what his words might have implied. He could have guess what Tim might have done to him for suggesting it. The lanky being moved to the side, torn between wanting to leave the room and his own hunger. Not for blood, but skin and all that which laid within.

"Got in your way?"

He struggled to his feet, paced a short back and forth of hobbles steps in his bindings.

"Got in your f*cking way?!"

Voice pitched to a roar.

"All this, you sadistic a*shole, because I got in your way?!!"

He launched himself at Tim, chains caught and held tight, and he howled as the electric current made limbs useless, lit up every nerve in a blinding flash of pain. When he swung back he slumped on knees on the floor, head hanging as shoulders shuddered with gulped breaths before their rise and fall gave way to a trembling, sour laughter.

He was never going to tire of seeing Gideon getting those electric shocks. His blade was folded up and then tucked away as he mused over Gideon's sour laughter. Perhaps Gideon thought the punished didn't fit the crime?

Eddan's focus on his hunger was distracted by the lunging vampire, less secure than his partner in his own safety. He jumped back.


Tim remarked at Eddan, grabbing the draining equipment and pushing the man toward the door.

"Give us some alone time."

He watched Eddan's retreat, all too happy to get out of there. The creature's eyes lingered a moment on the body of the girl... but there would be time later, during the day, when it was safer for it. Tim moved to set the gear down on a steel table. With his hand again free, he pulled out a pack of smokes--put one to his lips and lit up.

That laughter died away slowly and Gideon knelt silent for a long moment, hanging hard from the chains, pale eyes listlessly watching the pool of blood upon the floor, darkly shimmering in the bright lights of the room that made everything seem unnaturally hot, far too close to sunlight for his tastes. He drifted forward slightly, unthinking, mouth parted slightly as the blood called to him and the hunger howled in response. The snick of a lighter, though and the sharp scent of nicotine laced smoke snapped him out of it, however. Oh, one of his other vices, one that no amount of preternatural blood could cure. He glanced up hopefully, inhaling slow... oh for a taste of that.

Tim set the pack and lighter aside on the table. Speaking with the cigarette bouncing in the side of his mouth.

"Maybe after your dinner."

Two fingers plucked the cylinder from his lips, the hand waving in an easy gesture toward the pool of blood on the floor. Tim was back to wearing his charm-school smile.

"Dig in, Gid."

Gideon shook his head slowly, one corner of his mouth curling upward in the shadow of one of those smiles he affected so well.

"After you." Eyes narrowed to feline slants. "I'll lick that sh*t off the floor after you do." He glanced down at the puddle in question and lent forward to sniff at it discerningly.

"I hope you didn't f*ck this one, Tim..." He sniffed once more and grinned up at the other with pleasure. "I'm afraid she had a rather nasty disease. Bet she might have told you if you bothered to take her gag off, hm? Or maybe not..."

Tim's eyes narrowed at Gideon, then relaxed. He found his calm center. He took a long drag from the cigarette and then dug out the little control device Elias had gotten him. Going against his chains wasn't the only way for Gideon to earn a good shock, mouthing off to the jailer worked just as well. Tim sent a stream of electricity through his hostage. Two heartbeats, then he stopped. One heart beat,

"F*ck you, Gid." Sadistic jester's smile in place.


Amazing how that current worked, how there was no fight against it, no will that could resist it. It drew the screams out of him pitch perfect and left him disoriented, weak and confused. He let his head fall back limply to grin up at Tim.

"Oh so you did f*ck her then?"

He panted, swallowed dryly as he drew the scattered bits of himself together again slowly.

"That's a shame. I'd tell you to go see a doctor but I don't know how much use it would be."

"I'll be sure t' follow up on th' advice."

His tone carrying that he either didn't buy it or wasn't concerned if what Gideon said was true.

"In th' mean time..." Another shock of electricity. He stopped after only a heartbeat as a thought occurred to him,

"Think I should tell Clover?" Wicked grin in his own amusement at the implication.


He rocked back against the chains, entire body clenched to perfect rigidity each time the current kicked in. He groaned softly once it released and spat upon the floor, right into the blood black puddle before letting his head wobble back against his shoulder to glare up at Tim.

"What, tell her you have a disease that will kill her? And break with your already stellar record of trustworthy behavior?" Sarcasm dripped heavy from that tone.

The room echoed with his laughter, amusement at Gideon's comment of Clover getting killed. Prick didn't even know what he fucked with. He moved closer with the cigarette in hand, but remained out of reach even if Gideon forced his binding.

"Dun think either of us have t'worry about anything, mate." Flicking the lit smoke at Gideon's face.

He hissed and whipped his face to the side, enough that the cherry of the flying cigarette hit the line of his jaw and failed to catch him square int he face. Where the fire touched skin scorched black in a long line, and this time did not heal. No this was a pain that went clear to the bone, and he gritted teeth against a string of hot obscenities that could have turned the air blue. He made a start toward Tim but thought better of it, and stilled himself as that thin line throbbed at his jaw.

"Yeah? I'm sure that's what she thought too." He retorted, nodding at the girl collapsed adjacent.

A hard foot pressed against the chair the girl remained bound in, forcing it away from the two of them.

"She didn't have what I have."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small vial of red blood. Dancing the bottle between two fingers.

"What d'y' think Gig, wanna give it a go?" His other hand tapped his own jaw in reflection of where Gideon's skin had been damaged.

"Likely not." He fished out his little blade again, "Tell you what. It's better than what you got in you."

He made a show of pricking his finger in a long cut, taunting Gideon with it. Too far. He opened the vial, got a drop of blood on another finger and applied it to the cut, rubbing it in. Licking off his own blood from the finger, he showed a fresh--undamaged digit to Gideon.

Gideon watched unimpressed, the only real torment there was the scent of Tim's own blood. He'd had it before and the memory of taste rocked him forward slightly, hunger pushing at him with hard hands, parting lips in yearning for a second before That wound closed and Tim himself licked away the little drop of blood. He shut his mouth with an effort and rolled eyes away.

"Nice parlor trick." He shrugged one already raised shoulder. "My blood could to the same, so what?"

"Your blood is death. This is life."

It was all obvious to Tim. Gideon's blood was as tempting as disgusting rot. He flicked the blade closed and put away both the vial and blade. Moving away, he picked up the chair the woman's body remained in and righted it. His hands moving to undo the bindings now that the struggled had left her once and for all.

"Well lets hope it lives up to the hype. You know I'd hate to see you rot away and die." Gideon growled quietly as he rose to his feet, determined to keep them this time.

"Bet th'thought tears y'up inside." Duct tape removed from her lips, he patted her cheek. "Eddan's gonna see t'you, love."

He moved her around, let her sit there with dead haunted eyes, watching Gideon and then chuckled to himself. Tim headed toward the door without another word.

"Oh yeah, I weep at the thought of it."

He rubbed the burn of his cheek against his upraised shoulder, wincing at the renewal of pain that blistered there, left a black smudge of his blood across the top of the pale round of muscle. He drew a breath as Tim headed for the door. Anything, this torment, Tim's constant jabs, all of it was better than being left alone in the dark, alone with that puddle of cold blood and his own demons. He took a half a pace forward.

"Don't go."

The words were out before he could stop them and he recoiled at his own pathetic nature.

Priceless. Tim smirked over his shoulder, his tone amused.

"I have to. You wasted y'r dinner, now I have t'go get more. Tsk. Tsk."

He stepped through the door and let it close behind him. Steel blue eyes looking in through the window as his voice came over the intercom once more,

"Maybe next time you'll do as you're told. Pleasant dreams, Gid."

The voice cut off with the failing lights, leaving Gideon alone in the dark with the dead girl. Her throat smiling into the shadows, awaiting daylight and Eddan's return.


Date: 2011-07-25 23:32 EST
Tim gave Gideon two full nights of solitude in that consuming darkness. The brunette's body would be gone the first night he awoke, not that he would be able to see it--but he could sense it. As surely as he could sense the lingering scent of Eddan, eviscerating the body for his meal. Little bits left here and there to rot away in reminder of the life that had ended. How many more would it be? The third night came and hours would pass, leaving Gideon to wonder if he would spend another night alone. Then footsteps sounded out in the hall. Four sets.

Gideon knelt there in the black, feeling the bones of knees digging into the chill unforgiving cement, feeling every little flaw and stone in the sweep and pour of the concrete under calves, ankles gone from burning to numb under the weight of him, arms done screaming pain for the night in their constant, uplifted wingspan. His head hung limp, chin brushing chest as the tedium ticked ever onwards.

He had tried, in those long hours he thought he was awake, tried to reach out with the connections he'd made, screamed within the confines of his own mind for those who could hear him; for Catlin, for True...even at last for Kestrel. He howled their names in the abyss of his own thoughts, and despaired. Reach them or no, hear him or not he had no way of knowing where he was or how they could ever reach him. He could have been spirited long ways from the city, could have been in another world for all he knew.

He thought of Catlin and broke himself with the memories, regrets. Such little time spent in each other's company and yet the beautiful, bullheaded blonde wraith had saved him from himself when he'd been at his worse, but he could do nothing when Kestrel had come and run him out, run him away. He thought of True and wept, his own, his last. The dark, masochistic, exquisite boy who'd eagerly, greedily gathered up all the bitter, broken shards of Gideon's black heart as if they were a treasure, nursed and nurtured each little splinter of himself until he'd tindered that small spark; the ability to care, to love even, once more. How much time had he wasted, how much of his faith and of himself had he given to others who cast his offerings underfoot, that he could have given to True?

When he had to at last push these thoughts away or go mad he could not, did not, dared not think of Kestrel. Surely in this place the thoughts of her, the things she did to him, brought out in him would drive him clear over the sheer cliffs of insanity. So instead he hung, silent and steadfast in the darkness, until those footfalls came. He lifted his head, weakly, pressed his face into his shoulder, eyes screwed tight, awaiting the blinding brilliance that might follow....gods, how he hoped it would follow.

The shock of light did not come, though the doors opened. Hushed whispers and the soft sound of two girls giggling. The air carried their perfumes, heavy with pheromones, liquor and smoke--the heat of bodies used to being crammed tightly together in the press of some high beneath the flashing lights of some seedy night club. Eddan's footsteps shuffled as the door shut behind the little party. One set of heels followed him and another followed those. Two chairs scraped as bodies were lowered and the heavy fall of Tim's feet echoed in a slow easy stride, steps that had walked this room in the daylight hours and grown comfortable with the layout. He rested a hand on the shoulder of each guest, leaning between them.

"Ready ladies?"

Gideon recoiled at the lack of light, save for the thin sliver of dingy yellow the door gave up from the hallway upon its opening. Not enough to illuminate him, but enough for his eyes to make out silhouettes. Not that he needed sight to see what lay ahead, nor to see the women brought into the room. Their heartbeats, throbbing hard illuminated each in the black with a dull red glow, heat radiating from them infrared, filling each greedy, flushed vein and capillary with an obscene ruby hued glow in the pitch black.

Perhaps, once, his kind had been truly nocturnal, not just in necessity but in primal nature. He could feel his breath kick up a notch, feel the muscles of his chest strain as he yearned toward that heat even as the scent of cheap perfume, stale sweat and sticky, overused sex nauseated him.

Tim straightened, pressing the lights on. The glaring brightness causing himself and Eddan to wince and blink. The girls had been spared the pain as each of them sported a black little blind fold. They'd been plucked right out of the press of bodies from the night club that night, from one of the more modern districts by all appearances.

Strappy stiletto heels, manicured and pedicured nails, short sequined dresses that were little more than glorified slips. They wore hip necklaces that declared them BFFs. Sun and Moon the girls liked to call themselves. Sun being the platinum blonde with the golden dress, blue polish and red, red lips. Moon with hair dyed black with blue streaks, a silver dress, purple polish and matching glitter touched lips. They leaned into each others, grasping hands and wearing eager nervous smiles. It was all a game to them. Come see a real vampire. Tim, grinning, let Gideon see them first. Then helped eased down their blindfolds. Each girl had unremarkable brown eyes, Sun's darker than Moon's. They opened wide in a drug-heightened awe.

Stupid, of him, that - to lean and list forward, straining through the black toward the girls. His eyes had been wide open when those lights came on, and chains rattled against each other violently as he snapped back with a sharp cry of pain as he was blinded. Too far he fled at the current of electricity licked warnings that sent him hunching forward.

Come see a real vampire? Let's hope the girls did not have high expectations. Gideon was a beautiful wreck - pale, nearly translucently white adonis glowing in the searing light of the room, dark veins etched to blue black rivers running like a map under the surface of skin too smooth, too perfect, smeared with the sticky black crust of dried blood across chest and throat, even darker remnants of the stuff left down the planes of his cheeks and jaw. What might have been handsome features contorted in pain as even through his lids the light burned like a firebrand.

"So brutal." Came Sun's voice.

"So raw." Echoed Moon.

The fingers of their hands entwined, sharing this moment, feeling so connected with each other and everything as the cocktail Tim had given them ran through their veins. Everything was beautiful and welcoming, every truth laid out before their eyes.

"That's no way to greet your guests, Gid." Tim shamed Gideon from behind the girls' backs, a tick-tock of his finger.

His voice called them back to him, Tim, their spirit guide on the amazing journey. They turned to look at him hopefully. Sun watching him with puppy eyes,

"And we can have a taste?"

Tim ran a gentle hand over her hair, then looked to Gideon,

"What d'y'say, mate?"

Gideon growled agony as he struggled to see, blinking hard against the light to no avail. It seemed long minutes before he could even bring his pale eyes to the smallest slants, head still tucked protectively against his upraised arm, peering from under the thin shadow it cast. Silver-blue slits flicked from Tim to the women and back again, uncomprehending.

"A taste?"

Of what, of him? Contorted features glared blank misery up at Tim. He could not take being left alone with the scent of hot blood chilling into congealed globules upon the floor, could to stand to watch one more person slaughtered uselessly in front of him. Slowly, infinitesimally, he nodded.

As Tim asked Gideon, the girls turned toward him. A squeal of delight lifting from them as hands clapped together. All their other girlfriends would be so jealous. When both girls made to rise, Tim halted them in place.

"Tsk, tsk. You cannot overwhelm him with such beauty."

He looked between the pair, his finger dancing from one to the other.


His eyes moved toward Gideon in indication as Sun was torn between being happy for her friend and pouting for herself. Tim helped Moon to rise on her shaky feet, but offered her no further assistance to approach within the reach of Gideon's bonds. As her swaying steps brought her closer, Tim took the seat now open beside Sun. Fingers brushing hair away from an ear so he could whisper,

"Save the best for last, that's what I say."

Giving Sun a wink that killed her pout as he laid on the charm. He drew her lips to his, sun being eager and ready to need no other encouragement to kiss him. All the effort she put into it was wasted, his kept his steel blues on Moon as she approached Gideon.

The rise of Gideon's chest stalled as Moon rose, tipsy, off her chair and the hard click of her heels crossed the concrete that lay between them. Chin lifted as he blinked up at her, tall creature cast into a halo against the brilliant lights overhead. Hands unfolded, a slow sweep of fingers that curled round their chains as he turned his face upward and offered the girl the thinnest arc of a silent smile.

Moon, in rapture, watched his face. She smiled nervously, a girl in her first seven minutes in heaven experience. Her tongue moistened her lips as she was unsure how to progress, but only thought to move closer.

"M Moon.." She managed to slur.

"Hullo, Moon."

He managed, parched throat making a mockery of what had been his voice, though the accent still rung clear enough, thicker perhaps for its disuse. Those lights were too bright, he had to drop his pained squint of a gaze up at her, lids working against the haze of black tears that tried and failed to thickly soothe the sting.

Tentatively, she reached out a hand. Small, frail fingers wiping away at the black tears. Her gesture so kind and at odds with the surroundings. Brown eyes gazed upon the ruined beast and say beauty and for a moment she existed in this empathetic bubble between them. But her mind was lost, dosed out by the high and only wanting more. Just a slowly, her hand moved from his face and tasted the black blood of his tears.

Touch....gods, touch... He shuddered at it. Gideon craved touch the way an addict did heroin. Denied so long, the soft sweep of fingers set nerves on fire and swept his mind to a bank slate with the crashing euphoria of a fresh high. He was on his feet before he knew how he managed to get there, knees locking to hold numbed legs in place.

Standing he had a good few inches on the girl licking the black bliss of his veins from her fingertips, letting that dark poison work its pretty magic in her already drug besotted mind, curling round all the deep desires, all the dirty wants and making them real, stoking sensation to its boiling point. He canted his head to one side slowly, offered up a shallow remnant of what was once a charming smile, made no less so for the state of him, only for the hollowness reflected in the glacial depth of those eyes.

"Come here, Moon..."

As Moon took a step forward, Tim pulled back from Sun. Smirking at the renewed life that Gideon suddenly showed. He didn't let the girl get any closer before he sent that electricity to burn its way through Gideon.


No sooner was the command given than the creature-boy was there, pulling the stunned Moon back to her seat. The pain only ceasing when she was out of reach.

Tim stood, exchanging his place for Moon and placing a finger to cover any protests from Sun as he went.

"Stay, girls."

Giving them a grin. He moved beyond the edge of Gideon's reach and scratched his head. Then looked to Gideon, all smiles.


It rung off the barren walls, and seemed all the louder for the echo. He went rigid with the shock, shook uncontrollably before stumbling backwards a pace as the current finally gave up its hold, gulping air like a man drowning though he didn't need a breath of it. Habits of the mind, unconscious little reflexes never died.

Sweet promise denied, drug away only to be replaced with Tim's smug face. That he'd once entertained some rather wicked thoughts of enjoying that man now haunted him. He'd become a rather horrific judge of character, that much was clear, and far too comfortable in the illusions of his own permanence, though even now death was nothing he stood scared of, a large part of him not truly believing either Tim nor Elias were capable of his murder. Call it denial for sanity's sake, call it hubris, whatever it was it caused him to offer that same eat shit smile right back to Tim.

"Oh...jealous?" he managed to get out.

"Not at all. You can't touch what's mine anymore. Not from this little cell."

A glance back to the ladies, Eddan was entertaining them, giving them each a small pill to calm them from the suddenness of Gideon's screams. Little lambs, ready for the slaughter. Tim lowered his voice for Gideon,

"I'd be happy to give you one, but we need something in return."

Tim snapped his fingers and Eddan left the girls to each others attention, something they marveled in as their lips and bodies pressed together. Tim smirked his enjoyment before flicking a hand for Eddan toward the draining equipment. Then to Gideon,

"Blood for blood."

Gideon returned Tim's smirk with his own incredulity.

"Don't tell me you're bloody asking? Like you almost have manners. Hold on, I may faint."

Eyes drifted away from the dripping sarcasm of his retort however, toward the girls now lost in each other in a rather delicious tangle, words trailing off before he snapped to again, turning his face back toward Tim.

"Don't patronize me, Tim. Just f*cking take what you will."

He nodded, pleased. A hand ushered Eddan into the danger zone to collect the blood. Eddan looked displeased with the idea, but it was a risk Tim was more than willing to take. Letting his eyes drift instead to the two girls, watching Sun's hand creep beneath the hem of Moon's dress.

Gideon exhaled roughly and dropped slow to his knees for Eddan, providing that the other planned to be kind enough to take from one of the arteries above the waist. He watched the repugnant creature cautiously, but would behave. There was no harm he could do the thing without using his mouth, and he'd lick dirt from the floor before he'd have whatever stuff Eddan was made of wedged between his sharp teeth.

Into the artery the needle went. Eddan watched his work like a pro. His nose sneered, however, having no taste for the black blood he was collecting. He has a greater fondness for the red blood, especially that from the goddess. His yellowed eyes peered at Tim's back. So so softly.

"He'll kill you t'get what he wantssss."

Gideon offered Eddan a slight upturn of one corner of his mouth.

"He'll have to get in line then, mate. He's got about five people ahead of him waiting for that pleasure."

He turned attention to eye the sharp jab of the needle stuck deep in his skin and smiled as the flow stopped short all too soon. He healed too quick for that sort of game, and blood ran too thick without replenishment. This was not going to be easy. With a sigh he turned his face away and laid his head against his opposite arm, watching the pair of doxies across the room in aloof boredom.

"No line here."

Eddan pointed out before going to the task of opening and reopening the wound. At the very least the containers kept the blood caught up fresh. It was a long time until Eddan had all that they wanted for the time being, three pints. By that point the girls had found their way to the floor and Tim had taken up a seat for the show, pulling out a smoke to enjoy.

With the blood collected, Eddan moved away, leaving the equipment aside and giving Tim a nod before her made his way out of the room with the blood.

Gideon knelt docile, silently listless through the ordeal save a wince here and there when Eddan reopened the wound with another stab of that sharp needle. When the creature was done at last he rose again, hungry, tired of waiting and feeling the strain of the blood loss fueling weakness and the insatiability of his thirst. He drew his lower lip in between his teeth, licked lightly at its parched surface.

Tim sat a while longer, watching the girls at their play. They for the time were more interesting than the pitiful visage of Gideon. Still, with Eddan moved on, Tim took note that he also had tasks needing his attention. He would want to finish up here for the night. He took a long drag and smirked as he stood, not at all disturbing the girls at their pleasure. He moved over to a drawer and opened it, taking out two items: a sack of blood from some other victim of theirs and a black dog bowl with the name 'Gideon' on it. Tim held it up for the vampire to see,

"Made it special for you."

He chuckled around his smoke and walked over to the rim of the safety zone. There he tore the pouch of blood open and spilled it into the bowl, setting it on the ground and booting it over to Gideon in a manner that likely spilled more than it transferred.

Gideon stared down at the plastic bowl of dead filth that skittered across the floor to a sloshing halt at his feet, sopping them, the floor and the hem of his pants in the sticky stench. He gazed down at it for a long moment before a swift kick of one foot sent the thing flying for Tim's face.

It was good aim for being locked up and starving. The bowl hit Tim's face and the flight splashed him with the remnants of the blood from the dish. Even so, Tim's gaze remained calm and he smiled darkly at Gideon, giving him a slow shake of his head. Gideon hadn't learned to behave yet. He put his hands up in a shrug.

"Have i' y'r way, mate." Turning and collecting the girls from the floor, he spoke to them, "Let's move this party elsewhere. Eddan's got just what you ladies need."

Thy Virtue

Date: 2011-07-25 23:59 EST
I open up my head
Inside I find another person's mind
I'm gonna take this chance I've got
I'm underlying as we speak
Hiding my face among the weak
Some say the day is on the way
Into the wild
On with the mission
Over the hill
Come here with me
Into the wild
- 30 Seconds To Mars

The boy does not dream. Never dreams. His length and lank keep a calm peace, a quiet that sticks to the small mattress as if he were tied there, placed there to suffer the schedule of some cruel prison guard. Keeping vampire hours has been somewhat of a hardship, and though True can go days on end with only snippets of sleep to fuel his drive for more (of everything), he eventually crashes like a kumquat to the earth, shuts down, and slips into the black.

And in the black, there is nothing. There is nowhere. Until there is Gideon's voice, pouring through the door. Gideon's wanton whispers, cold breezes at his ears, light touches to his face, to his hair, and the moan of shifting pallet as he joins his lover in the tiny bed.

This time he wakes to a wailing, not a whisper. This time he wakes to bright and distant panic, ejecting him from that nothing-space where memories go to die.

In a second, he knows. In a minute, he is on his feet, tugging the blue of his jeans to his waist, forgoing a shirt as he trips into his shoes.


He can feel the pull of his lover's blood, the surge of that dark sacrament screaming within him, sending a shock of words that reform as broken whimpers. Wherever Gideon is, he is in agony. The message is senseless, abridged.

In a fit of frustration, True takes to the door, ramming it free of it's frame without the benefit of a fabric barrier for his hand. His bare skin sizzles on contact with the iron, burns a two-degree signature that rushes the water to his eyes.

He is quick to break to a run, this too-tall weeping figure moving swiftly down the stairs, out of sight, but not out of every line of eyes. For one set watches him like they watch all slip-sliding spirits of the in-between. She even reaches out a hand to snag the belt loop of his jeans, tears it free as he glides past.

