Topic: The Brat Prince


Date: 2006-10-16 02:41 EST
He was starving, exhausted. It had only been ten days ? or was it more ? since he?d last fed and the hunger was beginning to wear on him, wear him thin. He looked haggard, pale beyond the natural tone of human skin, the veins showing like blue spider webs beneath the translucent skin, his icy, pale blue eyes sunken, giving him a haunted look. Being in the tavern had been nearly more than he could bear. The warm crush of soft bodies all around pressing close like sweet temptations feeding the hunger that clawed at his innards insistently.

Erin had been there? warm, soft Erin with her sweet, devilish little smile. She?d been drunk, again, smelling wonderfully of whiskey and wine. He?d barely been able to stop his mouth from watering. How easily he could have taken her, cradled her fragile little body and drained her dry, reveling in the taste and rush of the alcohol he could no longer have himself, losing himself in the ecstasy of her blood as its intoxicant-laden heat rushed into his mouth and down his throat while her life slipped away.

He paused in the alleyway and groaned softly, even the thought of it. It had been all he could do to drag himself away from her, to deny himself the pleasure he wanted ? and Gideon had never been one to deny himself pleasure in any form. But that was the reason he was here, and if he ever wanted to leave this miserable, one-horse, backwoods, backwards town it was a lesson he would have to learn ? or at least pretend to.

So he had left the inn, left the sweetly drunken Erin behind and made his way out into the alleyways of Rhy?din, knowing that he needed to feed his hunger and feed it soon or risk making a mistake that could cost him dearly.

Ten days ? he knew he should be able to go for longer, left in isolation he could have survived indefinitely depending upon how strong he was mentally. But here, with the press of others so close all the time the temptation was too much to resist. Gideon refused to take what he needed by force, though. Despite what he was and his nature the act of attacking an unwilling, unwitting victim was too much like rape for his tastes. Messy, violent, and emotional ? the blood tainted with the bitter tang of fear. No, he enjoyed the seduction, the sly and silent dance, drawing his lovers into a web they couldn?t see. But he had no time for that tonight.

He strode through the alleyways, feeling the heartbeats of those around him in the dark, the poor unfortunates of the town that stood in the shadows or crouched by the buildings. He could smell them; scent their blood, their bodies. He could reach out and hear their thoughts as he passed by them. A woman, he preferred women, always, though men were larger. He ducked into a shallow dead-end behind a dingy, old hotel. Leaning up against the damp brick wall he closed his eyes and let his head drop back as he drew a breath he didn?t need to take.

Breathing was a hard habit to break, even when the body no longer needed oxygen the brain?s impulses still went on. Vincent no longer breathed anymore ? but then again Vincent no longer did much of anything human anymore. The thought of him set Gideon?s teeth on edge and he pushed it away firmly. He drew another deep breath and reached out, out to the street rats around him, the junkies and runaways, the homeless and drunks. It was a clever little trick Eve had taught him? in fact it was how she had ensnared him herself. He could reach out, stand in the streets, even before houses, open his arms and reach out and call to those who wanted his release. They would come, the ones that craved death, craved indulgence, craved his absolution. They would wander into his arms and embrace him, dull-eyed and dim-witted as the sacrificial lambs they were. Tonight would be no different.

It was a young girl, a teenager perhaps, it was hard to tell, pin-thin little wisp who answered his silent call tonight. She hadn?t been far away, crouched by a pile of refuse. If the scent of her was any indication she hadn?t seen shelter or a bath in more than a month. She was scrawny and strung out, but she was alive and she came, sleep-walking into his arms like a lover, slipping her fragile arms around him blithely as he gathered her to him. She didn?t even make a noise, not a whimper as his teeth sunk in and tore away a chunk of her throat. He held her close, gorging, the taste of her like manna from heaven as her hot blood filled his mouth. He could feel it, literally feel his body absorb her essence, feel himself take on her heat as every cell plumped and the ache eased. He let her memories, her emotions, all of it pass away. He cared not a whit to know her or who she was. The sharing was nothing but a bother to him, it always had been. It was the pleasure, the taking that he loved the most.

Usually he didn?t kill, but he was too starved not to take all he could from this little forgotten one. He could feel her weak heart falter, speed up, falter again. She whimpered then, making a soft gurgling noise as he crushed her closer, feeling her ribs break slowly as his arms tightened around her with preternatural strength. He fed greedily, drawing out all he could before he could feel her death rolling over her, tearing his mouth away just in time. He couldn?t swallow her death, he didn?t want to. Some he knew loved it, usually the same ones who enjoyed the bitter blood of violence, but it was an acquired taste Gideon never had a palate for.

The nameless girl slumped backwards in his arms with that odd, almost amusing boneless ness that accompanied the complete release of muscle tension. He gathered her up and gently placed her in the nearby dumpster, closing the lid over her lifeless form. He brushed himself off carelessly and fixed the collar of his coat as he licked the blood from his lips. She hadn?t been up to his usual standards, but she?d done the job admirably. The hunger still gnawed at him somewhat, but its howls had been reduced to a mere whining, and he could tell his appearance and attitude had been markedly changed.

He lit a cigarette as he strode out of the secluded dead-end and out into the maze of alleyways once again. He?d have to repeat his little act once, maybe twice more before he could be truly satisfied, but the night was young yet and he had all the time in the world.


Date: 2006-10-19 22:42 EST
This is what I brought you this you can keep,
This is what I brought you may forget me.
I promised to depart just promise one thing,
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

This is what I brought you this you can keep,
This is what I brought you may forget me.
I promise you my heart just promise to sing,
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

It was late - or rather, early from a regular perspective, when Gideon turned the lock to his hotel room and shut the door behind him. It had been an exhusting week, due in no small part to Erin's efforts.

He flung his hat into a chair near the door and followed it with his coat, buttery black leather slithering against the upholstery. He paused, however as his foot came down upon the crisp crunch of paper and his eyes turned downwards slowly to see the plain white envelope caught under the toe of his shoe. He bent to pick it up, feeling the curious weight of it as he held it between thumb and forefinger, his wrist dangling at his side. Just touching it he knew who it was from, and had a fairly good idea why it was there.

He rolled pale blue eyes as he skulked toward the fireplace where the gas logs burned perpetually. He kept it running night and day reglardless of the weather or temperature - something about the eternal flame of it comforted him. He sank down into the large antique-style armchair before the fireplace and sunk down into a slouch, glaring down his arm at the envelope in sullen silence.

It was as if Erin spent her days trying to think up ways to spite and spurn him. If she didn't love the little mind games she used nightly to torment him then she made a good show of it all. He licked thoughfully at his teeth. This past week had been the undoing of it all, though. First she'd been injured in a bar brawl - shot no less! - and not even a call or a courir to him to let him know. He'd have found the man and snapped him in half if he had known in time... but no. And Erin had met his concern with fear - as if he'd been the one to harm her. Her so-called friends were no better. He'd have liked to backhand that vacuous, meddlesome tease Jewell when she had felt inclined to step into matters between him and Erin, but had settled for a touch of mental razzle-dazzle instead.

Then there was their argument, the same old one. Perhaps he'd been uncautious this time, escorting Tabitha to her room through the inn, but Erin's hypocrisy was becoming far too much to take. She gave him the evil eye and the cold shoulder whenever she caught him so much as speaking to another woman, yet she herself had the nerve to court men's attentions like a call-girl. That night she'd been out front snogging another woman's man and when he'd helped Tabitha through the inn she'd been all over other pretentious asshole at the bar not an hour later. Yet she had had the nerve to be cool to him.

She loved him. She wanted to marry him.

Gideon could have laughed if it didn't turn his stomach. She hardly knew him and what she knew of him she didn't like. Erin was selfish, which he could relate to - being so himself. But she was selfish without knowing what it was she truely wanted, and that was a frightening thing, like a child playing with a loaded gun. He'd not been wrong when he made the accusation that they were too much alike, to sides of the same coin. And yet she was in her way nothing like him. She could never understand, never know his world. But he wanted her nonetheless - with the same consuming, dangerous, destructive heat with which she wanted him.

He clenched his jaw until it ached as he ran his thumb down the flap of the envelope and opened it, drawing out the crisp paper and unfolding slowly, his eyes scanning the spidery scrawl.

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2006-10-19 23:59 EST
The envelope, once opened contained a letter on a thick, almost parchment paper. Once it was drawn out of the envelope, Erin's necklace(the one that Gideon had given here) rested at the bottom of the envelope. It was curled up into a little knot, the charm sitting above the balled up chain.

Her script was spidery, to say the least, it was hard to read, but well formed and consistant.


It?s always been a challenge for me to express myself in words. Though my actions are often confusing, they are all I have. I am not a vastly educated woman- University traded for marriage and inevitably motherhood, so I never learned the art of letters like I did the art of china patterns. This missive is my sore excuse of an explanation, and furthermore, a goodbye.

I have wracked my brain for a legitimate explanation for either of our behaviors. My conclusion, about myself at least, is jealousy. Of course I took our declaration of casualness and assertion of independence as far as I did?I never was one to subscribe to double standards. I was so jealous of your dinners, flirtations and business trips, that I threw myself on most any man. I wanted you to claim me as your own and give up your freedom in exchange for mine.

I know now, love or no love, that you will not relinquish control, and I will not give up mine non-mutually. You once said that all I wanted was love, and in part, you?re right. Though, you?ve said you love me, and I believe that I loved you(if not still), my definition of the word includes trust and mutual vulnerability. You will never be vulnerable, especially to me. You say you?ve done al you could to make me happy, but happiness was not about gifts or attention?I had that in London. For me, happiness is about a partnership I believe you are not capable of.

I don?t? harbor ill will for anything, save your touching me in anger last night. Yes, you could kill me, force me, overpower me? We both know that. But to *steal*(and that?s what it was) my affection? To just take that part of me, that passion and caring?it?s inexcusable. There is not love for me in that action, but love for power over me.

I am sorry this has happened how it has and that I cannot deal with it personally. I am not returning from my trip. I have a larger mess to clean at home and cannot be complacent in my hiding. Also, you are bad for me, Gideon. I lose myself when you?re around: I do stupid things to make you jealous; I get angry and break things, cry and scream? I cannot live like this. I cannot be in the same universe as you, let alone the same room.

You said that I was not lustful for power and you were right. Though, I am desperate for power over my own life and actions.

Erinalle M. Dunbridge

PS. If you feel compelled to respond, I will be staying at The Ritz"


Date: 2006-10-20 01:05 EST
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

This is what I thought,
I thought you need me,
This is what I thought so think me na?ve,
I promise you a heart you promised to keep,
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

Gideon growled softly to himself as he lowered the letter. It held nothing within its whispery scrawl that was new to him. She'd lied to him from the start - claimed to be poor, a woods-dweller, a gardener. He'd had no reason to distrust her and it didn't really matter who or what she was so he'd never thought to force the truth from her until later when it had become apparent there was more to her then met the eye. Now he left nothing to chance when it came to Erin - and thusly nothing shocked him save for her endless gall.

He glanced down at the envelope and tipped it over so that the necklace, her necklace, fell out onto the black marble floor at his feet, its white gold tinkling softly against the cold stone until it came to a rest. Let it lie there. Let it rot.

So, his antics the other night had pissed her off? Good. He'd kissed her, roughly, and not entirely by force but he'd pinned her, wanting to scare her, wanting her to understand in some small way that he could harm her easily, so easily that she'd hate him or be afraid of him and not want to bother with him again. Not that he ever could have brought himself to do her harm... but the way she infurated him sometimes made it awfully tempting.

He'd even said those words that she long to hear, mockingly, albeit but he'd said them. He'd heard her sobbing as he walked away from the inn and it had made him feel smug and self-satisfied. Let her reap what she sowed. Erin deserved nothing less.

Well....she wasn't coming back? He glanced down at the letter again and he could feel the noise his teeth made against one another from the pressure of his clenched jaw. Good. She could stay in London with her ridiculous family and her poor sot of a husband, God save him.

God save her if he ever crossed her path on some dark night when he'd been allowed to return from his exile and rule the streets of London once more like the brat prince he was.

Some dark part of his mind wondered if he would show her mercy or take her life if they ever met like that, back on his home turf, in his element. He crumpled the paper into a ball as he rose from his chair and tossed it into the gas flames to be consumed.

The rosy fingers of dawn were just creeping over the edge of the horizon as he hit the switch on the wall that drew the moveable, automatic wall of impenatrable curtains across the windowpanes that made up the outerwalls of the apartment. He could feel the irristable pull of sleep closing in around him and dragging him down, mercifully down into oblivion as he flopped onto the sheets of the enormous bed. Soon all would be forgotten in that black void of rest.


Date: 2006-11-04 17:13 EST
It was a week since Erin had left, and in all honestly Gideon had been more than pleased with the absence. It gave him room to breathe, room to move and play as he would without the constant nuisence of Erin's unrelenting jealousy and petty games. Such a luxury was hardly salve for the wound to his ego, though.

Now, out in the market place, Gideon lay back on the bench near the square's fountain, the collar of his thick woolen pea-coat pulled up high to keep the chill off the back of his neck, blue jeaned legs crossed, the heel of one expensive leather shoe resting on the toes of the other. Dark glasses hid his eyes even as he gazed up at the stars. It was cold enough out that he could have seen his breath, had there been any warmth in him to make it visible. As it was cigarette smoke served for a nice replacement. He tugged the cigarette away from his lips and tried again, reaching out, calling for her.

Cricket....where are you? Come to me, duckie... I need a chat.

She slunk across the cobbles in a tick tock click of her boot heels. The air pushed her hair away from her pale face as she stared dead-straight ahead smoking like a chimney, or something. She stopped to peek at the languid form spread out by the spurting fountain. The duckie girl came along as bid....

Gamine pourrit! She cooed as she assembled herself by the fountain.

He assumed that like himself, she had learned to tune out the incessant noise around them, the thoughts of everyone, their emotions, the psychic bombardment that could drown the senses. But he knew from experience that she should have been able to hear him if he pushed hard enough...and sure enough there was the click of familiar footsteps along the cobbles and that rich little voice purring at him in french. His generous mouth curved into a satisfied smile.

Her dead stare came to land on his face, her indigo eyes curious.

"Just go to Erin. Have a happy ending, and wild sex!"

He turned his head to face her, drawing his glasses down to peer over their rims, his pale, icy gaze almost luminecent in the dim light.

"I don't want to, Duckie."

He swung his legs down and sat up, bracing both hands on either side of the bench by his knees.

"I'm not sure I want anything at all to do with her again. She was a mistake, and a stupid one at that."

He pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose and cast a glance at a happy couple strolling by not far away. Cricket pouted and rolled her eyes as the cigarette swung back and forth from her lips.

"What is it, Giddy? You two are perfect paramours? You are the same....."

She trailed off as his words slipped out in a surprising few sentences. Was the guy for real? She nodded and looked to the same couple, that wistfulness filling her darkened gaze briefly. She lifted her eyes to his hidden.

"You don't mean that, surely. She's a great girl. We've all got our bad sides..."

Her free hand ran through the lengths of her hair in quiet thought. Accordians of smoke lifted across her face as she stared her friend hard in the eye.

"We are both the same, you're right. In fact we're too much alike."

He turned his head back to her, gaze hidden behind the mirrored lenses.

"All she ever does is fight with me, yell at me, get angry at something I've done. I'm over it, Duckie. I've never let a woman treat me like shite the way I've let her. I don't know why I've put up with her for as long as I have."

He laughed softly, lowering his head with a small shake.

"It's this damn town, the exile from home."

"I'm guys have always had your ....little petty fights and naggs, but surely...."

She shook her head and patted his shoulder, letting silence speak what she could not.

"I'm sorry then, if it didn't happen how you wanted it. But there are special parts in this town, sometimes you just have to look..."

She smiled kindly, her chest heaving a little as she exhaled away from him.

"Maybe just have a break. See how it goes. But I've seen the way you look at her, Bug. It's...really cool"

She looked down and took a long drag, studying the way her boot laces fell in tangles of black, like onyx fleshed worms at her ankle. He lifted his head again and gave her a suprisingly warm smile.

"I know there are... But I never loved her, duckie. I'm not that kind of guy."

He said with a noncommittal shrug as he drew off the glasses and folded them, turning them over in his hands thoughtfully.

"Besides that she's mortal, human, you know that."

Cricket gave a shrug to his own and turned to face him.

"Sounds tha you've made up your mind."

She bit her bottom lip and flicked the ciggo away.

"What's the problem?"

"No problem, luv. Just missed your company."

He rose from the bench with that easy, unnatural grace of movement predators like themselves possesed, coming to stand before her and reach for her hand, draw her up to stand with him. She sat a moment then stood eyeing him strangely. He ran the backs of his knuckles slowly down her arm, his pale gaze following the motion of his fingers.

"I think I've come to realize the futility of trying to be close to humans. They are fragile, frightened things...Not like us."

He lifted her chin with the tips of his fingers, smiling down at her admiringly.

"They fade away in the blink of our eyes... and we go on forever. It would be foolish to try to love a human...wouldn't it?"

Funny that, she was feeling that way herself.


A stenciled brow was arched as a funny little smirk rippled her lips.

"Try lovin a drow."

Beneath his inspecting, scrupulous, icy funhouse mirrors she looked down even though his fingertips propped her chin to him. His one brow twitched upward in amusement as the corners of his lips curled sardonically before he let her chin go.

"Having fun, are we, duckie? You know I miss this... we used to have such fun together you and I. We could own this town together, if we wanted." He said, his voice softening slightly along with his smile.


She thrust her palms to his chest and rolled her neck back in a laugh.

"We could.....But I work now." She rolled her face back to look at him directly, musing on his intentions here. Strangely she felt nervous beneath his gaze.

"And I'm not about to watch you seduce me in a marketplace when it's all in a side step to what you know you don't want to face."

Her fists unballed and her palms pushed at his chest playfully, her eyes growing heavy as she viewed him with a coy smile.


Date: 2006-11-04 17:32 EST
He stepped back slightly with her push, though one of his hands rose to cover her own on his chest, his smile mysterious. Her hand covered his lack of heartbeat.

"You do what you want, duckie. But eventually you are going to outlive these hollow shells around you. When I leave here, when I go back...I want to take you with me. To the coven."

She gasped.

"What coven? where?" Her hand snatched back to her side as she slunk aside, wiping lint from his broad shoulder.

"...and not all are hollow shells. They are what they are while they are, Gid."

Her eyes held a solemn glint to them as they ran across his face. He was a beautiful man with a heart that could be ever so treacherous.

"Back in London, duckie." He explained patiently, watching her, his face a perfect mask of charming kindness.

"They are hollow fragile things, Cricket. All petty and cruel under their false visage of being virtuous, good beings. Haven't you ever listened to them...listened to their selfish, self-obsessive prayers at night, heard their cruel wishes and wants and desires?"

"I was once one of them, I know how selfish humans are....."

The girl seemed a slight bit depressed by his notions, but underlying that her own curiosity still bold and glinting.

"What's in London for me, Gid? What's there for you?"

She dropped the hand from his arm to his chest, stroking his collar affectionately.

"What's anywhere is those we love. And you can find that here..." She stared at her hand at his chest, then met his gaze. Her eyelids still heavy battered as she looked upon his lips, eyes and nose.

"What do you want from her Gid? Erin is only human. She can only give that much....."

She tilted her cheek and touched his own reverently.

"I wish you wouldn't give up so easily..."

The longer she spent beneath his gaze, the more her own resolve dismantled.

"My life is in London, my family, my master."

He replied softly, a slow, lazy smile lengthening his lips as she toyed with his collar.

"And can I find that here, Cricket?" The question was pointed, sly. He let his eyes close as she touched him.

"I don't want anything from her anymore... I want something new, fresh. Something real. Erin may have been my twin, but she could never, ever be my equal."

His hands rose to rest gently On Cricket's hips, drawing her slightly closer. Cricket's indigo's flickered in lightning strikes from beneath heavy lashes as she felt her self give way. She nudged her shoulder awkwardly bent against his chest gazing at him, feeling less Vampire and more Human. More fragile, not fearful.


She blinked furiously and lifted her hands to tug at his collar, her breaths shallow as she unbuttoned him one by one by one, leaving his chest to her hungry eyes. She cautiously looked up at him, all glazed eyed, pouting lipped Vampiress. He had always dawned in her the oddest, most fulfilling of feelings, and she succumbed in weary eagerness. Her burgundy nails glid his jawline, lips parted as her eyes followed her curious hand.

Pale, iceberg-colored eyes watched her pretty features in warm amusement before he bent his head, his movements slow, deliberate, as if he savored each small motion, and he covered her parted lips with his own. The kiss was tentative at first, his mouth closing over her full, soft lower lip, sucking tenderly.

Cricket's eyes closed in reach to heightening the sensation of their first real kiss. Denial aside, she had wanted him from the moment they had met in conversations over caskets, clavicles and cats. Her pulse, had she had one, would have raced. Instead, the sterling fangs descended and her cheeks rosied in flush. She left his kiss, resignedly and gazed upon him with a sigh.

"Erin is my friend, Gideon...I live with her, share part of my life with her. I can't do this....Even though I want to..."

She clung to his shirt, face pained, lids creasing as if she was being torn inside. He smiled down at her with that devil's smile of his, smoothing her hair back before he cupped her cheek in his palm.

"Erin won't be around forever, Cricket...and I can be as patient as a tombstone. She's already a million miles away - for good."

His smouldering eyes like ice-set against firelight blistered her resolve, once more. She buckled against him and rose up to capture his own face within her cool, soft palms. Tucking her knee against his thigh she kissed him somberly, imbuing it with all the cool, lusty anthem she had within her, curling her fingers within his hair and allowing him to do as he pleased. His line an epithat to her friendship with Erin, and she knew it. How it hurt inside, but his lips sugar-coated all her unusual human emotions. The Vampiress coursed her free hand to his waist band in a tug, opening her eyes as she drew back and absorbed him with her indigo desire.

Gideon gave her his mouth, kissing her gently, throughly, licking at the softness of her lips before sucking them, his sharp little fang teeth extending, pinching her delicate skin in the tease of a scrape. He smiled down at her as she drew back, reaching out to stroke the creamy column of her neck with his fingertips.

A delectable thrill, and a moan in response she ran her hand to catch his hip in her palm, moving to stand flat on her feet rolling her neck to his touch.

"I want you Gamine pourri..."

She smirked, her nose twitching as she nuzzled his chest with her cheek. Being the bewitching little black cat, but more than that and less. She felt like a school girl, an innocent, as though he knew of a world she was yet to explore. She dove into his eyes with a look up, running her hand along the flesh beneath his shirt where she had unbuttoned him. He had eyes of glaciers melting, skin porcelain and demanding attention, lips as puckered as a rose in full bloom, a chest and shoulders brilliant in their broad lean expanse. She could hardly fathom his beauty, and she felt a tenderness there, an understanding. He'd been there to prop her up and pat her back. But she shied from it, caressing him, coyly asking him to bed her. She searched his eyes, holding his shirt where it parted to show his chest.

He wanted to flatter her with compliments, but everything he could think of seemed irrelevant. She was wonderful and that was all that mattered. Her cold, perfect porcelain skin easing his unrelenting homesickness. He reached down and hoisted her up so that he held her under her bottom, pressed against him, his head tilting back to look up at her.

"I want you, duckie... I need you..."


Date: 2006-11-04 17:39 EST
Gideon pressed a soft kiss to her collarbone, his lips parting as he licked gently at the delicate line of that elegant bone.

A sadness appeared in her eyes, feeling for his plight. She knew not a thing of his past, like Erin. She clung to him still, a diminutive sphinx collapsing against him, nuzzling his cheek as she heard the longing and hurt in his resonating tones, a sweet haunting blaze that trailed itself within her ears and into her blood. Her body ached to be touched as she let her head roll back and closed her eyes, cool Fall air whipping in slow lashes at their clothes and skin, her body rippling in a tide of goosebumps.

"Take me with you, Gamine...", she purred in a shrill, tiny voice at the edge of a whimper.

"I will, Cricket...I will..."

He whispered against her skin in promise, as he lowered his head to press a heated kiss to the upper curve of one breast.

Night sank across the horizon and bleached the fountains ripples in sheeny milky white as the moon's crescent sent drowzy light across the Marketplace. She surrendered in his embrace, whispering for him to take her home, wherever that may be ...for a pair like them.

He cradled her close to him and let her slide down to her feet, his arms wrapped round her as he began to walk, to take her back with him to his hotel. He'd gotten what he wanted, as he always did, and he couldn't help but smile in satisfaction as they strolled along.


Date: 2006-11-08 17:55 EST
She comes to me in dreams
A train wreck beauty queen
But I don't remember her
On a wall of white and blue
I wrote my name and thought of you
But you would not have known
Through a window of a car
A cigarette's a fallen star
A dream within a trail of sparks
And conversation turns to sleep
And I wait for you to speak
I'm waiting still

So for the restless
Not the peaceful sleeper
This song's for you
And for the faithless
Not the true believer
This song's for you

And I keep my secrets well
Move on and never tell
Some day they'll show
And you raised me to be cruel
You raised me like a bruise
I'm bleeding still

The streets were deserted. Erin knew it was stupid to be walking alone. But it was the only way to keep herself from hurting herself. Throwing things, or taking a too hot shower. She needed a distraction from her mind. The air was cold, it bit at her face. It was nice before the rain started... searing cold drops of wet slamming down on her. It was then she realized where she had gone. Gideon's. She stood outside his building, looking up at it in awe. Was it intentional, her trip this far? Had she meant to come all this way? With a long sigh she pulled open his building door. Whether or not she had meant it, she was here now.. the rain and her mood pushing her forward. She was at his door now. A light tapping before she got the nerve to actually knock. He wasn't there... how could he be there? It was a Friday..

Gideon had been lounging by his fireplace in little more than black cotton pajama pants. He was enjoying the heat of the false flames as he poured through some mindless book. The noise caused him to rise from the chair he's been slumped in and pace to the door, drawing it open slowly. His expression registering suprise at seeing Erin there. She was drenched; literally dripping on the floor in his hall. Her eyes were red and a little puffy, mascara, eye-shadow and lipstick smeared from rain and tears. Her bottom lip was slightly bloody from her chewing on it and her hands were clasped together in front of her, one squeezing the other. She was just empty.. a statue of a person. Gideon drew the door entirely open and stepped aside for her; she moved past him. Erin stopped about half way into the room and turned slowly to face him, still silent.

Gideon shut the door behind her her; he took a moment to look her over as she turned to face him, taking her all in. Silently, he put his arm around her and drew her with him into the enormous room that made up both living, dining and kitchen rooms of his suite. He settled her on a stool against the bar that partitioned the kitchen off from the general living area and stepped into the kitchen to fill up the kettle from the tap and set it upon the stove. He had no food in the place save the tea and biscuts she'd gifted him and both came in handy now as he set out two mugs and put teabags in both of them. He made no move to ask what she was doing there - instinct told him enough to know that she would speak when she was ready, and english sensibility told him to put the kettle on. The water set to boil, he strode to the fire place and picked up a soft cashmere throw. As he returned, he draped it over Erin's shoulders, his hands lingering on her arms as he bent to cloak her in it. She pulled it around herself; her body shuddering just a little as cold clothes touched her skin. Erin's fingers grasped the fabric, pulling it tightly over her shoulders. After a long moment spend watching the steam rise from the kettle, slowly twirling in its own dance, she opened her mouth then let it close again. Her hand went up to wipe mascara from her cheek.

"I couldn't be alone." Her voice was a raspy whisper. Perhaps the first time she had spoken in hours. The crying and screaming she had done on the way over there damaging its usual bell-like quality. Nothing else escaped her. She wasn't ready yet... not sure how she had gotten there and not hating that she had.

"Then you don't have to be." He replied simply, quietly. The steam rose from the kettle, rose and rose until it pushed with enough for that the kettle whistled sharply in protest. He stepped back behind the bar of the kitchen island to take it from the heat and pour generous amounts of the steaming water into both cups with their tea bags. He set one mug before Erin and kept the other one in his and as he stood by the stove, his free hand braced on the hard black marble of the countertop, every muscle of his body in perfect pale white contrast in the dim light. He watched Erin's face impassively as the steam coiled upwards from the mug in his hand like a ghost. "What's happened, pidgeon?" Erin watched her mug. She dipped her head to blow on it, steam rising into her face. A drop of water fell into the cup as she did and it caused her to hook a piece of hair behind her ear. She was thinking, bottom lip put back in her mouth, assaulted once again. She was enjoying the pain of it. The twinge and taste of copper. Before lifting her cup to her lips she closed her eyes for a few moments. If he hadn't known her better, it may have appeared she was sleeping. They opened again slowly. She took a sip and the mug placed back on the bar before she raised her eyes to look at him, resting on his pale blues.

"Nothing happened... I just.. I don't know..." Her voice was barely a whisper. She was confused and upset and felt alone. She wasn't sure what to do, who to trust. Her feet had brought her here, and she still couldn't vocalize.. put it into words. "I'm afraid." The second she said it she knew she would have to say of what. He would ask... but she was making him ask. It was something that wasn't just going to come from her. She couldn't' admit it on her own yet. Gideon set his mug on the counter untouched, and leaned on the cold marble with both hands.

"What of, Erin? Did someone threaten you again? Has someone hurt you?" Erin shook her head. It was nothing like that, not even close. This was all her. All worry and fear and something not said. She had a feeling he may understand..

"Of myself." Erin's whisper was barely audible, an outlet of air that happened to hold words. She met his eyes and held his gaze. A small smile graced his lips at that and his frame relaxed somewhat as he gazed past her toward the midnight skyline of the bleak, small city, all asleep under the veil of darkness

"That is something to be afraid of." His words rang in her head. She agreed. It was always obvious that he saw her as something more dangerous than she saw herself. Out to hurt him, or spite him, having less than good intentions... she was finally agreeing with him.

"I'm afraid that...something inside me will snap.. and I'll loose myself. Or, hurt myself.. or someone else and..." Erin took a deep breath, a cigarette drawn out and lit automatically, without thinking or asking. A shaky hand raised the tea for another sip. It tasted like home and that hurt too. She flinched, barely, before putting it on the counter in front of her. "...I feel this darkness, and I dont' want it to take over..." Gideon's brow clouded for a moment. The taste of the dark gift he'd given her had been so small - and yet it could have effected her this way...but it shouldn't have. He came round the counter and sank down on the stool beside her, facing the opposite direction, his hands draped loosely in his lap

"We all....feel this way from time to time, Erin..." She nodded a small nod. These feelings were a ghost before this week, but they had grown. Had it been him or the brushes with death? It was hard to say. She lifted the tea once more, taking another sip.

"I may have to kill someone... and.. I don't know if I can." Erin shook her head violently. "No, I know I can... I don't know what will happen if I do." A door she had pondered, even pined to go through. But now... it was too tempting to be good. Gideon's brow darkened. When he'd met her she'd been shy, withdrawn and sweetly innocent with just the smallest bite of insousance to her. She'd changed dramatically since then, and not all for the better. He watched her unrelentingly, his icy gaze unmerciful

"We can all kill, Erin. It's in our power to do anything we choose to do. Of course you can kill whomever it is you choose. The real problem lies in the fact that if you do - then it changes you, forever. You'll never be yourself again." He wasn't saying anything new to her. Not yet. What was unclear was whether she wanted the change or to avoid it. Yes, a good person would say that she should shy away from the power and lure of death... but what was really good here? And what changes would make her stronger?

" know that..." Erin's voice a very quiet whisper. Therein lied the problem. She fidgeted in her seat and ran a hand through her wet hair. "If I don't... I'll loose a best friend, a sister." She met his gaze, hers equally unrelenting. Why was she here?

"You will...or you are afraid you will? It seems a strange trade that, pidgeon." He commented quietly, holding her beautiful eyes with his own. She was sure she would. Sure this would come to a one or the other and somehow land on her shoulders. Perhaps it was vanity, perhaps cynicism. But there it was.

"If I have to kill this person, it's becuase she's going to kill Lyds.. you saw that.. " He was there when this all started, she remembered now. Her eyes willing him to remember.

"Why you, Erin? Why not Lydia herself? It is after all, her fight...if it is her life." He canted his head a bit. "You are always so eager to go leaping in to fight other people's battles for them when you run so quickly from your own." The truth stung. Burned. He was always right about her, could see into her. It was infuriating. It fueled the love/hate dichotomy he seemed to embody.

"She would rather die than kill her cousin." That was todays new bombshell. She shoudnlt' be telling him all this, he shouldn't know... but would he tell anyone? Probably not. And she just had to tell someone.. a friend.. Was he a friend? That was a thought for another time.

"Then she's made her choice. Do you think if that was the decision Lydia has reached that she would even look at you if you were the one who took her cousin's life?" Gideon leveled a sharp gaze at Erin. "If your friend would forfit her life for that of her own cousin and yet condone another takeing that same life that she would give the ultimate sacrafice for then she is not as pure a soul as she claims to be." She nodded slowly. He was making sense, but she still had a little fight in her. Erin could not live with herself if she let Lydia day. She would give up their relationship knowing that Lydia would live. She just watched him. Silent, unmoving, eyes boreing into his. Erin leaned forward, just a touch, letting her eyes fall closed. But it stopped there. And she was frozen in that pose. Half leaned in, eyes closed, like an unplugged mechanical doll.

Gideon's brows knit together as he wondered for a moment if she were drunk again - but in the end it didn't matter. He reached out a hand and cupped the side of her face, drawing her close until her head nestled against his bare shoulder, his skin as hard and chill as the marble around them, but skin no less. Fingertips caressed the curve of her cheek as he pressed a cursory kiss in the locks of her dark hair. He wouldn't stop her from doing what she set her mind to, but he wouldn't support her either. All he offered was his own strange comfort and comraderie. Part of him hated her still with a bitterness that ran deep as bone, but another part just as equally still burned for her and all the odd anger and jealousies she stirred so easily in him. Erin let out air, a small gasp. She needed the contact. She slid closer on the stool, arms reaching out for him. One found his face and the other his side. She was sober. Perhaps moreso than would have been advisable. Things seemed better where she was... she knew she would regret this in the morning. Would hate herself for caving, but at this moment he was the only one that understood her, that would take her seriously. A slow rub of her cheek against his shoulder, depositing tears there as a few more fell. He drew a slow, deep breath as she nestled close, and let his cheek rest against the soft nest of her hair, his cold eyes watching the lights flickering in the dark through the enormous windows. "Stay the night." It somewhere in the abyss between question and demand.

Erin just nodded. Staying in the warmth there. It didn't matter anymore... any of it. He could tell her to jump from the window at this point and she would. She needed to be told what to do, to be controlled. Her mind too scary to even begin to explore. Gideon slid one arm round her back and the other under the bend of her knees, lifting her easily as he rose, cradling her against himself. He moved for the bedroom that silent perfect tomb of darkness with its enormous, comfortable bed strewn with silken soft sheets and down comfortors. In the darkness he laid her down upon the pillows and sank down at the foot of the bed to draw her shoes off before the shift of the matress told her that he laid beside her and his arms gathered her in close as his body curled round her frame. He held her in the dark, loosely but carefully, offering her what she'd come for without question. His cool breath stirred the soft hairs behind her ear.

Erin was wet and cold.. and he was warm around her. She cooed, a strange sound for her. A push back into him, wanting to melt into flesh.. to dissapear. His breath made her shiver, both with anticipation and fear. Her knees came up so that she was a small ball tucked against him, fitting his body. She had lost weight, lost spirit.

"Thank you..." Erin's voice barely more than a whisper. He had taken her in, without question.. despite everything. Another little salvation. Gideon's smooth hands drew her damp shirt off of her, and returned once more to undo the zipper of her skirt, pushing it down off her hips and letting her wriggle free before the sweet warmth of a down comofrter was pulled up over her chilled body. He drew up his own legs until his body fitted hers perfectly, solid and strong. Lips brushed the nape of her neck for an instant before they were gone, and one arm draped evenly across her frame, long fingers splayed over her belly. Erin thought it was perfect. The moment, the night. Why couldnt' they work like this? Compliment each other and help each other. Why did it have to be so difficult? She let her breathing slow. A hand coming to cover the one on her stomach, the other coming up under her head as an extra pillow. So much in her head, so many questions. She ran through them before her mouth opened to speak.

"Tomorrow, will you pretend this never happened?" More whispering. She settled for an obvious. A poke at their game. That tomorrow, as she left him sleeping there, this moment would melt away, and the cold teasing would return.

"Tomorrow is it's own day." He replied with his usual half-teasing crypticness. No matter what he owned to and what he chose to ignore or pretend, at the end of the day Gideon knew the score in his own mind and soul. It never mattered what others knew or thought they knew - the truth was truth. What he gave her tonight couldn't be taken away, no matter what the morrow brought with it. A long hiss of air as she let out the breath she didn't know she was holding. She studied the wall in the dark. Imagining it there in front of her. The chasteness of these nights, two of them now, infuriating and refreshing at once. She wouldn't fight him anymore, just let him be what he was, and enjoy their strange friendship, if that's what it was. A small shift to rest her weight on him.

" I dont' want to fight anymore." Erin spoke at the wall. A statement. No questioning in it. Gideon shifted beside her, the fingers covering her stomach stroking softly for a moment as his breath washed down the bared skin of her neck as he whispered his reply.

"...Then don't." His breath... the whisper... another shiver went through her. A nod of her head. Slight as not to hurt him. Everything was so simple to him.. or it seemed on the outside. There was no choice but acceptance.

(This post shared with Erinalle Dunbridge, written in a shared effort and edited by Erin it appears here with her permission)


Date: 2006-11-15 20:46 EST
Darling I'm lost
Adrift in the dark
I'm clutching your words
To my vampire heart once more
So let in the light
Turn me to dust
If it don't end in Bloodshed dear
It's probably not love
Here we are
In the darkest place
My reflection
Shows only your face

Gideon paced the long wall of windows that lined the spacious, open rooms of his suite. The sun had only recently set, and it's light still clung desperately to the horizon in the distance, leaving long trails of pale orange and lavender clouds snaking across the gathering gloom.

He had awakened in agitation, restless and angry. It was all Erin's fault...or was it his own? The sound his bare feet made on the cold black marble floor annoyed him, but he kept pacing, glowering out at the city as it settled into evening's arms.

She'd come back - damn her. Of course she had. It'd been too good to be true that she'd have left forever. She came back and had been there at the Inn several nights ago, just about to fling herself infront of someone's sword like a madwoman with a deathwish. And he, without thought or hesitation had stopped her -WHY?! He slammed a fist into his thigh and felt nothing. He should have enjoyed watching her be run through as she tried once again to play the foolhardy heroine. She'd greeted him with contempt, but he'd expected and hoped for no less.

It was nothing though - not compared to what had happened a few nights later. Once again the self-destructive little bitch had gotten herself in over her head, and this time she had been lying on the couch, bleeding and broken. Once again he'd acted without thought - it was as if another person took over him. He'd taken her home with him, back to the bed they'd shared so often. He'd healed her, let her taste the dark sacrament his veins held - let her see breifly beyond that door he always kept shut. But it was for nothing. He hated her still - but she twisted something in him that brought him to his knees.

She'd healed, of course, and he lied to her. Told her it was an elixer, a potion. He'd curled himself around her and slept, drempt of crushing her, breaking her... but held her like she'd been made of glass.

He paused in his pacings and approached one of the enormous glass panes. No matter how often he did it, it still made his stomach clench to watch the side of the building drop away beneith the edge of the floor, that thick pane of glass all that stood between him and the cold, pushing, prodding hands of the wind that urged a jump into the void. He leaned his forehad up against the icy cool glass, watched how even his breath gathered condensation against the pane, frosting the reflection of his eyes.

The fingers of his hands spread against the smooth surface of the window, the lights of the city below twinkling like stars caught between his fingertips. And then there was last night...

Erin had found out about him and Cricket. He knew she would, and had eagerly anticipated the fall out. He knew she'd forgive Cricket - who wouldn't? She was such an innocent. But he had relished the thought of the anger it would provoke towards him. He'd seen it in her eyes when she spotted the pair of them entangled on one of the couched by the hearth in the inn. It wasn't the rage he had hoped for. He'd miscaluclated. Something inside Erin had broken, and he saw it. Crciket had gone to her, begging for forgiveness. He had left - just left. He didn't care to pick up the peices of his mistake. Let her lie there, let her rot...

But she had come to him last night, alone, wet from the rain and still broken. He'd let her in, and as if it were the most natural thing in the world, comforted her. Something told him she didn't really care about him and Cricket - there were other things that had driven her to his doorstep that night. Once again he'd helped her up, held her, let her into his bed and slept beside her. Thank god she'd been gone when he awoke that night.

They took their turns driving knives deep into each other, and it seemed more than once Erin had bent his own hand to wound himself, his pride, his ego. Pressed agianst the pane of glass he gritted his teeth until he could hear them creak in protest.

This was not a game he wanted to lose, as much as he longed to step away from it. Everything in this little, backwards place seemed like a test, a challenge. It was what he was here for, and behind it all he could almost feel Vincent's cold, calculating glare; weighing, judging...


Date: 2006-11-28 18:20 EST
With just a look they shook
And heavens bowed before him.
Simply a look can break your heart.
The stars that pierce the sky;
He left them all behind.
We?re left to wonder why
He left us all behind.

She was the most beautiful thing he'd ever set eyes upon. Tall, almost too tall, leggy as a runway model with those lean boyish curves that couture clothes were made for. A mane of pale blonde hair like a lion's and dark, khol-rimmed eyes that screamed sex with every sultry violet glimmer. She shone. Even in a crowd like the one in the posh London club that night she shone as if there were a spotlight lighting her every move.

He would have given anything, everything to have her the second he spotted her across the room. He'd been sitting on the couch in the VIP lounge watching the girls dance and listening boredly to the conversation of his friends when he'd seen her standing across the way at the bar. It was like a scene from a movie: the crowd had parted and there she stood, glorious.

It was as if she'd been waiting for him to look her way. Glossy lips curved in a slow, slow smile. Was there still music playing? He couldn't hear it. He couldn't even look away or summon one of his charming smiles to offer back to her. All he could do was watch, watch her push up off the bar, her long lean frame undulating as the satin of her dress slid and moved over her skin like a thing alive. Watch her give him another inviting smile as she moved off.

He followed her ? how could he not? She was exquisite, more perfect than anything he?d ever seen in his life among all the luxuries the world had to offer. He coveted her instantly. His noisy friends forgotten, he rose from his seat as if in a trance and trailed her. She slid through the crowd of gyrating, grinding bodies like a silk thread through skin, undulating limbs shifting aside for her effortless passage. His pursuit was not as simple. Dancers blocked his path, he stumbled on feet, got tangled in the crush of hot, sticky skin.

A frantic desperation closed in on him as the woman disappeared from sight, a flash of blonde mane suddenly lost. He fought like a thing possessed, shoving his way mindlessly through the crowd. Then suddenly he was free ? and there she was by the door, turning, pausing, smiling at him like a siren.

He couldn?t recall how he had closed the gap between them, only that in an instant he was before her, she taller than he by nearly half a foot. The feel of the flawless satin of her dress under his fingers as they closed on her hips not nearly as smooth and perfect as the cool, silky sensation of her mouth against his. He?d kissed her ? how audacious, how insanely forward!

He was breathless when he pulled back. Her smile was dazzling. He felt drunk ? was that the coppery tang of blood he tasted in his mouth? A curious exploration of his tongue proved no wounds. Her fingertips were caressing his face, her gorgeous, luminous violet eyes hypnotic, their gaze unspeakably intimate.

?Come with me.?

Was that said out loud? He couldn?t remember seeing the perfect bow of her lips moving but her silken whisper of a voice was so clear he could still hear it, somehow louder than the throbbing music that swelled behind them. As if he could refuse.

?Of course??

Her hand closed over his as she drew him out the door, into the waiting limousine, it?s dim interior lights a comfort after the garish colors of the club. They?d been entangled in each other, his hands greedy against the cool, perfect skin of her long, bare legs and the small pert curves of her breasts, trapped as they were under the maddening encasement of her flesh-colored satin dress. The frock gave her the wicked illusion of nakedness, save for the diamonds glittering at her throat and at the straps that bound her high heels to her feet. Her kisses burned like cold flames against his skin, leaving odd gentle tinglings of sensation where they landed? each one leaving him wanting one more, each one leaving him feeling more and more weakened, more drunk or intoxicated. He reveled in it like the hedonist he was. The trip to her apartments, the elevator ride in the hotel, all of it lost, even the night of making love endlessly, each episode more erotic then the next was little more than a haze.

He?d awoken the next morning, stiff and sore, oddly lightheaded and alone in the massive suite of rooms. The woman was nowhere to be found?what has she said her name was? I couldn?t remember. Closets overflowed with gowns expensive enough to have fed whole families for a year, yet there was no food in the kitchen, nor pots or pans. Nothing. It wasn?t odd though ? so many waif thin debutants he knew couldn?t even boil water for themselves. Still, there was no trace of his temptress, and it left him both angry and envious. He missed her ? wanted her with the selfish gluttony of a child, of an addict. He dressed and left the hotel for the comfort of one of his own homes, spent the day sulking and sleeping off the night?s excesses, with dreams full of her face, her smile?


Date: 2006-12-04 14:41 EST
I have to block out thoughts of you so I don?t lose my head
They crawl in like a cockroach leaving babies in my bed
Dropping little reels of tape to remind me that I?m alone
Playing movies in my head that make a porno feel like home
There's a burning in my pride, a nervous bleeding in my brain
An ounce of peace is all I want for you. Will you never call again?
And will you never say that you love me just to put it in my face?
And will you never try to reach me?
It is I that wanted space

Hate me today
Hate me tomorrow
Hate me for all the things I didn't do for you

Hate me in ways
Yeah ways hard to swallow
Hate me so you can finally see what?s good for you?

Gideon didn?t always get what he wanted in life. Sometimes plans worked out the way there were supposed to, sometimes they never worked at all?and other times they worked out far better then they were ever meant to.

He?d never imagined when he?d given Sebastian the little mental razzle-dazzles he had that the man would have taken it this far ? that he would have actually had the lack of foresight to tell Erin that he was hearing voices ? and he suspected Gideon of causing them. Looking back it could have fallen out worse? somehow the bastard had actually come to the conclusion that Gideon was a vampire, or at least something more than human. Perhaps he was getting lackadaisical with his masquerade, he had been flexing his preternatural abilities far too often and too openly lately. It could have gone badly, for him, very badly? Save that he?d been careful enough and lucky enough.

He almost had to laugh at it. Sebastian had told Erin about the ?voices? in his head?and Erin had ingeniously suggested he was going insane. From what he?d overheard it was tearing them two of them apart far better than any wicked scheme he could have actually engineered. Bastion resented Erin for disbelieving him and thinking him mad, and Erin was despairing that her beloved boyfriend was losing his mind.

He shouldn?t have been surprised when Erin approached him tonight in the inn, but he was, in fact he?d been almost shocked considering the curt exchanges their conversations had diminished into once again.

Gideon opened the alley door silently as he slipped inside once more, back from whatever 'business' it was that had stolen him away earlier. He shed the thick woolen coat again and tossed it aside carelessly into an empty booth. Long fingers raked back through mussed, dark strands. He seemed less cheerful then his previous visit, but not out of sorts.

Seat at the bar, drowning herself in wine, Erin?s eyes stopped on him. She waited though... she would approach him once he was settled. The long gaze stopped as she waited it out, smiling down at Lydia as she ran opening sentences in her head. Hands wrung, stopped just long enough for another swig from that bottle. True, she was soused, but fancied herself clear headed still.

Gideon?s feet carried him invariably towards the haven of the hearth and he flung himself down upon one of the couches, stretching out in full repose against the worn velveteen, careless of dirty shoes as he let the warmth and noise of the place envelope him once more. He caught a snippet of Erin?s conversation in particular that set him on guard.

?...I really hope so.? She said rather faintly. ?It has to? Here I go.?

And she moved from the bar, heading towards the hearth. She slid onto the arm of Gideon's chair, the cold of her evident. A knee length black shirt, ankle cut off tights, a black and red striped sweater. Her hair was pulled in those messy pigtails, still a leaf or two in them. She perched there, legs pulled tight at the knee for a second before resting a hand on his arm.

?Could I have a moment??

Gideon?s pale eyes opened lazily at the sound of Erin's voice, their gaze drank her and her state of affairs in for a moment before he answered, the smirking, smug smile on his face redolent with pleasure.

?For someone who continually begs me to leave them alone, pigeon, you seem to be asking a lot of me these days. But of course...?

He sighed as he sat up and swung his legs to rest his feet on the floor.

?A moment and more - for you.?

?You're in a good mood.? She said with a faint smile as she turned a little more to face him. ?I...well... it's time we cleared some things up.?

It wasn't mean or threatening at all. She reached a hand up to clear a piece of hair from his face, looking at him intently for a long moment before speaking again.

?You know that I care about you, right?? A purse of her lips. ?I don't want to be mad with you... I... I don't think I love you anymore, but... I want you in my life.?

It was all said rather softly, leaning in so that a strand of hair fell over her face and between them. She was watching him, looking for eyes as she spoke.

The eyes she sought narrowed as she drew close enough to touch him, jaw clenching as she brushed away his hair. He glanced away at her words, his smile fading fast, replaced by that vertical line between his brows that formed when they drew together. He glanced back up at her, glowering slightly.

?Oh you do?? The words were bland of emotion, cold and clipped
?Of course I do.?
She pulled back at the contempt, afraid of it. Her eyes narrowed and mouth pursed in confusion.

?You didn't know?? That was a squeak, barely words. ?I get mad, I know... but, you know that about me.?

A pause, eyes went to the ceiling then came back.

?I just... want this cold war to end. I've come to ask for a truce.?

?No, Erin. I don't know that about you... There seems to be a lot I don't know about you these days.?

Did his eyes flicker towards the chain round her throat? It was difficult to tell - just as fast they were holding hers again. Her attempts at contact infuriated him, especially after she'd struck him last. It seemed false, a wheedling way for her to get in his good graces once more.

?You get mad at me, Erin, more often then not...and never for any good reason. I've never harmed you...or yours. Ever.?

He sighed and ran his hand back through his hair again, fingers closing viciously on the short strands as he peered at her past his arm.

?What do you really want, pigeon? You don't want my friendship, my caring, my never have though you are the only one I've ever offered it to until recently.?

An uncomfortable hand went to just below her throat. A moment of thinking then it passed and she let her hands fall back into her lap.

?I know. I know.? A frustrated, almost yell. ?You terrify me and excite me, attract me and make me want to run like hell? I can't live without you and I sure as hell can't be with you. I gave you everything, Gid... you were the only person ever? at that moment, that I ever said I loved. And you spit at it. You broke my heart. Yes, I'm mad as hell. I'm too mad to think when I see you... and I do stupid things. But... I can't go on like this. You hurting me over and over again... I'm finally happy. Really. And... please, leave him alone. Please... I'll do anything you want of me. For the memory of what was or could of been or... please...?

She was on the verge of tears, a hand gripping his upper arm, eyes searching for his. She had reduced herself to begging, and from her eyes it was sincere.

His brows gathers further as the words tumbled out of Erin's mouth like a dam had burst within her. He caught her face in his hands and drew her to him roughly, stopping her mouth with a kiss, breif and searing. He held her like that, caught tight, his thumbs stroking the rounded curve of her cheeks.

?Erin... I haven't touched your foolish boy. And I don't want to hurt you - I don't want anything to hurt you.?

The begging in her eyes hurt him and he cast his eyes down with a frustrated growl.

?I... don't want anything from you, Erin. Not anymore.?

She let him kiss her, wanted it even. The passion of it? she had missed the hunger in him, the way he was rough with her, but not violent. When he pulled back, she was crying, silent tears, quivering chin.

?He said you put a voice in his head... please tell me you did... I couldn?t take if you... just tell me you did.?

She was broken and small. It took her a long moment to take his last words in, to really absorb them and that did make her sob, one quick gasp for air, a turn of her head. Another stake to the heart.

?I know... just...? She lowered her voice between the pair of them. ?You're not a vampire, then... we're no different, you and I. Right??

Her crying tore at him and he felt a delicious thrill of hatred turned inwards as he lied to her, straight faced, catching her tears against his fingers. He drew her towards him, into his embrace, resting his cheek against the softness of her matted hair.

?No, pigeon...I did no such thing. What do you think I am? I'm from London, like you... we're no different.?

?Oh god...?

That made he cry more. The realization of it. She trusted him. Which was stupid, but she couldn't help it. He had always been there to hold her or heal her, to love her(though he would never call it that). She leaned forward to try and wrap her arms around him, a shudder of her body. Lips turned to whisper into his ear. Moist and hot with tears and breath.

?Your boy hates me - don't you think he would tell you anything to turn you against me?? He asked quietly, catching her chin to tilt her face upwards toward his.

?Don't cry pigeon... don't.?

He kissed away one hot tear and then another, as sweet and gentle as Lucifer himself.

That only kept her crying going. Now she knew Bastian was crazy. It killed her. She was dying inside. She leaned up again, one more whisper, indulging herself perhaps too much. But, the emotions of it... she couldn?t help herself.

?Did you ever love me? Even just a single moment of a single day??

He drew her close to him, cradling her, caressing her shuddering back.

?Yes...I think did, once Erin.?

He pressed a light kiss to her temple.

?And I couldn't not care for you no matter how much you hurt me... but I don't love you anymore.?

Another hot knife driven in and he could have felt his heart convulse in exquisite, beautiful pain.

?Me either.?

A lie for a lie? Perhaps. She rested against him, letting herself cry it all out. The breakup they should have had... the moments they should have gone before everything else.

?Thank you, for always being there... I don't say it enough.?

A hand smoothed a wrinkle in his shirt absently.

?I'm sorry.. I was terrible to you... for so long.? And she meant it, her eyes closed as the last of her tears eked out.

Gideon grit his teeth in silence at her sweet admissions, words he'd wanted to force from her for so long now, and yet they fell so hollow in his ears. What was this satisfaction of hurting her as she had him? What was the safety of driving her love away from him now? It was a hollow, empty victory, but a victory nonetheless. There was one who held his heart in a grip much stronger, one he didn't need to fear would hate him for what he truly was. He sighed as he released Erin slowly.

?I'm sorry too, pigeon. I won't bother you and Sebastian again... I swear it.?

Whatever lies he'd told before this at least was truth. Unless the boy harmed her he wouldn't lift a finger to abuse either of them.

She slid from his lap and off the chair, standing before him then. Short, slight, a child, really.

?I destroy everything I touch.? It was an admission to herself as much as him.

?If only you'd said that... just once... before...? The what if died in her head, she couldn't process it, couldn't think of it. She shook it out of her head. ?Thank you, Gideon. Really.?

Tears started again... god.

?For everything you ever did. I won't ever forget you... or this.? She held a hand out for him.

?This was never your fault, Erin.? He reached out and took her hand, only to press his face into it, crushing his cheek against her palm; sinner to the benediction of saint. He was a demon, to lie to her like this, to let her take all the blame upon herself for all the hurt he?d wrought in her life, all the pain he?d built between them to shield them both from his reality? and yet a part of him loved this, reveled in it, the darkest part of himself that enjoyed inflicting this endless spiteful pain upon his own black soul. He released her hand with a silent growl, rising from the couch.

?Go back to your silly boy, pigeon. Love who you want??

?I tried that.? She cut him off quietly and turned on a heel, leaving him there, pulling back her hand, and heading to the bar and her abandoned bottle. Having to turn away, to hide the new wave of tears, the wave of self hatred, all of it. She snapped up the bottle, and tossed it back to take a long swig, a hand leaning on the bar. She was holding herself up. Holding herself together. This hadn't gone as planned.

?...Just not me.? He concluded, muttered softly as he crossed the room and gathered his castaway coat before slipping out the door, to seek solace in the arms of the one he could love, the one he did love.

(answer: when his lips are moving)


Date: 2006-12-04 16:55 EST
Pull me close look into my eyes
Smile at me when you stick in the knife
We're bleeding into a cup when we've got enough
We'll just paint the walls
And we don't care how much it hurts
You think you're cursed it's what you deserve
'Cause you're talking rock and roll
Walking karaoke soul
I can see you desperate to please
Let me treat you for your disease
Between angels and ropes babe what would you chose?
As you kick the dust from your perfect shoes
Your wolf suit is wearing thin and your real skin looks like it never bleeds
And you're playing to the crowd as the ship goes down comforting me

Serendipity was the word someone had coined to describe it; a fortuitous discovery hinged upon sheer dumb luck. The word wasn?t nearly strong enough to describe the occasion of Gideon?s meeting with one of the most fascinating and infuriating creatures that had ever stepped foot into the Red Dragon.

Ironically enough Gideon had figured Thalon for one of Erin?s newest suitors ? he had caught sight of the pair of them kissing ? though something had seemed off about the situation ? he couldn?t put his finger on just what, however. It was only later that he found out the kiss had been at Erin?s insistence and Thalon had only agreed to it with full intentions of killing the misguided girl. Fate had seen fit to intervene, however and Erin had come away from the kiss alive enough, if a little over-heated.

Gideon should have cared less, but given his usual smarmy disposition and sense of revenge he?d gone over and teased Erin over it, even made her a drink behind the bar and charged her a kiss. Thalon had caught the interaction?and while Gideon had been sure that it was Erin?s reaction the other man had been most interested in, it was actually his own swaggering, cocky smile that had captured the man?s eye. Thalon had left the inn with an odd, secretive smile that had left Gideon wondering? curious and longing to see him again despite the fact that the pair hadn?t exchanged a single word.

It was to his glee then that he and Thalon had crossed paths again a week later. He couldn?t explain the undeniable attract he?d felt for the man? and how well matched they seemed, dark humor, hot tempers, and coy, vicious flirtations all on par. Since he was turned Gideon had had more than enough shared intimacies with other men ? though all of them hollow, the seduction before the kill, the feed, nothing more. There was something about the Dark Gift that gave one an equal appreciation for both sexes, a sudden realization in the sensuous, the erotic nature of both male and female that few mortals possessed or gave attention to.

However, he?d never longed to share himself with another male ? not after Vincent?s cruel, immortal hatred of a love. Yet here he was, laughing, teasing, flirting and fighting with this exquisite man, and he couldn?t tear himself away. He couldn?t remember the last time he?d wanted anyone?s attentions this badly. He let the other jerk him around, toy with him all evening until the longing had been too much to bear, and in a fit of hunger and rage at one of Thalon?s backhanded quips he?d grabbed the man and wrestled him outside, into the privacy of the darkened back alley, to have him alone at last, away form prying eyes. He couldn?t hide what he was from this one. Thalon was a predator himself of a different nature, but he saw clean through Gideon?s thin camouflage in a second. There was no need to play false, play coy with this man, and though everything within him urged Gideon to hide, to keep that mask of anonymity in place, he could not deny the raw, primal urges that drove him to take what he needed, what he inexplicably craved from this man.

Thalon had relaxed into the assault, for the first time showing some true, unrestrained amusement, though his laughter found voice in a purring growl. His shoulders absorbed the impact with the wall, and a subtle turn of his wrist locked his hand around Gideon's arm as the man 'drugs' him out - with just enough resistance to get what he wanted.

As the door slammed behind them Gideon pushed the other man up against one of the cold, damp brick walls of the alleyway and released his grip with one hand, only to gather Thalon's long, blood-black hair in his fist, silken strands caught between the twist of fingers as he drew the gorgeous man's head back. He wanted to lunge for that bared throat, tear it open. He felt his teeth snap shut only a hair's breadth away from the skin. He was trembling, every muscle taut to the breaking point. The purring laughter was too much. He released a breath he didn't realize he held and his grip on Thalon relaxed as well, the hand clenched in his shirt rising to touch the plane of his cheek and jaw, blue eyes fierce, almost phosphorescent in the dim light.

Thalon shuddered at the chill soaking through the thin silk of his shirt, but didn't resist Gideon's strength - yet. His throat arched as his head was drawn back, and a light, wild laugh rose from it at the click of teeth, the stir of breath against taut skin. Slender hands stroked up Gideon's arms to his wrists, and Thalon finally chose to resist - and he showed that he did, indeed, have the strength for it. Twisting lithely, he held the man's wrists between them as his head lowered, lips brushing warmly - almost hot - against lips. Yet still he didn't complete the touch. Golden-green caught and reflected diffused light, but didn't glow. The hands gripping wrists loosened, stroking back up the arms to trap Gideon's body against his own, and his voice is a soft growl, breath hot, still spiced, and still with a smoky undertone.

"Temper, temper."

Gideon?s brows furrowed in surprise as Thalon's hands closed over his wrists and moved them. He drew a sharp breath as lips brushed tormenting close to his. He groaned softly as he was drawn close, his hands sliding back up into Thalon's long hair, fingertips slipping up the nape of his neck and against his scalp. His eyes narrowed. He could practically taste the heat of spiced wine, his nose brushing the apple of Thalon's cheek. He paused, savoring the seconds before he closed his lips briefly over Thalon's, catching his lower lip between both of his own in one quick, small suck, only to release it as quickly as he's caught it..

? 'M sorry... ? Was all he could mumble before he once again caught Thalon's mouth with his own, this time the upper lip, the kiss slower, his tongue just tracing the heated, soft inner skin.

Thalon parted his lips, tongue flicking tauntingly between to taste Gideon's, and finally bent his neck to capture the kiss firmly. And it truly was heated, and not from the effects of mulled wine. In fact, the close contact showed Thalon's entire body to be considerably warmer than might be expected, as their positions were reversed, Thalon turning to press the other male tight against the wall. His tongue teased at Gideon's lips, luring them to open fully and embrace immersion.

Gideon?s hands tightened their cradle on the back of Thalon's head as he found himself suddenly the one pressed to the wall. His lips parted eagerly as Thalon deepened the kiss, his tongue seeking the other man's; stroking encouragingly, invitingly. Thalon's warmth was a blessing, it hid Gideon's own chill, any warmth he had absorbed from the fireplace whisked away by the frigid night breeze. He pressed back against the wall into Thalon's body, thigh to thigh as he drew the other male's tongue into his mouth and sucked teasingly at the tip of it.

Thalon dipped lightly into the invitingly opened mouth, stroking a slow, sensually suggestive rhythm, tip tracing the edges of Gideon's teeth. In echo of the kiss, his hips stroked and swayed against those of the other man, and the faintest whisper of hotter breath stirred on his tongue, before he abruptly broke the kiss. Not to back away, however - instead he trailed a path of sharp nips along the line of Gideon's jaw and down his throat, parting his lips against that marble column, drawing on the skin. Again that trace of warm rose in his breath - warmth hot enough to border on burning, and heat trickled from his lips as he lifted his head to meet the man's gaze, arching a sardonic brow.

"Mmm, and is this what you want, Gideon?" His tone made a caress of the name, savoring the sound of it.

Released from the kiss, he gasped softly as Thalon's teeth prickled down the perfectly pale flesh of his throat. He tensed. Should Thalon break that skin - should he taste... It was an agony and an ecstasy Gideon both feared and desired with every fiber of his being. He opened pale eyes as Thalon lifted his head, reaching out to take hold of the other man's jaw, just lightly enough to hold it, draw him close once more with it. He repressed a shudder at the sound of his name on Thalon's lips. Only one other had ever said it like that - or taunted him this way - the only one who had ever terrified him. He loved it and despised it at once in a rush of pure lust that went straight to his core. Pale eyes watched Thalon's feline gaze with a secret, small smile hidden behind them. His voice was thick and deeply soft with his response.

? much more than this, Thalon...?