"Do naut go, Raven!" He can hear the call of the little patchwork seer, her lilting singsong voice boxing his ears, but he does not heed her words. He knows his destination, knows the road he will need to take, knows the name of every tree that lines the property. He remembers the route he took that night, hidden from his lover, stalking him in secret.

Gideon never knew how he followed him, how he came to know the place he called home. That invasion of privacy the boy thought better of revealing. Gideon had his pretty little lies. True had his by omission.

'Where do you go when you go?'

Through the fog, he comes on like a chameleon, taking the shape of spinning, swirling leaves, the brown, wet earth, the dynamic, midnight shadows.

And then he is just a boy, too tall and barely dressed, sucking the iron sting out of his burned hands. Through the gate, he goes. His alarm has rendered him a touch pale, so much so that looks a ray of moonlight lost a midst so much dark greenery.

This place is his first and last resort. He has no idea where Gideon is, and no hope of finding him unless he manages to unlock those clues here, in Gideon's home, 'home where it's safe.' With any luck, might he find someone else within those walls that could provide him with assistance?

He does not even have to rap upon that door. He's a handshake away when it opens unto him.

His eyes, that lakewater blue, burn with both urgency and relief.

But he doesn't know it yet.

His luck is as black as the coiffed curls of her hair.


Date: 2011-07-27 00:18 EST
her heart shivers in my hand
she's melting on me like cotton candy
i make the faces that make you cry
i want you more when you're afraid of
my disease, disease is draining me
anymore you're not so "pretty please"
disease, disease is draining me
i want you more when you're afraid of me
i will break you inside out
you are mine, you are mine
- Marilyn Manson

Kestrel wastes no time gathering in the glum-looking thing on the doorstep, sweetening his mood with careful words and soft, cautious touches. Dressed to the nines in designer black, she makes no inquiries as to the whereabouts of his shirt. The burns upon his hands are another matter entirely. Out of sorts with Gideon?s mental groanings, she does her best to put on the show of happy hostess, coaxing her guest to cross the threshold, to select a seat on the sofa.

Once there, the boy continues his hysterics, setting his hands vice-tight against his temples, rocking forward with a whine. Kestrel shares his agony, but doesn?t share his concern. If Gideon?s troubles truly overwhelm him, he wasn?t worth the time and effort she has already put into his development. The mysterious drama is exactly the sort of test Kestrel could only hope for. Should he emerge victorious from his current predicament, then and only then will she rev up her plans.

For now, there is too-tall True to deal with, sobbing uncontrollably into one of the sofa cushions. She only managed to wrangle his name free between bursts of ?Gideon!? and relentless crying. She kills the space between them within distinct intervals of time, like a spider ascending from tier to tier of its own web.

?Mon amour, ne pleure pas.? She is suddenly beside him, atop him, resting her hip to the arm of that sofa, pencil skirt rising mid-thigh in the move. She begins by spinning comfort into his mussed onyx crown, soothing fingers finding a pattern of scalp to touch and trace. Courteous, she seems, with a smile that assures the sun will rise again come morning.

?I-I.. don?t understand. Are you Gideon?s lover? Are you like him? Do you know where he is?? Spent by his tears, the stripling stares blank into her blue eyes, midnight waters lapping across the gaze of his own neon notes.

Her lips form a line of displeasure the instant that second question is sounded. My, how her brother chose so many mortals to confide in. But somehow, she knows this one is not mortal. He is the creature on the road she felt, unseen through the glass. And too, he buzzes with an energy no mortal could ever muster. His eyes hold the look of some sylvan place, even though he has tried to mask it by strange fashion, by way of silver. Kestrel grants light touches to the little rings that roll and wink her way, the lip, the brow, and into the ear. She buries her hand there, just at the nape of his neck.

?I am many things, mon cher, But he does call me soeur - sister. Je m?appelle Kestrel, but you may not call me that, beautiful one.?

The admission of shared ancestry is enough for him to halt his bleating, at least for a while. ?Can?t you hear him too? Can you help find him?? He sniffs, his shoulders rolling back under the feather light reign of Kestrel?s fingers.

?Oui, I hear him. Perhaps mon petit fr?re is among the roses. I dreamed I lost him there.? Her fingers track a shiver the boy lets loose under her watch. Gently, she eases him forward, moving her touch to trace the fine ivy inklings that bloom and coil across half of his back.

?Clever. He has hidden his name.?

The boy is malleable, and falls forward easy under the gentle persuasion of fingers and a voice that croons sweetly between two different tongues. Yet her nonchalance is a cause for concern, and though True keeps slightly bent for further examination, he can taste his own anxiety again, like bile rising at the back of his throat.

?Roses? Kestrel, your brother. He?s my lover. He?s in trouble?? True tries to explain what might be misunderstood between clashing cultures and foreign accents. He knows little to none about vampire genealogy, and the thought that the woman might not be all there forms three new frown lines over his forehead.

?I told you, mon cher,? she says, crushing her mouth close to the forward curl of his body, to the very point where peach fuzz hair meets the start of his spine, ?you are not to call me that.? The hand that once explored the regions of a tattoo now joins the other, caging the throat of the boy that looks at her with such worry in his eyes. Horror in the next second. Rage in the third.

True?s hands rise in an attempt to unravel the woman?s hold on his neck, but she only grins two breaths from his nose, angled forward and completely obstructing any view of the rest of the room. It is no use. She is just as strong as Gideon, if not stronger.

?Pl-please.. Wh-we have t-to help him..? With an audible gulp, the boy fidgets in place, pulling in his appendages, arms and legs, tight to a coil, as if in fear that she might snatch one off. She is his only link to Gideon. He?ll try to appease her, wheel and deal, pulsing his unexplored changeling charm.


?Save your pleading for your own sake, my young True.? Her hold on his throat tightens for as long as he chooses to move. Quick witted, the boy senses the rules of her game and freezes a few short moments after.

?I prefer to spend my time pursuing other fancies. Like discovering what you are...?


Date: 2011-07-27 01:06 EST
Any time Tim tried to take his mind away from it, it turned circles and came right back around. What was Clover doing so close to the clinic? What brought her out here? That blue-headed guy? Gideon? Could Gideon reach Clover? The thoughts ate and ate at him, darkening his already dark persona. He was close, too close to have his plans go array. Gideon wasn't taking him seriously enough.

Even Eddan had back talked him when he returned from his errands. Well the little gangly freak wouldn't be giving him lip again, not for a while, not until they unwired his healing jaw. That thought gave Tim comfort as he sat and waited in Gideon's room for night to fall. A pleasant surprise for Gideon, to wake up not alone or in the dark. Though maybe it would not be as pleasant as it seemed.

Tim was marred with scratches, bruises and blood. The dark red splattered from his white beater, over his jeans and down to his black boots. He hunched over, smoke floating into the air from the cigarette he considered. On the floor beside him a brown burlap sack, the bottom of it socked through with blood. Between his feet sat Gideon's dog dish, empty for the time being.

Gideon hung lifeless, like a specimen pinned upon a curio board, useless for all its beauty. Good as clockwork, though the second sun touched horizon he stirred. It was a gradual thing, first a slow tense of the smaller muscles that held the body upright, gave it shape, kept the living from the torpor of the dead...then the a slow shudder and a sudden suck of breath as the nervous system's more primitive functions awoke ahead of full consciousness.

Gradually his head lolled upward and he woke with a low moan, arms burning and legs cramping anew. This time however...there was a small change. He woke to light, and the heat, the breath and scent of someone else in his cell, and the eyes he lifted burned cold hunger in their depths. He was beginning to look the part of one starved and drained,
hollow-eyed and grasping at reality, grasping for a hold on himself with weak fingers that were starting to slip. His head swam with the scent of blood that stained Tim and the air around him, and he had to work to focus upon the man seated before him. No darkness, no silence. Tim. Gideon smiled weakly.


Tim was in no mood for friendly greetings. Iced steel blue eyes regarded the vampire with no restraint on his hate. Alone in a cell with Tim at this time would have worked out badly for most, indeed, it already had for a few. But Tim needed Gideon, he was the sacrificial pawn to bring in the queen. He pulled his anger into check, took a slow breath in and held it, then exhaled through his teeth.

"No one knows you're here. No one is coming for you." Tim spoke the words slow and clear, his voice soaked in indifference. "This is your grave, Gideon. This is where you're going to rot."

Tim stood up, sucking on the end of that stick. He let his own words burn into his mind. Just a coincidence. Clover just wandered the city, tempting fate all the time. It didn't mean anything. He bent over and picked up the bowl, looking it over.

Gideon's grin grew, and darkened, chest a slow rise and fall. The chill of those hungry eyes ticking over Tim as if taking inventory, weighing and measuring. He swallowed dryly and pulled a leg forward, planted foot, and rose, forced legs to work through sheer will.

"I know." He murmured, and rubbed one cheek against his shoulder. "But I'll take one of you bastards with me when the time comes."

Eyes drifted shut slowly, bliss at the idea of it.

"You speak of my death as if it isn't something I've welcomed for more years than I can recall. You say it like you think it scares me, Tim. Like it fucking matters."

He laughed softly, the sound a ragged rasp of noise.

Tim turned the bowl in hand and then flicked it away. His smile a hollow phantom of human emotion.

"No concern then for your own death."

His dark chuckle matched Gideon's, and the beast that lived in Tim had nothing to do with being turned.

"The question you should ask yourself Gid, is how many innocent people are going to die because you just don't know when t'f'ckin grovel?"

As he spoke he lowered in a squat by the bloody bag, a pause as he considered the end of his question. Then, with a flick of his wrist--like the smooth motion used to slit the neck of the whore--he turned the contents out onto the floor and let them roll toward Gideon's feet. Sun and Moon. Their heads at least. By the looks of it their deaths had not involved the quick slice of a blade. Their faces barely recognizable, but it was there... in a BFF necklace tangled into platinum blonde hair.

Gideon watched the heads roll toward him, feet fastidiously, if slowly moving out of the line of their wobbling path. He breathed a long suffering sigh and raised bemused eyes to Tim once more, lower lip caught between his teeth in the attempted stifle of a smile.

" do know what I am, yes? How many innocent people do you think have died at my hands? Because of my selfish ends, and at more fault of my own than the whores you kill for your own sick pleasure, telling yourself you do this to get to me, to ruin me? At least I kill to live, Tim, at least I have a fucking excuse."

Eyes were hard, piercing and as precise as scalpels as they bored through the other man unforgivingly.

" did this. You're the monster, Tim. Thank you." He sighed angelically, eyes half masting as he let his head rock back slightly. "Thank you. I think you've given me more redemption than I ever could have asked for."

"I never said I wasn't, Mate."

Tim looked at askance at Gideon, wondering what madness might have possessed him... letting him crawl up again and again from the pathetic mass he's shown himself to be so often. The back of a hand wiped over his nose, moving his eyes away from Gideon and searching the room for that dish again.

"Learned a lot about th'girls before I killed them. Hopes an' dreams. Lot about their families. Moon there," picking up the bowl as he pointed at the darker haired head, "has a lil'sister. Nine. Nine years old, mate."

Tim paused, looked at Gideon to see if he was hearing him. See if he wanted to play it smug still.

"Bein' o'your sort doesn't care what happens to a lil'girl does he? Cause I know I don't."

"I've never hurt a child, Tim."

Gideon replied, unfazed as he glanced down at the dismembered head whose family was in question. It might have been a lie, there were times when Gideon had had no control, and very little recollection, but cognizant, intentional hurt of a child? That he'd never done.


A lift and settling of his brows. Tim carried the bowl with him over to a cabinet, opening it and producing another of those blood packets. The blood inside as fresh as the moment it had been drawn. He looked it over then poured it into the bowl. Once more the dish was set on the ground and set with a push from his foot into the area where Gideon could reach it.

"What's the saying? Something about the evil of pious men who do nothing to stop evil?"

Tim chuckled, dropping back into his seat.

"I'm going to find this girl. Nina. That's her name. She likes ponies." Scratching the scruff of his chin, his smoke moving in his mouth as he talked. "I'm going to find her and her little friends and I'm going to bring them in here one by one and let. you. watch." Plucking the cigarette from his mouth and exhaling into the air. "Unless."

And here Tim felt he was being entirely reasonable.

"You do what I say."

He leaned back with a smile, spreading his hands.

"Simple as that."

Gideon eyed the sickening bowl of dead blood. No matter how fresh it was, the stuff was dead as dirt itself. Cold, devoid and divorced of all that made it life giving. It could sustain him, yes, but just as much as chewing grass could sustain a starving man. Head rocked to one side as he regarded Tim in cool boredom.

"You lie, Tim. All the damned time. How the hell could I be sure that poor Moon there had a sister named Nina, that you might find her, and all her little pony-loving, grade school, innocent little friends? Why the hell should I do anything just to satisfy one of your threats? Even when I bend to what you want you still do as you please. Tell me, Tim, what the fuck is my incentive here?"

He sat, silent. Cold eyes regarding Gideon's response. Then, he licked his lips.

"Wrong answer, mate."

And with that he stood and made his way to the door.

Gideon grabbed hold of his chains, rolled eyes and took a pace toward the door, stepping round the bowl and the heads as he did so.

"Tim. Stop. What do you want?"

What did it matter? Nina, no all ended the same. He was right - this would be Gideon's grave, his end. What the hell did it matter what he gave down here, what he allowed?

Tim had no interest in talking, not in the manner Gideon was trying to approach him with. He went out the door, shutting off the lights and leaving Gideon in darkness as he went.


Gideon pulled against his chains, earned a shock for his efforts and stumbled back, one heel hitting the dead roll of a head in the process as the world plunged into pitch black again.


Slowly the door opened, earning Gideon the outline of Tim's shadow. He leaned, arms crossed. The red at the end of his smoke burned as he inhaled. He waited without a care for what Gideon would have to say next.

Gideon kicked the head at his feet aside in disgust and glared hard at the shadow standing in the light of the doorway.

"I'll do what you say." Against the the clench of teeth the words came. "What do you want."

Less a question, no lilt on the end of it for the way ragged voice clipped the words off at their tail.

The lights flicked back on, though Tim remained in place. His needs were very simple. He wanted to revel in Gideon's capture. In his inability to change his fate. And he was doing it all, just to spare time until everything was ready.

"Get on your knees and drink."

Gideon glanced down at the bowl, stared into black depths a long, silent while before he eased himself to his knees once more and reached forward, dipped two fingers into its contents and brought them to his mouth to suck them clean. To his credit he barely even winced. He did as Tim asked, but took the definition of what was ordered to its very limit of allowance.

Was there really room for interpretation? Tim didn't think so. Displeasure signaled by the sudden jolt of electricity. Tim's sneer matching the level of intensity and length of the voltage as it found its home in Gideon. Tim watched the spectacle from the door. It was a while until he allowed it to cease. He remained there waiting.


Gideon convulsed, ended slumped. It took long moments for composure to return, but by then he was beyond his caring of what he did and how it ended up for any poor soul that happened to cross Tim's path. Perhaps he would recant later, sad, sorry penitent begging forgiveness for his sins. Perhaps not. He struggled to feet and used one to turn that bowl over, pouring contents back out onto the now stained floor.

"Give me something living. Better yet? Let me have you. A taste, Tim.... just a taste."

He smiled in the dark, ivory teeth gleaming bright against the black under the phosphorescent illumination of those eyes.

"Or... I'll be sure Elias will want to know why I am slowly starving...and how you are taking the blood he wants so badly for his 'experiments'."

"Somethin' living."

Tim nodded to himself with a dark and ready grin. The monster unleashed. Stepping out of the room, he switched off the lights once more as he left. Tim had no concern over Gideon's little bait concerning Elias' cut of the blood. Did he think everything they drew went to Tim's dealers? The boots of his feet sounded as he left.


Date: 2011-07-31 13:57 EST
To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour?
?Every night and every morn
Some to misery are born.
Every morn and every night
Some are born to sweet delight.
Some are born to sweet delight,
Some are born to endless night.
We are led to believe a lie
When we see not through the eye
Which was born in a night to perish in a night,
When the soul slept in beams of light.
God appears, and God is light
To those poor souls who dwell in night,
But does a human form display
To those who dwell in realms of day.

Tim Conners

Date: 2011-07-31 20:33 EST
Something living...

It had been days since Tim had last left Gideon. He split his time between preparing for the task at hand?the big picture idea behind all the little things he did?and tracking down Moon?s young sister. Tim wanted Gideon hungry for when he returned with Nina? that had been the plan until the package arrived.


Tim opened the small wooden box to peer at the object within, in his chest his heart swelled with elation. Now, everything was ready. Tonight would be the night. Gideon was going to get his wish and little Nina would get to continue her life unaware of the horrors her older sister experienced. All Tim needed was Clover?


Tim ran events through his head as he made his way to Clover?s building in the afternoon, finding the flaw in his plan once he reached it. The dogs, those damned Foo Dogs wouldn?t let him pass them. Every step he took toward the entrance, they came to life and barred the way. Too close, too close. He wouldn?t let a couple of bronzed beast keep him from his goal. Eyes flicker to the balcony he knew belonged to her, but he could spot no sign of her being within or not. A curse was spared for the guardians of Zen Gardens before Tim moved away to wait across the street. Soon or later? she?d come out. She?d come to him. He pressed his back against a brick wall, lit up a smoke and settled in for a wait.


It was nearing dusk when he saw her, spotting her from a distance as the sun shone on electric red hair. Quickly he killed the cherry in the cigarette he smoked, his third since arriving. He hunched over, wetting the cloth well out of view, before turning to intercept Clover?s path.

?Hey Catnip.?


Her steps slowed at his sudden presence. He could almost read the internal struggle in her eyes. The longer she stayed in this land, the stronger that struggle became. She wanted to be rid of him, free of the guilt that tied her to this man who was no longer the boy she had once befriended.

?Need to talk.?

He jerked a finger toward the alley, signaling a need for private conversation.

Clover chewed her lip, taking a while before relenting and stepping from the view of the road and into the alley. She thought it would be better than allowing him entrance into her home once more? even for something as innocent as a talk. The back of her mind buzzed, but she had long since put those warning aside whenever they dealt with Tim. He was harmless, just? suffocating.

The rush, he felt it run through him. He came up behind her, before she could turn to face him again. One arm wrapping around her arms and middle as the other planted the cloth of Chloroform over her mouth and nose.

She didn?t have enough time to call her Gift to her, her mind was already at a loss as her eyes briefly glowed blue before fading back into their original shade and drifting shut. Her struggling was short lived. As darkness took her, she thought about the defense lessons Harris offered her and those that had presented themselves to act as her bodyguard. Hubris. It seemed even gods could suffer the consequences of it.

As Clover went still in his arms, he released the breath he?d been holding.

?This has been a long time coming, Catnip.?

And the night was just getting started?

Tim Conners

Date: 2011-07-31 20:35 EST
Life had become a slow spiral. Left to wallow in the dark, Gideon now had a new way of marking the passage of time. He knew now when he slept and when he woke, not because of any internal circadian rhythms that sang the arc of the moon as it slid overhead or the chase of the hot sun after it - no. The reality of waking life became cemented reality in the blackness with the hunger. All consuming, ever howled like a beast trapped within the cage of his ribs, took its frustration out as it sunk hot claws into his stomach, his organs and shredded them in merciless twists. There was no escape, no easing of this torment. And eventually the pain was no longer simply physical. Like so many of the best torture devices the hunger became more insidious, more pervasive than simple pain... when it tired of tearing his insides to bits it slid upward, into his mind and wrapped slippery fingers round his thoughts.

Nights spent whiled away in endless tedium broken only by painful revisitations to his own memories were blotted out, became hours of torment as the hunger raged, played pinball with his mind at its own whim. Blood, blood, blood....all he could think of, and how to get it, what to do to get a starving man, flashes of the feed haunted him; times when he'd glutted himself to near satiation made so real in his brain that he could practically taste the hot copper burn in his mouth.

Of all the demons faced in this word, perhaps the hardest to fight is the demon of one's own nature, one's own self. Even as he succumbed he fought, grabbing back little snatches of sanity here and there, stealing time back away from that all-consuming force of nature that the thirst had become. True's voice, his touch...Catlin's grudging smile... Illiana's gentle warmth... even Everett's words. Small shards that made up the treasures of life, the things that mattered at the end. But they never lasted, only surfaced like something swimming in the deep, flashing scales for a moment before the abyss swallowed it whole again.

Eventually he had nearly forgotten about the punctuation that visits lent to that nautilus spiral of days and nights that were slowly distilling him into a beast. They seemed less real with every passing evening, and perhaps they had never happened at all...

Was it vision or reality then? The laden press of boots in the hall. The lights coming on, bright as the captured sun and locked in this cell with Gideon. Tim pressing through the door, not with Eddan, not with the small girl he threatened to bring or with some other unknown face. She slept in his arms like an angle, like a lamb unaware of the slaughter to come. Tim grinned like the Devil himself, looking over the woman he carried. She was too good to be laid on the floor, he set her on the top of a counter, pressing a hand to her cheek in unveiled admiration. Fingers ran through strands of vibrant red hair, feeling the soft threads as his turned dark eyes of blue steel on Gideon.

"Brought you something livin'....mate."

Gideon howled when those lights came on, felt the burn to them pressed against darkness-weakened retinas like a red-hot branding iron. Face went into the press of his shoulder in what had surely become a now habitual gesture of futility. The light flooded in nonetheless, found all the cracks and crevasses, stole between the vice grip of eyelids. The slow seep of white hot agony that nothing was made watertight against. He writhed in his chains, moaned in misery. Tim's voice was familiar, brought some small part of him back from the depths...and under that presence in his cell a familiar scent... honeysuckle sweet, warm like summer... it swam in his mind, singing softly in garbled words he couldn't quite grasp. He knew the scent but could not place it, and with eyes burnt to momentary blindness he had no other information.

Regretfully, Tim pulled away from his prize, leaving her there until she woke. He pressed a button, stringing Gideon up tight, taking away all his slack and lifting him into the air a foot to two to dangle like a sorry fly, trapped in a spider's web. The echo of his steps moved Tim toward the center of the room where he stopped beside a wheeled steel table. He took out a pack of smokes and a lighter and lit up. Scratched the back of his neck as he spoke, the cigarette bobbing in familiar fashion.

"Wouldn't be right to feed you while she's out..." Thumb and ring finger moved, plucking the smoke from his lips and rolling it between them. "We'll just have to kill some time..."

Dark amusement in his tone. He'd been a beast on a leash, careful not to step too out of bounds, careful not to anger Elias. But tonight was the night, he knew how much time he had. Everything was perfect. He chuckled, low and to himself as he approached Gideon's hanging form. The cigarette held out before him, waving like a maniacal conductor's baton, before pressing into the flesh of Gideon's stomach. Hands on torture, this is what he'd been missing.

The sensation of being lifted was disorienting in his blindness, and he quelled against it, earning himself a dull shock for his efforts that co-oerced him to stillness until he hung from arms outstretched. No where left to hide his face his head hung as he chanced a blink and earned a searingly brilliant burst of light that stung his eyes anew. He kept trying though, he could feel Tim close rank, feel the heat of the proximity, and the scent of the smoldering tobacco, for the moment overwhelmed the sweet, familiar scent of before, shrouding it. Glacial blues, now faded to a shade of pale that bordered on the blue of a shadow that bruised deep snowfall flickered, became small sickles that let in bleary, blurred sight for a moment...a moment before that burning cigarette hit his skin. He convulsed.


Barely human, that sound, wrenched from between clenched teeth. His head arched back as he gasped, gulped air in agony.

A moment taken to admire the handiwork. He hadn't gotten the opportunity to look at the damage done up close when he'd flicked his smoke at Gideon before. A thumb pressed with cruel intent into the wound, staying there and working its way in a tight circle as though seeking to stimulate a girl to pleasure and not a vampire to pain. Tim looked to enjoy this as equally as he might the other. What had Gideon done before, to that mark on his cheek? Rubbed his own blood to heal it? Gid hadn't been impressed with the vial Tim had offered. No sense wasting good blood now. The cigarette was placed back against his lips as he took out his switch blade, the echo of the knife opening echoing around the room. Tim ran the edge deep into Gideon's flesh above the burn, using the blade to apply the blood to the burn.

Up close the skin that the fire had touched went from pale, perfect white to pitch black, like burnt paper, the wound itself the consistency of cold tar. Nothing ruined the flesh like fire, and blood did not heal these wounds, only time...and an inexorable amount of time with how starved he was. Gideon hissed, sucked air through his teeth as Tim toyed with the wound like some manner of sadistic lover. His head dropped and he glared livid rage at the man below through the feral slats of cold eyes.

"Stop!! Unnnngh....Tim..."

And then came the knife, splitting parched flesh as easily as slicing through brittle cloth, or soft butter, the long thick legs of black blood dripping out slowly. This wound did not close so fast as others before had when he'd been fed, it struggled to knit, and the press of cold steel against the still stinging torment of the burn below it brought forth a fresh moan and the jerk of his body that sought any way to put distance between them.


Tim laughed, having no intention of doing so. He looked at the blood on his blade and wiped it off on the flesh of Gideon's side.

"Tell me, Gid, why should I stop?"

As he spoke, Tim hover the hot red end of the cigarette in a circle, tracing the border of Gideon's nipple. No pause given once he finished asking, the heat came down and pressed against flesh once more. Watching Gideon suffer and writhe, he trailed it downwards before removing it from the skin.

The scream that slow burning circle rung out of him was deafening as it rung off the unforgiving concrete of wall and floor and ceiling. No matter how thick the door to that room was, that sound made its escape and fled down the hallways of Elias' twisted little clinic. By the time the blaze of that little orange firebrand had trailed its way downward he was choking on the tail of another such scream, fighting it back down his throat, resulting in a glut of incomprehensible noises, sounds of exquisite pain. All the lines of him strained taut, corded tendon and muscle standing out against skin once as hard looking and opaque as marble, now translucent to the point that it looked fragile, thin and easily broken... the long black line of the fresh burn cementing the vulnerability of it all.

"Please....please stop..."

He groaned out, body twitching in a hard convulsion as the cigarette left skin and the cabling tension of muscles released all at once.

More laughter, the sound of it following in the trails of Gideon's scream.

"Please... " The word barely left his lips before he was laughing again, "Please." Gideon's plea was the greatest joke Tim had heard today, perhaps in his whole life.

"Please!" This time the word was said with a loud cry, meeting the hot cherry to Gideon's flesh again. Letting it bite him at the bottom of his ribcage. The word was said to lift and mingle with Gideon's scream of pain. The vampire refused again and again to obey and now he would pay.

"Please! Please! Please!" Each word met with the burn landing in another location. "F*ck your pleases, Gid."

He hung, hung and jerked with each new thrust of that cruel cigarette, cries of pain choking him until all that escaped was the ragged gasp of a soundless, miserable sob, chin dropped against his chest as his head lolled, mouth ajar as if the pain sought its escape by crawling out from between sharp teeth.


He managed, nearly soundless in the escape of breath, just the ghost of a plea left to die upon an exhalation. Icewater eyes gone terrifyingly close to the color of snow rolled up to catch and hold at Tim's face. No betrayal, could not betray someone who never trusted them in the first place, no betrayal, but a haunting hard agony of one who did not believe they deserved their fate.

"Why? ....Because I can, Gid."

Returned the words with gruesome smile. For all that Gideon was the vampire, there was less humanity in those steel blue eyes that looked up into his face. This time Tim pressed the head of the cigarette into the flesh of Gideon's chest where it had yet been untouched, the stick pressed and turned as he used the man's flesh to put it out. The butt of the smoke flicked away. Tim looked toward the resting Clover, checking for any signs that she was ready to stir. Distractedly that blade was brought out again. The gaze falling on Gideon once again,

"You have to earn your dinner."

The flat of the knife used to lift Gideon's lolling head, before quickly turning and slicing a line down his jaw.

Teeth met in a gnashing growl as Tim at last extinguished the cigarette against him, leaving a gaping black burn sizzling slow against the flesh, burning down to the muscle before it stopped. It was only as he followed the attention that turned away from him for a moment that he saw Clover stretched out upon the cold steel of the counter top, the shocking electric red of her soft hair a bizarre contrast to the dull greys of the rest of the room. Eyes widened and his mouth moved to form protests, but not soon enough as his chin was lifted and then his face swung to the side with the gashing slice of Tim's knife. Again that thick trickle crept down over the sharp angle of his jaw, trailed against his throat as the wound struggled to close itself. Each drop spilled spiked hunger harder, and he felt the taut lines of his stomach clench as he hung, useless protest against the inexorable urge to kill, and keep killing, everything, everyone in his path until he succumbed to a sea of blood. Turn the world red...bleed life and bathe in, slick beautiful crimson...taste and glut, swallow and break... Dark little sing-song voices in his head drowned out Tim for a long moment with thier siren songs of undeniable want.

There was no way for Tim to know how much the hunger bit into Gideon, like the edge of the blade that Tim applied again and again. A quick cut here, a slow running opening o the tip down the center of his chest. Gideon's skin was a canvas to horror and Tim's blade the brush in which he used to paint. He covered Gideon's chest and arms with cuts. He pressed the blade into Gideon's upper thigh like a lover, allowing the press to remain like a tempting offer. But nothing Tim offered was good, nothing Tim offered was tempting. Pain, hate and a mirror of darkness. He cut two parallel lines toward the side of Gideon's flesh, meeting them together in a line at the bottom, he forced and held the slow to heal strip of skin apart from the muscle beneath. He pulled the strip tight, allowing the pull of pain to eat at Gideon as he peeled upwards, tearing.

The cuts themselves were nothing...not compared to the pain the burns had been, and Gideon had borne worse than them before. He hissed softly at the little stroking licks of pain that bit again and again, carving him into a Rorschach painting of black and white. Only when Tim began to tear that little strip of flesh from him did the pain swell to a crescendo once more and force the explosion of a cry from his throat, face tossed upward as he struggled to pull away from the slow lifting tear of his skin.

He pulled and pulled upwards, slicing the skin with a nick that brought the side closer together--not at a point, but close enough that with force Tim was able to pulled the strip of flesh completely away from Gideon's side. Laughing low, he danced the bit of flesh like an obscene trophy before tossing it aside. The tip of his blade tapped Gideon's sides, "Don't match." And he set to work to removing another strip from the other side, this one longer than the other had been. This time Tim put the bit of flesh at the end of his blade and offered it up to Gideon's mouth.

"Have a taste?"

Pale eyes went wide as the skin was torn clean off of him, and he bucked in the chains that held him, hard enough to earn himself another hard jolt of electricity. It was a small mercy, that, setting all nerves on fire for a moment and blotting out the pain of the myriad of other wounds Tim had wrought. Too soon forgotten, though, as the feind before him set to work carving a matching swath of patchwork flesh out of his opposite side. His voice had gone rough, ragged and finally broke with the screaming, nothing was left to it now but a hollow rattle of a hoarse, dry breath. He turned his face away, arching chin up and to the side as hard as he could to escape the disgusting dangle of his own flesh held up before him.

Laughter again, watching Gideon squirm. Tim followed the edge of that mouth. As the blade neared he laid his thumb into Gideon's skinned side, bring pain and with it a mouth opening scream. No gentle hand as he used the blade to force flesh into Gideon's mouth. He continued the pressure on bared muscles as the flesh was jabbed far in, letting Gideon choke on it and the taste. The knife pulled from Gideon's mouth several moments before Tim let up on her attention to the open wound.

Then the blade moved, concentrating at the rim of Gideon's skull, just beneath the eye socket.

"What... to try... next." Tim's mind swam with visions of force feeding Gideon his own eye, bringing full malice alive in his facial features.

Tim Conners

Date: 2011-07-31 20:37 EST
This time the screams broke through the slumbering mind, calling, pulling a hazy Clover toward the surface. She winced, moaned at the ache in her head that throbbed like little else ever had. No help from the cruel bright light she awoke to, squinting through to where the sounds were coming from,

"What..." Slowly her memories returned to her as she watched one man lift the blade toward the eye of another.


Gideon recoiled, spat the bit of his own flesh back at Tim even as that knife dug close the the soft vulnerable socked of an eye sunk with starvation and rimmed a dark bruised black-blue under its skin. He spat and spat the taste of his own dead flesh and blood as he writhed, tilted his face upward and out of reach of that blade, straining to keep it away. The thought, the very idea of Tim next trying to feed him his own eyeball was just a bit too much to handle.

Her eyes focused. The scene fully set before her. Gideon dangling, covered in black blood and wicked cuts. He looked the worse she had ever seen him.


Her heart rushed, panic set in. Clover's voice raised high and she attempted to stand, to move over to him and stop his actions.

"Tim! No!"

Her heeled feet found unsteady ground, her motor skills not yet as alert as her mind was becoming. She crashed down on her knees and the palm of her hands. Eyes squeezed shut to make the room around her stop spinning.

With Clover's cry, Tim's knife pulled away from Gideon's face. Taking a step back and looking at the fallen redhead. He chuckled, a twisted sound coming from his lips.

"Dinner time approaches, Gid."

The blade folded into itself and tucked back inot his pocket. The fall of Tim's boots brought him away from Gideon and toward Clover. As he moved from the ring of Gideon's old barrier, he let the chains go slack once more. He knelt on one knee beside the woman, taking hold of her chin and forcing her to look at him.

"Welcome to the party."

The sound of his name, his actual name...not the stunted diminutive that Tim insisted upon using, broke upon him like a warm wave. The dark head that was arched backward turned upright slowly as unnatural eyes sought the source of the voice who called his name. There, falling to her knees, brilliant, beautiful hair that impossible share of red sliding over her shoulders as her hands hit the hard concrete. It was hard to disguise the hunger that swam in that gaze, and the pity that tempered it flashed too briefly.


Sweet beauty he'd pushed away to try to protect forgotten, for an instant she was simply the sum of her parts, soft skin, hot blood and honeysuckle sweet scent.

Her eyes were only able to look at Gideon a moment before Tim's grasp had her attention on him. She struggled against it with no luck. Her body still too addled from the drugs to call upon her gift.

"What are you doing?"

Betrayal in her tone. It wasn't that she trusted Tim as a person, she didn't, she knew better than to do so, but he had never gone this far before. Not that she'd ever seen, at least.

"Assisting an associate with a bit of a study."

He forced Clover to her feet, pulling her up and before him in the same manner he had held her in the alley. Pointing her attention toward Gideon.

"This is our prize specimen. What do you think? Real catch, isn't he?"

Snide remarks, carried blame to her. It echoed unsaid that this was her fault. Somehow.

"Not really. See, my associate has only one request, Catnip. He wants Gideon to die. I just thought I'd let y'come 'n say y'r g'byes."

Horror. She hadn't even spoken to Gideon since... it had been too long. She recalled the feeling of being insulted, of having her ability to care for herself questioned. Somewhere in the back of her mind Tasha's reading and warning echoed. Too late. She hadn't heeded any warnings in time. Sorrow lit her eyes for Gideon. No matter that they hadn't spoke, he had never deserved this which she saw before her. Soft tears aligned in her eyes, unable to struggled against Tim to move away, to do anything to help.

Forced now to be a spectacle, Gideon's pain bit keenly with the edge of shame. He'd tried his best by the girl, forced himself to stop using her even though she'd offered everything freely. Tried to keep her safe even at the cost of her friendship. Now she stood there before him, prisoner to a worse monster than he, and watched her eyes fill with tears for him as he could think of nothing but how she might taste, how he could crush her to a pretty pulp and lap up every last drop within. A small shard of his mind knew the burn of humiliation, of disgrace at the hunger that held sway over the rest of him. He gazed back at the beauty, dead-eyed and destroyed, felt himself list on the chains he hung by, anything to get an inch closer...

"Tim, no, you don't have to do this."

Her voice found calm, she could reach him. Even if not, she could buy time. She could feel the spark of her gift returning. He would let Gideon go, one way or another. This is what she told herself. The determination in her eyes lost to Tim who held her from behind.

"Mm, don't have to but.. I don't seen any reason not to and really... Catnip, I want to. Want to snuff out his life. I can taste it in the back of my throat."

His voice carried darkness, eyes penetrating Gideon as he went limp in his chains.

"You could convince me to spare him..." His words carried in a quick, low whisper to her ear. The sentence thick with promise. "Tell me one thing and I'll let Giddy boy here go, I'll let him live."

She shook her head, knowing whatever it was he would ask would be something she wouldn't want to give. All she had to do was hold on a little longer. She could feel the power building, slowly the grey faded from her eyes and they turned a brilliant blue.

"What do you want to know Tim?"

He held her close like a lover, whispering his request into her ear.

"Tell me your God Name, Catnip."

Horror filled her heart. She didn't have to know his exact reasons to know what she would give up with that name. A name had power and a God Name held a lot of power. Again she shook her head and her gift came to life, moving enough to snap the palm of her hand against his flesh. Ready to claim his heart and life, turn him into a puppet that would obey. It was not an action she took lightly, but she saw no other way out. Her gift sent into him, but something was wrong.

The moment the palm of her hand touched him with force, he knew what she intended. Too late. He had learned his lesson the last time she had turned those Goddess eyes on him. He was not foolish enough to think she would never try this on him. He was prepared. Good money had gone into the protection spell and he had a moment to appreciate it before the anger that she turned this talent on him bit it. It wasn't unexpected, but it didn't please him at all. The chuckle at the futile effort bit low into a growl. He grabbed her arm, twisting it behind her back and forcing her to the ground with one hand.

"Fraid that trick won't work on me, Catnip."

The bright blue faded from her eyes in shock, she barely had time to register what had happened.

"Tell me!" Tim commanded, his grip hard on his arm. With his spare hand he turned on the electricity that ran through Gideon's chains.

Gideon watched the little scene in mute silence, very nearly uncomprehending, as all thoughts bent themselves down hard upon the two creatures before him and how they both filled the small cell with heat and the scent of iron-laced blood, hearts hammering contra-tempo to each other in a deafening symphony. Only when Tim shoved Clover to the ground did it wring a reaction from him...but too little, too late. He had no sooner opened his mouth to rasp out a protest than the current sliced through him and stopped all noises save for the long, pained, broken cry that came when a man had no ability left to scream.

"Tim, let her g......aaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuugghhhhh..."

He didn't let up. He wouldn't. Not until he knew what he wanted to know. The screams rang through the room, forcing Tim to get closer to be heard.

"Tell me, Catnip. Tell me or he dies. Is your life worth more to you than his?"

Tim's words, falling with the backdrop of Gideon's screams. He would die. What would happen to her? Not death, surely, but something bad nonetheless. She could feel it in the ringing of warning in the back of her head. Still. His words. She felt the guilt consume her like a blanket. She couldn't let Tim kill Gideon... this was the only way.

The lips of the goddess moved, sounding out the name. Tim smiled at his victory, he had the last piece. A tear rolled down her cheek as he stood her up, the pain of electricity leaving Gideon's chains.

"Thank you, Catnip."

He stepped back with her, letting Gideon's chains slacken but never release. Then he threw her to the beast.


Date: 2011-08-02 21:30 EST
Without a backward glance Tim made for the door of Gideon's room, leaving Clover to the mercy of the starving vampire. For the first time he left the lights on as he made his exit. His steps didn't waver. He was unmoved by the horror of sounds that would follow his actions. Let Gideon feed, a reward for being the means by which the goddess would fall. The vampire couldn't do any lasting harm. One way or another, Clover would get out of it alive... and when she did, she'd be all his.

Forward she came with his shove, barreling into the mouth of the beast, tipping on the ridiculous stilts of her heels until she fell right into him, pretty clothes ruined against the sticky black blood that spattered him like Tim's ode to a demented Pollack painting. It was pure instinct that took over the second his feet hit the floor and she hit him. There was no rational thought behind it, no care for the sweet girl who'd shown him kindness, shared his bed, and asked him none of the uncomfortable questions that so many others eventually did. She was none of those things in the moment their bodies collided. She was heat. She was life. She was a beating heart hammering a drug-lulled hard timpani that deafened him, the shocking soundwaves of each beat a blinding, wet percussion that sent the whole world black, black, black again...

His teeth sank into her throat, razor sharp, needle-fine teeth latching hold like a barracuda with a pit-bull's jaw. Just shy of crushing her windpipe, they stopped, and only because the shock of her blood when it hit his mouth was too great a thing. It stopped that freight-train onslaught cold in its tracks as his throat swallowed convulsively before that first rush of glorious liquid life had even past the tip of his tongue. He might have growled, that might have been himself that he heard making those feral noises, but muted as they were under that heartbeat that permeated the entirety of the world he would have been at a loss to say.

Harsh teeth. Not the first time having experienced the cruel press of death at her throat. She tempted fate too often not to know this bedfellow. Pain. It near blinded her, consuming the hurt and the fear she felt--not from the beast that now held her, but of the one that left her behind. Eye went brilliant blue before closing, surrendering to this fate for the time. Clover didn't fight, it wasn't her talent. Nor did she attempt to reach out and claim Gideon with her gift as she had failed to do with Tim. Tim had threatened her knowingly, Gideon was lost within himself. Lost to the hunger. She closed her eyes and opened herself, offered her blood, offered him life. She offered that which she always carried within, comfort and safety. She offered all that she could, until slowly her heart started to wane, her body listed and the gifts that poured out slowed first to a trickle, then nothing beyond the blood in her veins.

Latched tight, it took a few greedy, clumsy mouthfuls before instinct truly took over, and he pulled, pulled that every artery, every vein and capillary became one long winding river that emptied straight into his his mouth. Pulled until her heart strained against it. The monster within reveled when the blood hit his stomach with a sear like molten lava, rejoiced in the way it flooded starved cells, their dessicated shards soaking in the precious glut of crimson gold like sponges. He wouldn't stop, couldn't stop...he'd forgotten everything, who he drank, her name, his own name...everything in the wake of this feed, and so desperate it was that it came without even that rapturous swoon that could have dulled the pain of it, eased the weakening, draining, mind-dulling sensation that exsanguination brought before the inexorable feeling of suffocation began, a body deprived of the delivery system for its life-giving oxygen. Sweet Clover got none of this, and for Gideon the ecstasy of the simple act of swallowing, again and again and again that which he'd been denied so long was more perfect than any hazy bliss a trick of the mind could have ever wrought.

The blood was different, for so, so many others...never ending, and no matter how hard he pulled upon that source her heart strained, but stayed steadfast in its strong rhythm. There had never been a time, and certainly not one when he had been so denied, that he ever could have imagined stopping this feast. But she was not human, and the more he swallowed the greater the gifts she had offered up in the well of her own blood became, rooting deep into the corners of a mind nearly lost to itself, drawing him back, drawing him away even as thirst died a slow, blissfully moaning death, drowned to some semblance of satiety. At some point he let her go, one half of himself acting without the other's acknowledgement or permission, the spectator in the back of his brain rousing and tugging back on reins that held the devil in check.

Teeth retracted, left her throat a wreck of beautiful creamy skin torn open just under her jaw. She fell, must have fell because when sight returned she was on the ground at his feet, red hair pooled outward like a larger puddle echoing the one that gathered in the hollow of her collarbone from her wounds. He blinked at her, uncomprehending for a long moment before reality broke in on him.... and then he howled, strained downward toward her, as if he'd have collected her in his arms, held her. The gift she'd unwittingly given him found itself wasted in tears. Tim had not given him nearly enough slack for such a thing, and the struggle to reach her only resulted in more of those hard shocks. Broken, he kept trying... but the world had begun to go a bit hazy at its edges. Dawn coming on, and fast. He had only enough time to reel back from his fourth shock before the world went black and he sagged lifeless on his chains, lost to the death of sleep.

The heart stilled but didn't stop, one thud lost between two eternities. Unaware of the struggle above her as Gideon sought to reach her from his chains. Unaware of the pain that should encompass her being as red blood dried at the gash in her neck. The goddess looked dead to the world, the luster of her skin and hair gone, leaving a chilling touch of gray.

This is how Eddan found her laying, trembling his way into the room of the resting vampire. Tim was gone, trouble was brewing. His eyes darted around the room, half expecting Elias or his brute to appear. Tim had vanished and left and he would be wise to do the same before getting caught. What had possessed him to come in here in the first place? Then he saw her, lush, limp body. Dark thoughts crept through his mind. Tim's loss, his gain. He would be the one to have her. He would taste her skin, her muscles, her liver.

Careful of the sleeping beast, no boldness found from Eddan even in the safety of daylight hours, he crawled closer to the girl. Leaning over her face with his mouth wide, a droplet of eager spittle rolled from his tongue to crash down on her cheek. Two eternities crashed together in a single moment, a hand lifted to wrap about Eddan's throat as brilliant blue eyes stared into the face of the being above her. He had no time, no chance, for resistance. Her power had failed her against Tim and she had refused to use it against Gideon, this wretch now became the vessel for her will. That touch amplified the emotions of love, pulling all concentration unto her. He couldn't breathe for fear of upsetting her once he'd been touched by her gift.

It was hard to talk with the wound in her neck, weakened by the night and this last effort on top of it. She swallowed hard, winced in pain as her eyes faded to blue-grey once more. It took several tries before Clover found her voice, looking up at Gideon as he laid dead to the world in his chains. As she spoke her voice came out rough as gravel, too low and soft.

"Can... you... free... him?"

"No. No, Eddan cannot free the leech. Eddan sorry. Eddan cannot help, please..."

Her eyes screwed shut again, shaking her head and wishing his silence long enough to think.

"Get... me.... out..."

She couldn't manage more, lucky for her she didn't need to. Eddan understood her desire, filled with glee that he could give her this thing she requested. Carefully, as though handling a fragile stem of glass, he scooped her up. Eddan made his way from the room, then the basement of the Clinic with Clover in his arms. He would take her to his home, he would take good care of her until she was better, until she was healed. He was her savior. That must have been why he'd come in... to save her.

As they left, moving down alleys where the sun failed to touch a slow tear ran down Clover's face, sorrow shed for Gideon still trapped in that hell. She was too weak to do any more, her mind fell back into the darkness of unconsciousness.


Date: 2011-08-14 19:58 EST
The darkened room stank of death. That sickly sweet smell of decay that assaulted the senses like a battering ram of olfactory noxiousness pervaded every corner of the sealed cell. In the blackness the cement of the floor was stained in large swaths with brown-black pools where blood had dried, seeped so deeply into the pores of the cement that no amount of bleach or scrubbing would ever wash away their stains.

In the center Gideon hung, lowered just enough to stand, but when the dawn had snatched away consciousness with its greedy hands he's sagged, so now feet turned down and out rested by ankles, and arms upturned strained to hold the weight of him in the manacles that bound hands. Flesh had torn from the weight, healed and torn again so many times that in insides of his wrists seemed fused by flesh to the steel that wrapped them. Things had died in this room; women more accurately, and bits of what remained still littered the place along with their blood. Hair, disgusting shrivels of flesh and other unspeakable bodily fluids that escape when one dies sudden and terrified. Thankfully the head had been removed from the room, ostensibly by Eddan, eager to snack on the soft bits left behind.

Not far from where Gideon's feet drug the floor lay two long slices of pale flesh that looked fresh and stark if they'd just recently been sliced from a body - his body - for the black blood that seeped from them still came from no human.

Gideon himself was in no better state than his accommodations. The pale white of skin was littered with the delights Tim had taken in his torments. Black burns to his face, chest and torso took on the color and texture of sticky, dried tar under the myriad of black stains of his own blood that flecked him, turning his body into a depraved Rorschach work of art.

Clover had given him the only blood he'd had in weeks, and it had been enough to heal some of the more minor stab wounds and slices Tim had inflicted, though the hunks of flesh that had been carved from either side of the flanks of his torso still seemed to be trying to knit themselves, slower in their self-healing than they should have been if hunger had been sated regularly.