Thalon slid his hands down to curve around Gideon's waist, lean muscle sliding beneath golden skin as he lifted the other man against the wall, just enough to place them in a somewhat more compromising pose. Chest to chest, he pinned the man there with his weight long enough to slide his hands down and cup the others' buttocks, firmly kneading. Teeth nipped at lips, the tiny bites soothed by the touch of warm tongue before they can sting, but Thalon kept his eyes open, watching Gideon's reactions.

"Just be very sure you want what you are asking for."

He had to bite back a soft groan as Thalon's hands took their liberties, his hips pushing forward against the other male?s as those hands clenched against his buttocks. He released his grip on Thalon only long enough to close his hands over his wrists, his grip tightening as he forced the other man's arms back behind him and held them there at the small of his back. His smile would have charmed the devil as he dipped his head slowly to run the tip of his tongue down the column of Thalon's throat, pausing to murmur against his windpipe.

?So long as you are very sure of what you are offering....? He returned, and without hesitation sank sharp little teeth into Thalon's collarbone, piercing flesh.

Thalon resisted the grip, but didn't put his full strength into it. Had it come to a clinch, who would have won? Impossible to say, and likely to never be answered. A purr whispered from Thalon's throat, beneath Gideon's lips as they traveled down it.

"So very cold, dear Gideon. A kiss could warm you, if you dared."

Teeth sank into his flesh, and a growl vibrated firmly against the bite. Hot blood rose easily through soft skin - too hot, and though the flavor of his elven mother is clear, it was overshadowed by the spice of his sire, a deeper, older and far stronger taint. Thalon bent his neck, breath smoky against Gideon's ear.

"I know what I offer. But if you play with fire, you might get burned. And you're much too pretty to get all scarred up."

Gideon moaned decadently as the blood welled up, hot, hot... deliciously burning as it filled his mouth slowly, the taste of it foreign... like nothing that had ever touched his tongue before. He swallowed, and felt it burn down his throat like vodka used to, like nothing ever did anymore. He couldn't keep his grip on Thalon's wrists...his head swam. He ran his tongue over the wound, lapping up the precious droplets even as their source closed slowly. He was trembling again - though what from he had no idea. His stomach burned within. He drew a slightly drugged gaze up to Thalon's, the unspoken question there in his eyes. He smoothed a thumb over the healed skin and dipped his head to bestow a soft kiss to the site of that sweet fount. Words failed him as his fingers spread themselves, splayed across Thalon's back.

Thalon bent his neck, brushing his lips, feather-soft, across Gideon's as he stepped back. He didn't say anything at first, simply stroking his gaze over the man's form, but finally smiled, a wry curve of lips that doesn't reflect in his gaze, though that was thoughtful, and perhaps speculative, rather than critical.

"Think about it, Gideon. Decide what exactly you want, before you rush into anything. I have no use for people who want what they shouldn't, just because it's forbidden fruit."

Gideon straightened himself as he was released from the embrace, and watched Thalon with a small, fox-sly smile as he ran a hand back through his hair as he licked carefully at his lips. He moved for the door of the inn, resting a hand upon it before he paused.

?Don't think so lowly of me, Thalon... Besides, I'd hate to think I was the only one who wanted something from the other.?

Thalon simply smiled, and turned away from the door, slipping into the embrace of the night - doubly cold after the heating embrace of the other male.


Date: 2006-12-04 18:33 EST
The pair of them clashed more often than not - each interaction a wary circling of two predators feeling the other out, both posturing and bristling, fearful to take the first steps foward, to be the one to let their gaurd down. Gideon had invited Thalon back to his appartment soon after their first meeting - perhaps too soon.

From the inn Gideon strolled off down the street, in no particular hurry. He glanced at Thalon as the pair walked along, marvling at the man's state of near undress despite the frigid weather.

"No coat? I didn't think you were that vain..."

Thalon glanced briefly at the warmly-dressed Gideon, gaze stroking over the other's form pointedly.

"Vain? I may not like the cold, but I have less use for smothering."

His eyes lingered on the scarf, a flick of his head sending strands over his shoulder to cascade down his back, and he whirled toward Gideon. A hand twisted into the scarf drew the other near, and Thalon's head tilted as he breathed against cool lips.

"Or is it because of vanity that you wear the coat? Does it keep you warm?"

He stepped back, though his grip on the scarf lingered a moment longer, never having quite completed the contact to make it a kiss.

Gideon grinned as he was tugged close, teased and then shoved away again. He tossed the end of the scarf round his neck as he walked on.

"I wear it for camoflauge, mate. And it keeps the warmth close for a little while."

He led them through the winding streets of the city easily, deeper into the heart of it all until they drew up at the doors of a large, posh hotel, its stories towering over the buildings around it, standing out against the thatched roofs and more rustic buildings around it, a modern bohemeth clearly built by someone the nexus had ejected here from another time and place. Gideon made his way in through the large glass doors and through the lobby and into the elevator, letting it whisk both himself and Thalon up toward his lavish appartment. He stepped off the elevator and turned the key in the lock before pushing the door open and stepping back to allow Thalon entrance.

Thalon gave the building a cursory examination, but found little of interest to him. Architecture had never been one of his studies. He didn't recognize the design, certainly, but then he didn't recognize the design of many local buildings. Of more interest to him, however, was the elevator - that he wasn't familiar with, though he'd encountered the magical alternative often enough to brush it off as inconsequential. Nor did he hesitate to enter the apartment before Gideon, stepping to the side of the doorway to rake his gaze over the room.

"What, no crypt? I'm almost disappointed. Not even a few spiders and cockroaches to create atmosphere?"

He gave a mockingly disappointed shake of his head, and a sideways glance at Gideon.

"You did so well with the last glass of wine you made me back in the inn, I certainly hope you have some here."

The appartment was a lavish one, nearly all rooms encompased in one enormous one. Cold, beautiful black marble lined the floors, the walls, the kitchen and the large columns that supported the soaring ceiling. The entire outer wall was nothing more than one unending window out onto the city, it's lights flickering like fallen stars, save for the one interuption, a fireplace where a gas fire burned, lit even now in its constant glow. The furnishings were an odd mix of antiques and modern peices, but all comfortable, minimalistic. He shut the door behind them and strolled in, dropping the keys back in the pocket of his coat and shrugging the garment off to toss it over the back of the wingchair sitting before the fireplace, the scarf following.

"I'm afraid I don't keep much in the way of food here...but wine I do have."

He crossed to the kitchen, every step echoed faithfully by the slick marble. The flame of the stove flared to life as he set a pot upon it before turning to peruse the full wine rack built into one of the otherwise bare cabinets.

Thalon laughed softly, crossing to glance out the windows before draping himself into the wingback - after nudging Gideon's clothes off onto the floor, deliberately careless. Pulling the chair around, regardless of the effect the legs would have on the marble flooring, he tilted his head against the back and watched Gideon through half-lidded eyes, fingers absently drifting a slow course up and down the haft of the whip always at his side. A twist, and the sword sheath gets pulled loose, tossed aside to skitter across the marble until it comes to rest at the base of the wall.

"No food? What a shame. And I was just starting to get hungry, too. But I suppose I'll settle for wine - since there's nothing else to nibble on."

Gideon chose a bottle of cabernet sauvignon before turning around to watch the sword slide noisily across the floor. He gave Thalon a cruel little smile with a tilt of his head as he set the bottle down to draw out the cork. The man's demenor infurated him. Anyone else he'd brough her had been impressed, awed by the scale and sheer cold beauty of the place. Thalon abused it without leave. A slow bitterness rising within him, he clicked off the heat of the stove and poured a measure out into a glass cold instead, coming round the corner of the kitchen island and over to the fireplace to set the glass on the small table beside the chair. Anything now to spite the cruelty he received.

"I suppose you will."

Thalon glanced distastefully at the cold glass, then ignored it completely as he pointedly glanced around the apartment. Black marble, columns, and the distinctive chill of stone despite the fire.

"Entertain much?"

Abruptly uncoiling from the chair, he paced restlessly to the windows, showing no reaction to the plunging view as he prowled back and forth, staring down into the night.

"Perhaps I should have said 'mortuary' instead of 'crypt'."


Gideon drew his blazer off, and followed it with his hoodie, tossing both upon the arm of the couch before he sank down upon it in his worn black t-shirt, ignoring Thalon's restless pacing as he made himself comfortable, feet propped up on the opposite arm.

"Usually the guests I bring here are the ones who do the entertaining."

Gideon sighed with a quiet, mysterious little smile reflected inwards as he watched the fireplace.

" What's wrong, Thalon? You really were hoping for a cave?"

Thalon raked his gaze over the reclining form, but didn't return to the fire. Bracing his hands on the windowpane, he stared down into the street below, then laughed softly and turned to scan the rest of the room. Gradually he worked his way around, prowling throughout the apartment, fingers lingering every so often on something that barely caught his attention. Only when he has examined every niche and corner did he return to the fire, leaning down to brace a hand on either side of the reclining Gideon. Perhaps he was hungry, though the expression he turned on the other man was more reminiscent of a bored cat than an ardent lover. Hair cascaded forward over his shoulders, pooling blood-black across Gideon's throat.

"Oh, I've been in a few very comfortable caves. And this place looks less alive than most of them. But wrong? I wouldn't say anything is wrong. Perhaps boring, but not wrong."

Gideon reached up to stroke the strands of hair that poured foward over Thalon's shoulder, both silken and coarse at once, alive under his fingers. He swallowed as he felt it slide across the skin of his throat. That mass and length of blood-black hair was perhaps Thalon's most attractive feature, certainly the one that drew the most fascination from Gideon. Leaving his caress he grasped either collar of Thalon's loose-fitting shirt and gave it an almost careless tug, sending buttons flying as if he'd torn it with force, his gaze coolly traveling down the swath of skin he's exposed with an oddly detached expression.

Thalon didn't flinch at the caress, nor at the tearing of his shirt, though he did straighten up. Torn silk is left clutched in Gideon's hands, clinging briefly to the soft leather of pants and whip before falling free. Hands lowered to lock around the man's wrists, and a twist of torso left Thalon settling astride Gideon's hips as he leaned down, hair forming a dark waterfall to veil their faces from the light of the fire as he traced the others' lips with teasing flicks of his tongue, tasting, taunting, and sat back up.

"Am I supposed to be your entertainment, Gideon? Or are you mine?"

His fingers tightened, compressing wrist bones just enough to retain the grip as he pins them to either side of the man's head.

The dull pain of the grip was delicious, and the tease of a kiss, like so many others tonight left him wanting much, much more. He lifted his chin with a challenging, grim smile as he ran his tongue over the dampness clinging to his lips.

"Can it not be both?"

Thalon swayed gently, a slow, lingering tease, as he bent to that tempting mouth again. Teeth capture Gideon's lower lip, biting down just short of tearing skin before softening the contact, tongue soothing the sting away. A snick of his own teeth serves well to create a different form of lure, lips parting to close firmly over Gideon's as his tongue teases across the edges of the other man's teeth - leaving just a hint of blood behind, bare tang of salt-sweet heat.

"Is it worth my while? After all, you weren't even able to come up with a hot drink to warm away the night."

Gideon pushed against the couch in the kiss, arching his body slightly under the other male's. He felt the sharp little teeth pinch hard on tender flesh and it made his head swim slightly. His mouth opened under Thalon's in the kiss, his own tongue eager to catch that sweet, small touch of blood, drawing a stifled moan from his throat. He leveled an icy gaze at Thalon as his lids parted half-way

"I think I'll let you earn what little niceties you want from me, luv. Otherwise I don't think you'll appreciate all. You'll find I'm not nearly as generous as I let on to be."

He twisted his wrists free effortlessly and sat up, his arms coming round Thalon's back, short, close-clipped nails digging into the flawless flesh over ribs and spine as he traced a line of kisses between the cleft of Thalon's bared pectorals. He drug his fingers slowly downward, rakeing Thalon's skin mercilessly, feeling it tear in places, the embrace of his arms tight and close as steel bands. His cool tongue traced the dusty circle of a nipple, needle sharp teeth touching flesh here and there, threatening but never peircing.

The right nipple doesn't need piercing - it already has it, fine gold chain tracing a curve back around his side to the matching ring in his shoulderblade. Hot, slick blood followed the course of raking nails, a shiver of vicious pleasure discernable in the tight embrace. Beneath Gideon's lips, a peculiarly double shudder marked the throb of heartbeat, and a deep breath swelled ribs slowly. One hand curled around Gideon's throat, forcing him back down onto the courch and away from the temptation of hot flesh, while the other caught in the hem of his shirt. Fingers slip upward, pulling up up over his head, rather than simply ripping the fabric away. Teeth and lips followed the gradual appearance of skin, nipping, flicking, parting to enclose first one, then the other tender nub in searing heat. More than mere warmth; flame licks and writhes between parted lips, and Thalon drifted back up, closing his teeth on the curve of Gideon's throat - and biting, near to tearing skin, with sudden strength before shrugging away the other man's arms to surge off the couch and too his feet.

"I don't earn, love. I either accept, or don't."

And back down to the couch he was borne, his eyes closing once more as a sweet, satifying shudder ran through him with Thalon's attentions, that strange, intoxicating heat that the other man posessed hooking him like a drug, making him at once envious and grateful. His eyes sprang open however as teeth closed on his throat, every muscle of his body tensing under Thalon's, hands rising, ready to shove him off, save that in a blink of an eye Thalon had surged up and away. Gideon rose more slowly, shedding his shirt heedlessly onto the couch. He was livid now. Again this talk of love. First Erin, then Cassie's badgering and Kairee's tormenting. He'd had enough of it.

"Love was never something on the table, Thalon." He said coldly, pale eyes feirce. "You don't much look like a creature capable of love... something I rather admire I have to admit."

Thalon actually paused for a moment before making the connection with Gideon's statement, a warm - though hardly affectionate - laugh purring from his throat as he turns his back on the other man, a couple of strides closing the distance to the sheathed sword, and a lithe bend plucking it from the floor.

"A term of familiarity, Gideon, nothing more. I tried loving somebody once - it really is a waste of time and effort. I don't ask for affection from you, nor expect it."

He turned back, the weapon balanced in his hand for just a thoughtfull moment as his gaze lowered to the place his teeth had so recently gripped, lingering down over bared skin in a near-palpable caress.

"However, if you think I'm going to 'earn' anything from you, you're mistaken. I appreciate pleasure - and I don't give it in return for nothing. Satisfy me, and you serve yourself. Don't... " He shrugged, crossing to stare up at the panoply of stars.

Gideon strode off towards the windowpanes, each glistening with frost that clung to their edges. He glared down at the city with a burning hatred. This place plauged him, poisoned him... and now this odd effegy sent to taunt him... it was almost too much. He trembled with the urge to both murder and make love to the man gazing out the window a few paces away. He could still feel the sting on his skin of teeth, the burn of kisses and the grip of fingers. He turned toward Thalon and closed the gap between them in a stride, or so it seemed. He bent his head, resting his forehead against Thalon's temple, one hand caressing the curve of of the opposite cheek, his brooding gaze cast downwards.

"There is nothing I would not give you... and nothing I would not demand in return." He breathed into the space between them both.

Thalon didn't move as the man moved toward him, and remained still for several seconds after the soft words whispered into silence. Finally he turned toward his companion beneath the harsh ice of starlight, warm arms caging cool flesh and pivoting them both, trapping Gideon between the heat of his body and the chill of the windowpane. Careless of whether the glass might be fragile, he leaned into the man, slashing lips to lips in a brutally hard, demanding kiss, hands sliding down to cup buttocks and force Gideon's body hard against his own. His head lifted, green-gold eyes as hard as the kiss, though lacking any trace of true anger, just enough to breath against the others' lips.

"There are some things I won't take, and some things I won't give. But if you can..." A mocking smile. "...Live with that, and if you can be content with it, we can each find satisfaction in each other. And to start. Mulled wine. Hot. When next I'm here - if I return."

Gideon's hands caught Thalon's face in the kiss, fingertips pressing hard enough to leave bruises as he returned the rough kiss with as much passion and more, his body pushing back, the skin between them suddenly an unwanted barrier crackling with the electricity of their collision. He drew back from the kiss with a sharp inhalation sucked through his teeth. He smiled recklessly as he gave Thalon a shove, pushing him off of himself.

"And if you'd like that then you'll bring that crop of yours again... and do more then toy with it."

A spark, the flare of true amusement, as Thalon plucked the whip from its resting place at his hip. Gently he traced the curve of Gideon's cheek with the satin leather of the haft, lashes cascading down the man's chest a harder, rolled finish that catches and slides over the contoured planes of chest and belly, breathing lightly across still-clothed loins.

"If you'd rather feel this kiss, then you'll make certain I want to return. Or, perhaps, I might take you home with me some night."

A lazy, sensually warm smile, as his gaze followed the curve of the thongs downward.

"And find out whether I live in a cave, as well. I can assure you, I don't live in a mortuary."

A step back, and a deft flick of his wrist lays the hard thongs across Gideon's belly, enough force to sting, but just a promise. Without further ado - and without following through on that promise, he stalked toward the door leading back out of the apartment.

Gideon's wince at the sting of the lash was eclipsed by his satisfied smile as he watched Thalon stalk away. He stepped away from the window and towards the fireplace once more, sinking down in the chair Thalon had turned about.

Thalon didn't glance back as he opens the door and stepped through, closing it softly behind him - but the turn of the key that had earlier been placed in the pocket of Gideon's coat, the same coat that had been draped over the chair Thalon had claimed, was a firm click in the marble mausoleum. Within a few strides, Thalon watched the door of the elevator glide shut and the box starts down, simplevenough to control with a little basic logic.

Thalon could have the key - though the loss of an expensive keychain was regrettable it was hardly devistating. Gideon watched the door for a long moment after it had been shut and locked, smiling to himself. It was not to be the last time he made the mistake of treating Thalon no differently than the other 'playthings' he filled his time and loneliness with, but it left an indeliable mark upon Gideon's memory. He would come to recall the harsh words he'd offered this night, and rue them.


Date: 2006-12-04 19:19 EST
Their next fight had been one of the worst. Cassie had exasterbated it by throwing herself into the middle of the argument, but it had been borne by Gideon's own expressed desire. He didn't want love, nor to love or be loved. And Thalon had readily complied.

Ever since Thalon had left Gideon's apartments that night he had teased the other male, accessable but unavailable - cool and aloof each time they met, forcing Gideon to persue him. Cruel and cold. It humbled Gideon in a way that he hated. He felt like a toy, a plaything himself and he rebelled against it at the same time it made him want the attentions of the man all the more. He had slowly begun to realize how foolish he was to try and make of Thalon what he made of other mortals that he cared for breifly and tossed away. The man was so much more than that, and Gideon wanted so much more from him - everything he had closed himself off to.

After the confrontation Thalon had left, stormed out angrily and after a hot exchange of words with Cassie, Gideon had gone after him, too furious to let it pass, pursuing him out into the maze of back alleys and dark side streets.

Gideon had reappeared around a corner Thalon was just about to turn, catching him under the jaw with a sharp blow of a fist, fairly spitting in anger.

The blow, genuinely unexpected, landed hard enough to split the inside of an already-abused lip against his teeth, and bring a feral snarl to his lips. His skin darkened, reflex plucking the whip from his belt and flicking hard, rolled-leather lashes toward Gideon. A snap of wrist cracked weighted ends against the other man's flesh, rather than the softer touch of the lash. Not terribly damaging, but distracting enough for Thalon to get his feet beneath him again, furious gaze locked, with predatory intensity, on the figure of his attacker.

Gideon's hand snapped out and caught the whip on it's downward arch, absorbing the sting against the palm of the slowly healing abused hand he had driven mindlessly into the stone wall of the inn whilst arguing with Cassie, and wrenching the crop free from its owner only to swing the club end of it with all his preturnatural strength against Thalon's bare ribs in a crushing blow.

Thalon relaxed when he identified Gideon, though only the closest of inspections would reveal it. He released the handle - really, what use was that weapon here? - and stepped inside the backswing, the back of his hand slashing across Gideon's face viciously. He never once maked a move toward the sword sheathed at his hip.

"Can't you handle your own words, Gideon? Or is this over something else? You don't really expect me to change just to please you, do you? Or did you simply not bother to look before you decided to want?"

Gideon turned his face, the blow catching his jaw and glancing off. He flung the whip across the alley and caught Thalon's face in his hands. He was furious, livid beyond reason. If he'd thought he'd met his match in Erin he'd been wrong, dead wrong. She'd never had the infurating childish spite of this hateful, pisant, beautiful man he clutched. Two thick blood tears rolled down his cheeks as he pressed his forehead against Thalon's while a snarl tore itself from his throat, giving voice to all his fustrations in one long, stifled, acheing noise.

Thalon bent his neck, blood slick between their skin as his cheek brushed across Gideon's, dark hair slithering forward in a silken veil. From fury to gentleness, as quicksilver as ever, Thalon curved his arms around the other man's torso, locking them together crushingly hard, hips to hips and chest to chest, the peculiarly echoed throb of his heart clearly discernable.

"Do you really even know what you want, Gideon? All you'd have to do is bend your neck to tear into my throat. Is that what you want? Or did you really think that I was going to fall hopelessly in love with you, and follow at your heels like an addict? It won't happen, but we could have a hell of a time tearing each other apart trying.?

Gideon sagged, the rage draining out of his body in one rush, his arms encricling Thalon's shoulders as he burried his face against the hollow of the other man's shoulder and drew a deep breath.

" We could, but I could just as easily find amusment throwing myself before lorries as doing this - and still keep considerably more pride about me."

He lifted his head and pulled back only far enough to regard Thalon's cruelly handsome face, his own a mask of soulless calm now.

"Why is your world so black and white? Either you're throwing yourself at my feet like a slave or else your doing your damndest to make me wish to kill you. Do you not think you might be able to find some middle ground to stand upon?"

He stroked a slow finger down the curve of Thalon's jaw. He came to the truth of it now, and though the bitter taste of crow rose in his mouth he spoke his mind.

"I'd love you if you let me... or as close to love as a beast can afford to give. But I'll not be abused like a paid-by whore or subject to your temper tantrums without retailiation."

Thalon released his grasp upon Gideon, eyes closing on the flare of caged fury that rose in them, and turned his head to catch that tracing finger between his teeth. His tongue curled around it, testing the flavour of skin, before it was released and he stepped back, turning away to collect the discarded whip and clip it back at his hip.

"Where would be the fun the middle ground? I've always found gray to be a boring color. And don't be too quick to call yourself a beast, Gideon - there are things out there far worse than you, and most of them wear the skin of a human or an elf, without having the excuse of being Changed. I've only ever asked for love once, and I don't expect it from you."

He walked past Gideon, resuming his course - he'd been heading home.

Gideon leaned back against a dirty, wet brick wall, heedless of the damage it did his clothes as he watched Thalon collect his whip. He wiped his finger against the cloth of his pants, blue eyes cold and hard as the man passed him by.

"Then don't expect anything at all, and don't bother asking either." He replied.

He was done this chase. Clearly Thalon had little to nothing to offer outside of empty promises and infuriating interludes that always fell short of expectations. Gideon had no qualms about offering his lovers the world - but for a fair trade of price. He pushed off the wall with the aid of one foot and chose the opposite path, shoving hands deep into his pockets, mindless of the dull, painful ache of broken bones as he did so.

Thalon listened, marking the sound of departing steps, and tilted his face to the stars, as much as he disliked the bitter chill their light evoked. He could go after Gideon, and in truth, the thought of quenching his anger in the man's body was a lure it was difficult to resist. Hands curled around sleek, deliciously firm contours, cool flesh bleeding the heat from his skin, teeth shredding through buttery meat... A flicker as eyes snapped shut, and the anger turned in a different direction, a pulse of denial, annoyance, and, faintly, amusement, met the sulky creatures' hints.

There was genuine humor to Thalon's tone when he called after the departing man.

"If you really want to meet a beast, you should get to know a Cou'ri some time. You might like him." A sigh whispers, and Thalon stalked on.
He didn't have any promises to keep, and he asked for nothing more than respect, though even Thalon had to admit that there was a very thin line between his passions.

Gideon paused of a half a beat at the voice that called from behind him- but like all things out of the poisonous, dulcet mouth it was little more than a hollow barb. He moved on, lost and wandering and two lovers poorer for the night's misadventures.


Date: 2006-12-04 19:21 EST

Later that night Thalon circled, prowling the streets as the lingering touch faded completely with distance. He was fairly certain he knew where Gideon would have gone, and it was no great surprise to find himself stalking, prowling with caged, frustrating energy before the steps of the Inn again, staring up at the door. Nor did he still when it slammed open, though there was more wary puzzlement in his glare than anger.

"What did you think I expected from you, Gideon? What did you expect from me? Unlike some around here, I don't read minds."

Gideon had come barreling out of the inn only to stop as movement in the shadows beyond the porch steps, the gleam of cat-green eyes and the dull toss of darker than black hair in the movement of the wind telling him at once who it was. He ground teeth against each other in painfully aching pressure. Perhaps he would just let the bloody sun take him this morning and be done with it - this exile grew less comfortable by the hour if not by the day. Instead of the bitter tirade he had been expecting, Thalon flung questions toward Gideon that he would have liked answered himself. He let out a slow sigh as he came down the porch steps with deleberate steps, his eyes on the ground before him.

"I don't know what you expected from me, Thalon. Perhaps a plaything? You're desires seem as inconstant as the wind. As for what I expected... nothing. I was flattered by your interest, and more then a little enticed by the sheer bloody-mindedness of you. I wanted..."

He sighed and sank down on the lowest step of the porch, hands dangling between his knees, bone gleaming wetly against through the skin of the knuckles.

Thalon noticed the injured hand for the first time, and dropped into a crouch in front of Gideon to lift the hand by the wrist and examine it. Expression hardening, he glanced past the seated form at the door. His words are blunt, but the only cruelty in them is honesty - though that can be more vicious than any lie.

"I expected sex from you, and I didn't expect you to want anything more than that. One minute you seem to want to gentle, and the next you're asking me to whip you with a weapon that's made for cutting flesh. Which is it, Gideon? How much difference is there between the passion of desire, and the passion of rage? Maybe there's more of a difference for you than there is for me. Or maybe I've just encountered them together too often to be able to tell the difference. I've had my taste of being somebody's possession - it won't happen again. But I'm not looking for a slave, either. I have no use for somebody that wants to be owned."

Gideon watched detachedly as his hand was lifted, catching his lower lip between his teeth thoughfully only to have the corners of his mouth curl in a slow, bitter smile.

"Well then we are in agreement on two points; neither wishes to be owned or to own the other."

He sighed as he curled his injured fingers around Thalon's.

"Sex... Is well and good enough, and something I would willingly share with you - but it is something I could have from anyone with the same effects."

He released Thalon's hand to catch a lock of that heartbreakingly beautiful hair between thumb and forefinger.

" You are far too fascinating of a creature for me not to want more from. Friendship, hatred, companionship, lust..." He raised luminous eyes to meet Thalon's. "You walk into a room and everything fades into the background - do you not know that about yourself? You manage to eclipse everything with no more effort then your smile."

Thalon met that gaze, as wary and, in that moment, as feral as any wild hawk come by chance to light upon the hawkers' glove, offered a choice bit of meat - but uncertain if he should accept, or strike at the hand that offered it. No matter the morsel, it wasn't worth it if the treat concealed jesses. His head tilted, and muscles shuddered with the tension of remaining still.

"Sex is what I'm used to giving. I don't know if I have more to offer or not - I'm not even sure if I could trust you enough to find out. Hatred... that one's easy. That smile you seem to like so much is usually me imagining most of the others in there ripped to pieces and spread for the crows. I've given lust, and I've given love, but friendship? I wouldn't even know where to start. If that's what you want, then I'm willing to try, but go into it with your eyes open about who I am. I already know that you can quench at least some of the fire in my blood, but are you willing to risk being burned?"

Gideon's gaze flicked towards that lock of hair he held as he released it to run his fingers back through the rich mass of it all, cupping his hand round the curve of Thalon's scalp and drawing him near so that their foreheads rested against each other.

"I'd rather writhe and burn in your fire than freeze among all the mindless cattle of this city."

Thalon tensed at the touch, then forced himself to relax and accept it. His own hand lifted, combing lightly, for the first time, through Gideon's hair, to smooth down his neck and curve around the hinge of his jaw. A thumb stroked away lingering evidence of earlier tears, and then he rose, pulling Gideon with him.

"Well, if you don't want to freeze, lets get out of this cursed wet air. Where do you want to go? Not back to the Inn. After visiting your home, I'm not too sure you'd really find mine comfortable - but at least there's something to eat."

He paused, shifting a fraction closer to the other man, a reflex that hadn't escaped him before. In truth, he rarely sought intimately close physical contact with others, unless meant to mock or intimidate.

"Other than myself, that is."

Gideon laughed under his breath at that and let himself be pulled back to his feet. It was chill and damp, and though the darkness still clung around them, solid as before, he could feel the morning coming on swifter and swifter feet. He hesitated for a moment - the thought of being left completely helpless in his sleep at Thalon's mercy was a terrifying one... but he knew Thalon was right. His own home held no creature comforts in it. Thalon's subtle little shift towards him sealed his desicion and he nodded his consent.

"A bed and a hot shower woul dbe all the comfort I need."

Thalon shivered, barely restraining the impulse to whirl and stalk off, instead modulating his movements to a strained, but slow, turn as his arm slid around Gideon's waist, and guided the other toward his own home. Excess energy thrummed within his veins, and he did succumb enough to push the pace a bit, threading the streets with rapid dispatch.

"Those are two things I can provide. And no sunlight, as well."


Date: 2006-12-04 19:36 EST
However, the building Thalon stopped before appeared, at first glance, to be virtually abandoned. The windows were shuttered tight, and it looked more a warehouse than a home. However, the door opened to Thalon's key, revealing a hollow interior that looked more un-occupied than lived in.

He stepped inside, closing the door securely behind - and locked it, though that left the tiled chamber in a gloom most humans would have found blinding. A touch to Gideon's back directed him to steps leading down, and the door at the base of those stairs did open onto warmth, light and actuall living quarters - obviously a workroom, by the benches, desks, tables and racks of fairly unfriendly looking tools.

Gideon was no slow mover himself, and after the evening he had the more distance he put between himself and the inn the better. He followed Thalon in through the door he opened, glancing about the run-down building with casual interest until the dark eclipsed it. He trailed Thalon once more, down the stairs and into the light, arching a brow as a smile curled one corner of his mouth.

" Alright... A cave, but cozy." He mused, letting his gaze skim the walls and furnishings slowly.

It was a comfortable place, solitary but well loved. His smirk of a smile faded as he realised suddenly what it ment to be offered hospitality here, a twinge of gratefulness tempered his usual mask of flippancy.

Thalon actually smiled, one of that most rare of commodities from himself - a genuine flash of humor.

"What can I say? Blame it on genetics."

He locked this door as well, leading the way through the workroom and into the next chamber, a room scattered with furniture, but dominated on either side by twin hearths, both deep enough to have held fires far in excess of anything Thalon should need. One is empty, the other contains a smaller hearth inside, with a banked fire smouldering in it. Again, Thalon passed by, only bothering to kick a pivoting arm containing a mulling pot out over the flames. Again a door; this time opening onto something resembling more normal living quarters, kitchen, dining, living, bath and bedchamber all interconnected by short halls, but lacking individual doors. A gesture encompassed the group of rooms, as Thalon stepped away from Gideon.

"This part was actually intended to be living quarters. The area up above used to be a bath-house, before the owner died. That's why it's tiled."

Gideon shot Thalon a curious glance at the quip about genetics. The nature of the man's lineage still posed an intruging mystery. He strolled after him into the living quarters, suddenly grateful indeed that they'd chosen to come here. The latent warmth of the place, the secretive feel of it, cloistered away under the building they way it was - were all qualities Gideon could appreciate. He ran a hand slowly over the buttery leather of a chair as he drew close to one of the fireplaces. He felt slow suddenly, sluggish. Morning was coming and he could feel his body preparing for rest.

He crossed the room toward Thalon, reaching out to take his face between cold fingertips as he stole a breif kiss, small, sharp teeth like ivory against the soft skin of his upper lip, tongue smooth as wet silk. He drew away slightly. He wasn't fighting to keep his eyes open yet - but he would be soon enough.

"Thalon...I have to sleep..."

Thalon curved his arms securely around Gideon, responding, albeit with restraint, to the kiss. His passions, just like his anger, tended to be intense - and he knew well enough that Gideon would need to rest soon. Teasingly, he leaned down, teeth grazing a path down the man's throat in a series of light bites, each soothed by the heat of his tongue before he moved to the next. However, before that path could lead him into removing obstructions - in other words, clothing - Thalon lifted his head again, eyes widening with mocking innocence.

"I guess I'll just have to take advantage of you during the day, then. Do you prefer a bed, or a coffin?"

Truth be told, he didn't have any coffins. But it was just too much to ask him to resist the question.

Gideon shut his eyes with a shivering sigh. It was delicous to feel this weak and yet still be roused to pleasure. He laughed softly, eyes crinkling in their outer corners as his mouth curled into it usual smart-assed smirk.

"A bed if you please."

Thalon hooked a hand into the waist of Gideon's pants, blithely towing the man behind him as he led the way to the bedroom. The bed was recessed into the wall, almost like a miniature cave in and of itself, filling the niche and more than large enough for two. Another, small hearth simmers opposite, crimson glowing through the black shell of banked coals, and the floor is more thickly carpetted. Releasing his guest, Thalon leaned down to coax the fire up, easily accomplished with the addition of a few firestones, before bracing his shoulders against the wall and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Planning on sleeping in your clothes? I'll just have them off you before you wake up."

Gideon grinned as he was towed along by his belt-strap into the rather sensuous bedroom. He kicked off his shoes before sinking down on the bed, loosening the tie round his neck until it's knot slid apart of his own accord. He tossed the length of red silk at Thalon, unbuttoning his collar.

"Well that sounds like a rather pleasent suprise to wake up to."

Thalon flicked out a hand, plucking the strip of silk from the air - before it could land in the fire. Baring his teeth in a lazy, hungry smile, he stalked across the room toward the tender prey laying on his bed, leaning down to close his teeth on Gideon's neck just below the corner of his jaw. Long fingers took over the task of unbuttoning the collar, but didn't stop there. Lowering gradually to his knees, Thalon followed the path of appearing skin with tongue, lips and teeth, exploring the contours of collarbone, the planes of exposed chest, then line of rib and abdomen, teeth closing briefly on a nipple to tease it with his tongue, knowing full well that it would be impossible to complete what he'd started before the sun rose.

Gideon's teeth clenched as he felt Thalon's own sharp ones close over the skin of his throat, his head tilting back of its own volition. He sighed quietly as Thalon's caresses began...though his head now swam with sleep, the hands of a demanding Morpheus snatching at him, dragging him from one lover's embrace to another's. He could still feel the perfect burn of the touch of Thalon's tongue on the flesh of his stomach as he lost consciousness, his own hands that had been so tenderly exploring the sinuous curve of Thalon's back, even gently tugging at that chain that connected those two wickedly placed peircings, fell with him, landing open and inanimate against the bedsheets.

Thalon had shivered at the feel of Gideon's touch on the chain, glancing up as the man went limp. It would be so easy... He wouldn't even have to take the vampire outside and expose him to sun. A simple little stone from his workroom might do the job. Thalon rose, laying Gideon back and shifting the man to lay comfortably on the bed, hands drifting across belly and chest, lips hovering a breath above lips. Fire smoulders in eyes more green-touched gold, and slowly, efficiently, he set about undressing Gideon the rest of the way, finally folding blankets around the still form before taking the clothes and leaving the room, fire still burning steadily. He'd dispose of them, and then he'd find his own rest, the heat of a body that couldn't contain its' own energy warming Gideon's chill.


Date: 2006-12-04 20:55 EST
We'll do it all
On our own
We don't need
Or anyone
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
I don't quite know
How to say
How I feel
Those three words
Are said too much
They're not enough
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life
I need your grace
To remind me
To find my own


Thalon glanced up at the solid weight of the ceiling, calculating the angle of the sun outside, before leaning over the work table again. A slender needle of fire licks across clear paste. Clear dries to white, metal darkens, white fades to translucence, and a fleck of metal shimmers into liquid crimson, spreading across the juncture of tiny scale scale to miniature body. A touch, and heat is drawn from the metal. Already the eyes are set, twin blazes of golden light from a head not yet attached, lighting the room with the golden luminescence of daylight - and with all the natural properties thereof. Sunstones. Reaching for a cloth, Thalon pauses, lips twitching into a slow smile, and leaves the stones uncovered - they were small, the light dim. Rising, still clad in only a sanguine cascade of hair, he closes the workroom door and threads through to the bedroom, sliding beneath blankets to wrap Gideon's motionless form in the caged heat of his body, leaning up on an elbow to watch the vampire intently as the sun slides lower toward the horizon.

Gideon lay as if dead in the position Thalon had left him, no breath nor heartbeat to even stir the stillness of his lifeless form, yet an an unnatural beauty still clung to him. As the sun touched the horizon the dead weight of him lifted somewhat, small muscles tensing, reviving from their torpor, and as the orb slid below the edge of the horizon his lungs filled. He shifted against the sheets and pillows, rousing, eyelids flickering once before slowly opening. A million senses bombarded him at once, but most present was the delicious heat that surrounded him, the light brush of cotton sheets against his bare skin, and the touch of other, living skin against his cold, marble flesh. He turned his head against the pillow, pale eyes reflecting the small, pleased smile that spread itself sleepily across his generous mouth as Thalon's face came into view. He closed his eyes and let a langorous stretch roll down over his body, spine arching, cat-like.

A shift, the slither of cloth against skin, and he was leaning over the arching form. Hands brace on either side of Gideon's head, hair slithering down to block the light of the fire but for faint slivers of glow, reflecting clearly in Thalon's eyes. Chest lowering, he pins the man to the bed with weight and heat, teeth closing firmly on an ivory shoulder as a lazy, teasing growl vibrates his throat. One hand slides down, limning the contours of chill flesh from shoulder to hip, and Thalon traces the hollows of the vampires throat upward to tease lightly at tender lips, catching one between his teeth briefly, but not deepening into a true kiss. Leaning back again, he blithely twists toward the side of the bed, by all evidence intending to climb out.

Gideon sighed blissfully as Thalon rolled over him and held him to the bed, his smile growing as hard ivory teeth sank into his flesh. He was young yet, and hadn't lost all his human softness to the Gift.

"Mmmn...I do believe this is the best awakening I've had since I arrived here."

He murmured as Thalon's fingers caressed the slightly ticklish skin of his side, his musings drawing up short as his mouth was stopped by the unfullfilled promise of a kiss. His own hands came up round the other male's back and slid downwards, fingertips seeking out the ridges and rise of his ribcage, the sensous dip of the spine right before the upwards swell of buttocks. He spread his fingers over the round muscle of the tops of Thalon's thighs, tender skin sheathing palpable strength that rippled just under his hands as Thalon moved against him. He moved quickly though as Thalon made to rise, catching his arm just above the elbow and dragging him back into the bed. He sat up, arms catching round the other man's waist and chest as he pressed himself to his back.

"In a rush, luv?"

He whispered as he nestled several soft kisses into the hollow behind one ear.

Thalon arches his neck to the side, exposing tender skin to Gideon's attentions without hesitation, a purr of amusement rumbling. His tone is mockingly flat, a tease of obviously feigned disinterest.

"Was there a reason a linger? After all, haven't you given up pleasures of the flesh with the beat of your heart? I would have thought you'd want to be up and hunting. But I suppose, if you feel up to a bit of pleasure..."

"No I have not....not entirely."

He said softly as he let nibbling kisses trail down the line of a prominant vein that pulsed just under the skin of Thalon's throat. He touched the tip of his tongue to the delicate throb and felt the heat radiating there, the skin shielding his mouth from that fire. His hand that lay, palm open, against Thalon's chest caressed its way over the much deeper subterranian throb of Thalon's hearts until his finger tips closed over the ring that peirced his nipple. He gave the small golden hoop a gentle flick as he let one needle-sharp tooth lance the skin the separated him for what he wanted, creating a short, thin cut that the blood welled from slowly. His tounge caressed the tiny wound, the burn of the blood a delicious torment as his cells greedily drank it in.

Winding the thin golden chain once aorund one fingertip he gave it a small, brief twist as he closed his mouth over the wound and took one long, deep draught, a pull that Thalon could have felt tugging against his hearts, a heady rush for them both... a sensation of faintness, then a sudden gush of warm bliss that washed the senses in an unforgivingly sweet tidal wave. Nothing else mattered, all the world collapsed into this one brief second that suddenly seemed an eternity, until Gideon's mouth released and the connection dropped instantaniously, as harsh a sobering as any down.

He swallowed, the exquisite pain of the firey blood burning down into his stomach and exploding like a powder keg. He could feel it seep throughout him, reviving, bathing each cell in its warmth until he felt almost feverish. He shuddered against Thalon's body as he pressed a kiss to his shoulder, holding him close. His voice was thick with lust when he spoke again.

"I don't need to hunt."

Beneath the carress of Gideon's hand, the echoing pulse of counterpoint heartbeats speeds and deepens, nipples hardening at the teasing of his piercing. His neck arches back, eyes closing as he relaxes against Gideon's chest and shoulder, fully aware of - yet making no protest to - the slash of sharp fang against hot skin. Heat flares, rising rapidly at the tantilization of touch and bite, and as Gideon draws upon the measure of his heart the echo firms, rising fully into a counterpoint beat, speeding and strengthening the flow of blood. Raw vitality given willingly, firey, primal life as Thalon's body arches in pleasure, a low growl rising from deep within his chest, yet never passing parted lips. No sooner is he released from the bite than golden eyes flare open again, and a deep, slow breath cascades into his lungs.

"Good, because I don't think I'd be inclined to let you leave."

A lithe twist, one hand catching that tangled in his chain to keep it from tearing the metal ring free as he moves, and Thalon presses Gideon back against the bed. Lips clash violently against lips, fingers pressing the hinge of the jaw to ensure they part to him, and his tongue snakes violently past to taste the lingering heat of his blood against Gideon's fangs. He gentles, teasing with slow, stroking thrusts as his hands stroke down the mans' torso, exploring cool skin. He lifts away, teeth tugging at a captured lower lip, but only to meet the vampires gaze.

"I hope you didn't have any plans for tonight."

Gideon moved back obligingly as Thalon moved, greeting his kiss and drawing him in, yeilding, for the moment. He let his finger slip from the circle of the chain as he smoothed the backs of his fingers down the vulnurable skin of Thalon's stomach, trailing down into the soft, downy fur just beyond the dip of his navel. He returned the heat of Thalon's kiss, tongue and mouth inviting, the coppery tang of the lingering blood replaced with the taste of Thalon's intrusive kiss, the tip of his tongue teasing against the length of the other man's as it brushed the now harmless small points of his fangs. He groaned, soft and deep within his throat as Thalon's hands resumed their explorations. He pushed his hips upward against the caress of hot fingers, his eyes opening into blue slits.

His fingertips slid down against the tender skin below his navel, down, skimming the shaft of him teasingly before stroking the heated flesh of his innermost thigh, ticklingly gentle before they curled round the inside of his leg in a possesive grasp.

"The only plans I had were not to leave this bed until you and I were both more satsified then we had any right to be."
Gideon says:

Thalon doesn't bother answering that statement with words, body shuddering at the brush of chill fingers against hardened flesh. Nor does he immediately move to attack the body beneath him, but rather lowers his head, dark waterfall of slithering silk tangling around them, to trace hot lips along the curve of Gideon's shoulder. The lift of the mans' hips is answered by a hand drifting across, fingers tracing slowly over tender tissues, curving to grasp, squeezing, but releasing to come to rest upon the flat of a hip. Lowering, his teeth close sharply around a nipple, tugging, the wet heat of his tongue flicking it hard. He lifts his head, shifting to more fully cover Gideon's body, hip to hip, shaft to shaft, belly pressed hot against cool belly, stroking himself against the vampire like a great, tawny cat against a carressing hand.

"You seem to prefer women, usually. Have you ever been with a man?"

He suspected the man had, but it would be best to know before they moved to much further.

Gideon smiled with satisfaction at the shudder that shook Thalon's frame at his teasing caress. He removed his hand as the other male pressed close, letting his fingers slide up the curve of one bare buttock, pressing those hips closer still. He let his head fall back against the pillow, a soft sigh escaping his lips as Thalon's tongue brought his nipple to a taut bud. Brows knit, his expression one of complete concentration as he strained to follow Thalon's words, all too eager to escape into the pleasure of their embrace. He gathered those slippery strands of hair into one hand, lifting it off his neck and letting them slide through the seive of his fingers.

"I have... but just one other."

He admitted, his gaze grown dark. It's hadn't been a choice of his own volition, and the man who'd it been was the same who had made him what he was. Vincent was a force of nature, a terrifying and beautiful creature. He pushed the image of his maker's face from his mind forcefully, focusing on the exquisite face before him now.

Thalon watched the bruised darkening of Gideon's expression, guessing by tone and shadow that the memories of that previous encounter weren't among the man's most fond. A knee parts Gideon's thighs, and Thalon nestles even closer into that cradle, intimately meshed flesh-to-flesh. Hungry he might be for the satiation of his body's need - in a hurry, he was not. He bends again to Gideon's lips, nipping and nibbling teasingly before tracing the soft bow with his tongue and deepening the contact. One hand slides down the vampires' arm, capturing a wrist to pin it beside his head, before the other repeats that action. A whisper, more growled that breathed.

"Don't fight." A moment of pause, then a trace more humor. "We can try that another time."

He sinks into the kiss, tongue stroking and carressing Gideon's in sensual emulation of the press and glide of his hips.

Fighting was the last thing on Gideon's fevered mind...


Date: 2006-12-04 21:17 EST

"Let go, lover. I want to feel your release before I take my own. Let me see your face when you can't hold back anymore."

Thalon's soft voice was a goad as sharp as any whipcrack could have been. Gideon's smile was tinged with regret as Thalon pulled away from their kiss to urge him on. His fingertips grazed the knife-line of Thalon's cheekbone.

"There is no release for me... but I will taste yours and have my own."

His own voice was thick with blood and lust, but the bitterness of his words came through clear as a bell. It was a curse, a blessing and a torture - the same thing that stole away all the joys of food, drink, and drugs also stole the pleasures of the flesh. He could go on like this forever with no release, no succor. He could feel the change in Thalon's body and it fed him, he could taste it through the blood... and as sweet as even this firey draught was, nothing could compare to drinking in blood laced with the rush of sexual release. He trembled under Thalon as the slick heat between them increased.

"Take your pleasure, Thalon...and I'll take mine."

Thalon growled softly, eyes narrowing a fraction further as he glares down at the vampire, but then lowers his head again in a brief, almost chaste caress of lips and tongue. Turning his head, hot cheek stroking across cool, he arches his neck to set his teeth in Gideon's shoulder as muscle surges along his back. The curve of his neck also - and deliberately - exposes the heavy pulse of hard-driven veins. Fingers tighten, almost to the point of pain around the cool flesh caged within, as his body lunges, regret bringing an added force to his attack.

A low, growling cry against cool skin, and he tenses. Strong arms clenched round Thalon's body, one hand sliding up to collect the thick queque of blood-black hair and pull it away. He bit back a cry of pain as Thalon's efforts redoubled and he let his eyes drift shut, waiting, feeling the shift of each straining muscle, the change of his breath -gauging, waiting... Until at last he felt that final tensing and without hesitation sank each and every sharp, hard white tooth into Thalon's throat. The pain was exquisite, but lasted only the fraction of a second before the ecstasy of the feed took hold of them both. Gideon's mouth latched over the rough wound and he pulled with all the strength in him, drawing forth the sorching flood of sanguine ecstasy. That blood, drenched in the chemical cocktail of Thalon's powerful release blazed within him, exploding like lightening against the inside of his closed eyelids. The utter rapture of it was overwhelming. It took a painful effort for him to break the kiss at last...but the more he drank the hotter the burn became, and in the back of his mind something screamed as if he would burst into flame should he take too much of his firey lover into himself. He gasped air as he fell backwards, his mouth stained red, blood dripping from one corner of his mouth. He panted and felt that he breathed fire. Nerves still crackling with lingering electricity, fingers and toes flexed slowly against the fading sensations.

Thalon shuddered again, the slash of pain and additional pleasure enhancing the delicious agony of release, skin slick with a thin sheen of sweat and muscles trembling as they snake and relax beneath his skin. Hot blood slithers across his throat as Gideon falls back, and he unlocks his teeth from the man's shoulder, licking away the stains of his own blood from the others' lips. Slowly, gently he withdrew, shifting to lay beside the prone form. Still he remains close, drawing Gideon tight against his body, cool flesh bleeding off barely-contained heat as hearts slow, breathing shallows, and the furnace of Thalon's body starts to bank back down.

"I would rather have your release. To feel, to taste. The bite gives pleasure, but it doesn't give the satisfaction of watching you succumb."

Gideon roused himself and leaned up on one elbow. A quick slice of his tongue over one sharp tooth and he leaned over to stroke the broad, flat of his tongue over the still bleeding wound he'd left torn in the flawless skin of Thalon's throat. He paused, watching the skin close itself slowly, lingering close. He hid the bitterness that clouded his expression as he burried his face in the spill of Thalon's dark hair. He withdrew, pale eyes hollow as he stared up at the ceiling of the niche.

"You are welcome to try what you will... "

It was clear from the tone of his voice he held little hope for the success of such an endevour. He had no way of knowing the persistance nor stubborness of Thalon's indomitable will, or what it would subject him to.


Date: 2006-12-04 22:23 EST
He's a street light in the evening rain,
An empty seat on the rush hour train.
He's a polaroid lying on the street,
He's the lover I may never meet.
Every night I breathe him in,
Feel him sink into my skin.
Still I feel,
That I am envious and obvious and desperate for your love,
I am shouted by and criticised,
Still I crave your touch.
And I know the time you're killing is mine,
But I... I don't mind.
He's a phone call in the dead of night,
A stranger's voice I recognize.
He's a radio playing in the dark,
He's the name you'll find written on my heart.
Every night I breathe him in,
Feel him sink into my skin.
Still I feel
That I am envious and obvious and desperate for your love,
I am shouted by and criticised,
Still I crave your touch.
And I know the time you're killing is mine,
But I... I don't mind.


The night stretched before them both like a long black river, and their tumblings slowly, gradually became more familiar, more comfortable as each learned the secrets of the other's body. Both testing, trying and toppling each other in that endless circling that was their way. Each exchange and test carried with it a small gem of information, a nugget of truth that spoke of them both.

Thalon had growled in pain as Gideon had wrenched arms cruelly behind his back, seeking dominance, his reward a biting, grim smile.

"Only because I let you, Gideon. Never forget that."

Gideon paused the path of his tounge and lifted his head with a slow smile, tightening his grip until he felt bone rub against bone.

"How does that make you different from anyone else?" He asked.

"I suppose it doesn't, does it, Gideon? It makes me no different than any other food source, taking and giving sex in exchange for a drink or two."

He locks his gaze on the vampire coldly.

Gideon let tender flesh slip from between his lips as cold blue eyes flashed upwards, their light mocking, knowing, infuriating. He prodded at Thalon with words, now that he'd found a wound, always testing.

"It's so easy to hate, isn't it, Thalon? So easy to believe I'd use you like an object and throw you away. It's almost comforting to be that detached...isn't it?"

He murmured as he burried a heated kiss in the yielding hollow where thigh met hip.

Thalon snarled, a harshly gutteral sound more fitting to a large, caged feline than a human throat. His hips lift, pressing into the pressure and snare of hands and mouth as his back arches, the snarl modulating into a golden purr as he watched Gideon toy with him.

"At least there's honesty in hate. Do you really think you won't do exactly that, when you get bored with me? But comforting? Detached? No. Perhaps a form of safety."

Tense hands slide down Gideon's neck, fingers tightening on his shoulders and tugging lightly, then kneading as he resists the urge to draw the man upward and quench the fury in his throat within that cold mouth. Teeth close on his lip, self-inflicted pain an anchor in the chaos of anger and pleasure.

He tried and failed to repress a smile at the sound of Thalon?s snarl. He loved his anger, that blaze of uncontrollable rage that made his eyes glow like embers. He knew how to bait people and Thalon was no different. The other male?s spiteful words fell on him with a kiss as biting as a lash?s and the urge to retaliate, that struggle within was bittersweet and heartbreaking.

"If you want to receive, Gideon, you'll have to learn to give as well. If the only way you can get any joy from me is to piss me off, it's not worth my bother. I've lived with hate long enough to know it - it's a tool, a weapon, a shield, but it doesn't rule me. I don't hate you, but I could. Do you want that?"

He lunged off the bed, stalking away from the vampire to toss a few more pieces of firestone into the hearth.

Careful with the sharpness of his teeth Gideon recoiled as Thalon threw him off, expression morphing from pleased to shocked to smug all in a split second as he let himself be thrown off under Thalon?s curious strength that matched and perhaps in some ways overpowered his own. He smiled placidly up at the other man as he raged.

"Pissing you off is not the only way I can get joy from you, Thalon?though it is no small pleasure to watch you posture and bristle like a thing possessed."

He sat up as Thalon lunged off the bed, bracing his arms behind him as he watched the man move like a big cat.

"You take me too literally, luv? I tease you and you become incensed when it?s little more than casual flippancy on my part."

He rose and slowly crossed the room to where Thalon stood by the hearth. His hands skimmed down the long, leanly muscled arms, until his hands closed over Thalon?s wrist, guiding his hands upwards to brace against the heated stone, then slid back down, tickling the tender undersides of his arms and smoothing down his sides as Gideon pressed close against his back, bestowing light kisses across the curve of his shoulder and the elegant arch of the nape of his neck.

"I think that even having your hatred and contempt would be more fulfilling than having the loving worship of any other creature I?ve set my eye on in this cursed, forgotten place? but to have your adoration would be a prize I don?t quite know I?m worthy of." His voice was a cool breeze against Thalon?s smooth, flawless skin.

Fire dimmed, the burn of emotional fury cooling abruptly to pale embers as Thalon watched the physical dance and ripple of flame lick up the fresh stones, reflecting from a bed of ivory sand formed of spent fuel. He moved slowly, deliberately as he allowed Gideon to place his hands on the mantle, fingers curving to drive the tips against unyielding stone. He accepted silently the pressure of cold flesh against his back, unresponsive to the carress of hands along his arms and sides. Flame reflects from expressionless eyes, and he releases a slow sigh.

So be it. Lids veil the green-gold mirrors momentarily, and he allows the pleasure of Gideon's lips to tighten muscle through shoulders and neck. He shifts easily, leaning into the brace of his arms against the hearth, muscle jumping sharply beneath the stroke of fingers along his thigh. Again his growl rises, hunger and a slow, sleeping rage clear in the throb, as the icy caress tantalizes and stimulates, a sharp breath drawn. His head tilts back, eyes closing again as he sublimates thought to sensation, dismissing the slash of spoken words as trivial, in favour of the bestial comfort of raw, carnal desire.

Gideon smiled to himself wickedly as Thalon relaxed against him and let his head drop back. He pressed his cheek to the broiling hot one of his lover, stealing a kiss from the corner of his mouth.

The two of them joined again, All of Gideon's heart in the sheer need of this act. Again Thalon asked him once more to give in, give up. Gideon wanted release, oh how he yearned for it, and he could feel the build in his belly ? but this ecstasy was painful beyond all torture. He was no longer made to feel this, to have this bliss, and his body was tearing at itself the same way it would have had he consumed food and poisoned himself with it. A cry tore itself from his throat as he felt a horrific burn tear itself through him. He clung to demon before him as he shook, face contorted with the ache of the forbidden release even as his body was racked with a sort of rapture that only saints and angels were privy to.

Gideon staggered back and landed on the bed, falling backwards. He put a hand to his face, his expression numb, shell-shocked as he slipped backwards slowly. His insides burned as if they'd been washed in acid. He couldn't even bring voice to the pain.

Thalon drew a deep breath as he felt the vampire pull away, forcing himself through the fog of reaction, darkness snaking and rippling across his skin in a deep, dark blood-black glisten, before he forces it away again. With feline - or reptilian - speed, he crossed to the bed, sinking down onto Gideon, pinning the shocked man with his weight and the heat the other seemed to so enjoy. Dark hair pooled around them as he raked his gaze over the others' features, his voice a soft purr, as much command as offer.

"Take what you need if you need it, Gideon. You won't do me any great harm."

Slow arms rose like angel's wings to enfold Thalon and crush him close. It wasn't blood he needed, and he'd taken overmuch already from his lover already this past evening. No blood in heaven or hell could fix this -but his pain was assuauged by the knowledge that he'd wake tomorrow with the sensation a distant memory and his body mended. He burried his face in the soothing wash of silken, dark hair and shut his glacial eyes, seeing the stars of heaven reflected there against the darkness of his eyelids. He exhaled a prayer to whomever would listen, his voice shuddering and low.

"Oh lord...make me pure.... but not yet..."

Thalon answered the embrace in kind, rolling to draw Gideon hard against his body, one hand snaring tangled blankets to pull over both of them. He shifted only enough to put his back to the hearth, caging Gideon in the confines between his body and the back wall of the niche, and growled his satisfaction into the man's neck. Teeth grip, tighten, and release; blood holds no special allure to Thalon. Once covered, he strokes both hands slowly, massagingly, soothingly over the cool body, as much claim as comfort. He'll worry about getting both of them cleaned up later - for now, he needed rest. Yet golden eyes don't close beyond slits, the quiet purr of his pleasure never rising further than the echoed throb of his chest. Relaxed, sated and satisfied, he watches over the vampire with all the smug satisfaction of a dragon over his hoard, fingers tightening on pale skin at the sound of the breathed plea, his own voice no louder.

"Not yet."

Luminous eyes opened slowly as he lifted a hand to stroke the perfectly molded cheek of Thalon's face. Something dangerous and painful swelled within his heart, and if it wasn't love he could not put a name to it to save his wretched existence. The force of it, the sheer unstoppable power of that feeling frightened him. He slid foward to steal a lingering, long kiss from Thalon's lips before relaxing against him, their long limbs entangled, blood-black hair fanned out about them both. Blue gaze watched Thalon with an odd saddness, an emotion Gideon rarely if ever gave display to, but it was there, haunting those beautiful eyes before he let them drift shut, as much in need of rest as his lover was.

Thalon answered the kiss, asking no more, as he savoured the lingering, icy burn, so different from his own natural fires, lingering deep within his flesh. He meets Gideon's gaze without question, drawing the vampire even closer as eyes drift shut and Thalon wraps himself, body, heat and possessive passion, around the cool form. The savage curiosity of another mind brushes his own, revelling in the lingering flavours of pleasure, puzzling over the peculiarities of complicated emotion, before turning to more important things - like the freshly killed carcass of a beggar. Claws scrit across tiles above, but no sound penetrates into the rooms below. Satisfied thta the door is guarded, Thalon succumbs to the demands of his body for rest.


Date: 2006-12-04 23:03 EST
Maybe I have been here before
I know this room, I've walked this floor
I used to live alone before I knew you
I've seen your flag on the marble arch
Love is not a victory march
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

There was a time
You let me know
What's real and going on below
But now you never show it to me, do you?
And remember when I moved in you?
The holy dove was moving to
And every breath we drew was Hallelujah

Maybe there's a god above
But all I ever learned from love
Was how to shoot somebody who outdrew you
And it's not a cry you can hear at night,
It's not somebody who's seen the light
It's cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

It was early evening yet and Gideon had just left Thalon's place. Even after a steaming hot shower he could still smell the scent of the other man clinging to his clothes, and it made him smile to himself. He strolled along the winding back streets passing streams of people on their way home as the cold night settled over the city. He felt the pull of the Inn as well as the pull of the Thirst, but he pushed both from his mind for now.

He'd never been to Erin's residence, and in truth had no idea where it lay in the mess of the patchwork city structure, but it was a small thing to close his eyes and reach out with his mind, letting her own presence pull him like a magnet. His feet found their own path over the cobblestones until he came to a stop before the house Erin and Cricket shared. Truth be told he's seen Cricket less than he's seen Erin, but unlike Erin, Cricket could take care of keeping herself out of most relative trouble.

He milled about outside for a moment, hands shoved deep into the pockets of his long black peacoat. It was really none of his business, and he had no right to be there, no solid reason to believe anything was wrong, and yet he still felt there was. It was an undiscernable sensation, but one strong enough to lend him the whim to come here. After a few moments of pacing he rapped on the door with the backs of his knuckles and chanced a lean against the doorframe, which itself looked as if it were leaning against the weight of the house.

Erin heard the knock. She was sitting in the livingroom anyway. Bastian had dissapeared that morning, and Lydia was doing deliveries. She couldn't say she was upset to be alone.. it was the first time in a long time since she had been. She flicked on a light, illuminating the parlor as well as the front hall and soft footfalls took her to the door. A lean up to peek through the peephole before she flattened her feet, frowning just a little. This was odd... it dawned on her that he may be looking for Cricket. She sure had gone awol.. and pulled open the door to let him in. She was wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a white teeshirt, her hair pulled back in a haphazard ponytail(bumpy on top, pieces falling everywhere). She mustered up her best smile, and her face lit a little, though her eyes were sunken and black circles more than apparent.

"Well, this is a suprise."

She stepped aside, the large entrance hall leading up to the grand staircase in view now. The parlor was to the right, a loveseat and two armchairs, yellow and white striped wallpaper... a table with a tea set, a window seat... it was all very victorian british, to be honest.

Gideon remained leaning against the doorframe as she drew the door open, a dry smile lifting one corner of his mouth as he arched a brow, watching her with that mercilessly sharp gaze, drinking in everything about her, both the conscious and unconscious details. He pushed off the doorframe to step in past her.

"Hello to you to."

He canted his head to one side as he shoved his hands back into their pockets.

"What's going on, pigeon?"

"Nothing, really..."

A weak offering, a shrug of shoulders. She was leaning against the open door now, shivering slightly. She shrunk a little under his gaze, shoulders coming forward to hunch her back.

"Are you looking for..." It faded off, awkard, she shifted her weight from one foot to the other.

"No I'm looking for you." He said as he turned on his heel and wandered rudely into the area of the living room, studying the furnishings and decor with faint disintrest. He ran a finger over the line of a shelf, bringing it away dusty.

"You haven't been at the inn lately."

"I was there last night..." Said as she closed the door and followed him in. Passing him to go to the tray on the table.

"Tea? It may be a little cold, but..."

She was on automatic. Saying what she had to, doing what she had to. She stopped to turn, then, and look him over.

"You're looking for me?"

"No thank you. And yes, I was looking for you."

He confirmed as he stepd around a chair and sank down into it, raising china blue eyes toward her own as he pressed his question again.

"What's going on?"

"I... got a little beat up, that's all. Thought it was best I take some time."

She pours herself a cup and moves to drop herself onto the loveseat, spilling some tea over her fingers.

"Nothing to worry about." She'd gotten that story perfectly, it came out with no hesitation now, a forced smile to accompany it.

"Oh really?"

He leaned back against the chair and crossed one ankle over the opposite knee as he spread his hands over the ends of the armrests. Even seated in a beat up old armchair he could make it look as if he sat on a throne. He gave her a charming small smile.

"Well then perhaps you'd like to come to the inn with me tonight? I could use the company."

"You want my company?" Eyeing him now, over the top of her cup.