As it was, though skin no longer seemed quite so parchment fine and fragile. Still pale and transparent as watered milk, leaving visible the fine spiderwebbing of dark blue veins and deep shadows under sunken eyes that burned half open now, two slashes of pale, brilliant blue fire that glowed a dim phosphorescence in the dark. It felt eerily enough like no one was home behind them though, and the over-sized dilatation of black pupils fixed on nothing in the lolling hang of his head, dark hair stuck in clumps where his own blood had dried it or plastered it down.

Silence. Dark. Here and there thoughts drifted by but he pushed each away so that it floated back into the deep, let him drown in the lack of senses the blackness bred. There was only the sickening smell of the room, the ache of wrists and elbows and shoulders. Soft wheeze and gurgle of his own slow breaths as he dangled, and the rough, cold concrete pressing to the tops of his limp feet. Nothing else, and even these minor things he could tune out. He didn't want to think, or remember. He'd stopped reaching out, trying, screaming to True, Catlin, and even Kestrel in his mind, willing someone to hear, someone to come, or respond.

Elias had flown into a violent rage at Tim's betrayal when he had left to sort out an academic issue, and taken the bulk of it out on Ivan. Most of his emergency stores of blood, gone; the fresh 'food' Eddan and Tim had set aside was wasted on pointless sport, and if not for Gideon's survival and the copious notes he had taken, and a few samples of blood secreted away, he would have had to start from the very beginning, or lost this opportunity altogether.

But all was not lost for the ambitious young scholar, no matter how deeply Gideon must have felt this was the case. The test subject could be restored to a greater degree of his former health, more blood could be drawn, better and more precise experiments run with the thug Tim finally absent from the picture. Another sailor had been taken from the docks -- all the easier for people to disappear in a time of plague and chaos -- and Elias brought him bound and gagged and blindfolded into Gideon's chamber. He had no interest in games at the moment... Besides, what was the fun in knocking Gideon down when he was already on the floor? Best to build him back up, if Elias were to truly enjoy the experience.

"Alive?" he croaked to Gideon as the lights slid up to a bright level, though perhaps not so bright as before.

Any level of light left him reeling, and coupled with sounds...a voice, footsteps, even the click of the lights and the dull hum of electricity that coursed through their filaments...each of these was loud as a thunderclap. He hissed and reeled where he hung, regained his feet and resumed the futility of attempting to blot out the acidic burn of the light that bled through tightly shuttered lids as a wash of red... a color that sparked life back into the dormancy of hunger. It raised its head within, growled long and low and sifted out from within until every nerve hummed hard tension of want, craving, thirst. Alive. Oh yes, alive.

Elias smiled.

"Perhaps you have become wholly animal after all... which would be such a shame. There were more questions I thought to ask you, my friend. Still... perhaps given time, and fresh food, you will remember your words."

Elias hefted the poor man aloft with one gloved hand, and with the other, cut a thin slit across his throat and thrust him far forward, just inside of the reach of Gideon's jaws.

"...and your guilt. Such a curious phenomenon, from a creature such as yourself. I would not have thought it possible..."

Guilt was the last thing on Gideon's mind the second that blood hit the air. Hell, it hadn't even been necessary... the heat, the hard hammering of that heart... all Elias had to do was bring the poor, anonymous man within range of where the vampire stood and he'd have lunged. This was like tossing a bucket of chum into an already feeding-frenzied roil of sharks. Gideon moved with a terrifying speed.

One second he was reeling the next he was clamped onto the unfortunate's throat, crushing windpipe and silencing any sounds that could have hoped for escape through that gag as he greedily glutted, drawing so hard it took only minutes for the man to die, his heart giving out against the endless vortex pull that stole blood from even the finest little capillaries that fed the flesh. The bitter rolling wave of death was sweet as summer nectar when it slid down his throat, lodged itself there like a stone.

He came away choking, sputtering before it dissolved, leaving him feeling breathless as the heat of the blood coursed through him. He moaned softly... a starving man who'd taken his fill to fast, bent double as the delicious heat seared the raw, dessicated tissues of his insides and spread itself in a blissful radiation outward. The moan went low, died gradually...and he straightened himself, gulping air he didn't need. He might have smiled at Elias if he remembered how, or what that was. Perhaps he did, he felt some strange shift of the features of his face. Outwardly he was grinning like a devil, one of those disturbing sort of toothy sickles that never reaches the eyes... but he'd be damned if he knew he did it. Words came, the blood invited thoughts back, gave them some order and purpose.

"Thank you." Rough, ragged, unrecognizable save for the accent that never died, sounded ridiculous in the voice of a wildthing with its endless refinement.

Elias let the body crumple at Gideon's feet, not even remotely interested in cleaning it up: that was Ivan's job. Instead he began to circle the monster, PVC gloves squeaking as he locked his fingers together behind his back.

"Who are you?" he ventured as his second question of the evening.

Gideon caught his breath slowly and gradually his posture regained itself, insofar as one could stand like a normal human with their arms outstretched. The thin slivers of bright eyes stayed locked upon the felled corpse for a long moment, preoccupied, that was until Elias began to move, then they tracked him. Wary, sharp things, pupils reduced to painful pin pricks against the light whose glare still burnt at them. He swallowed hard.

"Gideon." This time when he smiled he knew he did it, and meant it, one half of the generous mouth curling cockily.

"You have a lousy memory for a 'scholar'." His voice put the quotations on the word that his hands could not, sending it forth dripping with derision.

"Gideon Adrian Davidoff, VI."

He licked at the corner of his mouth, felt what had once been chapped, dry skin now gone supple once more, and sucked thoughtfully upon his lower lip as Elias passed behind him, savoring the last of the blood lingering there. Not a drop had been spilled outside of the original slash of that knife. More. Hunger whined, tore at him from within. He ignored it, for the moment. It was insistent, though. MORE.

Elias smiled. Gideon's recovery, it seemed, could occur far faster than anticipated.

"I see you've lost none of your fight, guy. In spite of... well." He looked at the strips of skin pointedly, then up at his face, and his smile took a turn. "Circumstances. And it looks like we'll get to continue our pleasant little chats, after all."

He paused in front of him again, leaning as close as he dared, coolly inspecting the specimen through tinted goggles.

"Such as just what makes you the way you are. I want to know what your maker did, what he was capable of... what you're capable of... and what this," he lifted a vial from his lab coat pocket of Gideon's black blood, "is capable of. This, right here, in this humble little piece of glass, is the future of mortal civilization, and its doom in favor of a new, better way forward. You help me figure out how to use this key?"

" ...perhaps I can see about a change in your..." He tweaked one of the chains, the resulting electrical shock bouncing harmlessly off of his glove and coursing into Gideon. "...circumstances."

"What I'm capable of."

He echoed and paced close as he could as Elias leaned in boldly. The grim smile only had a second to flash before teeth snapped a fraction from the tip of his nose. Uselessly enough for the lack of give in the chains, doubly so for the current that coursed through him as Elias sent that current singing. He convulsed with a strangled cry and fell back a pace, head throbbing and limbs trying their best to hold him upright once the bone-shattering grip of the electricity released its hold. He lifted his head to glare coldly at his tormentor, eyes sliding between his ludicrously goggled face and the vial he held in his fingers.

"Nnnh." Speech took a second.

"I look forward to 'chatting' with you, Elias." He managed to get out. "Thinking of all the different ways to tell you to go f*ck yourself will finally give me something to do."


The upsurge of anger took a moment to cork again; he hissed a long breath, and slid back into a serpentine grin.

"If you insist, Gideon, then you can stay here forever, for I doubt I will ever run out of uses for the likes of you. After all... my options are so limited, now that my colleague Tim has used you to get at the intended prize... your dear friend Miss Clover."

He inspected his fingers idly, turning his back on the chained vampire, testing the glove, stretching it.

"I don't suppose you're getting the newspaper here, are you, so you wouldn't know... They found her, just the other day."

The expression that played itself out upon Gideon's features was, perhaps, the perfection of confusion. Gaze searched the room blindly before darting back toward Elias under the hard draw of dark brows.

"The prize? Clover...I." He swallowed hard. "I thought I had killed her. What do you mean they found her? What the hell did Tim get out of it?"

Gideon had been a bit too lost in the haze of pain and bloodlust to have understood the exchange of Clover's godname and Tim's goals at the time. His world had been reduced to the brilliant scope of pain Tim had managed to inflict, outlined at its edges with the deafening, blinding need for what had coursed through Clover's veins. The last he remembered was her sprawled at his feet, throat torn open, heart a weak, erratic flutter of a thing before dawn had stolen his consciousness.

"Oh... oh, I had not known you were responsible for her death, nor have the coroners figured out that what Tim must have done to her occurred after death... though they will in time. A pleasant girl, to the last... even cold and dead." He lifted his chin at Gideon, settling a nasty smile on him.

"They found her in a trash heap this morning, but even after the rats were done with her, they could tell... Tim had not been respectful to her body in death."

Once again Elias dared to close the distance, this time being the first to strike, seizing Gideon's jaw with surprising power, eyes widening behind his goggles.

"Perhaps it is a service to the world, and to those you'd call friend, that I have you locked away here -- strikes me that they all end up dead because of you!"

Gideon looked as if he'd been struck even before Elias' hand made contact with his jaw, the bone-grinding grip of it almost welcome and preferable to the metaphorical knife he'd just driven straight through Gideon's gut. He found it hard to focus, the image of the angelic, red-haired beauty bleeding at his feet on the concrete mingling horrifically with the thought of her in a trash heap, body desecrated by Tim, and then...

He choked, glad for the moment that he was incapable of bringing back up that blood that he had swallowed, that had already been seeping into every inch of him from bone marrow to brain cells, and that he had nothing to vomit as the wave of nausea passed over him. He let eyes drift shot a moment as his throat worked against Elias' grip. When they opened once more he gave the other a thin arc of a smile. Those were words he'd told himself many times before... as far back as when he'd changed Iliana. Nothing new.

"Better that I be here to help you find new and interesting ways to use me to kill...without even the benefit of getting my hands dirty, you mean?"

He let his eyes drift upward some small sardonic smile still haunting the edges of his mouth.

"I have no doubt you've done the world a service.... will do the world a service when you've finished with me, Elias."

Slowly, inexorably, than chin came down, broke the dhampir's hold. No matter how strong Elias' mutation made him, he would never had the sheer power that ancient blood lent Gideon. He stared the scholar dead on, nose to nose.

"But before you get your chance to kill me I swear I will get my hands on you. And when I do I will drain you to until all you can do is feel. Feel it when the crows pluck your eyes out. Let you live until things start to eat you, drag bits of you away. Let you drown with dry lungs and a heart pumping nothing but greasy bits of coagulated rot through your veins. I promise you, Elias. I swear it."

Gideon did it, finally. The snaps of his jaw, deadly as they could prove if Elias ever strayed too close, were surprises, not true fright, as the scholar had experienced this sort of thing a great many times before, though usually from beasts not nearly so lucid as this subject. But these words, this promise, even in the face of so much suffering, when he hoped Gideon would be reduced to psychotic babbling, terrified Elias... and he hated it. He took an involuntary step back, eyes widening, and then hissed with rage.


He spun the dial all the way up and punched it, held it once, then gave him a second jolt of the punishing electricity, features twisting in malice as he watched Gideon suffer.

"Quite a position to be making promises from, Gideon! But what can you do about it?! Nothing! The only promise that can be made here is by me -- I AM IN CONTROL, GIDEON! AND I WILL HAVE YOUR POWER!"

He heaved in as much animal rage as Gideon had ever shown in his time here, deep, snarling breaths, broken by a single barked command:

"Ivan! Bring it in!"

The door slid open, and the hulking ghoul wheeled in what appeared to be a massive pump with two large glass tanks, one filled to the brim with fresh blood, and the other? Empty... though perhaps not for long.

Thy Virtue

Date: 2011-08-21 20:50 EST
I can see you dressed in red,
All the secret things you said,
I am barefoot in the grass
And my heart is in your hands

Every day I will wait
'til you're mine again
I will die every day
'til your mine again
There's no words to explain,
No beginning and no end
I will dream, I will pray
you'll be mine again...
- Black Lab


Time is a creature without care for your pleasure. It steals away your joy, fleeting moments, small and precious. And in times of tragedy, in times of dread, it rolls out the world for you, hands you months in the guise of minutes, stretching out every possible second of sorrow. True has no idea how long he has been held in Gideon?s home, but he knows that days have passed. It is the day that he longs for, those long-lasting summer hours that keep the witch at bay. Though he hungers without her aid, though he thirsts, he prays to every god he?s ever heard of to keep the day long and hot, the sun high overhead. He can feel the sun beyond those walls, feel the dawn approach him like a shy lover, slipping slow over his bare feet and calves, coursing across his waist and back, until finally warming his face. The sun is there to dry away the tears he?s cried, and bleed out those he?s managed to keep from her.

And then, the sun leaves him. No ?dear John? at his bedside, no sense of closure or reason. It?s just gone, and True is left naked and trembling on the floor by the vacant fireside, chained to the stone frame by two tight fetters that burn him as hotly as any fire might.


There are times that she removes them, when he has proven himself, reciting all the pretty words she wills of him, all the promises he is forced to regurgitate. It has taken time (again, what time?), but he has managed to learn her pleasures, scrutinize his own behavior to ensure he does not set her off. And when she is pleased with him, when he bows his head and does not fight her line of questioning, sometimes she takes him to bathe across the hall, sometimes she feeds him fruits and chocolates and cheeses and allows him to lie at her feet whilst she amuses herself with some manuscript or sets to her mysterious work. Then she will disappear for hours, and come back warmed and rouged and laughing at his despair, run her hands across the silver studs at his hips and demand that he kiss her ?the way you kiss mon petit fr?re, s'il vous pla?t.?

She has not fed from him, has not yet sampled his flesh in any extreme capacity. True wonders if that is because of his link to Gideon, or if she fears the creature he accuses him of being. When he heard it the first time, he nearly laughed in response. ?Faerie,? she called him, and ?changeling.? She put him in irons and he burned immediately. She brought in foxglove from the garden and he became violently sick. She poked and prodded until he reproduced his disappearing trick, and then she whipped him for his hesitance. Unlike Gideon?s rough affections, she did not pause for pleasurable allowances, did not worry over the severity of the welts that ran criss-cross over his back and buttocks and did not heal him thereafter. Through the pain, he feels Gideon?s pain, knows that he lives. That glimmer of hope keeps him from losing his sense of self, keeps him from forgetting his own name.

?Highness,? he repeats from the floor, sitting on his calves with his shoulders rolling forward in a miserable slouch. True makes no effort to shield his exposure, though he keeps his arms curled around his chest. Shame is not a idea he is acquainted with.

?Oui, True. Titles have already been deduced, merci. Are you hungry??

The boy lifts his head to stare deadpan at the creature above, but his own body betrays him with a loud rumble of his stomach. He lets loose a piteous whine, then hangs his face forward and hides behind two star-shaped palms.

?Ah, mais oui, of course you are.? With a gentle touch to his head, she pulls True forward, so that his cheek collides with the slit of her dress. Warm and soft, True knows she has just fed.

Then, she does a rather curious thing. High above his head, he hears the telltale sign of a scraping nail, of breaking skin. The taint of iron rushes the air. He knows this scent, knows the color and the scale of what it will do to him.

Her wrist is presented before he can even react. Choking on his outrage, he rushes his head to one side, stealing away his mouth and sucking in both lips to a full shut.

?Oh, my beautiful one. I will have you this way, as my brother has had you. Little lost fae, that is what you are, ne pas? They wrought such exquisite skin for you to hide in. You are too rare a find to let alone. You will come back with me True, once you accept, once you hear me as you hear my poor brother who may never find his way home.? She lets the wound weep down the span of his pale face, dribbling like black syrup over his nose.

?Never,? seethes the boy. Even with his ankles burning in constant contact with iron, even with his body bruised and stripped and bloodied, even still, ?I am Gideon?s.?

With a cluck of her tongue, she retracts the offer, seals her wrist with a quick swab of that serpent tongue.

?Oui, so it would seem. Tomorrow night, mon cher, you may think otherwise.?


Date: 2011-09-15 19:02 EST
For Elias Thurfell Reid-Granger, life in the clinic basement had returned more or less to 'normal,' what he considered it to be, anyway: while there were fewer thugs in his employ now than there had been earlier, the rest remained as stupid as they were loyal, and therefore supremely easy to pacify.

Leaving him free to focus on his subject.

He'd built up a decent store of Gideon's blood, enough to fill two bodies, and this time had the sense to put each in different locations, leaving only small samples in the lab. In public his research had hit a snag, he struggled to find the next grant, but in private... he knew he stood on the verge of an unprecedented scientific breakthrough.

"...perhaps if I lower the temperature at the beginning of the second stage... increase the saline..."

He spoke aloud, to himself, pacing around the chamber where they kept the other specimens caged, and where tonight Gideon stood in a cage as well, reinforced steel bars anchored into almost sterile white walls (almost, except for a few fresh smears of blood Ivan hadn't yet cleaned).

Normally Elias would have kept Gideon in his usual chamber... but today was special.

No small surprise, to wake unfettered and somewhere new. No small shock, that change of if he'd begun to doubt the reality of a world that existed outside the room he'd been kept in such isolation within. A pleasure, to sit, to stand, to have aching arms hanging down by his sides. He stood now, arms crossed over his chest as he watched Elias pace, watched him mumble to himself. Every so often his eyes ticked round the new room, taking stock of the pitiful creatures and people in cages...well, what might once have been people. Slowly, carefully he took that new room in, and while the lights and sounds assaulted senses that the constant dark and confinement had heightened, he ignored the discomfort of it for now in favor of silently tallying the entire contents of that room in his mind.

"Master Gideon!"

Elias' voice rose with feigned delight when he saw Gideon moving, almost passing for lively compared to his former state.

"Welcome back to the world of the living... so to speak. I'm glad you've decided to join me... in fact, I'd have it no other way. This is an historic moment, and you are the guest of honor."

Much the way a turkey was at Thanksgiving, his tone and cruel smile implied. He lifted his goggles to study the poor tortured creature in the cage.

Gideon jerked slightly when Elias suddenly called his name, much the way a dog whose been beaten one too many times flinches when his master raises his voice. He glared in silence at the other man, the chill ice of eyes narrowing further as he canted his head slowly. Nothing, nothing about this bode well, and all he could do was brace himself until whatever storm was coming exploded upon him.

"Ivan! Bring in the pump, and make damn sure the spare tanks are ready. You remember what happened last time." There was a moment of silence until Elias warned, "Now," and the giant of a man came lumbering in, hauling something on a squeaky wheeled cart covered by a large green tarp. From this angle it almost looked like a coffin.

Elias paid it no mind. He leaned as close as he dared to Gideon's cage, beckoning him closer.

"Such a beauty... such a pity... tell me, Gideon, let me hear that voice... do you have any idea what's going to happen tonight?"


Sardonic and dry as the Sahara he answered the gloating, preening scholar, not moving an inch toward the hand that beckoned him toward the bars. Like Alice's wonderland, though this one made of horrors, not everything was as it seemed - and he would not have put it past Elias to have the same current he'd had traced through his chains now humming dangerous and silent through those bars. Eyes flickered toward the behemoth troglodyte that wheeled in that covered contraption before riveting back upon Elias.

"Beauty is it?"

A smile spread itself slow over his features, turned the feral danger of them into something far worse and more seductively deadly.

"You know, Elias... there was a time when I first met you...I believe it was just before you opened your mouth and actually spoke, you know -" He lifted a shoulder and dropped it, "-ruined the illusion, as it were - That I had actually thought to pull you into one of those dark corners of the inn and find out just what that mouth of yours tasted like. Thank god you opened it. Kissing you would have been a terrible way to find out just how full of sh*te you really are."

Elias' abortive lunge suggested Gideon's suspicions about the cage were right. Torn between revulsion, fascination and the slap of his captive's insult, his first instinct was to lash out in anger. What happened next confirmed that he had current in the cages: several small studs in the floor and ceiling crackled, then shot arcs of electricity throughout the tiny prison. He kept it on longer than he had before, letting the seconds tick by almost into a minute before he yanked the lever on his console to the 'OFF' position again --By which point he was short of breath. There was something the young man enjoyed about this experience. He straightened and cleared his throat, adjusted his gloves and began to pace.

"You know... I have to admire the extent to which you have recovered your strength, Gideon. It is a pity that your prolonged evasion of death will end tonight, but still... I think it speaks to the kind of legacy I'll create with what you've given me."

One second he was standing, grinning maliciously in pleasure at the fury he'd woken on Elias' features, the next his world went black, eclipsed by agony as the current arced through him, and when the pain subsided, when his bones stopped feeling as if his own muscles were attempting to snap them into bits and dust, he found himself on his knees, the cold white concrete of the floor pressing hard against his cheek. A low moan started deep in his chest, and crescendoed out of control into a wild, snarling shout of pure rage as he shoved himself upright again. Wobbly for a second, but too far gone in pure, livid wrath to not regain himself in a heartbeat or two. This time it was he who had to pull up short of attempting to fling himself full force into those bars to rip the face off the man who stood just beyond them. He drew back slowly, arms re-crossing as he hunched back against the wall behind himself, glaring searing cold hatred at his captor.

"Go on, Elias. Just fucking try to kill me. At least if you succeed I won't have to listen to your goddamned voice another second."

"It won't be quick, Gideon," Elias admitted quietly, could have been mistaken for solemnity if it weren't for the glee in his eyes. "Nor painless. But your blood will live on in me, and bring me one step closer to my goal..."

As if to demonstrate his point, he chose that moment to feed Ivan -- Eli nicked the inside of his hand with a scalpel, and with just the slightest beckon from his master Ivan was scurrying over to suckle hungrily from the wound.

"Controlling the dead."

Moments later there was a muffled rumble, and it took a moment for Eli to figure out it was distant thunder. It took another to realize he didn't hear what he expected to hear right now, the competing rumble of their backup generator.

Without warning he struck Ivan across the face, who yelped and cowered away.

"What did I tell you. Go down to the lower level and switch it on. Spare gas cans are in the truck."

Ivan stumbled away, shooting frightened looks back at his much smaller master and licking the blood from the corner of his mouth, while Elias' attention was entirely refocused on Gideon.


Date: 2011-09-15 22:07 EST
Gideon watched in revulsion as Elias fed tidbits of himself to his hulking pet, upper lip curling in undisguised disgust. Half of it was that he himself found the whole practice of 'ghouling', as it were, completely revolting. The other half was the scent of Elias' blood, a sickly sour smell tinged with copper - like someone had vomited and then dumped blood on top of the mess. ?? He could only grin as Elias' gloating smile faded into anger tinged with the smallest hint of fear, and though he winced as Eli struck his towering, slobbering idiot of an assistant, he couldn't help but chuckle softly. Pushing himself away from the wall of the cell he paced slightly before the bars, careful of contact. ?

"Controlling the dead?" Said with all the derision he could muster. Being British, and in that voice of his it was enough derision to bring down a bull elephant at full charge.

"I pity you, Elias. I think I always have."

Elias paused again at Gideon's words... but he wouldn't rise in anger to them twice in a row. A smile slowly curled his lips.

"Admit it... you'd want it, Gideon. The power to reshape society around you, to pull all the little strings and get the whole world dancing in perfect time to your tune. No more suffering... no more misery. I'm not the one you should be pitying. You should pity the friends you've sucked dry to feed your animal urges, who will never get to see the paradise I design... all because of you. my friend."

The thunder rumbled again, much louder and closer. The lights flickered; Elias only scowled briefly at them, though perhaps he went about his work now with a little more haste. The massive machinery covered by a tarp was in fact a great deal like a coffin -- another metal cage, this one with reinforced glass sides and tubing and wiring coming in from every angle. Gauges bristled over every available outside surface, and at the base was a large white pump and a monitor.

"Humble beginnings," he murmured, more to himself than to Gideon, "but soon... very soon..."

Oh how that smile grew, as if any second he'd disappear and the generous, eerie sickle curve of those ivories would be left hanging mid-air where he had stood but a moment ago.

"Want it? I have it, Elias. You think I couldn't abuse what runs in my veins now? Shape each and every living soul in this city into my own coven, a whole world of vampires. All I'd have to do would be to make a few young, irresponsible fledgelings...teach them what to do. We'd spread like a virus. I'd own this land in a fortnight. But then tell me...what would we have to eat? Each other?"

He sucked the tip of his tongue against the back of his teeth, tut-tutting softly.

"So smart, yet you've no concept of the tragedy of the commons. Shame."

He sighed softly and rolled his eyes before he backed against the wall once more and crossed his arms, long-suffering adult explaining the simplest concept in the world to a slow, thick child.

"I own this power Elias - you are the one who wants it." Casual examination of his nails, picking absently under the middle one with his thumb. "And the only friend I ever killed you and Tim forced me to."

He glanced up as the lights flickered, pale orbs flicking from ceiling light to ceiling light before lowering to rest upon Elias, the devil in his smile.

"Storm's coming."

"Isn't it. I could discuss the social stratification of undead civilizations with you all night, yet... we have more important things to do... and an important test to run. IVAN?!?!" he bellowed, and moments later there was a muffled response. Satisfied that his assistant was making progress, Elias turned to the controls for the cages and explained, "Of course, the real trick is --- "

He never got to finish explaining. There was another thunderclap, so close it was more explosion than rumble, and the lights flickered three times before plunging the scholar and his laboratory into complete darkness. There was only a moment of silence from him until he cried out in panic he couldn't suppress, "Ivan?!?!"

Perhaps it was his cry, or the darkness itself, but the miserable, tortured, starved creatures in the other cages? They began to howl and rattle their bars, to the point that Elias couldn't even hear himself think.

There was no sound in the world, though, like that of sheering metal. No sound like cold steel splintering slowly as it was torn apart. It pitched higher than the bedlam of those poor creatures in other cages, and when that metal went flying witch a deafening crash, the rest of the inmates went silent and still; terrified animals in a zoo Elias had designed himself to create the perfect atmosphere of fear and despair.

In the hollow silence the fall of one bare foot after the other descending from cage to concrete fell softly from halfway across the room, unhurried. The orienting sound of them misled, breed trust where it shouldn't have, for not a half a second later something very hard and very fast slammed into Elias and flung him bodily through the air.

He hit the thick steel door of the room hard, just as that generator must have kicked in, for the dull red light of the emergency backup lights flicked on before flooding the room with their rusty, dim light. Just enough to see by in the thick shadows. Enough to see the hand reaching for his lapels, wrapping round them in a stranglehold of a grip, pulling him upright, keeping him pressed against the door as that grasp slid him up, up...until Gideon's smile came into view, and this time there was nothing sardonic or witty about it, no sarcasm or taunt there. No, this was cold, sweet murder in that smile, reflected terrifyingly in eyes that seemed to be the only thing in the room not stained the color of those blood-red lights. He tore the goggle from Elias' face and flung them away, clapped a hand over his mouth to keep him from screaming his thug's name again. Close, so close. The tip of his nose brushed Elias' cheek as he savored that infinitely sweet moment he'd sworn he would have.

"You never asked why I pitied you." He murmured softly, though the creatures in their cages were beginning to pick up their din again slowly. "You go on and on about what a monster I am, Elias. But I, at least, was born human. I was made what I am against my will, without a choice." ?

His face an inch away from the other's he inhaled deeply, as if in illustration, that sick-sour scent of him turning his stomach but not weakening his resolve.

"You on the other were born a monster, a halfbreed. Freak of nature and bastard child of the preternatural. You don't belong in either world."

Gideon released a slow, satisfied sigh, the luminescence of those eyes drifting shut but slightly.

"I made you a promise, Elias. I intend to keep it. And after I do, I am going to destroy everything you have created, the very foundations of your little hellish paradise. Let your mad dream die with you and be the logs of your pyre."

Oh Christ the terror. The silence was worse than the noise, framing himself and Gideon in the terrifying blackness of the laboratory as the vampire made his attack and delivered his ultimatum. His mind was frightened beyond any rational thought, his world consisting only of his aching body, the monster's, and the promise of death. In that same terror Elias strained his head away from the vampire's touch...

...but his eyes stayed put, sending a single message of growing hate in spite of the fear possessing the rest of him. He would face his death wishing the same and a thousand times worse, over and over, upon the only other creature he could perceive. It was not a challenge, or a dare: it was Elias' will, controlled wholly by evil, restrained only by the strength of Gideon's body versus his frailer hybrid frame.

Ah and the strain of the head away, the baleful, hateful gaze of those eyes screaming evil in the black pits the wash of ruddy light colored them, two wide shards of the abyss hissing with the fire of their owner's unadulterated, wicked wrath. As Gideon's smile grew the needle points of sharp teeth slid down slowly. When he struck it was with a cobra's speed, tearing into that throat that the tilt of Elias' head so accommodatingly offered. No subtlety here, no gentle, well-mannered simple slip of razor sharp fangs into an artery all too willing to empty itself with every beat of a heart, oh no. Gideon tore into the buttery give of flesh, straight through the gristle of tendon to open a gaping maw of a wound that gushed forth.

Every fibre of his being screamed to pull back as that foul blood poured out and into his mouth, over his chin and chest, soaking Elias' and Gideon both in the sticky heat it held. He did not listen. Forced himself to gnaw deeper, set fangs into Elias' trachea and pierce it through. Only then did he drink, draught after pulling, inexorably long draught. Bitter taste of victory, vomit-sick scent of revenge. He took it all.

There was, unfortunately, no way to prevent the rapturous bliss that accompanied each swallow. Elias would sample the sweetest euphoria life, or death, had to offer as that feed sucked him in, took hold of the mind and blotted out all but the perfection of sensation. Colors were pointless, exploding supernovas of prisms bent into impossible fractal images that melted slowly into one another and into himself, the boundlessness of being where every nerve seemed steeped, soaked in a bath of pure endorphins. Gideon would have denied him that bliss if he could it was, when the sheer overwhelming pleasure of it began to fade, pulling Elias toward the comfort of the dark, Gideon took the last measure of his revenge.

He forced upon Elias, shunted into the connection of minds as they brushed each other in passing all the sensations, all the emotions, and all the physical torture and pain he had experienced there, in his prison. Elias relived each time the hot current of electricity had passed through Gideon when he pushed that button. Knew the hard, hollow claws of hunger, the madness of being alone, trapped in the dark. He felt the terror of every nightmare and the despair that crushed hope under hard boots. Each and every memory took root as if they were his own, and every ounce of pain wrought itself in flesh and bone and the thin trickle of blood Gideon was leaving behind as he at last tore himself back.

Now, now he looked like a monster. Blood made black in the red light coated his chin, coursed down his throat and chest, set the glistening of his hateful smile in a perfect contrast as he held Elias, now at arm's length, against that door. True to his word, he'd not taken it all, left the scholar with just enough blood in him to know his death was a matter of moments away, enough to leave the brain just functioning and the lungs heaving with the effort to bring oxygen to too little of the body's carriers. No words were left, nothing could have spoken more clearly than that parting blow. He released his grip and let Elias slide to his feet - for as long as they would still hold him.

Not even for a moment -- Elias came crashing down at the same time as his mind under Gideon's powerful assault. There was no breath left to scream, not enough blood to even move: he appeared to stare dully up at Gideon as a bloody pile on the floor, his mind completely filled by his captive monster, and the monster that was the captor. It did not occur to him to pray for Ivan's return; Elias was broken, and could only wait to die.

Gideon hardly spared a glance back at the dull thud Elias made as he hit the floor and laid there, eyes wide and staring like a broken doll. He crossed to one of the lab tables that lined the walls of the room. Bottled rattled softly before he found what he was looking for. Then came the smashing sound of shattering glass, one bottle after another, and after the sudden, sucking whoooosh of flames leaping up with the voracity only a chemical fire could approximate. The creatures in the cages went berserk. Again and again the crash of glass. Again the sharp roar of flames leaping to life. He'd burn it all. Gideon worked with a cool dispassion, setting all the equipment, all the samples he could find, everything in site ablaze. ?? The room began to fill with choking billows of black smoke as he filled his arms with what bottles were left. The door shoved Elias' body aside as if it were refuse as he walked out. Not even sparing the broken thing a parting glance or a single word. This is how worthless you are.

Room to room to room he did the same, a small smash and he left behind the licking flames and howls of more wretched, caged creatures than he cared to take stock of. Up, up and out, he found his way, finally shoving out into the cool rush of air not made stale from being recycled too many times in a ventilation system. Into the cool, soft blue-black light of the night from the hot, eye-searing red of the emergency lamps. He staggered out into the street and into the welcoming, open arms of sweet freedom herself.

Within, the many long hours of Elias Thurfell Reid-Granger's sinister work went up in smoke: revenants shrieked in the sub-basement, and soon a crowd gathered as the flames spread to the rest of the run-down clinic. By the time anyone with the ability (and inclination) to fight the fire arrived on the scene, it was wholly an effort to keep the clinic from taking the rest of the neighborhood with it, leaving the handful of bed-ridden poor staying in the clinic to fend for themselves.

RhyDin was a strange city, its WestEnd neighborhood even more so, and the locals took no notice when what appeared to be a giant of a man lumbered out of a smoky alleyway with an enormous burden, what could have been a coffin wrapped in cloth, strapped to his back. Even a giant could disappear into the shadows, as this one demonstrated, seeking a safe place for his precious cargo, while the mechanical coffin pumped a monster's blood into another monster who had been left for dead.


Date: 2011-09-15 22:26 EST
Gideon shoved the heavy doors open and stumbled free, sucking a gulping lungful of the clean, cool night air. He'd lost track of time down there in that little room, and would have hardly been surprised if he'd stumbled out into the snow of a dead winter. The humidity of summer still clung to the air, though, heightening all the fetid scents of the city that the heat of the day made pungent. It all assaulted the senses that had been so deeply deprived for so long. The cool rush of the breeze spoke promises of autumn, the reek of the familiar city told him he was still in his blessed place of exile and hadn't been spirited away to some other godforsaken place.

Better the devil he knew... He reeled and clutched his head in both hands. True, True miserable...searing, burning pain and sickening hatred. He choked, retched...Elias' foul tasting blood feeling like bile coating the back of his throat. Disgusting dhampir blood...but damned if it didn't heal him better, faster than any human's could have.

He was a mess, shirtless and splattered with the dark crust of his own blood and other's, pants made of some thin, useless medical cloth ruined and in tatters, damned near useless if it were for the small modicum of modesty they left him with. And True writhing in his mind. He righted himself, coiled for a second against the filthy brick wall he'd stumbled into, and then was gone, little more than a breeze himself with the speed he took off with, putting as much distance between himself and that horrific clinic as he could, chasing down True, letting that connection lead him.

When he stopped short in front of the imposing height of the Lanesborough it took a long moment to register where he stood, and that he had not found himself in front of the Inn as he'd imagined that pull might lead. Another long moment before the cold pit of horror opened to a gaping maw in his stomach. True. Here. The full weight of what that meant hit him like a freight train. He lunged for the door, and fuck the elevator. Those stairs fell away underfoot in preternatural strides. When he hit that door full force he took it clean off its top hinges, left it hanging, creaking painfully on an unnatural angle.


The boy wakes to a world gone gray. Shadows mark the size and shape of the room?s furnishings, a new room, an alien bed. True has never woken beside anything but an empty fireplace. Seconds steal away the mark of sleep, and he lifts a hand to wipe it clear of his eyes, but it doesn?t come forward. It stays bound to the other, just shy of his head.
Annoyance, cousin to confusion, colors his face. He jerks his arm forward, only to find a tightness on his wrist. His fingers fall in for a roll call. Toes too. He can move those, but their foundations are cemented to the clean bedding beneath his bones.

Twine. He feels the itchy braiding above his skin, a cross-roads of rope, holding him down.


The witch materializes from one far corner. True can make out her silhouette in the dim.

?Highness,? he murmurs, fixating that blue-born gaze to the stamp of her body on the wall.

?Beautiful one, before we begin, tell me your story again? the proper telling?? Her words rush him like a cool evening breeze, enough to lull him to a comfortable pause, to feel the wind at his face, toying with his hair, breathing gentle graces down his bare chest and back.

?When I was small, I fell out of a tree and lost my memory??

?No! Non, not that story. The other. The lost memory.?

True loses her outline in the dark, but her voice is harsh and crushing close.

?I cannot find what is lost, highness.?

Let there be light. The room glows a sudden soft white at the turn of a switch.

?Pity,? she says, trading one corner of the room for the other. But her motions are too quick for his eyes to track. True swallows a whine and turns his eyes down, following instead the pathways of hard-spun rope.
Kestrel laughs in an unreachable octave and takes her time to cross the room. Dressed for dinner in a twilight blue, drops of diamonds at her throat, at her ears, she is a vision. Her dark hair is down and lovely, kissing her forearms in a familiar twine. Her lips and cheeks boast a rogue entirely her own - that is to say, to achieve the effect, she had to make a series of someones her own as well.

But now she turns her eyes to the boy in distress, grinning amusement and malice in some strange mutual coupling. Naked and shameless, skinny and half-starved, his eyes spinning along the twists and turns of rope, her handiwork. She was so careful to lace them over the welts and bruises she inflicted just a few days or so ago?

?If you accept my offer, mon cher, to be mine, to drink of my blood, I can promise you that eventually you will remember who and what you are. I already know what you are, my trickster, but I would give you the gift of knowing for yourself.?

She settles her hand against the crown of his head, fingers splayed in a spider?s landing, nails scratching a hello into his hair.

?I am not what you say!? True barks, his face alive with defiance. ?I am Gideon?s. Gideon is alive. Gideon will come for me.?

?Amour, if Gideon could escape from whatever situation keeps him, don?t you think he would have done so by now? I am afraid mon petit frere is doomed to suffer for his weakness. If he was a more capable student, perhaps he would have easily dispatched of whomever took him. There was, I think, a glimmer of hope for a while. I felt him rally, but then fade again.?

Her face is there above his nose, moving forward as the moon does move, a pale white visage framed by the soft glow of the light above. Her eyes glitter as bright as any star might, a star surrounded by murky dark-matter, a black mark on the universe.

?Pledge yourself, mon cher. Forsake weakness for strength. Learn your power through my own.?

Her lips envelop the boy?s in a lazy kiss, a smear of her little mouth along the long lines of his own.

?Mon Dieu, you smell like the harvest,? she whispers along the slope of his throat, following the speed of that pulse to the nape of his neck. Bent as she is, her hair trails to tickle and brush bound, angry skin.

?Never, never.. Never-ever-ever. GIDEON!? The changeling wails, testing the limits of his bindings in one furious stretch of limbs, tugging, pulling, rattling the bed, turning up the sheets in a war zone of a struggle. ?GIDEON PLEASE!?

Kestrel?s laughter cuts right through the cries of the boy in the bed, as her hands move to know the shape of his body, the bend of turning shoulders and flailing forearms, the clenching muscles in his chest and thighs. She plucks his legs apart in a painful strain of twine and hamstrings, her focus shifting to the one part of the boy she had been so careful to leave well enough alone. Age has made her patient. She only wants for willing pets. But this one was so devastatingly beautiful, charming in his savage innocence.

?Shh..shh-shh. My lost one. Gideon is not coming. But I see you are loathe to take me in?? Her fingers trail the length of his sex, toying absently with the pinnacle ring. ?I wonder, shall I take you in, instead??

?Nnnnghh...? Rage lights a fire as strong as sex. True lifts his head to fling daggers with two bright eyes, steel-strong and sharp with feral intelligence. Yet his body betrays his heart, beating in tune to her wanderlust hand.

?Now, now.?

Another trademark cluck of her tongue and Kestrel withdraws, leading his eyes away to the dresser at the far wall where she lingers, her back aligned with the countertop?s ornamental rim. With the woodwork backdrop, she looks portrait perfect. True shivers in spite of himself and averts his eyes.

?I might replace all those lovely silver rings with iron jewelry instead. Would you want that, my boy? Shall I start with the one above your eye? Or the one in your mouth? Or perhaps I?ll abandon foreplay altogether and replace the one in your c*ck?? She serves the question with a tilt of her pretty head and a quick flick of one wrist.

In a snap, one dresser draw is flung open.
The boy can hear the clinking collisions of such little rings.
He can smell the iron from five feet away.


Gideon skidded to a stop on the slick marble of the floor just as that familiar voice howled his name in an ear-splitting cry. He seethed. Wrath heaped upon livid, bloodthirsty rage as he stalked toward the bedroom, his bedroom, that she'd stolen for her own. Everything his that she'd taken, made her own, her playthings. And he left to rot at the hands of a maniac bent on the dead, left to be broken and used - again. He couldn't see, gone blind with the rage that boiled up.

Gideon had had enough. Enough of Elias, and more than enough of Kestrel and her games. Thank god that bedroom door was open or he'd have bashed the heavy metallic thing down with bare knuckles and not stopped till there was little left of his hands but bloodied stumps at the wristbones. The long isolation, the starvation had made him harder, stronger...strange thing, to have denial of the blood shape one into more of a killer, whereas those who sated themselves every evening stayed soft and tender things, kept plump and complacent with their gluttony.

He himself seemed a half-starved man as he came charging into that room with the raw speed of a cyclone. Nearly gaunt, skin an impossible shade of white that echoed the milk-blue of watered cream. A thing possessed. A hard hand closed on the back of Kestrel's neck and slammed her face forward into the dresser she perused. Again, and again and again until the wood cracked and splintered under the force of her skull hitting it. Someone was screaming, snarling. It took a long moment to work out that it might be himself. He flung the disgusting creature he held, sent her skittering across the hard floor to fetch up against the thick glass of the far windows with a rib-cracking force.

Only then did he take stock of that room. True tied spread eagle, burns scarring his ankles so deeply he swore cartilage showed over the delicate bones, welted in bruises and lashmarks that both looked fresh and brand new. He cast about wildly, and eyes fell upon the contents of the drawer that Kestrel had been so preoccupied with seconds before, now strewn all over the floor as it had fallen during his assault. A little drawer full up on instruments of her pleasures. He bent and grabbed a small knife, thin and scalpel-sharp. Shaking, he made his way toward the bed and knelt upon its edge, one hand closing upon True's forearm as he sliced through the twine that held him hostage.

"True..." He choked, unable to bring words up past the hard rock of hot anger that still lodged itself in his throat. What words would have been enough, really? WhyareyouherehowareyouhereI'msorrywhatthef*ck? All seemed to run together in one glut in his mind, incapable as he was of settling upon a single one of them. He was a mess, as much and moreso than his lover pinned to that bed. He wanted to tear the huge hotel down around them all and set fire to the wreckage of it. Immolate it all with them inside and clean the stain they'd made on this world off its surface in one huge pyre. One wrist free and then the next, he bent to slice the twine that held ankles apart.

The swiftness of Gideon?s arrival takes her like few do: by surprise. Kestrel had been so consumed by her captive, she neglected to tune in, to note his freedom before his footsteps led him to their very door?
Be that as it may, she pays the price for carelessness, a heap of pretty finery tossed against so many panes of weathered glass.

?Little brother!?

Her laughter hangs like a heavy perfume above the chorus of noise. The bed-bound boy, wailing his lover?s name, the chiming fall of those little iron rings from their dresser-crypt, the snap of her own bones as she pushes them back in place.

?What a pleasant surprise?? There is an unwelcome note of pride in her voice.

But there is a certain decorum to maintain, and a hierarchy Gideon has neglected to respect, again. Perhaps Kestrel will have two to amuse tonight.

In the time it takes to unwrap the first of True?s bindings, Kestrel is at Gideon?s side, spider-quick fingers pulling at the strips of his ensemble with a ?tch? soundtrack.

?I understand your trials have rendered you somewhat forgetful, dear brother, of order, and law. Might I remind you?? She slings the seed of a threat between those words. No ?where-have-you-been.? None of that. Kestrel is only interested in the new flow of events Gideon?s homecoming has triggered.

Fierce is the love that holds True's face, obliterating the reign that pain presses down upon him, the healing markings of iron fetters, the crisscross of leather licked skin, of mottled purple bruises. There is only Gideon, somewhat whole but there indeed. Immediately, he loses himself to those arms and that body, immerses his senses in the scent of his hair, the salt of his skin, the dried smattering of blood against a backdrop of pallor. The boy sees the conglomeration of words in his lover?s eyes and looks away, buries his face into the bend of an arm, squeezing shut his eyes to rasp a whisper into the skin that knows his body as well as his own hands.

?I heard you. I went looking. ?Home where it?s safe.??

No explanation for the trespass of the night that he followed the vampire. Gideon could deduce that by the way he hides, the way two hands beg the attention of those arms to hold him and keep him from the wraith of his tormentor. He is not a changeling, not a fae, not a creature of power or prestige at the moment. There is only True, shaking against his lover?s fury.

?Oh Gideon, Gideon, I could not save you!?

Home where it's safe. Those words stung like a wasps nest tossed at his feet. Safe. Safe from the sun but in no other respects safe - though True knew that now well enough it seemed. He groaned as long arms wound themselves round him, and skin burned with the contact, nerves gone raw and perfect, far too sensitive from lack of touch. He gathered True to him with one arm, not enough of a chance to get the other round him before that viper's voice was at his ear. He spun and sunk the dagger he held into her eye socket until he felt it hit bone.

"F*ck you and your law. F*ck the order you only obey when it suits!" He hissed, pulling True tight against him as that wrath swelled and crested again.

"TRUE IS MINE!" He raged, loud enough to be deafening. "You knew it, you could fucking smell it on him. I've claimed him and you DARE to touch him?!"

Teeth bared like a rabid thing as he glared at her from over the boy's shoulder.

"And you left ME, your blood, your coven mate to die when I called, when I screamed for you! You've raped the law until there's nothing left to recognize and you ask me to bow to it?!"

The banshee does not bat an eye - the good eye - for the plunge of that dagger. But she screams, oh, does she scream, and sound travels. She moves lightning quick, comical what with the new extension protruding from her face, around Gideon, before her hands find the lure of that too-tall youth, find the length of his bent throat and close in, wrenching him to her.

Half strangling, half supporting the raven-haired boy with his feet swept under her own, the press of her heel into the soft meeting of toes. Soon one hand moves to dislodge the dagger, wrenching it from her skull as one might tear a sword from stone. It slides out to the tune of her own cry, which she masks by applying pressure on that wide, white foot, of the boy she holds rag-doll style by his own neck. His scream overpowers the room.

?I am Queen, Gideon. I am, mon petit frere, the f*cking law. And I choose tribute, as you have so promised. This boy is a fae, a changeling. Perfect for my little tribe. And you will revoke your claim to him, small as it is. To let him roam as if he were free. Or was that because you were hiding him from me??

Her brow raises as her eye knits itself back together. Gelatinous white and perfect, midnight blue, pool into their proper shape and form.

Taken. Again. Pried from his lover?s arms, the boy barrels forward, screaming high as her heel connects into the baby fine bones of his foot. The other slides out from under him in the assault, so that he hangs there, alight with fear and pain, hands latching to the hook of her hand. Wide, wild eyes bound into Gideon?s with an unmistakable look of terror.

Gideon snarled as True was torn from him, her words barely registering in the blackness of his fury. He'd be damned if he gave her space to do as she wished with her hostage, though, and he was on her in a second, the poor fae near crushed between the pair of incensed vampires. One hand gripping the wrist of her that held fast round True's throat, the other round the wrist of the hand that now held that dagger. His grip crushed both till bones ground against each other, tearing muscle and tendon in their press.

"I will not! He is MINE!"

He snarled low, those sharp teeth standing out like the killing ivories they were, something primal, something ancient and deadly that nature had carved and honed to perfect points long before stinking bits of sludge crawled out of the oceans under the cold sunlight and stood upright as men.