"I have a shift tonight, but it's sorta late.... " Rambling, muttering. "I mean, if Bastian doesn't come home, and...." A pause. "Sure."

His grin widened at her rambling.

"You'd have to change though. You look a mess." He teased, eyes sparkling with humor.

"That obvious?" A defeated sigh. she leaned forward to place her teacup on the coffee table.

He nodded solemnly.

"As obvious as your attempt at lying, pidge. You know you were only good at fooling me until I stopped trusting you."

He ran a hand back through the mess of his hair.

"What happened, Erin? Something's amiss."

She settled all the way back into the chair, trying to melt through it. Her eyes closed a moment before they opened again.

"Renna got me. Beat me up real good. A little more than that.. she raped me."

How did the words start coming that easy? But there they were. She opened her eyes again to see his reaction. Her hands were shaking a little, but she seemed somewhat composed.

He was still as a statue save for his breathing, chest and shoulder rising rythmically for one beat, two beats...three after she finished speaking. In one fluid motion he was on a knee before her where she sat, his hand covering her own, stilling the tremble, absorbing it, his eyes more sincere then she'd seen in a long time, his voice low and deadly even in its tone.

"Tell me what you would have me do to make this right. "

She jumped back. Shock, mostly, but some fear. Her mouth opened and stayed that way. Her brows were forrowed as she looked down at him. Shock overtook her. This was not the reaction she had been used to.. she expected.

" I..." Words started, but she couldn't for a sentence. There was no answer really.

" You can't." A whisper, barely, a breath of air.

"You have no idea what I can and can't do." He said in that same frighteningly calm, low voice.

Her hand had jerked back out from under his hand as she had jumped back, but he remained where he had knelt, his hand now resting on the curve of her knee.

"Tell me what you would have me do to make this right." He repeated, and it was not just revenge he offered. It was whatever she needed, in whatever capacity. He gave her his hand to use as she wanted, whether for comfort or killing.

"She's a demon, a queen of them... just... be here for me. That's all I can ask of you."

She ignored his first comment, mostly. It scared her. This scared her. She was sure he didn't care.. convinced herself of it. And there he was offering himself to her.

"I won't have anyone else get hurt."

She rested her hand on top of his, the other one going to trace a line down his jaw with her thumb. A blind show of affection, dangerous and forbidden...a show of thanks.

He closed his eyes breifly with the caress as a shudder passed through him, repressed anger mingling with regret. He should have been there, should have stopped it. His eyes opened to gaze back at her, blue eyes feircesome as a hawk's glare.

"I am sorry."

Frustration fluttered over her face, a brief tense and relax.

" It's not your fault." This time she would leave out her own appology. Whether she believed it wasn't her fault was anyone's guess, but now she was smart enough not to say it.

" It happened, and it's over. I'm alive."

She cupped his face now, the thumb running over closed lids.

" You said I'd live, and I did." That last part a whisper.

The irony of the situation should have made him laugh like a maniac; he a killer, a soulless, lifeless shell of a being that lived off humans like a vicious parasite appologizing to a woman he tried to hate with every fiber of his being. It was insanity plain and simple.

"I didn't think it would be at such a cost." He breathed, letting his eyelids shut agian as she caressed him. One hand rose, his fingertips grazing the delicate bone of her wrist as he succumbed, let her touch him like a caged lion.

If it was insanity it was catching. This man she had swore off. Told herself to hate.. and here she was touching him like this, caring for him like this. And Bastian! He didn't even cross her mind at the moment..

" I'm glad I'm not dead." Another whisper as she leans forward to press their foreheads together. If anyone could lend her strength, it was him. He was a pillar of it. Even like this.

" I am too." He whispered, though it tore at his heart to say it. A tilt of his chin and he brushed her lips with his own, the fingers of his hands closing over her wrists and sliding down the slope of her arms to rest against the bend of her elbows.

She pulled back just a hair, they were still close but contact parted.

"I can't..." A rushed whisper, though she made no motion to move away further.

He let his chin drop, his eyes cast down into the shallow gulf between them as their foreheads touched. He sighed quietly in response and let his thumbs rub slowly back and forth across the silken skin of her forearms.

"Thank you." Another whisper, and she let her eyes close. The closeness was nice. that he wasn't afraid to touch her...She slid the hand over his up his arm to rest half way between his shoulder and elbow. The one on his face sliding back to play with his hair. Drinking in the moment. Slowing down her breathing.

He stayed there, lending her the solid comfort of thier contact for as long as she wished it. His hands dropped to rest harmlessly on the tops of her thighs as his scalp tingled with the touch of her fingertips. Within him anger burned as toxic and molton hot as brimstone. The devil curse the day he ever crossed paths with this Renna.

More long moments like that before she finally leans back. Breaks the moment. The hand behind his head releases. Her eyes search for his. She needs to see him, what he's thinking.. what's in there...

" You're wonderful to me. I don't deserve it." Voice still soft. One more caress of his cheek, the back of her hand against flesh.

He opened his eyes and gave her his most mischevious cheshire grin, the devlishly charming smile spreading slow and sweet as molasses across his features.

" No you don't." He teased back, accepting that last caress before he pulled back, sitting back on his heels before he rose to his feet.

That made her smile. Shake her head. Even a bit of a chuckle.

"Such a charmer."

She rose then, slowly. Politeness telling her to. Always rise when a guest stands to leave... Sure he was done with her. Had given all he could, she stood there stiffly.

"Will you come to the inn for a hot supper, or shall I leave you here to cold tea and an empty house?"

He asked as he turned up the collar of his coat in preperation of his jaunt out into the bitingly cold night air.

"Let me change, yeah?" She stepped around him, then, towards the hall and the stairs.

"Of course."

He watched her mount the stairs before he opened the front door and stepped out to light a cigarette while he waited, leaving the door cracked open lest she think he left her in the lurch... and here he was once more, caring for the woman he had forsworn time and time again, letting her back into his heart, putting himself back into her life, whether she needed him to be there or not.


Date: 2006-12-05 00:27 EST
Is it getting better
Or do you feel the same
Will it make it easier on you
Now you got someone to blame
You say
One love
One life
When it's one need
In the night
It's one love
We get to share it
It leaves you baby
If you don't care for it
Did I disappoint you?
Or leave a bad taste in your mouth?
You act like you never had love
And you want me to go without
Well it's too late
To drag the past out
Into the light
We're one
But we're not the same
We get to carry each other
Carry each other
Have you come here for forgiveness
Have you come tor raise the dead
Have you come here to play Jesus
To the lepers in your head
Did I ask too much
More than a lot
You gave me nothing
Now it's all I got
We're one
But we're not the same
We hurt each other
Then we do it again
You say
Love is a temple
Love a higher law
Love is a temple
Love the higher law
You ask me to enter
But then you make me crawl
And I can't be holding on
To what you got
When all you got is hurt
One love
One blood
One life
You got to do what you should
One life
With each other
One life
But we're not the same
We get to carry each other
Carry each other...

Gideon's pace slowed as he moved along the inky black alleyways, his hands slipping from thier pockets and spreading slightly, arms opening. He closed his eyes as he walked - he didn't need sight to find his way through the maze of damp, chill alleyways. He reached out, slowly, silently, using all of that horrible gift to sing that siren song that brought them out like lifeless marionettes. Sure enough, there was one very close - an answering echo.

Thalon drifted, cat-paw quiet through the night, as comfortable in darkness as any wild beast. Not so comfortable in the chill, but heat sheaths bared skin to hold that at bay. Scent guides, but more so that subconcious sense innate to his bloodline, speaking as clearly as words, here is that which is mine. A larger shadow pours itself from the night, velvet brush of slender muzzle against too-hot skin, nostrils flare wide to drink in the one scent to enter, and leave intact, their lair. They stalk.

Gideon turned the corner and let his eyes open gradually. There, in the doorway of a run-down building, an overcrowded apartment complex, a woman stepped out into the night, her feet bare against the freezing cobblestones, a worn nightgown fluttering about her thin legs. Gideon welcomed her as she slowly made her way towards him, entranced. She was past her prime, careworn and roughened by whatever stones life had beat her against, but none of it mattered. She was his now.

The long black coat billowed in the icy breeze as he spread his arms wide and she stepped into them like a lover. He folded her close to him, feeling the frailty of her body crush against his own. It never failed to fascinate him in a detached sort of way as to why they came, these moths, drawn to the flame of release he offered so selfishly. This one was sick - and she knew it... dying of some rotting disease.

He smiled to himself as he smoothed back her matted hair and bent his head as if to pray. He could feel the quickening beat of her heart against him, could practically see the liquid life that rushed through her veins only kept from him by that thin, fragile layer of skin. He closed his hand on the back of her neck as tenderly as if he cradled a child, and sank is teeth into her throat with the loving viciousness of a beast. He gorged, the warm liquid pouring forth into his mouth and down his throat, one strong draught almost enough to drain her, leave her weak. She mewled in sudden shock, weak fingers scrabbling against his back for purchase, her consciousness lost in the ecstasy of the giving.

Lift of wedge-shaped head, eyes flashing reflected light as the beast glides from the mouth of one alleyway to the confines of another. Chill, gritty stone bites into tawny skin as a shoulder brushes against a wall, soft whisper of skin on rough mortar. A few long paces bring the two together again, arm draped across silver-splashed obsidian shoulders. Two shadows merged into one, they slip from the alleyway, boots and clawed feet both predatorily silent as they glide through darkness toward their quarry. As one, they still, studying the tableau no more than a few yards from them: Lean male back, arms embracing a tattered female in a kiss that must surely leave only one to walk away. With a thought, the larger of the observing pair wheels, vanishing back into the alleyway, claws scritting across worn stone cobbles. Arms crossed across his chest, chain glittering softly in diffuse light, Thalon braces a shoulder against the wall.

The noise behind him brought Gideon instantly to the surface of the dark pool the kiss had plunged him into and he jerked his head upright, leaving the woman in a swoon, bleeding out down herself, the precious liquid coursind down her shoulders and back, dripping down her legs to waste itself on the unforgiving cobblestones. Gideon's head whipped round as he glanced back over his shoulder, his own unbeating heart caught in his throat.

Thalon tilted his head, dark hair slithering forward over his shoulder to splay, stark contrast, across his chest. Blood-black spill - black as the blood that courses from the savaged throat of the woman in Gideon's arms. Light flares, green-gold reflection of the lamps, as Thalons' gaze strokes down the other man's form and back up that of the woman. A brow arches, and a faint scuff stirs on Gideon's other side, golden-green flash of animal eyes against darkness, gone as soon as it appears.

Gideon didn't need any preturnatural sense to tell that it was Thalon's figure that the dim streetlights silhoutted at the end of the alleyway. He snarled softly, the hot rush of guilty embarassment almost too much to stomach. His head whipped to the side at the unfamiliar noise, however, embarassment seugeing to caution and fear in an instant. He glanced back toward that mockingly beautiful shadow, anger burning coldly in his luminous gaze.

He glanced down - the heart beat against his chest had stopped. She was gone, nearly half of her wasted on the street at his feet, a slick puddle still steaming slightly in the air. He let her corpse drop from his grasp, watching her hit the hard stones with a sickening crunch. He ran the back of one hand across his stained lowerlip and chin, glowering at Thalon from under lowered brows.

Thalon had hunted, and he'd found the prey, the quarry, the prize. Mocking amusement meets cold rage, and a high-pitched squeal of resonates from the direction of scuffing paws. Thalon's head turns, orienting more directly on the beast. Silence. In a few strides, the distance between the two is covered, one hand lifting as though to touch the vampire's cheek - but dropping again before any contact is made. With one booted foot Thalon stirs the figure on the ground, then simply turns and walks away.

Gideon took a step backwards at the squeal, body coiling as he searched the darkness for whatever monster it was that lurked there, torn between his anger and his fear. He jerked away from Thalon's half-attempted touch and watched the man turn to go, incredulous. He'd have screamed at him, worked out a rather colorful and inventive string of profanities if only there weren't a dead body at his feet and something large and rather unruly lurking nearby.

"Bloody pleased with yourself?!" Was all he managed to blurt out, as it was, eyes flickering from the retreating back to the shadows on his left and back again.

Again Thalon lifts a hand, and silver-spangled sable stretches from the night, far from where the last sound was heard, to touch it, golden-green eyes luminously reflective in the lamps. Velvet muzzle brushes down bare chest, a purring growl rising, and Thalon turns to stare back at Gideon. Green-gold, golden-green, one half completing the other. Black lips curling back from ivory fangs, the whine of a blood-mad weasel, a hand slaps lightly at the lifted muzzle. With a snort, the cou'ri whirls fully back into the alley, claws grating harshly on stone as it plunges away on a hunt of its' own, and Thalon turns fully to face Gideon.

"Actually, yes. I didn't think you'd be that easy to hunt. Getting careless, or just hoping somebody would take you up on the opportunity?"

"What the fuck is that?!" He hissed, drawing himself upright as he watched the cou'ri nuzzle Thalon like a horse would before diving off like some incensed, enormous kimodo dragon. He turned a disbelieving glare back on Thalon.

"I wasn't expecting to be followed. If I'd known I'd become some kind of sport or spectical for a half-mad elf and his overgrown iguana I might have concealed myself more carefully."

Thalon paused, intrigued by wonder as to what an iguana might be, but dismisses his curiosity.

"Careless, then. And sloppy."

He indicates the dead woman, flesh chilling and hardening at Gideon's feet as what blood remains to her settles to the bottom of her body.

"I do hope I didn't interrupt your dinner. Don't mind me - go right ahead and finish. Oh, and be sure to chew mint afterwards - she looks like even her blood must be rank with filth. And it's half-mad half-elf."

Gideon glanced down at the broken body at his feet, laying futilely in a crumpled heap. She hadn't even had the joy of passing in his embrace - instead suffocating as she bled out with no comfort of the distracting lies that the mind could play. His upper lip curled in disgust.

" Wasted."

It was one word, muttered with such vehemence and anger that it rung off the dank, dirty walls on either side of them, lingering eerily. He wanted to shake with rage at Thalon's careless disconcern about when and how he interrupted his life, harsh words bubbled up from within and wasted themselves against his clenched jaw. He stepped over the body and strode past Thalon in disgust and anger. The man had the infuriating ability to turn his world upside down with little more effort then batting one of his beautiful green cat's eyes it seemed, and with nothing Gideon could find good enough for retailiation in kind.

Thalon stepped closer to Gideon again, true anger flaring for the first time that evening. Heat bleeds into the night air, and a jerk of the head flings hair behind his shoulders as he glares at the other man.

"What are you angry about now, Gideon? That you were caught in the act of killing - or that it doesn't bother me? Or is it just that you aren't sure you came out on top of our last... conflict? Were you expecting me to be your pet, just because you deigned to spend a night on me?"

Thalon laughed softly, as much mockery of himself for even mentioning it as mockery of Gideon for being so upset. He turns his back on the vampire, moving quietly toward the alley the cou'ri had left down.

" I don't WANT a PET!" Gideon raged as he turned round, his skin on fire with color from the blood that he had taken. He looked almost alive, though his eyes burned with that unnatural brightness to them.

"You're so certain of everything, aren't you? So bloody sure. I don't need to own you, Thalon. I could have any plaything I wanted in this godforsaken town - and for what? The pleasure of deceiving them, destroying them slowly? It's hollow, useless here!"

Gideon felt no need to explain his anger or give voice to the restlessness, the unending loop of thoughts that fed fuel to the fire of his angst, not to one so callous as to interrupt the intimacy of his feed just to prove a petty point.

"I give myself to you until I bleed and still you insist that my aims are selfish. Tell me Thalon, since it's not logic that feeds your accusations what is it? Jealousy, contempt? ....Insecurity?"

Thalon whirled, a lunge snaring Gideon's wrists and flinging him back against the wall of the building, fingertips gouging into the stone to hold him there, dialated eyes alive with searing, yet unfocused fury, an impotent rage at life and fate more than at the vampire so cool against the uncageable heat of his body. But his voice is soft, whispered breath with barely a trace of tone.

"No. I'm not sure of everything. I'm not deceived by you, Gideon, and you can't destroy me just by being what you are. Life is hollow - Forsaken Gods, death itself is hollow, from all I've seen. All you can do is fill it with whatever you can find that hurts enough to make you feel. Tell me, Gideon - did you give any more than you took? You gave what I asked - and I gave without you having to ask. Neither of us dominated the other, because neither of us could stand to admit the other was stronger. Jealous? I'm jealous of what is mine. You are mine, Gideon, but not in a way any cage would prove. And contempt? What am I contemptuous of, Gideon? You? Or myself? As to insecurity... I don't think there's anything alive - or dead - that's free from that emotion. I would be a fool to claim to be."

Gideon grunted in pain as he was flung back against the wall and pinned against the brick that cracked under the force of his blow. He raised his head slowly to give Thalon a hollow-eyed, empty grin. The heat of Thalon's anger billowed off of him like an infurno, but it was the blaze of his eyes that burnt Gideon more thoroughly than any fires ever could have, he met them head on, regardless, with that same reckless abandon and willingness to hurt himself that Thalon so accurately put his finger upon. He laughed mirthlessly as he let his head drop once more, forehead resting against Thalon's shoulder.

"Am I yours, Thalon? And if no cage could prove it is that what you ment to do tonight? Is this how you prove it, by hunting me down like an unfaithful spouse only to catch me in the one act I have left that I despise and love at once - the one truth I can never escape from? Is this how you own me, by making me face all that I try to distance myself from, all that I try to hide?"

He lifted his head suddenly and let it hit back against the brick with that same sickening thud the woman's body had made when he'd dropped it, his eyes rolling skyward.

" I'd save you from myself at every turn and yet you find me out despite my best attempts. How could you not have contempt for me?"

He whispered skywards towards the dark grey clouds that covered the stars.

A slow, stringently controlled breath sighed from Thalon's throat, stirring the hair at the nape of Gideon's neck as Thalon leans into the others' body, neck bowed, his anger a restless beast on a too-tight rein, gnawing at the bit even as it is curbed. Lips peel back, and teeth close hard on the curve of tendon between shoulder and neck as Gideon slams his head back against the wall, a snarl tearing itself free from Thalons' throat to vanish against the skin. Deliberately, he sinks his teeth in, just hard enough to draw blood before releasing. He makes no effort to taste of the dark smudges.

"I followed you from curiosity, and more to see if I could than out of concern for what you might have been doing. I don't care if you kill, Gideon. What I don't understand is why it would shame you to be what you are. You control yourself - I have seen that. Why despise what you must do to survive? Should I torment myself because I have killed to feed my body? I have stalked humans at least as often as you, if not in person, then by proxy. I can no more escape what I am than you can - but I'm not ashamed of it. Have you slipped your own leash, Gideon? Have you slaughtered for the sheer pleasure of it? You and I aren't that different. If I want to survive, I have to contain my anger - and if you want to survive, you have to control your hunger. Are you so terribly afraid of yourself that you can't bear to be yourself? I don't need to be saved from you. Or want."

Gideon's eyes clenched shut momentarily as the sharp points of Thalon's teeth exploded in a brilliant small supernova of pain. He let all the breath in him escape in a soft sigh as his head rocked to the side, cheek resting against Thalon's. He couldn't find the words to explain it all - how used to being an immortal creature surrounded by nothing more than fragile humans he'd become, how the unending, unabating thirst was what shamed him, his endless need almost more humbling than the monsterous act itself it took to abait it. He brushed a whisper of a kiss against the hollow of Thalon's ear.

"If it's testing me you'd like to do I'm sure we could find better ways of it than this. Shame or no, it is not an act I want an audience for."

He freed a wrist from Thalon's steely grasp and cupped the man's face in his cool fingers.

Thalon did bend his head now, lips closing over the wound inscribed by his teeth, hot tongue soothing the punctures, though without the healing properties Gideon himself would have. Still, it surely wouldn't take the vampire long to heal. Icy blood, or more accurately the mortal infection it contains is pure tinder to his anger, but he keeps that explosion tightly contained. Distilled vitality of elven blood, mingled with older, and even more intense vitae: Truely he feared nothing from that chill liquid. Lifting his head again, Thalon leans back to meet Gideon's gaze without waver.

"Try to kill me, Gideon. I can match your strength, and you can't drain me, even if I wanted you to. Watching you rip the throat out of some woman, or some man, isn't going to disgust me. Would you rather not know you were being watched? I could have left without you ever seeing me. You should have known I was there before I ever got close. What would you have me test, Gideon? What you are? Or who?"

The warm, wet caress of tongue against his skin was an unrivaled pleasure at the moment. The wounds had already healed, dark blood laved away to reveal smooth skin. He ran his fingers back through the dark, silken strands of Thalon's hair, letting his fingertips drag across the tender scalp.


He answered without hesitation, nuzzling a sucking kiss under the curve of his jaw.

"But I am not afraid that I will kill you Thalon... but I will outlive you."

Thalon tilted his head without the slightest hesitation, exposing the tender skin of his throat to Gideon's lips. The hand remaining on Gideon's wrist tightens, but the free hand drops to rest on the side of the man's hip, breath shuddering deliciously from his throat.

"How old are you, Gideon?"

He stepped back away from the wall, twisting Gideon's arm down and behind him as his other hand slides around to keep the cool body close. Another shudder courses through his body, of a far more carnally primal nature, as he led Gideon back toward the alley he'd almost vanished into earlier. Dark movement amidst the black shadow, a soundless presence that is as much Thalon as Thalon is it.

"Do you know, Gideon, that I have no idea how long I might live? I know that I can be killed, but I have no idea how long it will take age to touch me."

"I was twenty three when I was made." Gideon answered softly as he winced at the twist of his arm, bones aching in their sockets as they turned unnaturally. He gave the tender skin beside Thalon's adam's apple another suckling small kiss before nipping sharply at the skin of his shoulder. He drew his head up however at that little tidbit of information, regarding Thalon in curiosity. He stroked back a lock of hair from his face with his free hand, tucking it behind the curve of one ear, his fingers caressing the lobe slowly.

"What is it you are, Thalon? I asked once and you teased me... I've tasted your blood and the heat in you enough to know it's something powerful and ancient. And that thing that was with you tonight...?"

Thalon closed his eyes, purring a velvet growl at the nip, but tenses when he hears Gideon's question. Only the intimate contact of their bodies gives away his sudden tension, and he attempts to conceal that with a sudden twist and lunge, easing the pressure on Gideon's arm just before the mans' back impacts the solid, warm, velvet-furred shoulder of the very beast he'd just asked about. A splash of silver in the dark, the musky blood-sweet scent of a carnivore, and deep, steady breathing against the vampires' spine.

"I am... a mongrel, according to some. My mother was elven, as you've noticed. My father... is dead. If he had a race to call himself by, it died with him. It's his blood you've tasted in me. How long has it been since you were made?"

Gideon's breath was a sharp gasp as his back came in contact with the beast that he spoke of. It was only the wary, trembling beginings of trust he had in Thalon coupled with his confidence in his own immortality that kept him from struggling with all his might to be free and flee as far as possible from the unnatural creature. He was as rigid as a board as it was and twisting in Thalon's grasp.

"I don't know! Five, ten, maybe twenty years? You don't understand..."

He racked his brain, surely it hadn't been twenty years, and just as surely more than five....but it was different to live in his world, to ignore the passage of time that humans found to important, to wittness the world only through the veil of darkness.

"Twelve! Twelve years now..." He exclaimed as he twisted himself free and slid out from between the grasp of Thalon and the cushion of the cou'ri. He backed away hastily.

"What the hell is that thing? A dragon?"

The cou'ri blocked the way out of the alley, the dark bulk of the beast jockeying to trap the vampire and remove the option of easy flight. Thalon simply stands there, hands falling slowly to his sides, as he watches Gideon's panicked response. Abrupt motion: not toward the vampire, but a synchronized whirl of two conjoined minds. A black shoulder dips, a lithe form springs, and Thalon sits lightly astride the cou'ri's shoulders. Of its own accord, the creature turns broadside to Gideon, and Thalon offered his hand to the man.

"No dragon. He's a Cou'ri." He hesitates, trying to find words for what were never meant to be more than thoughts.

"Redclaw is the closest I can come to translating his name." Slowly, the hand begins to lower.

"You've been a vampire for twelve years, which makes you thirty five now. By fifty, I'd reached my full height. By eighty, I'd reached what I assume is my full strength. You're afraid of outliving me, Gideon? I'm afraid of outliving my desire to live."

Luminously feral eyes fix on Gideon, set in a wedge-shaped head more suited to a cat than what looks more like to a horse than not. But with a spine too limber, a neck too lithe, and claws on padded feet instead of hooves. Velvet fur sheaths hard, lean muscle in a veil of deepest, glossy black striped with deeper ebony, starkly contrasted by the silver-white silk of sleek mane and tail. Velvet lips curl back to reveal curved, predatory fangs - a creature one might imagine would occure should a weasel be crossed with a horse. A questioning purr sounds as the muzzle stretches toward the vampire, a snort of disgust sounding as it jerks back again.

~Coldnastytastebad. Darkstainedbloodclawsrip? Notmeat. Thrustthrustsquealfunbloodcoat? Huntsoon.~

Gideon looked up at the other man with an unreadable expression contorting his features, such was the mingling of confusion, awe, trepidation and sheer incredulity that all vied within him, and he couldn't pull his focus away from the cou'ri long enough to give Thalon his full attention. His jerk backward echoed the thing's own. He had no desire to be anywhere in close proximity to this monstrosity, infact he had a rather pressing urge to be as far from it as possible.

He shook his head, putting a good ten yards between himself and the cou'ri.

"You're certainly full of suprises, Thalon."

He would have liked to address the fact of Thalon's curious age and the likelyhood of his own immortality but it hardly seemed like the more pressing issue here at the moment.

Thalon closed his eyes, letting his hand fall completely to the beasts' shoulder. A soft, questioning croon rises from the cou'ri's throat, as it curves its' neck around to nuzzle that hand.

"You see him as nothing more than a beast, something to be feared, and as a monster in that right. Know this, Gideon. I am as much him as he is me. 'Ri bond for life - mindbond - with a single creature like enough in temperament and nature to understand them. If Redclaw is a monster to you, then so am I. As some would have it 'Till death do us part'. When he dies, or I die, we will no longer be two halves of the same soul - until then, we are. If you can't accept what he is, then you will never be able to accept what I am. I think, I reason, and I feel far more deeply than a Cou'ri - but when it comes to basic nature, we are both predators. Killers. Hunters. If you can't accept that in another, will you ever accept it in yourself?"

A sway as of one body as the two pivot away from the vampire. Long fingers tangled in silver mane, the male twisted to stare back at the figure left behind, the beast's attention on the path ahead, padded feet silent on the worn cobbles.

Gideon kept his own counsel as he regarded Thalon and his odd pet from a safe enough distance. The truth was that he did find Thalon a monster of sorts, dangerous in a way far more insidious and obtuse than the terrifying looking cou'ri. And perhaps the murderous creature was a kind thing - towards others like itself - but Gideon had come from a world as mundane as any, and the month or more he'd spent here in Rhy'din had not yet numbed him to the swarms of odd beings that existed elsewhere, much less such a nightmarish creature as Redclaw. It had been a piss poor night of others telling him what he thought of himself, what he should and should not do, and wasted meals. He had neither the desire nor the need to follow Thalon and his cou'ri anywhere.

Let him think what he would of Gideon - the vampire could not bring himself to care at the moment. This creature was changing him, dangerously, unhealthily so, and the only proving grounds where he could fight this battle was within himself with himself. He turned away and sought out an opposite route down the alleyway, strides ringing out against the close walls.

He actually longed for Vincent, for the certainty of his frightening cruelty and cold ambition, longed to have something solid and unchanging to challenge and thumb his nose at. Thalon's love was far too treacherous, too inviting and infuriating at once. Yet he knew there was none other in this entire forgotton place that could match him as well, understand him and pit themselves against him... He rubbed a rough hand across his forehead with a soundless growl.

The hunger still gnawed at him, and yet he was completely devoid of the want to feed - Thalon's interruption had seen to that. Shame had little to do with it - it was the intimacy of the act, that he loved, and it had been shattered for the evening. He'd taken life before he became a vampire and it never bothered him greatly, if at all. What was a stranger's life worth? He'd treated Thalon foolishly though, as if he were human, like Erin or Cassie...or any other number of his passing favorites. Underestimated him and continued to pay the price for it with each encounter.

He would have loved nothing more than to have spent another blissful, debauch night in the sticky heat of Thalon's rooms, but he was going no where near the man for the moment - not with the cou'ri about. It wasn't an abject hatred of the beast that drove Gideon from appreciating it for what it was but rather a cold, instinctive fear that curled itself in his belly and screamed with every instinct left in him to run. Perhaps he would overcome it, perhaps not.

Thalon watched until the vampire turned away. Only the beast beneath him could feel the flinch, the tightening of muscles as though bracing against a physical blow. The cou'ri lifts his head with a snarl, seeking the source of his companions' reaction, then whines questioningly to find nothing there. Surely the beast would gleefully fight against any odds if the foe were physical - but it simply hadn't the capacity to understand a more emotional wound.

Yet Thalon, in his own way, revelled in the slash of deeper pain. He'd opened as much as he had in a very long time, he'd offered more of himself than most ever knew existed, and the vampire's rejection did hurt - but at the same time, it left another scar, another callousing of emotional tissue. And a fraction more of what made him 'human', without the taint of human blood, fell away. Teeth bare in a vicious snarl, and he leans low over the Cou'ri's neck. Tonight, they would hunt together, and as one would revel in the kill. And be damned who might witness their play - let the fools come if they wished, and let them die. It was a good night to hunt.


Date: 2006-12-05 01:08 EST
and both hands
now use both hands
oh, no don't close your eyes
I am writing
graffitti on your body
I am drawing the story of
how hard we tried
I am watching your chest rise and fall
like the tides of my life,
and the rest of it all
and your bones have been my bedframe
and your flesh has been my pillow
I am waiting for sleep
to offer up the deep
with both hands
in eachother's shadows we grew less and less tall
and eventually our theories couldn't explain it all
and I'm recording our history now on the bedroom wall
and eventually the landlord will come
and paint over it all
So now use both hands
please use both hands
oh, no don't close your eyes
I am writing graffitti on your body
I am drawing the story of how hard we tried...

The sky still blazed with color that was slowly bleeding into the grey and deep, dark blue of the oncoming night. Gideon had been restless, even in his flawless sleep the agitation would not leave him - and so he'd been up the second the sun had kissed the horizon, pacing restlessly in the pitch black behind the moveable wall that covered the windows of his apartment. Now that it was safe he was out on the streets, prowling toward the run down building that housed Thalon's dwellings. He blended into the crowds perfectly, as always - so careful to camoflage himself, tonight in the black leather of an italian motorcycle jacket that creaked softly as he moved, it's stiff collar brushing against his chin with each step, dark jeans worn just a shade too lose on his hips and a well-worn grey t-shirt that looked as if the illegible writing on it once advertised a band of some sort. He cut away from the crowd as he ducked down the alleyway that lead back towards the building in question, and drew up at the door. He hesitated momentarily, his hand on the doorknob - but he swalloed back his trepidation and twisted it slowly, pushing it open. If he truely feared his immortaily the way he told himself he did then this would be the perfect excuse to try his desire to live against his wish to die. His footsteps echoed eerily on the rotting floorboards of the house as he stepped inside and shut the door behind him. He made no effort to disguise the sound or move quickly as he paced the empty floor. If that thing were in here, surely it would hear him.

They'd hunted hard, not in the city itself but taking their play outside, where the challenge would provide more entertainment. Home. There, among the trees and jagged stones, they'd both worked themselves to exhaustion, playing with the prey, a slash of claws to tear a shallow wound, a slash of whip to spur the pursued to greater effort. For once, Thalons' fires burned low, flickering beneath a veil of small cuts, bruises and scrapes. He could have avoided them: instead he'd flung himself wholeheartedly into the fight, as one with the beast beneath him, two minds, one thought, shared delight in the feel of curved fangs sinking into soft flesh. No more cruel than a cat playing with a mouse, buy no less.
Only when the last of the quarry had fallen, and the Cou'ri had feasted on the softest portions of warm, still-living flesh had they returned.

That beast, curled up like a great cat on the floor, one clawed foot hooked over a haunch of flesh brought back with it, lifted a graceful head as the door opened. Swaying back and forth, large, reflective eyes blinking drowsily in the contentment of a full belly, it hisses softly at Gideon before spreading fanged jaws wide in a yawn and curving its' neck around to lick daintily at a cut marring one shoulder. It knew this one.

Below, one arm bracing him beneath a wash of water that would have scalded the flesh from a human, Thalon lowers his head to watch trickles of dark crimson spiral down the drain. Mostly his own blood, though there were few traces left of injury. The other hand slides down his torso, thoughtfully tracing an old scar.

Gideon paused before the hulking form of the cou'ri. He could smell the human blood and flesh that it cradled, that still soaked the fur and claws in places. His teeth grit against each other with the clench of his jaw, and he repressed the urge to laugh insanely with the twisted humor of it all, shaking his head as the thing hissed at him before displaying a maw full of ivory that would have made a shark envious. A wry smile twisted one corner of his mouth as he took a step closer, and another. He could feel his stomach clench, that vulnurable soft spot of the belly that sought to protect itself with an instinct that ran deep and old as time itself.

"I should have known he couldn't just have a damn cat." He murmured softly, more to himself than the cou'ri.
Gideon says:

A surge of sable and argent brings the beast to its feet, though it makes no threatening move. A mature cou'ri stallion, the unchallenged ruler of the forests and plains they were native to - but also an experienced Bondmate, trained and weathered on shores where there were those to whom his kind were easy prey. The narrow, soft muzzle stretches toward Gideon's face, lips curling back as meat-sweet breath surges through flared nostrils. Mad golden-green eyes don't waver from the vampires' figure. He wouldn't attack, but Gideon was not his bonded. He wouldn't hesitate to kill if he needed to, though the very nature of the creature before him repelled him. There was no hot, quivering flesh to bury his teeth in, no steaming blood to sheath his claws and lubricate the lumps of meat that slid down his throat. A wary step back, merely standing guard now over the haunch between his forefeet.

Below, Thalon lifts his head, tensing as he turns it blindly toward the confrontation above. Even he couldn't hold back the 'Ri if it were pushed too hard. Redclaw was no pet, to be controlled...

Gideon took a step backwards as the thing surged upright, giving ground. It took every once of control he had to only turn his face to the side as the fanged muzzle stretched out toward him. His eye contact with the creature was not agressive, and neither was his posture. He extended one hand, slowly, and touched fingertips to the furred muzzle, softly, tentatively. Not even breath stirred his body as the two faced off. Fingertips gave way to the hesitant, feather-light touch of fingers stroking upwards - once.

Warm breath curls around Gideon's fingers, and the fur beneath them has none of the coarse harshness of horsehide. Like a mink in movement, and like to a mink in feel. Poised tension, the quivering wariness of a startled wilderling, and the head snakes lithely around to lock fanged jaws around the vampires' wrist. Not to bite, not to draw blood, but merely to grasp. A warning, and at the same time an acceptance. Redclaw would tolerate Gideon. A flash of silver mane against black coat as the beast releases the grip and whirls away, snatching its' meal from the floor, to cross to the outside door. It circles, then settles down to curl against, and block, that barrier with a contented sigh, still watching the intrudor.

Gideon tensed, and for once thanked whatever demon made him what he was for the fact that he no longer had any bowels. But the creature did not bite, but held his wrist carefully, hot breath dampening the skin, wet fangs leaveing traces of saliva in thier wake as they released. He breathed again and watched Redcalw walk away with a gratefulness and releif that flooded his cold veins. He nodded silently and turned to make his way down the stairs into Thalon's apartments, through the workroom, where his pace slowed.

He ran a fingertip absently over one workdesk as he examined the foreign tools and trappings that lie there, some organized, some in a state of abandoned use, all rather beyond his knowledge of their workings. His gaze lingered on a cache of gemstones and he smiled. Perhaps what he'd brought with him would not go unappreciated. He left the work room for the considerable warmth of the main room with its twin fires.

He reached out for Thalon with is mind - the man was here, he could feel it clear enough. He hesitated in the doorway though, feeling an intruder suddenly.

The Cou'ri dropped his head to his claws again once Gideon is out of sight. Thalon stepped out of the water, sheathed in a gauze of steam, and moves quietly out of the bathing room, liquid snaking down his flanks and legs from slicked-down hair. He doesn't bother with a towel - his own heat would dry him soon enough. He pauses as he exits the hall to spot Gideon undecided in the doorway, a flush of deeper heat tightening his abdomen. Yet he looks away, simply walking past the vampire and into the hearth-chamber. A few more firestones into the one fire, and he crosses to stare into the cold hearth. Fingers stroke slowly across the carving of a panel set into warm, golden tiger-wood.

"There's mulled wine in the pot, if you would like some."

Something in his chest clenched as Thalon walked into the room, perfect naked body dripping with water, steam rising off his skin. Had he been blonde he could have been Boticelli's Mars. It was enough to make a slow shudder slide itself down Gideon's frame.

"No, thank you." He declined softly, unable to take his eyes off the man. His fingers ached to touch him, to cup the curves made by lean muscles. He would have kissed every drop of water from that skin had he been welcomed to. He bit the inside of his lower lip hard enough to feel the sharpness of a tooth peirce the flesh and stay lodged there as blood welled around it. He focused on the delicious pain of it and dropped his gaze.

"Thalon, I came to apologize." That was quite possibly the first time that phrase had ever left his lips, and it felt strange on his tongue.

Thalon turned, locking his gaze onto Gideon's without waver. Whatever his feelings on the matter, they remained locked behind a wall of implacability, his eyes a mirror of the vampires' offering. Finally, a shake of his head spatters droplets of water across the carpets.

"Tell me what it is that you feel you need to appologize for, and I will consider whether I can forgive you. Some things can't be forgiven, Gideon. And some things don't need to be."

Thalon extended one hand toward the other.

"Come here."

"For the way I behaved last night - the things I said. For leaving."

He said softly as shed the leather jacket and crossed the room in slow strides, reaching out to accept the hand and draw himself nearer by it until he stood only a breath away from the other man, the steam rising off fo him dampening the front of his thin t-shirt, causing it to cling to the skin of his abs. Blue eyes were shaded by lowered lids as they absently drank in the beauty below them, dark brows drawn together giving his expression a boyish sulleness. His fingertips slid slowly up the backs of Thalon's arms as his nose brushed the other's cheek.

"I acted like an idiot... and... I'm sorry."

Thalon stared thoughtfully at the lean figure so painfully close, the tantalizing caress of fingertips across hot, bare skin drawing his breath in and capturing it. His own hands come to rest on Gideon's hips, sliding upward across damp fabric as green-gold eyes slide shut. A tilt of his head, the parting of lips to capture those of the vampire, one hand rising to capture the back of the others' head and hold him still for a brutally hard kiss, as much punishment as passion.

As quickly he draws back, not far, just enough for breath. And to turn, backing Gideon into the hollow of the empty hearth, the one area where bare stone is visible in the room. Smoothly finished stone, the hearth's walls are carved from the living flesh of the planet, rather than a laid foundation. Snaring his guest between cool stone and a too-hot body, Thalon barely strokes his lips across Gideon's, teasingly, mockingly.

"If I forgive you, will you be able to forgive yourself? You've made your peace with the cou'ri. Can you accept me, as well?"

His lips bruised against Thalon?s, and in turn crushed the other man?s mouth against his own, teeth scraping tender skin and moist flesh, his tongue teasingly soft then suddenly invasive. He closed taut fingers over the ribs of Thalon?s back, short nails pressing eagerly into the skin as he was manipulated back into the corner, his body thumping against the cold stone. He growled softly as the kiss was withdrawn, pale eyes watching the now reddened lips of the other hungrily. He let his hands sweep forward round Thalon?s sides, fingertips trailing downwards with a featherlight touch over the ripples and perfect dents muscles and ribcage made over his naked torso.

"Yes?If you forgive me, I will." His voice was deep, soft, and thick with lust in it?s low purr.

"I?ve always accepted you, Thalon. You?ve never pretended to be more or less than what and who you are. There are things you do to me, things you cause me to do to myself that I struggle to accept or deny?but you? I?ve always accepted."

Thalon shuddered pleasantly, flesh hardening and thickening eagerly at the cool touch of caging fingers. A hungry growl rises in Thalon's throat, but his hands fall to snare Gideon's wrists, drawing away the enticing carress. Thalon steps back, heat smouldering in his gaze, body turgid with desire - but he doesn't give in to that need.

"Turn around, Gideon. Put your hands on the wall, and give me your body to do with what I will. Trust me, if you can, and accept whatever I choose to give to you. If you want my forgiveness - if you want my trust, and to freely receive what I've offered before, then earn it with your own."

He lifted his chin as he gave Thalon a defiant smile, the light in his eyes suddenly reckless. He reached down and drew the hem of his shirt upwards and off over his head, casting it aside on the floor before he turned and pressed his palms to the cold, unyeilding stone, the muscles of his back rippling under the skin as shoulder blades flattened and spread, ribcage expanded. He himself would have served Michaelangelo well as a model, especially now that the Blood had robbed him of all softness and flaw. He let his head bow, forehead touch the kiss of the cold earth-wall, his eyes shutting in anticipation as his breath shallowed.

Warm hands close around Gideon's wrists, guiding them upward, outward - not to the back wall, but the sides. And not to rest against cool stone, but against the warm softness of leather - and no sooner to touch, than to close, heavy metal shackles well-padded to grip, but not chafe, soft skin. Shackles made to hold a creature of Thalon's own strength. Warm hands slide down the extended arms, fingertips tracing the contours of taut muscle and skin, as teeth bite lightly on the back of Gideon's neck. Slowly, savoring each inch of explored skin, Thalon's lips trace a downward path. Hands find and manipulate the clasp of pants, hand slipping within to close around tender tissues, though the garments aren't yet removed.

"You told me, once, that when next I saw you I should use a whip."


Date: 2006-12-05 01:30 EST

Gideon's breath caught in his throat as the cool, impersonal leather closed over the bones of his wrists, the weight of steel both a comfort and a curse. He shivered as Thalon's hands caressed him, and tried his shackles with an experimental tug. He groaned softly as he felt the heat of Thalon's mouth and the pinch of his teeth against the nape of his neck. His eyes snapped open at the whispered words, a sudden constricture of desire, mingled perfectly with fear, exploding in his belly. He let the air escape his lungs in a slow, hissing stream.

"Yes...I did."

Feather-light fingers glidE back upward, over Gideon's belly and chest, thumbs brushing teasingly across nipples before falling away entirely. He leaves the vampire to face the blank stone of the hearth's rear, turning aside to the panel he'd earlier caressed. A touch released the catch, and he examined the array before him. Cautiously he grasps the haft of one, near-black hide glittering with countless reflected pinpricks of light, but doesn't lift it down. Instead he selects a scourge of multiple falls. Heavy, soft leather cascades across his wrist, carved into round lashes. Sueded bullhide. As he turns back, that velvet weight falls to his side, before coming up and across in a slow, broad slash. Not from this the bite of cutting thongs, but rather a heavy, near-bruising impact. Only that one stroke, his palm smoothing across the path in the leathers' wake, soothing, savouring. For just a moment, Thalon presses his body to Gideon's spine, his head bleeding into the coolth.

A step away, and the whip falls again, curling down over the vampires' shoulder to spend its' force against his chest.

He would have twisted as much as he could as he was left alone against the wall, turning to glance over his shoulder in curiosity, save for the fact that he savored the unknown, relished that anticipation that made each small muscle tense and tremor. He kept his face to the wall and curled his fingers over the chains that bound his shackles to the stone. He could hear the hushed sursurrus of leather thongs moving against each other, and bit back a soft moan, eyelids clenching shut tightly. The first strike, perfectly timed to suprise him, made him jump, though he did not yet cry out. He felt the burn of air escape his lungs, not to return - the shock driving the breath from him.

And then there was the flooding warmth of Thalon's body pressed close to him for an instant, soothing against the suddenly hyper-sensitive skin of his back. He swore he could feel the bunch and gather of muscle movement, the kiss of each downy, invisible hair on his skin, even the push of blood through the tiny capillaries of Thalon's skin in that breif touch - but it was all washed away with the next fall of the whip. He gritted his teeth as he jerked his head to the side, feeling the cruel finals of the lashes stinging against his throat, chest and nipples. His skin prickled as if it burned. He'd fed once before coming - a maid in his hotel, drained her near dry. The blood made his skin alive, lent it color. It reddened where it had been struck, though the rosy glow soon faded as the tiny, ingenious cells began reparing themselves instantaniously.

There's no hurry, none of the fiery anger that so often burns in his blood. For once that inferno was near-quenched, spent in the flesh of those he had far more reason to hate. Slowly, rythmically the lash snakes back over Gideon's shoulder, hissing softly as it is brought slashing across the man's lower back, this time to curl around and bite into his belly. But then the whip is hung, ballanced across a taut shoulder, as Thalon's hands explore stung skin, gliding down, lower, to slide within the waist of his jeans. Not this time to carress, but rather to guide cold steel, also taken from the cupboard, across soft skin. Razor steel parts fabric, tracing a chill line down either leg: it would take a tailor considerable effort to repair the garments to the point of being wearable again. Footwear, at least, is removed less permanently before the lot is discarded. And again the whip glides heavily back across Gideon's shoulder, falls trickling down his spine, across his buttocks and thighs.

Thalon earned a hissing breath drawn in through sharp teeth as the flails caught a glancing blow against the tender skin of his stomach. He twitched away from the soft touch of hands against the tingling skin, more knee jerk reaction in expectation of another blow than anything else. It took far more effort for him to bite back a cry of protest as he felt cold, sharp steel press his skin and part the expensive fabric of his clothes, leaving a line down his legs, splitting skin here and there, the parts in the flesh knitting instantly. Left suddenly naked, he tensed as the thongs caressed him treacherously.

Yet that weight draws away, falling free again even as the vampire presses into it - and as his head falls back, they return, battering upward across the tender skin of his back. And there's no gentle touch to sooth away the sting this time - even as that blow presses him forward the whip is turned, momentum unspent, to slash across bared buttocks. Again, and again, without pause: from neck to ankles, a steady, thorough pounding of heavy lash against exposed flesh, only the occasional turn of Thalon's wrist or shift in angle keeping his most tender organs from feeling the battering weight. But finally it slows... one, curving around his shoulder to bite into his chest... and again, wrapping around ribs to overlap the last, but inches lower. Again, across diaphram and belly... and down, to spend a sharp snap against his belly. And then, again... and this time, the blow falls across his lower stomach and groin, carefully placed dangerously close to the one area left unscathed. This time, the lash lingers, falling away slowly rather than drawn back. But it is drawn back, once the whip is freed.

Now it came at last, the rain of lashes that fell fast and furious so that the pain of the first dulled into that of the next until his entire back was a brilliant, blinding inferno of red pain. Welts criss-crossed his skin beautifully in a latticework sculpture of raised flesh. It was nothing he could not tolerate, though, and the cold heat the beating raised in his skin was a welcome sensation. It was when the blows began to fall on the front of him that the pain sharpened, intensified, grasping his senses and mind and bringing him back again. He grunted in pain as the whip fell against his ribs and belly, his stomach clenching as his body sought instinctively to protect the vulnurable front of himself. Thalon at last earned a shout from him as the thongs fell against his lower stomach and groin, the blazing sting of white-hot pain arching his entire body backward like a strung bow, muscles flexed exquisitely under the flame of reddened skin. He panted for breath, eyes wide and wild, the sinews of his jaw standing out as he clenched teeth in preparation for the possibility of another cruel strike.

Yet it isn't the whip that falls across abused flesh - rather, it is the fire, the soft, burning touch, of Thalon's hand as he presses his own bared flesh hard against the beaten backside of the vampire. The heat of his mouth opens against Gideon's neck, tongue laving skin, before he breathes into the man's skin.

"Is this what you want, Gideon? To feel pain, to rejoice in the lash that proves you can still feel something? To have every nerve set ablaze, yearning, yet fearing, the next kiss of leather? This is only the begining."

Nnnh! ::His moan was soft and urgent, and the only response that he could manage.

Again Thalon steps away, tossing the heavy flogger onto a couch as he scans the cabinet again. This time the appearance of the whip is far less impressive - a single fall, long, slender and lithe, of rolled leather tapering to a gradual point. Moisture glistens faintly on Thalon's skin as he runs the thong through his fingers, moving once more behind Gideon. There's no warning this time, leather cutting through air with nary a whisper, before that narrow strip bites into skin. Nor does it have the weight to do much immediate damage - merely to raise a livid welt. But this is a tool of precision, rather than brute force - the lash flicks back and falls again with barely a breath between blows, slashing again into the same place before the vampire's body can heal itself. A clean stripe across his back - and again, again, until narrow leather cuts through welt into flesh. Not a weapon that could ever do any major harm, though the lash hardenes, stiffens with each drop of blood it soaks in.

Gideon squirmed slightly with that wonderful constriction that once again left him panting, chest heaving for air he didn't need. The breath was cut short though as he howled howled with the first vicious strike of this new flagellation that split his skin in two blows. Fingers tightened against his chains as he tore at the slippery metal. The skin of his back parted like silk, dark blood a cold cascade of drips that stained the now perfectly flushed skin, ran down his buttocks and thighs in long, thin ribbons left behinds by the tickling descent of thick droplets. The snarl caught between his teeth was inhuman - but this was what he craved. He could feel the flesh of his back begin to visibly heal after every other stroke, only to be laid open anew in a fresh spot elsewhere.

This was his penance, this was his wish. He shuddered under the blows, face and front pressed hard into the unwelcoming embrace of the stone.

There's a delicate beauty to the lacework of blood tracing patterns over Gideon's back. And each deft slash of hardened leather adds another complication, another pattern to complete the whole. Passion flares to incendiary heights as Thalon's lips part, breath shuddering through his lungs with the impact of each blow, the ecstasy of each new droplet of dark fluid against pale skin. Those slashes don't fall at random - rather he controlls each cut, marking an even laticework down Gideon's back, alternating from one side to the other in diagonal lines. Liquid spatters across the polished stone, but he doesn't stop. The whip curls viciously around one thigh, then the other - upward to carve a searing line around Gideon's throat. Down, with a twisting snap that curls around and spends itself entirely in a single slice against the vampire's belly. Unrelenting, unceasing, as the pattern across the spine is completed and continues down along long, beautifully lean legs. Purposefully, deliberately Thalon spills his lovers' blood, draining out the crimson tide.

The art of this pain was weilded perfectly in Thalon's adept hands, and the release it offered Gideon was immeasurable. Cornered, chained - he had no choices, all power taken away, all distractions and stresses lost to the sudden, real power of the now and the exquitely beautiful pain that kept him harnessed to that feircsome present. He rallied against it, fought against it with everything he possesed, and eventually yeilded to it, accepted it and loved it, each harsh crack that pained his ears, each rip of thinned flesh, even the scent of his own dark blood and the weakness he was begining to feel as he bled slowly all were beautiful, perfect things. A prayer of a moan escaped him on a shuddering breath as he heard blood splashing in drops upon the floor like rain - the precious gift and Dark Sacrament wasted like the life's blood of his victim had been the night before. He rolled wild, pale eyes heavenward, dark lashes twitching with each blow.

A dark, glistening tapestry - pale flesh peeking through a net of bloody trails. And it could go on forever, as the vampire's body heals itself - from neck to ankles, ready to begin anew before the course is run out. But not yet - for there is still canvas to paint, for one with the skill to direct each kiss of hard, wet lash. And the whip falls. Curling across Gideon's shoulder, the first solid bite into his chest... once to welt, again to deepen the welt, and the final blow to slice it own. He won't turn the vampire, won't give him aught but blank stone to see, but Thalon slowly, patiently begins to mince the chest he took such pleasure in carressing with his lips. To limn each graceful rib in the swell and surge of blood, then shatter that limning with a splattering final kiss.

A familiar path - though this time, with the trickle of fluid to herald where the next blow is likely to fall. Yet no cut bisects a nipple - not yet. Downward, first from one side, then the other, crisscrossing as the slash again moves toward that most tender of targets. And finally a pause... sodden leather drops.

Gideon rocked backward with the first blow to the unprepared skin of his chest a rush of blood deafening his ears as unmolested skin became the new target, bringing fresh misery with it. Blood splattered his face as the whip found it's marks, and he wrenched his head to the side to escape it, burrying his face against his raised shoulder his cries quieter now. He shut his eyes, turning the world black and each stroke of the whip a bright, radiant line of white that illuminated that darkness for a moment before fading into a deep red, a dull lingering ache that burnt out the second a new slash of white lit up the darkness. He began to dispair of an end to this.


Date: 2006-12-05 01:44 EST
But that was all. The next slash didn't fall on the blood-painted vampire's tormented body. Not yet. Instead, a hard, hot body presses itself to his back, a too-warm tongue laves dark stains from neck and shoulders with light, carressing flicks and the scrape of teeth.

They joined, no longer one body wreaking unforgivable abuse upon the other, but a pair locked together in violent tenderness, sweet release.

When at last they shuddered and trembled together, both weak and spent, Gideon pressed himself back against the solid weight of Thalon's body, and let his head rock back.

"Please... release me."

That was all it took. Hands slid up Gideon's arms, closing around the metal shackles, and squeeze. Bones crush together beneath that pressure - but when he relaxes his grip, the catch on the cuffs is released, letting them fall open. With a motion Thalon has spun Gideon, pressing him tight between body and wall as lips slash across lips in a kiss as questioning as it is sating. Tongue glides against tongue, slowly, savouring the contact now instead of fueling internal fires. Lips massage instead of claiming, and Thalon's hands stroke slowly up the vampire's body, cradling him instead of caging.

"I won't let you go this time, Gideon. You may need the pain, but I have an equal need to give. To know that I can provide you with something you need, other than simple torment and a body to spend yourself against. There's a fire in my veins - it's been there since I was born, and it never dies. Warm yourself in that heat, and let it burn you from inside just as the whip burns you from without."

Gideon cringed and bit back a grunt of pain as the bones of his wrists ground together before they were finally released, the muscles of his arms and shoulder burning as they are at last allowed to lower, falling heavily to his sides, momentarily useless. His kiss was warm, hungry, welcoming and tender in answer, though he sighed as Thalon pushed the issue. Tired arms rose to enfold his cruel, perfect lover as he pressed his cheek to a sweat-dampened temple, nestling a kiss in the silken nest of dark hair.

"I don't want to feed from you, Thalon... I know what you offer, what you want to give and it's more than anyone has ever offered me before, more than I deserve. But what kisses I take from you are not to sustain me. You are not my prey, nor my victim...nor a pet."

He said the last bitterly, his eyes hard and cold as icicles. Shaking hands rose slowly to cup Thalon's face and draw him back far enough to let Gideon look upon him, his thumbs stroking the sharp planes of cheekbones, the tender hollows of cheeks.

"But, if you'd allow it, let me taste you, share yourself with me... let me have the pleasure of your life in my mouth, pushing against my own still heart. "

He pressed his forehead to Thalon's, glacial eyes riviting, as hypnotic as a snake's.

Thalon met that gaze without waver, fingers kneading firmly at the vampire's shoulders and back to ease strained muscles. Green and gold comingled, burning with banked intensity. Slowly, the faint traces of a smile curve his lips, and he backs out of the empty hearth, catching Gideon's hand to lead him toward the bathing room.

"I would make a lousy pet, and to be your prey or your victim I'd have to be protesting. But you're wrong in that you don't deserve what I'm offering, Gideon. If you didn't, I wouldn't be offering it. Take what you are willing to from me, then - though I think you'll find it hard to leave here, if I'm not satisfied that you've taken enough. However, first and foremost, we both need to clean up. In case you hadn't noticed, drying blood gets a bit... sticky."

Above, the cou'ri answered his bonded's thought by slinking silently down the stairs, to curl against the other side of the door. Indeed, Gideon would find it hard to leave. However, there were more pressing issues - like hot water.


Date: 2006-12-05 02:00 EST
That was of course, provided that he had the desire to leave - which he did not. He nodded anyway and let his hands stroke down Thalon's neck, chest, and sides. I'll run the water, hm? He stepped out from around Thalon, giving the other's shoulder a teasing nip. He paused halfway across the room.

"By the way... check the pockets of those jeans you so thoughtfully destroyed. I brought a gift for you."

Nestled in the left back pocket lay a small, hard little object carefully folded in a grey velvet cloth. Gideon gave the other male a mischevious smile as he made for the bathroom to turn on the water, raising it to a scalding temperature and waited for the steam to gather as he glanced in the mirror. He looked a mess - blood streaked and spattered, his skin too pale, almost transparent, the dark blue veins begining to show through where the skin was thinner... around his eyes, near his ears and throat, over his chest and in the hollows of his elbows.

Well, it was a good thing Thalon hadn't followed his first impulse, which had been to toss the jeans into the fire. He does that, however, once he's certain all of the pockets have been emptied. Rather than explore the gift immediately, he carries the results of his foraging into the bathroom, bracing a shoulder against the wall as he watches Gideon prepare the bath, his own skin streaked dark with the vampire's blood as well. The packet is turned between curious fingers, but set aside for now. Instead, Thalon steps down into the sunken hollow, unfazed by the temperature of the water surging against his skin. A flush of blood rising to the surface, so vividly stark in comparison to the others' pallor. A careless hand snags out, pulling Gideon into the heart of the surging steam, dark stains trickling down tawny skin as they start to soak away.

"Gifts can wait."

It doesn't occur to him that Gideon might have difficulty with the temperature. Instead, he's far more intent on exploring the man's body as he cleans away the marks of whip and passion.

He watched Thalon set the gift aside unopened, dissapointment well masked as he stepped down into the hot tub, lowering himself down through the vapors rising off of it. He winced at the heat, but his skin quickly adapted to the burn of it. His hands spread in the water and swept foward as he pinned Thalon back against a wall of the tub, burrying a line of cool kisses around the curveing intersction of neck and shoulder. His fingers stroked and fondled the tender hollows they could find under the water; caressing the soft underside of his arms, the ticklish joint of hip and thigh.

The blood melted off of him wherever the water touched. Dirt didn't cling to his skin as it did normal flesh, and the scalding liquid bathed his skin to a marble sheen.

Heat soaks into skin, matching and rekindling the heat within. He relaxes back against the side of the pool head falling back, dark hair spilling around him as the touch of chill lips sends shudders through his body - so stark a contrast from the warmth enfolding him, a shock against smouldering flesh, setting every nerve alight with sensitivity. He arched and pressed into the explorating of skilled hands, his own gliding across Gideons' back, across his shoulders, one lifting to curve around the back of the man's neck as cool lips draw a shiver of raw pleasure through him.

Palest ivory against flushed gold, a classic image of purity and hedonism entwined. Lifting his head again, lips and teeth find the vampire's shoulder, licking droplets of steam and water from the ghostly skin to revel in the simple flavours of water-warmed flesh. Golden eyes tracing the line of blue veins, Thalon releases his grasp on Gideon's neck to follow those snaking maps with a fingertip.

"So cold, so fragile... yet you are, perhaps, the only lover I've ever taken that I didn't have to fear I would kill with a careless touch."

Gideon's generous lips curved into a satiatied smile at that and he lifted his head to rake Thalon's handsome face with his gaze.

"As are you, love, as are you..."

He grazed the other's lips in a tease of a kiss, letting the tip of his tongue lick lightly at the damp center of Thalon's lower lip. Strong fingers closed over his lover's lower back and flexed in a slow massage, thumbs digging firm circles upwards against taut muscles.

Thalon closed his eyes, revelling in the sensations as he answers the tease by nipping at the flicking tongue, catching it just enough to suckle before pushing away from the side of the pool. Deepening suckle to kiss, he keeps his arms tight around the others' body as he twists sideways to plunge them both below the surface, hair, darkened to the seeming of true black by the moisture, tangling in a silken shroud about them both to ensnare and bind together tangled limbs. However, unlike Gideon, Thalon can't remain below the surface indefinetely - he surfaces again, water streaming down his body, fingers raking hair back behind his shoulders roughly. Hands fall from that as he backs against the side of the pool once more, bracing to pull himself up into a seat on that surface, knees parted to grip Gideon's hips as he's pulled close, groin to groin, chest to chest. Already water steams off Thalon's torso, long strands clinging tight to send rivulets across his skin. Fingers reach behind to locate Gideon's gift, and he leans down to nip at the vampire's throat teasingly as he explores the contents by feel.

"Now, or later?"

Thalon had a way of being cruelly beautiful no matter what his condition - but underwater, with the black tangles of his hair spreading about them slowly, he took on the aura of a godling. Gideon deepened their kiss, loosing the reigns on his passion for a moment before Thalon had to break away and surface. He followed, rising out of the water like a pale Adonis himself, water streaming off of him in rivulets. His skin, so abused earlier, now flawless once more, not a mark, not a scar or a trace left behind to tell of the loving kiss of the lash. He laughed softly as Thalon drug him close and glanced up to watch Thalon's fingers close over the folded swath of grey velvet, a pleased smile lengthening the corners of his mouth.

"Open it now."

Thalon bit a fraction harder, then straightens from that temptingly tender column. The grey velvet is unwrapped slowly, carefully, fingertips savouring the texture - and he can't help sneaking a glance at Gideon to see if the man notices his procrastination. However, finally the last fold is turned back to reveal the contents, resting lightly in his palm.

Even in the soft-focus light provided by the billowing steam the gem resting int he palm of Thalon's hand gleamed with an inner fire, sparkling against the velvet. It was a black diamond, nearly five carats in size and already perfectly cut into a teardrop shape. It glowed darkly in the dim light, unset and unmarred by any flaw. Gideon drifted away from Thalon, to take a seat beside him against the wall of the tub, watching his lover's expression carefully.

"It's a diamond..." He explained needlessly, "I could think of nothing more perfect for you."

Silently Thalon studied the stone, dark flashes glittering against reflective eyes as he rolls his palm. Slowly, he turns his gaze from stone to vampire, subjecting Gideon to that same, searching scrutiny, before leaning across to capture Gideon's lips in a soft, undemanding kiss.

"Thank you. Fine stones are... a passion of mine, I must admit. No one has ever given me a gift like this before, lover."

At that, very few had given him any gift at all, other than the occasional use of their body. Carefully he folds the velvet back around the stone, finally curling his fingers around the package again, eyes narrowing.

"I'm not really familiar with the giving of gifts, but I'll find an appropriate way to set it. Do you have any suggestions?"

Gideon's smile was one of pure pleasure as Thalon admired the stone and he returned the kiss gently, one hand rising to stroke the wet silk of his lover's hair. That it was an unusal thing for the man to even receive gifts made it all the more pleasurable for Gideon to give it. He shook his head as he rose out of the bathwater and wrapped a towel round his waist.

"No... I'd like to see you do with it what you see fit. It was meant for you and you'll know best how to use it."

He reached out a hand to help Thalon from the water, pulling him up into a kiss, slow and sensuous. He released him , letting the backs of his fingertips stray across his hot, damp cheek.

"I told you once there was nothing I wouldn't give you...and nothing I wouldn't ask in return."

Sharp teeth catch his lower lip as he lets his eyes drop. He'd wrestled with this, sulked in it and drove himself mad with it, but it was not to be contained. He cursed himself silently as the words slipped out on their own.

"I love you... and I'd have your love, Thalon."


Date: 2006-12-06 02:56 EST
Thalon took the offered hand, keeping the stone secure in his other as he surged from the grip of steaming fluid, soaking Gideon's towel as he pressed hot flesh against water-warmed skin. He answers the kiss with open pleasure, teeth and tongue as much involved as lips, arms curving around the vampire to keep him close even after he himself is released. Thalon turns his face to catch caressing fingers between his teeth, biting lightly before releasing them.