"I revoke nothing. I hid him from you to keep him safe." The brilliance of eyes that had once been blue, now faded to a hollow pale grey with just a tinge of their arctic chill left round the pupils slid from her face to that of the changeling in question. "I don't know what he is, but I know I love him too much to give him to you and your depravity."

Depravity indeed. Her face holds the look of one bound for madness, or half there, looking up into his own as a tourist might a work of art. Vacant but amused. Gideon can huff and puff, but Kestrel holds his heart within her little hand, which grips ever tighter around the battered youth as Gideon forces that preternatural pressure upon her own.

?If you wish it, brother, I will give him to you?? She turns her nose into the line of True?s scalp, and peers up at Gideon with half-moon blues. ?But I intend to f*ck him first.?

As if to illustrate, she jerks the boy violently to her shoulder, crushed as he is, and forces his head to a painful left so that she might snake her tongue along the slope of his throat. It?s a sandpaper tease that wrings a shiver from the victim pressed between. A purposeful act. Gideon can feel it too.

"He is mine, Kestrel!" He screamed into her face. "You cannot touch him without my permission, you cannot kill him!"

His pressure upon the wrist of the hand that held True slackened though, as her pressure upon that tender throat increased exponentially with his squeezing. He shook with fury, pushed far far past the boundaries of what he'd accept and what he could take. Elias had shown him the thin knife's edge of that line - now Kestrel was shoving him clean over it into the abyss. The panic in True's eyes, the way he shivered between them was killing him, tearing his guts out in gleeful handfuls, rending his love to bits and shards.

"Take me instead."

?Oh, mon frere,? her smile grows by sinful leaps and bounds, borderline sexual in the stare that snakes between them. ?I admit I ignored your cries for the attentions of your changeling. It was a test. You passed. You have my congratulations. I am truly pleased to see you overcame the adversaries you faced.. Perhaps you are worth your weight in blood after all.?

She takes his pleading to heart, and as a show of generosity, drops the boy between them. Her hand hangs in the air, empty and idle, until she twines those fingers through her hair. An absent gesture as she considers their situation.

?You will use both your remaining wishes. They degrade, you see. The first you used on l?ange. The first was pure. No interference from your Queen, as promise. The other two less. ?I will touch the second but refrain from tasting. The third, I will do both, but I will not keep them. None of them will be bound to me as you are nightly, now. Three chosen loves, Gideon.? Use both if you wish your boy to remain unmarked by me. And claim him proper, as a pet. I would see him bow before you, writhe for your pleasure. Keep him here, by your side, and I will not touch him. I will even take your child?s room??

Her words trails into a silken swallow as she regards the wretched beauty stark naked between them.

?I will hear you through the walls regardless?? Her fingers, they spiral once more into his hair, lifting True?s face to the light of Gideon?s hungry eyes.

?What do you say, Gideon??

The contortion of handsome features with each fresh pulse of anger was a thing to see. Someone less unhinged than Kestrel would have, should have been terrified by the way that face wrung all the beauty out of itself and replaced it with the mask of those deadliest of sins. A test. If looks could kill Kestrel would have been splattered across those windows behind her by now, blood blacking out the night as bits of her ran down the panes into dark piles of rot.

She released True, though, and it brought him back from that precarious edge of sheer desperation she'd just dangled him over. He released her wrists with a shove and made to bend to collect the boy, but her words stopped him short. He held her gaze coldly, listening with a bitter hatred riding hard in the depths of those pale eyes. They flicked to True as she forced his face back, and his fingers reached to graze his lover's cheek lightly, brows drawing hard together in a tight line.

"True?" He would not dare to make a decision for the boy - nor could he live with forcing him to slavery. He needed absolution. Let me do this, let me keep you safe... do not hate me for what she forces my hand to do.


Date: 2011-09-15 22:35 EST
Dazed, the boy finds the floor again, finds the cool comfort for his perfect hands to press and hold as he steadies himself between so many sets of legs. He can feel the silk of Kestrel?s dress, spilling like a slow moving waterfall across his abused back.

More importantly, he can feel the press of his lover?s skin, and it is that cool solace he seeks. With a whine, he reaches outward, hands cupping the stray band of fingers that brush his face. His mouth seeds a fury of kisses, each hotter than the next, a show of need for his lover?s touch, his lock of arms, hands and teeth. A shivering mess, but no worse for wear than Gideon?s condition, he leans his head into his thigh, against the tatters of fabric that serve as pants. Threadbare had nothing on this.

True?s eyes burn with adoration, flickered up to his avenging devil back from the clutches of some distant hell. Questions could be asked and answered later. For now, there was only survival.

?Own me, my lord. Yours, forever.? His heart thuds a sonic blast, felt by these two as surely as any pounding drum might be felt several dozen feet away. I could never hate you Gideon! Keep me. It?s what I want. To be yours, it?s what I want! Keep me from her, please?

Gideon's fingers curled round the curve of that perfect cheek and found themselves hiding places in the depths of his hair. He shuddered as True touched him, and tried to keep it from showing, standing there before Kestrel. This was nothing he wanted to share with that wretched excuse for a woman; the way his skin burned where True touched it, the way each expression on his face filled him with an exquisite pain like hard silver pins plunged into his heart. He dreamed of this, craved it, and eventually perhaps given up the hope of ever having it again at some point in that dark cell.

He forced his eyes away from the tangle of long limbs his lover seemed there on the floor between them, the devotion, the hard pain of love draining out of them as they rose from True to Kestrel, like pouring out a cup full of fine wine and replacing it with arsenic, they way their light changed with that simple lift.

"I will use both, and I do claim him, have claimed him. Anything to keep you from touching him, I will do."

"Bon Appetit, mon petit frere, but do watch out for the fae. Innocent though he seems, lore paints them almost as dark as us."

Murky nightide mediterranean waters splash upward into eyes seething poison. The lady only smiles, one of cold victory, sidestepping the boy between them, circling to Gideon's side.

"Legend also says they are ageless, and very hard to kill. Your boy may outlive even you, Gideon." Her voice hangs a heavy aftertaste into the air. Maple syrup isn't this sweet. "The peculiar thing about law... family inherits possessions first."

Her hands, pale fans for their lover's fire, settle casually at her sides. Still regal in a ruined ensemble, the side of her face caked with dried blood, which falls here and there where it may, like some red-sea snow. Poised to watch the two, throwing her eyes between, Gideon may not be ready for what comes next. The dagger he so fondly presented to her is still wrapped between those bejeweled fingers, and those fingers are snapdragon quick to embed the blade between two lowly ribs.

"A rib for an eye," says the mouth that twists in tune with the dagger that glides through flesh like a hot knife through baked bread. Some crunch, some crackle. Gideon was looking like a shell after all... She doesn't stick around to watch the bend of that body to the floor, the spilling of so much black blood into True's groping hands. Where there was once a woman, there is now a vacant spot, and some lingering jasmine perfume still clinging to the air.

The sound he made as that dagger plunged deep, found its way to grind between bones as she twisted caught in his throat as a strangled noise. Perhaps it had been a searing retort. Aborted now, it simply gurgled sickeningly in his mouth as he felt the lung the knife pierced deflate itself, black blood welling inward as steadily as it seeped out. Unwittingly, unwillingly he curled comma around the wound, body screaming pain in all its rawness.

She was gone before his knees hit the floor, though, and when he yanked that dagger out and flung it in her wake it only clattered harmlessly against the silent swing of the heavy door on its hinges. He groaned and cupped the healing gash of his flesh, his head coming to rest against the corner of the bed, the soft onyx of its sheets reeking of Kestrel under his cheek.

Clever little cells, greedily gorged on Elias' dhampir blood, knitted themselves so quickly...and he forced breath in slow pants as his lung closed, the most painful part of it all attempting to fill the sucking vacuum of that useless organ once more.

"Gideon!" A call to arms, or at least, one arm. True rushes his savior with unfounded energy, a naked press of his chest to the other's back, his thudding heart secure and sounding off against Gideon's spine. His wrist wriggles between that reclined head and draping sheets, presented with a push-back of his own hand. Pale, slender thing, drizzled with a few coats of vein-blue, held to Gideon's lips. The boy shakes off his outrage, his terror, and falls into concern for his lover, his own mouth pushed hard against the hollow of the other's cheek.

"Gideon please, please drink," he whimpers, and close as he is, crowds his lover's face with the vibrations of his broken voice.

"I can't lose you, I can't, I can't.. So weak, beloved. Drink me. Take me in. Make me yours?"

His eyes well to the brim before the dam doth breaks, and with a sob he cleaves tighter to his lover, that stretched frame twisted about Gideon's limbs and back.

Not needed, but oh, how sorely wanted. The heat of that wrist pressed insistently to his mouth brought the tantalizing scent of True front and center. Apple spice and sex, Bacchus himself smelt less of the harvests' debauchery.

Groaning, he released the nearly closed wound he held tight to wrap and arm round that long frame and its endless wingspan that enfolded him in impossible ways, careful with the sticky-black tar drip of his hand, turned wrist out to keep from soiling the creme velvet of skin. The other, unfortunately was not so careful as it caught hold of the proffered wrist just as the needle-points of hard teeth sank halfway down their length into the choicest of those thick blue veins, slitting that flimsy stuff called flesh that separated him from the taste of his own.

He moaned like a man dying of thirst would upon receiving a mouthful of cold water. The heady rush of ancient and young...the perfect exotica of cinnamon and cardamom lacing strong wine drunk too soon... dark, rich earth and heavy tart grapes, all there mouthful by mouthful, washing away the sickly, unholy musk of the taste of Elias, the dead, cold congealed tastelessness of the spilt blood he'd had forced on him, even the dull, mindless, bland heat of the strangers he'd been forced to kill. God, how this washed them all out of his mouth, his mind.

He took very little, but every drop was more than enough, before he sucked a slow kiss to close the wound and, pulling that wrist round the back of his head, buried his face in the crook of True's shoulder. He wanted to lose himself. Rage, sob, scream...but nothing came. He felt hollow within, as brittle as an eggshell blown out, left to dry and crack in the heat.

"My own."

Thick voice muffled all the more in the hard way he pressed himself into that perfect hollow, hands now mindless of the blood that stained them as they slowly, slowly traversed the sweep of True's back. Perhaps it was for the best, for where that blood smeared the lashmarks and welts faded away, bruises sank back into the pale perfection of skin under the oily smudges.

He collapsed backward slightly, off his knees, his spine hitting the back of the bed as he pulled True over the outward fall of his jumble of legs, hands growing in confidence and strength, as if slowly coming to their own realization that the body under them was no dream. They gripped, thigh and buttock, made themselves a bracelet round one lean bicep and cradled into the softness of raven hair at the back of his head. Finally they came to rest upon the sides of his face, drawing True back just enough to let him look upon what he thought he'd never see again. Thumbs could not still themselves, spent the nervous energy of all that pent up fear as they traced cheekbones lightly. Gideon drank him in, a bittersweet something bringing a beautiful edge of pain to the adoration that shone in those sculpted features.


Date: 2011-09-15 22:46 EST

"Gideon.. my Gideon.."

Grace keeps his counsel, though he falls so frequently, so far. Through the jungle of limbs two bodies make joined, he seeks the other out, unaware of his mending weals save for the sudden lightness he feels at his back, as if some heavy weight was just borne off his shoulders. Soulight is his stare, brilliant, canopy of blue-born stars, drawn to his lover like the feet of some large magnet. His weeping does not cease, but lacks the strength of rapid breath and racking body. Tears leak from those eyes, born of some endless spring, and spill down his face between the brush of Gideon's fingers.

So many words well up in the interim, soundless, small things. Oh gods, what happened? Where were you? Who took you? Will they come back? to So.. so sorry.. sorry-sorry couldn't save you, couldn't even save... True belts out a whine at the crest of these thoughts, toppling forward to meet those hands that cradle and caress him so with the peaks and valleys of his anguished face. His skin courts a drama all its own with the newfound presence of Gideon's touch, lost and missed and finally found.

Feverish, the heat lets the scent of him waft high above their heads, killing off the remnants of the witch's flora air. True means to unmake everything else in his world she touched, prodded, probed, starting with his body. He becomes Gideon's willing instrument between the hands that hold him, and even in his sadness, his motions to soothe his lover become pinnacle. He paints worship first with his mouth, the way he glides across bare shoulders to clamp down with flat teeth, to kiss and nuzzle the plate of breastbone at his center, to suckle a line down to the top of his navel.

True's fingers tug and tear at the short, shredded leggings until Gideon is as bare as he is, two skinny, half-starved men in the glow of manmade fire and their own devotion. He moans feral and moves quick, cupping his hands over the shape of the other's sex, turning his head to greet him better with his mouth. The threat of Kestrel is nearly beyond him, and the knowledge that he is, at long last, bound to Gideon in every way wipes the slate clean. Misery never died so quick as it did in True's young heart. Lips part, entreating his lover's pleasure with that silvertongue between his legs.

True's tears felt hot as they fell, ran against his fingers in small rivers. He wanted to taste the salt of them, lick each one off the planes of smooth cheeks until that generous mouth of his turned up into a reckless smile once more. Even though his lover's pain bit at him with sharp barbs, he could not help but recognize - and not for the first time - how deeply beautiful the other looked when miserable. No wonder Kestrel had had such fun with the poor youth. This 'fae' linage she discussed aside, True would have made the perfect plaything for that depraved witch.

Such thoughts died an agonizing death in the flames of sensation True fed with his touch, though... the caress of that warm mouth sent his head rocking backward, eyes closing of their own accord as a taut rush of euphoria exploded in his stomach and sent blazing shards of itself trailing up his spine and through each limb. Breath escaped in a slow stream, drawing a long, low moan trailing after it like a lovesick puppy.

Before he knew it he found himself unclothed, his hands buried in the length of silken soft, dark hair, palms cupping round the shape of his lover's head as True's hot tongue commanded that forgotten part of himself to rise to his bidding. He shivered, felt thighs shake as they turned outward and spread while he slid back, back and down in a slump upon the floor against the bed.

Somewhere in the back of his mind something sang soft protest that he'd not even yet got to taste that mouth he loved so much, whispered warnings that this was all too soon... but he felt that pleasant, unsettling sort of haze settle over him with each stroke of a silvered tongue, and surrendered to the drunken feeling. Gideon would always be a slave to touch, prisoner to that undying lust of his, and no one, no one fed that need, understood that drive like True.

The boy darts forward, one arrow to a chosen target, never letting loose. He keeps his mouth clenched, teeth shielded behind suckling, coaxing lips, begging of a bounty that he glides into his throat. Hands are gentle, long fingers careful in their spread across the pale, perfect skin atop his lover's thighs. But the boy can only maintain such focus for so long. With each shiver, each drunken sigh his lover lets slip, the changeling feels tethered to that call. Lust, like a rope around his neck, it pulls him close, taunts him, faster.. faster.. He peers up at Gideon as if he were some golden idol, divine hearthrob breathing True back to life. There is only Gideon, and his beautiful, broken body. It is to that body True speaks now, turning his nose into the bend where leg meets groin, forcing one long suckle before turning him out.

"I am yours now, forever truly. If I live as long as she says I will..." He wonders.

A softly strangled cry answered that last long, luxurious draw of True's mouth, and he felt keenly the aching loss of its smooth heat. How oddly like a drug True had become, dulling sensibility and sharpening the raw, animalistic side of himself. Hands slid from their cradle of that dark head to limn the silhouette of neck and shoulders, down the length of long arms where they closed above elbows, tugging, pulling True to the floor in a tumble with himself, pressing him back against the plush, thick carpet that ringed the bed.

Rising over him, Gideon rested on elbows as he pinned the boy, chest to chest and hips to hips. Fingertips traced lightly the babyfine silk of his hairline from forehead to temples as he claimed that mouth he'd missed as much as his own freedom.

"I don't know what 'fae' is, True... and I don't pretend to know how long you'll live. Just be mine for whatever time we have."

He licked lightly at the silver ringing his lower lip before he closed the whole of that soft flesh between the press of his own mouth, his kiss slow and savoring...a starving man given a morsel of food. He caught its upper brother in a light pinch of a bite before caressing the tender innermost tissues of it with a slow pass of his tongue. One hand slid a cradle to the nape of the other's elegant, long neck as the other found its home, pressed tight over the hard thump of a heartbeat, broad palm and long fingers splayed haphazard over the smooth expanse of his chest.

He knew there had been questions asked, earlier...but it was nothing he could bring himself to address, and he kept skirting the issue, terrified to even think upon his incarceration, lest he suddenly wake and find all of this some awful dream and himself back in chains, starving and at Elias' sadistic mercy. Again he shuddered, and this time there was nothing of pleasure in it - but he pushed it all down, back into the pit with all the blackness he'd grown so adept at repressing. That void was growing crowded though, and this new torment so new, with claws so cleverly sharp it scaled the walls of that abyss and clung to its edge, waiting to strike again the second guard was lowered.


That little word sounds high and long, carting all kinds of innuendos with it: sex and safety, love and devotion. True makes promises in the way he writhes against his lover on the floor, no coaxing needed. He responds to this reunion in the only way he knows how, and that is: open invitation. Kestrel's memory stalks him like a chasing storm, but with Gideon pressing, pinning him, he feels nothing else but the sun. And oh, the sun. The boy recalls the sun, and how it always took the other away.. parted until nightfall, until now.

True lifts his head to link mouths anew, rub his silver-tipped lip along the top of Gideon's own, tracing outlines both red and white. His hands gather the other closer, if such is possible, before settling into a southern route, rounding his backside and groping him there. And he purrs, a vibrant vibration along the teeth and gums, notes of silver chiming in tune. When he breaks from that second kiss, he does not leave completely. One hand returns to hold Gideon's chin, stilling the other's head comfortably atop his chest so that the boy may lick at the shape of his mouth, as if to commit it to memory.

"I will never leave your side. Do not leave mine, Gideon. If you die, I will surely. If you are lost again, I will go mad."

True will not sugar-coat the last few weeks if Gideon ever asks, but if he looks closely enough, he might see the hollow, haunted aura, that sits unwell in young eyes.


Agreement and fierce, feral promise all crowded into that one word. He did not have to look hard at all to see how the time True had spent at Kestrel's mercy had stained the youth round his pristine edges. It enraged him. The hand on True's heart skimmed down a side made all too lean from lack of food, fingers rippling over ribs as they fell, slid over a hipbone and across his thigh before they hooked to his knee and drew it up, up so that his arm could slide under it, hoisting that long leg up in a crush over his elbow, turning True's body into a curled comma. Hips took full advantage, a press and glide against the cleft that position bared, and then an achingly long pause before he slid himself slowly, slowly home.

He drew a sharp breath and, buried deep in that beautiful man, trembled and let his head fall. Lips brushed against a silver spangled earlobe as his head dangled cheek to cheek with his lover's, and his words were so soft they hardly seemed to move the air at all as they fell out.

"I will kill her for what she's done to you. To you and to me." He lifted his head and sharp eyes that had lost so much of their glacial hue were hard, terrifying things, full to the brim with giddy wrath.

"She will never harm you again."


Date: 2011-09-26 23:35 EST
There's something to be said about the way the world works. About the way it tricks you when you're not looking.

Who would have thought that one's privacy was something that could be purchased?

In a rare moment of silence in Lanesborough, Gideon had a moment to himself. No interruptions. No conniving bitches. No one trying to kill him.

It was the sort of thing that men dreamed of, perhaps.. And in this case, this place?

No matter one's nature, sometimes, a hot bath cured what ailed you. And one would assume that this was the one place where he could surely have privacy. The bath tub. A hot, glorious bath...

Let us discuss the nature of crushing hopes and dreams. It is not something that is truly done for fun. Most aren't that vicious and cruel by nature. No, it's a talent, and talents aren't taught. You're born with talent.

The long lines of the room seemed to stretch and skew, spilling out at the seams...until the Beast stood at the side of the bathtub, a monochrome monstrosity, eagerly awaiting attention.

Bylah never stood in a room but he ate all the air in it, filled the spaces in between with that unnameable presence that only a thing so endless as himself could ever eschew. It felt like fear. Like a million little lives all fleeing hopeless before the onslaught of inescapable death. If one but listened hard enough surely they could hear the very dust motes screaming out for mercy, mercy from that endless void of entropy that could devour even them.

Gideon lay in the heat of the water, eyes shut, basking in the silence of that perfect solitary ablution when that silent screaming echoed in the back of his brain and set his skin to crawling. There, at the back of the neck, it started, and swept outward with the speed of a wildfire consuming dry brush, only growing in strength as it coursed ever outward, until even his fingertips felt immolated with that eerie, unsettling prickling. He had to force pale eyes to slant open, fight against the howling that his own sense of self preservation had taken up in tune to. Silver sickles only lasted a second before they burst wide open, and he jerked upright in the tub, water sloshing in protest at the sudden motion as hands closed hard on the porcelain of the tub, grip too slick for comfort.


Shock, yes, at the odd choice of location for a visit...and also because, hadn't he just been thinking of that Beast, dwelling on the promises he'd made several nights ago, and letting his mind unravel into slow spools of plans.

"Are you always such an alarmist?" the Beast asked, a brow of jet black arching above an eye. They seemed terribly unforgiving, little licks of lava in otherwise jet-black pools.

He started to unfurl - not up, but outwards: one huge hand started to sprawl and spill, long fingers slithering, sliding, sinking into soaked hair.

"You look as if you have seen a ghost," he murmured, though his gaze drizzled downwards, watching the way the water worked across the floor - felt it start to sizzle beneath his feet, beneath silk. Heat and steam, working up and slow curls.

Gideon opened his mouth, with a rather smart remark ready to roll of the tip of his tongue. Funny how it died before the first syllable even had a chance. Died with the slow rake of those fingers across his scalp. The shudder was irrepressible, and all the sweeter for the lack of nearly all control it served as envoy to.

There was a detached, odd sort of bliss in no longer being the complete and utter master of one's self, a strange little acceptance Gideon had learned at high cost during the weeks spent captive. For a moment, just the scarce breath of a long, slow second, those luminous eyes rolled back. He'd forgotten what Bylah's touch was like, how it jolted the senses like licking a battery before it lulled them. All the gods in heaven must have smiled down upon the woman that beast had claimed as his own, for anyone who could stand that touch would have gladly died in his jaws for just a minute's worth of the bliss she must know.

Ah, but that hard little heart of darkness within rallied, and once it found its center, rebelled. Again he opened eyes, slower, more sedate this time, and offered Bylah the generous cheshire-fine smile his mouth was made for.

"I'm sure it's not that bad. I only look like a man who's seen Entropy himself standing over his bathtub." Ah, and there was the British snark, softened from rudeness by that accent. "It's not often the phrase 'speak of the devil' becomes fact rather than euphemism."

All he could do not to tilt into the brush of those fingers like a stroked cat, and even then he might have, he felt his neck bend to the side as eyes fought with him to close again.

"I've been wanting to speak with you, Bylah..."

"I know," he said. Of course he knew. He knew everything. The impossible length of his fingers curled and coiled, starting to pull gently at that hair.

"As I need to speak with you. I have grown...tired of this game. I have grown tired watching your Shadow suffering - he cannot finish his transformation until this is over. It is time to get rid of Kestrel."

He turned, a creation of alabaster perfection, muscles slithering and sliding beneath smooth skin. "And I would think that you have had your fill of her as well, have you not?"

Black hair slithered along the white of his spine, eyes slitting. One hand lift, flicked...and the room was plunged into absolute darkness; the only sound was that of the water shifting and sloshing in the tub around Gideon.

"I have..." It came out as a strangled sigh, a halting articulation of rapture mingled perfectly with utter hatred. "I want her dead, I want her gone, forever."

Darkness descended and for a terrifying moment Gideon flashed back to all that time spent in the pitch black of that little cell. He jerked uncontrollably and tried to rise, found it impossible with the grip of that hand upon the curve of his skull. Panic rose like bile in his throat.