But he froze at those final words, eyes closing as the breath catches sharply in throat and chest. Arms tighten, and his frame is taut with poised tension as he absorbs both admission and request. What is love? Can he, in all honesty, give what he's never fully known? His own sire hadn't known what to do with that simple offering from a child who worshiped him without question. Had that affection been love? Or just the awe of any offspring for a father?

The latter, he thought. Fingers tighten around the diamond, delicately strong point piercing velvet and skin to release a needle-prick of hot blood, hidden midnight glitter sheathed in a sanguine bath. So then, what was love? .... Slowly, golden eyes open, to lock with frozen blue, both searching and puzzled. Was love the bond he had for the 'Ri? Understanding, mutual acceptance and need, the joining of two like hearts, minds and souls into a single, stronger whole, but without the cage of one dominating the other. That he could understand... and, though the bond would lack the interweaving of two minds, he could offer it. Hadn't he already, really? Gideon was his, but not in the sense of ownership.

"I'm not sure I know what love is, Gideon. But if it's mine to offer, you have it, to the best of my ability. I don't even know if I can love, except to know that I can accept another without trying to restrain what they are, need another without having to cage them, and give without question if another has need from me."

The look of confusion in Thalon's eyes as they met his own cut Gideon deeper than any, whip, flagelette or knife in Thalon's possession ever could have. He himself had never uttered that weighty, cumbersome word to another living soul in his life, and he had never hoped to either. He let his gaze drop to the floor, unwilling to let Thalon see the disappointment that swam there under the pale blue surface. He couldn't be hurt though - he himself was in unfamiliar territory, and it took almost more than he had in himself to admit at last to himself that it was more than lust and admiration that drove his attraction to Thalon - yet the man was still a stranger to him in so many ways. A shade of a smile drew one corner of his mouth upwards as he drew a slow breath, his hands skimming down the other's back as he grasped at words.

" It's....enough."

Thalon freed a hand, barely noticing that it's the one with the damp bundle of velvet and diamond in it, to lift Gideon's chin and again snare his gaze.

"Is it, Gideon? It's a bond that has to go two ways, I think. Just like the bond I have with the cou'ri, it can't survive if it only holds one of the pair. Teach me what love is. You are mine: that I know. But love... I have no experience with that. Teach me how to love. Tell me what it is that tells you that you love me. I want you. I need you. What else is there? What passes between Redclaw and myself is too primal, too bestial, I think, to truly be love. I would regret his death, and would avenge it if necessary, but I would slaughter anything that harmed you, were that your desire."

Gideon had known it was a poor answer as soon as he'd said it, and his smile was wry as he let Thalon lift his face.

"No, you're right... but it's something we'd have to learn together. It's nothing I know, either..." He admitted quietly as he pushed Thalon's hair back off the golden skin of his shoulders, careful fingers caressing the nape of his neck with a feather-light stroke. He bent his head and closed cool satin lips over Thalon's once more, lingering there for a long moment, letting the silence fill the void that he had no words to bridge.

Thalon nibbled teasingly at the vampire's lips, teeth closing on his own just enough to draw a trace of blood, dabbing flicks of his tongue sharing that salt-sweet tang without ever giving the satisfaction of a solid contact. The purring growl of his laughter throbs between them, honest humor rather than mockery, as he deftly backs Gideon toward the bedchamber.

"So neither of us really understands what love involves, but we're both willing to give it a try? Two hawks trying to fly the mating dance in a moonless night is what we are. I have a feeling we're both going to have to excercise considerable patience to make your request work. Is it worth that much work to you?"

There wasn't any question as to whether it was worth it to Thalon. If he weren't willing, he would have already thrown the man out of his home, after the discussion they'd previously had regarding love, and how little place it had in their interest toward each other.

Gideon walked backwards slowly, careful steps trailing small puddles of water after them into the bedchamber, his hands falling to catch against Thalon's elbows. Time was something he had in spades - though the uncertainty of when and how he would be called back from this exile he'd been placed in loomed ever present like a specter over all he did here. Patience was another thing, something he'd never had a use or need for, save in the small, breif games he played with the playthings he'd never cared for to begin with. He had no way of knowing how much or little of it he could summon for this man who stood before him now, challenging as always. His cold gaze raked the brilliant, lush green of Thalon's eyes, his fingertips grazed the dark lashes softly.

"You are the only thing that has made this place bearable... And the only living thing I've ever cared for beyond my own selfish ends. I'll give you what I have to give, Thalon..."

Thalon glanced away only long enough to set the diamond on a table - he already has a good idea of what he'll do with it. With both hands empty, he's freed to explore the slick, still-damp body before him, fingers smoothing down the contours of a long spine to cup and knead firm buttocks. Rather than approaching the bed, he pushes Gideon back against the wall, bending to hook his hands behind the man's knees and lift them on either side of his hips, palms sliding up to hold him securely as the curve of his collarbone is traced with warm lips and soft tongue. Not demanding, not agressive exactly... rather a savouring of the skin, a revelling in lean muscle and clean bone.

"Perhaps patience was the wrong term. Just so long as we remember to work out our anger in bed after we argue, I think we'll be just fine."

A dip of the head, a harder bite, teeth scraping slowly to catch and pinch at a nipple lightly.

"Well, maybe not necessarily in bed. I have other whips that haven't been put to good use lately."

A tug at the tucked in end sent Gideon's towel to the floor seconds before his back hit the wall. Pale eyes widened as Thalon hoisted his legs effortlessly. It was a new position for him, one which he'd put more than one woman into but never experienced himself. The look of suprise the registered on his features was amusing to say the least, though he let his face tilt upwards with soft laughter at Thalon's interesting approach to not going to bed angery. His laughter gave way to a soft hissing intake of breath as Thalon's teeth closed over the tender bud of a nipple, the traitorous thing stiffening with pleasure at the attention. His fingertips raked Thalon's scalp, the soft drag of nails leaving a tingling electricity in their wake.

"Agreed. But it's time you let me have my fill of you, luv. I've waited long enough tonight."

Thalon paused, toying with the hardened nipple, tugs of his teeth alternating with sharp flicks of his tongue, hair spilling down across Gideon's belly to tangle across his groin. Thalon lifted his head, one arm around Gideon's back to hold him, and turns to fall backwards onto the bed.

"I suppose I did agree to let you do that. And since the evening began with you in the chains, the rest of the night is yours to choose - to an extent. You still aren't going to leave here until I'm satisfied."

The sheets were tangled and pillows falling off the bed by the time the pair of them were through with each other... and Gideon did take his fill indeed from what Thalon offered so freely.

He buried his face in that tender joint between thigh and hip once more. There that perfect, huge artery beat like a war drum. He could feel it, smell it, scent the thick gushes of blood coursing through it, feeding the body. He sank his teeth in up to the gums and moaned like the devil himself as the sweet, searing hot fiery blood gushed forth into his open mouth like a waterfall the second that ivory dam was removed.

For Thalon the sharp sting of fangs sinking through skin and muscle, a sliver of pain that only served to enhance the explosion of pleasure that, though it would have been unrestrainable regardless, was both enhanced and inflamed by the additional sensation. Thalon's head fell back, one hand dropping to tangle in Gideon's hair and hold him tight to the flesh his lips embrace. Molten fluid pulses, a tide of too-hot crimson from the deep bite, freely given and hard-driven by clenching muscles and the double pound of twin hearts.

Blood poured into Gideon's mouth, gushing with each heartbeat ? he didn?t even need to pull, Thalon?s body would empty itself from this dangerous artery if he let it. His eyes drifted shut in sheer and complete ecstasy as the hot sanguine flood poured in, coating his throat, filling his belly with its fire. He could have writhed there between Thalon?s legs as each hungry cell sucked in the precious, molten nectar. How the blood gave him courage, how it gave him a momentary belief in the sheer rightness of the universe. If the mind could find no meaning then the senses gave it. Live for this, wretched being that you are.

He tightened his mouth over the wound and pulled suddenly, pulled hard and greedily. An invisible hand closed round both those thudding hearts and squeezed with a strangling pressure that would have robbed the breath and brought the specter of Death looming close over even Thalon. For an instant that stretched into an eternity the city around them was filled with whispers, cries echoing in Thalon?s ears as a greater release rose than the one he?d just let slide through him. Nirvana, rapture? it had so many names and none eloquent enough to express this release, the purity of this gift? a paradise of sensation so intense it overwhelmed? and was gone in an instant.

Gideon had healed the wound, he was kneeling over Thalon with a heartbroken expression on his face, his hands cupping his lover's face as he mouthed his name?until the sounds came rushing back.


The draw, the sustainance of the vampire was indeed a heady rush for him - Hearts labored at the drain, and for the first time in a very, very long time Thalon reached for, embraced that scalpel edge between survival and that most final submission, the acceptance of death. But that wouldn't happen - even had he willed it. Deeper, brutally primal reflexes took over, and for just a moment his skin flushed dark, a faint ripple of blood-black traveling across the healed wound even as Gideon lifted his head. No sooner does it rise than it fades. Air explodes back into his chest, and the faltering beat of his hearts surges anew, the drained blood restored to him from a deeper supply than any human vampire could contain.

Golden eyes flared wide, lacking even a hint of humanity, as both arms locked around the vampire's body, twisting to pin him beneath Thalon's weight, belly pressing tight into pale skin. Lips curl back in a low, purring snarl, but it is Gideon's lips he claims, rather than his throat. Mate, possession, prize - but not prey. Gradually the savage brutality of the kiss gentles, as instinct releases its' hold, snarl modulating into a teasing growl, reasurance and pleasure in one. Lips lift a bare fraction, breath hot against skin.

"Gideon." It's as much recognition as endearment.

Gideon twisted, face registering suprise, shock, then releif as he was thrown down and claimed. He welcomed the kiss, pushing up into it, teeth tearing at tender flesh, leaving lips gently red and swollen, soothed by the caress of a cool, silk-soft tongue. He clenched hands over Thalon's back hard enough to leave the bruises of fingerprints against the skin, as much a mark of posession as anything. He released his grasp to smooth his palms lower, cupping the strong curve of buttocks as his blood-stained mouth curved in the devil's own smile with a purr. He scraped hearmless teeth over the curve of Thalon's chin playfully.

He'd taken much blood from his lover - more then he'd ment to, and enough to kill twice over any other victim... yet it wasn't nearly enough to replace what he'd lost. But it helped, and burned within him like a furnace until the cool skin pressed close to Thalon's felt warm as a human's, color returning for now, even a flush rising to his pale cheeks.

Thalon pressed into the bite of Gideon's fingers, revelling in the strength of the body pressed against him. Muscles clench beneath the grasp of cupping fingers, and lips stained by the kiss, as well as swollen with the force of it, part as hips rock agaisnt the others' body - need quenched, but pleasure still taken in contact. The heat rising in the flesh beneath him brings a smug satisfaction that reflects clearly in his expression, and he lowers his head for a more tender carress of lips, massaging at abused tissues.

"I told you that you couldn't do me any lasting harm. You might be able to strain me - but you can't drain me completely. And even when you strain me, I'll recover again. However, I think the only way you could ever accept that is to lose yourself in my blood - and fail to take it all."

Gideon couldn't express his gratitude enough that his thoughtless greed had not killed Thalon, and could not perhaps. He welcomed the soft kisses, sucking gently at the fullness of Thalon's lower lip before his mouth parted, tongue seeking it's mate in a slick, silken caress, tenderly stroking and teasing.

Thalon rolled off the vampire, thoughtfully rubbing at his thigh where the fangs had pierced. No mark remains, just the memory of the sensation. A spur to pleasure - but less of a physical sort, than of an emotional sort. The knowledge that he could grant Gideon his most basic needs. A lunge brings him off the bed, pausing to stroke his gaze across the body left behind. Flesh and spirit equally sated, he tilts his head to the side, a careless hand raking through tangled, still-damp hair.


Date: 2006-12-06 02:57 EST
"Of course, now I need another bath. Care to join me, or would you rather lay there and bask?"

Gideon rolled over onto his stomach, drawing a pillow under his chest and head, resting his chin upon it as he watched Thalon with a hint of a smile curving his generous mouth.

"I'll wait for you."

Thalon left a hand to trail down the man's spine, lingering, luxuriating in the feel of warmed flesh beneath his touch, and he turned away to clean himself off again. A shower, this time, scouring away any lingering traces of semen, blood and sweat. Despite the pleasure of hot water, he doesn't take long - it takes longer, in fact, to comb out his hair afterwards, roughly towling most of the moisture out before working at tangles. As he does that, he wanders back past the bedroom, glancing curiously at the bed before scooping up the diamond and heading for his workroom.

Gideon sat up as Thalon dissapeared into the bathroom once more and cast about for his clothes. The remnants of the ruined jeans smouldered in the nearest hearth and he shook his head as he picked his fallen shirt up off the ground to toss it beside his leather jacket left in a chair by the door. A walk home pantsless would be an interesting excursion indeed, but not one he was ready or willing to make at the moment. Rather than fling himself back onto the bed he slid into the embrace of a chair near the hearth, one leg dangling over the arm of it, his head resting against the back of it, one hand dangling over the opposite arm, fingers grazing the floor as he basked in the heat and light of the fire. When he closed his eyes it felt almost like sunshine.... almost.

Fingers brush across Gideon's shoulder as he passes the occupied chair, but he doesn't linger. A few more firestones added to the hearth, and he passes into the workroom, to rummage among small boxes stacked on one of the more neatly organized tables. A tiny parcel - the remnants of the material used for the dragon, which, complete, had already been tucked away. Settling at the bench, Thalon sorts through the pieces of metal, unwrapping the diamond again as he selects what will be used with it. A strip, long enough to form a bezel: six bits of wire for prongs, and a longer, heavier length. Examining the gathered parts, he wraps them all within the velvet and places it in the center of his table, the next project to be made. The rest of the box goes back on the other table, before he
retraces his steps, lifting Gideon's hand to settle on the arm of the chair, before letting it fall again across his legs. He doesn't speak, simply watching the flames coil and writhe as shadows flicker across walls of golden, striped wood.

Glacial eyes slit open at the touch and watched Thalon's naked back slip through the door. Something about the way the man walked about naked, so comfortable in his own perfect, beautiful skin gave Gideon a delicious chill of pleasure. It was almost animal, the movement of Thalon's stalking stride - muscles rolling under that golden, silken furred hide with all the latent power of a wild cat.

Something's slippery fingers clutched at his heart, giving it a pleasent, painful grip before sliding away. He let his eyes drift shut agian until He felt his arm lifted and replaced upon Thalon's lap. He tilted his face upwards as he leaned his cheek against his lover's arm.

"Thalon....tell me of yourself."

He rose and took the other male's wrist, drawing him back into the bed, curling his body around his, strong arms finding a comfortable embrace as lazy fingers stroked up and down random swaths of golden flesh in langorus, light touches.

"Give me your story."

Thalon followed willingly, limbs tangling with Gideons' as he makes himself comfortable, drawing rumpled blankets over their entwined forms. He frowns at the request, sorting his words carefully before responding. Bending his neck, he strokes his cheek along the smooth skin of the man's shoulder, breathing the scents of the vampire deeply to once more engrave them on his memory. Hands knead firmly at back and shoulders, teasing any tension from the muscles, before he finally speaks.

"There's not a whole lot to say, really. You've seen the work that I do - my own designs. I rarely create anything to anyone's specifications. I don't usually stay in one place too long. At least, I haven't in the past. This area is new to me, but it seems fairly promising so far."

The tightening of his embrace gives silent explanation of that statement.

"If you want the framework, it's not too complicated: My mother was elven, a young female. Young enough that she shouldn't have been able to get pregnant, by elven standards. Oh - and I should mention that by elven standards, I wouldn't even be considered an adult yet. So you don't need to worry about me keeling over from old age any time soon."

He paused, fingers trailing slowly along the vampire's spine, down to the cleft of buttocks and up again, to brush across the nape of his neck.

"Birthing me killed her. I know that much, and it's no regret to me. Had it not, she'd have killed me as soon as she could. My fathers' attentions were not by her choice, though I've no doubt he was as shocked as she that there was any result."

Gideon's soft chuckle into the curve of Thalon's shoulder was his response to the lunacy of the idea that he was accepting the amorous advances of a more than 80 year old minor... but his laughter died away as Thalon told, vaugely, the story of his parents and his birth. He drew the sharpness of his teeth thoughtfully over the curve of one shoulder, ending in a soft kiss.

A sudden weariness grasped him. They'd spent a long night together, and if dawn wasn't upon them it was close. He blinked wearily only to see that Thalon was nodding off as well. He brushed a tender kiss over burning, moist lips before he nestled his head beside Thalon's on the pillow, forehead pressed to temple, his lover's spill of dark hair soft and scented under his cheek.

The satiation of flesh, and a pleasantly heavy weariness of mind and muscle combine with warmth, and the pleasure of the body against body to sooth Thalon, despite the pangs of old caution. He'd never given anyone the full details of his creation, and, as much as he might care for Gideon, he wasn't sure of the wisdom of sharing that information now. Regardless, sleep was fast drawing him down into the darkness of its' grasp, breathing slowing and deepening, the soft pulse of his heartbeats no more than a peculiar echo. His lips part beneath the kiss, savouring the taste and texture of the other man, before shifting to wrap his heat around the cooler form. Slowly, with a relaxed pleasure he'd rarely indulged in before, he lets sleep claim him - even before it claims his companion.


Date: 2006-12-06 20:26 EST
I came here by day, but I left here in darkness
And found you, found you on the way
And now, it is silver and silent,
it is silver and cold
You, in somber resplendence, I hold

Your sins into me
Oh, my beautiful one
Your sins into me
As a rapturous voice escapes, I will tremble a prayer
And I'll beg for forgiveness
Your sins into me
Your sins into me
Oh, my beautiful one

Light, like the flutter of wings,
feel your hollow voice rushing into me
As you're longing to sing
So I... I will paint you in silver, I will wrap you in cold
I will lift up your voice as I sink


A few evenings past Thalon had invited Gideon back to his home once more, with the enticement of showing him what he had done with the black diamond Gideon had gifted to him.

Descending the pitch black into Thalon's abode the half-elf had playfully whirled, catching Gideon unerringly in the heavy darkness of the stairwell, and pinning the vampire's body against the wall with the weight of his own. The lack of sight simply accentuates the heat of lips and tongue as he trails a path of light bites and licks along the collumn of the man's throat, catching an earlobe between his teeth and biting just hard enough to sting, before drawing back again. Just as abruptly, he turns to continue down the stairs once more, his voice redolent of lazy mockery, a predatory growl in the night.

"Maybe I should make you wait to find out... We could always go hunting first. I'm fairly certain that Redclaw could track down Duchy and her boy."

Though it mattered little in the darkness, Gideon's eyes shut tight as his back hit the wall, the breath he didn't need burning as it escaped him, stealing with it the moan of satisfaction Thalon's kisses elicited. His hands closed over the curve of the other's buttocks and squeezed feircely, pressing hips to hips before he drew away. Gideon lingered against the wall for a moment or two, smiling in the dark as he raised his hand to wipe the warm moisture left by Thalon's mouth from the skin of his throat.

"You'll not touch either of them, love... not yet at least. I've got other plans for Erin's stupid boy."

Gideon pushed off the wall and moved after Thalon, his pace unhurried,

The comment had lacked any serious intent - really, why would he waste his time on inconsequentials when there were more enjoyeable games to play? The door at the base of the stairs opens at a touch, and he leads the way into the dimly lit clutter of his work room, passing through into the next chamber without pausing. Rugs and lounges bask in the ruddy glow of banked embers, but a few pieces of firestone serve to bring the flames back to life. The empty hearth has already been thoroughly cleaned, and the cabinet holding the whips is once again closed, merging seamlessly with the surrounding woodwork. Only the faintest, sweet scent of Gideon's blood remains. Settling onto the arm of a chair, Thalon tilts his head to the side as he studies Gideon thoughtfully. He shifts enough to slip two fingers into the snug leather of his pants pocket, drawing forth a small packet, though the contents are promptly concealed by the clasp of his fist.

Gideon followed Thalon into the delicious heat of the living chamber and paused in the doorway to shed his coat. He arched a curious brow at the presentation of the packet, and stepped closer, loosening the black silk tie at his throat. He tilted his head in interest as Thalon's fingers snapped tight as a trap round the offering, and he paused a foot away from where his lover perched, waiting.

Thalon tossed the packet onto the seat of the chair, catching the loose fabric of his shirt to draw it off over his head in a single motion, then carelessly tosses it aside, a puddle of crimson that flutters down to congeal on the floor. Rising from his seat, he braces a booted foot on the arm of the chair instead, his back to Gideon, and starts unfastening the ties down the inside of the calf.

"Strip down, unless you want to get blood all over your clothes. Or, if you prefer, I can simply cut them off you again."

Gideon gave his lover a narrow look, inwardly grateful that he'd fed- or rather gorged - before following him here. He pulled the knot of his tie loose and flung the silken strip over another chair, turning his back as he pulled loose the hem of his shirt and undid each button before shedding the close-fitting fabric and casting it over the tie. Shoes and socks were kicked off as he undid his fly and let his pants drop along with underware. He turned back toward thalon, as bare a thing as a creature of a renaissance artwork, skin cold and pale with the otherworldly sheen akin to the inner lining of a shell. Muscles moved under skin, latent power disguised so perfectly, camoflaged in beauty. He smiled cruelly as he reached out to take Thalon's face in his hands, cupping his jaw as he drew close.

"What wonderful horrors have you drempt for me, love?"

Thalon tossed his boots aside as well, heavy thumps indicating the weight of the thick leather, and turns back to watch Gideon strip as he loosens the lacings of his pants. A wriggle of lean hips dislodges the snug garment, easing thin doeskin down, but leaving the thin silk of the vesigial garment beneath. Kicking the pants aside, he reaches up to capture Gideon's wrists as the man reaches for him, sliding his hands up along palid arms, over bare shoulders, and down his back to finally cup buttocks and jerk him forward, bare skin against the thin veil of silk, as he bends his neck to capture the others' lips in a lingering, yet almost chaste kiss. In contrast to his body's heat, long hair clings to the chill of the night air, slithing across golden and ivory skin alike.

"I'm afraid tonight you're the one that's going to be drawing blood."

He stepped aside, nodding to the scrap of leather resting on the chair's seat. Gideon's expression flickered between confusion and curiosity, the blue orbs of his eyes locked upon the package awaiting him in the chair, even as Thalon's mouth closed over his. When the other stepped aside at last he reached over and trailed light fingertips across the leather before lifting it. He sank down against the cushions of the chair as he opened the packet and dumped it's contents into his waiting hand.

Thalon reclaims his seat on the arm of the chair, one hand combing through Gideon's hair to settle against the back of his neck as he observes the vampire's examination of the contents. A puddle of crimson gold sorts itself out into a metal ring, smooth central shaft widening at the tips into stylized fangs, tapering to needle points. Through each of those a tiny puncture, one with the loop of a chain through it, the other empty: The chain's final link is open, waiting to be passed through the hole and soldered. Between the two fragments of chain depends the diamond, unornamented by scrollwork or other stones: Simple and solitary in dark splendor, surrounded by a band of the crimson gold to create a stark, clean-lined droplet.

Gideon's breath shuddered in his throat as he held the blood-red chain up, caught between thumb and forefinger of each hand. It was a beautiful peice of work, and he knew at once what it was for. The dimond suspended from the chain glowed flawlessly with it's dark fire, a small fragment of the abyss caught for eternity on a crimson rope. He folded careful fingers round the chain as his other closed over Thalon's thigh. Gideon's face tilted upwards, a thin smile curving his lips like a scythe as glacial eyes found green and held them for a silent moment, their gaze speaking volumes for him. The choice touched him deeply, and his approval was evident.

"It's perfect... I knew you'd find the setting it was meant for.

Thalon lent down, fingers curling around the back of Gideon's neck firmly as his lips brush across the man's brow, velvet warmth tracing the contours of an ear, teeth grazing the hinge of jaw before finally tracing along that line to capture cool lips. Gentle, coaxing - none of the violence or mocking he usually displays. Green-gold eyes close as he savours the cool, sweet-salt flavour of the vampire's mouth, tongue tracing the cleft of lips before sliding within to stroke along teeth and fangs.

"Once the ring is passed through flesh, the chain will be connected and soldered shut. The only way to remove it will be to break the chain, then."

Gideon's eyes drifted shut slowly, the sensation of Thalon's kisses electric, the sweet shock of them reverberating within his flesh, reaching down to the bone, to the core. His lips parted to greet the kiss, cool silk closing over heated satin, the caress of his tongue light, lingering against the moist press of it's mate that passed to hazardously close to needle-sharp fangs. He nodded slowly as he drew back from the kiss and rose, his free hand sliding up Thalon's arm and over his shoulder to curl round his throat in a tender crush. He pressed his forehead to the other male's and smiled his pleasure down.

"Tell me what to do..."

Muscles tense beneath the grasp of Gideon's fingers, but Thalon makes no move to retrain the grip. Instead he rises as well, backing toward the empty hearth.

"This time, I'm the one that wears the chains. As to what you do... that is up to you, lover. Your choice. "

He doesn't face the stone, as he'd had Gideon do. Instead it's his back, hot skin against cold stone, the warm, golden curve of a golden ring and chain, that impact the wall. Hands lift, fists clenching around metal as he rakes his gaze over the alabaster figure before him. So perfect... so gracefully pristine, in comparison to Thalon's own near-bestial heat and tawny skin. A cascade of near-black hair, spilt forward over his shoulder, trickles across his chest like the forwarning of blood.

Gideon's heart contracted in a spasm of dark pleasure at those words. For this long he'd bent his head under Thalon's hand, content for the time to let the other test him, try him. Now it was his turn and the offering Thalon had put in his hands was almost too sweet a thing to suffer.

He set the chin down carefully and crossed to the wall, or rather he moved towards it and then was suddenly there bearing Thalon hard against the stone, snapping wrists into the unforgiving embrace of the shackles before they could be jerked away. He sucked a breath, snapping teeth at Thalon's throat with a low, purring snarl. Short, glass-like nails skimmed down the legths of tender inner arms, through the hollows of armpits and down the vulnurable ridges of lifted ribs. He bent his head and captured the golden ring already through one nipple between his teeth and gave it a gentle tug, lips pressing close over the dusky bud.

Thalon tensed against the pressure of Gideon's body, reflexively jerking as the leather padding of the shackles closes around his wrists in an implacable embrace. His head tilts back, tendons rising clearly beneath the skin of his throat, baring it to the vampire's fangs as they snap shut so near tender flesh. A shudder travels his body at the bite of sharp nails, abdominal muscles spasming, and he presses forward into the strength and cool weight of the other. Silk slithers across skin as his flesh thickens and swells, a constrictively taut, thin restraint, as he lifts his head again. A delicious shiver at the tug to the ring, and the nipple hardens before chill lips can touch it, though that embrace draws a low, feral groan from the throat of the chained creature.

Gideon released the golden ring, giving the nipple a flick of his tongue before he turned away to collect the other chain from the tabletop where it sat waiting. He smiled as he let the thin chain slink through his fingers and spill form one palm to the other, watching Thalon hungrily.

Restrained, Thalon's golden form stood out against the grey stone in stark releif, like a guilded demon ensnared against the very brimstone that had birthed him. He caught that challenging, sweetly defiant mouth with his own, his kiss demanding, possesive... the curl of his tongue against Thalon's cool and slick, a greedy crush of lips that left them both in need of air.

Golden eyes follow Gideon with raptorial intensity as the man turns away, falling to the bloody gleam of the crimson gold in the vampire's hands when he turns back. His jaw clenches, instinct screaming at him to protect himself, to fight against the exposed position he'd willingly placed himself in: he ignores it. And his lips part, muscles relax as he overcomes instinct enough to surrender to the kiss, to let Gideon's domination go unchallenged. To accept it.

Fire roils within his throat, near-searing heat spilling into the others' mouth as he tilts his head to deepen the kiss still further, hot muscle fencing against cool in a timeless, erotic battle, breath lost within that quenching ensnarement - lost, and unregretted, the frustration of restraint combining with the hightened sensitivity that same state imposes, mingling to create a furnace of his body, a thin sheen of moisture across his skin as his wrists twist and pull against the unrelenting shackles, to no avail.

Gideon thought of all the instruments of pain, of love, at his command; any number of items that might be found in Thalon?s apartments and workshop ? but none were as perfectly intimate, as wonderfully laden with the trust and beautiful intimacy of the gift he held tight in his hand now. His thumb stroke back and forth against the one unmarred nub of Thalon's nipple, bidding it to rise with the flick of a nail. He turned the finely wrought object in his hand until he held the ring with one of the tapered fangs at the ready. He bent his head and pressed a light, tenderly sucking kiss to the nipple, one pale eye watching Thalon as he turned his head to the side carefully, gaugeing...

And then there was the pinch of a fang, a razor sharp point pressed lightly against tender flesh and then in between the space of one heartbeat and the next - driven clean through, the sensitive nub impaled on one long, cruelly curved tooth.

Golden eyes close, revelling in sensation as utterly as he frequently did in warmth, a flinch of pleasure jerking his torso as the hardening of his nipple is cemented by a sharp flick. His back arches when Gideon's mouth closes on the sensitized flesh, nerves afire to every nuance of cool lips - a tensing at the touch of fang, and a short, sharply truncated cry explodes from between parted lips as the ivory needle slashes through flesh, a sympathetic explosion of blood and sensation lower, nearly driving him over the edge and into orgasm with the simple, pure intensity of the piercing. Muscles cord throughout his body with the effort of holding himself still, restraining the urge of his body to buck, to thrust against Gideon in the purity of exquisite pain. Only the knowledge of the damage doing so could cause keeps him still.

Gideon kept that sharp ivory needle lodged where it was, lips closing as he sucked tentatively at the slowly dripping wound, encouraging the blood to flow, to sharpen the pain, keep it burning. One free hand slid down the trembling plain of Thalon's stomach and over the constriction of thin silk.

Thalon did arch now, the need to thrust into the embrace of Gideon beyond his control. Combined with the lance of needle pain that radiates from nipple to groin, the sensation draws a deep moan from him, and the motion of his body into the carress only serves to tug at the piercing fang, breaking the moan into another sharp, wordless cry. Head thrown back, tremors ripple through his body at the twin incentives: pleasure, to draw motion, and pain, urging him to stillness. Blood flows freely from the wound, driven by the excitement of twin hearts and drawn to the surface by the unrestrained inferno of his body, heat rising easily from his skin to saturate that of the cool flesh so near. As the cry fades, he whispers, voice a velvet, purring growl, tight with pleasure and pain.


The sound of his name purred by that dulcet voice was as tender a caress as he could have ever wished for. Deliberatly slowly he slid fang from skin and thrust the metallic one in it's place, cold crimson gold replacing ivory. He bit without hesitation into his lower lip and pressed a loving kiss to the abused nipple, the thick, black blood tingling, burning with cold fire as it healed the wound around the peircing. He drew back and threaded the last link of the chain through the waiting hole, pinching it shut carefully until it could be soldered solid. He smiled up at Thalon as he dropped to his knees and jerked away the thin silk that separated his touch from his lover's need.

Thalon trembled as the fang is withdrawn, each fraction of movement magnified a hundredfold by inflamed sensitivity. He jerks as crimson gold bathes in scarlet blood, but presses forward into the glacial sear of Gideon's kiss, healing him around the impaling metal. It would take longer for the internal wound to be healed, and without doubt the movement of gold through skin would spill a few more drops of his blood before his body was fully repaired - but for now, it was healed. Later he would worry about soldering the link shut. For now, he relaxes at the easing of pain, though the metal remains an aching throb that radiates through the left half of his chest. Eyes closed, he had no warning but the jerk of hand against silk before a far more excruciating ache was swallowed.

It took all his restraint not to savage the man, that molten blood so close, the pounding of duel hearts beating their rhythmn out against his brain like drums. Gideon had taken pain and now he'd give release.

Hands tore at the restraint of chains, the urge to touch, to grasp fueling an unconcious effort at escape from his bonds. Yet Gideon makes no effort to avoid or withdraw: and that alone is enough to sooth and slow the fury of Thalon's need, his lips parting, eyes glazed with the sheer, exquisitely perfect sensation. But there was no holding that surge of pleasure back: Too sensitized, his snarl is swallowed in a groan as his body shudders, liquid fire spilling from his flesh in spasmodic pulses.

"Hellsbane, Gideon... lover..."

His gaze, gold barely touched by the usual taint of green, sears down at the vampire as he gives one more jerk to the chains and sags back against the wall.

It happened too quickly for him to pull back, and he felt the molton fire rush down his throat with a livid burn, toxic to his body. He swallowed though, and let Thalon spend himself - Gideon would pay for the injested poison later, in his sleep if he were fortunate. He rose, smooth cool hands caressing twin paths up Thalon's golden frame until they closed over his wrists, releasing them, catching him in waiting arms, gathering him close, his kisses gentle now. He burried his face in the hollow of Thalon's neck and shoulder, against the silken softness of blood-black hair, his whisper hoarse.

My own, Thalon...My lover..."

As the vampire rises Thalon presses into the stroke of cool hands, and he grits his teeth as the shackles crush inward on flexible wrist bones, strained muscles spasming across his back as arms drop to wrap tightly around the lean figure of his mate. He wraps himself around Gideon, arms around waist and back, head bent forward to close his teeth lightly on the back of the man's neck, hair spilling forward to coil and snare about both, forming a curtain to veil the lovers from the worlds outside their lair. His hands smooth over Gideon's skin soothingly, possessively, before he guides the man back toward the lounges outside the empty hearth, drawing him down to trap between soft cushions and hot flesh.

"Your mark, Gideon, and it will stay there until you decide to take it back. Only one other has left his mark upon me, and that was no act of love. You are mine. My lover, my mate... my love. And if we tear each other apart... at least we will do it with the fires of passion, instead of hate."


Date: 2007-01-04 23:57 EST
The lamp is burnin' low upon my table top
The snow is softly fallin'
The air is still within the silence of my room
I hear your voice softly callin'

If I could only have you near
To breathe a sigh or two
I would be happy just to hold the hands I love
Upon this winter night with you

The smoke is rising in the shadows overhead
My glass is almost empty
I read again between the lines upon the page
The words of love you sent me

If I could know within my heart
That you were lonely too
I would be happy just to hold the hands I love
Upon this winter night with you

The fire is dying now, my lamp is growing dim
The shades of night are liftin'
The mornin' light steals across my windowpane
Where webs of snow are driftin'

If I could only have you near
To breathe a sigh or two
I would be happy just to hold the hands I love
Upon this winter night with you
To be once again with with you...

Cassie was huddled in her leather jacket, walking towards the porch slowly. Her mind was elsewhere tonight, and she was paying enough attention that she didn't run into anyone, but other than that, she wasn't with it. Tonight, her mind was on the past.

Behind her a part of the shadows broke off, moved of its own accord, and followed Cass. Only three steps behind her and unnaturally silent, he moved, drawing close enough to touch her, close enough to wrap his fingers round her throat... He followed her up onto the porch, stopping short when they reached the door, his hand suddenly reaching out over her shoulder to press against the wooden door. He could hear her heart beating. He could smell the life that throbbed through evey gorgeous inch of her.

In her preoccupied state, she didn't notice him following her. Normally, despite his silent progress, it was likely she'd have gotten that prickly sensation, but she was too lost in thought tonight. So up the porch she went, and she actually started to open the door before she realized he was there. The door didn't open when she pulled, and she glanced up to see a hand pressing it closed. That caused a rapid jump in her heart beat, as she whirled about, pulling a knife from beneath her
sleeve and moving to press that blade against the smooth skin of his throat. It was all reflexive, and even when she realized it was Gideon, and not an unknown enemy, she followed through until it pressed so lightly.


The shdows of Gideon's face moved and shifted as a sad smile spread across his emaciated face and the cold blade of the knife pressed hard against his marble-white skin. He almost sighed in releif and pleasure as she pressed it harder even when her lovely eyes sparked with recognition. He pressed himself closer against the kind blade, eyes pained, mourning, completely incongrutious to the smile that spread his generous lips.

"Please..." He breathed softly, and pressed even closer. The blade bit into his flesh, peirced, a thick welling of blood - oddly dark in the dim light oozed down the silvery steel.

The fact that he made no move to pull back and protect his throat was slightly unnerving. Even more so as he pressed yet closer. She held it carefully, not enough to prick the skin, not yet. Blue-greys swept over his face, sickly even in the dimmer lighting of the porch.

"You don't look well, Gideon.. Perhaps we should go inside and get drinks." That knife still didn't move though.

"What for?" He sighed. Even his voice was dry, brittle sounding as the remnaints of the fall leaves that skittered along the cobblestones in the grip of the bitter wind. He moved to press himself closer against the knife, but turned as one of the inn's patrons approached the porch, and he drew away, out of their path towards the door. He withdrew to the comfort of the darkness provided by the eves of the porch, his chin sinking against his chest, face hidden behind the raised collar of his coat.

She scooted away from the door as well. She didn't have an desire to get smacked with it if someone exited and she still stood in front of it. She stayed a little closer to the light, dim though it was, knife still in hand, but she'd dropped her arm.

"What for? It's warmer inside. More comfortable. Some tea could perhaps do you good..." Yeah, right. He looked a little beyond a simple cuppa.

'Yeah right' was exactly the look he shot her over the edge of his collar, pale eyes hollow. He withdrew a cigarette from his pocket and held it up, but paused, gazing at it as if suddenly lost, as if he had no idea what to do with it or how it got into his fingers. His hand trembled.

She nodded, acknowledging the silliness of the statement. She also slid the knife back up under her sleeve, she was starting to feel silly with it just hanging in her hand. She frowned at the lost look, and reached up to pluck the cigarette from his fingers. When she spoke, her voice was softer, gentler.

"Hey.. You okay there?"

He watched her take the cigarette, his gaze moving upwards slowly to her face. For once the expression on his face was neither sly nor slick... far from it. He looked like a lost little boy, a broken soul. He shook his head slowly, miserably.

"No... no I'm not, Cass..."

She tucked the cigarette into a pocket absently, confused by this change in him. This was not the charming, self-confident man she enjoyed a back and forth relationship with. It actually kinda broke her heart to see him like this. And brought out those latent nuturing instincts. She reached out and took one of his hand slowly, cradling it between both of hers.

"What's wrong?"

He closed his fingers over her cradling hands slowly, and drew her hands foward, pressing his cheek against the soft skin of the back of her knuckles, his eyes closing tightly. He had to focus to think beyond the torment of the sensation of the pulsing blood that he could feel rushing under her silken skin.

"I can't... I don't..."

He struggled against the words, as if admitting this made it real. He drew a slow breath.

"Thalon...he's gone."

She let him hold onto her hands. She didn't feel like he meant her any harm at the moment. He certainly looked too pitiful for violence. She hadn't expected the answer she got. Love, that wasn't Cassie's forte. She leaned forward, and up on her toes, to press her lips to his forehead lightly.

"I'm sorry."

Gideon exhaled softly as she kissed him, her lips soft and warm against his skin, now cold as death and oddly, unnatrually smooth. He opened his eyes miserably, hating himself more now than ever...though feeling an odd sense of comfort at having shared the source of his pain with someone, anyone. He let his hand slip from the grasp of hers and fall against his thigh.

The feel of skin was noticed, but she made no mention. She never did. She didn't have the best bedside manner. And she didn't really know what to tell him. She hadn't realized quite the depth of his feelings. So once his hand slid from hers, she did the only other thing she could think of. She slipped her arms around his waist and pulled him into a hug.

"Ah Cass..." He groaned as she embraced him, and lifted his arms awkwardly, as if unsure what to do with them until he pried her away from himself gently but forcefully.

"Don't do that, luv... I might hurt you."

He caressed the curve of her cheek lightly, hungrily. She was so fragile, so delicate and broke his heart to watch her and see the mortality within her - or was it envy and not appreciation that tore at him? He was confused, and the hunger only muddled his thoughts more. He groaned softly and moved past her, towards the steps of the porch.

"'M sorry, Cass... I have to go."

It confused her, him prying her away as if it pained him to be touched all of a sudden. Or perhaps he'd decided he no longer wanted her comfort. She didn't know. Not hurting her? From a hug? She followed after him, reaching out to grip his arm lightly.

"Hurt me? Where are you going, then? In such a state.."

He paused as she grabbed him, drawing up short, teeth gritting, enamel grinding against enamel roughly.

"Does it matter?" He said lowly. He needed to be away...the desire to murder her was harder and harder to repress. He could see her slender limbs snapping in his hands, see her ruby red blood splattered across the cobblestones as he licked the clotted gore from her torn flesh. He was shaking uncontrollably, his tone low, warning.


"I guess not."

She dropped his arm. She heard the grind of teeth, felt the shaking. She wasn't entirely dumb. She didn't step back though. She'd gotten tired of people treating her as if she was a twig to break in a stiff wind. She'd certainly survived a good bit in her life up to now, after all.

"Fine. Go. I guess it matters not."

He smiled sadly - it was almost exactly what Kairee had said to him 'it matters not'... he mattered not. But it was what he wanted...wasn't it? He glanced back over his shoulder and suddenly whirled and pressed Cassie's back up against the hard stone wall, his hands clenched hard enough on her arms to bruise her as he'd inadvertaintly lifted her up a few inches off the ground. His mouth closed over hers roughly, his kiss angry, cruel.

She hadn't mean he didn't matter, but she was angry that he'd pushed her attempts at comfort away so rudely, in her eyes. The sudden whirl and grabbing of her surprised her, and she didn't move to pull a knife. She made a little sound in her throat, though whether it was at the pain in her arms or against her mouth was unknown. Her lips parted, she had no desire to cut them against her teeth at the pressure from him, but there was no return of the kiss. She was fairly passive to his attack, but then, she'd been unable to yank her wrists from his grip before, and she needed surprise rather than a contest of strength on her side.

Gideon could feel the lack of return and pulled his mouth away, teeth bared as he held her there, his brows furrowed deeply. He looked like a man possesed, dangerous, feral and unpredictable. He released her suddenly with a fustrated growl.

"Hate me, Cass. Hate me for your own bloody good. You don't want to know me."

She pressed her hands against his chest in a reflex moment to keep her balance as he released her, and then dropped them as if she'd been burned once she realized what she was doing. Her eyes were narrowed, focused on his face. She leaned forward and caught his lower lip between her teeth. A bite, certainly not a gentle, loving nip. She would release him without drawing blood, but it was hard enough to sting.

"I don't know you, Gideon. I know you're not what you seem, and that's about it, despite the time I've spent with you. It's impossible to know you."

He looked shoked at her retalitory bite, almost comically baffled as he touched his lower lip curiously and looked from hsi fingertips to her. Clearly he was not himself, and he was not alright. He laughed softly, the sound of it almost unhinged.

"You sound just like Erin. Would you care to throw a glass at me next?"

If she hadn't been annoyed, she'd have laughed at his reaction and the look at his face to her biting him. The fact that she'd shocked him was amusing in of itself.

"No, I don't sound like Erin. She and I are quite different people. And if I throw something at you, it'll do more damage than a glass."

Normally he would have had some slick, sharp response to that ready on the tip of his tongue... but now Gideon just touched his lip again before letting his hand fall.

" 'M sorry Cass."

"For what?" Not going to give him a break now. She would have crossed her arms to complete an insolent, defiant look, but resisted the urge, trying to appear fairly neutral for the moment. She did watch him touch his lip again, and had to work hard not to smile.

"For..." He searched, grasping fruitlessly at all the past wrongs he might have committed unwittingly or uncaringly against her...but it was hard to appologize when you never really considered your actions important enough to be considered turely hurtful or wrong. He waved his hand absently in an encompassing gesture.

"For... whatever it is that will make you feel better."

It was also interesting to watch him attempt to decide what it was that he was apologizing for. A blink, at the answer he came up with.

"Well, okay."

Not the average apology, but she'd take it. A sigh, and then she'd give her own.

"I'm sorry I bit you."

He lifted one shoulder in a disjointed sort of shrug before giving her a pained, thin smile. He felt awkward and odd, his emotions on a perminant rollercoaster with no brakes and no way off. He almost dreaded what might come next, what Jekyll or Hyde would rear its head from within the turmoil.

She was feeling a bit awkward herself, though it was more because she wasn't sure what would trigger Hyde, so she wasn't sure what to say.

"So. Still don't want a drink? Because it would be nice to get out of the cold..."

He shook his head. More than anything he wanted to be gone, to go back to the cold dark basement from which he'd been hiding from the world, to retreat and curl himself around his misery once more and submit to the bitter hollowness that pervaded every corner of his soul since Thalon had vanished. But it didn't matter where he hid or who was near - he was truely and utterly alone - and perhaps for the first time in his blessed, priveleged, spoiled life Gideon realised it at last.

He has spent so long, worked so hard to keep others at bay, to do just what Cass accused him of. He was a master at it... people liked him but never knew him, he let them touch him but never come close enough to see him... he didn't even have to try anymore - the evasion just came naturally. And now he had no way to express his loss, his heartbreak....the confusion of finding the one soul he'd allowed himself to love - vanished. He didn't know the words, or if he did the damn within had been built too high and strong. There was no breaching it. He'd walled himself in and was drowning in the rising tide of dispare. He couldn't recall the taste of blood, his body dry in his futile, cowardly attempt to starve himself to death. It was almost laughable; an immortal starve to death? If he had been less of a coward he might have thrown himself into flames by now and embraced their hot release as they cleansed the universe of the abomination of his existence. But death still scared him... and perhaps some small pathetic part of himself still clung to the thin, unraveling spider's thread of hope that somehow, someway his lover would return. Again he shook his head, pale gaze drifting out across the frozen street. He didn't deserve the comfort she offered, and had no idea what to do with it anyway. His hunger made him more of a monster than usual...and it had grown so that he could not trust himself around these precious, fragile creatures any longer.

"Licking your wounds in private won't necessarily help." Quiet, though he'd probably have no trouble picking up her words. She guessed easily enough that that was what he was going to go do. A bit of a sad smile, and she'd touch her fingers to his cheek lightly.

"I know it doesn't."

She let her fingers drop from his face to take one of his hand, and tug lightly in the direction of the door, unknowing of the suicidal thoughts he was harboring. But aware enough of the misery he was in. Misery was something she knew quite well. She'd done it quite often. Less so, since leaving her family home. But still, she hadn't forgotten it. And there hadn't been anyone to comfort her.

"Licking them in public won't do much good either..."

He returned, rather snarkily for his present state of mind. He let her tugging propell him towards the door. He could hear the movement of the gathered bodies inside, hear their hearts throbbing wettly in that delicious percussion... if he listened too hard they all began to run together, and beat as one in an enormous, deafening timpany that threatened to overwhelm him. He hesiated, looking frightened.

"Cass....I....I don't belong in there."

It could quickly be discerned that Alain was wary as he walked down the street towards the Red Dragon Inn, his hands in his jacket pockets, looking over his shoulders as he walked quickly towards his home. He heard Gideon's last remark, that he doesn't belong in there, as he walked up the front porch steps... and so he tells him, with a grin
looking all the more devilish in the moonlight,

"Then stay out here a while... make a deal with the Devil, while you're at it."

For Cassie's part the snarkiness was ignored. It was expected, and so it didn't annoy her all that much. She just continued to tug, until his comment and she stopped, turning to face him again. Until Alain appeared and spoke.

"No one asked you, Alain. We're busy."

And she let the implication fall where it may, even though it wasn't what was going on. She even sidled up to Gideon, slipping an arm around his waist. A hand reached up to pluck the color of her jacket down, to reveal a fading but still obvious bruise at her neck. Not from Gideon, but unless he told Alain, Alain wouldn't know that.

Gideon's head swivled in the direction of Alain's voice, his brow furrowed. Even in the pale moonlight the wight of him would give the other man pause. He looked like a walking corpse, skin like pale parchment, dark circles ringing fever-bright phospherescent blue eyes. He looked emacated, dry... , and the expression on his face was lost - not his usual presence. He was oblivious to the little game Cassie used him for, his gaze lost on Alain as she snuggled herself close to him. The other man was large, strong...he could fairly see the pulse that pushed against his healthy skin where the throat tapered to collarbone.

Alain appeared not to notice. His hand was around an envelope in his jacket, tugged halfway out. He didn't look at Cassie at all... only at Gideon. The jealousy game was not a good one to play with him.

"Calm down... the Devil has only to deliver his contract and be on his way."

He frowned slightly at Gideon... and then a manila envelope changes hands.

"...You'll know when you need to use this. Meanwhile, take care of yourself. ...You look like hell." He let another gaze linger, and then pushed his way inside.

Gideon went from staring absently at Alain to staring in utter confusion at the envelope in his hand. It had something to do The city...? He couldn't bring it to mind. He couldn't think of much. The whole thing seemed so useless now, so petty... for a second he contemplated tossing the packet away into the bushes... but only for a second. He turned the envelope over in his hand before stuffing it carelessly into a pocket of his coat.

Cassie was silent during the exchange of the envelope, though she was looking at Gideon, concern written all over her face at the blankness and confusion. She didn't know what the job is, but she knew it was dangerous. Best not to be so confused in that sort of thing.

" Hey.. You don't have to go in..."

He glanced down at Cass and blinked, almost as if he was suprised to find her standing there. Brows drew together slowly as he echoed her.

"I don't..."

"Okay.. Do you want a drink? I can get one and bring it to you."

Speaking slowly, softly, almost as if to a child. Which is kind of how he looked, a lost child. It was extremely unnerving to see him like that.

"No...thank you."

He bent and brushed cool lips against hers before he drew away, his hand sliding down over her shoulder lightly. It was sweet, how she offered to care for him, the way she looked at him, half frightened-half concerned... when all he wanted to do was sink his teeth into her and drain her dry as a husk. It drove a spike of white pain through him, to have such a strong desire to kill something so lovely, so kind. He touched her chin breifly, his thumb pressing the corner of her soft mouth.

" I need to go."

The light brush of lips was returned as much as could be before he pulled away. She sort of saw in him a kindred spirit at the moment. She understood loss well enough, she'd experienced a good bit in her life. She turned her head slightly, pressing lips against his thumb lightly.

"'kay.. I'll be around, though, if you need anything."

Gideon nodded, offering her his best attempt a a smile before he turned away and strode down the steps, only to dissapear into the shadows of a nearby alleyway, gone as suddenly and as silently as he had arrived.

The lake is frozen over
The trees are white with snow
And all around
Reminders of you
Are everywhere I go

It's late and morning's in no hurry
But sleep won't set me free
I lie awake and try to recall
How your body felt beside me
When silence gets too hard to handle
And the night too long


Date: 2007-01-12 16:51 EST
Oh lately it's so quiet in this place
You're not round every corner
Oh lately it's so quiet in this place
So darling if you?re not here haunting me
I?m wondering whose house are you haunting tonight?
Whose sheets you twist?
Whose face you kiss?
Whose house, are you haunting tonight?

I don?t think much about you anymore
You're not on every whisper, oh
I don?t think much about you
But if you're not lurking behind every curtain
I?m wondering whose house are you haunting tonight?
Whose name you hiss?
Who?s clenching fists?
Whose house, are you haunting tonight?

Now whose house are you haunting tonight?
Who can?t resist?
Who?s crying?
Whose house are you haunting tonight?
Whose name you hiss?
Whose sheets you twist?
Whose house are you haunting tonight?


Date: 2007-01-12 17:15 EST
He's a stranger to some
And a vision to none
He can never get enough,
Get enough of the one

For a fortune he'd quit
But it's hard to admit
How it ends and begins
On his face is a map of the world

From yesterday, it's coming!
From yesterday, the fear!
From yesterday, it calls him
But he doesn't want to read the message here

On a mountain he sits, not of gold but of sin
through the blood he can learn, see the life that it turn
From council of one
He'll decide when he's done with the innocent

On his face is a map of the world

From yesterday, it's coming!
From yesterday, the fear!
From yesterday, it calls him
But he doesn't want to read the message here

Illy was experiencing the rarest of emotions: anger. This unseen Rhydinian force that kept tossing her about was truly getting to be more than an inconvenience. Her stride to the inn's back door was somehow determined, which forced her walk into something uncharacteristic. Strong, perhaps. She paused before pushing inside, suddenly feeling as if she'd drop over without a cigarette.

Against his better judgement Gideon had left his self-enforced isolation, plauged by his hunger and the demons of his lonesome mind. He should have long ago retreated underground into that strange dormancy that came so easily to greiving and distraught vampires, however some small remaining shred of hope that Thalon might return had kept him from the respite he so desperately required to put his grief and confusion into perspective... and so he persisted in his starved state, now half-mad with the pain.

He looked like a hollow shell of his former self, the starvation both strangely refining him and ravaging him - leaving him with smooth, perfectly poreless marble white skin, its texture hard and cold as stone but thin looking as parchment, every vein and capilary showing like blue shadows beneath. His eyes burned bright as twin stars, their eerie phosphorescence visible even in the pitch black. Simulatinously sharpened and dulled with starvation, his senses swam unintellgiably. He could hear the heartbeat of every living thing in the city's walls.... the moist, maddening timpany like a cruelly tormenting orchestra tempting him further into madness. He had wandered blindly for hours now since sunset, and knew not where he was... only that something dragged him onward. Little did he realize in his sunken state that his feet had carried him back towards that place of singular comfort, the Red Dragon Inn.

There was an almost sinful pleasure in being alone. Illiana felt as if, when alone, she was infinitely liberated. Free to lavish in the way the chill felt against her skin, the way bricks were often laid with imperfection in the alleyway. She mused upon things not worth discussing. Her frame was small, shivering, and somehow flushed with a perplexing sort of pleasure. She leaned against the bricks whose shapes she had examined with such strange reverence. The cigarette between her lips was caressed, tongued gently, and lit with no rush. Eyes closed and Illy inhaled particles of ice, she imagined, along with the smoke. She pictured the tiny pieces of snow adhering to the walls of her lungs, exhaled as if it was liquid, ice transformed into water by her body.

Perhaps subconsciously he knew where he was headed, but who could have said for sure? The reasons his subconscious could have led him there were numerous... but whatever muse it was that had guided him there tonight was a cruel mistress indeed. He had been slouched in the dark shadows of the alley for more than an hour now, lost in a mindless stupor as he listened to the myriad conversations going on within the tavern. Then he felt it... something, someONE else in the alley with him. He heard her coming, perked up slightly... like a lazy cat suddenly scenting a mouse and rousing from sleep. The scent of her was oddly familiar - like someone he ought to have recognized had he been thinking clearly, but as it was it did not register. At last the bloodlust had won out, the hunger had control. His body gathered itself and he coiled in the shadows only a few feet from the door where Illiana stood, indilging the in the visceral fantasies of her cigarette. He struck like a cobra.

Iron hard grasp coming down on her wrist, the other closing on her throat, crushing the windpipe, closing off her air passages, strangling any possible yelp or scream before they even had a chance to occur. He dragged her into the darkness with him and pressed her back to the chill, unforgiving stone of the wall, pushing her up against it hard enough to crack the back of her head and fill her vision with stars.

And stars she did see. The fear didn't have time to creep into her brain and bloom. Rather, the impact of skull to stone set off a particular pattern of neurotransmissions, which translated in Illiana's mind to a veritable sea of stars. She saw, fuzzy though it was, the outlines of Coma Berenice and Canes Venatici , the sparkle of Venus. Her body went slack, and consciouness threatened to leave her body completely. The sounds were what snapped her back into the reality of her situation, which she was increasingly unable to identify. It was this lack of understanding that caused the panic. Fingers curled, went rigid. The cigarette that had been so lovingly held now bit back, the ember embedded into the diaphanous flesh of her wrist, at the crease created by the locking up of her hands. The burning was what caused her body to react, though the struggle was wholly and utterly enveloped by the hold of her captor, whose identity was a large and blurred question mark. Terror crept up and manifested as something audible, though unintelligible, in her throat. The sound to an outsider would certainly be pitiful.

She was soft, wonderfully soft... and alive. He could feel the life of her throbbing beneath his fingertips, the scent of her filled his nostrils, and the second he sank the length of his razor-sharp fangs into the delicate skin of her throat he could taste that delicious vivrancy. He didn't stop at his fangs though, in his greed he sank each and every tooth into her flesh, the sickening crunch of it followed by the audible tear of her skin. The blood fairly gushed forth.

The groan was sickening, like the quiet splash of tepid, dirty water lapping against the sides of its container. She prayed, to ancient gods, to gods of the trees, of the stars, to the pantheistic gods of nature, to Yaweh. Not for strength, not for a savior, but for release from the insurmountable pain. It was like a slow warmth that traveled from the site of her fresh wound to the strong throbbing muscle in her chest, so safely beneath ribs, encased in flesh. The pain increased with every beat of that wet machine.

Gideon groaned, the noise one of pure and utter esctasy. Men made this sound in the desert when they had their first taste of clear, cold water in over a month. The blood felt hot, roilingly hot as it flooded his mouth and cascaded down the parched tissues of his throat, and it hit his stomach like an orgasm, exploding, radiating outwards through the entirey of his being, parched, hungry cells sucking up the red heat of the blood. He could feel it, feel sense and reason return...and just as quickly feel them fade away again into the bliss that was the feed... and through him, through the wet fount of sanguine life that connected them, his pleasure, his ecstasy became Illiana's... the pain ebbed away, replaced with the most raw, perfect rapture either had ever felt, the delicious esctasy of it eclipsing all else... time was nothing, the world slipped away. There was only the bliss of this feed, and the slowing rythmn of Illiana's beating heart, that moist metronome that marked the limit of this hellish heaven. It was this sensation that Gideon had missed almost as much as the blood itself, it was this pleasure he had starved himself of. And now in the throes of it he gave himself over, submitted to the lust. He let the tidal wave of his victim's memories come crashing over him through the fount they shared...let her life play out upon his mind's eye as death approached with greedy hands to collect his due. How odd the human mind, the images and memories it produced in it's final attempts to make sense of the brevity and curious meaninglessness of life. He would bear wittness, though. He would see this life and remeber it, keep it close to his heart so when all mountains wore away to dust and oceans covered the deserts this life would go on, caught in the web of immortality along with it's hapless bearer, this pitiful detestable creature that called itself vampire.

Her spine threatened to snap with the arch that her back formed. The gods had answered her silent cries with the kind of pleasure that poets could only hope to capture in their art, in their iambic pentameters and laudanum inspired imagery. Boticelli himself could not have translated this image into thick paintstrokes as he described Venus in all of her goddesslike glory. Behind her eyelids, childhood images of play, writing on walls. In her nostrils was the heady aroma of the pheromones left in the air after her first time making love. Her mind, finally, seemed to slide away from her body, upwards, detatching in liquid motion. Up, farther, climbing into a final sleep so sweet it transcended human desire or comprehension. And yet, though her dissociation from herself was more intense than any stupor acquired through warm desert cactus or manufactured powders, she found her lips fell open, and her voice slipping from her mouth, from her throat, though she couldn't hear herself over the sound of blood rushing in her ears, the sound of her heart slowing and slowing and threatening to cease its trusted rhythm.



Date: 2007-01-12 17:30 EST
Through his stupor he could feel the heart begin to falter, skip one beat...and then two...and even in his lust he knew he did not wish to swallow that bitter death that rolled towards the struggling heart that he held in his grasp. He reeled backward, breaking their connection, now holding the body before him in his arms like a lover. His knees went weak and he stumbled backward out of the shadows into the dull light of the lamp. He settled upon the wet flagstones with the girl's body laid across his lap. He had to blink twice to be sure...and then it was with a gasp of horror as the recognition dawned upon him. He did know this woman... he'd tried several unsucessful times to woo her... and now here she lay dying in his arms, a victim of his stupidity and selfishness.

"No.... Illiana...." He groaned heartbrokenly, trembling fingers strokeing her face.

The rush was dying in her ears. There was a descent into blackness, into the deepest parts of herself. The heart was no longer pumping, her supply of blood was ebbing rapidly. The brain starved, her lungs began to wither. Her skin was as white as her attacker's had been before his capture. The ecstasy was gone, replaced briefly by pain which dulled as her consciousness slipped away. The body enacted its last defense. She went limp, no longer subject to the assault on her organs. Her heart struggled to beat, and found itself robbed of ability.

"Ah god!! What have I done?" He moaned, raising his face to the cold, unfeeling heavens above, the dull stars in the dirty sky staring down like detached wittnesses. The noise that eminated from his strangled throat was desperate, mad with grief and fear. He glanced down to find Illiana gone limp in his lap. Lifeless...Death drew close, he could feel the cold specter's clammy hnds reach down in triumph to take his unwitting offering. He raged at the invisible master of all things and tore open his wrist upon his own teeth. He pressed the wound to Illiana's mouth, the thin, dark stream of black blood flowing down between her parted lips, dripping over her tongue to splash against the back of her throat.

"Swallow, Illiana....swallow, please god..."

There was no reflex left in her body; there was no life in the muscles that allowed for swallowing. The hot liquid's journey was, therefore, an excruciatingly slow seeping. The blood traveled the length of Illiana's esophagus by force of gravity alone, and the dark magic within it began its work even before it reached her stomach. The tissue inside of her throat soaked up the offering like a greedy sponge, until she regained a dazed form of awareness. The body was in a great puzzlement at this surprise state of being, and its reflex was to choke - the human element, attempting to protect the lungs from liquid invasion. She coughed and sputtered and choked and heaved but it was a useless struggle: the blood was awakening her. As the haze cleared, she found herself starved as if she had never before tasted a morsel of nourishment, and life began to stir her limbs. She lurched upward, grotesquely, and her lips began to physically drink from Gideon's wrist. She pulled harder, gained some upper body strength, lifted her own hands to grasp at his forearm for leverage. It was thirst unlike anything she could have imagined. Growl-like sounds might have escaped from her if she had broken the seal between mouth and wound.

He gritted his teeth hard as she lurched upwards and grasped his arm. The pain of her feed was a thousand red hot needles peircing the vein she drank from... but from the pain blossomed the pleasure once more. It had been years since someone had fed from him...he'd forgotten the singular sensation of it... the delicious helplessness of it. He slid an arm under her shoulders and lifted her slightly, holding her to himself as she drank, giving her the gift, the curse that would save her life. The laughter welled in his throat, bubbled up from a chuckle into a manical cackle that ebbed to a wracking sob. He rocked slightly as he held Illiana and let her take back what he'd stolen from her. He could feel Death receed with a hiss of vile hatred, it's long-fingered hands pull back in fear of the unspeakable, unnatural power that passed in this kiss. He grinned like a madman as the black blood tears trickled down his face.

Oh, what was this? What was this sensation? It was like a million tiny sparrows swimming in her blood, singing in her brain. The feeling of weight suddenly came upon her like an inviting bath, drowning her every cell. She was heavy as the densest of stones, her body sank into the embrace of her killer, her savior, her strange lover, father, brother. She was dizzingly heavy and hungry and the passion licked in her belly, forced her into a wild oblivion of feeding, loving, despising. It was filling her so completely that she had to stop. Her lungs wanted to breathe, and yet there was nothing. Her heart did not beat. As her lips tore away from the source of her life, she was overcome with a sharp feeling of confusion. It cut through her like a blade and her features were knit with unease. She did not move, but if she could, it would have been fast. That feeling of speed was being written like code into her cells. She stared at Gideon, seeing him for the first time since their last meeting in the Inn, a lifetime ago truly. No words came to her, only that stare. It was hope, it was every question a newborn has and cannot speak for lack of language.

He jerked as Illiana broke their link and gazed down at her with that same silent wonderment with which she gazed up at him... only there was not the bliss of ignorance behind his eyes. He knew what lay in store for the woman in his lap... and the realization of the curse he'd placed upon her was dawning ever larger in his fevered mind. He grasped for words, but the explaination needed was so ludacris there was nowhere to truely begin. He rose and helped her up... helped her toward the dumpters nearby. Her body would soon void itself of the now poisionus things within it... bile and food, waste... all things of digestion it no longer needed to survive.

The expectation was that she would be hobbling, but the help that Gideon gave to her physically was more the manifestation of her emotionally crippled state. She felt strange - but that is laughable to say, "strange", as if that even beings to describe the feeling. It was all coming to her slowly, or quickly, she was lost in time and perfectly lucid all at once. What happens when an enormous amount of strength is thrust upon a previously weak female? This was foreign, everything was foreign. The stones in the walls around her were new, they were brand new and their every crevice and ridge was crystal clear. Oh, and the smell. She could smell the air, smell everything. Gideon's rumpled and dirty clothing, and the iron scent of blood was everywhere. She collapsed to her knees at the dumpster, it was overwhelming her. She was going to drown in all of this, in this metallic liquid that was everywhere, suddenly. And then the pain came. She cried out like a freshly torn virgin and her insides literally spilled out of her. It was like having her guts ripped from her. She heaved and whimpered and struggled always with the feeling that she ought to be breathing, ought to be feeding on oxygen, ought to be as she once was. As the waste left her, she wept. It was bitter and perfect and tragic, that weeping.

"What have you done to me?"

The sounds of her cries...the expression of sheer torment on her face... Gideon wept, his heart broken anew, but now he knew pain beyond his own selfishness. For once Gideon felt sympathy for a creature, and the pain of it knew no bounds. He supported her as her body clensed itself, though she didn't need it, he needed to do it. He shook his head at her question and drew her upright once she was done.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... oh, Illiana... I didn't know! I didn't know it was you, I swear! Oh god..."

She was perfectly still, now. There was no humiliation at the state of things, at the direct interaction, and all of the confusion that swirled in her mind (truly her mind, now, there was no more electromagnetic pulsing between the neurons of her brain, it was all metaphysical, it was all a duality that the pink human Illiana dismissed in philosophical study. This was, truly, epiphenominalism proven. The wonder was no longer as pressing upon her attention as was the single question she had already asked. She looked her companion right in his eyes, and she asked him again.

"What have you done to me? What is this?"

Her hands lifted, her fingers wriggled as if to prove to him and to herself that they were moving despite having no heart pumping blood into them. She looked at those hands, at the digits writhing like unfamiliar worms, lissome despite their unlife. Her gaze returned to Gideon.

"Why don't I feel my heartbeat? What are you? What have you done?"

"I didn't mean to..."

His mouth could not shape themselves around the simple words, 'I am a vampire, and now so are you', the truth in them was far too cruel. He swallowed, hard. Despite what he'd geiven back it Illiana, the blood he'd taken had refreshed him. He still looked like death but his mind was clear now.

" You were going to die... I would have killed you." He deserved this uncomfortable truth, deserved the shame of it, "I couldn't let you die, Illy!"

Tenderness overcame her like a slap to the face. It was a brutal sort of love that welled in her breast. She took a step, slid her arms around him and drew him to her with force she had not calculated. It seemed to calculate on its own, independent of her, as if she didn't even need to decide how much to pull, how much pressure to apply. Her forehead pressed to him, her head turned and she pressed her profile to his chest and she embraced him.

"Thank you. Thank you for keeping me from death."

Oh god, this gratitude... no. She should hate him. He love was more painful than her anger could have ever been. He pushed her away gently and took her by the arm, led her away from the inn, into the darkness of the maze of alleyways beyond. Anonymity was their friend now, darkness their cloak. In the shadows he could see her eyes begining to glow with that cold, icy phospherescence of his own. How could he have done this? He paused in a secluded dead end and released her.

"Illiana... I am not human. I was, once. My life..."

It was too much to tell. He hesitated a second before reching up to slash open the skin of his throat. Thick, black blood welled forth. He drew her close again, his hand over the softness of her hair, pressing the back of her neck close.

"Drink again, Illy. And you'll understand..."

She drank. And it was not a thirst that she was quenching, but a question. The blood was swallowed consciously, and its path was to her heart, to her mind. She felt things, expensive things, tasted liquor, smelled sex and sweat and then death. The stream of images formed themselves into a kind of language unlike any kind of communication that Illiana had ever experienced before. When clarity was reached, she stepped away. Traces of the blood remained at her lips, glistening. She understood. She had learned more in fifteen seconds than in twenty-six years of human life. Humanity, oh. She understood. She stepped back, gazing at him with new eyes. She saw through the fresh feeding in his flesh. Saw right into the layer beneath that shell, and she grasped now that it was indeed a shell. He was a vampire. She was a vampire. She was a shell, too, and the fear began to weave its tapestry in her gut. What did this mean? What was she supposed to do? She felt a pang of anger, but despite her new predicament, she was still Illiana, and her perspective (though broadened) was still mostly one of tenderness. Though, she did not make the mistake of hugging Gideon again. She suspected that would only hurt him.

"That man. From the night we met. He drove you to this."

He closed his eyes as the painful pleasure renewed itself... it was the best sex of your life, it was first love, dark chocolate and hot mulled wine all at once...and infinately better then all of them. He gave her himself, gave her this Gift...and with it flowed his own memories...his life. His spoilt childhood in London, growing up with everything and appreciateing nothing, then the night he'd met Eve and how she'd seduced him before bringing him before her master - Vincent. He let her see Vincent's crazed and desperate love of Gideon, how he called him Crispus and wept... let her see his rape...and then the moment when he too had lost his life to that beautiful monster that had enslaved him, imprisoned him loveingly in immortality. He let her know the many, many victims he'd taken... and then at the end the beauty of the first time he'd learned to love, the strange compassion and empathy and desire than ran between himself and Thalon... and with it she knew the uncomparable pain of the sudden vanishing of that same love. When she drew back he was calmer, more composed. He shook his head slowly, his hands skimming down over her shoulders.

"No... I drove myself to it. Because I'm a coward. Because I'm weak."

He lifted his head slowly, pale gaze meeting it's twin defiantly. Coward and weakling he may be, but he was proud as a prince and nigh twice as stubborn. He squared his jaw.

"You know now...but you don't know. Illiana. I've done worse than kill you. You will understand in time, and come to hate me."

She whispered to him, because there was no reason to speak in her old voice, in the humanlike voice that, when heard by her own ears identified her to herself as Illy. As Dr. Valentine, professor of philosophy. As the shy and unbearably self-conscious Illiana who jumped at the first stranger who paid her a compliment.

"If I hate you, it will be because I grow weaker than you accuse yourself of being. To blame you for this would be like blaming my mother for conception. There is nothing that can be done to change the past, Gideon."

She'd stepped so far from him, and while she knew he didn't need proximity to hear her, she slid closer to him anyway. It was not sweet, nor threatening, only the closeness that seemed appropriate for such words.

"And Thalon may never return. If he showed you what it means to love, then to hate him for leaving or to loathe yourself for your sorrow is as futile as any hatred I might grow for you or for my mother."

Her expression was defiant, strong. Ethereal, as her existence now was. She was, perhaps, more beautiful than she had ever been, despite the blood in her hair, on her lips, in her clothing. The dirt and grime from the alley on her skin. She was like a newly formed goddess in that moonlight.

"I thanked you once. It was for saving my life, not for giving me this immortality. I will struggle with that in my own time. And whatever comes of that struggle will be mine, not yours. If you claim it, you are wrong to claim it."

Her chin lifted, her pride suddenly matching, if not surpassing his.


Date: 2007-01-12 17:40 EST
He shook his head in awe of her. She was beautiful, yes...the Gift did that, brought that undefinable exquisitness out, polished the body like a bit of marble, wiped away all flaws. And still she thanked him for this monster he'd turned her into. He wanted to bash his head against the bricks, but it would do no good. She would learn, perhaps, in time. He reached out to touch her... he'd denied himself contact from others ofr so long it was a comfort, that tactile caress of another. He cupped her face, thumbs stroking her cheekbones.

"Illiana, you're my fledgeling now. We have...rules... we live by. You and I are not immortal, but we are close as one could ever get to it. You must live by these rules now, or you will surely die without them. If you cannot agree it is better that I kill you now than set you loose."

While his mind was yet silent to her, she read his expression and his body's language, left over perhaps from his own years as a human and social being. She was content to be regarded as a student, and if he was right that she would grow angry and cold to him, then she would yield to that when it came. She gave herself to him as a pupil to master, completely. His touch was no comfort, and yet it stroked something within her.

"I am clay in your hands, sir." Not a touch of sarcasm. She meant the words with every inch of herself. Her head tilted somewhat, leaned into his palm. And at that angle, when her cheek was pressed to his palm, she spoke again.

"I am not grateful because I want to live forever. Only because of the moment that you fell victim to yourself. The humanity inside of you that caused you to do evil if that was the only way to save a life. If Thalon gave you that, I thank him. But it isn't for what you think."

She was strong, so much stronger than he had been. He'd raged for nights on end...his anger at the betrayal only sedated by the irrepressible sleep that accompanied daylight. She embraced this fate as if it were no more than a change in her hair color. But she'd not taken life yet... she'd not been tormented by the familiar scents of food and drink, pleasures she could no longer have. And most of all she had not grown to miss the beauty of daylight. His handsome expression contorted in pain at her words. Unwittingly she drove white-hot blades into him, and he embraced it, let it punish him. He pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"No... you were a perfect vase in my hands, Illy. In my greed I smashed you to peices to have what you held. But I will do what I can to put the peices back."

He released her from his embrace and took her hand.

"Come with me."

She would be quiet, now. The pain in his face was enough. She resigned herself to follow him wherever he would lead her. Questions, like seeds, began to bloom inside of her, but she trusted that the answers would come. Gothic literary images flashed in her mind: coffins, burning flesh, stakes, silver bullets. This beauty was not part of the archetype that she had studied once, in her first years of university. It was impossible for her scientific mind not to analyze this experience as if she would document it somewhere for review by her colleagues, and yet she knew that would be infinitely impossible. Forever. She wondered mildly whether she would ever be able to put those pieces that Gideon alluded to into any sort of arrangement that made sense.

He led her through the maze of dark alleyways...knowing that they both had to feed before the night was out. He could not deny himself any further and still be able to mentor his new charge. He led her along, watched her move.

"You will hunt with me other nights, and by yourself. We have no time tonight though."

They drew up to a darkened building and he paused. Releasing her hand he held out his arms as he turned towards the decrepit building. From the shadows of the doorway two men rose and walked foward slowly... vagrants, moving as if sleepwalking. They came to Gideon, so mindlessly simple. He closed he hand around the neck of the one while the other stood by stupidly. He beckoned Illiana to him and pushed the man he held towards her. Up close the lanky man was a youth who could not have been more than seventeen. Malnourished and quite likely strung out the young man gazed at Illiana enraptured, a dreamy smile on his youthful, bedraggled face. Gideon stood behind him, handsome features stark and chill in the silve moonlight.

"Kill him."

Without thinking, like the independent pressure she had applied to her first embrace of her master, she reached forward and cradled the boy's neck. Gideon ceased to exist for her. The pulse of life was all around her: the rhythm was in her fingers at the boy's throat, the sound of his heart was in her head. She smiled at him. Moved so close to him, held him with so much intimacy. Mother to child, lover to lover. She leaned close. The boy was in a stupor, and felt no fear. She sensed the rush in his genitals at her caress, and her free hand reached up to brush the greasy hair from his eyes. Closer she leaned, cheek to cheek, and she inhaled his scent, his life. She kissed the very lobe of his ear, and then grasped his shoulder with one hand and the back of his head with the other, forcing his head back. Her teeth seemed to change, and then she was ripping into his neck. Right on target. She drank from him and the dark pleasure of it was like a sick patient's morphine drip - a warm room, inviting, and she felt her thirst and her need rise up like an uncontrollable beast. She sucked the liquid until it felt cold. Instinct drew her away from him before he sank to his knees and bled to death. The horror was creeping into her. She stepped back and stared at the dead boy, mouth open.

Gideon watched her set to the lad, immediately instinctively knowing what to do, and yet without any finness or control. It gave him no pleasure to watch, but rather a sort of confirmation. This was the first step. He watched her let the boy drop and saw the horror flicker behind her beautiful eyes. His smile was lucifer's own as he nodded.

" Yes. Now you see."

He reached out and grabbed the other man to himself and sank his fangs deep into the pulse just behind the jaw. His feed was cleaner this time. There was much less urgency in his need, though the blood was sweeter than ever before from the abstinance he had regained control. He bled the man to near death and flung him alongside Illiana's boy.

"This is how you live. If you are good you will learn to how to live without always having to kill...but now, while you are young you are going to need this much and more every single night."

She was silent for a moment, but in that moment was an eternity. Every ethical tenet she had ever held had just been violated so completely that it was staggering. Her head shook in slow time with her inner reasoning, her fight with herself, her confusion and disgust and anger, and then she kneeled at the dead boy's body. Pulled his head into her lap and stroked at the cheek she had pressed her own to. It was not sentimental. It was a study of death. Death by her own hands. Was this how a lion felt when he came upon a vulnerable gazelle? Did the definition of murder change when the rules of the animal world were applied? What was this? Eyebrows lifted as her gaze traveled back to her master.

"Is there a way to ..." She was searching for language. "Can I choose? I know I have to feed. But, these new powers, can they distinguish a good man from an evil man?"

He nodded.

"They can. But in the end you will realise a life is still a life. There is no truely good men... and as for the truely evil, well that is us. The rest are all shades of grey. These men wanted to die...that is why they came to us. Soon you'll hear them, in time you will hear everything and all at once. It will take practice to tune it out and focus your concentration. Then you will be able to call to them if you chose. But that is a lesson for another night."

He reached out a hand to her as he stepped over the bodies fastidiously.

"Come, luv."

She reached out to take his hand, but hesitated, hovering just out of reach of his fingers.

"This new relationship we have is still not reason enough for me to like being called by pet names."

Spoken with no harshness, only matter of factly, and then she did take his hand. She stood and moved close to him, waiting for him to lead her to her next discovery.

Gideon drew a deep, long suffering breath.

"Illiana, then." He closed his hand around hers and strode out of the alley, walking along with her at a brisk pace. The blood of the man was pumping through him, revitilizing and refreshing him. Already he looked more human, less sickly and strange.

" The most important thing for you to remeber, the single most important rule that we live by is secrecy. Our lives depend on being able to walk among mortals without them knowing what we are. Can you understand why?"

Her pace did not suffer for all of the studying she found herself doing. The air against her face perplexed her, for it did not seem to move into her lungs. The blood was in her, and yet it did not move through her veins the way her own blood had when her heart beat. She was new again and she felt like a child. A child with very sharp teeth.

"Daylight kills us. If we are the only true evil, as you said before, then humanity seeks to destroy us."

She paused, a new thought interrupting her studentlike reply to her teacher.

" Do vampires sense each other?" Still keeping up, not missing a stride, she closed her eyes and tried to simply sense Gideon's presence, but it was no use. Either the power was not one she had yet, or it was some strange link between maker and creation. Or perhaps it was something she would never acquire.

"Are we threats to each other? Do we want to guard our food source?" She was absolutely starving for knowledge, now. It was like the first day of a new graduate study, although of course Illiana understood the gravity of the situation more than that.

He laughed softly at all of her questions as they walked along. It took no time at all until they reached the building where he owned his penthouse. He held the door for her and guided her toward the elevator, his hand resting gently agianst the small of her back.

"Daylight does kill us, as does fire...but that is about all that will do it. We do sense each other...sometimes. More often than not you will scent the difference in blood. Pay attention to scent and you will learn the difference between humans, vampires and other creatures like elves and lycanthropes. You and I will always have a special connection because of the blood we share... but you'll realize it more in time."

The doors to the elevator opened into the hallway just before the door of his place. He stepped out and turned a key in the knob before opening the door for her.

"Other vampires are among your most dire threats. We compete for food, resources... territory is important. Sometimes covens form, and we cooperate, but not here. You are very young and very easy prey to others vampires. Stay away from them, flee, come to me... or stay and fight if you think you can. But in all things be subtle. Not many vampires in this city care to keep our secrets.. these are the most dangerous of all."


Date: 2007-02-01 00:15 EST
We three, we're all alone, living in a memory
My echo, my shadow and me.
We three, we're not a crowd, we're not even company
My echo, my shadow, and me.
What good is the moonlight, the silvery moonlight
That shines above.
I walk with my shadow, I talk with my echo,
But where is the one I love?
We three, we'll wait for you, even till eternity -
My echo, my shadow and me.

Her position at the foot of her bed was a gauzy perch, delicate. A bombazine doll clutched by child-hands, loved and worn and soft. That was the sensation in her skin, in pillowed cells, well-nourished and slippery against each other, freshly fed. The pads of her fingers pressed to her bare knee, then collarbone, jawbone. A brush against the tiny lobe at her ear. A silent dance of hands against their master, crooning a thick lullaby to succor. The comforting awareness of skin against itself. Dulling the dolor. Solitude her greatest ally for the moment, for the unveiling to herself: she was tangled in a struggle against her own sense of reason. Lashes came together in an ineffably slow closing of eyes. Reason like a jilted lover was rapping at the doors behind her eyelids, insisting she take note. But the seduction was lackluster. For a miniature moment, for one deeply private lapse in time, Illiana imagined herself with him. Imagined that her fingertips were his as she pressed them against her neck, imagined they were his as she dragged them downward to the hollow between collarbones. And then the irate pharaoh of reality crashed into her navel, broke the spell, closed the lascivious novella and burned it up, transformed fantasy into ash. Startled by her own rogueish reverie, Illy shook herself and crawled back into the sheets, not yet ready to face the evening.

In the solid darkness of his room, Gideon groaned under the weight of his dreams. Blood-black hair coiled against his skin and he could hear the soft hiss of it, like silk against satin. His body jerked with the fall of an imagined whiplash, and rose to greet a phantom kiss. He awoke with blood tears staining the linen of his pillow, their paths streaking the pallor of his face. He sat up in bed to the accompanyment of the softly gurgling waterfall filling the silence around him. The chill of his bed was a harsh, cold reality. The unnatural firey heat he craved long absent, the possessive curl and press of soft flesh and hard muscle nothing more than bitter longing. He threw the sheets away from himself in disgust, seeking to replace the pain he felt with anger instead.

Sanguine half-curls pressed to her cheeks, and like a child who does not wish to go to school in the morning, Illiana buried herself under pillows, the slick heat not yet dead. It was torture, that rift of sensation, and self-loathing was creeping along her esophagus like an unkind spirit.

He turned and pressed his face into the pillow, muffling a yell of torment, anger, and lament against the forgiving down. His broad shoulders slumped and he let the tears come again, the salt of the blood stinging coldly before soaking into the pillowcase. They stopped again quickly enough. He was never one for weeping. Besides...he wasn't alone. The thought both gave him comfort and made him more miserable at once. Yes, his misery had company now - how lucky for him. He'd chained poor Illy to himself quite well - even if it had been some bizzare freudian slip of fate. He rose from the bed and fairly punched the button on the wall that drew back the protective curtains, pacing like a caged tiger as the mechanism drew back slowly.

Muffled though it was, the sounds of movement in the suite sent ripe stirrings of panic through her belly. No secrets, there weren't any with him. The thought drowned her in fear. She forced herself out of bed, an anxious yet lachrymose harmony strumming her breast, and wandered barefoot into the hall. The sounds of heavy footsteps did nothing to ease her discomfort. What sort of sounds were those? Pacing? Illy fairly rushed back into her room, door left ajar, and began pulling sheets tight across the mattress. Perhaps it was not the most rational of reactions, but guilt was a svelte lick against her every inch of flesh, and her thoughts were blurred.

He heard movement - Illy was up, no doubt. As much as he'd grown to know of her the woman was still a mystery, and her life so far removed from his own reality that they very nearly regarded each other as strange, exotic creatures. Sometimes he watched her for hours, wheather she moved about or sat in stillness; just observing her, puzzling her out when he could get away with it. He did feel badly for her, and if it weren't nausiatingly trite he might have even had the balls to try to convince himself he'd done her a favor - but he knew better. She was saving him though. Saving him from suicide, from a fate he probably deserved but feared nonetheless. She was the reason he woke now, the reason he fed and made himself bathe and dress. He moved through life for her benefit now... and despite the detachment he felt within, he still couldn't help coveting her as he had when he'd first seen her.

Movements paused, and that slender neck tilted up, her posture like that of a gazelle sniffing out a lion in the reeds. The fog of sleep gone, now, and with it that dream-emotion that one cannot help but cling to for the first moments of consciousness. Relief flooded her, and Illiana at last regarded her small (but ever growing) closet. In no mood to revive the stirrings of moments now passed, her fingers shifted through the clothing with a desire for modesty. Slacks, although hugging, felt safe, as did a shallow-necked sweater. She dressed quickly and then stopped herself, feeling a tinge of the ridiculous. Did she think he would burst in on her? Catch her without covered flesh? She forced these thoughts from her head and tip-toed, still barefoot, into the hallway. Stopped again. Unsure.

Gideon glared out at the cityscape balefully, as if his misery was it's fault...and who was to say it wasn't? He sat back down upon the bed , the mess of flung sheets and coverlet around his feet. He felt cold, chilled to the core and beyond - outside the rooftops were dusted white from the day's sparse snowfall. He put his head in his hands and struggled to shut out the agony and ecstasy of the dream, only succeeding in reliving it.

She inched closer to his door, feeling like a small child about to ask for a grand plaything. All nervous bubbles in the lines of her spine. Hesitated, and then she gently knocked. Instantly, she was bathed in regret and fight-or-flight.

"Come in."

His voice was muffled slightly by his hands, but he lifted it from their cradle and turned his eyes towards the door. What could she want?

The door creaked open, loud as a bird who sings only at night. Her hands came together, fingers twisting each other at her navel. She stood, a proper painting of uncertainty, at the space in his doorframe. Her voice was quiet, a lullaby.

" I heard you. You sounded..."

Her eyes at last registered his posture, and she seemed to shrink in place.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you."

"It's alright, Illy."

He hated it when she slunk around like an abused animal, hated the fear or concern that made her eyes wide as saucers. It taunted the cruel side of him, tempted it. He let his hands drop down between his knees. He was clothed in boxers only, sitting there with his back bowed, his pale skin reflecting all the colors the light brought to it. He tried for a smile and failed miserably.

"Bad dreams, that's all."

His pale sadness urged her forward, and she braved the motion of sitting beside him. Gentle, but not with so much raw fear. In truth, this man terrified her. She wanted to stroke his back, to touch his skin, but that was too much.

"Empty beds are perhaps the strongest enemies for the healing." A thoughtful wringing of hands at her lap. "I wish that I could tell you it gets easier soon. It doesn't."

He gave her a tight little smile, the pale blue eyes he turned on her slightly confused. How was it he couldn't lie to the girl even when he tried his hardest? She had a strange, innate knowledge of him that disturbed him slightly. He exhaled a mirthless, breath of a laugh and shrugged his shoulders as he dropped his eyes to his feet.

"...I don't know what you mean." Lies. She may not buy it, but lies came so much easier than truth anymore.

"It's easy to pretend, isn't it. I still do."

She watched him with complete empathy. There was no pity, no desire to distract him from the choleric sting in his every movement. Just a kindred branch, extended in earnest.

"Don't. Don't say those things, Illy." He repremanded.

He wanted to throw her gentleness away from him the same way he'd thrown the comfort of the sheets. He'd been mad before, then sad, dispondant, lost... and now here he was back at anger again. He lurched up from the bed and paced to the window, putting both hands against the cold glass, keeping an arms length between himself and it. He hit the glass violently with his open palm, making the entire sheet vibrate dangerously. His tone was anger spat through gritted teeth, pain welled in his throat, the lump hard enough to choke on.

"Don't say those things!"

A perfect calm. She didn't even flinch. It was too familiar, his motions an echo. Her eyes followed his body as it tightened and lashed at the glass. She watched him in silence for an elongated series of seconds, and then crossed her legs. As if to say - I won't leave you like this.

"If he comes back to you, will you wilt and sway into him? Or would this anger, this thrashing, would it consume you?"

He glanced over his shoulder, every muscle in him tightening for a half a second before he whirled on her, his hands closing tight on her arms as he shook her, on his knees before her where she sat.

"Shut up! You don't know anything about him. Nothing! Who do you think you are to judge?" His eyes burned with intensity, his face twisted in anger.

Gold-flecked blues bore into him, brows coming together in a stutter of returned anger.

" I know everything about him, Gideon. You think you're the first person to love someone?"

Her own strength surprised her as she wrenched free of him, eyes narrowing.

"I'm not judging you. I lost the only person who ever meant a -thing- to me in this world, and years later, I still think he's beside me at night."

Tears threatened to spill, then, her anger softening as quickly as it had risen.

"You can't hide from the pain, Gideon. It follows you and feeds on you and it doesn't leave. But only slinks in your shadows. It won't forever consume."

Her gaze dropped, then, to his shoulders. She wasn't seeing him, anymore. She was seeing the face of a ghost, angled by streams of sunlight.

Her strength suprised him too, though it shouldn't have, and it silenced him. He wasn't raging at her, he was raging at someone else. Her words just provoked it, pushed him towards a precipice he'd be skirting. His body slumped, the anger that animated it, leaving him void in the wake of it's leaving. He dropped his head into her lap, burrying his face between the press of her thighs.

"Shut up, Illy..." He could have been begging by the tone of his voice, and maybe he was. His hands grasping her calves loosely, fingers trembling.

Her fingers moved through his hair, then, a gesture of capitulation. She leaned into him, pressed her palms against his skull.

"I'm sorry, Gideon. It isn't me that torments you."

But she would stop pushing him. She was like an awkward mother, comforting a child much larger than herself. Her fingertips moved to gently massage the base of his neck, stroking at love-speed.

Her touch was a balm, more comforting than she knew. His hands tightened gently on the swell of her calves, cupping them before his hands rose and he wound his arms round her thighs, palms pressed to her lower back. He hated her and loved her at once... knowing her torment was nothing less that he deserved. She was sweet as honey, though, and too near to resist. He gave over to her comforting, docile as a domesticated tiger.


Date: 2007-02-01 00:42 EST
Welcome back
Says the voice on the radio
But I never left
I was always right here

In your hand all the colours
You thought were kings
At the turn of a card
Can just disappear

I wish I could comfort you
If love is our defence
It's alright I can comfort you
If you let me I could love you to death

Need to see
Need to say
Need to be
Something beautiful

I can't get today
Out of my mind
Need to say need to call
To love someone beautiful
A day like today
Has stained my eyes

Gideon tucked his chin lower against the short, stiff leather collar of his motorcycle jacket and cursed himself silently for not dressing wamer. The winter in this city was bitter, unforgiving, nothing like the relatively mild weather of London. He dug his hands deeper into the chill of his pockets and stalked onwards silently. He'd been tailing Illy since the start of the evening. He couldn't say why, only that when she'd left the apartment he'd felt the insatiable urge to follow her and watch her. Perhaps it was because he'd never observed her alone since she'd been turned. He winced as the cold wind stung the side of his face as it blew snow like birdshot against his skin. He told himself that was it - he just wanted to see hoe she handled herself now, what she was learning. It felt good to watch her though, good to see her dressed elegantly in the clothes he bought her. She was so feminine, so fragile. It made his heart ache pleasently. He kept his distance though, silent and gaurded, careful not to even let her sense him.

The dress was clinging, each stitch of fabric melding into a liquidlike dermis. Long over feelings of panicked exposure, Illiana's movements were as fluid as her second-skin attire, whose dip into the space between her breasts was plunging. A long coat covered pale limbs. Unbuttoned, it left the thin lick of flesh kissing the chilled air. In this apocalyptic dream sequence weaved with reality, she understood the insanity and succumbed to it with a quiet flourish of hunger. Where was the eponymous goddess Aphrodite? She'd have taken anyone who mixed delicacy and beauty so naturally. Sounds of inebriation filled Illy's ears, and the soft clicking of heels against cobblestone paused. Eyes closed and she inhaled deeply, scents of liquor and pheromones filling her. With a quick motion that was almost imperceptible - except of course, to any would-be fellow vampires on her tail - she stamped her heel into the stone and the stiletto stem snapped. She moved forward, the limp an exquisite theatre. Breathless, she came upon the drunken men in the sensual shape of vulnerability. That hemline inched up as she stopped in their view and bent to fiddle with the broken heel, a quick call into metaphysics causing their bumbling chatter to cease as they looked her way.

He'd been careless for a moment, almost too lost in his thoughts, but he snapped to attention as he saw Illy's posture suddenly change. Like a large cat scenting her prey her entire bearing took on a new shift. It was marvelous to watch, fantastic to see this little pantomime unfold so neatly. He backed away, stepping into the darkness afforded by a nearby dumptser, blue eyes burning like coals as he played witness, the breath he didn't need held in anticipation.

The more bulbous of the duo, a red-faced and middle-aged man stepped forward, then, and whistled. The pitch was high and ended in a bout of raucous laughter from them both. "Sweetheart, you here to see me?" Stumbling into Illiana's space, he reached out and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her tiny body close. His lanky drinking buddy threw down his bottle, the sound of shattering glass a piercing cacophony in a sea of quiet. The two of them pressed against her, their sweat and stink surrounding her completely. Her posture was lamblike, wilting, and she cried out.

"Are you going to hurt me?"

A wounded doe, all wide-eyes and frozen. The fat man laughed and reached up to roughly grab her breast, thin fabric shifted aside carelessly. She struggled against his touch, but her strength remained sequestered. It was a test, really. If they let her go, she would move on until she found someone that wouldn't.

"We just want to play with you a little, missy. Ain't gonna hurt you too bad if you shut up and let us get on with it."

His hand moved from her breast to her crotch, where his fingers pressed urgently against her pubic bone. She snapped. With a fiercely fast series of motions, the fat man's neck was broken. He fell, stunned, to the ground. His thin friend reeled back, but her hand caught his throat like lightning. Her teeth ripped into his flesh unforgivingly, and with a controlled sucking, she let his blood fill her mouth.

Perhaps most men in his situation would have felt compelled to move foward, to speak up and stop such harassment. Illiana did look so convincingly caught between the pair of drunken bastards. But Gideon, of course, knew better, and his smile curled slow and cruel. She should have been an actress. The pleasure of watching her dispatch the pair was unspeakable. He didn't dare blink as she sank her teeth into the less fortunate man's fleshy throat, entranced. She was a natural and while he disagreed with her attempts to make the kill less morally detestable by weeding out the 'bad' members of the flock, he had to admire her commitment. As he watched her face he could see the change in her expression as the ecstasy of the blood took over, and for a long, long moment he found himself wishing he was the one she embraced there, the one who's life drained away in a river of sanguine rapture to that sweet, beautiful little woman. Ah to die in such a manner... she blessed that scum more than she knew. It was a death worthy of saints, not sinners. He felt himself step foward, out of the shadows, moving slow and silently so as not to disturb her. He drew near enough that she would see him for sure when she at last looked up, but not close enough to crowd her, his face a mask of perfect neutrality, expression almost always one mistaken for distain or anger in it's blankness.

Disgust mingled with satisfaction in her posture as she let the man fall, a sickening sound of crumpling limbs. He twitched in the anticipation of oncoming death throes, his expression still all fear and shock. Illiana drew the back of her hand to her lips, wiping away excess droplets from lips whose color was already refreshed by the feed. She glanced downward at her dress, moving the violated fabric back over the swell of her breast. She began to button up her coat, then, a Christmas present rewrapping itself in shame at being peeked into too early. Her eyes settled upon Gideon, and she ran her hands along the buttoned coat, smoothing it.

"You watched that whole episode, didn't you."

He didn't speak, but only moved foward, his hands drawing out of the burrows of his pockets, one coming to cup her cheek, the other to pull open the buttons of her jacket and slide inside over the satin-clad curve of her lower back. He watched himself do this as if detached from it all, unable to stop himself. God in heaven but she was beautiful, lower lip stained, still glistening moistly and her pale, cold eyes unflinching. He bent and kissed her, closing his mouth over her lower lip, tasting the sharp coppery electric shock of the blood. His hand slid behind the nape of her neck and he kissed her deeper, the tip of his tongue licking at the soft inner skin of her upper lip.

Each one of her muscles seemed to melt at his touch. A swell of some darkly stained emotion strained in her chest as she succumbed to his kiss, her tongue sending traces of blood to the roof of his mouth. Her fingers inched upwards along his arms, and dreamlike, she practically purred into his mouth. The intoxication of the feed peaked and her skin softened. She imagined she could feel her heartbeat. And then reality crept up behind her and pounced. A cruel lioness. She pulled away from him sharply and stared at him, eyes saucerlike in earnest, this time.

"What are you doing?"

He looked confused as she drew away and reached for her again, stepping foward.

"Kissing you... "

Her hand rested flat-palmed at his chest.


"Why do you question everything, Illy? Some things don't need answers."

Gideon stopped his advance and closed a hand over the one pressed to his chest.

"Because... because you're beautiful, and because I want to."

Her gaze fell to his hand over hers at his breast, features soft as ether. Pale blues flickered with something like longing, like pain, like unspoken confessions. Something broke inside of her. She didn't speak, although her lips parted for words, for more questions. She took a step, pressed her lips to his hand against his chest, and was still as glass.

He watched her draw near again and felt the warm press of her lips against his chilled flesh. He drew his other arm around her and pulled her close, flush against him as he pressed his own lips to her forehead, kissing the smooth porceline skin once, twice before dipping lower, kissing the column of her throat, nipping gently at her delicate flesh.

She was like a pubescent girl against him, the nervous quiver in her belly spreading to her limbs. She shivered at his teeth against her neck and a gentle whimper escaped from her throat. Her head swam, dizzy brain locked in a puddle of confusion which shimmered like an oil slick, reflecting dark hues. She was terrified and lusty, weeping and singing, ripe like a fat plum against the earth.

"You can't want me this way, Gideon, can you?" Her eyes closed, tightening. Waiting for the blow.

He lifted his head only to give her a puzzled look so profound it was almost comical.

"Want you...? Illy, of course I want you. What do you mean, 'this way'?"

He slid his hand off of hers and cupped her jaw tenderly, tilting her face upwards.

Her eyes fluttered open and caught his, a stream of disoriented and irreducibly complex feelings.

"The way you touch me. This way. Like lovers."

As a feline nudges its master for affection, Illiana pressed her chin gently into his palm. It was like the beginnings of drowning, the fear at the gut, the lungs not yet invaded.

"If you would let me...I would." He murmured softly, lowering his head again to cover her mouth, this time his kisses soft; many small ones tugging gently at both her lips. The arm that held her chin released it and slid inside her coat, fingers tracing up the deep v of her neckline only to push away that slinky fabric once more, his palm cupping her naked breast, half soothing, half possessive... an unconscious attempt to wipe the touch of the dead mortal from her perfect flesh. His thumb stroked the nub of her nipple, pushing back and forth against it slowly.

She was falling, tumbling into a cloudy pool. Deep and dark and private. Her eyes closed once more, head tilting back, smooth pale neck a beacon of sighing angels in the moonlight. The gentle murmur from her warm mouth was unintelligible, an ethereal language, the language of wildflowers speaking to the soil that gave them life. Her breast was his clay, her flesh a cloak over ribs that only wished for him to sculpt her. The very marrow of her bones warmed to the stroking, and catlike, she crooned and swayed, a lilting bud of petals that glistened and pursed.

He growled softly and dropped to his knees, blithely unaware of the two bodies they stood in the midst of. He drew her coat aside and took that sweet pink bud between his lip only to run his tongue agianst it lightly. How long had it been since he'd made love to a woman for any reason other than to steal the satisfaction of her release through blood? He kissed the sweet pink circle and drew back only to admire it for a moment before he drew the clinging satin back over it and rose again, pulling her coat closed against the jealous cold. He held her close for a moment, his face burried in the scent of her hair.


Her stomach was gone, replaced with unsettled robins. Their wings beat against her insides, insistent and frightened by the capture, the pink walls, dark and swollen with ardor. His mouth, his hands, his voice, she was letting the water fill her lungs, now, inhaling the liquid willingly, sweetly high as a fragile swimmer sucked into salty undertow. His scent, the iron swirl of blood, it was heavy against her like the stone door to a hidden tomb. Their closeness consumed her.

"Yes, Gideon?" A waver to her voice, the tone low, throaty.

"Let's go." He said quietly, his hand reaching for hers as he lifted his head and glanced toward the sonds of the busy street not far away. He stepped fasitidiously over the fallen men and shot her a sly grin over his shoulder.

"You should have been a bloody actress, you know that?"


Date: 2007-02-04 15:36 EST
It was early evening when he rapped at her door, lightly. He was still adjusting to sharing his space with another...yet, as awkward as things seemed sometimes there was an odd comfort in awaking in a place with company, that inner sense of strange security in sharing a space with another. And perhaps it was her presence, clear across the vast expanse of the penthouse, that made his dreams less vivid and painful every day. He was dressed already, in artfully worn jeans with tears rubbed into their expensive fabric and a hole torn in one knee, taut black tee shirt pulled on over a long sleeved grey flannel. He knocked again.

? Illiana. The delivery men are here with some of your new furniture.?

Behind him a pair of men waited, along with the new things she had ordered to decorate her room with

Her heart seemed to swell as her fingers, inky and stained, hurriedly closed her notebook and shoved it beneath a pillow.

?Oh, right. Hang on!?

A silky nightgown, nothing too racy - and yet, she was disheveled. Her rush was in earnest as she pulled a crimson robe on over her bedclothes and sent fingers through her hair. The blue ink left a small smudge at her forehead, but she was blissfully unaware as she opened the door and smiled shyly to Gideon.

?Can you all Here.?

She closed the door and reached for a pair of jeans and an oxford. Underthings were wrapped in the clothing. When she opened the door again, her expression was a picture of somewhat embarassed excitement.

?I'll just go change in your room, if that's okay.? Her eyes slid over to the strangers, and she nodded to them with the quickness of a lady caught without proper attire. ?You can go ahead and do...whatever it is you do.?

Gideon gave her a puzzled look as she peeked shyly out of the crack in the door, and glanced back at the waiting men for a second.

?Uh... yeah sure.?

He took a step back and all three of them watched her slip out of her room and scurry across the living area only to disappear into the haven of Gideon's room. He turned around and gave the moving guys a broad grin.

?Well I suppose wherever you like, then.? He indicated, pushing the door to her room open wide before stepping back.
The flutters in her belly threatened to overwhelm her; something like adrenaline pumped into her every extremity. Even after such...intimacy? Was that the word? She was unaccustomed to being so scantily clad amongst members of the opposite sex. She closed Gideon's door and practically threw off her robe and nightgown. The expensive articles crumpled at the floor and she redressed herself quickly. She made her way back across the apartment to the door of her own room and swayed, on bare tip-toe. Her smile was still shy, sanguine strands dipping into her eyes and tangling gently at her shoulders, the blue stain at her forehead a rather ridiculous accessory.

?I didn't know these things would come so quickly...I apologize for being so unprepared.?

Her hands slid into the pockets of her jeans as she took a step into the room.

?'S ok. You might want to tell the guys where you want things... they seem to think everyone keeps their furniture pushed together in the center of the room.?

He glanced at her and did a double-take, eyes going to the ink smudge. A smile tugged suspiciously at the corners of his mouth, but he said nothing for the moment.

?Oh. Umm.?

Another step forward, and she seemed to imagine the placements for things. A small sofa-lounge - that might do against the wall opposite her bed. And the bookcase - that was the most important thing, of course. Her pause, though long, was ended by a sudden string of requests to the workers, who obeyed her with such ease that she found herself impressed at their strength and understanding. Although, they did seem oddly fixated upon her face. As they worked, she looked to Gideon and gave him a quizzical frown.

?Why do they keep looking at me??

Gideon grinned charmingly at her - a sure sign he was up to no good - and lifted his shoulders in a smooth shrug.

?I'm sure they think you're terribly beautiful, just like everyone else luv.?

As the men finished up he left to retrieve his wallet, giving both men a generous tip on their way out the door. Once they had left he tossed the black leather tri-fold on the kitchen counter and ambled toward Illy's room again to peer curiously in the doorway.

As Gideon went about showing the men out, Illy set to work moving her haphazard pile of books into the bookcase. Her touch against the hardbacks and soft covers was loving, tender. These pages carried such weight. She paused, however, when she heard Gideon at her doorway. Turning, arms filled with Kant and Camus, she couldn't restrain a grin.

?More like a home, now, I think.?
?Mmn. Looks nice.?

He wandered in and took a seat on her bed, leaning back on an elbow as he watched her with her books.

?Perhaps you could buy a building and begin a library here.?

Reading was never anything he'd had much interest in - and as he was now it took hardly anytime at all to go through a book, so it had become even less entertaining, but Illy seemed to love it dearly.

With care, she placed her armful of pages into a shelf and then, sighing wistfully, she sat beside him.

?That was always a dream of mine. To have my very own library.? She turned to face him, then, her features suddenly serious despite the stain at her skin. ?There's so much time. Are there dreams you plan to conquer??

The corners of his mouth tugged downwards for a second in a thoughtful frown before he shook his head with a one -sided shrug.

?No. Nothing aside from getting back to London.?

His lack of ambition didn't seem to bother him in the least. He ran his thumb over the tip of his tongue and wiped at the smudge on her forehead once she sat down beside him.

Confused knitting together of brows at his touch.

?What are you doing??

?Nothing.? Rub, rub... and the spot was gone. He gave her a broad smile.

Her fingers lifted to the spot at her forehead, still tingling from the unexpected touch.

?Was there something there??

Drawing her fingers away, she realized that the inky blue had been smudged at her face. Feigned shock, then, in her gentle shove against his shoulder.

?That's been there this whole time?!?

Gideon laughed softly and flopped back on the bed with her shove.

?I thought it was an interesting experiment with makeup...and I'm sure the moving men did as well.?

?Makeup?? She gazed down at him, her surprise genuine now. ?Why on earth would I be playing with makeup in my nightgown??

?How should I know luv? Speaking of which...?

He pulled the silky nightgown in question from where he'd stuffed it into his back pocket on his trip into his room to get his wallet. He held the negligee up by its straps and eyed it thoughtfully as he gave her a wicked grin.

?Any chance of enticing you back into this??

Illy sat up, staring at him. Her lips parted as if to speak, but no sound came forth. Was this a joke? Tiny ripples moved slow through her belly, spreading to her breast, to her legs. Shaking her head, she seemed to giggle.

?You can't be serious.?

Shifting with some discomfort, perhaps at the question marks floating through her brain, she tugged absently at the last button of her shirt, her smile all nerves and tiny butterflies.

?Oh, why not? Unless you?ve got something better laying around here?? He said, half-teasing. He tossed the nightgown at her and poked around her bed, lifting the covers, prodding the pillows questioningly in an attempt at a search, even hanging his head over the edge of the bed to peer under it.

Laughing, she caught the silk and watched his rather entertaining pantomime.

?You won't find anything exciting, I'm afraid.?

She tossed the nightgown back at him and her laughter bubbled as the material draped liquid-like over his head.

?I'm pretty boring, Gideon. Not like the girls you're probably used to.?

A hush, then, as his motions uncovered the thick leather-bound book beneath her pillow. She reached over him while his head was still covered in silk and pulled her pillow back over the treasure.

?So you say. However...? He pushed back the hem of the silk to smile out at her. ? I happen to know from my extensive early studies of adult entertainment that behind the facade of all bookworms lurks a raunchy, kinky sex-crazed vixen just itching to make love on a desk.?

His grin spread in teasing suggestion as he wiggled his brows at her.

Eyes like saucers, her gasp was a pure sculpture of disbelief. Her body was awkwardly stretched over his, and she suddenly sought to rectify the situation. Pulling herself into a straight-backed seat, legs criss-crossed like an Indian, she tilted her head at him.

?You mean to say you've studied something?? Mirth swam in the glint of her pupils.

He stifled his laughter - barely. So she could have a sense of humor. He held up both hands.

?Yes, I have... try not to die of shock and disbelief.?

There was a long pause and the corners of his mouth twitched in effort not to smile.

?I dare say I've studied the female anatomy well enough to have a doctorate by now.?

Oh, but the blush was still there beneath all of her school-girlish giggling.

?I'll put in a good word for you with the fellows at Cambridge.?

Reaching forward, she slid the nightgown from his head and pulled it into her lap, where her fingers seemed to regard it carefully, although her gaze remained steady at his face.

?Perhaps you'll be able to frame an honorary diploma.?

?Oh do, won't you? But I don't think they'd take an Oxford boy.?

He followed the slip into her lap with his head, laying it restfully against her thigh only to smile up at her.

?My diploma from there isn't so honorary, I'm afraid.?

Though startled, the tips of her fingers seemed to travel rather naturally through his hair. Lazy circles.

?I was invited to teach there. I spent quite a few years on that campus, actually. How strange that we have seen the same trees, touched the same railings. I wonder.? Unwelcome nostalgia stole the smile from her lips. ?What did you study??

?Business.? He groaned blissfully as her fingers worked their way across his scalp. ?Teach? What do you teach??

?Ethics. Kantian ethics.? She tugged gently at the strands, her words automatic, thoughtless.

He struggled with his laughter, and lost the battle to a chuckle.

?Fancy that. A vampire teaching humans about ethics.?

Her hands came to rest at his scalp, palms pressing.

?No more teaching for me. Especially not about ethics. This whole experience has completely turned my ideals upside-down. I kill. I lie. I covet.? A thoughtful resuming of motion, then, against his hair. ?What happens if someone finds out about what I am, Gideon??

?Then you kill them... or otherwise guarantee their silence. Although if you ask me the only way to silence a mortal is death. Which is why...? He drew out the word as he shifted off her lap and reached up to wrap a hand round her elbow, gently tugging her down toward him ? will not let anyone find out what you are. It's as simple as keeping a secret, luv.?

He stroked the firey strands of her hair thoughtfully.

?I know it seems sometimes our nature is written across us in bold, red letters, but it isn't. Some may suspect, and others guess... but suspicions and wagers aren't hard truth.?
She settled against him, his strength a comfort to her body. And yet her mind swayed, fragments of memory urging her lips to keep moving.

?There was a woman at the inn. Magenta. She knew. She touched my hand, and she knew. She taunted me with it, never saying it directly. It frightened me. And Sebastian...? Her muscles tensed. ?He knows what you are. He's going to guess, Gideon, and I can never harm him.?

?She may have been a mind reader herself...if you haven't been guarding your thoughts. Otherwise I have heard a few stories of vampires in this city that keep humans as pets or servants. If she is one of those she might have known simply by looking at you. If that's the case you are safe.?

He let silence fall after her statement about Bastian, feeling the overwhelming heat of his hatred rise up in his throat like a choking, bitter bile. It was several deep breaths before he trusted himself to speak again.?

Bastian wants to believe I am something evil and less than human... it's luck and a bit of my own carelessness that's led him to think I may be a vampire.? He shrugged and set his teeth against her shoulder through the crisp cotton fabric. ?Let him guess and point fingers. If you don't wish to dispose of him, I will... but only if he gets out of hand.?

He pressed an absent kiss to her ear, still stewing in the rage Bastian's name evoked.

?Don't fret chickadee. He won't harm either of us.?
His kiss coaxed a quiet shiver from her, and her weight shifted, her body turning to face his. She leaned into him, her head settling at his shoulder, chaste by force.

?It feels so foreign to speak like this. I've willed myself to kill only those whose deaths do not seem...well.? Her eyes closed, then, her struggle for self-justification suddenly too weak. ?I hope it never comes to that.?

There were nights Gideon hoped quite dearly it would come to 'that' and he could be rid of Bastian's fumbling, childish attempts at exposure once and for all. Oh and he'd heard that the smug bastard had gone and married Erin, yes... that only threw kerosene on the fire of his anger towards the weak, ineffectual, controlling jackass of a boy. He suddenly felt uncomfortable laying there against Illy, his anger making gentleness impossible to stomach. He slid away from her and rose off the bed to pace the windowpanes once.

?I think I'll go out.?

His absence sent a curious wave of feelings through her. The past shared moment felt uncomfortable, then, as if it had been an unkind joke. She sat up and took a long breath.

?All right. I have a lot to do here.? A dip of her head, her shirt readjusted against her flesh.

Too wrapped up in his own thoughts he failed to notice her reaction. He nodded and let his hand skim the top of her head gently as he made his way past her and out of her room without a word. A moment later and the front door shut behind him, leaving the apartment entirely to Illy.


Date: 2007-02-05 21:00 EST
When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
When the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

High up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
If you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth

The sun was still lingering on the horizon, but Gideon was already awake and restless. For the past week now he'd spent his nights roaming the city streets alone, moving with the determined stride and tenacity of a man seeking something - or someone. No matter where he roamed though the face he sought never appeared in the crowds, and every evening managed to bring his footsteps back to the same place - an abandoned bathhouse tucked into a back alley in the West End. He would lean against it's door and close his eyes, but no movement stirred within, no cushioned footfall or scrape of cruel talon rung out against the tiled floors. No one breathed within. He couldn't bring himself to go inside. The sight of the empty rooms would have broken him, the scent lingering on the cold, stripped bed would have surely killed him. Every morning he turned away, questions unanswered, to return to a sleep plagued with memories freshened and honed on the whetstone of grief.

He stood in the living room now, in the light of the dying sun, bare chested, wearing only a pair of impatiently pulled on black trousers. He'd pressed himself to the glass, the invisible wall of his self-made prison, keeping the monsters separate from the rest of the world. Both hands pressed against the cold glass shoulder high, his forehead rested against it's cool surface as well. From behind he was a black mark on the beauty of the evening sky, his perfect frame silhouetted by the blazing rainbow of salmons, lavenders, indigos and brilliant oranges. The shining sanguine orb of the daystar hung low and heavy against the mountains in the distance, pregnant with night. It's light burnt him gently, made his pale skin tingle painfully like the sensation of touching scalding water. It darkened him, turning his porceline palness into a warmer bronze, but it could not kill him or do him damage. He stared listlessly as the round ball of deadly light slipped further and further away, the cloak of a star-filled night coming on to cover and comfort in it's hurtful, spiteful, jealous wake.

The jerking of her body from dream-drowned slumber was a rush of panic at the gut. The world was still grey and blue, cross-eyed and heaving. Executing bishops and gnawing cutlery. The very corners of her eyes seemed set with drying blood, waiting again in the dream of death. It was revenge, & it was resignation. It was "I can't deal with anything that's not your hands", "I love you," & "I don't love you". Her stuttered opening of eyes was glass and silence, heartache and confusion. Her limbs untangled and sighed, teeth cutting into her cheek as if to remind herself of life, and the swelling of her mouthflesh was a terrible sequence, like the mathematics of love, of loss. Her lungs made the motions of exhalation, of a sigh that might bring relief, but even as she dressed herself in the dark, even as the cool fabrics touched her skin, she was dazed as if hypnotized. Wiping her eyes, she ventured into the great room and pressed herself against the door once closed. As if she were an unlucky priestess, reverent and resigned to a faith that would wring her hands in doubt.

If he heard the click and turn of the tumble to her door's knob he made no motion to acknowledge it. As it was, the sun had slid away behind the mountains, bathing the jagged, snow dusted peaks in a blaze of fuchsia and glorious tangerine light. He hung his head with a soft exhalation, and the form of his body came out of the darkness of its stark silhouette into the pale light. Each muscle in his back wrought itself perfectly against his flesh, their stretch and pull slow and deliberate as the motions of an instrument as his head dropped low and his hands flexed against the window-prison.

Illiana watched him regard the dusk for perhaps too long. Her moments for study at the battered pages of his text were often starved, never satisfied, and so she took her time in her appraisal of his body, of the curve of his shoulders and the awkwardly disciplined line of his back, the dimple and bend of muscle and bone. Eventually, her own mournful music quieted, she joined him at the window, following his gaze. Her mouth was closed, although never tightly lipped, the wane of her blood a slowing trickle to the back of her tongue.

Gideon?s head lifted and his gaze turned toward her as she joined him, watching her watch the world below. Somehow he was never very ashamed of these moments she caught him in, the silent ones when he'd been lost to himself. She never felt intrusive or judgmental. His cool, composed mask slipped back over the pale glaciers of his eyes as he gaze back down at the city, the air around him returning to normal, the palpable electricity of his raw emotions withdrawing. He drew a slow breath and found his voice, low and quiet.

?'Evening, Illy.?

Thoughtless, she pressed her fingertips to the cool glass, the tactility an unbruising distraction. Her lips wrought themselves into a smile, and she watched his eyes through the reflection of the window. His face was framed with starlight, and the unearthly halo at his crown was like a cruel irony.

?Can we go somewhere??

The sterile air of the apartment was increasingly stifling, pressing her worries to her skin.

?Of course.?

There was never any hesitation to indulge her. Doubtless she could have asked to be flown to the moon and he'd have found a way without breaking a sweat. His hand flinched, contracted, and then slid across the glass to cover hers, large for all it's long-fingered elegance. He tore himself away from the city below to give her a taut, tentative smile, like the one given to strangers that are caught staring. Yet there was a genuineness in it that his wide, charming cheshire smiles always lacked, a failure to spread to the eyes perhaps.

?Anywhere you like.?

Briefly, childlike, her imagination wove his long fingers like the stems of daisies into a chain and hung it 'round her neck, the scent of thirsty flowers a drowning pool. Spell-locked though she was, she gently slid her fingers from beneath his and touched them to her lips, the motion masked as natural gesture, as thoughtfulness.

?I want to surround myself with mortals, Gideon, because the hunger is the least of my worries.? Half-curls spilled like wine, like stained string instruments across her shoulder as her head tilted. ?If such a thing is not too repulsive to you.?
He watched her slide he hand from under his and felt the press of his sharp fangs sink into his lower lip, stifling words that welled up against the back of his teeth. He kept trying to touch her and she clearly wanted no part of him. He drew a slow breath again and prised his hand from the glass, pressing it to his leg to rub her touch off against the cloth of his pants, the motion disguised as a casual gesture.

?It isn't. I'll get ready.?

He pushed off the window with his other hand and strode past her towards his rooms, the muscles of his back moving beneath the surface of his skin with each quick stride before the door shut behind him with a harshly punctuating bang.

The sound sent her eyebrows into each other, the set of her mouth like a painful kiss, as warm flesh to ice without warning. She could hardly stand to be so close to him; his heavy magnet was tilted so that his field pushed and then pulled, as if it were all a divine comedy of choreography. She moved to her room, pulling a coat from its hanger and wrapping herself into it. The thick comfort was unwilling to impart itself to her, and when she returned into the living space, she stood close to the door, her posture restrained.

In the heat of the shower the steam closed in on him like a smothering blanket, and the cascading water hid the choked sounds of his tearless sob, half cry, half snarl. It was the briefest escape of emotion before the shutter of cool, calm control came swinging shut again. He toweled off quickly and shrugged himself into loose jeans, a white button-up shirt covered by pale grey unzipped hoodie and a crisp, flawlessly white blazer. He stepped out of his room running his fingers back through his dark, damp hair to shake the drops of water from it, glancing towards her with the brevity and lowered brows of a kicked dog. He moved towards the door and past her, opening it for them both, standing back for her.

Illiana glanced to the space beyond the door, and then to him. Without her consent, as if her mastery of herself had been sucked into the vacuum of his spear-eyes, she pressed herself to him, her hands traveling like lost swimmers over his chest, his shoulders. Her force pushed him into the wall of the apartment, and she seemed to sway.

?Sometimes you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. You torture me. If I dream anymore, it's you. I can't bear it.?

Gideon felt his back knock into the wall behind him as Illiana suddenly crushed against him. His hands went up instinctively to grasp at her elbows, and he stared at her, shock giving way to pain almost instantaneously. Blood tears rimmed the lids of his eyes as he lifted his chin, the set of it hard, clenched. He trembled as he fought to dam the wave of emotions that welled up within. His hands clasped her face roughly, his mouth closing over hers with suddenness that made his kiss clumsy. He pushed away from the wall only to send her back against the one just opposite, jolting them both. His fingers tangled in her soft curls, crushed them against her velvet skin. He gasped for breath in the kiss and felt as if someone had kicked him in the stomach. He ached to destroy her and at the same moment to make love to her.

His hands against her were thorns, pricking and stinging and yet the pain was some kind of intoxicant. Her flesh was pliant to him, her lips an unlocked diary of too much hindered love against his. She broke the chain of their mouths and, on the tips of her toes, she moved her lips along his cheek, his jawline, his neck. Her forehead was buried into that cruel space below his earlobe, and she choked on her rushed whispers.

?You have to teach me not to love you, if that is what you desire.?

He growled pain, his eyes shut in a wince of agony. Each word she spoke was like the calculated thrust of a knife through him, the pain exquisite. His hands shook as they grasped at her jaw and he wavered on the dagger's edge of his emotions until, slowly, determinedly he pushed her away, bit by bit until there were inches of space between them. It took all he had to school his features into stillness, but his voice suffered for the effort, thick with regret and misery

?It is better...if you don't.?

She wilted against the wall, thread seeming to keep her from a full collapse. The cloud in her chest was thick and violent, a turbulent monsoon. The waves of her ocean crashed and destroyed the jetties at her heart, only to carry the wreckage like driftwood, and she fought with her arms to keep them from reaching for him, to pull him close again, to disappear into his frame. Head lowered, she drew blood from her lower lip, a snapshot of mourning.

?Better like safety-belts, or better because?? Her fingers lifted to brush against her torn flesh, and she couldn't find any language.


Date: 2007-02-05 21:02 EST
He had no words to answer her with. As much as he wanted her love, as much as he craved it with the same endless intensity with which he craved the blood, he knew if Thalon returned tomorrow he would shed her for him again. He couldn't hurt her like that, couldn't break her the way he'd been broken, not her, not his fledgling. He moved forward and pressed his lips to her forehead in a lingering kiss, benediction and damnation in one. He moved away, leaving her against the wall as he walked slowly back into the apartment, the set of his shoulders that of a wounded animal, uneven.

?Perhaps... you should go by yourself tonight??

Every word was forced, each one echoed with the pain of pulling her barbed knives from his heart, painful as they were going in they were doubly painful coming back out.

Straightening, then, she rolled her shoulders and urged composure into her muscles.

?I'm sorry. What am I to you, it doesn't matter.?

The desire to abdicate herself for him was a long anchor that reached from her belly to her brain, but silently she was laughing at herself, dark brimming laughter that held no shape and only seemed fitting because it was more plunging than his dagger.

?Have I so offended you, then?? Upon any other's lips, those words might be dipped in the poison of acrimony, but she was wounded, not biting.

Gideon fell into a chair and felt the world spin around him suddenly as if it had come loose from it's axis and all the weight of it's gravity had come to bear down upon him and crush him into the abyss. He lurched to his feet suddenly and flung the heavy chair clean across the room so that it splintered against the wall like firewood. He rounded on her, his voice raised, the edges of it ragged.

?What you are to me, what you mean to me, it matters a great deal! You matter a great deal!?

His hands flew to his face, cradled his head before he flung them away again and moved on her reaching out to close his hands over her shoulders.

?I want to love you, can't you understand? I want it worse than I've ever wanted anything in my whole wretched, bloody life. But I...can't.? His pale eyes raked her beautiful face, trying to force understanding upon her, the reflection of his pain there unbearable to watch. ?All I want is to protect you, Illy... I don't want to hurt you again.?

This divine punishment, this anathema, it was breaking the delicate tissue of her throat, and she felt shadows of it, the godless absence of light spiraling upwards into her mouth. She couldn't flinch at his violence; she was a frozen bud, cradled only in ice, and while the fear licked her fingers, ran its cold tongue down the careful line of her back, she was still against his touch.

?To be with you is pain, Gideon, but not in the way pain manifests itself for those who cannot swallow blood. If it is the same for you, then how can I apologize? In another universe, I would shy from you because you are too murky and riddled with hate. But how can I unravel myself from you?? Against her better judgment, she was moving into his space again, her eyes tinged in blood and sorrow. ?I know that it is better to. I understand why I shouldn't want to stroke your back in your sleep. And yet... What is the answer??

?I don't know.? He choked, and the tension drained from his body, leaving him feeling fragile and hollow as the shed skin of a snake. He rested his forehead against hers, one hand leaving her shoulder to caress her cheek.

?I don't know the answer. God, don't cry Illy...? He kissed her again, softly this time.

The dam was broken, it was no longer her choice whether those sanguine droplets eased past the barriers of her lashes. They pressed warmly to his face, and though her kiss in return was reluctant, she found her hands moving around his body, pressed into his back. She was as shy, then, as an unbroken colt, and her body was a question mark. Her fingers trembled against him, aching and burning.

He groaned softly and his finger slid under her chin, tilting the moon of her face upwards. He kissed each tear, tasting the coppery tang of each one, and then drew her against himself, enfolding her in a tight embrace, tucking the petite frame of her body neatly against his own, one hand cradling the back of her head.

?I wish you would hate me.? He chuckled softly. ?So many other people find it such an easy thing to do.?

?I do hate you, Gideon, but not angrily. I hate you the way that the shore shirks the sea because it disturbs its gaze at the sun. But??
She managed a smile, limp and begging. ?It is two sides of one coin. Sometimes you are too large an expanse. I know your roads too well and it makes me want to kiss your eyelids.?

The welling of tears was ebbing, and while her voice shook, she was like a pressed string for some heaven-high note he would play.

?Can I help it??

That drew another soft laugh from him and he moved backwards just enough to look down at her, his fingertips careful in their exploration of her delicate jaw.

?If you could, would you?? He closed his lips over the bridge of her nose in a kiss, following it with a trail of its fellows across the line of her brows. ?I'll only disappoint you, Illy.?

Her eyes slid shut against his feathered paintstroke kisses.

?Would I? Would I drown it out if I could? Yes, because I am not a fool.? Her blind smile was clumsy, sending the faintest dimple to her cheeks. ?I know disappointment, though, Gideon.? Lashes released her gaze, her pupils fat and willowing. ?It doesn't frighten me.?

Gideon shook his head, his thumb stroking the full bow of her lower lip before pressing lightly against the soft pillow of it, watching the pale pink flesh dimple gently. He sighed quietly. Once again words had failed him, left him marooned on this island of his own creation. He glanced downwards and saw she wore the necklace he'd given her. He picked the heavy silver band up off her skin and slid it over the first joint of his forefinger, twirling it thoughtfully.

?Do you know why people have to die, Illy?? Icy blue flicked from the silver band to meet her gaze and back down again. ?To make life worthwhile. The brevity and fragility of it gives time on this mortal coil its value.?

The implication of this was left unspoken. What worth had their lives that could exist forever until the end of all things?

Illiana?s attention rested at that jewelry, that slipshod refraction it released against the dim light. How many times had she cradled its harsh engraving between her fingertips? To see it perched upon his digit so gracefully was a muse for poetry in her brain. She looked up and studied his expression, watched the gentleness with which he regarded the gift.