There was a note of pleading in that voice that had never touched it before. Hands reached out to grope blindly for the wrist connected to that hand that held.

"Stop," he said, simply - one little word that could've made worlds cease to rotate. "There is something that, before we go any further, you have to learn."

His hand was still a warm weight, resting in all of that wet hair. "I do not think you understand something.."

He shifted and started to spill, black hair slithering over his shoulders as he leaned over the vampire.

Hot breath spilled, smoke and sparks touching at his cheek. "I wish you had asked for my help sooner. Perhaps, had I known when this started,I could have helped you."

Gideon froze, though his hand had already clenched down hard upon that wrist it sought, clung to it with the desperate grip of a drowning man. His face turned itself aside, offered up its cheek as martyr to that mouth to save itself. Throughout the length of his body muscles strung themselves taut as garroting wire, and trembled with the urgency of fight, fight or fly. Air felt thick as the water round his waist, and thicker still when it caught like syrup in his throat, stinging the sense of smell with all the air of sickly sweet decay that surrounded the Beast.

"There were rules!" Even to his own ears it sounded pathetic, though it was truth spoke plain. "There are still rules... But she has hurt me, she has hurt Fafnir through me, and she has hurt True. She would have let me die. I suffered her, but I will not any longer! Please, Bylah. When I do this I will surely be condemning myself... but if it buys peace for just a day, if it will help Fafnir, then I will see her dead and a thousand times over."

"There are no rules, Gideon. There are only consequences - and in the end?"

His head turned, a hot, black, velvet slick tongue dragging along the man's cheek, breath smelling of burning wood.

"There is only me. I will help you destroy her - and not just for what she has done to Fafnir. Do you not understand that you are important to me as well? I will never love you....but you are mine, the way the stars belong to the sky. Just as Fafnir is yours, as shadows belong to bodies."

His free hand lifted, long fingers curling along the perfect, porcelain white of the man's cheek, turning his face dead to his - and in the dark, all one could see were the fingers of fire in his eyes, the dull glow of the furnaces in his belly in the back of his throat.

"It will be by your hands, and Fafnir's hands that her life will be snuffed out...and it will be by mine teeth that her body is destroyed."

Pointless to explain how, with a word from that hated woman, he'd be physically incapable, mentally unable to lift a finger to do her harm. Like the instinct that kept humans terrified of heights, like the bred-in-the-bone knowledge wildthings had for survival, that blood-linked bond kept elders safe from their unpredictable, guileless fledgelings. Gideon could have no more killed Kestrel than he could have plucked out his own eyeballs for a laugh. Pointless to try and explain such things to a creature as boundless as Bylah, an entity without rule or law. He was law, and nature's final verdict. All thoughts ceased with the slow drag of that hot tongue.

Gideon turned his face as the cradle of Bylah's hand demanded, each of those fingers feeling like a loving firebrand pressed against his skin, searing clean to the bone, nerves surely dying, drowning and bursting in the rushing tidal wave of euphoria that touch afforded. Gideon looked into the eyes, and into the mouth that would consume the worlds to the endless waltzing tune of time.

"Forgive me Bylah. I will make this right."

Brass bold, or perhaps just stupid with the heady, toxic high of proximity, his own hand rose, and fingers brushed light as wing-tips down temple and cheek. Again, that slow, impossible shudder that began in the pit of the belly and took hold of all limbs.

"I will deliver her on a silver platter."

"There is nothing to forgive. You have done nothing wrong. I know that it was not your intent to get Fafnir hurt."

In the dark, pale lips suddenly drew away from the beartrap that was his mouth into a wild, wicked, cruel smile.

"And I have no doubt that you will bring her to me." A clawed finger smoothed beneath his chin. "But remember what I said. The both of you must kill her."


Date: 2011-09-29 23:59 EST
Carnal apple, Woman filled, burning moon,
dark smell of seaweed, crush of mud and light,
what secret knowledge is clasped between your pillars?
What primal night does Man touch with his senses?
Ay, Love is a journey through waters and stars,
through suffocating air, sharp tempests of grain:
Love is a war of lightning,
and two bodies ruined by a single sweetness.
Kiss by kiss I cover your tiny infinity,
your margins, your rivers, your diminutive villages,
and a genital fire, transformed by delight,
slips through the narrow channels of blood
to precipitate a nocturnal carnation,
to be, and be nothing but light in the dark


Date: 2011-10-21 00:49 EST
The quiet should be nice but isn't
I guess we're going to spend the day like this
In psychic screaming
Don't you feel my eye-lasers hit?
Stare you down, but God, your skin is thick
What's it take to notice?

Show me you can read my mind
You're useless to me if you
Don't know the why or how
Or what my body needs
Give me something I can feel
Show me you can read my mind
Read my mind
Read my mind
- Jimmy Eat World

Small things, bright packages, or something of the sort. The girl is sitting at the bottom of the stairwell, a curious glint in those green-blue eyes, something that says I want and borders on Watch this. Viki does not say much, but every now and then, a whisper is offered up to the wall. Her voice is singsong, barely audible, barely there at all. Yet her wardrobe makes up for the lack of voice: a rainbow flourish of pigment strewn across layers of patchwork, borrowed, bought, stolen, given, lost. She keeps her mouth in proximity of the woodwork, to the pretty swirls and patterns that the architect allowed. Above and below, it's all paneling, all boring from then on. The seer is easily drawn to the special, sacred, in-between, things that offer stories, secrets, and sanctuary in folds. She in turn gives up her ears, her eyes, her twisting lips, keeps her attention locked to the otherworldly echo. Every now and then, her toes disrupt her words, add a backdrop cadence to the lilt of her girlish voice. They tip-tap across the bottom stair, encased in slipper-shoes, freely moving and yet sheltered by something that looked like silk. Somewhere within, a patron draws a deep breath. The seer blows one out for him, smiling in its wake.

The tender smiles to Viki as she comes to the last stair.

"Hiya. I hope your room was to you liking. A breakfast drink for you?"

Off-blue eyes flicker up at her, but do not focus. Instead, they drift, like cumulus clouds.

"I have break-ed up my fast, Amvel. It is naut... necess'ry."

So many words. She lifts her head to the rafters, but turns her ear into the last post, along the rail.

This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but with a whimper: a soft little sound that was strung, stretched out, sprawling slowly with great intent. So when the shadows spill and spiral, Fafnir is the thing that wanders out of them: a jut of white and black, hair and slow-crawling flesh. Because this is the way the world ends: slowly, deliberately, the subtle changes that seem to take forever. Long fingers spread against stones warmed by fire, the loving brush, awe-filled touch of student to teacher. Particular plays, portrayed perfectly, are coming to a close and he's nothing but smiles for it all. Because this is the sad story given to gravestones one's the legacy has lived out it's last. The swan's song, if you prefer. Bare feet, white as new snow, they pressed and padded against hearth's stones, silk slithering in his wake, a match for the slash of black at his face, covering black-hole eyes. Who needed sight, when there was nothing the sighs of shades?

Whimpers and sighs, the seer knows these notes, but spins no song with them in mind. Instead she wanders, light on her feet, as if she has no need of them. Around a chair, a table teetering on it's own legs, across floorboards better swept by more grounded patrons, she wanders. The spirits call to her from beyond the bar, but she is for the fire's light this eve. Autumn lingers in the air, applespice, burning leaves, the promise of winter's chill. She can smell it on the shoulders of those strangers she flits by.

At the fireside, she stops, and her eyes widen for the one of white. Even still, her voice is silent. The inanimate clamor, but she pays them no mind.

There is a particular beauty found in impatience. It is in his small mouth, in the aristocratic blade of his nose. It crawls across his face, like a spider along windowsills. Unhindered, out of control, he is little more than a statue by the hearth, head turned towards the heat. He seems different: older, perhaps. There is a flat width of his shoulders, a pride in his spine that had never made itself known before now. It suits him. In fact, it flatters him, makes him seem as if there is more of him, as if he were something tangible and real. As if he is more than just a Shadow. He is. Slowly, surely, with great intent, he was more. A comment heard made his head turn, though there is nothing for the Shadow to see. A straighten, a stiffen, a lengthening of mass and he stepped, once, to his right.

These are the eyes of the enlightened child, the one whom, upon meeting their idol, is suddenly disenchanted, betrayed. They hold confusion in their depths, and sorrow, and that tug of longing that keeps them from ever forgetting. The seer regards the Shadow like she would an old flame. He was never that bright, was he? Not like the Sandman. Not fever-hot, pouring whorls of ink across her skin. Two-toned curls keep their distance too, swept at the nape of her neck in a tiny band of borrowed blue. She wonders at the proper greeting, but her eyes move headfirst, before thought, before action, eating into his newest endowments before she can even speak. And then, she does, but it is broken, and small.

"They wonder if you are the Christ." 'They' are not referenced here, and it isn't long before she leaves him, steals into a sofa cushion all her own, hushing the stories it gives up as she settles her weight.

Sin, sorrow, forgetting the lines that construct the places we hold dear: Bylah destroys them, erases them off a blackboard meant for new lessons. A teacher, a student, a relationship as beautiful as it is abusive. Claws crawled, caught, clung to the lives he's been leading too long, lopping off the bits no longer important. The smell of him is a cloud, a fog, a forward marching forever, fanning out before him. And so the Beast snitched, snagged, snarled his way forward, crawling from the heat that was not his furnaces, was not the stoking heat in his belly. Head rolled and horns to the sky, he seemed some horrible afterbirth, an accident never intended to see the light of days - and even before he was halfway free, the width of his mouth looked like some horrid, rusted beartrap, ready to snap shut on unsuspecting ankles. He poured and peeled, spilled across the surface of the hearth's stones, black hair spilling like fresh ink, ready to seep and stain everything black, putrid and crawling with the mice, the maggots, the roaches that writhed beneath his bone-white flesh.

"I am not," the Shadow said - and even though he had covered his eyes, he could still see in his way, the only way that mattered. Something seems to please him, tease him, taunt him all the same. One hand stretched and spread, an offering that he hasn't given in what seems like forever - like some legacy he'd long since left behind, all of the secrets he'd been devouring. The hand is not to the thing at his feet, but at that little shard of color, a prism left too long in the sun. Perhaps, perhaps, she will be forever bright. He does not know and, in that moment? It doesn't seem to matter anyway. Not in the wake of the Beast.

The cushions do not offer much in the way of comfort with the two of them so close. Power rides the air like snapdragons, buzzing bright in a language the seer barely understands, but knows enough to listen. And so she does, eyes wide and unmoving, a pretty statue mismatched among the commons, the odd puzzle piece from a neighbor's set that has somehow wormed its way into yours.

"I know. You are larger, and do naut bleed as much," says the one who takes that offering, though it almost pains her, sends a shiver racing along the track of her pin-straight spine. Fingers, small and pale, seem a stark contrast to his own white.

The air around the hearth grows heavy, humid, and the fire is not the cause. Her mouth curls at one corner, but then, the smile is gone. Her eyes are tracking the Beast, or the motions of his hair anyhow. Fluid, black, like some midnight sea. Yet the girl suddenly recalls a lake, and the twinkling of so many dying stars. Blinking, she looks to Fafnir. It seems time and tragedy have taken its toll. She is solid and shifting at the same time. She squeezes his hand, softly. Her own pulse hums at his palm.

Bylah is slow, like watching trees grow - if given the chance, they'll slowly wrap and twine and strangle. And so slowly, so deliberately, he is at his height, his cruel stabbing into the sky, ram-horns proud, save decorated with his hair, and the stars he's patiently ripped out of the sky. Forever fingers curled, twitched and then spilled outwards, the width of worlds without life. His mouth an unforgiving line, he considered his once Shadow, and the small thing near it.

Perhaps Fafnir misunderstands - or understands too well.

"Do not fret. Soon, this will all be over, and I will be mine cruel, harsh, jovial self again," he murmured down to Viki; it was hard to tell if he were making a joke or not. Something in his mouth - tongues that twist and turn - suggest he is. And isn't. Such was the way of the liar. But then, then, in his infinite kindness, he smiled. It was a smile that stretched across his face, ear to ear and perhaps it was best that one couldn't see his eyes - couldn't see the way that smile had twisted the light in them so cruelly, harsh as a tapeworm in warm flesh.

"Do you have any secrets for me, Viki?" And that is cruelty. That is the world we live in, when that which you love will treat you so kindly, and all out of selfishness.

The girl buys the bait, hook, line.. Her heart is a drum against her chest, a small bongo off-beat, wild and wrong, playing at its own pace. Life now, and life in the next. Her feet are uneven as she stands there, and then she points her toes inward, like some ready ballerina on the orchestra's cue. Her head tips to Bylah, but her curls do not follow. They stay stationary, two-tone, entwined in a tail along shoulder blades, waist, lumbar. To the voice that presses, plays at poetry, tugs her remaining strings, she turns now, although fingers are growing colder in his grip. The answer is encased in the lean of her body, in the way her small head finds an empty space to fill. Tip-toe, her chin in his shoulder, she whispers all those things she took from the stairs. Past and future wave Fafnir merrily away, as present secrets pour out of her. Most are as light as the air itself, no substance to hold them down. They are the quickest to fill that voice. A select few are sweet, mulled wine, Christmas candy, sticky as sex as they land at the lobe of his ear. And then the secrets begin to crescendo, and bare their weight upon the receiver. These are the darker, finer parts of that firmament called ether, the kind that grow and suggest and manipulate. But as the seer gives up these things, she forgets herself, and the trauma her face holds begins to fade away. Thus she is reborn by his side, hearing nothing, seeing little, and for only those few stolen moments. There are tears when she is finished, trickling down her small face without a proper trajectory.

"You may have her, says the windowsill," She says at long last, and then sighs into his forearm, finding solace in something solid. "What... What did I just say?"

Bylah watches and waits, wanting something to happen, to see some sign, some proof that these efforts haven't been in vain. He listens to the litany that flows free of the woman, and into the devourer or that which he could not quite be bothered with - secrets were terribly tough to chew, and he had more to deal with than just that.

Fafnir has done this before - once, on a roof, before spurning and sneering. He does it again: one hand rose, the heat of his thumb smoothing at her cheeks. He finds them unerringly, not because he can see, but because he knows, has faith in the knowledge of where they are, some memory he had long since locked away in his mind.

"Nothing you would want to hear again, mine dear," he rasped, tongues twisting and in that moment? He sounded so like the vast mass that stood beside him, seemed so like the Beast that it was almost frightening how like him Fafnir had become.

"It is alright. You do not have to think about that anymore. I have it now." And he sounds it - sounds sated and satisfied in the best of ways, the worst of ways, the ways that will eventually destroy lives and snuff out hopes, dreams.

She does not collapse like she once might have. There is only the faint whisper of the threat: buckling legs and loss of vision. She does not cleave and plead for more, does not mewl against the air with outstretched arms. Instead, she lingers at his side, attached but easily removed, her hand soft against his own, tangible, but fleeting. Were she to wave... Instead, her eyes stare into the hollow of his own, into the nothing of a moonless, starless sky. She is enough to fill it, she thinks. Her cheek turns, pressing into the hand that finds her face. All the better to see me with, says the patchwork girl, with her upturned brow.

"It is perhaps your birthday." Somewhere, in the perimeter, just shy of her own small shadow, is the Beast. She no longer knows how correct she is. She might, eventually. Then again, she might never.

"You make it quiet." She adds, and her voice, if it can, grins at him. Between syllables, there is the unmistakable sound of a smile.

His eyes are but a black slash across his face, silk as fine as what was about his hips. "Soon," he tells her. "Soon, I will be me." And that is both a love story and a horror, something stretching out further than it should - further than he should. On that day, he will go on for miles. His head turned a bit, more to his side than in her direction.

"It is alright," murmured low and slow, to the Beast at his back - some horrible addiction that he can't quite shake just yet. "You can go now."

Vaguely, Bylah's lips curls. It is the subtlest of motions, an expression that, perhaps, best fits a dog that is not quite housebroken, that may still bite. It's fleeting, however, gone in a second. Once more, his features are the perfect pantheon of absence. Such insolence, surely. Instead, his hand started to rise and unfurl, a ship's sail at full mast. How impossible it must have seemed, how it went on forever. Those fingers were agile, dexterous, meant for breaking, meant for making. It went on: forever, and came so near to her - but did not touch. Because he knew. There was nothing that slipped by the Beast, nothing he did not know. Eventually, they all passed beneath his cruel, horrid gaze.

"You were wise to come down here, little one," Bylah murmured: the words went drizzling out of his mouth, shoved about by his tongues, jostled and cajoled into freedom. "Though, perhaps had you stayed, you could have taken refuge in mine horns." Because even from there, they all still sang, giggled, little girls in playgrounds, whispering words behind small hands.

Caught between, some small island between two poles of earth, magnetic, pulling her toward each other, thus breaking her in half. The seer, newly blind, does not detach herself from Fafnir, but does not further embed herself to his side. She only flinches, then stares, the fluttering moth to a moving flame. How Bylah dances before her. Such radiance eclipses nearly all things. Nearly all. The one at her side, how he burns white... Her lips tremble, animating her chin. She moves her gaze from one to the other, obviously addled, and this time, perfectly ignorant. It is silent, this space between. It is clear, and she is alone.

"I am naut yours." Her whisper has a bit of lilt to it, as if it were born a question rather than fact. She does not belong to either of these beings. Yet how she longs... There are years in the way she stares at Fafnir, years untold across the shell of her youth. Here is her last secret, unsaid. Here, offered for him to taste in the quiet place between two lips.

"You could have been," it is a blessing, a curse, a little lyric slipped beneath a lover's door. She could have been part of his glorious crown. But no, no - she had to flee from such lofty heights. One last glance aside to that which was once his, before the Beast turned, considering the flames. How simple they seem, a complex thing written in one line. It is hard to tell who devours who.

Fafnir does not taste - perhaps he knows already. His hand rose, settled in the space atop her head, a perfect place for the wide of his palm. For once, in a brief second of showing just how magnanimous he could be, he bowed his head. Thick hair, black and slippery fell over her in a curtain, a cloud of the smell of him right there: of rot and decay, offal and afterbirth.

"Mine glorious maker is Entropy. The erosion of mountains, the death of cells. The way the leaves rot in winter. He is everywhere, in everything. In you. In the stone beneath our feet, in the grains of sand on the ocean. In his great crown, the antlers that he has scraped the underbelly of the sky with, he has torn down the stars."

The tension that has built between these three seems to dissipate at the departure of one, only to spark and crackle into something entirely else the moment she finds herself in the midst of that inky waterfall. With her free hand, she feels up, catching a blade of hair between her two little fingers before a voice hits her ears, hard and hot and full of its own stories. In the dark, her eyes roam skyward, and find only black holes. How he draws her in... Even the scent of her, the heavy height of summer, is swept into the being above, below, surrounding...

"He has sung that song to me. And the ones that are naut caught therein, we slip between. We fall. On accident. On whim.. On.."

She stands there, sways in dark sanctuary, her hand tightening on his own to steady her feet. Something that was once known is temporarily misplaced.

He laughs in her ear - it's the sound of new orphans and shrieking widows wanting to know why. The black sliver of silk around his eyes ticks: there is something still beneath there, something still capable of smiling. Long fingers slithered, drizzled, a slow rain through hair, along the long of jaw, finally settled to her chin, tipping her head up.

"It would not have been an unkind existence, caught up there. Perhaps he might have hung you in the hair of his woman. At the very least, you would have been cherished."

"t is quick, like life." The patchwork girl pursues that hand, moving at the direction of the other. She no longer knows if it is desire that causes her compliance. She no longer cares. Her eyes are two stars in and of themselves, twins finding fitting voids to die in. There, they linger: Fafnir's coal stare. The emotion he has wrangled free of her kills the effect. No longer surreal, sylvan, she is a mess of weeping humanity. In some pocket, there is a silver coin. The Sandman's soul is somewhere on its surface, but she has not found the courage to call him close.

"I do naut think he would put me there, even if he were quick to catch, Once-Shadow. I disappoint."

"Do you always sell yourself short, Viki?" he asked, his tone turning to sharp mock. "Is it always within your nature to belittle yourself? You do not disappoint. You never have. You, with your insistence." His had slithered, withered away, a flower falling, losing it's beauty.

"Once, you reached for me as if I were your last bastion. Now, you seem to shy and pull away. Do you always do as your told? Was it my words that put you away?" His fingers curled in a collar, the neckline of that dress; he drew her close, two mice in a shotglass. She could feel the roaches, the rats, the mingling of maggots beneath his skin..and when he leaned in, it was with the splay of tongues, his mouth so near to her's.

"When did you stop going after what you wanted, girl?"

"You are naut mine. You are... Of someone else and he of you." It is the best the seer might do for the small moment she has to suffer his proximity, the weight and rippling mass of him, so close, he seems to writhe without her coaxing. And she might pry that sort of response out of any other, any other in the world... save for those who are not part of it. The world.

Her eyes are large and bright, still moonlit waters before the proverbial skipping stone. Some small, strangled sound forces its way from her throat, only to die at the back of her teeth. She lets go of his hand, and then both thin arms rise in a sudden rush, circle his neck in a none too casual cling.

"He will hurt me again." She says, her voice pitted to the broken tune of her own sigh. "If you did naut make everything go silent and black, I might be able to see just how..." Her mouth, it hovers to the cavern of his own, home to a tongue spliced.

He laughs again..but this time, it is something low, something slow, something that slithers down the spine and pools in all the right places.

"We are nothing but porcupines - we do nothing but hurt one another, girl." The world out of his mouth doesn't sound quite so much like an insult. "I cannot help what is within mine nature. I was meant to devour secrets..."

One tongue, a ribbon of black velvet, knapped and slick slithered out of his mouth, drug across the cannibal-red of his mouth.

"And you cannot stand there and tell me you would want me any other way."

"When you did naut throw this shroud overhead, I saw your path, and it was only one." Affirmation in her roundabout way, riddleramble for the one who presses and pries. She combats his assault with a shudder. The motion may upset some of the inner turmoil beneath his skin.

Her fingertips brush the back of his white neck, and she is surprised to find it so solid. "It is about now that you would make this body meet the wall, fall into the black between the floor, and go forever and a day, leaving only the promise of dark dreams."

Yes, the seer has dreamed the Shadow on multiple occasions.

Solid, but only so much. Beneath her touch, it still writhes and wriggles, rippling in the way of the press of fingers. There is something alive beneath it all - some horrible secret, a snake seemingly ready to shed it's skin.

"I am a shadow and it is what I do. I think, however, that you mistake certain situations. Do you think I have been warming his bed?" asked, brittle and blunt. "Mine relationship with Gideon is not so simple and sordid. I do not love him as a man loves his wife. I love him as the plant loves the sun, the rain."

"Nau. It is the more important parts that grow warm with you. I knew it once. The love of rain. It once told me its name.."

She trails, lost at the foot of her own words. Lashes flutter, and eyes draw to a momentary close. There is comfort, in the dark. Her linked hands press him again: Neck. Shoulder. And soon, they slip down the frame of him, taking stock of his shape. She commits him to memory, places old and new. She halts her explorations at the bend of both hips, as if she were an unschooled dance partner. Put them here? Lead now?

Her eyes open to the full moon view of his face. She takes it in, as a mortal might a deity, or a statue of. Reverence, respect, and something shy of fear. Still, she smiles, but shows no teeth.

"Your cruelty is hiding with my persistence, I think." Her fingers twitch, itchy, as if to say they want to draw it out.

This is a dance Fafnir knows, the kind that takes two to tango, me and you, us and them. Even in her shyness, there is bold lines that she draws with her hands - only his anchor has been quite so forward. It shows in his smile, the way it widens and spreads, wildfires in too-dry brush.

"Do you like it?" he asked, fingers crawling and sprawling up her spine, just to grab a handful of hair. "Mine cruelty? Is that what you think about, Viki?"

"You make it quiet," She repeats slowly, though her voice is on edge, a runner poised to sprint across even pavement, surging ahead of any other. Two-tone tresses lock about the hand that snatches them from the sea of their sisters. Her face gives it away before her singsong voice can rise to the betrayal.