?They don't understand what makes them precious. It is nature's greatest prank, I suspect. They think that their lives extend beyond death and it brings them comfort. Uneasy comfort, maybe.? Her fingers lifted to brush against the metal and then his hand. ?That is the only gift in this world you've brought to me. To watch their movements and their shadows and to understand for them. We play unhappy gods, bringing their death when we hunger. But there is meaning for us, just as there is for them. It's different.?

Her fingers fell away and she held her lower lip between her teeth.

?Why is it Illy, that everything I call curse you name 'gift'?? He asked with a sad smile curving the generous fullness of his mouth. He let the ring slide off his finger and bounce against the end of the chain that stopped it's fall. ?Why is it you make me feel more often like a child than a parent??

?It is a difference in perspective. I suspect that you misunderstand what I mean when I thank you, when I regard things as beautiful.? She glanced absently at the damaged furniture across the room.

?I have never wished to live forever. To brush infinity. It is a fearful thing to approach the end of time. When I embraced you that first night, when you recoiled because it confused you, I was grateful only for whatever lived inside of you and breathed, still, as human. A monster would have left me to die. Perhaps been riddled with guilt because the body had been the home for an acquaintance. But in your panic you had compassion, and even though you consider it evil and dark to be what we are, you used it for good, however misguided. Don't you see that in yourself??

He let his hands fall from her, not feeling worthy of contact any longer, like a guest who's overstayed his welcome.

?All I see was my fear and regret. Weakness drove me to kill you and selfishness to preserve you. You forgive me when I think angels themselves would spit in my face. You're too good for me, too fine.?

He gave her a pained smile and moved away towards the fireplace.

?My maker would laugh to see me with a fledgeling like you, laugh at me and pity you.?

?I am as flawed as any, look at the state of things.?

Her head shook and she rejected his uneasy break from her; as he moved to the hearth, she followed, her fingers curling against his hand. Her thumbflesh rubbed his palm.

?I've never held angels in high regard, anyway. You wrap yourself in chains, Gideon, when you are secretly free - even within the rules of our shadowy existence.?

His fingers curled around hers gratefully and he brought her hand up to his mouth to press a kiss against her knuckles.

?Nothing about me is free, Illiana. My entire existence is chains, and the strongest of them all the one that keeps me here in this exile. I've begun to pray that He forgets me here and never comes to bring me back. London is a poor price to pay to have to tolerate His company again. And I think he would kill you.?

?Why were you turned, Gideon? Who is he, this Vincent, what reason would someone so powerful have to kill your child??

Her calm was disturbed by the pinprick worry, its gnawing jaws unwelcome. She moved closer to him, as if for warmth.

?Because he wanted me. Wanted me to love him.? He spoke with such bitterness it gave the words the poisoned hatred he felt towards his master. He ran his thumb lightly over the ridges of her knuckles. Vincent was nothing he was ready to discuss with her yet, though. The topic filled him with such strong animosity and fear that ignoring it, pushing it aside was the only way he had to cope. He glanced towards the door, still wide open.

?It's getting later, luv. We should go.?

She took a step backwards, her fingers sliding from his to tie the belt of her coat. Her eyes lingered at his lips for a long moment, and then she nodded.

?So you'll come with me.? Was it the hint of mischief that tinged her words?

His smile returned and he nodded before moving toward the door, his hand pressing lightly against her lower back.

?Yes, I'll come.?

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I...

Tears stream down on your face
I promise you I will learn from the mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I...

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you


Date: 2007-03-03 21:02 EST
You are my sweetest downfall
I loved you first, I loved you first
Beneath the sheets of paper lies my truth
I have to go, I have to go
Your hair was long when we first met

Samson went back to bed
Not much hair left on his head
He ate a slice of wonder bread and went right back to bed
And history books forgot about us and the bible didn't mention us
And the bible didn't mention us, not even once

You are my sweetest downfall
I loved you first, I loved you first
Beneath the stars came fallin' on our heads
But they're just old light, they're just old light
Your hair was long when we first met

Samson came to my bed
Told me that my hair was red
Told me I was beautiful and came into my bed
Oh I cut his hair myself one night
A pair of dull scissors in the yellow light
And he told me that I'd done alright
And kissed me 'til the mornin' light, the mornin' light
And he kissed me 'til the mornin' light

Samson went back to bed
Not much hair left on his head
Ate a slice of wonderbread and went right back to bed
Oh, we couldn't bring the columns down
Yeah we couldn't destroy a single one
And history books forgot about us
And the bible didn't mention us, not even once

You are my sweetest downfall
I loved you first

Gideon moved across the darkened main room of the penthouse. He'd awoken early, as he usually did, just before the sun set. He couldn't say what drove him, but the second consciousness flooded back from its escape into the void he had one driving urge. Leaving his room behind he slipped through the shadowy maze of the living space and towards the door of Illy's room. Grasping the doorknob he turned it with inexorable slowness, easing the door open soundlessly. He stepped inside the pitch blackness and moved toward her bed. The mattress gave way beneath the weight of his knee as he lent over Illy's form. His hand reached out to pull the sheet off the curve of her shoulder as he lay down beside her, then dropped, his arm curling over her stomach, drawing her close to him.

The small frame of the girl seemed to be swallowed by the larger vampire. Dreamily, in a cloudy daze, Illy murmured incoherently and pressed against the unbidden company. For a long moment, the sensations were all very natural: of course his hand should be there, of course the small of her back ought to be warmed by his body. Groaning with sleep, her fingers traveled down to cover his at her belly, squeezing. When she was finally greeted with reality, Illy's eyes flew open and she felt her stomach drop from her body, leaving her dizzy and breathless like a surprised child.


She shifted so that she could stare at him from her back, pale blues warm and liquidlike, confused.

"Mmhm." He responded as he nuzzled into the space between her neck and earlobe. He moved as she shifted, his arm draped across her, hand stroking lightly at the inside of her arm. He didn't bother to lift his head to meet her confused stare, and instead nestled closer, one leg burrowing under her own as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Was she dreaming? Had she finally crossed over into that space where one couldn't work out the difference between being conscious and being enveloped in slumber? The sounds of him seemed real enough, his flesh moving against hers, their flesh against the fabric of the sheets, the low vibrations of his wordless answer at her neck. Inexplicably, her spine seemed to arch mildly, as if to accomodate his presence. Dancing things in her abdomen, that thrill too nerve-wracking to be dreamstuff. She reached between them, then, and moved her fingers through his hair as he pressed.

"What are you doing in here?" Gentle stroking through those strands, gentle as her question.

It was a fair enough question, but Gideon was damned if he could work out a good enough answer to it. He had a whim, he'd indulged it. Another one of his knee-jerk reactions made to sooth the demands of his insatiable id. He found it hard to put a sentance together as her fingers rippled the hair on the back of his head, sending a delicious sensation over his scalp. He closed his teeth genly over her shoulder as his hand lifted and pressed against her chest, thumb idlly tracing back and forth over her collarbone.

"Just... laying here."

She couldn't help it. His answer was so childlike, and she found herself giggling at him. Sliding her fingers away from his crown, she reached down to cover his fingers in her own at her collarbone.

"How long have you been here?"

Her question was in earnest. Closing her eyes once again, Illy restrained herself from lifting his fingertips to her mouth so that she could plant kisses at each one, and instead focused on every place that their bodies met, still in a pleasant sort of shock.

In the darkness one corner of his mouth curled upwards at her giggling, amused. He drew the tip of his nose up so that it traced against her cheek, and ended in a kiss at her temple.

"Not long. I didn't mean to wake you."

"I'd rather be awake if you're going to be here, like this."

How strange, this juxtaposition between the love she felt for him and the unease she felt at his proximity. It was like the first gulp of water against a long-parched throat, awkward and beautiful at once, tinged with a hint of pain. Here was Gideon, treating her as if they were old lovers. And here was Illiana, wrapped in little more than sheets and the silk of a sleeping garment, drunk on his skin and her recent affair with slumber. The pair of them was a sight, surely.

"M' sorry." He mumbled quietly, and drew back slightly, his head rolling back against the indentation it made on the pillow. There was something about lying next to someone, and not trying to seduce them, just sharing a bed, and contact. It felt right, it touched some need within him and made it ache wonderfully. His hand slid off her chest as he moved onto his back and lay blinking up at the ceiling somwhere in the darkness over them, it was invisible, little more than a palpable feeling of containment from above. He drew in a slow breath and let it go.

"Don't say that you're sorry."

Her body moved with his, following him to maintain the closeness. Chastely, she pressed her lips to his shoulder. The welling of emotion was strong, and seemed to peak with that tiny kiss. Her turn, now, to slide her arm along his torso and settle. Confessions lingered in her mouth, unspoken passages about how she loved him perfectly despite the torment of his aloofness. And what was she to do with this new sense of him? She eased her forehead against that place where her kiss had met his shoulder, and felt herself accompany his sigh with one of her own.

He let his eyes drift shut as she moved towards him, her arm encircling him. He slid one arm under her and pulled her closer against him. He rested his cheek against her forehead for a second, then moved, kissed her forehead...and then again. One hand slid under her chin and tilted her face upwards. His lips brushed hers breifly before he licked lightly at the part of her lips, just the cool, damp tip of his tounge tasting her mouth tentatively.

Perhaps in her mouth, he would find her secrets. Fearful to imagine, and yet Illy found that her lips felt as if they had been sculpted only for this, for this one moment. Despite being wrapped in the comfort of this bed, she found herself dizzy and weak at the kiss - every one of his rare kisses had drawn this from her, it was ferocity and tenderness, longing and hunting and surrendering at once. To his tentative touch, she responded with warmer presses, her fingers tightening against the flesh of his body as she sought his mouth with only the mildest amount of caution.

He took his time as he kissed her, closing the cupid's bow of her upper lip in his mouth, the silk of his tongue stroking against the delicate inner flesh of her lip. He sucked lightly and released her lip, moving to catch the fullness of her lower lip next. His hand slid back into her hair, cupping her head. She tasted wonderful, cool and delicious. He felt his stomach tighen as the lust rose up slowly, felt the pressure of her fingers as his muscles moved under the skin she held to.

His lips drew curious sounds from her, sounds forgotten over too many years of loving no one. Sighs and low, throaty groans. The pressure of his fingers at her skull was divine and driving, her teeth suddenly catching his lower lip and gently biting. She didn't break the skin, only delighted in the sensation of his flesh. Smiling into the meeting of their mouths, then, she released his lip and moved to touch his jawline with her lips, and then his throat. The taste of his skin was hypnotic, clean. She wanted at once to consume him and to be consumed. Sighing, she at last opened her eyes and pulled only far enough from him to stare at him.

Her noises drew him in, her response a wonderful tease. He moved, pulling back the sheet that lay over her before rolling over top of her. Braced on his elbows he tangled his fingers in her hair and pulled gently, tugging her head back. He ran his tongue up her throat from the dip in her collarbone to her chin, ending in a growling nip. The silk that covered her slid against his bare skin, the sensation of the thin, slinky fabric moving between them like water.

Liquid between them, indeed. The silk reminded her of demureness, of blushing and casting her eyes downward, ladylike, proper, shy. She could do none of these things here, trapped happily in his grasp. She gasped at his bite, her back arching as if her body were begging for him to cover her completely. Blinking up at him, she felt herself lick her lips thoughtfully. She regarded him that way briefly before lifting her hands to his arms, fingers curling and tightening. If words would come to her, she would speak to him, but touch seemed to be her only language.

His eyes drifted shut once more as her hands slid over his arms, sense and sensation all that was important. He slid one hand out from under her and down her side until he grasped her knee, drawing it upwards, urging the silk to pool down towards her hip, baring her thigh. His hand skimmed down the inside of its tender flesh, fingertips tickling senstive skin all the down into the hollow of her hip.

The intake of breath was sharp, even if unnecessary in a purely biological sense. The girl found her head tilting back, imagined her heart would race if only it could. Her flesh seemed to burn where his fingers touched her, the kind of heat that could only exist after too many secret early evenings imagining these caresses. She was poised for this, whatever this was, still sleepy, dreamy, practically purring. Her fingernails began to dig into his arms, then, as if she were bracing herself. And in a strong sense, she was.

The sweet sting of her nails biting into his flesh was like a spur, and his grin broadened as he rose on one elbow and slid down the length of her until his face drew level with her thigh. His hand curled round the circumfrence of her leg from underneath and his tongue took over the caresses his fingertips left off, until he reached that wonderful little hollow right between thigh and hip, the innermost, softest bit of flesh. He kissed her and felt his fangs push downwards, opened his mouth and slid them into her sweet skin, twin pin-pricks of tiny, flashing pain instantly lost in the sudden rush of pleasure with the sharing of the blood.

A short journey, his motions, and yet time seemed to stretch itself for her, to move at a crawl, so that every last drop of that motion was sensed most fully. The crest, of course, his teeth, that was something new altogether. The pleasure of it was like the first bite that made her his fledgling: a veritable rainbow of sensory overload. Images, colors, whispers, sweetly aged wines and earth. This time when her back arched, it was full and blooming. She felt tears welling behind closed lids, salty red and passion, fear and love.

He only took a taste before his kissed the wound, lips brushing over it even as it closed perfectly, and then he was over her again, her face in his hands his mouth seeking hers, tongue tasting of her blood. He sat back and his hands went round her arms, pulling her upright with a slight jerk of sudden desire, pulling her to himself as his arms went round her, hands on her bottom pressing her to him as she straddled his lap.

Blurry and lustful, she whimpered both at the break of his mouth at her thigh and at the break of his mouth at her mouth. Hungry, her body followed his leadership, and now it was her hands at his jaw, at his neck, as she sat up against him. The thin fabric between them was as warm as she was, and she kissed him with less tenderness this time. Her teeth nipped at his lower lip, her tongue seeking that taste of her own coppery blood in his mouth. She was bursting, her lungs filled with emotion. Without permission, then, she pressed her lips to his chin, to his jawline, to his throat. Her own fangs slid into that skin with strange, reverent urgency, and when she tasted him, she heard herself moan into the small wound, the pleasure dark and heady.

His groan at her bite was low and feral, his teeth bared as she both took from and gave to him at once. The rapture slid down over him for those few blissfull moments and his hands clenched in the silk that covered her until the fabric strained. He willed himself to release his grip and his shaking fingers slid the straps of her gown off her shoulders instead.

His fingers at her nightgown seemed so distant, eclipsed fully by the universe in his blood. She forced herself to draw away from him, to lick lovingly at the wound as it closed itself, to kiss the healed flesh. Her shoulders rolled in the most subtle of shrugs, the motion urging the thin straps to fall precariously, hinting cruelly. She watched him quietly for a beat and then whispered, her voice trembling more than his fingers.

"You're sure?"

He had to catch his breath, and draw himself up short. God, he was ready to ravage the girl. His hands pressed against her back as he looked up at her, luminous eyes searching.

"Aren't you?"

Her eyes glimmered in the dim light, fire and kindness, questions and desires. She met his gaze unwaveringly and grazed her fingertips along his jawbone.

"I've given myself to you countless times in dreams."

Despite herself, she smiled at him. It was gentle and sweet, trusting and self-conscious. And yet, also something like sureness, solid.

His brow furrowed slightly in passing, but he returned her smile, one hand lifting to cup her cheek, his thumb tracing the curve of her lower lip as he watched her, suddenly less certain.

To his thumb, she pressed her lips in a quiet kiss, drawing the digit into her mouth just enough to give him her warmth. Nervous, she reached up and took his wrist.

"You didn't tell me if you were certain, Gideon..."

Could she offer him anything more gentle than this? Her grip at his wrist was tender, questioning, and the ebb of confidence in his expression gave her pause.

Ah, gods. Everything she did made him want her more! He watched her suck lightly at his thumb and felt it deep to the pit of his stomach. He growled softly and rested his forehead foward agianst her shoulder, eyes screwed shut in fustration. If he did this he was feeding her hopes, fueling them unfairly. He drew a breath and the scent of her filled his nostrils. He felt as if he'd be sick with the force of containing himself, but his will was strong and unforgiving as iron bars. His hands fell to her hips and rested there, useless, as he heaved a sigh.

"I'm sorry, Illy."

To say that she had expected this would be brushing close to truth, and yet. She felt the astriction in her muscles intensify and then melt away. Swallowing with some difficulty, she brought her hands to his face, pulling him from her shoulder. She touched her lips to his forehead, a maidenly gesture that spoke more clearly than her throat would have allowed. The words were about capitulation, perhaps some mild cataclysm, acceptance. No more fever. Smiling inexplicably, if with some sadness, she maneuvered from this too-private position of hips against hips, and stood up at the side of the bed.

"I ought to get dressed. I'm hungry." Loose language, absent and strangely tinted in regret. She didn't meet his eyes.

He said nothing, only turned his back to hide the expression of exquisite pain and self-abuse tinged with longing that took hostage the features of his face. His entire body sung the hymn though, in every line; his fist that braced him upright clenched in the bedclothes, the taut rise of his shoulders and hunch of his proud back. Jaw muscles worked furiusly as the clenched, released and the clenched harder. He threw aside the sheets roughly and rose to stalk out, furious with himself and his weakness.


Date: 2007-03-03 22:30 EST
Later that same evening Gideon strolled up onto the porch of the Red Dragon, the stub of a cigarette in hand, flicking it away as he opened the front door and stepped inside, glancing about with mild interest. Inside the usual crowd was gathering around the watering hole, with a few new additions to her herd. Most notably in the fellow of one Everett Ogden, a fellow Brit and rather quiet, meek little man that for some reason or another fascinated Gideon, though in truth he barely knew the other bloke. But every interaction left it's mark in a gradually growing dossier of interest.

Warmly dressed and doe-eyed, Illiana tugged at the thick black fabric of her scarf as she slid into the inn through the alley door. Still a favorite means of entrance, even after such dark things had commenced only a few feet away. No snowflakes, not tonight, but the chill of winter's waning breath was at her neck, and her flesh was grateful for the heat of the large room. At her lips lingered some hint of pleasure, and she found herself grinning at the sight of Erin, who stood behind the bar chatting happily with Everett and in the process of making tea.

Gideon, well dressed tonight, had on a suit that fit like it was made for him, which in fact it most likely had been, rich black fabric complimenting the dark black linen of his shirt. His tie and the silk of the handkercheif in his poket were both white as the driven show, however, and for once his mussed hair looked as if it's actually been combed back. He moved towards the bar with a charming smile for its few occupants.

Erin seemed to be in the process of describing chai.

"It's... from India. Ginger and such." She spotted Illy and smiled brightly, moving to make another teabag. Tea for the Brits!

"Illiana! I thought I should never see you again." Then she was distracted by Gideon. "And Gid. Gosh, it's like the Queen called a meeting."

Gideon's brows lifted at Erin as his smile broadened. He drew up to the bar and took a seat beside Everett.

"Hullo pidge. Shall we all sing a rousing chorus of Hail Britania, then?"

Illiana's eyes flickered from the tiny girl to the immaculately dressed Gideon. Oh, but there was blood in her tonight, and it swam to her cheeks like fever, like pubescent fear. Her pause at the door could only stay natural for so long. Illiana forced herself forward, shedding her long coat with her strides. Flowing and modestly cut, the dress was not as formal as her counterpart's ensemble, but she could have been the hostess for some decadent soiree, nonetheless. A smile for Erin as she draped the garment over a barstool.

"It's wonderful to see you, Erin."

"I think we should." Erin replied to Gideon with a smirk. Things were feeling quite right at the moment, in fact. She watched the kettle. "And you. It's good to be around, I'm just lucky I decided to stop for a drink on my way down to the Arena, or I would have missed you all."

Gideon undid the buttons on his jacket with one hand and shrugged it off, leaving it over the back of his chair, fare more comfortable in just the shirt and vest of the three peice suit. He toyed absently with his cufflinks and gave Illiana the breifest of smiles before turning to Everett, and feigning suprise at seeing him there, brow shooting upwards.

"Ogden, isn't it? Hullo, chap! I haven't seen you in some time."

"The Arena." Illiana's dark brows came together for a brief moment of confusion. Reluctant to sit just yet, her fingertips pressed into the thickness that was her coat upon the seat. Gideon's smile was noted, swallowed silently by her brain, filed away. Her attention was forced upon the foil-toting girl. "You're fighting?"

Erin smiled and nodded a touch, lifting her wine for a sip.

"I am. I've been training. A longtime goal of mine... not to be just a pretty girl." She flashed something akin to a smile, that good mood happily bouncing, but there was some form of darkness in the words.

Everett had a hapless smile for the fellow. "Nor I you, Gideon. I trust you are well?" Brows raise, interest painted on that expressive face.

Illiana gave the girl a stern look, then.

"You say that as if you doubt your worth, and I won't hear any of that, my dear." Austerity gave way to a gentle grin.

"I dont' doubt my worth, just broadening it." A snicker as the kettle began to whistle and Erin poured tea for the three people at the bar, setting the mugs out for them. The chai was nice and spicy and smelled quite good.

"Always and ever. Mind if I join you in a drink?" Was Gideon's reply to Everett. He grinned as he watched Everett try to right himself on the stool. The more a disaster the man became the more likeable he seemed - a rather interesting feat to carry off.

Some men cannot help but live as walking disasters. Why fight nature? Everett hasn't the ambition, and it is likely that his state of perpetual dishevelment shall last until the day he leaves the mortal coil. At least he is comfortable in that awkward skin.

"Come, Please do." Just a hint of the stutter. He is intimidated, he cannot help it. The man is smoother than quality scotch. Boyish smile. Illy should take no offense that he cannot recall her. RhyDin is a gloriously confusing sea of beautiful women, and Illy yet another wave. A sonnet waiting to happen, if her wit is as much a feast for the ear as her sweet face is for the eye.

Gideon eyed his tea mug curiously, leaning over to glance at its innocuous contents as the brown liquid steamed up at him. He glanced up at Erin.

"Pigeon? Could you put a kick in this?"

Illiana's attention seemed to wander, then, settling awkwardly upon Gideon and Everett. This man was familiar, certainly, and Illiana found herself increasingly horrified at her inability to recall meeting him. Chewing absently at her lip, she at last moved to sit in her coat-claimed seat, a single stool between herself and the two men. Fingers curled around the warm mug, grateful for the heat and the spiced aroma.

Erin blinked and looked up to Gideon with an easy smile. Danger talking to him that she couldn't even pretend not to love.

"What's your posion? Whiskey or are you more schnapps like Cass?"

Gideon made a marvelously eschewing face at the idea of schnapps, and shook his head breifly.

"Scotch, single malt if they've got it."

"Got it." A nod and she went to get it, bringing him the bottle, of course. She wasn't sure how much, etc, and if there was anything this bartender knew, it was not to guess. She looked Gideon up and down once, smiling a bit wider.

"You look much better than the past times I saw you. Really coming into your own, Gid. Have you finally started enjoying this place?" A touch of playfulness in her voice.

One corner of his mouth curled upward as he dropped his gaze from Erin's and slid his cup foward for her to pour into.

"Call it healing if you want to call it anything, Pidge." Glacial blues darted up to catch her eyes for a second playfully.

"And you know I'll never love this stinking cesspool of a city." Said with every indication that he was actually quite comfortabe here.

Far too well-mannered to initiate conversation with the half-stranger Everett, Illy too watched Erin's gaze with renewed interest. So she doted upon him, that was something unexpected. Careful in her reigning in of judgement, Illy quietly brought the steaming mug to her lips and savored the heat without letting the liquid into her mouth. Silent and content with listening, now, she felt stirrings of that familiar mix of unease and longing in her belly as Gideon spoke.

"Mm, I guess not." Replied Erin with a flash of teeth, looking even dignified in that outfit of hers. It was a secret how she pulled that off, really.

"All dressed up and nowhere to go." A wink and she lifted her wine for another long sip. An easy smile as she looked over the others. Maybe she wouldnt' even fight tonight.. it was nice in here. Her brother/friend of Everett, her advesary of Gideon and the smartest woman she'd ever met... not too shabby for three feet on a bar.

"Everett, how's that book of yours coming along? Inspiration struck yet, or is the well still dry?" Gideon as he asked lifted his tea mug, both long-fingered hands wrapping round the warmth of it, cradling the fragile porceline like a lover's face. He savored the heat it radiated, and the hot scent of the scotch. It just about drove him mad in the most pleasurable of tormenting ways. He eyed the liquid longingly.

Everett turned, so that Gideon is more than a blur in his periphery.

"I have an idea, and no outline. No characters. Not really anything any respectable playwright would call a plot." He smiled sheepishly, sighed and shrugged his somewhat slight shoulders. "I shall pull at the thread and see if it takes me anywhere of note."

Gideon nodded, giving the man an amused glance.

"Well, it's a start, isn't it?" He lifted his chin in indication towards Illiana. "Illy here writes a bit from what I gather. Or at least I know she's fond of reading."

Illiana regarded the young man gently, spine straightening, posture poised for introduction. Her gaze once again danced between the two men as they spoke, and when the lull presented itself, she smiled - sheepish, as always, and yet refined, genuine.

"Happy to meet you, Everett, although I suspect it is indeed for the second time." She blushed again at Gideon's mention of her literary inclination. "I write some, yes."

Erin laughed a little at Everett, shaking her head. The strange act of nobility confuses and shocks her. It's partially due to Gideon and partially Everett. She was starting to feel uncomfortable in her own skin and fidgeted just a little as she watched.

And then, Poof! One moment, Cassie was not there, and the next? There she was! Sitting on the bar, a sandwich in hand that had just had a bite taken out of it. She blinked, chewed, swallowed, and tugged at the shorts she was wearing. She was dressed for exercising, an oversized shirt keeping it from being horribly embarassing for Everett.

Erin laughed, shaking her head at Cassie.

"Nice outfit."

Gideon shot Cass a curious smile, one brow arched in silent question before he turned all attention to Erin, laying one hand down on the bar, palm up in invitation, fingers curling slightly in beckoning. Everett's attention pawned off on Illy, and vice versa, he was free to focus his attention on his favorite target, Cassie's arrival notwithstanding.

"What of you, pidge? How is life with that ridiculous boy of yours treating you?"

Erin gave a blink and an almost frown at Gideon.

"His name is Sebastian." So quietly added to almost sound like a child. she sipped from her glass and looked back up at him. "Things are...better than they have been."

Easier than admitting she almost appeared on his doorstep one day. Bad habbits and all.

"I think I may be happy, finally. Though, the feeling is odd, and I'm not certain of its meaning." A lie and a joke all at once.

"Yes, I know." His gaze was fox-sly, taunting, his voice low and intimate "Were you ever going to tell me you made the mistake of marrying him, or just let me hear about it through the grape vine? I suprised I wasn't invited to the ceremony. I would have just loved to be best man... or perhaps have given you away?"

Everett wondered if anyone is buying that one. He has not known Erin long, but he feels he knows her reasonably well. In a show of restraint, he does not tip his hand, but rather darts a glance over to Cassie. Threads of conversation pull at his attention and interest. There is something unsettling about Gideon that he just cannot put his finger on. He won't be laying hands on the gent anytime soon to figure it out, either.

Gideon was in rare form tonight, angry and boiling within and with his favorite target within reach he couldn't quite help himself. If he were really lucky she's throw something. If not the exchange of barbs was more than enough to satiate him. His smile never faltered.

"No one was invited to the ceremony Gideon." Cassie's sharp ears did not miss much, despite her joking and munching on her sandwich. She was almost frowning at him, but not quite. Baiting Erin was not on her list of things to watch this evening.

Oh, it hurt. It stung. Erin was being attacked now, but in pure Erin fashion she just laughed and smiled, shaking her head.

"Who told you, anyway? It was supposed to be a secret." A bit of a snicker, then a roll of the eyes. "I'm sorry we couldnt' accomodate your schedule. I know how much you would have loved to see me off to him. But, alas, it was something that had to be done on my time."

Illiana had meanwhile suffered return to silence. The thickness of the air was reminiscent, suddenly, of that first evening... Without permission from her brain, her features came together in a mild wince. These claws and fangs were too sharp for her sensibilities, and Illy found herself staring into the mug of cooling tea.

"Oh? No one want to celebrate? Tsk." Gideon gave Cass a challenging smile, half poision-half honeyed, before turning his attention back on Erin. "Well, at least it's good to hear you're happy."

"I know that's on the top of your to do list." Erin's smile matched his. The two of them should be banned from the same room, really. "Make sure I'm happy." Then a bit of a glare at Cassie. This was her game. This was her fight.

Gideon laughed softly and gave a self depreicating little shrug, watching Erin out from under his brows.

"Always, luv. "Number one- Erin's well being" Just as I'm sure yours is for myself."

"Of course, -luv-" Erin turned that back on him. "I think of you first and last everyday. I pine for you, really. My nights just aren't complete anymore. I miss the constant hot and cold and the cruel indifference. It was the very blood in my veins." Now she's getting cold as ice.

Gideon clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth and rocked back in his chair, both hands going to cover his heart.

"Ah, stop, Pigeon. The nostalgia is heartbreaking, really it is!" He laughed joyfully and leaned back on the bar with both elbows, fine black linen whining softly as it stretched taut over broad shoulders and the breadth of his back as he leveled a cold, cruelly joyfull gaze at Erin. "But you do know I wish you all the best, my darling."

"Do you? Really?" She was suddenly serious. Voice a bit low. She met his gaze straight on, almost-green looking straight into blue. She was stronger than she had appeared, it seemed. And unaware of the others.

"I think, perhaps, you wish you did." An almost smirk, half up, half down.

Illy glanced at the hearth, its constant warmth somehow much more beckoning than it had ever been. She imagined that she saw Paolo and Francesca there, two mournful, devoted flames writhing against each other, burned by their caresses. It was their fate to reside there, only in unkind heat. Her expression was absent.

"Well, I'll tell you what then. You put my wishes in one hand and all the shite that boy of yours gives you in the other and we'll see which one fills up faster, hm?" Gideon rose from his seat.

"Excuse me, please." This to Everett, Illy and Cassandra. He took his swiftly cooling tea mug with him and moved for the fireplace. To his credit he'd not changed his tone once from that of pleasent, polite conversation. He claimed a seat before the flames and stretched black-clad legs out towards the warmth.

Erin gave a huff and a cross of her arms over her chest.

"I think I may go fight afterall." Boring holes into the back of Gideon's head with her eyes. If they were lazers... Her voice was as tight as it could be without being unpleasent.

"Men." Cassandra sounded disgusted and annoying, before taking another bite of her sandwich. And then blinked at Everett. "I mean.. Uhm. Some men." A little muffled because she hadn't managed to swallow the bite when she realized that Everett could take that as an insult.

The doomed lovers vanished in the fireplace for Illy, eclipsed by Gideon. He was like the underside of an iceberg, all beauty in the deathgrip of too-cold currents. Perplexed and wildly out of place here, she felt as if she ought to go to him, to sit quietly at his side and let him brood. And yet. Lost, the poor girl lowered her gaze and fixated upon her hands.

Cassie meanwhile was pardoned with a wave. Everett had heard such comments come from many a woman in Warwick, and in his experience, the term men did not include gentlemen like himself, men of the gentle variety. A sip of tea, and he just watches Erin. Maybe she ought to go and smack things a little.

Erin finished off her glass of wine in one sip, snatching her foil off the bar. Apparently it took that long for her temper to flair. Now she was -pissed- and making some noise. A slam of her glass in the sink and the glass cracked, but didnt' shatter. Erin was so bad at controlling that temper of hers. She was muttering under her breath, tugging down on her shirt with her hands as she prepared to leave.

Balancing the unwanted teacup on the arm of the chair Gideon glared out at the fireplace. Of course he had to ruin that wonderful little gathering. Smash it like a child with a crystal bauble. He cursed silently at himself. When would he let it go? So he hated Sebastian, so what? It wasn't any of his bloody business and it never had been. Erin just did these things to him and he loved and hated her for it. He drew a slow, measured breath and let it out gradually, absorbing the inward kicking he was giving himself and enjoying the pain. This is what he wanted, what he started the whole bloody mess for, so that he could sink into this pain and let it numb everything else like a drug. He shut his eyes and savored the sting, a small smile curling at the sound of Erin's cracking glass.

Erin let out the air that was gathering and calmed down. Ewan did that for her,a ctually. had he not come back in? Things may have gotten much worse. Instead? She walked over to hearth, passing it as if it were natural. Leaning down to whisper in Gideon's ear as she passed. And then? Out the back door.

The slamming of glass jarred Illy. It was too much. She slid from her seat, hands moving to straighten the expensive fabric at her waist.

"I... Excuse me, won't you." Illy moved toward the hearth, head down, not wounded - and yet, there was nothing confident in her steps. The electricity in the air was suffocating her, and the violation of her senses was the cream at the crest. She was several paces behind Erin, and while her journey took the same direction initially, Illy did not venture so close to Gideon. She stopped at a couch near him and sat down, closing her eyes against the warmth that radiated from the fireplace.

Gideon turned in his chair and watched Erin go, a genuinely and quite comically perplexed look on his handsome features. He blinked, and then again before settling back into the chair to stare at the fire in a total and utter loss for any reaction or words.

Cassandra watched Illy move away with a frown.

"Excuse me Everett..." Slipping off of the bar and stalking over to the hearth, moving to stand in front of Gideon, hands on her hips. Her voice was lowered nearly to a whisper, an attempt not to disturb the others any further.

"You can't just let it go long enough for everyone else to enjoy good conversation and company? Can you really be so immature? Have you no control over yourself?"

Illiana'd run here to escape from the clamor of angry voices. Suddenly, Illy turned on Cassie and without really intending it, she spoke with the faintest roughness in her voice.

"Cassie, please. Things are in a poor enough state as it is."

Gideon blinked from the fireplace up to Cassie, confusion melting into distain.

"Cass, don't take this the wrong way but what the hell do you know about it?"

He set the teacup aside and rose up out of his chair meeting Cass glare-for-glare, his posture just as tense, but his voice kept a good deal lower. He opened his mouth to speak again, but Illiana interrupted. He glanced at her and it gave him pause. She hated fighting, hated arguments and her misery was written clear in every line of her. He shut his mouth and gave Cass a hard glance before turning to Illy and kneeling at her side, covering her hands with his own, his glare settled in her lap, jaw muscles taut.

"Illy I'm sorry."

"You never start a sentence with "don't take this the wrong way." And it doesn't have to do with the what I do or don't know." Cassie was warming up for a good tirade then frowned at the interruption, though it wasn't actually directed at Illy. A glare at Gideon, and a last whisper.

"That's my point. It does not just affect you and Erin." Then a look up at Illy. "My apologies. I did not wish to upset you further."

Dizzy, in shock at her own interjection, Illy stared at Gideon with the blankness that accompanies disbelief.

"Don't apologize, I can't be angry with you. It's no different to a moth at a lampshade, my love." She glanced up at Cassie with rapidly softening eyes. "I shouldn't have snapped at you."

It was actually an amazing thing to see, Gideon bow to Illy without even a word or a look from her, just a suggestion. It spoke volumes. He opened her hands and put his face in them for a moment, cowed. He couldn't stand to see her frightened, and he'd picked the fight with Erin because of her. He was a cad.

Illiana's attention returned to the seemingly dethroned prince at her lap. Tenderly, protectively, she moved the fingers of one hand through his neatly combed hair, leaving the other palm to press against his face quietly.

Cassie had been disgruntled since last night, and that was part of why she'd come over to pick more of a fight than already had been picked. The now contrite Gideon threw her for a moment, his sudden capitulation. But she turned and stalked back towards the bar after a last, acidic look directed his way. She slipped onto a stool rather than retaking her seat on the bar.

Gideon closed his eyes at her caress, lingering for a moment before he lifted his head and pressed a kiss to the palm of her hand. He raised his head to look at her and touch her chin lightly with his fingertips, finding words rather useless at the moment. Would he never stop hurting those around him?

What was it Nietzsche had once said of an abyss? That it might return your gaze if only you stare long enough? Illy was unsure who played the swirling vortex in this scene, but what lingered between their stares in that moment was intimidating in its greatness, its large expanse. No forgiveness in her eyes, for there was nothing to forgive. No anger, no fear. She leaned down, pressed her lips to his forehead, and whispered.

"Don't dwell."

Ah god, how she drove that lovely knife in hilt deep. His brows knit somewhat, eyes shut against the exquisite pain of her kiss. He drew a slow breath, his hands gathering her free one and squeezing gently.

"Come away from the floor, Gideon. It isn't your place."

How awkward she was at her core, how unsure whether to coax him to leave this place with her entirely, to retreat into private corridors, nearly abandoned alleyways. She tugged his hands, urging him upward, for that was the only direction she found concrete in: truly, he did not belong so low to the ground.

Gideon rose with her bidding, to take a seat beside her on the couch. He ran a careless hand back through his hair before pulling out his cigarettes and offering her one. Ah yes, the wonderful substitute of nicotine addiction, reliable stand in for awkward moments. He took one and fished his lighter from his pocket.


Date: 2007-03-05 17:05 EST
The agrument between Erin and Gideon had ended much the same way it always did; they fought, they railed at each other and then gradually the anger gave way to appology and reconcilliation, usually with Erin begging Gideon to cease change his behavoir and just be kind to her.

Two evenings later, however, proved to be the setting for a much greater row.

Within the inn Erin poured a glass of wine for herself. A look to her friends and she had that weird feeling from earlier.. with Alain and Amalia. Like she was somewhere she wasn't much wanted. Silly Erin. She stayed behind the bar, leaning on it, eyes staring off at the far wall.

One second Gideon wasn't there, the next he was. He must just move sneakily like that. Right behind Erin, strong arms straddling her, leaning on the bar on either side of her where she stood, his voice a low purr in her ear, cool lips brushing her earlobe.

"Million dollars for your thoughts."

Erin almost jumped out of her skin. Really. She did. she wasn't sure who it was until the voice. And then she knew. And was pissed. Bar on one side, backbar behind him, there wasn't much room to do anything. Without much thinking she turned around at breakneck speed. Now they were almsot face to face. That wasn't that smart.

"What the fuck?!"

Beyond Erin Grem and Lydia glanced up at their friend's exclamation, heir faces registering suprise and consternation.

Gideon himself was in a perfectly happy mood as he grinned down at her whirl and her furious little face. The gall of him. He leaned down and stole a little kiss, nothing flirtatious, but infuriating nonethless.

"Hullo Pidge. Sorry to startle you. I came in through the kitchen, wanted to see if I could sneak up."

He clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth with a tilt of his head.

"Tsk. Such language, Erin..."

"Just... don't kiss me." She was trying to break out, pushing on one of his arms.

"God damn it, Gid." She had heels on, and took a shot at one of his feet.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

Grem was equally unamused.

"Erin." His voice low. Not quite a growl. "Want a hand?"

Smooth as a dancer Gideon moved his foot out of the path of her vicious heel and leaned back, letting her out, all contriteness, hands raised and open in defence.

"Sorry! Jesus..."

"You dont' just sneak up on women and kiss them for the hell of it. There are words for that kind of behavior!"

Erin gave a grateful look to Grem, and a little bit of a shake of her head. Too headstrong to take help, she was. Her glass was snatched up and she went through the break.

"Just leave me the hell alone."

She was stalking almost towards the hearth. Face red, bottom lip bit to almost bloody. She would have broken the glass in her hand if she were any madder.

A clink, as Grem's glass came to rest on the bar and he straightened from his lean.

Gideon blinked, watching her go, smile unfazed. She was adorable when she was steaming mad. Good thing too, because it seemed even sharing a room with her made her that way.

"Yes, I believe the word you're looking for is 'debonnare' or perhaps 'charming'.... " He said in a voice raised to carry a bit. He followed her at a distance, taking up a lean against the hearth's mantle, watching her in amusement. Regardless of her volitile reaction he actually had been intent on making nice with her tonight.

"Can I do nothing to please you, pidgeon?"

"I'm married. This isn't... what the hell are you on tonight? You could have walked up and said "hi, how ya doing?" You didn't need to..."

She slammed the glass on the end table, standing about two feet from him, pacing with the energy of it.

"Do you just wake up some days and go "I think today I'm going to piss Erin off beyond belief, try and ruin her marriage and if I'm lucky maybe she'll cry?" Is that like.. your goal?" She was one notch under screaming.

Sure, Erin had shaken her head. So, she didn't want help. A brief glance to Lydia, then, before Grem stepped away from the bar, following the pair. Frown in full, as he coughs. His nostrils flared as he breathed deep, eyes on the other man.

The whole situation was getting ridiculous, it was. And seeing her sister upset.. it upset her... Lydia moved towards the hearth as well, certainly frowning, pale blue eyes just faintly lighter than the norm.

Gideon's brows furrowed and he reached for her, taking hold of her shoulders and bringing her pacing to a stop.

"Erin. I simply asked for your thoughts, you looked preoccupied. I gave you a peck, so what? It was chaste. I didn't bloody assault you in the alley for crying out loud. Calm down. Uh..."

He glanced up to see a rather furious, livid Grem standing just beyond. His expression tightened somewhat but he managed a smile for the bloke, cold as it may have been.

"I think we can handle ourselves with out your help, thank you mate."

His pale gaze flicked to Lydia and he cursed under his breath.

"Bloody hell Erin. You have an army assembled or something?"

"Okay... okay..."

She was calming down a little, stepping back and out of his grasp.

"Look. Just... don't touch me without permission, yeah? Sneaking up on me like that.... it sets me off."

She was giving him eyes. He should know why she doesn't like to be touched out of turn. Or surprised.

"You can't just walk up and do what you want with me. It's not like we're... I thought we've been over this." At the end she was getting mad again.

Grem glowered at the man.

"Didn't ask you. Don't care what you think. And I don't like seeing my friends harassed." He didn't move from where he was, as yet, just spoke through clenched teeth and watched.

Gideon frowned slightly and let her go, shoving both hands deep into his jeans.

"Alright... sorry. Christ, pidge. I think it's about time to switch to decaf, yes?"

He glanced to Grem and made a face of annoyance. His own patience was wearing thin.

"Look, bright eyes. How about you piss off, alright? No one asked you, either."

"No. It's about time you stop thinking you're a God's gift to women." Erin waved an arm around.

"Can't go kissing me in public." A look back at her friends. Had she been alone, this would be a different fight. She was forcing the anger down as she took another step back.

"That's it. This is it. We're done. I thought we could be civil, but... just... pretend I'm not here."

Lydia's eyes a touch brighter, narrowed a little as she stepped closer towards the others, gaze on Gideon.

Grem's lips pulled back from his teeth, nostrils flaring, but he held his tongue and his place.

Gideon looked like he'd been slapped.

"Fine, Erin. You know what? You have no bloody idea what it is you want. I'm cruel to you and you act civil. I try kindness and you kick me. Screw you and your rabid little group here."

He gave Grem a look halfway between amusement and daring as he moved past the man, just close enough to hit his shoulder with his own - hard.

"Down, boy. He murmured, between them, his tone one of master to dog... or wolf.

Gideon made for the alley door, his pace furious.

Grem snarled over his shoulder to the man, before he looked back to Erin. He stepped closer to her, voice kept low enough that the others around will not be able to hear it. Almost a whisper.

Erin called after him.

"You know what, youv'e had a stick up your ass every since Thalon dissapeared. Dont' take your own relationship problems out on me. Just because you're unhappy doesn't mean I am."

And she grabbed her glass and turned for the bar, stopping for the whisper, blinking furiously in suprise as Grem's warning resounded in her ears.

"......what.....?" She dropped the glass.

Lydia's hands clenched into fists but.. she restrained herself. Really... she's better at such things lately. She turned towards Grem and Erin, moving closer to them, frowning a bit at the dropped glass.

Gideon paused as she spat her words at his back, his hand on the door. Shoulders rose up behind his ears. He could have ripped the door off its frame and flung it at her and flattened her and Grem in one go, but he did not. Instead he flung to door open so hard the knob broke against the wall it it, and he stormed off wordlessly into the back alleys of Rhy'din in a black rage. So much for trying to be nice...


Date: 2007-03-06 18:09 EST
The next evening Gideon had abosolutely no desire at all to show his face back in the inn, but Illy had been dying to go out, and unable to refuse her he had gone along, sullenly but without complaint. It was just his luck that the nexus had seen fit to steal Illy away in the middle of their evening.

Sitting alone on the couch, Gideon shifted self consciously and dug a cigarette from the breast pocket of his coat, settling back to glare into the fireplace as he smoked, his expression giving outside observers a clue into the exact level of heated anger his inner dialogue was pitched at the moment.

One moment nothing, and the next, Cassie was standing beside the hearth in a kelly green dress that was fitted to her bodice and then flared slightly over her hips. Black heels gave her a fairly low-key extra two inches, and lavender curls were in a casual updo, held in place by black chopsticks.

Gideon glanced up from his sullen stare into the flames and gave a low, appreciative whistle as his eyes went from Cassie's toes all the way up to her curls and back down again.

Cassandra waved to Everett with a grin. There was even a little bit of shiny lipgloss on otherwise nude lips, and a dash of green eye liner and some mascara on her lashes. Then her attention was drawn to Gideon.

"You like?" Doing a little twirl on her toes to show off the entire thing, causing the skirt of the dress to swirl just above her knees.

"God yes." He replied whole-heartedly, rising from the couch to offer her a hand down off the hearth.

"What's the occasion, peacock? You'll have the whole city jealous if you're not careful."

His hand was taken as she stepped down, and then kept for a few moments longer.

"No special occasion. I bought a new dress and decided that I wanted to wear it. The whole city hmm? I kind of like the thought of that." Lips curving into another grin, just a little bit wicked.

Gideon returned her wicked smile and lifted her fingers to his lips, brushing a kiss across her soft knuckles.

"Do me one small favor, peacock?" He drew close and whispered in her ear. "Tell me where under that dress you could possibly be hiding a weapon?"

"Anything for you, Gideon." A chuckle, and then one brow arched before she turned her face inwards to return the whisper. "It's no so difficult to hide a small switchblade. It clips very easily onto the lingerie beneath."

Gideon released her hand to clutch dramatically at his heart, fawning as if he were smitten with adoration, his gaze sheer admiration as he watched the lavander locked goddess.

"Ah Cass.... You never fail to make me love you."

A laugh as he clutched at his heart, and lips curved into a mischevious smile once the laughter died away.

"Glad to do something right."

Taking one of his hands and pulling him over to the couch, taking a seat, and patting the space beside her, Cassie smiled.

Gideon gladly sank into the seat beside her and curved an arm round her shoulders as he smiled at her in interest. He let his fingertips stroke her soft shoulder.

"Cass you should have been a model. You'd put all the girls in Milan and Paris to shame with those legs."

"Why thank you." Snuggling into his arm a bit, turning just a bit so that she faced him a little bit better. "But I dearly enjoy my food, you know. It would quite depress me to have to give it up because of someone else's idea of the ideal body."

He nodded understandingly and toyed with one lavander curl that fell lose at the nape of her neck.

"Nor should you have to. I fail to see the attractiveness of rail-thin women that end up looking like long-legged, underfed adolescent boys."

It was a sudden, fluid movement, but she shifted from sitting beside him, to sitting on his lap, a leg on either side of his. The skirt of the dress rode up a bit, but certainly not enough to show any naughty bits. Lips dipped closer to his ear and her voice dropped.

"I heard something quite interesting last night, Gideon. A secret, you could say."

Cassandra's hands pressed lightly against his chest, almost caressing, while an edge of teeth grazed his earlobe, her voice still a warm whisper.

"Mm. It was about you. And your.. Livelihood, so to speak." Head dropping to nip at the skin of his neck. "Answered some questions of mine."

Another nip, at the other side of his neck.

"Why you can best me in strength so effortlessly when no simple man can do so."

Gideon groaned softly as she teased him, his hands stroking up and down the curve of her back, fingers pressing encouragingly into her flesh through the fabric of her dress.

"I work out quite a good deal." He said lightly with a laugh and a shrug. "But I'm not sure what that has to to with my livelihood as an importer/exporter."

He pulled back and smiled up at her beguilingly, all innocence:: I hardly move the boxes onto and off of my ships myself.

"I'm not all human, Gideon. No mere human can best me in strength and show no effort, no matter how often they work out." Leaning forward as he leans back, teeth catching his lower lip for a moment before she moved on, nipping kisses being pressed along his jaw between whispers.

"And not that sort of livelihood. The one I speak of.. Is born of blood, you could say..."

The innocent act wasn't working on her. But she was enjoying teasing, and the reaction she was getting there.

The Nexus deposited the wan creature at the bar. A tangle of rabbit's fur at her neck, the scarf threatening to strangle. The high-collared coat coaxed the heat to remain at her skin, and sanguine curls poured into her eyes, causing the rapid blinking of lashes. Perplexed, Illy's gaze skipped from strange patron to strange patron -- and then there was most familiar scent. Heavy-lidded at once, she watched the entangled duo with quiet interest.

Gideon's brow furrowed and he reached up to take hold of her shoulders, drawing her backwards while stilling her rather wonderful attack at the same time. He looked up at her with an expression a mix of incredulity and confusion.

"Cass, you're putting me on, right? What do you mean you're not human? Of course you're human what else could you be? One of those elves like Erin's green-haired friend?" His brow furrowed deeper at her subtle suggestion and he drew back further as if offended

"....What....? Cassie you have got to be joking."

Was it possible for her to pale? If it was, then that is most certainly what occurred. Her lips parted, and then closed. Illy struggled with the pockets of her coat for cigarettes. Trembling fingers found their mark eventually, and when she could, she felt her mouth pull deeply at the lit tobacco. The smoke in her lungs disappointed her with its lack of soothing song. Exhaling into the rafters, the creature felt some cousin to brooding.

Cassandra hadn't expected this particular thread of conversation to be the one followed, so when he drew her back, she didn't make any moves to resist. A cant of her head to the side, looking a bit perplexed.

"You think I dye my hair this color?" Apparantly Cassie was becoming too good at passing off as completely human. "My mother was, but my father is not. Though what he is, that's anyone's guess. This..." A tug at a lavender curl that had escaped the updo. "This is part of his legacy."

A frown, at the reaction she was getting. Honestly, she'd not expected him to take any sort of issue with her parentage.

"I'm making no joke, Gideon." Her own line of questioning forgotten in the rush of hurt at his seeming to take offense.

Ashes were discarded with taps so absent that the fingers might have belonged to someone else. Rapt and struggling not to appear so, Illy forced herself not to stare at the couple. Panicked tingles worked their way up her spine.

Gideon shook his head and gently but firmly moved her off his lap before rising from the couch.

"What is this ballocks, then Cass? Is Erin's idiotic husband still chasing after the ludicris notion that I'm a "vampire" ?!" He held up his hands in vicious finger quotations.

Illiana dropped the cigarette. Gasping, she slid halfway from the stool to put out the ember which burned still at the floor. She shot a glance at Gideon and wondered if she might actually lose consciousness.

"Honestly? This is getting incredably offensive. I'm human. I'm from earth. You've seen me be sick, seen me drink at the bar here night after night. I'm so sick of this ridiculous rumour following me around. I don't even believe in the nonesense of vampires and that anyone else here does just shows their complete and utter ignorance." Oh he was on a roll now, all rightous indignance.

Cassandra remained on the couch as he moved her and then stood, still looking a bit hurt.

"It was not from Bastian that it came from, or at least, not this time, though I was unaware of him thinking anything like that. I know what you're not, Gideon. And I would not take exception to what you are, unlike you taking exception to what I am and am not." Arms crossing defiantly, as her chin lifted a bit. If nothing else, gather up all your pride and wear it like a damn coat!

Gideon shook his head, looking down at her in angry confusion. Could he not have one evening's peace at this bloody inn?

"Who from then, Cass? I'll know who's been sullying my name and reputation."

Now she got on her feet, taking a step forward, getting into his personal space and poking at his chest some.

"You're calling me ignorant then? I've been around a bit, seen things you don't see on earth! And that's one of them. Surely you aren't under the impression that Natalia is human. I never could figure out why you took such exception to her, and only her, when it came to me." Eyes narrowing stubbornly then. " And I don't think I'll tell you. Not after you've been so bloody rude!"

"Natalia? No, she's a raging hell bitch." He spat back at her. "And I took exception to her because she's a soulless, amoral whore of a woman." His eyes widened in affronted suprise. "You have got to be kidding me. I've been bloody rude? I'm not the one making insane accusations as to your race or species!

Unashamed now, pale blues darted between Gideon and Cassandra. Sliding completely from the stool, Illy smoothed her coat, back straightening as she approached the couple. With the ease that accompanies familiarity - the sharing of a home, perhaps, of time, Illiana threaded her arm through Gideon's and peered at Cassandra.

"My dear, has this gentleman been a nuisance to you?" Smiling as if there were no conflict in the world, Illy patted his shoulder with affectionately feigned disdain.

Gideon fairly jumped at Illy's sudden and fortuous appearence, but she did draw him up short. He glanced down at her in steaming consternation and gestured toward Cass.

"Illy, you'll love this. Cassandra here thinks I'm a vampire." He laughed, shaking his head.

"No! I'm not kidding you! I'm not the one who acted as if the world had just come to a grinding halt just because the blood running through my veins isn't "pure."" Making the quotations with her fingers as well. She ignored Illy for the moment, because she didn't want to snap at her, but she couldn't be polite at the moment. Cassandra shot a bit of a glare at Gideon.

"I never said I know definitively what you are. But I do know what you aren't, and it's rubbish for you to continue trying to pawn it off on me! What do you think I am? Some sort of idiot?"

"She thinks what ? Illy dropped his arm, then, took a step back. Her gaze was suddenly scrutinizing. Eyeing the man for a long moment, she shook her head.

"Aren't vampires somewhat more... Well." She turned to glance at Cass, then, surprised. "Surely you don't believe in such things, Cassandra." Tenderly, she tilted her head at the lavender-haired beauty.


Date: 2007-03-06 18:17 EST
?Don't you start on that Illy!? Oops. She got snappy with the other woman. Though she hadn't intended to. ?I can look around and see freaking elves and dragons and all manner of beings, so it's entirely thinkable that they exist! Both of you stop treating me like an idiot!?

?Thank you, Illy.? He replied, glad to have a voice of reason in the conversation at last. He gestured towards his flatmate as he looked to Cass, pleading her to see reason and sense. ?Cass, Illy lives with me. I think she'd know if I spent all day in a coffin, avoiding crosses and mirrors and sucking the blood of the innocent to survive.?

?Darling, Rhydin has many things in it, you're right. But if vampires exist...? And at that moment, she nodded in agreement with Gideon. ?....I would most certainly hope that they don't share apartments with helpless professors.?

Illy gave Gideon a small laugh, then, as if to demonstrate the absurdity of the idea. Returning her gaze to Cass, her features softened.

?Don't talk down to me! Good grief! Pulling out the bloody stereotypes to make me rethink the existence of vampires? Well that's not the right tactic, I can tell you that much.? Digging in even more stubbornly now.

?I've met one, you know. And quite willingly spent time in her company.? "And played blood donor" was the next logical statement, though she left it unsaid.

It was true, she was treating Cassandra now almost as she might have treated a wayward student. Gentle, and yet in that authoritative plane. Her eyebrows lifted slightly at the confession, and she reached out to touch the girl's arm.

?Cassie, why would you put yourself into danger that way? Are you mad??

?You know what Cass. You are right. There are all manner of odd creatures around this bizzare town But I am not from here. I come from a world where these things do not exist. At all. I'm human, and nothing but human. I'm not going to continue this ridiculous argument.? He gave Illy a taut smile, irritated but appreciative at her vote of confidence.

?Maybe I am. But I know what I've seen and experienced. And there's danger in everything, it's simply a matter of weighing the rewards.? Chin lifting defiantly again, and she glared at Gideon.

?Fine. If you say so. Obviously you're going to stick to that lie.? ::Those were fighting words!

?Cassie, I've always been kind to you and tried to help you when you've asked for it. This is such a hurtful thing of you to suggest. I can't believe you'd treat me this way... or think such a thing of me.?

?Maybe you see it as hurtful, but I didn't see the insult that you've obviously taken. You're the one who's taken exception to me! You dare to condemn me for something beyond my control??

?I have NOT!? Cass was pushing him towards blind rage territory rather quickly. He'd had just about enough of the ludacris women of this inn lately, and he'd be damned if he was going to take one more helping of shit from another of them. ?I am simply incredulous, I don?t care if you are half Smurf and half ogre, for fuck?s sake.?

Gideon looked pointedly to Illy.

?Ask her, Cass! I live with the woman. She has to put up with my dirty socks and the mess I make of the bathroom counter. Don't you think she knows what she is talking about??

Illiana?s features changed suddenly, seriousness shrouding the smile she'd once forced. Shadows in her eyes, then.

?If Gideon weren't human, I would know it. Wherever this information is coming from, it's poorly collected or else poorly offered.? Perhaps this was the first time Illy had been harsh to someone in years, but it required so much strength to keep from trembling. Her control was becoming more and more difficult to master.

Illy lifted a hand to rest against Gideon's arm as if to quiet him as she took a small step into Cassie's direction.

?You are clearly upset about things that have nothing to do with him. Perhaps it's best you work those things out first. You're such a lovely girl, it would be a shame to see you behave poorly when such things are undeserved.?

Gideon glanced to Illy in concern and back to Cass, obviously infurated and hurt.

?Look, Cass. It's one thing to insult me with unfounded insinuations, it's another to upset Illy with them. You are crossing a line here. Please appologize to her.?

?He's the one who got upset with me!? A point at Gideon. Perhaps a bit petulant, but really, this was not what she'd been expecting when she broached the subject.

?You upset me, Gideon. Should I demand an apology from you as well??

?I'M NOT THE ONE FLINGING ABOUT UNFOUNDED, INSULTING ACCUSATIONS!!? He roared. She'd tipped the scale now, and very foolishly. Cassie was very fortunate to have Illy standing between her and Gideon at that moment, very fortunate indeed. She was rapidly loosing herself one of her best allies, though.

Cassandra did wince at the roaring. That was not a happy volume in such close proximity to her ears.

?Lower your bloody voice, Gideon. You act as if I was interrogating you in order to toss you into a jail cell and leave you to rot. It was not meant to be a bloody insult, so stop.?

Illy winced at Gideon's exclamation. She gave both of them a pleading look.

?Please...both of you are behaving poorly, now. Gideon is a regular human being, Cassandra. That is the end of that discussion. ::She straightened, then, and sighed.:: I think I may head home, Gideon. Please stay out of the kitchen, won't you - the housemaid left home-made garlic dip.? Had she really said that out loud? She was panicked, perhaps, and couldn't allow herself to take Cass seriously.

Gideon flung his hands up in the air in a gesture of pure and utter fustration.

?I'm sorry Illy. I can't take this. I'll be outside whenever you are ready to go.? He muttered contritely, though he did smile ruefully and shake his head at Illy's little comment. He turned and headed for the door in long paces, letting it swing shut behind him with a bang, leaveing the girls alone together.

Heaving a long sigh, Illy watched Gideon leave. She turned to Cassandra and frowned.:

?I don't know what began that episode, and normally I wouldn't interfere in such things, but Gideon has been stretched thin lately with all of his arguments.? She swallowed hard at that. Offered a half-smile. ?I wouldn't take anything he said to heart.?

Cassandra waited until Gideon made it out the door before addressing Illy.

?No, he's not, and you're lying. But rest assured I'll not bring it up again. Christ. He needs to take a bloody Midol.? Then she softened a bit.

?It was not meant to insult him, Illy. I take no exception to whatever he may be. But I knew long before this that he isn't a simple human. It didn't bother me then and it doesn't bother me now, except that it annoyed me to be unable to best him in strength.?

Outside in the bracing, soothing cold Gideon paced like a tiger in a cage, wearing off the energy of his own rage slowly.

In response to being called liar, Illy's eyebrow lifted somewhat. But she ignored the comment, crossing her arms over her chest and regarding the girl.

?If he isn't human, then I am ignorant to it. Either way, you pushed him farther than he needed to be pushed tonight. And it's me, not you, who has to endure such things in private space.? She flushed slightly, unused to such forward conversation. Drawing herself up, she shook her head.

?I think I'll go with him. I hope the evening treats you more kindly, Cassie.? And with that, Illy turned on her heel and slipped outside into the night, positively shivering with some mix of chill and fear.

?It wasn't meant to be insulting and I had no idea he'd have such a damn hissy fit.? Mouth opened to continue, but Illiana walked away! She huffed a bit and dropped onto the couch, annoyance obvious in her posture.


Date: 2007-03-06 18:43 EST
Gideon turned as the door opened and reached out to offer Illy his hand to step off the porch in sullen silence.

?We should find a new bar. I'm finding the company at this one increasingly more tiresome.?

As they walk he spoke within, using that connection they shared to keep from being overheard::

?It's that bloody werewolf, Grem I think his name is. The boy of that green-haired trollop Erin is always hanging around, I know it. He got involved in the fight last night... and I was an idiot to get so close to him. It's alright though...?

He turned and gave Illy a small smile.

?You did wonderfully. Thank you.?

?I got involved for myself as much as for you, Gideon.? Squeezing his hand, she gave him an odd look.

?We'll be fine, especially since no one suspects you. We just have to stick to this, acting as if it is a ridiculous suggestion and insult. It will work, it always has... and if not then we may need to think about silencing those who suspect.?

She winced, unable to meet his eyes.

?I pray it will never come to that.?

?As do I, luv. As do I.?

But as he walked his jaw was firmly set. There were no steps he would not take in order to secure his safety and her own.


Date: 2007-03-06 20:43 EST
Erin hadn't slept in almost 48 hours. Still in heels and that blasted dress, she looked good, but it was hard to be so tired and... in heels. Her ankles hurt, her head hurt, and the nexus was having its way with her. Erin was wandering again, at least around the better part of town. She had a letter in her purse that was begging to be delivered, and the building it belonged in? Was just ahead. She pulled open the door to hotel and nodded to the doorman, who still new her, for the elevator.

Upstairs Illy had retired to her room, leaving Gideon to stew in his silent anger at the night's unfoldings. Blasted Cassie, the violet-haired idiot! He could have throttled the life clean out of her tonight. What was it with the women of this town, so suspicious and stubborn and bloody-minded? He sat, or more accurately had flung himself to rest in the large, wing-backed armchair by the fireside, and here he was sprawled still, arms hung out stiffly over the armrests, feet resting on their heels with legs haphazard. The stream of silent cursing running through his mind was enough to make a sailor blush.

Erin approached the door and really thought the place would be empty. So, she wasn't particularly quiet with her approach. Purple jacket unbuttoned, hair a bit tosseled, she bent by the door to slide the letter through. It looked as most things written by Erin did--immaculate. The script was almost perfect and the letter was a thick weight and an offwhite color. She had it about half way under the door and she stopped. It was more likely to be seen that way... half in-half out that way. She took a moment to right herself and started mindlessly primping in the hallway for her return home. In actuallity she was considering going to a local club to get a finer glass of wine than the dragon could offer and perhaps smoke something expensive and flavored. She hadn't had a chance to properly celebrate...

The click of footsteps in tired heels was unmistakable, and reached his ears first. He sat up and turned towards the door. The steps paused as if on cue, and a rustling began. His anger flaring again for no other reason than that he didn't wish to be disturbed, Gideon rose and strode across the room like a man possesed. He turned the knob and flung the door open with a resounding BANG that most likely left the drywall severly damaged. Incensed pale blues landed on Erin and his face contorted in a spasm of rage. Oh this was not good at all.

"You! What the fuck are you doing here?!"

Her letter caught under his foot, unnoticed.

She backed herself against the opposite wall, the matching purse she had been clutching fell to the floor. Her face was as if she had seen a ghost, the "o" of her mouth, the saucers of eyes. She just stammered, hands held open as if she had to prove there wasn't a gun there. Stammering and stuttering precluded the speach that was to come.

"'re he--" A pause. "I was just leaving something. I left it."

A small step towards the elevator.

He advanced on her, stooping down to grab up her purse.

"Leaving me something? What, posion? A bomb? A bloody fucking razorblade so I can slit my own wrists?!" He spat at her. Looming there in the hallway his shoulders hunched upwards his posture in attack he looked like a dark, avenging angel. She'd seen him angery before but never like this. He was terrifying.

"Or did you just come by to twist the knife you lodged in my back last night a little deeper?"

She shrank against the wall, hunched shoulders, face still pale and wide. She was scared of him. She had never been scared of him before. New knowledge and the way he was reacting brought on the look of abject terror. She breathed heavily for a long moment before the noise that was trying to be words started again.

"It's just a...I just left a..." An arm was pointing to his feet. She looked like the walking dead, to be honest. "'s an appology."

He glanced down sharply at her stamming and pointing and stooped to pick up the letter. He turned it over in his hand slowly, glancing at the thing for a long moment before he suddenly flung it back at her.

"I'm through reading your trite bloody missives. You have something to tell me, just fucking say it!" He was no longer shouting but his voice was in no way lowered.

"You have no problem any other time telling me exactly what's going on in that thick-skulled brain of yours."

He turned with that and strode back into the apartment, her purse still in hand, leaving the door wide open. He flung her handbag with unnessary force against the kitchen counter, where it hit and skittered off, back onto the floor. He continued in his path towards the fireplace.

Erin was terrible at speaking about things like her feelings. Sebastian knew that best. She was an animal of letters. Scrawled on nice paper and slid under doors. She bent to scoop up the piece of paper that had spent hours being created. Recopied and reshaped to be perfect. It was clutched to her chest as she stared at him. Finally she just shook her head and followed to get her purse.

"'d be better if you read it..." She left it on the countertop. "I can just go... if you're... I mean... I shouldn't have...."

She scooped up her purse and stayed on the other side of the counter. She was still terrified of him.

"I'm bad at saying things when I really feel them." Said at an almost whisper, shifting her weight back and forth on those heels.

"That's a load of bullshit if I ever heard it." Came his answer as he leaned against the mantle of the fireplace.

"You have no issue saying things you mean that are cruel and spiteful. You're a coward, though Erin. You can't say a damn thing that might make you vulnerable for a second. No, that you have to write down and slip under doors so that you're safely away when someone reads them."

He glanced coldly over his shoulder at her. His voice was ptiched low but it rung with a finality and chill that sounded like the doors of heaven slamming shut upon the damned.

"I'm so through with you."

"You're no different than I am."

She put the purse back up on the counter, and looked around for a moment.

"I'm sorry. I came to say I'm sorry..." She was a touch angry that he had called her out so well. He always had her pegged and it was frustrating beyond belief. But comforting, too. He may hate her, but at least he understood her.

"I had no right to say what I said. I did it only to hurt you, and that was completely out of line. And while I may not be in love with you, I do love you-- in some way that makes no sense to me at all."

She sighed, shaking her head. Her eyes closed as she took a moment to think, her hand run roughly through her hair before she lifted her head to speak again.

"You're dangerous in so many ways, I shouldn't be here and I am here. Again. I just... I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I felt I had to hurt you like that-- that I am capable of it." Another pause and she snatched up the purse once more.

"Read it, burn it-- I don't care. If that's what you want, I'll just go."

He turned and walked slowly over to where she stood, drawing right up to her, glaring down with an intesity that felt as if it should burn. He stood for a half a moment, fists clenching and unclenching before suddenly and without warning one hand let fly and the back of his fingers hit solidly across her chin and the soft of her cheek in a back-handed slap. The sheer speed of it knocked her head to the side, and he could feel the reverberation of his fingers off her cheekbone. He scarcely gave her time to realize she'd been hit before he grabbed her face in both of his trembling hands. His lips were pressed tight, shaking, his expression at once livid and contrite. His voice was low, though, intimate.

"Now. Now you're sorry. Never speak his name to me again, do you understand? Never."

This was not the time to be in heels. The force of it almost knocked her feet out from under her, but he caught her face and there she was. The explosion of pain wasn't foreign to her. She enjoyed it, actually. Her eyes closed in pleasure as it burned and then opened to look at him. There was something in her eyes like a challenge. If he looked hard enough he could see that she wanted him to hurt her-- kill her, even. Something had tipped her over the edge, brought her back where she had been the night before. She wasn't speaking, just staring. Blank and begging all at once, some how.

Gazing down at her Gideon saw that sudden flash of desire mingled with the pain, and it silenced something inside of him; an unspoken answer to a silent question. He released her with a little shove.

"Get out."

She just nodded, clutching the purse to her chest.

"I won't." She finally answered the question from before. A mumble under her breath as she stepped past him, her cheek red from the force of his hit. Steps were a bit slow now, she was unsteady on her feet, breathing hard.

He watched her go, most of his fury spent. He'd never struck a woman out of anger or for any other reason, and though it disgusted him that he'd finally done it, he also felt better. A million times better.

She made her way to the door, grabbing the knob. A look over her shoulder, mascara already starting to smear with the silent crying.

"I really am sorry." Almost a whisper and she pulled the door behind her, heading back to the hall, though the door just swong back open behind her.

He walked after herand paused by the counter, turning to pick up the letter she left on the countertop. He moved to the door to shut it behind her, and leaned back against it as he tore the letter open and let the envelope fall to the floor as he unfolded the thick, smooth paper and read.

I've sat at my writing desk for hours now unable to write anything. Not a word. I want to say I'm sorry to you; I am, but I cannot think of the right words to articulate this to you. Each sentence penned seemed trite and unfeeling. I've lost the ability to feel in a meaningful way. Honestly? I wanted to hurt you. It was stupid and mean and petty and cruel... but something I decided to do. And so I am left with the consequences and guilt of the action.
However, I don't want this continuing anger and hurt to live between us forever. To ruin the somewhat shaky ground we are ever building and the ability of us to interact with what seems to be a somewhat communal group of friends. I had no right to say what I said. I had no right to react the way I did.
It's hard for me, sometimes. I know I seem completely fine and normal, but certain things bring back--the incident with Renna. Being snuck up on, kissed, touched unexpectedly. I can...react badly. And I did that to you. But it is more than that, it is the fact(that I thought you know) that interaction with you puts me on the rocks with Sebastian. Talking, drinking, being with the same people-- that is okay, that I can explain. But touching, kissing, whispering in ears... Gideon, that can have dire consequences for me.
I want this to work. You and I. I love you, if not in love with you, in a way that I cannot easily understand. Perhaps our entire relationship(or whatever it is) has been based on a beautiful lie. Perhaps it is in your -nature- to use women for what they can give you and then learn to hate them so. I don't know and honestly, at this point, I don't care.
I don't want to cause you pain, and yet I do. For that-- I am deeply sorry. Accept this simple scribbling of nonsense from the girl that once slept in your bed. Know that she cannot sleep with the guilt of her actions and that she hopes there is at least a touch of forgiveness in your heart.



Date: 2007-03-07 11:16 EST
Gideon sat in the darkened hall near the huge empty fireplace. Unlit it looked like the gapeing maw of the far wall, black soot staining it's granite teeth. The moon was nearly full and it filled the room with a bright, pale silver light, though, illuminating the white paper Gideon held in his hand, his pale eyes scanning the page over and over again until it was clear he was simply staring through the paper, unseeing, lost to his own thoughts alone in the silence of the enormous room

Across the square walks the poet, a simulatenous blend of hopeful and disappointed hanging on him like that ratty old cloak. Damned Nexus. It had taken him the better part of a whole night to figure out where it had dumped him. Being in the special collections room of the RhyDin public library after hours in pitch black, as it turns out, is not so fun. He did not even get to cut the cake! How he hopes that the girls all descended on it and made it history. After all, he really had gone out of his way to make the cakes happen. That inky tipped hand pushes through the door and he strolls through, pausing to defog the lenses as he often must. Spring cannot come too soon.

Dark. He can see a figure by the fireplace, but certainly has no great wish to intrude. He leaves the place in its dimmed state as he goes to the table and finds... two untouched cakes. Sigh. Well, perhaps he can bring them back to the Inn. Someone seriously needs to eat those cakes, and he can surprise his friends with the promised cake another time.

Gideon looked up at the sound of footsteps, his brows drawing together as he watched the shadow make it's way across the room. He couldn't see the man's face but his demenor, the way he walked and held himself...


He does have a pretty distinct way of walking, jaunty and lank and a little stooped, like a very tall man, excepting that he isn't very tall. Average. Short, by local standards. Ev still cannot make out the face, and is not the very best with voices.

"Mmmm--yes?" A squint in that direction, he pauses in boxing the cakes back up.

Gideon rose from his chair, folding the letter in his hand self-consciously.

"What on earth are you doing in here this late?" He could see well enough to see what the man was doing though. "....with pastry?"

It takes a beat, but he figures it out. Gideon.

"It was my first opportunity to get back here after last night. There was supposed to be a little celebration but that just..." A hapless sigh paired itself neatly with a good natured smile and he stepped further into the room, towards the fellow at the fire. His turn.

"My goodness, what on earth are you doing here this late?" A reply of the playful variety. Everett is just not the sort of fellow to get too tied up and pulled in to drama on his periphery. Far too much had revolved around his brothers at home, and in result, he had little stomach for it.

Gideon paused and glanced at the white paper he held. In the moonlight the smooth, expensive white paper seemed to glow a touch. He let his hand drop against his thigh with a soft, mirthless laugh.

"Just, ah... thinking." He nodded towards the great doors behind which the muffled clatter and chatter of the inn could be heard.

"I just... was looking for a little peace and quiet. Things have been difficult lately."

He gave Everett a struggle of a smile as he passed him on the floor, crossing to where the cakes stood with their boxes. He pulled out a chair and sank down upon it to gaze quietly at the confections. He reached out a finger and swiped a bit of icing.

"Ah, indeed." Everett tucked his hands into his pockets, uncertain whether Gideon's statment is just a polite way of asking him to buggar off. He stands his ground to feel it out, offering his outsider's view of things.

"I find there to be an irrational number of women around, myself, and my father has long said that women are at their worst in large quantities. Perhaps in that there is some poison." Eyes trail the man as he moves to the cakes, and a little smile settles there.

"You could have some." Nobody else did. The thought is not exactly bitter, but it certainly isn't sweet.

Gideon glanced up in suprise at Everett's words of wisdom. His laugh echoed off the parapets and rondell of the high ceiling, bounced off the beautiful stained glass windows, the sound of it sheer joy.

"God, if you don't speak the truth, Everett." He murmured with an amused grin. He glanced back at the cake longingly and shook his head.

"No, I can't." He licked the bit of icing off his finger and forced himself not to wince at the sugary bite of it against his tongue.

"I'm diabetic." He added with a slight shrug, the lie flawless.

Everett knew that truth well. For years, women had tortured him with their doting, never knowing how they teased at his poet's heart. It had made him tougher, yes, but it would have been a great deal easier to be as carefree and wanted as his three brothers. These days, things were a little less complicated, but it was early yet. A shrug to Gideon's reply.

"Oh. Sorry." With that, he paces slowly to the table and pulls a seat for himself. "I am without stomach this night, or I would be tempted to give that strawberry a proper end."

He scratches at the back of his head, his present sense of comfort all tangled up with that idea that he does not really know what to say. He has but an outside sense that something is entirely not right.

A thought. If Gideon was less desirable to them, maybe he would not spend so much time warring with the girls. He decides that one is best not to voice aloud.

"It is pleasant, in here. I hardly noticed last night."

"It is." He glanced about the large room, engulfing in it's emptiness. Still it held that peace about it that rooms used to seeing large crowds of bustling people have about them, as if the ghosts of the parties and soirees still haunted the spaces in between the silence, their merriment never-ending, imprinted on the parquet floor and gilted walls.

"You should see it during a ball or a dance. It's enough to rival Eton's halls."

His gaze drew slowly back to the other man.

"How are things falling out for you here? Settling into Rhy'din can take some doing... trust me I know."

"It is good that they use it for balls. Such spaces should never sit vacant for too long." Brown eyes move in careful study of the man, then, drinking in the details and trying to infer... well, he did not quite know what. Perhaps just trying to arrange themselves into verse, as his thoughts often did. As the cool gaze of his companion settles upon him, he finds his spotted hands a far better choice for viewing. A rueful smile.

"It has been madness. I have seen things that make me question my senses, not to mention my own sense. Though I have promised myself to stay from home a while yet, and at least I have made friends here. How long have you resided here?" How long does it take to stop acting a fool?

"Not long at all... I believe it's drawing up on one year soon." He rose from his seat and leaned over to put the remnaints of the cake in it's waiting box, drawing the lid shut over it.

"And I know what you mean. Last night Cassie revealed to me she's not entirely human, and while I was still reeling from that little shock she had the gall ...or lunacy..." Small smile for Everett. "... to accuse me of being a vampire. Can you imagine?"

Cassie, not human? Gads, was she elf, like Lydia? The lavender hair ought to have tipped him, but sometimes he was not so sharp as he would like to be. Gideon's admission elicits a raised brow.

"Is that like being accused of being a Jew? Or a pagan?" A wide eyed blink was magnified by the spectacles that are slightly off kilter. Everett leans on the table with both elbows.

Gideon smiled warmly at the man.

"I don't know! Gods, you don't think they'll have me running about with a scarlet V sewn to all my suits now, do you?" He chuckled softly. "Who knows what Cass is, aside from clearly a touch insane. I have to admit I was rather offended. I realize I have a penchant for sleepless nights, but it's hardly enough to qualify me as the undead!"

A chuckle at that. Just the boys tonight, united in their struggle against the feminine oppression they endure every day.

"If it is a sleepless night that makes one a vampire, then indeed, I must be one as well. They come often to me." Poor Gideon, the subject of vicious gossip. PJ's attack on his person had been publicized, a colleague had shown him the piece. Really, it was libelous, and with only a whisper of truth. Everett could relate to the woe of terrible lies.

"They do seem to make it quite rough for you, sir, even as they flock to you." Ev only envied him a little. Just a teaspoon of sin.

Gideon took up one cake and handed Everett the other, his smile fox-sly.

"It's not a problem I'll have to spend much time worrying over soon, I think. The girls seem far more interested in the new buck that's wandered into the herd. You've quite the following from what I've seen."

He lifted the cake slightly.

"Where did you want to take these?"

Everett rolled his eyes at that idea.

"I am soft, without fangs or sharp edges, or malice. They look to me for novelty. It shall not last." A grin, though, it could be a nice change to be the center of things for just a minute.

"I suppose if I leave them at the bar, someone will eat them. Particularly if it is announced that they are free." They were priceless last night, and now he is ready to give them away. How much can change with one turn of the world.

Gideon glanced at the large doors that led to the tavern.

"I don't know if I'm quite up to the task of entering that room tonight, Everett. I think they shall run me out of there with pitchforks and flaming torches."

He turned to give the other male a half-smile.

"But I'm glad for your company. It is nice to share a spare second with another bachelor that isn't after my blood for something his woman did to me in a fit of blind passion."

"I am in no hurry. Though if solitude is your desire, I can leave you here beside the fire." Frankly, the man is happy to be away from the girls for a minute. They were exhausting. the doting. The gabbing. The obsession. Not to mention that a young man could only spend so much time encircled by beautiful women without starting to get a little... uncomfortable, we shall say. Just the thought of Gid's last sentence made him blush a little.

"Yes, your company also... er... quite unreasonable... that passion. Yes." Ahem.

Gideon laughed and set the cake down upon the table before shoving both hands into the pockets of his slightly rumpled but nonetheless beautiful black trousers, the hem of his coat bunching over his wrists.

"I'm half tempted to steal a bottle of scotch and hold you hostage for a few hours, Ogden. I think we could both use the decompression."

That sounds a dream to him. No women. No madness. No discomfort.

"Can one be a willing hostage? Or is that merely an evening in good company?"

"It's merely and evening in good company." His smile was unadultrated pleasure that Everett seemed to be in agreement to his scheme to steal them both a moment's peace. He glanced again towards the doors of the inn.

"I'll brave the gauntlet to nick a bottle if you'd be kind enough to offer the sanctuary of your room in which to enjoy it?"

"It would please me, Gideon." With casual smile, he nodded to the cake. "I can provide distraction while you do the nicking. Is that not the way it is done?" A slow smile then. Even the innocent poet was not without his days of mischief. He is, after all, one of the fabled Ogden brothers. Nevermind that he is the bookish one who fancies cooking.

"It is." Gideon had never had a brother, or even much in the way of male friends when he was younger, due in a large part to the joys of bording school and private governesses. But mischeif he knew how to make, and was glad for a partner in crime. He drew a breath as if preparing himself for a hail of oncoming bullets, and strode for the doors.

"Brace yourself, Ogden. This could get ugly. If I don't make it out alive, tell my mother I loved her and tell the lads I died singing Hail Britania."

"I shall sing you into tomorrow and tomorrow, Master Gideon." Brothers in arms, ready for the melee! He purposefully makes himself a bit more disheveled, mussing his hair and setting a few things off center. At this point, he takes both cakes in his arms, moves towards the door and nods to Gideon.

"I am prepared, sir."

Gideon snorted his laughter as if he was ready to lose it. Everett was too much. He braced himself against the door and then gave it a mightly shove, holding it open for The Cake Bearer.


Date: 2007-03-07 11:57 EST
Deja vu? But wrong door, really. Everett Ogden moves into the common area, balancing two cake boxes in his arms. The man is a -mess.- Usually one little thing is off, sometimes two. Tonight, it all works together in concert to paint a truly pathetic picture. Hair, a mess. Cloak, a mess. Shirt and pants, both wrinkled. His lenses are not even entirely straight on the bridge of his nose.

Gideon sprinted in after Everett, only his direction took him towards the bar. Two hands on the bartop and he launched himself over it in one graceful, sailing arc, feet-first. He landed in a crouch and rose, glanced about like a mad man. He grabbed a bottle of Glenlivit, aged 25 years and two glasses, snatching them off the shelf. Target Aquired.

"Ohmigod you have cake!" Cassie never failed to notice pastry boxes, and tonight was no exception as she noticed Everett walking through that door. Gideon was ignored for the most part. She would let him set the tone, since she wasn't sure if her apology had made it around to him just yet.

To a vacant table he teeters, lanky steps awkward. Once there, he peers over the tops of the boxes, a stage voice.

"I have cake, cake for any and cake for all. I should not be able to eat it all, but mind you, fair gentles, it is... day old cake. For that I am sorry, but it cannot be helped."

Cassandra She was off of that stool in a heartbeat and sashaying over towards Everett in that slinky little black dress of hers. A grin, as she sidled up beside him.

"What sort of cake do you have in there? Might you have some vanilla cake? With the creamy icing?"

Glasses went into the pockets of his coat, and with the fine scotch cradled like a football bound for the touchdown in the superbowl, Gideon flung himself overtop of the bar once more and was hurtling toward the steps that led upstairs, taking them two at a time.

Ohhhh.... trouble. He may forget his mission as he looks at the lovely woman in the slinky dress beside him. Woman smell. A little stutter as he answers the lavender vixen.

"One v---anilla, with the chocolate shiny icing..." which he sets for her appraisal. "One strawberry." A sage nod, a dreamy smile. "Take a piece, take it all, be happy in your cake." Poor disheveled everett. Theatrical yawn. He so looks a mess.

"Oh good! Perfect! Vanilla with chocolate icing is perfect!" Arms going around Everett in a spontaenous hug!

"You're going to have cake with me, right? You aren't just going to leave me to eat it by myself and have me end up looking like the fat kid?"

Gideon's head poked around from the very top of the stairs, his eyes widening as they landed on Everett being waylayed by Cass in her slinky dress.

"LAND MINES, EVERETT! SNIPER FIRE! Run for it!" He called desperately. He knew that look in Cassie's eyes all too well.

The stamp snaps him right out of it, and he remembers his resolve! Be strong man! Be resolute. He nearly shudders as she hugs him, but the man still stays strong. This is no time to forget himself.

"Yes, yes, the woman demands cake. I would love to join you, but if I eat another thing today, I may explode. I am just so weary, I mean to go upstairs to my rest straightaway." A grave nod. And then. Yelling.

Cassandra's attention was drawn quite sharply by Gideon's yelling.

"Oi! Come down here and claim him yourself then!" Tightening her arms around Everett a bit. Her tone was playful though, and she even managed a smile, after sticking her tongue out in Gideon's direction. How dignified.

"Er... Cassie..." Firmly, but not without his usual brand of polite. "I must insist you unhand me, beautiful though you look, lovely though you smell, and highly I regard you. I really must away."

He tugs himself free with a wan and wistful smile. "Please do enjoy the cake, though." He backs away a few steps before turning to make for the stairs, blushing all the while. Gads.

Gideon's expression darkened and for a moment his face withdrew from the top of the stairs, but it was only so he could come marching slowly, bravely back down the steps. Courage like this should be written about in the history books. He ambled over to where Cass has her stranglehold on Everett and reached out, took her by a wrist and lifted her arm clear of the poor fellow. He gave her a glower and handed Everett the scotch bottle.

"No man left behind!"

He dropped Cass's wrist in punctuation and followed Everett towards the stairs.


Date: 2007-03-07 12:33 EST
Once upstairs Gideon nearly collapsed with laughter. He doubled over, his hands resting on his knees, pale eyes narrowed to cat-like slits in mirth.

"Oh gods! Ogden, I'll never ever again believe you to be so honest a man as you come off! That was nearly brilliant!"

He rose and slung an arm round the other man's shoulders, claping him on the back with glee as they walked down the hallway.

"Mate, the look on Cass' face was priceless."

Explaining as they round the corner and he seeks his keys in his pocket.

"I tried, Gideon, and I was doing well, and then the dress, and the smelling and the touching and she's just..." A shudder. "Troublesome. She is troublesome."

A grave nod, and he hands the bottle back to Gideon so that he may open the door. Gideon laughs, and he smiles, a wry grin.

"Only nearly? I am out of practice. Once, I let my brother Christopher give me a black eye that I may distract the alemistress while the boys shuffled a keg out the back. My mother was furious."

Gideon accepted the bottle back, his laughter renewed with Everett's story.

"Oh god, now that is bloody brilliant!" He shook his head and tried to breathe, his hysterics calming.

"Yes, that violet-haired vixen is nothing but Trouble incarnate. With a great set of legs."

"I love her wild hair." A terrible sigh, a terrible admission, and he lets them into room two-oh, lighting things as he progresses further inside. It is a modest space. Immaculate. His bed is made, the two chairs at the little table are pushed in, and the throw is folded neatly in the armchair in the corner. There is a small writing table opposite that corner, a pile of books there. Shakespeare, a few of the greek classics, a copy of Paradise lost, and Gideon's gift. Also, a quill and his beloved sketchbook. Everett hangs up his cloak and rolls his sleeves to the elbows.

"She is mad, though. You know, I am fairly certain she was cross with me for behaving like a gentleman." A hapless shrug. Women. You cannot win.

He followed Everett into his room and pulled the glasses out of his pocket before setting them on a nearby dresser. He pulled the cork from the bottleneck with his fist and poured out two generous glasses of the precious amber liquid, the spice of it's scent filling the room with it's oaken perfume. He handed Everett one glass and clinked his own against it with a sigh.

"She is quite me...most of the time." He grinned and feigned a swallow, wincing slightly as even the drop he did injest burned against his palate like liquid fire. He set the glass down and took off his coat to slide the cufflinks out of his shirtsleeves and roll them slightly away from his wrists as well. He glanced at Everett curiously as he loosened his tie before sitting down and picking up his glass again.

"What did you do to her??"

Everett clinks and takes a sip, a chuckle as he slides into one of the two chairs at the table. A resigned shrug, then.

"She could not walk home, so I allowed her to sleep here." Everett gestured towards the bed with a bop of his head.

"I slept over there." And he pointed an inkstained finger at the arm chair in the corner. That was how it should be. Everett just would not dishonor a lady, and he got the distinct impression that if he crawled in his bed to just sleep, it would easily get turned into something else. The scotch warms and delights him, and he takes another sip.

"I found it a little sad, truth be told." There in the dark, as she slept, he wrote a while by the light of a candle. A good moment, marred by her daggers in the morning. The Tall Mad Englishwoman.

Gideon glanced behind him at the chair in question the back to Everett with a raised eyebrow.

"You're serious?" Glacial eyes narrowed for a moment as he took measure of the man. "You are serious."

He sat back and swirled his scotch appreciatively.

"They should make medals for men with restraint as strong as your own." He gave Everett a bemused smile. "Though you should know...if she consented to spend the night it's more likely Cassie was after more than just a bed."

A sigh, he looks at that bed a long moment. Back to Gideon with a little smile, a mirror of his companion's.

"I am no saint. I thought about it, I mean... I think most would, really. I just... I value people. And that is not a way that I know to show it. I should rather have a friend at this point." A smirk, and he shook it off.

"I suppose some might think me daft, but every fellow has his reasons." Another long sip, and he sets the glass down for a bit, folding has hands on the small table top.

Stood next to Gideon, Everett was a saint that could outshine Peter, Paul and Matthew all put together. The measure of the man's integrity struck Gideon, and his admiration of the man rose considerably. He feigned another taste of the fine liquor in his glass and ran his tongue over his lower lip.

"To each his own, mate. If I took that highroad more often I'd hate to think how much trouble it might have saved me."

Everett gave Gideon an appraising glance again, the cut of Gideon's figure, and the beauty. His clothes, his haughty stance, even lounging in a chair. Eyes narrow and Everett spreads that slow sly smile.

"Ah. I suspect that at least a little bit, you do like the trouble." His chuckle is brief, and he reaches for the scotch again, to take another long pull. To be polite, he qualifies his statement. Always he needs to be polite. A virtue and a flaw all rolled into one.

"Of course, it is entirely possible that I am not only profoundly wrong, but that I also speak out of turn." In spite of himself, Everett begins to like Gideon, where days ago he had been determined to secretly loathe him always for the tears his friend spent on the man. Now, it was good to be in the company of a man. Though Gid was nothing like them, it caused Everett to miss his brothers.

"What, that is not here, do you miss the very most?" Everett found longing to be a very inspiring emotion.

Gideon reached over and uncorked the bottle once more, tipping it to refill Everett's glass generously. Though he didn't meet Everett's eyes his smile spread slow and wicked across his handsome features.

"Yes, I do a little bit."

He put a touch more into his own glass and corked the bottle agian before glancing up to meet Everett's eyes in suprise. He'd not expected that question. Glacial blues were cast back into the amber depths of his glass as his expression underwent a fascinating metamorphosis. From thoughtful to nostalgic, bitter anger to a deep pain emotions waged war for dominance on his features. Pain won out at last. Would not a day go by that he was not in some small way reminded of the excruiating memory of Thalon?

"Someone..." He drew a breath and gave Everett a very different, sad sort of smile now. "Someone I held very dear."

Everett watched the shift in expression as yes, it is fascinating. And he is a little horrified at what he has done. Without attempt, one eyebrow raised higher than the other in concern, as crooked as that boyish smile so often flashed at the girls. A shake of his head, apologizing for the indiscretion of a personal question.

"Sorry. Oh, sorry, terribly... I oughtn't... My mind, my wretched curiousity gets the best of me too often." Wince. Bad Everett!

Gideon laughed ruefully as he raised his glass to his lips ans swallowed down nearly half the glass. The corners of his eyes tightened, but it was the only witness he gave to the agony he felt at having consumed that poison. He drew a slow, steadying breath.

"It's nothing. What is it that you miss the very most, Everett?"

"My younger brother, I think." Wistful, but his version is more joy than sadness. "I am third of the brothers, and William is the last. He is big and broad, as is his laugh. He's a terrible bounder and a brawler."

He finishes his glass and goes in for more.

"He is also the funniest person I know. The very last to leave a party. The first to help in a scrape." He nods. Yes, It was William he missed the most. Even more than his mother's stew and his grandmother's mad stories, even more than his solid older brothers, his wild nephews, and even her eyes.

"William would do very well here, I think." A chuckle. He drove the women to madness in Warwick. No doubt it would be the same way here in Rhydin.

Gideon watched the man in silent appreciation and pleasure. The way he spoke, his manner of putting things... it brought to life the man he spoke about, summoning the apparition of him from thin air to make him seem as solid as if he sat there drinking with them. A writer's gift.

"He sounds like someone to be missed. Three brothers? I envy you. I'm an only child myself."

He toyed with the idea of a cigarette, but deferred, Everett most likely did not smoke.

"Tell me about your life, Ogden. Sounds as if you had quite the childhood."

"We had two sisters also, but they were not long for the world." Like so many families of the era, passing illness had claimed some of the little once. Everett himself had nearly succumbed to the terrible infection that had claimed Beth. The passing of the sisters was, as such, spoken in a very matter-of-fact way.

"My life? Godsteeth. I have yet to make anything of it." A long pull of scotch and he ponders where to begin. Really, there is nowhere, but he tries nonetheless.

"My family has a farm, I grew up there. I was always different than my brothers. They would wrestle in the yard and beat one another with swords made of sticks cast away from the oak tree at the pasture's edge."

A smile, and a hard emotion in his warm eyes. It is difficult to tell if it was pride or some measure of self disdain in his expression.

"I preferred to sit quiet in the kitchen, listen to my Mother and her mother bicker over the pie. Their stories, their songs... And reading, I was taught by Gran to read, and they could not take me to the library nearly enough. It was too far."

Gideon listened in all attention. Everett's life, his upbringing had been so different from his own. The pair of them could have been night and day there was such a juxtoposition. The corners of his mouth curled slightly. The man made him feel something that only Illy had begun to make him feel lately: a sense of regret. Everett had a noblity to him, a pride that all of Gideon's confidence, charm and money could not buy him. He cleared his throat gently.

"Go on..."

A long drink, and he continued as he was bid.

"We grew up, and things remained quite the same, save that the interest in play swords became an interest in ale, in girls. John and Christopher reigned their terror for years before either settled. Chris first, then.. Then John." The slightest waver in the narrative. A wrinkle in the script, nothing of import, really.

"The farm will go to John, and he knows it and loves it best. Christopher married a girl with no brothers, and her father's farm became theirs. It became increasingly more obvious that I had little to offer at home. I lack the strong arm of my brothers, and the only option to a man of my station was the army or the clergy. Neither of which appealed to me. I despise bloodshed, and can hardly picture myself with a country parrish, so I left to seek... I know not what, really. To chase inspiration."


"To find if I am worth my mettle, as a writer. I love the poetry of plays, and the meter of sonnets. I aspire to both, and make my way as a scribe here." A shrug where he might put a period and a page break. There is little else to mention, save a thousand little stories of carousing near his brothers, summers on the farm, the smell of autumn on his favorite hill. Little things that made more decent, though docile, poetry and terrible conversation.

"Really, things have been tame. My month here has been a wild experience." Despite his discomfort, he was just happy to be off the bloody boat.

Gideon nodded along with the story, rapt.

"It's a difficult thing to do - chase a dream." He commented lightly. Gideon himself had never entertained any aspirations or dreams at all, but he'd seen pleanty of others fall short, some even dashed to peices against the rocks of death's craggy shore, tossed there by the waves of his own insatiable hunger. Other peoples dreams, other people's lives. He toyed with the glass against the table, drawing rings with it slowly.

"Do you have any of your writings?"

A nod then, nonchalant as he sips again.

"Oh, aye. I try to write everyday, there is a great deal of rubbish. Sonnets mostly, as they shall keep my ear for words and my rhythm for verse strong for when I manage to find a workable plot for the scathingly satirical play of which I so long to be capable."

Everett laughs at himself, shakes his head.

"Rubbish all, in my opinion."

Gideon laughed softly.

"Spoken like a true artist. My mother was a devoted patron of the arts, and some of the starving artists she adopted she had to pry their portfolios from their fingers with the use of a crowbar and a stiff drink."

Pale, luminous eyes slid towards Everett's desk in curiosity and he rose, leaving his drink behind to wander over, glancing at the neat stacks of papers and books that lay there along with the quill. He reached down and picked one scribbled-on page up tenderly glancing over it slowly.

"And what is it you would like to satirize?"

His hackles raise just a bit. Oh god, he will look and he will see that I am hack! charlatan! pretender! bumpkin! My career shall end before it even begins!! The paper in Gid's hand is likely on of shakespeare's sonnets, copied over a few times. He practices his script in different hands and soothing words when he cannot write. Perhaps it has on it a collection of rhymes. bower, cower, dour, flower, flour, glower... Ink spots. His sonnets are in one of the books. He rises instinctively near Gideon to defend himself, to explain that he knows he is dreadful. Instead, he just answers the question as he crosses.

"Some folly of man. There are many to choose from. My most recent idea involves a gaggle of women who conspire to ruin a virtuous man." Sheepish grin. write what you know, man.

Gideon simply set the paper back down gently and turned to give Everett an amused smile, one brow arched.

"That would make a hell of a story. You'll have plenty of inspiration, that is for certain." He leaned against the chair that sat at the desk, Everett's papers forgotten.

"I'm not sure I'd care to be at the premiere of any such play though, mate. Not if your lovely muses would be in attendance. I have a feeling they'd not take it as lightly as it was intended."

"Satirists, I find, often spend a great deal of their lives disdained by many. I could endure it, I think, so long as I always had my books." A wrinkle of his brow, though. Indeed, there are problems with autobiographical writing. Perhaps that was the reason for the abstract nature of all the sonnets. Aside from the part where they are poetry.

"That sounds a little lonely for my tastes..."

He glanced down at the desk and back to Everett with a dry smile before putting a hand on the man's shoulder and stepping past him.

"But at least with your books you know your virtue is safe, right?"

He lifted his coat off the back of the chair and pulled it's elegant cut on haphazardly.

"As much as I hate to, should be going. Illy will worry where I am... and I don't need one more woman shouting at me this week. I'd like to read some of your work some time... if you'd let me." He added, giving the man one of his charming, ungaurded smiles. "And I'd be happy to share an escape and a bottle of scotch anytime."

He gave the man an understanding smile then, and Everett tucked his hands into his pockets.

"I am certain that is so," he replies regarding the women. A faint, flattered smile at the concept.

"I may need to be a bit drunker to allow it. I am conscious of my mediocrity to an alarming degree. Though the escape and a drink is always open to you." Truth be told, he had a bottle of scotch, barely started, in the small closet, but was it not part of the fun to swipe the one they shared?

"Do send Illy my best. I find her dear." So good natured. The poet smiles again and moves to the door to let the chap out. A content sigh from the man who is not drunk, but not exactly sober, either.

"I will, and I am sure she sends her love as well."

He paused at the door.

"And if that is the case I am sure that it can be arranged for you to get quite a bit drunker some other time, because I am honestly fascinated... and I'm not a man to let my curiosity go unsatiated. Besides." He fished the sleeves of his shirt out from his jacket sleeves and reattached his cufflinks. "I have no talent in any form whatsoever, so I'm in no position to pass judgement upon those that do have it, in any amount at all."

He opened the door and gave Everett one last impish grin along with a salute, two fingers to the brow.

"Good night Leftenant Ogden. Fight the good fight."

Bashfully he speaks, lean ingagainst its edge as he does, a slight sway.

"Kind of you to say. Thank you."

A sloppy salute- nope- not army material and he bids Gideon adieu.

"Be stalwart, my captain, and true!" Smirk. this will happen again.

Once outside Gideon paused in the ally to vomit, letting his system clense itself of the burning poison of the scotch he had so masochistically injested. His hands clenched hard on the wooden post he held to as his body voided itself angrily. The time spent with Everett had been a blessing and a curse in one, but Gideon would not have traded a second of the time. When at last he was free of the noxious alcohol he wiped his mouth on the back of his sleeve and continued on his way home, unawared for the moment that the smooth white rectangle of Erin's letter had slid out of his pocket, and now lay on the floor of Everett's room, just under the table.


Date: 2007-03-07 12:53 EST
Sebastian had certainly had enough time to think about his decision to pay Gideon a visit and could put off the confrontation no longer. With the trashy tabloid article folded none-too-neatly in his jacket pocket, Sebastian hurried inside the hotel. It was perfect, you see, for Sebastian didn't get off work this evening until sundown and poor Gideon was doomed to be a night crawler - so Sebastian should be catching him just as he was waking. He hailed a bell boy and managed to find out what floor the ole' blood sucker was on. With each bell hat chimed his ascent in the lift, Sebastian's anger grew more in its amount. He'd worked himself into a right frenzy by the time he reached Gideon's door. He heralded his arrival with the sharp rap, rap, rap of his knuckles against the door. Suddenly, Sebastian took a step back. What in the bloody hell was he doing? Even with his gift from Angela, Sebastian was in no way a match for a blood-crazed vampire in case this session should come to blows. Ahh well, no turning back now.

Gideon was awake early, as was his usual, and sat watching the sun sink down behind the horizon in the vast silence of the great main room. The rapping at the door jarred him, and he glanced curiously across the room. Unusual to have callers at this point in the evening. He rose and crossed the room, clad in nothing but black pajama pants, his bare feet silent against the cold marble floors. He turned the knob and drew the door
open, his face registering surprise and then suspicion as his eyes fell on Sebastian, who looked like he was wavering somewhere between fuming anger and nervousness.
Gideon smiled dryly, his eyes not following the effort of his mouth.

?Sebastian. To what do I owe this dubious honor??

He'd been nervous, that is, until Gideon opened his mouth. Nervousness was replaced with more anger and disdain.

?You know, the amount of bullshit that spews from your mouth is really quite remarkable.?

?Really? I was of the same opinion of you, actually. What a coincidence. But seeing as how you've just observed we have more than enough of the stuff here, how about you go peddle your wares elsewhere, hm??

?Oh, but I can't leave yet, old friend.? His words were like poison and a literal job to get beyond his teeth. Sebastian took a step forward, reaching into his jacket.

?We've got something to discuss. I'd like to know where you get the notion that you have the right to even touch my wife, let alone kiss her.?

The clipped article was presented, but Sebastian knew full well Gideon wouldn't touch it.

Gideon's brows furrowed for an instant before a look of frustration and consternation came over his face. He reached out and grabbed the article - god the man had carefully clipped it out, what a madman - and scanned it.

?You cannot be serious...?

?I don't normally read such trash, but a friend of mine had quite a ball showing it to me. I talked to Erin later that night and she confirmed it.? Sebastian's eyes narrowed slightly. ?Where in the hell do you get off doing this all the time? Can't you get over the fact that you lost? She's not your little pet anymore and you can?t these kinds of things, Gideon.? Surprisingly, Sebastian's words were not hateful, but actually close to conversational.

Gideon shook his head in consternation and handed the article back to the man, lord knows he probably wanted to keep it for the 'I loathe Gideon' scrapbook he was no doubt gleefully compiling in his spare time. Gideon pinched at the bridge of his nose, gathering himself for a moment before he looked up and gave Sebastian a withering glare.

?That's exactly what that article is, De Vernon. Rubbish. I gave Erin a peck - A PECK. It was a greeting, nothing less. I surprised her and she overreacted, I apologized and she still had my hide for it. What's the point of you coming for what's left??

He shifted in the doorway, arms spreading out, hands pressing against the doorframe.

?Despite whatever lunacy you've cooked up in that brain of yours I have no designs on stealing Erin away from you for myself. She and I are done. I've wanted nothing to do with her for a long time. You on the other hand...?

Gideon left the door frame and stepped towards Bastian slowly, pale eyes glowering dangerously at the younger man.

?You.? He jabbed a finger hard in Bastian's chest in punctuation. ?I'd be happier than a bloody clam if she'd leave you. You don't love her, not the way she deserves to be loved. You are a foolish, spiteful, selfish child, Sebastian, and you are ruining Erin a little more every damn day. For some reason that woman loves you... and you!?

He flung his arms wide, his expression furious.

?You doubt her and distrust her... you're never happy with her! Erin loves you. She loves you. And what do you give her in return? Accusations that she is unfaithful. Threats to leave her. Misery and solitude.?

He let his arms drop, the anger draining out of him slowly, replaced by something quite close to sadness.

?You're a bloody fool, De Vernon. One of these days you are going to turn around and Erin won't be there anymore. And then, then you'll realize what real misery is.?

Sebastian could care less about the article and he let it drop to the floor. A hand was lifted to rake through his hair, which was in great need of a trim, followed by an exasperated sigh.

?A peck is still unnecessary when she loathes even the very air you breathe.?

Anger rose again as Gideon jabbed at him, causing the wiry boy to plant one foot behind him. Other than that move, however, the boy stood his ground. Facial features grew grim throughout Gideon's tirade, but Sebastian remained silent until the older man was finished. It would be more than obvious that Sebastian was struggling with hiding his initial reaction - hurt - but even still his anger was paramount.

?You have no idea what it's like, do you? To have something real...? Sebastian?s chest caved as he expelled a wavering breath, only to take in another so he could continue.

?I know that my wife deserves someone better than me, Gideon. Erin deserves the absolute best that the world can offer. And yet, Gideon, she chose to live the rest of her days with a silly longshoreman who gets angry and selfish and whatever else it was that you called me. Why? Because I do love her. More than I can even attempt to express.
Yes, I have distrusted her and made accusations, all well within the bounds of warrant - because of my faults. I'm.... human. In a real relationship, people don't just make one mistake and then hate each other forever. We forgive each other. We lean on each other. We make every effort to build a strong foundation in our marriage. She isn't unhappy with me, Gideon, and she tells me that every morning. I know what a gift I have and there is nothing in this world that I'll allow to endanger that. I apologize if my actions were misguided, but they were in the service of someone whom I love and I'll do anything for her. She doesn't like you. She doesn't want to talk to you. She doesn't want you around. Leave my wife alone.?

Gideon was ready to shake the man until his teeth rattled in his thick-skulled head. He restrained himself to a baleful glare, however.

?You self-righteous idiot. You know I do hope Erin comes to her senses sooner rather than later. As for Erin, believe it or not, De Vernon she's her own person. She'll decide who she speaks to or wants around. But as far as I'm concerned you can both go rot.?

And with that he took a step back into the doorway and slammed shut the door between them. He paced back into the room, ready to tear his hair out. Perhaps it was time he and Illy started searching for a different place to live. This address was obviously a little too well known.


Date: 2007-03-09 12:13 EST
Everett had found the paper on the floor, and spent half the letter trying to figure out what it was and where it had come from. To his horror, it was a very personal note from a dear friend to Gideon. Gads. He had figured that he needed to return it, but could think of no easy way to do so. Everett did not know where Gideon lived, and only ever ran into him during evenings at the Inn. He kept the note safe, hidden under a large stack of his own things, and let his conscience mentally flog himself for the indiscretion. Tonight, he sits in his room, trying to finish a sonnet he is drafting after the magic of the night previous.

Blast it, he'd dropped it somewhere... and if one harmless peck had cause him a world of trouble Gideon could only imagine what kinds of hell awaited him should Erin's letter fall into the wrong hands. Thus it was he was retracing his steps... straight to the the door of room twenty. He paused, staring at the innocuous number for a moment, then cleared his throat and ran a hand back through his hair. Gideon nervous? Preposterious. He knocked lightly.

The knock jars him. An unexpected thing, and such a little knock. Perhaps it was a friendly face. He stretches as he stands, rolling his shoulders a few times. His shirt hangs loose, only half buttoned- he'd never be seen as such downstairs. Everett wipes the ink from his fingers onto the stained hanky used for that very purpose before pocketing it and opening up the door. Recognition brings a smile.

"Gideon. Hello."

Gideon's mouth opened slightly as his eyes slipped downwards of their own accord before he jerked them back upwards and put on a charming, easy smile.

"Uh. Hullo, mate! I have a rather silly question... Did I happen to leave a letter here by accident the other evening? I couldn't find it in my pocket..."

So dreadful. He turns, stepping inside, the door open as bare feet cross the room. Gideon was clearly allowed in, but Everett needed a moment to scratch his head, a rather self conscious gesture. Boyish, really, especially with the stooped way he sometimes walked.

"Aye. You did." He moves towards the writer's desk, sets aside the sonnet of the hour and the pile of rhymes, turns after a long beat to Gideon.

"It was on the floor. I---" Sigh. He brings himself to meet the man's eyes, rather ashamed at the terrible invasion. He really had not meant it, and bore no malice. Earnest Everett, awkwardly admitting his error.

"---I believed it to be mine, and read it, trying to place... Your name was only towards the end." He turns to fish it out of the pile, rather hard on himself, this one. At least he had kept it discreet and safe. Gideon could see that by the sheer volume of things that had been placed around it. A veritable maze of paper, quickly filtered.

"I am terribly ashamed and inexpressibly sorry, but I thought that you should know. So that you would not wonder..." Everett extended the letter to Gideon, his arm outstreched, his head hung.

Gideon stepped into the room a pace or two, pale eyes following the progress of bare feet across floorboards worn to a satin patina with age and use. Inwardly he drew himself up short, harshly, gathering reins he hadn't realised he'd let loose. Dark brows drew together as he watched Everett's awkwardness. He reached out and took the burden of the letter from between the man's fingertips.

"It's quite alright Everett. I trust you to be discreet." He smiled gently, almost enviously.

"You and Erin have quite a friendship... her and I, however." He sighed and glanced down at the folded bit of paper, now smudged slightly with an inky fingerprint or two from Everett's hands.

"We're two sides of one coin sometimes. And hurting each other is what we do best."

He glanced toward the open door, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. Why should he feel the need to explain himself? He tucked the letter into the pocket of his pants and gave Everett another brilliant smile, though this one he didn't sell quite so well.

"Thank you for keeping it safe. She hates me enough as it is."

A nod. He would be discreet, for certain. Everett would just as soon forget that which was sincerely not his business. Maybe scotch would help, to that end.

"I shall not pretend that I have any idea what she thinks. Women are too confusing. Intemperate, mercurial creatures, every one, I fear." Which was, of course, not to say that he doesn't like them, ever so much. He just recoginzes that it is a problem to like them, ever so much.

"Would you care for a drink? I have a little wine up here, red of course, and some scotch." Niceties ought to be observed, even when one feels all bunched up. Still, it was like having a weight lifted to have Gideon come to claim the letter. It was no longer his problem, and his next best solution was to burn it. Something he did not feel entitled to do (but better that than bring it back to its author, whom he could find with ease).

Gideon smiled tightly down at his shoes and ran a hand over the nape of his neck.

"They can be... but then again... they can be beautiful things that give even the darkest days a bright ray of sunshine."

He could feel the weight of Illy's ring in his one pocket and see her smile in his mind's eye. He pushed away the pressure of nostalgia and glanced up with pleasent suprise at being asked to stay.

"Oh, only if I'm not disturbing something..." He looked pointedly to the desk in it's charming disarray.

Gideon waxes poetic on the subject of women and Everett smiles, moving for the door that he may close it.

"No, no... there is always time for that."

Everett could not often sleep properly before he did that, it was just part of his ritual, part of being him. Bare his soul on paper in some sad form before he could have his eight hours of peace.

"You disturb nothing."

Everett closes the door gently, allowing it to click into place, and moves back towards the middle of the room, pausing there and stuffing his hands into the pockets of his trousers.

"Anything in particular catch your fancy?" He asks after the drinks, naturally.

He moved to take a seat at the table, lounging back against the chair in that elegantly careless manner he embodied.

"Red wine if you please, but only just a bit." He took the box from his pocket and toyed with it under the edge of the table, turning it's edges round and round in his fingertips.

"Tell me Everett. Do you think it's fair for men to reach for something they know they don't deserve, but long for anyway?"

Everett scares up a stemmed glass for the wine and a heavy bottomed one for himself. The directions are followed to a T. A small bit of red for Gid, a heavier pour of scotch for himself. Both are brought to the table and he settles there, his brow wrinkled in a distinctively thoughtful manner.

"Fair is a word I despise unless using it in context of a face. Illy is fair, for instance." He sips his scotch, sets it down, and continues. "I think it is nature for us all to long for that which we do not deserve. Reaching well... that becomes a matter of circumstance, to my mind. To reach to better oneself, I think, is always a just decision, so long as it is not at the expense of another."

A strange question, one that makes him think of his brother.

A corner of his mouth lifted in a sad smile, his eyes still on the box.

"Illy is very fair indeed, and not just of face. She's the gentlest, goodest creature that's ever crossed my path. Well..." He glanced up for a moment. "One of them."

His pale gaze lingered for a second before he took up his wine glass.

"She makes me want to be a better man."

"Follow the want. That seems a wise thing to aspire to, no?" Boyish grin at the idea. A better man. He would be bolder, less afraid of the world if it were his choosing to do so in an instant. Everett drinks to that idea. The world could use some better men, no doubt.

Again that pained half-smile and the downcast glacial blues.

"Yes. But the things we want are not always the things we need. I'm afraid I'm one of those men cursed to ruin nearly everything he touches... and I could not stand to ruin her."

He flicked the box open and slid it across the table toward Everett. The bauble within gleamed against the light. Gideon took a feigned small sip of the wine, it's spice a tease.

"But I don't think I could live without her."

He looks at the box, and his brows arch high. He takes the box gently in hand, studying its contents. A very pricey thing, worth more than himself, he is certain. He likes the way the pearls look, beautiful and lonely. A softer gaze, the man is, after all, a poet, and susceptible to romance, despite that it is not something he himself has mastered.

"Gideon... do you mean to... are you to propose marriage to Illiana?" That is, after all, what rings mean in Everett's mind, particularly baubles such as this.

"Something similar to that... if she'll have me." He explained with a bit of a sigh. There was no way to explain the situation of immortality and exclusivity to the man without sounding like a madman, so the concept of marriage was a suitable placebo here. He gave Everett a grim smile over the edge of his wineglass, one brow flickering upwards slyly.

Well, he never, ever would have been able to see that one coming. Gideon just did not strike him as the type, pariticularly with the passion that so clearly fueled and marred the man's relationships with the other women in orbit around him. He could see it in Erin, in Cassie.

"Huh." A long beat, a jovial sort of smile, and he raises his glass to Gideon. "I say we make our own fates. If we did not, I would still be in Warwick, shoveling after the pigs. May the one you forge find you well."


Date: 2007-03-09 12:30 EST
The lad was young yet, and so ideallistic, so optimistic. It nearly broke Gideon's black heart. Sometimes men did make their own fates. Sometimes, though, a selfish demon stole their fate and twisted it to their own dark purpose. Sometimes fates ruined men. He forced a generous smile and lifted his glass, clinking it's edge against Everett's.

"Cheers to that, mate."

He drank a sip and set his glass down to take back the ring box, examining it's contents critically before snapping it shut.

"What about you, Ogden? You ever been in love?"

A celebratory drink to Gideon. Then.. That question jars more than the knocking earlier, and he nearly flinches to hear it. Love, terrible love, ghastly consuming thing. He has a book full of that, though the words are trite at best. Reading their insignificant patter over again makes him ill. Everett sets the scotch down, and finds that he is blushing, just a bit. He could dance around this, he had the words, just as sure as he didn't have the stomach to discuss it at length.

"Love? In love with a woman... I think so, once, though never have I loved a woman so fiercely as I must love my words, my family. To these things I swear my honor, my heart, to these I devote my passion. I pity the woman foolish enough to love a silly man like me. Ink stained hands and jumbles of useless words... So much passion there, I should worry that not enough would remain for she."

Though it did, in waves, and her name was there, scrawled on his heart just as certainly as the words scrawled on the pages of his desk in the corner of that little room where two men sit. Room Two-Oh, Everett's new home. Not nearly so comforting as the idyllic farm and a thousand times easier to bear.

Hey, is it just him or are those spectacles just filthy?? Everett removes them and begins to clean the lenses, using the hanky he keeps for only that purpose in his rear right pocket. The cotton is moved in slow circles on the glass.

Gideon watched the other man in fascination, his own torment forgotten for the moment as words spilled out of Everett's mouth like a well too full, sluceing over it's own walls messily. Something Gideon knew well enough was when people were lying, particularly to themselves. He was good enough at the craft to recognize a fellow. But Everett held his secrets for a reason, and Gideon wouldn't pry anything so precious from the man. With every fiber of his being he hoped to whatever god there was that the man wouldn't end up locking himself away with the false comfort of his books and quills, content with their hallow safety over the frightening, unpredictable but fullfilling world of real passion. It would be a tragedy too bitter for the vampire to imagine. He swirled the wine in his glass silently and licked thoughtfully at his lower lip.

He does not know what it is. Perhaps the intensity of that blue stare. Perhaps the scotch, or perhaps he feels that Gideon is owed for his own accidental indiscretion. While the world is still blurry, and after another long sip of scotch, the brown eyed Englishman answers the question more directly, if monosyllabically.

"Anne." And slides the spectacles back on to the bridge of his nose, hooking them behind his ears and then pushing them to the right spot with one index finger right in the middle. To say her name out loud for the first time in months both pained and relieved, like shoving a dislocated limb back into place. The same action attempted by his journey now, to mend the man's dislocated heart.

He found his gaze slip downwards again, to Everett's bared collarbone, to the slash of warm flesh given shown by the half-undone shirt. It was a pleasently painful torment. He was drawn up short in his admiration however, as the name dropped between the pair of them like a steel gate. He glanced up in suprised. He'd half guessed-half inferred the story from Everett's words and from what thoughts he gleaned off his subconscious... but he hadn't expected honesty like that. It left him speechless for a second before he gathered what wits he had about him. His mouth tried the name itself, voice holding it delicately.

"Anne. Did she love you?"

"I think...probably not. I honestly hope not." Truthfully spoken again. She had liked him a great deal, that much he knew, but all of this would be well worth it if she did not suffer as he had. Everything happened for a reason, and at least Everett could be certain that he did not lose her to a lesser man.

"I had nothing but words for her." Ink stained fingers move again to quaff another long drink, and Everett smiles, not so sadly as one might think. He is comfortable in the knowledge that he took the only course that was right. The only course that could lead to anything good for them both. This was the story he had weaved around himself during the seasick months. A security blanket for a twenty three year old man.

Gideon too took a miniscule drink before running his tongue over the edge of sharp teeth.

"I'm sorry. What was she like?"

"Kind, and quiet, though she had a bite." Genuine admiration from a man who loves women in the best way. Especially her. "Her tongue was sharper than the forge's best sword, just like her wit. You never would have known, save her dress, that she was a peasant."

He finishes the scotch and pours a second, laying himself so foolishly bare as visions of her dance across his mind. Her earthy, sweet smell. The dulcet laugh.

"She had the most beautiful eyes of any woman who dares to breathe. Helen of Troy would have died of envy to see her eyes, luminous, the color of dark honey, and exceptionally alive. She stares and it cuts like a knife. I was never safe from her eyes." A shudder at the thought. Damn it all. Another long sip, and again, he scratches his head.

Gideon's smile was one of pure amusement, perhaps touched with affection. The man was a poet to the core, no matter what professions of mediocraty he made, he had that gift. He watched the wine in his glass swirl in a slow vortex.

"Why did she choose your brother?"

Startled gaze leaps from scotch to companion, a jolt there. Had he mentioned John? He must have...

"I---" Deep breath, and a little frown. "John, I think, loved her as well as I."

More of the fairy tale, the security blanket. Things he had to believe.

"And he shall have the farm. My words would not feed her and warm her house in the winter, and clothe our children." Common sense, the way of things then. "I never told him, and neither did she."

Gideon's lips tightened. He'd slipped there, and the question itself was thoughtless. He was becoming more and more careless the more comfortable he became in this city. Nonetheless he felt a pang of saddness for Everett and his unsatiated poet's heart. He drew a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"If she chose common sense and security over love then she wasn't as good a woman as you give her credit for."

If she'd chosen a farm over the adoration of the young man infront of him, the woman was as blind and cold hearted as they came, was more the line of Gideon's thinking, but he bit his tongue for once in his bloody life.

"To do the thing that would best honor her family, and bring such joy to mine? I am inclined to disagree. That is the best kind of woman. A constant woman. A woman you would never fear or doubt." Those words come, unusually resolute for the gentleman. Heavy on the gentle.

"I think I love her more, for her sense of duty." And if she did not love him, then it was more than fair. He never had the nerve to ask her. She never had the audacity to bring it up.

And so it becomes clear to Gideon why Everett isn't going home anytime soon. Until he convinces that heart to turn, he cannot bear to see John have what he cannot, no matter how much he loves his eldest brother, no matter how right it is. That is Everett's sin, to his mind. How he covets his brother's pretty wife and her pretty wit. He'll not be mad enough to stay where he may never mend.

"Of course." He feigned agreement flawlessly. It was a situation of such regret and fustration that he suddenly felt he understood better the reason Everett cleaved to his books and words as much as he did, why he turned to the cold comfort of them instead of the bevy of soft beauties that surrounded him day and night. It was no different than Gideon's own attempts to close love out of his life, turning again and again to the cold embrace of his own self-destructive hatred rather than to the arms that ached to hold him. It was a dizzying realisation, and it only cemented in him this path he had chosen. He would tell Illy his feelings, he would offer her what he had left to give, and take the chance that god would reach out and punish him for the cessation of his self-abuse.

"You're a better man than I am, Ogden." He said quietly, watching the other male with that peircing, intense gaze. "Far better."

He will not argue with Gideon, as he has not made any women weep, of late. Instead he says,

"You would not tell the girls."

Though Everett is certain he already knows the answer to the question that does not sound so much like a question, it still bears statement aloud. He finishes his scotch with one good long pull, that sleepy warm feeling of a buzz beginning to relax his antsy limbs.

"I could not bear their pity." God, the only thing worse than a broken heart was to be pitied for it. Everett despised pity to such a degree that he would go far out of his way to avoid it.

"Never. They'd take my life first."

Now that would be a feat. Nonetheless he'd never breathe a word of it to that ravenous pack of she wolves. He rose from his seat and reached across the narrow table to rest the reassuring weight of one hand on Everett's shoulder.

"You have my word."

Almost a grin, a brave effort indeed. Everett nearly looked himself, and he gave a pat to the hand on his shoulder.

"I appreciate it greatly. And now..." A little roll of his shoudlers, a nod towards his desk. "I must answer the call of my muse so that she might allow me to sleep."

"Of course. Thank you for the drink. I must return the favor sometime. You should come visit Illy and I some evening for dinner... and bring your work perhaps?"

He couldn't help the suggestion, and it was made half-playfully, brow raised.

"This is our address." He fished a business card out of one pocket and handed it to Everett. The paper was heavy and expensive, the guilded type Roman, letters curving elegantly into the name Gideon Adrian Davidoff, VI with the address of the penthouse in the Lanesborough underneath along with a phone number.

"Call anytime, though we are usually out during the day, or asleep in coffins if Cassie's rumors are to be believed!" He laughed softly. "And thank you for keeping my letter safe."

The card is taken, pressed against the side of his left index finger with the pad of his thumb. It is impressive, and noted as such.

"I would greatly enjoy a meal with you, I shall make it a point to pay a call." The coffin remark warrants a laugh. Madness, really, and that good natured grin finds his companion. Drinking buddy, for lack of a better term. Englishman trapped down in the foxhole together, really.

"It seems we both are to be thankful for discretion, tonight." Everett opened the door for his guest, then, and stood beside it, still holding the substantial calling card in one hand.

"Yes, indeed." He shoved both hands deep into the pockets of his coats and strode out the door. "Evening, mate."

And he was off down the hallway in long, easy strides, headed home with a heart both heavier and lighter than it was upon arrival.

"Goodnight, Gideon." He locks himself in his room again, returning to his desk with a thousand words swimming on the page, and so few churning to the surface.


Date: 2007-03-16 15:37 EST
Cause I want you,
And I feel you,
Crawling underneath my skin
Like a hunger,
Like a burning,
To find a place I've never been
Now I'm broken,
And I'm faded,
I'm half the man I thought I would be:
But you can have what's left of me

I've been dying inside,
Little by little,
No where to go,
But going out of my mind
In endless circles,
Running from my self until,
You gave me a reason for standing still

It's falling faster,
Barely breathing,
Give me something,
To believe in
Tell me: It's not all in my head

Take what's left
Of this man
Make me whole
Once again

Gideon had awoken early, almost too nervous to rest once the edge of the sun hit the horizon. Speaking to Everett had only cemented in him the will to go through with this thing. The man had lent him courage, and perhaps a touch of nobility, but most of all he had shown Gideon what it meant to turn away from love or to turn towards it. Illy was precious to him, as much as any former lover, and as much as it frightened him he had to tell her, to be honest with her and himself at last.

Of course he had gone over the top, it was his way in thing, he enjoyed excess. A soft carpet of velvety red rose petals trailed their way from Illy's door clean across the appartment towards his room, and led inside to the bathroom, all the way up to the enormous tub, which he had filled with steaming hot water and mounds of bubbles, sprinkled as well with rose petals. Several vases of the fragrant flowers surrounded the tub, lush in their sanguine hue, sweetly scenting the steaming air. Beside the tub a bottle of Dom Periegnon sat chilling in an ice bucket, two glasses set beside it, a bit of a joke on his part. Gideon glanced round at the room one last time before he made hiw way out into the living space and crossed to knock soundly on Illy's door, only to vanish after he was sure she'd heard him.

The sound of his knocking jarred her and she awoke with such suddenness that she found herself dazed by her surroundings. Sitting up, she drew the covers to herself, caught imagined breath, and blinked into the darkness.


When there was no reply, she tentatively lowered the sheets from herself, feeling drowsy. Slipping a short rob over the satin of her nightgown, she drew her fingers through her hair before opening the door, squinting into the empty space. Stepping forward, she gasped and glanced down at the flower flesh at her feet.

"What on earth...?"

Her gaze lifted to follow the path of the petals, and it was a moment before she followed them with her whole body, tentatively. When she arrived at the bathroom, she stopped completely. Silent. Confused so intensely that it rendered her like a statue, some carved nymph captured open-mouthed at the beginning of a question. She turned around, looking for the only one who could possibly explain.

"Gideon...where..." No, the language wouldn't come. Only that gaping.

He stood behind her, smiling at her reaction. She still hadn't quite learned how to move at such speed as to not be seen, and he enjoyed having that leg up on her yet. He moved behind her silently and pressed a soft kiss to her satin-clad shoulder.

"It's for you, Illy... from me."

He was barefoot and wearing only black cotton drawstring pajama pants. He slid his hand under hers and lifted it, guiding her into the bathroom.

"A gift. Do you like it?"

"I..." What could she say? She stared at their hands, dizzy with the scent of the flowers, of the soap and the tactile sense of steam at every exposed inch of her flesh. Finally, her gaze broke from their hands and lifted to the filled tub. Then to his eyes, which seemed suddenly void of all their glacial features, their ice and their dread.

"What is this for?" Flustered, she shifted her weight, unsure whether to move away or to him. "I mean, have I..."

Shaking her head, she feared she might crumple into a heap at the floor.

He smiled down at the floor as he gathered her hand to him and pressed a soft kiss against her knuckles before smoothing his thumbs over her flawless, cream colored skin.

"This is for us, Illy. To enjoy." He let go of her hand and took a step or two backwards until he could sink down and sit on the edge of the tub.

"Illy... Listen. There's something I have to tell you." He ran a hand back through his dark, rumpled hair as he drew a deep breath. He'd rehersed this since he'd bought the ring but now all his practiced, perfect words seemed to leave him.

She sat beside him, then, the heat of the vapor in the air sticking to her skin. Afraid suddenly that something terrible had happened, that somehow he had arranged all of this to tell her gently of some horror, she felt as if an egg had lodged itself in her throat. Swallowing with difficulty, she gave him a searching look.