"There is quiet in pain, Fafnir." Her fingertips dance, not requiring a partner. They teeter close to where his navel might be, had he been born in the usual way. And then, her palms fall flat to his torso, gliding up again, meeting his throat, resting there moments before she steals his face between her fingers.

"That does not answer mine question, Viki," he chided, looming and listing over her, fingers tightening in her hair. "There is something to be said about being the object of one's hate, as bright and sharp, as one's love, is there not?"

One tongue slid against the sharp tip of a tooth, skin sliding perhaps too easily beneath her palms.

"Xas." Comes the answer, solid and steady, stark contrast to the way her skin crawls with his own. It is like he has infected her, like some part of him has found a way to crawl inside, settle, replicate. Instead, she only shivers, one violent tremor after the next, her skin a mess of gooseflesh beneath the soft splatterpaint of patchwork fabric. Her fingers brush against the bones of his cheeks.

She does not move anything else, does not even dip her head back to follow the motion of that captivating hand.

"I think of it."

"Good," he crooned, cooed, closed the gap so quickly that the naked eye almost missed it. It was the drag of his tongue, the subtlest of tastes, before he straightened and sprawled, letting her hair spill out of his grasp.

"Take that thought with you."

And her eyes are unclad as any, especially now, in the hollow that she has been gifted. The inanimate echo nothing. No secrets reveal themselves. The Shadow had eaten them all. She drops her hands as he untangles, feels the full of her hair fall against her back: complete, whole. Yet something more is missing. She does not pine for the one who falls away from her, but there is no look of indifference to her face. She is easily read, and with the knowledge of a mirrorglass, she nods at him. Only when she looks away does she realize her hands have chosen to close over her mouth.

And yet, despite his slow withdrawal, the way he peels away, there seems to be something in his stance, his stride, that is not quite so cold. Or maybe that's just an illusion. He pulled away, paint off a wall, and slid across the floor, a flat piece of seemingly black nothing. Unimportant and simple scenery.

The seer does not slide so much as sprint. Up the stairs and to the landing beyond. No whispers are thrown to the railing in the wake of those slippered feet. Only silence, and no regret.


Date: 2011-12-02 22:35 EST
She ought to have known better. Gideon had gone to her that evening, all repentant blood-kin fledgling, begging forgiveness of the queen. Dressed like the prince he was in a suit sharp enough to make a razor blush in envy, he'd knelt at her feet, kissed her fingers and asked her favor back... even promised her gifts. Tribute was what he called it, in a low, velvet voice, pale eyes like twin sickles of the moon smiling down at her as he rose and pulled her insistently with him. Tribute, to set right all the wrongs between them.

Out of the Lanesborough, down into the streets, with her hand tucked into the crook of his arm he walked her. She ought to have known better. But Gideon was nothing if not charm when he wanted to be, and oh how he seemed to want to be for her tonight. Down through the winding cobble streets, until they left the warm lamplight behind at the edge of town where the ramshackle of buildings gave way to open air, and the cold wash of moonlight took up the task of illumination, washing the colors of them both into bone white and coal black. How easy his smile as he drew her off the path, into the fields toward the low dip toward the valley where the roses grew.

West. West was where the sun set. West was where all of the cold came from, sweeping across the land like a cold shadow - Chernabog on Bald Mountain, perhaps. But no, no, this field is not like that field. This field is not filled with gravestones and the shades of yesterday. This field was solitary, alone. It seemed not of Rhy'din, but something that had been ripped not from another world, but from all worlds. This world, after all, was not like your world or my world.

Because this world had no rules. This world wasn't going to abide by neat time tables, or fetch your fucking slippers.

Perhaps it wasn't a world at all. Perhaps it was were the worlds ended.

But if that was the case, it was a pretty picture of eternity; under the blanket of the moon, it seemed like nothing but red. Red roses, as far as the eye could see - a sea - a sprawling battlefield, still blood-red wet.

And for all of those roses, all of those fragrantly smelling still hid the thorns. Some are small thorns. Little pinprick - and aren't you feeling better now? - that would, perhaps, catch at a fingertip! And how the blood will well!

But there is one thorn that matters. There is one jut that is not like the others.

In that sea of red, stretching endlessly into the sky was a jut of dumb, black stone. A tower, stabbing into the night's sky, tearing at the clouds like a child's fingers might pull at cotton candy, make little wisps of it.

In the shadow of that towering edifice, everything seemed cold, seemed cruel, seemed like the gibbering wilds of madness, nipping and catching at the thoughts, the considerations, the common decency we all hold so dear.

This was where Gideon had brought her.

Her dress is as red as those roses in the field: formal, elegant, cropped at the knee and riding thin to her bosom where straps barely hold together the scandalous design. She can see those roses through even Gideon's charm, even Gideon's penitence. And maybe the lady would have known better, had she not been lost in memory, lost in a scene she has relived over and over. Kestrel walks with him, looking outside in, an old Victorian ghost, clipped and pressed to present a supernatural negative for all the world to marvel at. Her black hair hangs loose along her elbows, mussed to a half curl, such a change from the usual coiffed and crisp arrangement.

"Mon petit frere," she whispers, dominance splashing through that small ray of affection she reveals. In her own way, Kestrel cares. And now that Gideon has turned over all of his leaves, Kestrel will care a good deal more.

It is funny how emotion can turn a thought. She had it, there, at the tip of her tongue, before her eyes stole into his face. His shining smile. The lost prince. She had finally reclaimed him.

"Oui, that is it," she says, although she does not say altogether entirely. Instead, her gloved hand caresses his forearm, tracing those seamlines, all too sharp.

And then, perhaps the wind picks up, perhaps a distant bird gives a cry. Something distracts her. Or the lack of something. Her eyes move from the prodigal son to the rich red waves of flowers.

She can almost hear them sing a certain song.

"What is 'it', highness?" He asked through that smile, the mask of saccharine sweetness never breaking, though his brows drew in toward their center point slightly at her oddness. He pulled her hand from his elbow and drew her along with him, through the maze the rose-carpeted briers made of the ruby landscape. And if he couldn't hear that song, he might have fooled her as he pulled her into a twirl, slung her away from him only to pull her back again as he danced her through the path. The slow waltz gave to a quicker pace, until he was spinning her madly along, twirling her world into one blurring whirl of crimson, black and sliver, laughing with her...or was it at her? Until they stopped.

He spun her out into the clearing, there, where her feet stopped at the pinnacle of the pointed shadow that black thorn of a stone tower made. He stopped her cold, hands on her shoulders, his breath a soft, persistent wash of cool breeze against her ear as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. If he held her firmly it was only to stop her wobbling after all that spinning, wasn't it?

"Gideon," she murmurs his name through their laughter: with. at. Kestrel does not seem to recognize the difference. Her small spine against his chest, cold as ice for a change. So much is change. She has not fed, and though the night is young by far, it is outside of her normal habits. But did he not mention tribute?

"It is that, enfin, you will have brought him back to me."

The slow, sugar-coated stream of her voice, caught between two pleasures: one now, one later. Gideon cannot mistake her meaning. She smiles all the more, unseen, and draws her hands behind her, tugging at his coattails.

"Who have you brought me, mon cher? In this place... ce lieu..."

She pauses to take it in once more. The roses. The negative patch between leaf and thorn. It is as if there is no ground below them, nothing but stems and bright red faces, throwing their perfume high.

There are certain spaces, certain places, where reality and fiction start to blur together - like watercolors on a canvas. Here, in these cherry waves, he starts to come clean - cleaner than a virgin's c*nt.

It starts out slow - Gideon had started a dance and he, forever, had followed. Step by step, beat for beat, the way the asphalt shimmers with heat: he is the mirage, the illusion, a simple little story. Who would have thought that something so complex could have been described, really, in two words?

White and black. That's it. That is all that there is room for anymore. His was the white flesh and the black hair, the sprawling spread of silk. He nipped at heels, puppy playful, save no one bothered to tell anyone that he was a hellhound.

And so he comes on slow, a figment of the imagination. He started to peel and pool, thread off a spool coming undone. There were stitches and bitches, and some of them are going away soon.

Cold hands curled, coiled around ankles and for once, they don't belong to his anchor. They are small ankles, dainty. Scandalous, perhaps, is the word here, that flashing of white flesh. So taboo.

The roses don't sing the song. Perhaps the roses didn't get the script to the play being put on.

And so the Shadow slithered, sunk and sprawled upwards, a slow creeping of wild vines - and this one has it's own thorns, the cut and crawl of claws at the ends of long fingers, the sort that stretch out forever.

He had worked so very hard to keep himself some great secret, that last minute surprise. And for what it was worth, he'd thought he'd done a horribly fine job of it; always flattening to the floor with Kestrel showed her horrible face - the face that he wanted to mangle and marr, make unpretty in every way.

He climbed up her spine like some monkey, some horrible addiction that would sink it's finger's deep into her skull - and only then, only when his head could coil, sparks and smoke smattering out of his mouth, tongues twisting behind his teeth, did he sing to her:

"Not having really neither wings nor beak
she never learned to walk or speak;
to the child, the mother never says a word
to communicate, this little girl, she chirps like a bird..."

Gideon did not mistake Kestrel's meaning, and behind her back that smile shattered for an instant, turned to something ugly, something hateful. But it lasted only an instant in itself, only until he felt Fafnir sliding up between them, and he stepped back as the other took his place. Perhaps she'd notice as his hands were replaced by other hands, perhaps not. Surely she'd noticed those hands were still on her when he stepped round to face her, smiling pacifically as he regarded his blood-sibling in the blissful manner a spider regards a fly caught in the sticky silk of the web, just before the fruitless struggle begins.

"Who have I brought you?" He caught his lower lip between sharp teeth while the corners of his mouth curled slow. "I think you mean, highness, whom have I brought you to."

He rocked slightly on his heels, hands seeking the solace of trouser pockets as if ashamed of their work at their master's bidding.

"Tribute, dear sister, to set right all the wrongs between us." He canted his head slightly, regarding her with the patience one offered particularly slow children. "Oh. I'm sorry. You thought...oh."

Gideon chuckled softly, raked a hand back through dark hair in that habitual gesture of consternation.

"You thought I meant to set right all the wrongs I did you. How droll."

He reached for her hand, drew it up and turned it over in his own as he mused down at her palm.

"No, no. I mean to make a tribute of you, luv. To set right all the wrongs you have ever done me...and mine."

The phosphorescence of glacial eyes flicked up and over her shoulder as he offered a smile drenched in love to the beautiful shadow with its fingers digging into her flesh.

"Kestrel, I think its long over due that you meet Fafnir."

She does not know what manner of creature comes to life from beneath her, that rolls along her skin like a reverse waterfall, gurgling that song, -that- song, all the way along. Too interested and too confident in her own abilities to feel any sort of terror, she turns her head to the mouth that croons a familiar chorus.

And she frowns.

Over the years, Kestrel has built herself a strange sort of harem, the odd and the extreme, the remarkable. She refreshes their ranks every so often, chasing after this jewel or that to occupy her time. Her one true goal, always slipping through her fingers.. always slightly out of reach.

Until she found him. Gideon. The key to her own restoration. The key to Vincent. But it would not do to merely present her brother... She had to turn that key. Slowly.

But Kestrel has obviously underestimated the mechanisms on which this world turns. Other beings, some of which rival the most elder of vampires, call this plane home.

She does not yet consider the possibility that she may be in the presence of such a being. She only regards the black and white shadow on her shoulder with obvious contempt... contempt which she misfires and blasts into Gideon, once he rounds her line of sight. That gloved hand, the one he abuses, weeps red through the silk of its shield before stitching to a close. Rinse. Repeat.

"Vous regretterez ce," she mutters through the gleam of a false smile, and as she turns to the being who now perches, parrot on her shoulder, she bares a bit of her birthright. Her canines catch the light, even in the darkest nightmare.

"Bonsoir, Fafnir," and then it is a quick turnabout of one arm, one hand on high, to cage the Shadow's throat.

Do you like the way the water tastes? Beneath her hand, his is a writhing mass: the mice, the maggots, they all sing the song to her, lurking beneath his flesh, a high-pitched shriek, a thousand nails on a thousand blackboards.

In his skull, his eyes roll: it is unseen, damned that black slash, but it happens all the same because, an instantly later? His mouth starts to open and within is a beartrap, a horror of sorts: a cannibal's mouth, backlit by three tongues and far, far beyond that?

She can see the red-hot glow of his furnaces, stoked and waiting in his belly.

"Good evening, Kestrel," he coos, he croons, tongues lashing behind those teeth. They seem to go on forever: one is but a ribbon of black velvet, the other whore red and the last seems dead, the tongue he uses for Gideon.

It is the tongue that tells the truth.

She holds his throat and he holds her, a lover's grasp, the kind that is so strong that there's only one way it can go: straight to Hell.

"I have been waiting so long to meet you. I hid from you, you know. I waited and I watched and I wanted everything to be just right," his tongues told her, a lilting little lyric.

Long lengths, the masses that made him up, they all started to stretch and skew; in her grasp, his head drew closer, closer, the tiniest of little seams brushing the bridge of his nose.

"And now? Now you're going to give me everything..."

Kestrel seeks to evade that incoming head, though she holds him still, or not. It is hard to tell whether what she has latched onto is really one being. Between her fingers, he feels like several: smaller creatures, disgusting dregs that she might have fretted over in the century prior, when her blood was always warm.

"Quel est-il?" She speaks to Gideon now, although her eyes are pinned on the ever-growing Fafnir. She speaks to Gideon, until he is an afterthought, a clever bit of backdrop as the main subject absorbs all other color and light.

The hand in which her brother traps now turns quickly, unraveling itself with a strength that easily surpasses the weak steel of Gideon's fingers. It is that hand which aims for his chest, flat, a blockade to keep him from interfering, and then, all too soon, a battering ram. The force that travels from her shoulder to the tip of her tallest finger is enough to blow a car across a highway. It is this she barrels into Gideon as Fafnir takes center stage.

All around her, the flowers watch, and Kestrel is aware of them, like a cancer patient is aware of that shadow in the x-ray film.

Worry. it slowly cracks the mask of her rage.

"Il est mon ombre." He replied, simply. "My shadow."

He let her pull her hand away, let her swing at him. She'd hardly tested him since his return from Elias' torture chambers beneath the now smoldering remains of that god-forsaken clinic. Starvation does things to a person, to a human, certainly, but to a creature like themselves? It was like folding steel, folding it in on itself again and again and again and at last plunging it into cold water. If he was not stronger than her now, he was at least a match for what she could offer. A month at Elias' hands had aged him, tempered him more surely than time's patient hands could have done. When she struck him he flinched back a half a pace. It shocked him, pleasantly so, and oh how it sung in his features as he glanced from where her blow had landed and up again.

He lunged at her, lightening quick and harnessed both hands in a hard grip, wrenching one back behind her as the other closed rank upon the hand she held aloft in a stranglehold upon Fafnir. One by one he pried fingers from their deathgrip, and slowly, slowly forced that wrist back until the bones began to snap.

Here is her greatest mistake: she might have laid her hands on Fafnir all night - and he has no doubts that she would just love that distraction, oh yes. She might very well try to fuck him to death. - and he would not have really cared one whit. A shadow is nothing more than a smudge of black made by sun and body.

But the very second that she lays a hand on Gideon?

Game over man. Game over.

Have you ever watched a python eat? It's really quite fascinating. You see, they stretch their mouths open very wide, and then start to swallow something that is, for intents and purposes, something much bigger than themselves, to a degree. Within reason, of course.

But that's not the fascinating thing.

No, what's a miracle is the way their flesh stretches - how you can see their color change as oxygen is leeched away, the way their skin seems to blush between scales. It's really amazing, how nature compensates for problems.

That was what was happening, at that moment - only in reverse.

The Shadow had opened his mouth for a reason, you must understand. So much time had passed, it seemed, since the second Bylah had tied off the last stitch that bound Fafnir to Gideon. To the Shadow, it seemed as if it had been forever! It had not, but...

It had been an impressive span of time and finally, gloriously, it was coming to it's final fruition.

There was a hand coming out of the Shadow's mouth. Streaked black and foul, with the horrid remains of all that had lurked within him; maggots and vermin, spiders a charming set of rings on his fingers. Clutched in black-slick fingers was a jut of horn, sharp as any dagger could hope to be and all the while?

Bones went crunch. Muscles were coming undone, as the Shadow's body began that brilliant miracle of life, the slow, cruel, backwards birth of something ripping itself free. And that clutched horn had but one singular destination.

That sad, sorry, stupid c*nt that had tried so valiantly to ruin Gideon's life.


Date: 2011-12-27 22:17 EST
***placeholder (yes there is an end coming to this I promise)***


Date: 2011-12-29 21:08 EST
Gideon's newfound strength is a surprise, but the pain in her wrist is a blip on her neural radar, and it pales in comparison to the shock as Fafnir unfurls himself. For one outside of time, a moment carries no weight, or at least, carries little. For one who lived in a nightmare era, to be confronted by nightmare itself was akin to some twisted family reunion. Kestrel does not quiver, does not run, does not shrink into her lovely skin nor press closer to her blood brother. Instead, her eyes alight by some manic obsession with the unusual, the macabre, she stands stone-solid, a predator awaiting the charge.

Fighting with every ounce of strength to keep the ineffable momentum of Kestrel's hands moving backward, Gideon could only watch in detached horror mingled with an equal dose of fascination as Fafnir began to turn himself inside-out with that cruelly curved weapon of a horn leading the charge. Releasing his grip upon one wrist, he wrapped his arm round hers, bending that elbow back against the fulcrum of his own forearm, fingers tangling in the dark mass of her hair, drawing her head back against the snapping, tearing sound of fistfuls of glossy curls being ripped apologetically from its roots. Words failed. He certainly had none for his blood-sister, but for that violent afterbirth of macabre beauty emerging from its chrysalis of rent flesh... all he could do was watch breathlessly.

Wicked wordsmiths knew no such constructions that could define, confine, codify the likeness that was pouring from the Shadow's mouth. Spiders did it the same way: once they'd split their spines, they started to drag their limbs free from their own bodies.

One arm in the lead, the other was coming out at the edges, the brackish, bloodily covered palm shoved against the wide mouth, the sharp spines that served as teeth, granting leverage to propel him forward.

Is this how the first man looked, birthed out of the Earth? Black hair was slippery, matted down to his skull, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was the reedy, rattling rasp of his voice, a litany of words pouring out of him, secrets he'd stolen. They fell as easily as the maggots, the roaches that crawled free from the once-Fafnir's mouth, still spread too wide open.

And, as babes are oft to do, he just seemed to slip and slither forward, a rush of filth and blood, pouring out of his forever smiling mouth as he slammed the shard of horn into the bitch's chest.

Moments. Snippets of time gathering frost. The longest, those most remembered, most instilled upon the soul, are like scar tissue. And as reality and memory blur, one triggers another, until the spirit is slit to ribbons within and without. Kestrel's own is a variegated series of crossroads, and one might imagine the devil at each intersection.

She does not flinch when the first deathblow comes, or, if she does, it is for recollection of another day, old and far away from this.

There is blood between her teeth. She can hear them rattle as the shells hit the earth.

He could feel the shuddering, jarring impact of that horn reverberate through flesh and bone through his own grasp of her, and the second that thick daggar sunk home, found itself lodged to its fullest between the shattered cradle of rib bones and the thick, fibrous muscle of a hear that no longer beat, no longer gave life? Hands released her wrist an hair, arms disentangled themselves from her as he slid fingers in a loving caress, a gentle cradle of fingers sliding to lovingly bracket either side of her pretty, cruel face. Just a second's worth of shock and pain to work with, a half a breath of brain function gone to deafening static in the wake of that peircing horn... enough for him. A lifetime to live in. A long, luxurious hour for him to close those fingers in a vice grip and turn...turn until cartilage and bone whined and then began to crunch, then tear, to take flesh with them. That fragile spinal cord, so deceptively thick, giving way as her head turned well past the 180 degree mark. Skin made a sound like nails upon the chalkboard as it reached its limits of flexibility and ripped, sheered away against the protrusion of bone.

Blood on her hands, running down her arms lava-slow and thick like melted lokum.

Gideon twisted and his shadow pushed and ashes to ashes, they all fall down. Chances are, the combined weight of bitch and Shadow was enough to at least send them all toppling, tumbling, falling into the roses, the thorns, the horn on his head jutting and jivving, digging it, man, digging it.

"You treacherous bitch," Fafnir rasped, spitting out spiders and choking on cockroaches, even as he pressed his weight down, using all of his strength to tear her heart apart.

Colors fading, spotty embers, dirty orange and ragtag yellow. Burnt flesh stinging her eyes. And then, she cannot see at all.

But soon, soon, there was so much - so much heat, so much reality, that Fafnir loosened his grip on the horn, bloodied hands rising to dig his fingers into his hair.

"Kill her, Gideon," hissed and pooled out of his mouth, tongues turning, churning, spilling the filth out.

She means to speak a name, but cannot. Her lips quiver, attempting to find the shape of its sound.

How can you kill something that cannot die? Even as they fell, even as they became some heap of limbs ad viscera bathed in black blood and her head hung on threads in his hands, she lived. Only fire, only sunlight could do it. Disgusted, he threw that heavy, sodden mass of features and blood soaked curls from him and scrabbled backward out from under the twitching, writhing body left without its guide.

There is a way. There is one way to destroy that which does not seem to want to wither away, to die.

Fafnir knew how. He'd carried that secret in his breast forever, for as long as the world had been alive. And now, now, after waiting so long, the Beast came for Fafnir's cast-off skin...but, better yet?

He came for that wretched, worthless bitch.

It was a slithering sprawl, a spill of forever mass. Even now, reborn, Fafnir was not quite so much as his Maker, but it was a damn close thing: now, as he rose, the once Shadow seemed to stab upwards, moving, curling, coiling to descend on Gideon.

The Beast fell onto Kestrel, ravenous....

"Meurtri?re," Kestrel remembers. His voice, sweeter than the confectioner's stock, a mother's soothing song, a lover's lip-soaked whisper. The sound that drowned out the exploding sky...

And then, He takes her ears as well.


Date: 2011-12-29 21:11 EST
And Fafnir reached with huge hands for Gideon's face, his horns proud, his mouth wide, and his eyes forever staring.

"All hail the Crimson King," Fafnir sang and around them, the roses took up the chorus.

Gideon staggered backward as he regained his feet, as Bylah descended upon the wreck that was left of that evening's work. He reached for Fafnir automatically, as natural as if it were reflex. Unrecognizable face, unfamiliar body...but that voice was like home. Hands stained with black blood ruined the perfection of his shadow's features as they curled round cheek and jaw, pulled the other to him tightly, with a ferocity bourne of months apart, hours of long lonesome desperation and the sharp knives of guilt. A long, low snarl was the only response he had, so darkly feral and deeply lost in the valleys of trembling, tormented rage that any semblance that sound once bore to a voice was well and truly lost.

He was gathered and garnered, hauled to the blood-slick wide of his chest - and when he bowed his head, it was black hair spilling, filling, taking up the gap between them.

There was no need for words: did he remember this mouth, the way it pressed near and dear unto Gideon's, a soul-searching kiss, devouring and so hungry. His hands rose, tangling fingers in hair so short and even now, he was still hot, still a furnace, ready to fire and firm up secrets in a way all too strange.

Maybe he murmured a name against the man's lips - his name, gluttonous and wonderous: Gideon's was the only name Fafnir needed, wanted to murmur in the dark.

It burnt against his mouth, those lips, scalded and seared like kissing brimstone, yet he wouldn't give an inch, couldn't. Fingers curved round the hook of a sharp jaw and only tugged the other closer as sharp teeth set ownership in the fire of flesh with a growl that pitched slowly down to the rumble of a low purr, vibrating in chest and throat.

"My Shadow, my Dark. My dragon." He pressed his forehead hard to the hard plane of the other's, the brilliant light of those glacial eyes fierce, burning fever bright.