"What's happened, Gideon?"

If her heart could skip, it would beat the most erratic rhythm as she was struck with the idea that Thalon had returned, that this was Gideon's goodbye. She lifted her fingertips to her neck, an absent, nervous gesture. Her nails skated gently against the skin there, slippery with the steam.

"I've come to a realization, Illy." He admitted, glancing up at her with those peircing blues from under his brows. He sighed.

"I took everything from you. Everything. Selfishly. And yet, for some reason you thanked me, and you've stayed with me, beside me. Since I... since that night out behind the inn, I have never been alone." He gave her a taut, half-smile. "I can't explain it Illy, but I would do anything for you, to make you happy."

He rose and took a restless pace, rubbing his hand over his mouth slowly.

"Illy..." He stopped and knelt down before her, his hands resting gently against the outside of her thighs as he looks up at her. "Illy, I'm not a good man... I'm selfish and stupid and nothing but trouble for anyone. I have been, and I think I always will be only half of myself..."

He swallowed hard and looked up at her, his gaze intense, sharp.

"But I swear to you... swear to you... if you let me, if you still want me, I will give you that half. Broken as it may be, Illy... I will love you with what's left of me, as best I know how."

He reached into the pocket of his pants and pulled out the small black box and set it gently on her lap, his fingers trembling.

She held the box for what seemed a century. Her mind was in a thousand places at once, places in time when she had carried a child, when she had been loved and then left, when the blood had come from between her legs and told her that the infant was lost. And here, Gideon, she was here, too. Once she had mourned for him like Salome at the Crucifixion, her tears some mix of iron and salt as she had watched Thalon's raw and brutal ghost-touch span every inch of the man. How his absence drew from Gideon his heart through his mouth. How she had felt herself wilt with the weight of her empathy, with the familiar constriction of her own throat. What pink organs were plucked from them so expertly! It was the cross of grief at first, yes, and yet now it was something evolved and shaped into another heady wash of emotion. This love, it was morbid of her, it was the wind blowing cold over a grave. And then it was warmed so completely, like heated honey, like this scented steam. This disjunction was infinitely heavy-handed and had left her bruised, weeping. What release was there to seek? She opened the box and felt something inside of her break. Here they lay before her, two mismatched pearls, gleaming. The poet in her was moved by the statement their colours made, light against its antithesis. They seemed natural, these pearls, destined to adorn the setting together. Her head swam. Dizzy, lovesick, shocked. She found that even from her perch at the tub, she was wrought with weakness, and her eyes broke away from the ring to search for support. There was nothing within reach, and she gave Gideon a helpless whimper as she leaned into him like some boneless creature, one hand pressed to his shoulder as her eyes closed.

"I don't know what to say..." Her tongue was thick, blood in her eyes, suddenly at her cheeks. Her voice was stolen, carried away by some unkind spectre. She felt she needed air, although there was no biology. Drawing up from him, she stared at him with soft eyes.

"You are not obligated to do this for me, Gideon, you... You don't have to."

His hands went to her hips, steadying her and he watched her in concern. He'd not expected this, the greif that seemed to plauge her, that stole everything from her expression save utter desolation. He felt as if she'd shut her hand around him and crush him into pulp as easily as the rose petals he was bruising underfoot.

"Illy... I'm not saying this out of obligation. I love you. It scares me and I hate it, but I do love you. I know I don't deserve to even share a room with you, but god Illy... tell me that the way you look at me, tell me the way I feel around you is a lie. Please to god tell me it, and save me. Otherwise tell me that you love me too... and we'll let it kill us both."

The weeping threatened to spill over into a sob, and her lips parted for it, parted for that cry, but it did not come. Helpless, she reached for him, reached for his jaw and gripped each side of his face with such strength that it might have bruised mortal skin. She stared at him until she couldn't contain herself, and she broke the gaze to stare at her lap, at the pearls at her thighs. Her thumbs eased over his chin, to his cheeks, and she felt herself choke on her words before they began. She closed her eyes and tried again.

"It isn't a lie. You have held my heart in your hands without either of our consents and I fear I would die without you."

Her eyebrows came together and she felt herself squeezing her eyes tighter, as if she could stop the free flow of tears.

"I do love you, I am in love with you, with every part of your body that I have touched and I have cursed myself so wholly for it that I am as terrified by this, by your request, as I am by your withdrawal."

She slid to her knees, then, releasing his face as she joined him on the floor, surrounded by rose petals. She picked up the box and removed the ring, opening her eyes.

He watched her in silence, as she settled down on the floor with him, and reached out to take the ring from her, only to slide it over the ring finger of her left hand. He took her face in his hands and wiped at her tears with his thumbs, leaving pale red streaks across the porceline of her cheeks.

"I love you, Illy. I do, the devil help me. I'm sorry." He kissed her, gently, and then again laughing softly between the brush of their lips.

Her lips against his in return were full-force and seeking. She reached for his shoulders, felt his laughter, and realized that she was smiling into their kiss. Drawing away just enough to look at him, she was unable to stop herself from laughing with him, through her tears.

"So we're both sorry and in love, what messes we make." Reaching down, she gathered a handful of rose petals and sighed at them wistfully, her tone suddenly robbed of that mirth.

"It will take time for me to understand this, to accept it. I have been so ashamed, so afraid of you and what is inside of me for you, and I had begun to close the book, I..." The end was a whisper, and as she lost her words, she felt herself weeping again.


Date: 2007-03-16 15:54 EST
**Warning, contains Mature Content**

Gideon's smile turned bittersweet at her words and he glanced down to watch her gather her handful of petals as he listened. Reaching down he picked one petal out of the bunch in her hand and stroked it softly down the curve of her cheek, over the fullness of her lower lip, and softly down her throat.

"I was cruel to you Illy, because of my own fear. I am coward and cad... and so much worse. I won't pretend to deserve you, but I can't live without you anymore."

It was unclear to her whether it was relief that flooded her belly or something else entirely. Whatever it was, it was warm and it spread through her body in slow motion, gentle waves rolling into the very tips of her fingers. At the places where petal met flesh, she felt entire cities shaking. Swollen suddenly with the breadth of it, she grasped the fingers of his hand, plucked the petal from them and kissed each of them eagerly, as if there were no other motion for her lips to make. Between these kisses, she whispered to him.

"It isn't a matter of deserving, Gideon, I am yours."

I am yours. The words echoed within him, brushed against something that had long lay dormant and woke it. He watched her kiss his fingertips like a slave at worship and suddenly surged towards her, scooping her up into his arms as he claimed her mouth for his own, his strength and need raw, primal. Hands made rough with lust pulled her robe down off of her and then rent the silken fabric of her nightdress, tearing it in half. He released her with one arm, only to pull at the drawstrings of his own pajamas, rising to drop them, leave them on the floor as he stepped into the tub and offered her his hand.

The kiss drew some wanton nymph out of her, surely, but what gasps he coaxed from her with his movements. The sound of ripping silk reverberated within her skull, dazing her until she was painfully aware of her own body. Parted lips drew air through them, as if the oxygen and the steam could grant her the courage not to cover herself. The struggle between her timid breeding and her limbs' desire to wrap around this man was written into each of her features. Stomach whirling from within her, she took his hand and stepped into the water, her smile nervous and starving at once.

He sank down into the hot water laiden with bubbles and moved back to lean against the edge of the tub, watching her with a gaze half hungry, half adoring. He drew her down and towards him so that she sat straddling his lap, the warm water lapping lightly round her waist. His hands stroked up the elegant line of her back and round her ribs to cup and lift her breasts, thumbs stroking nipples tormentingly. His gaze ate her up, devoured every inch of her body. One hand slipped low, down into the heat of the water, and slid its way up her slippery thigh until his fingers found an even greater heat. He was merciless, teasing her gently in slow circles, all silence.

The water crept at the small of her back, following her skin as her spine arched. Her whimper was inhaled, swallowed, and her eyes closed as his hands moved against her flesh. The small swells of her breasts lifted and fell with invisible breath, and as her body curved to meet him, she felt stars breaking inside of her abdomen, sending their dust and their glitter into the flowery heat between her legs. Labored and suddenly consumed, she braced herself against him, her fingers gripping the sides of the tub.

If there was ever anything more beautiful in the world than her, he forgot it in that moment, watching her give in to the wants of her body. He was so hard with desire he thought he might break, but he let her decide when she was ready. His fingers stroked and teased, slippery against her pink flesh under the water. Teeth were clenched so hard in restraint he could feel the muscles of his jaw ache. He lent foward slowly and traced a line of suckling, licking kisses up between the cleft of her breasts, all the way to her throat, his mouth nuzzling, sucking lightly at that delicate white column.

Illiana's heart seemed to beat again, to drum and pulse and throb against every inch of the interior of her body. As his fingers maneuvered so hesitantly, she felt herself wrench free of some nameless, formless binding. Her hips pressed with urgency against the gently invading digits as he set his mouth to her throat, which seemed to vibrate with her quiet groaning. For every knot he untied with his caresses, another seemed to weave itself at the very center of her. The most gifted mason could not have built a fortress strong enough to keep her from him. She arched further into him, each muscle of her tightening as if ready to snap. There was a low trembling, and her gasps filled the space between them. Her eyes fluttered open and she reached up to pull his mouth from her neck, gripping his face so that she might kiss him almost brutally. Her teeth sank hungrily into his lower lip, drawing tiny droplets of blood. She was still and in motion at once, wrapped utterly in the broken dam at her thighs. Dizzy, she spoke into his mouth and licked delicately at the waning blood.

"Please, oh Gideon..."

He groaned deeply as Illy's kiss both stung and soothed his mouth, the blood welling up between the two of them, the sweet, luscious taste of the copper spilling onto his own tongue. How long had it been since someone had made him bleed? It felt like forever. His tongue, stained dark red, licked at her own, shared its sweetness. He withdrew the caress of his fingers and drew her foward, unable to wait any longer, his fingers spread across the round curves of her hips, each fingertip denting her velvet skin. He waited, though, under her, every muscle trembling tautly as he willed himself into stillness. Glacial blue eyes opened and gazed up at her, pleading.

It was as if she was possessed as she watched him pull from her to beg her with his eyes. And in a manner of speaking, she was possessed. Her own blue gaze met his unwaveringly, the sound of lapping water and the scent of roses surrounding her. She stared at him for once without question marks in her pupils, and after a long moment of savoring his hands at her hips, of savoring that need which flickered between them like electricity in the bath, she reached down and gingerly touched the length of him. Teeth caught her own lip as she watched his expression, and when she could restrain herself no more, she shifted so that she might center him against her seeking flesh. A half second of hesitation was all that she could allow herself before she eased down again, returning to his lap now an extension of his body. Droplets of water wove pathways down her back, and the sensation of being filled with him was augmented by the cool lick of air at her damp flesh. She leaned against him, hips to hips, and lowered her forehead to his shoulder, her groan throaty and low.

The sigh that escaped him as her fingers found the length of him, caught in his throat as it tightened. His lips parted but no sound came, his head rocking backward against the lip of the tub. Generous lips curled into a smile of pure bliss however when at last, at long last Illy slid herself down upon him. He growled like a beast and pushed upwards against her with his own hips, even as his hands bore her down until he could burry himself in her no further. He lent foward and licked at her damp skin, flicked his tongue over one pale, perfect nipple before drawing it between his lips and sucking softly. His hands stroked her like a cat, long sweeps of warm, wet fingers over her back and sides, caressing the soft curve of her stomach. He released her nipple only to lavish attention upon it's mate, only this time the sharp ivory of his fang peirced the tender flesh and he licked lustfully at the rosy droplets.

Gideon's driving into her stole the first cry from Illy, the pitch of her voice cracking at its end, and her vision blurred as if she had swallowed far too much wine. The burst of passion from him was, however, far more intoxicating than any fermented fruit she had laid upon her tongue. Her head fell back, tangled and steamed-damp strands of sanguine drizzling her shoulders as her throat was exposed to him. As he stroked her breasts and belly, she felt herself pressing even further against him at their joining, her body engulfing him so completely that their pelvic bones met and threatened to bruise against each other. When his teeth found the bud at her breast, she cried out again and lavished in the divine pleasure he took from her in flesh and in blood. She trembled against him, felt herself slip into some dreamstate wherein they might always be locked together by mouth and by sex, with him feasting upon her as if she were sacrament and he were faithful patron. The explosion of pleasure between her thighs gripped him wholly and she briefly wondered if she might die, just then, like a flame doused in lusty breath.

He snarled softly as her silken walls suddenly gripped him with a force that threatened to drive him mad with pleasure. Gideon shifted under her and slid his arms around her until he could move her, guide her in a slow but forceful movement, rocking her slowly back and then against himself again. He smiled up at her and licked at her mouth, sucking on her lower lip before he dropped his head and burried his face in her throat. Mouth, lips, tongue... all grazed her skin ever lower until at last he sank the needles of his fangs into the lush curve of one breast and would not give up his hold. The blood poured into his mouth and he swallowed it greedily as he had done that first night, bringing the rapture, that release that eclipsed any orgasm down upon her again. He kept them moving, kept thrusting deeply, smoothly into her, reveling in their joining, in the insaitable hunger he harbored for her body, one that the having only intensified.

The first night he had taken her blood, she saw stars. Those familiar, dazzling things now reappeared behind her eyelids, and she crooned to him as he drank from her and moved inside of her at once. The rocking and the cradling wrapped her in decadence more animal and lustful than Herod's lecherous observation of his daughter's dance. It was appropriate that Gideon's teeth drew liquid from her over her heart, and surely through this piercing he would discover the very depth of her gift to him: this perfect, bare, unvarnished love that eclipsed even the devotion which guided the sun to always chase the moon 'round the earth. Her fingers moved against the back of his neck as he drank from her, fingertips tugging gently at his hair.

The muscles of his throat worked and he swallowed each thick, satiating mouthful, the pleasure of it burning its way down to explode within his belly like the release nature now denied him. Hungry cells devoured the liquid ice, and the love he wittnessed within her in this bond awed and cowed him. Gradually he released his bite and drew back, moaning softly as he simply held Illy to him and let all the overwhelming, delicious sensations die slowly within himself.

Gideon unwound his arms from around her slowly and reached up to take her face in his hands, drawing her down to kiss her reverantly, worshipfully. He mumured words against the meeting of their mouths.

"Oh, Illy... you'd make angels cry."

Smiling against him, the water heating her skin, she placed featherlight kisses at his lips and jaw and nuzzled her forehead to his, glowing even despite the paling of her flesh after his indulgence. Her fingers pressed curiously to the space at the center of his collarbone, and she whispered to him in return, her voice a sultry, syrupy rhythm that only brushed the words when her breath was not enough to form them.

"Only because they would envy that I may be here, held in the arms of some treasure they can never know."

He laughed softly, the tone of it warm, pleasure dripping from his low voice as his fingers caressed the nape of her neck.

"No, love... it would be me they envy. You are more perfect than the pearl on that ring."

He reached for her hand and held it up, admiring the way the twin orbs glowed against her skin, one pure white, the other pearl dark as the abyss, the wet diamonds that sourrounded them sparkling like minature stars caught in their orbit.


Date: 2007-03-20 14:18 EST
Gideon couldn't have failed to miss Malachi when he arrived at the inn. The light seemed drawn to him like a spotlight, attracted to the perfect planes and curves of his handsome face. The man was a jumble of contradictions... eyes soft, harboring something vaulnerable in their depths, while his mouth was often hard and sharp, agressive and defensive. The man had approached Gideon. He'd been crass and witty, infuriating and yet so intruging. Gideon had loved it, reveled in it at the same time he let it stoke his ire. He'd been the one who walked away at last, a caustic and lasting first impression branded within. It was this impression that laid the foundation for the interaction to come...

Gideon stretched out on the couch by the hearth, the warmth radiating from the fireplace leaving him wonderfully drowsy. The sharp, clean lines of his pinstriped blazer were wrinkled under him as he lay with his arms up, hand tucked behind his head. The hem of his jeans was wet from the melting snow outside, but were quickly drying from the heat of the fireplace. The hood of his soft grey hoodie was pulled up over his head to shadow his eyes from the bright lights of the inn. Illy had become the nexus' apparently favorite new target, and spending evenings at the inn without her made him restless, if not downright bored. On the rocks with many of the rest of his usual female companions, and Everett holed up in his room trying to force genius from the tip of his fountain pen, Gideon was left entirely to his own devices. It was a state of being that in him, usually bred trouble.

Alain wandered in, hands shoved as deep as they can go in the pockets of his brown leather jacket. Dark red t-shirt, somewhat shredded jeans, and shoulder-holstered blaster complete the look. Tired but alert blue eyes survey a nearly empty room, and find an old business associate.

It had been an unproductive day and Malachi didn't relish in returning to the Inn after his drunken antics last night. He was sweaty with a film of sawdust clinging to his hair and skin. He smelled of wood, leather and oil and the only thing he looked forward to at this moment was a shower. Not wanting to brave the common room, he entered through the hall. His boots rang loudly on the tiled floor and he was glad he'd never fancied himself a thief.

?What a day...?

Gideon had something that looked suspiciously like a hand-rolled cigarette held between his teeth, unlit, as if he were pondering the wisdom of using such a substance in the middle of the tavern... or perhaps he just needed a light.

Malachi got a glance, nothing more from Alain. He tilts his head at Gideon, approaching slowly with a little grin.

"Pondering your lungs? That doesn't seem like you."

It wasn't long before Cassie made an appearance. Jeans and a black t-shirt as usual, with a black leather jacket pulled on over it all to hide the more visible weapons. She'd taken to wearing the lavender curls piled atop her head and held in place with chopsticks, and sported the look tonight. A glance around, and she grinned ruefully. This would be interesting.

Gideon shifted, pulled the hood back slightly and glanced up, a sly, smirking smile curling the corners of his mouth as Alain came into his field of vision. He withdrew the joint and handed it up to his old aquitence.

?Not my lungs, mate. Just the use of my time.?

Malachi hadn't realized he wasn't alone until the man spoke. He didn't have the energy to be offended or have his proverbial tale feathers ruffled by the man's curt dismissal of him.

?Evening Gideon.? They were far from friends but a measure of civility was implied as Chi inclined his head to the lounging man.

Alain looked over his other shoulder, at Cassie. A quiet whistle... but loud enough for her to hear, and a lopsided grin. Then smiled back down at Gideon, one hand resting on his couch. He waves the joint away politely.

"Your time? How's that? Not getting bored again, are you? I thought I gave you some fun games to play..."

Long legs swung down and he sat upright, pulling his hood off all the way as he glanced over his shoulder at the greeting. Malachi earned himself a broad, wicked grin.

?Well hullo. Look at you.? Playfully distainful blues swept the man's unkempt appearance. ?Out scrounging the trash again for supper??

Cassandra blew a kiss in Alain's direction as the whistle, and continued forward, heading towards the testosterone trio. This could, quite possibly, get out of hand. But Cassie was never one to shy away from a challenge.

?I see you're in fine form tonight, Gideon.?

Alain?s dark eyebrows went up. Them's fightin' words. Malachi gets a more interested look, albeit brief, and he thinks about giving these two their space. Not for safety's sake, but so the show can go on unhindered. When Cassie drew near, his arm looped around her waist.

Gideon tucked the joint back behind one ear as he glanced back up at Alain.

?Yes, a little bit. But buisness isn't all fun and games.?

Sharp eyes flicked towards Cass and studied her with unabashed appreciation for a long moment.

?I suppose I should take that as a compliment.?

Erin took dinner, but avoided the inn. She had a list of people she didn't want to see. Ironically, most of them were in her hiding place! Today was a dress, in at the waist, to around the knees. She had combed her hair to hide the hangover from her sister? like that worked. And she had a bag that she was going to sit and silence and eat the contents of. Oops.

?Aw, cripes.? It was under her breath, really. She saw Gideon first... then Alain.. then Cassie.. then.. shit. ?Sorry, sorry.?

?Fancy yourself a comic today, do ya? Some of us are employable and have bills to pay. Again the lack of "silver spoon" existance.? Malachi smiled though, pointedly and with as much exuberance as he could muster.

A slight lean into Alain, and Cass simply eyed Gideon back. She was still annoyed over the last encounter they had. Honestly. She'd apologized and sent a very nice bottle of wine!

Malachi?s eyes shifted to Erin and he nodded to himself. Perfect...really. If anything else went "wrong" his being tossed in the lake by the nexus was the least of his worries.

?Afternoon? He said to everyone and no one in particular.

?You know, Alain and Cassie both work and yet still manage to look like they know what bathing is.? He returned, turning his head to watch the man with a hungry sort of interest. ?Perhaps you might ask them for some pointers some time??

"A smelly detective's no good for business." Alain grinned at Erin and upnods her. "Isn't that right?"

?The price for creative genius I suppose. I can dumb it down for you if you like - apparently your title didn't buy you the intelligence to couple with your pretty education.? He was Chi again and his smile was wicked. ?Much the same, as say, the ink that perpetually stains your "houseboy?s" fingers.?

Cassandra had a smile for Erin, and she waved her on in. Erin couldn't escape now! She'd been caught! Then a slight frown. Was Malachi referring to Everett in such a light? Insulting Gideon was one thing, but Everett? She didn't like that.

A roll of her eyes at Alain as Erin allowed herself complete entrance, the bag, which held some sort of meal, it was hard to tell with her.. no sleeping messed up the clock and all. Really now.

"You shower a lot, Al." She could fall back into witty and funny and.... wave to Cassie and a frown at Malachi. Was he talking about...?

Malachi liked Everett well enough but his mind was still muddled and he was grasping at the straws his wit had left him. He didn't have the patience for Gideon's ridicule today - especially not here in present company.

Not really sure what Malachi's on about except the working class hero thing... a game Alain's not completely unfamiliar with. It's what's keeping the smile on his face, though he spots Cassie's frown.

Gideon gave a breath of an exasperated laugh.

?I keep telling you, I don't have a title.?

He rose off the couch slowly and straightened his coat with a tug, each motion ripe with the threatening slow speed of a large cat readying for the strike. He moved towards Malachi, chin lowered, his grin malicious.

Alain watched Gideon approach Malachi, and leans in to whisper to Cassie with a small grin.

"Looks like he's gonna go for the throat."

Malachi?s first instinct was to step back but he held his ground, his eyebrow lifting slightly.

?It's really not the best time, Gideon. As much as I enjoy our sparring...?

?As a matter of fact... She's the only one here who has a title I'm aware of.? A slight nod towards Erin in the doorway. His slow pace gave way to a burst of violent speed as he lunged and grabbed Malachi round the throat, bearing him up against the lip of the bar and bending him backwards slowly, his strength inexorable.

?And you'll not insult Everett again. Are we clear??

Cassandra tensed a little bit, ready to jump in and pull one off of the other. Or hell, get a few smacks in herself. She did remain in the loop of Alain's arm for the moment. She was simply getting prepared. Then a snicker.

?More like his mouth.?

?Holy shi-? Erin dropped the bag as Gideon moved like that, pushing back against the door. Blinkblink and her eyes turned to Alain for help. Great habit, that.

"...Looks like I was right." Alain?s jacket was thrown back with a roll of shoulder that, at the same time, puts his hand on his gun and unclasps the holster. But leaves it in place. He's not about to try to stop Gideon. How'd he move so fast...? Eyes move around... he spots Erin, shifting himself and Cassie somewhat in front of her, and looks down at Cassie with a puzzled frown.

"Why would you say that?"

Malachi cleared his throat slightly as he slowly removed Gideon's hand, finger by finger. His hand to Gideon's chest as he calmly pushes him away and steps forward.

Bugger. Cass sidled closer, fingers itching for a knife, but her hands remained empty for awhile.

?Don't worry about it.? To Alain. ?Gideon! Let him go! None of us liked the insult but keep a check on your bloody temper!?

Malachi shouldered roughly past him and made for the door.

Gideon leaned closer, teeth bared, pale eyes snapping as he let his hand be removed, though he held his ground, the push barely rocking him. Cass went ignored, as per usual. He watched Malachi in smug, silent satisfaction as he knocked past him and walked away.

Malachi?s eyes were all apologies when he looked at Erin for all of a moment and then the door was flung wide with a loud bang and he was gone.

Erin had to move for him to get out the door, and she turned to watch him go. There were things that needed to be said, and she almost followed him, taking a step over the threshhold, but then she stopped and just watched.

?I need a damned cigarette.? Under her breath before she turned to the room, worried that it was to get out of hand, but not at all interested in getting involved. Really, she was just waiting to be told what to do.

Gideon crossed the room and took the joint out from its tuck behind his ear and pressed it into Erin's hand, half absently. He gave Alain a silent nod and recrossed back to his seat upon the couch, flopping down. He was still steaming, and his gaze kept slipping towards the path of Malachi's departure. He was itching to further instigate now. One hand rubbed restlessly at his thigh through his jeans.

Malachi had paused round the corner, closing his eyes and willing his anger and frustration to remain below the surface. Leaning his head back against the wall he just breathed.

Gideon managed to sit and hold a relatively civil conversation with Alain and Cassie, but only for a few minutes. His attention had drifted away again. Restless was his middle name today and the encounter, left half-finished, with Malachi was nagging at him, and he was completely disinterested in the business tips Alain was offering him. He rose and dug in one pocket, pulled out a neatly folded wad of bills and tossed them nonchalantly into Alain's lap. Payment for the tips.

?If you'll excuse me??

?Be good.? A smirk twisted Cassie?s lips for Gideon as he rose to leave. She had an idea as to where he was headed. Or at least, she thought she had an idea.

Money wasn't what Alain was after, but he wasn't going to turn it down. He pockets it, and nods to Gideon as he left.

"Of course. Have a good one."

?I'd tell you to do the same but I'd hate to waste another piece of good advice.?

That to Cass before he gave Alain a cool smile and a wink.

?You on the other hand, be careful.?

An absent wave of his hand and he was already moving towards the door, hands shoved deep into the pockets of his jeans, the casualty of his pose belying the speed of his pace.

?I'm always good.? Another smirk for Gideon, before snuggling into Alain some. She'd actually taken Gideon's advice at one point, and it had panned out well for her. Which was why she was so ticked that he'd thrown her confidences in him back in her face.


Date: 2007-03-20 14:20 EST
Gideon rounded the corner and headed up the stairs, his pace slowing as he entered the dimly lit hallway. The twin rows of doors posed a problem, each one shut on a different patron. He strolled along slowly, watching each number slip past.

Malachi had stalked up the stairs, hastily thrown the door to his room open and was half undressed before he reached in to turn on the shower. His boots were at the door, his shirt thrown over a chair and his jeans undone.

?Biggest damned mistake I've made in a long time.?

He cursed and called himself ten kinds of an idiot.

And there was room Seventeen, with its door conveniently half-open, someone's haste having sent it swinging back open instead of closed. The trail of sawdust-coated clothing on the floor was another clue. Gideon smiled to himself as he shoved the door open silently and stepped inside, turning the knob with infinite slowness until he could shut the door behind him soundlessly. He walked into the room stepping over the discarded clothes and boots as he moved towards the bathroom, where the hiss of the shower did little to drown out Malachi's curses. He stepped into the doorway and leaned against the frame, crossing his arms. His smile could have put the Cheshire cat to shame.

?Oh? And what mistake would that be??

Malachi did arrogant well but he wasn't one to lose his temper and he'd never made a comment like he had about Everett without proper provocation. He'd kicked his jeans off and just finished adjusting the temperature of the shower when Gideon's voice cut through his own mumblings. He purposed to look unalarmed and unphased. Standing there in nothing but his boxerbriefs his mouth drawing into a thin line. He turned to face the man in the doorway.

?Which one are you looking for? There's a plethora, I assure you.?

The corners of his mouth curled further upwards, if that was possible and he arched a brow as he looked Malachi over unabshedly. Apparently leather tooling was damn good physical work.

?Why don't you start at the top of the list and work your way down. I'll let you know when you get to the important ones.?

?I know how important you fashion yourself to be, Gideon. However, I'm obviously in the middle of something and as per your earlier remarks you're in full agreement that this shower is needed.?

He wasn't angry anymore, it took much out of him. However, there was also no trace of humor in his voice.

His expression took on a more conciliatory look and he shifted from his lean in the doorway to step forward into the bathroom, his arms still crossed.

?I'm cruel to you, aren't I? I shouldn't say such things... but you have a wonderful look to you when you're set upon.?

?Is that an attempt at charm? It doesn't suit you.?

With that said he finished undressing and stepped unabashedly into the shower, pulling the door firmly shut behind him. It was obviously not an invitation.

? And I make my own bed. And I suppose it's letter writing to Everett after I'm done here. It wasn't aimed at him you know - on your obvious attraction to him and your distaste in the ordinary, yes.?

?Perhaps.? Gideon canted his head to one side, studying the man almost in detachment.

?I don't mean half the things I say, and the other half is usually lies. And you needn't write a thing to Everett. He wasn't there to hear you.?

Gideon couldn't help but smile at that last line, though the ruefulness of it was hidden from Malachi by the shower door.

?Is it that obvious??


Malachi let the water wash away the grim, tilting his head back and closing his eyes, he let the water stream down onto his face.

?However there were a notable number of infamous mouths present in the room. I'm not naive enough to think for a second that Everett won't hear of it the moment he steps into the Common Room downstairs.?

?Either that or you'll have to admit to my uncanny powers of perception.? In answer to his question.

A glance around the bathroom and he knocked the toilet seat and lid down to take a seat, grabbing a towel from off of the rack and picking absently at the small fuzzies that lined it.

?It'll be forgotten, trust me. They'll hold it against you but won't breathe a word of it to him. It's how things seem to work in this little macrocosm.?

?It's said none the less and I'll deal with it as it comes.?

Having satisfied himself that all traces of work were gone, he held his hand out for the de-fuzzed towel.

?And, not for the first time, I'm seriously wondering at my decision to set up shop here, both literally and figuratively.? And without thinking he'd just kept talking, as if he and Gideon were lifelong friends.

Gideon handed off the towel and let his hands dangle down between his legs, elbows resting on his knees.

?And why is that? Surely the other displaced British pats haven't been giving you as much of a hard time as I have.?

?As if that were somehow possible.? His voice muffled as he towel-dried his hair. ?There just doesn't seem to be a market for me here.?

Which sounded ridiculous depending on how you took it. He wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped out of the shower.

Gideon glanced up and caught his lower lip between his teeth. If Malachi looked tempting with his clothes on, then damp and naked to the waist was more than even a saint could take. He rose and gave the other male a half-smile.

?I'm fairly sure there's a huge market for you here. I can't speak for your wares...?

He gave a half shrug. The pun was just begging to be made. He stepped forward, his expression sobering as he reached up and closed his hand gently round the curve of the man's throat again, this time gentle. His thumb stroked the hint of a bruise that his fingertips had begun to leave behind. Dark brows drew together.

?You'll find your place.?

One eyebrow arched slightly, he glanced from Gideon's hand to his face. He didn't make to move, yet he was unreadable. There was tensing of his posture, no shouted feeling of being cornered.

?Like you've found yours? It seems tenuous at best on your good days.?

He did move then, walking past him into the sitting are of his room. He uncapped the whiskey decanter and sloshed a goodly amount of the brown-gold liquor into two glasses.


?I have my niche. Even us devils have our place in the world. If only to make the saints and angles shine brighter by comparison.?

His hand lingered in empty air for a second before his fingers clenched and he let it fall back by his side again. A hot flair of anger roiled through him briefly, cooled almost instantly by the ice of patience and humility. He followed to the doorframe and took up his lean again.

?No, but you go ahead.?

He did, taking a long drink and reveling in it for the briefest of moments.

?I think it's entirely possible, that you and I, play the villain a little too well. It doesn't leave much room for anything else.?

Gideon laughed softly at that.

?I'm afraid, Malachi, that I've worn the suit so long now it's become skin. It's still just a mask upon you I think.?

His gaze was intimate as he watched the other, the flesh of his hands itching to touch. Each stray drop of water that rolled down the curve of a well-toned shoulder or over the plain of his flat, hard stomach was a silent tormentor. He chewed slowly on his lower lip. and lifted a shoulder in a graceful shrug.

?What does it matter though what we are or pretend to be??
?In the grand scheme of things? Nothing I suppose.?

He finished off his drink, snagged a pair of jeans out of the pile of unfolded laundry and tugged them on.

?I'm not expecting to live forever though - mayhaps I might do better while I can.?

?Well. I guess that makes you one of the lucky ones.? He mumbled and left the doorway to pick his way across the room towards the windows. Anywhere to look to take the focus off Malachi. It wasn't that effective. He braced his hands against the chill of the window ledge and watched the patrons come and go outside, moving through the lamplights like dancers through spotlights on a stage.

?That's an unusual perspective...especially coming from you.? He settled into a chair by the writing desk. Stretching his long legs out in front of him, he took the glass he'd poured for Gideon and drank.

Gideon just smiled bitterly over his shoulder before he rose from his lean and crossed to the desk. Bending slightly he ran the fingers of his hand back through Mal's long, damp blonde hair before gathering the slippery strands in his fist. He pulled gently, drawing the other man's head back, and leaned down slowly. The tip of his tongue touched the cupid bow of Malachi's soft upper lip first, before his mouth closed over it. It was strangely demanding and yielding at the same time... but he kept the kiss brief, sucking only once before he pulled back and grinned grimly down at the other man, his fingers tightening slightly in their grip of his hair, just in case.

?You don't know the first thing about me, mate.?

He genuinely was at a loss for words and yet he smoothly brought his glass between them and finished his drink.

?I've never pretended to. I think the fault of preconceived notions falls more heavily on you than it does on me. Obviously...?

He set the glass aside and pushed himself up from the chair, forcing Gideon to move backward and allow him room to draw himself up to his full height.

He let the set blonde strands slip through his fingers and stepped backwards, watching Malachi rise, his expression a strangely pleasant taunting, like a bully looking for a fight to be had, or a penitent watching his punishment come due. The other male had a few good inches on him, and he had to lift his chin the slightest bit to keep his eye contact.

Malachi reached past him and pulled a clean shirt randomly from a hanger in the wardrobe. He arched a brow in question at Gideon's sudden silence as he started on the bottom button and worked his way upward.

The line of his icy gaze hardened slightly, the press of his mouth tightening just a touch.

?Obviously. Or perhaps you just have so little idea of what it is you want that it's impossible for others to give it to you.?

He shrugged and pushed past Malachi, not bothering to be gentle about it.

?Cruelty or kindness... it makes no difference to me if it makes none to you.? He moved for the door, drawing a cigarette out of the inner breast pocket of his coat.

Malachi exhaled and shook his head.

?There's truth in that I suppose. But guess what? Pot, you?re black.?

He took the cigarette from Gideon's fingers and made for the balcony. Lighting it from the candle on the nightstand he inhaled and stepped into the frigid night air. He was barefoot, with wet hair and obviously begging to catch a cold. He paid no attention to any of it just watched the smoke curl and fade as it streamed from his mouth.

Gideon paused at the door and gave Malachi a look of sheer incredulity.

?Quite wrong you are, Kettle. I know what it is I want?. He let the other take his cigarette and followed a few steps behind, watching Mal enjoy the grey, fragrant poison of the tiny white stick. ?And I don't hesitate to take it.?

Malachi smirked and glanced at him sideways.

?There was never any doubt - the trouble, I think, with you Sir Pot, is that you haven't the faintest idea what to do with it once you've taken it. And then all interest is lost and off you go for the next toy.?

Gideon reached forward and caught the man's wrist, drawing the cigarette, still between Malachi's fingers, to his own lips, taking a slow draw upon it. Pale eyes flicked upwards at the barb. and he released his wrist to lean back to exhale.

?How would you know, Kettle? You've met only two of my discarded toys, one of which you treated no differently then I did myself.?

?Not at all true...she went her own way - the fact that I wasn't heart broken isn't a valid indication. And as for how I know...I've met you before, Pot and the regime hasn't changed - it merely has a more masculine face.?

Cryptic he supposed and not making as much sense as he'd like but it'd do for now.

Gideon arched a brow in curiosity at that.

?Oh I see... you think I'm no different than some nameless woman who had the pleasure of breaking your soft heart.? He leaned back against the wall opposite Malachi.

?What makes you think I'd do the same??

?Your every action shouts it Gideon - what of the woman from the Inn the other night - were you not orchestrating to do that very thing??

He inhaled and offered the cigarette back to him holding it as some sort of laughable peace offering.

?Charlotte?? He laughed softly and glanced out across the balcony. ?No I was only speaking to her.?

He reached out and accepted the cigarette, took a deep draw upon it and flicked the ash off the end before handing it back.

?I'm afraid she's just not my type.?

?She's too sweet for you and nothing's there to keep you guessing.?

He flicked the cigarette out of habit oblivious to the fact that there was no ash at it's end.

?And we're full circle to Everett.?

?You think Everett is exactly like Charlotte?? He asked quietly. Everett was a sensitive subject, one Malachi had approached with not enough finesse the last time. Despite an apology he was still wary. He watched his companion silently before he laughed softly and shifted in his lean, moving his weight from one foot to the other.

?If you think Everett is a poor match for me you should meet Illiana...?

?Not at all? He replied quickly for fear of further misunderstanding in regard to Everett. ?I was referring to his sweetness of nature and his countenance and I wonder if you had him, how in the world would you manage to hold on? Or would you try??

It wasn't the game that they played. An honest question with no judgment or accusation. The cigarette was dead and probably had been for a while. He tossed the butt into an old coffee can that served as an ashtray.

Gideon drew his gaze back up to meet Malachi's, all humor gone from their crystalline depths.

?I don't want Everett. He's far too good for me and I know it. I may be an egotistical asshole... but I'm no fool. I care about him, for him... I envy him. But I can't have him... even if I wanted to.?

He smiled, half embarrassed, half rueful. and ran a hand back through his hair.

?And that, Pot, is the most honest and genuine thing you've ever said in my company. Perhaps you deserve more credit...?


Date: 2007-03-20 14:35 EST
?And that, Pot, is the most honest and genuine thing you've ever said in my company. Perhaps you deserve more credit...?

Malachi left it open ended, not feeling any particular need to expound or speak further.

?I fail to see what concern of yours it is, though. No offense.?

He drew away from the chill of the balcony and sank down upon the corner of the bed.

?You don't even know the man... I don't even recall introducing you.?

?Well that's stating the obvious. It's not my concern - but our entire conversation has been based on assumption and observation not invitation or, as you said, concern. And you didn't - he introduced himself. As for my not knowing him...I don't really know anyone in Rhy?Din so not an eye opening revelation.?

He pulled his peacoat from the closet and sat across from him, tugging on his boots in turn.

?No, but you show concern for him, what he thinks of you and what he means to me.? Not to be thrown by Malachi's attempts at misdirection, Gideon was tenacious.

?The way I see it, Gideon, we can play at being one another's arch nemesis... or we can simply be the Pot and the Kettle, recognizing that we're both black and taking the town to school in light of it.?
Finished with his boots, he stood and slipped on his coat.

?It's entirely up to you. And back to Everett - I respect his genuine and seemingly undamaged countenance. Not an easy thing to hold on to and not tarnish.?

He walked to the door and looked back, his grin wicked.

?Your halo on the other hand.? Clucks his tongue, ?Might want to seek out a new jeweler. So make your choice, get yer ass off of my bed and however we're going to play it - let it involve women, alcohol and the sharpest, wittiest rogues to be seen this side of the Nexus.?

Gideon rose, his smile amused, and moved to join Malachi at the door, silently regarding him for a long moment before he canted his head to one side, both brows lifting as he gave the man an unreadable look.

?What on earth makes you think that I'll even give you the time of day after I leave this room? You could easily be just another face in the crowd to me, Malachi. You've yet to show me anything special about yourself that should capture my attention or interest.?

?Your mouth twitches when you lie.? The corners of his own mouth curved up in a malicious and somewhat deviant smile.

?Does it??

He reached past the man and turned the door knob, stepping out past him and the swing of the door.

?I don't make friends easily, and what few I have are for a good reason. I didn't have making friends in mind when I came up here.?

He gave Malachi a dead-on look as he stepped backwards into the hallway.

?But if that's what you're interested in you'll have to earn it. Tell me. Is my mouth twitching now??

Gideon lifted one shoulder in a mild shrug as he rested his back against the rough wall of the hall.

?Personally what I had in mind was more tempting. I don't really need a drinking buddy to raise hell with. I'm sure you've seen I do a fine job of it on my own.?

?I'm sorry I wasn't actually looking at your mouth just then. Care to repeat yourself?? He'd heard of course and Gideon could play it how ever he chose. He knew which would be more fun but he'd given the other man the choice.

?It depends on how much of an effort you want to make. And as for your initial reasons on following me...that's earned as well wouldn't you think??

Malachi shook his head.

?It's not a matter of need or necessity you ass. It's telling pride it can bloody well fuck off and leave us to our own devices. I'm not looking for a fraternity brother. Do whatever you want Gideon but I don't feel like arguing with you anymore.? He sighed and continued to shake his head as he locked the door behind them and started down the hall.

Gideon smiled to himself as he watched Malachi walk away from him, letting the man go find his own entertainment for a while. He wasn't fond of being thwarted at every turn, particularly when he showed more honesty towards the stranger than he did most of his friends. If Malachi knew what it was he himself wanted he wasn't letting on. Gideon had all the time in the world though... and all the patience of the devil himself.

As amusing as it was to have someone to butt heads with, he had more then enough of those people in his life already, and he wasn't about to give Malachi an ounce of satisfaction either way without first receiving his own.

Gideon moved off n the opposite direction towards the door of the room he and Illy kept at the inn in case of emergency. A jingle of keys and he opened the door, shutting it behind himself and flopping upon the bed with a groan. It had not gone as expected.

Malachi paused at the top of the stairs. There wasn't anyone he could think of downstairs that would amuse him or take his mind off of everything that had happened between last night and this one. Maybe he'd just take a walk - find some other dive to patronize. He leaned against the banister noncommittally.


Date: 2007-03-21 19:37 EST
Everett moved down the stairs, feeling and looking slightly better tonight, having written a little bit, though he is not without that dash of disarray. He ought to trade mark it. With a leisurely gate, he moves behind the bar to put on a kettle of tea. Though the weather slowly warms, he still finds the nights up in room two-oh to be a bit on the chilly side.

A little wet from the rain, Erin pushed her way in the back door. She hung her bags by the door, coat soon after and stood there. She was waiting? in hopes that a certain person would come in after. Such a naughty girl.

Everett hummed something to himself as he fuddles about back there, making a big teabag, drumming up some milk and honey. He would make enough for many. Folks are always drinking tea here, which was to be expected so long as there was a chill in the air.

A survey of the bar that was it, Erin wasn't waiting anymore, and she was headed over. An easy step as she made her way to the bar, looking for a tender, though it was early in the evening.

When Everett moved to take the singing kettle from the heat, he is assaulted by a little stream of steam. His lenses fog, and with a sigh he pauses to remove them and polish them with the appropriate hanky. He mutters something about the folly of myopic men, but it isn't all that loud.

Erin brushed by Everett, a light touch to his shoulder as a hello and she gets herself a bottle of wine. Erin, the wine, and her pride, all make their way through the bar without a word and take up a booth.

A touch. Ev slid his specs back into place. He watched Erin, her wine, and her pride walk off, and he just shrugs, then. There were women who needed following and there were women who did not. No woman was constantly classifiable in either category, but Everett is willing to bet that if she's not talking enough to spout a hello, that the last thing she wants is the company of a talker. His attention shifts back to his tea making.

Erin uncorked the wine and pulled the curtain closed on her booth, pulling up her feet. She would be hard to find, really, but that was the point. A long pull from the bottle, head leaned against the side of the booth. After a long moment, she took a small leather book from her bag and opened it to write.

A sopping mess, Gideon rolled backwards into the inn with Malachi, a solid shove to his chest making his footsteps stagger for a moment. He was laughing, though, the last jab at Cass having improved his spirits considerably. He gave Malachi's coat lapels a brief grab before turning about to face the inn. He was a wet mess, no doubt, leaving puddles on the floor under him.

Malachi too was soaked by the time he stepped inside. He got maybe a step in at best before being bowled over by Gideon. He slipped out of his wet peacoat and tossed it on a hook near the door. He needed a towel and a drink. He needed the drink more than the towel so he picked his way to the bar.

Gideon peeled off blazer and hoodie and hung them by the door alongside Malachi's coat, leaving him in a white t-shirt soaked to transparency, his jeans only slightly damp, thankfully. His skin seemed pale, oddly pale with chill, and he forewent the bar to head directly towards the fireplace and its warmth.

[Cassie was several steps behind the two men, leather jacket slung over one arm, a red Frederick's bag in her other hand. If they were wet, she was downright soaked to the bone. Clothing stuck her, wet curls clung to her face. However, her t-shirt was black. Sorry guys. Her own coat was hung up by the door as well, but she kept her bag. It had her blaster in it, and more importantly, her new lingerie.

Not entirely oblivious, Everett saw his friend and that other fellow step through the door, followed by the lavender vixen. Ev was pleased that he missed getting stuck in the rain. He finishes his cup of tea, stirring up the milk and honey as those bespectacled eyes fall on the nearest of the party, currently being Malachi. A single nod. Cordial.

Yes they were all soaked, Malachi?s own oxford clung to him wherever it chose. He smiled doggedly at Everett.

?You managed to beat the rain I see...?

Cassie loved rain. She had spent extra moments in it, and she was grinning like a fool. She skittered towards the bar, her sneakers squishing with each step.


Everett better move fast, because the vixen was currently launching herself at him for a rather exuberant hug.

"Lucky me."

He is a deer in the headlights, another hapless victim. He barely has time to set his tea out of the way, lest both poet and vixen be scalded.

Malachi looked and didn't see Erin, eyebrow raised slightly he looked back to Everett.

?Haven't seen Erin have you? She was only two steps ahead of us...?

Over by the fireplace Gideon stripped off the shirt and wrung it out upon the hearthstones where the water that dripped off of it sizzled against the heat. He donned the damp shirt again, this time a little less see-through but still clinging to him in odd places, plastered against the definition of his flat stomach, and the curves of well muscled shoulder blades. He wiped his face roughly with his hands. He turned back around at Cassie's obnoxious squeal and watched her attack poor Everett with her sopping wet self. Typically inconsiderate. He crossed slowly to the bar and took up residence beside Malachi, watching the scene silently.


Date: 2007-03-21 19:38 EST
His getting the tea out of the way was appreciated, even if Cass didn't realize it. He'd be a bit damp once she peeled herself away, with a kiss to his cheek, but not nearly as wet as she!

?Hey. Sorry. I'm just in a good mood right now.?

Cassie's attack did give Everett a moment to formulate an artful response to Malachi's question.

"I saw her, but she did not say anything." Shrug. Sigh at the water on him. To those seeking shelter from the storm, he has a characteristically considerate offer. He looks from Cassie to Mal to Gid and says "Would any of you like something dry to wear? I could lend at least a shirt."

Malachi?s shirt weighed a ton, he was glad for the undershirt.

?I'll be back - drinks I think are why we're here. I've a shirt under this one that'll do - Cass on the other hand. Hrmm, I think she's the one what needs it.?

Everett?s gaze lingered on Gid, then. His friend looked especially pale from the cold. Poor mate.

?No, that's alright. I'm sure Cassie has something in that red bag of hers she could lend us.? Gideon said cheekily, nodding toward her precious package and giving Everett probably his first genuine smile of the day.

?How are you, Ev? Not still mad at me over last night I hope??

?Thank you for the offer, Everett, but I'm okay. I don't mind being wet.? Really, the statement was innocent. If it sounded otherwise, it wasn't Cassie's intention. Then a smirk for Gideon.

?The way you've spoken to me lately, I get the impression that I could parade about stark naked and you'd not care.?

Malachi was halfway through the buttons when Gideon made his suggestion. He laughed and made to peek in Cass's bag.

?That's right you'd just finished shopping...what've you got for Gideon and myself to dry in??

?No, I'd care. I don't think my stomach could take it.? Gideon shot back at Cass cheerfully. ?Besides, between most of the men here I think we already know what exactly we'd be seeing anyway. So it'd be no real shock, would it??

"Furious, naturally, but I am excellent in the art of concealing my emotions with this passive mask of congeniality." Everett deadpanned to Gideon, and then listened to Cassie's answer. No, he reads nothing more into it, as he is not that kind of fellow. He takes his tea and moves back around the bar to sit beside Gideon, with whom he is clearly furious. You can tell by the hair.

Cassandra wagged a scolding finger at Malachi, though she was laughing, and pulled the bag back.

?Now now! Those are for me! Besides, I don't think you could uhm, fill them, properly.?

Gideon gave Everett another warm smile and put a hand to the back of his neck. His fingers were like ice but the gentle grip and light shake were warm as sunshine in their friendship.

Cassandra just ignored Gideon?s statement. Tempted though she was to hit him. Cassie was trying to have a good time though, and was determined not to let Gideon ruin it.

?Your loss? Malachi winked and headed for the bar...shrugging out of the hundred pound oxford as he did.

Cassandra had another laugh for Malachi, perhaps a bit brighter than it would have been before Gideon made his last comment.

?We shall see about that.?

Everett tried not to flinch, his neck tightening a bit at the cold hand there.

"Godsteeth man, you are cold. Are you certain you do not want some dry clothes? I know that mine are hardly the fashion, but they are, well... not wet." He had a lot of good sense. The lion's share, among his brothers.

The beater Malachi wore was wet too, thank God for black as he didn't fashion himself the playboy this evening. Too much rattling around his head. He assumed the bar was self serve and without bothering to look he grabbed a bottle of whiskey and a handful of glasses.

Ensonced her booth, Erin?s eyes opened again. She was almost asleep. The curtain was pulled back, just a tad to take a peak at the bar. Her head poked out in something akin to humor. An animal poking from a hole for a moment and then popping back in. She wasn't ready for the crowd at the bar. Too much to manuever, really.

Returning, loot in hand, a head poked out just as Malachi passed the last booth.

?Holy...? He gave her a palms up, as best he could with all that he carried, gesture.

?The hell are you doing in there - meeting with The Dons??

Erin flushed red, shrugging, the curtain pulled back a bit to reveal herself.

?Writing. Thinking. Not feeling the drink Jim till I puke.?

Something akin to a smirk.

?Me, the grapes, and a little leather book I got somewhere are having our own little party.? She took another drink from the bottle of red wine.

?Come on then - yer not sitting here by yourself.? Malachi drug her, as best he could with the bottle and the glasses and now add a woman. He was a thing magnet.

?No, no, no...? She was happy where she was! But she let him drag her. The bottle in one hand, the tome in the other. She was caught. And headed for the bar. She leaned in, on tip toe and whispered to him as he yanked.

?I'll get you for this.?

They ended up at the bar where he'd left Gideon and Everett and Cass.

?Drinks? And I found her in a mafia meeting - very hush hush.? He brought a finger to his lips.

A chuckle, and Cass gave Malachi and Erin a wink.

?I swear I won't tell a soul that Erin was meeting with the mafia. Erg. Oops?? She beckoned them forward, indicating that they should sit with her.

Erin put her wine bottle on the table top and the book in her pocket. She laughed a little at the joke, starting to come back to reality. She wasn't really ready for the noise of the inn, but what choice had she now. A seat was taken., legs crossed, the damp dress clinging to nylons.

Malachi Weston didn't sit, he did put the glasses down but kept a firm hold on the bottle.

?You know what? said to all and none of them, ?I'll be back.? He almost said maybe but thought better of it.

?Huh?? Cass blinked at Malachi. ?Going anywhere interesting? With the liquor?? Oh she'd noticed that he never put it down!

?I'm not actually running anywhere.? Which was the truth, Malachi planned to stroll mayhaps meander his way through the Common Room and outside.

?I promise...? And he did stroll/meander his way to the back door, through it and outside.

?He took the liquor.? Cassie effected a thoughtful look, mixed with mischief. ?I'm going to go on a rescue mission.?


Date: 2007-03-21 19:39 EST
With a long, satisfied sigh, Everett downed about half of the cup of hot tea and sits curled around it at the bar, fingers on porcelain, eyes distant. Thinking of yesterdays, a horribly excellent pasttime. Without great success in his sketchbook, he remains just a bit off. Not to mention that this has been a terrible stretch for him and sleep.

Gideon plucked the damp shirt away from his chest and watched Everett go all foggy-eyed over the rim of his teacup. He arched a brow.

?Penny for your thoughts??

Everett gave a dry, dismissive smile to Gideon.

"Gah. They are hardly worth a whole penny."

The night before had been strange, but it had been a private matter, not one he would discuss. It did bring out some dormant things, though. Truth.

"In all seriousness, nothing of present consequence. I wish there were a rhyme for orange. In fact, I do wish there were three."

Gideon? s pale eyes watched Malachi's departure with something akin to bitterness.

?Everett...have you ever met someone you just could not figure out? Someone who you didn't know what they wanted from you, and just could not get a straight answer out of??

Everett?s answer was utterly serious, then.

"Do you speak of one woman in particular or all women in general?" A blink then, considering as he hunches over his teacup. "Yes, by the way, I have."

Gideon?s gaze flicked back to Everett, wide with suprise that melted quickly into warm humor. He rested his elbow on the bar and his cheek upon his fist as he watched his friend consider his question.

?I didn't mean a woman, but alright. What did you do about it??

Was Gid asking Everett for advice? Good heavens. He raised both brows and shrugged.

"Most often, I am wont to do nothing at all. I let it pass. Either it reveals itself, which is usually the case, or it ceases to matter." Patience: Everett's tactic of choice.

?I see.?

Patience was usually something Gideon had in spades, one virtue he actually possessed. But as it was his patience at the moment was stretched thinner than a spider's silk, and he had no more of it to go around. Both elbows on the bar now he raked fingers back through his hair and rested his face in his hands momentarily.

Everett effected a long grin then, mirth and jest evident.

"Penny for your thoughts, then?" Another long draw from the teacup, which cooled too quickly for his liking. Everett propped both elbows on the bar and regards the damp man beside him.

?I think...I'm losing my goddamned mind, Everett.? He said lifting his head to give the other a brief attempt at a smile.

"Gideon..." A slow wrinkle of his brow and he turned to the gent, folding his hands together as he spoke. That face was so earnest, the lines indicative of the kindest sort of care.

"You really mustn't do that." Eyebrows raise to a slow arc and rest there, a look of horror painted on boyish features. "I shall be alone if you do, and that would be very nearly tragic."

Gideon?s dark brows drew together of a look of genuine surprise at Everett's touching plea. He wanted very, very badly to reach out and take the younger man by the face and kiss him. And the urge was part of what was driving him mad. He gave his friend a soft smile, the kind of smile most probably thought he was incapable of offering. He reached out and put a hand on Everett's shoulder.

?I wouldn't leave you, Ev.?

"Thank god."

Finally the jest, a good natured grin and a shake of his head. Oblivious, obtuse Ogden. No telling for how long this would continue.

"They should eat me alive, and leave nothing but these unfashionable rags behind. I shudder to think how the letter to my poor mother would read."

He gestured as though he were penning it himself, the elocutionist in him breaking out for a moment with the even tones of carefully worded speech. "Dear Missus Ogden, of Warwick... We deeply regret to inform you that we have unexpectedly, though wholly, destroyed your third son.
Enclosed are his garments and his books. Terribly sorry."

Both hands spread in a helpless gesture for a moment, and he lifts his teacup in salute to the Captain. "It is a letter no mother ought read, I should think." One more long sip and then tea is gone.

Gideon nearly doubled over in laughter at that, hastily wiping away the blood tears that eeked out of the corners of his eyes with the heel of his hand before Everett might see them and become alarmed.

?Ah god! It would be a terrible shame.? His fits of laughter faded to a chuckle and he shook his head. ?No, Everett...I think they would rejoice in my demise and you would live like a king forever more.?

A playful nudge of Gideon's arm, and a shake of his head. "Nay, not a king, but a fool, a melancholy fool with no man to guide me from folly. Indeed, I would be little more than a puppet on a string without the reason of a friend's counsel to keep me from madness."

He leans back and runs a hand through his hair before slipping from the stool.

"Tea?" He wants a bit more and heads over that way.
?I'd love some.?

In truth Everett could have offered him Hemlock juice and he would have taken the poison gleefully from his hand and thanked him for it with love. He was dying inside a little with each of those boyish smiles and slightly bookish but endearing turns of phrase. But the closer they grew as partners in crime the more Everett seemed to value his friendship. He couldn't bring himself to think of the horror that would register itself behind those thick-rimmed glasses if he were to behave how he wished. He'd be betraying their friendship, and Everett's kindness. Where was Illy when he needed her? She'd been away too long.

?I do!? A continuation from whatever it was that they'd been talking about, as Cass followed Malachi inside, the scent of far too much whiskey following in their wake.

?No you don't...where would you keep it? And it'd be soggy from the rain.? Malachi made a show of being sober or pretending to be.

Everett poured tea into his own cup, then finds a clean mug for Gideon.

"How do you take it?" As he asks, he doctors his own. Milk, honey, stir. He enjoys the luxury of both without guilt, here.

?No I don't mean I have it here with me! I mean it's at my house.? A bit of a giggle, and Cass moved to walk beside him, and bump him ever so slightly with her hip.

?Oh god, none of that.? Malachi stumbled at the bump. ?And shhh lord today yer being loud.?

Cassandra laughed and grabbed at his arm, trying to right his balance for him.

?Loud? I'm not that loud. Not right now, anyway.?

?Honey and a splash of whiskey please.? Gideon said absently, glancing towards the re-entrance of Malachi and Cass.

?You're always loud and almost as frequently trashed, Cass.? He observed from his seat at the bar. Nothing but the truth.

?And you're a nasty sod who can't let a girl enjoy a moment of humor.? Nothing but the truth either in Cassie?s reply.

"Done." Everett fixed it up to order and places it in front of Gideon before settling back in his seat. A small frown at that, and he decides it is in his best interest to perhaps divert things in some more pleasant direction. He should not like to be present for so many nasty barbs. Innocents get caught in the crossfire, you know.

Oh God she really was loud and who was she talking to? Oh, Malachi?s bloodshot eyes raised to see Gideon and his shoulders raised in an unintelligible mixture of chuckle,snicker and snort. ?He brings the very best out in people...?

?What, you mean you actually have a come back of your own this go around? Perhaps drunk is better on you then sober, Cass. At least it seems you can think for yourself then, rather then resorting to your pretty mynah bird imitations.?

Yes, this was not going well at all. Gideon gave Malachi a small smile, dripping with humor as the man grinned at all four Gideon?s he was most likely seeing at the moment.

A sigh, and Cass turned to face Gideon.

?Whatever the hell I did to piss you off, I'm sorry, okay? Can you leave me alone to enjoy my evening now? Because that's what I'm trying to do.?

Malachi raised a finger as if somehow that would lend his point extra validity.

?And Evrit, I was insulting him.? A slow jerkish nod at Gideon, ?Not you.? There was that finger again. ?Promise...?

Everett had thought to say something gentle, but that little bit of stubborn kicked in. Despite poetic tendencies, Everett is still an Ogden man. He hopped right of the stool and moved down the way to the lovely and distracting creature down the way. A smile, happy thoughts as he traipses past Viki and with tea in hand, settles Storm-adjacent.

"I am certainly well, and glad to see a friend. How are you?" A sip, and he perches awkwardly, his whole body somewhat centered over his tea, judging by line of his hunch there. Everett had decided to pointedly ignore the nonsense and move along to greener pastures, to the benefit of all. Probably.

Gideon winced at Malachi's drunken admission and shut his mouth. Everett would have never known if it were for that bumbling drunken moment right there. He watched the girls try to hustle him away.

Cassie was still standing and facing Gideon, her hands on her hips now, stance slightly confrontational.

Gideon watched the one person who had made the night bearable move away pointedly, and turned a cold glare on Cass, his voice lowered as he left his stool. He took the mug of tea and moves towards the fireplace dejectedly.

?Fuck off, won't you please??

Malachi waved off the water Erin was attempting to offer him and pushed back from the table?stumbling just slightly. The finger was out again.

?I'm for the loo and am capable of doing what I do there without help. Thanks.?


Date: 2007-03-21 19:40 EST
Gideon frowned as he heard Malachi stumble fantastically over his words. The man was past drunk or buzzed and had launched himself straight into shellacked and shitfaced. Gideon glared down at his tea in fustration. What was the point of it? He could barely taste it, couldn't drink it. He walked over and took the water out of Erin's hands to shove the teacup into it instead before stalking back to the fireplace in sullen silence. Ending in one of the solitary wingbacks, his shirt soaking into the velveteen heedlessly.

Malachi made it to the hallway just out of sight and paused, leaning up against the wall, he tried to steady himself. He had no intention of using the restroom - he just needed his bed?his room...out of his wet clothes. He'd forgotten his jacket and his shirt and who knows what else. He was halfway up the stairs and stumbled slightly...shrugging it off he managed the rest of the way with the help of the railing. The numbers were blurry and he had to lean in...then out to get them to stay still. He found his and fumbled for an eternity with his key but finally by some miracle he'd gotten the door open and was inside. He didn't bother with the lamp...just peeled off his shirt and his jeans and fell into bed.

Above him Gideon could hear the clunk and thump and bumps of a man clearly not going to the loo, but rather fighting mightily with a door. His hand on his chin, he drew a fingertip across his lip and caught the short, neatly filed nail between his teeth, an inner argument picking up pitch within him.

The only sound from Everett for a spell is an occasional sip of tea, until that is gone. He sets it on the floor and folds his hands together, watching his sour friend without staring. He will not address Gid until he has the right words for it, or until he is addressed. It might be a while.

At last Gideon rose from his chair and crossed the room, sparing a long glance for Everett as he stalked towards the stairs. Pain and anger and defeat raged there behind blue eyes. Something unreadable too. What he wanted, what he denied himself and what he was willing to accept or seek instead. He mounted the stairs and disappeared into the hallway, moving silently down to room seventeen. The keys were still in the lock and he pulled them out impatiently before opening the door and shutting it behind himself with a solid click. He set the keys down on a nearby table and moved towards the foot of the bed, looking over the prone figure upon it with a slight frown.

Malachi had already managed to twist the covers. One leg was caught underneath, the other uncovered and a pillow was between his shoulder and his head.

A long frown before Everett stands. The evening could be classified as a spectacular failure. Unhappy parties all around, and he hardly understands what breed of madness has caused it. To Erin, to Cassie.

"Goodnight, ladies." That was all he had to say. Quiet. Gentle. Too gentle, that one. At least his room was safe. Up the stairs he goes, pulling his key out of his pocket, perplexed at the state of things.

Cassie frowned. ?Everett, don't leave??

Erin was frustrated and tired.

?I'm almost read to call it a night. I think Malachi ditched me...? She looked at Everett. ?Gosh, Everett.. have I abused you??

He pauses on the stairs, looking genuinely weary then, a sigh. Everett turns to both of them, resting one hand on the bannister.

"With poisonous barbs we pick at one another, and it wearies me so. I am not angry, I am not sullen, I am not choosing a side, save my own tonight. I require a bit of peace, so I beg you, my friends, have a very good night and I shall see you, anon."

Everett cannot help it, he is just done with it. For once, he will not give into the whims of others. Instead, he turns back in the proper direction, finishes his ascent, and heads down the hall to seek the sanctuary of his own space. Bloody hell

Malachi was a beautiful wreck on the bed, and as Gideon walked towards him he felt all the despair he felt towards Everett channel into his longing for this man instead. Him he could have without crushing hope or friendship. Malachi could hate him and Gideon wouldn't care...or at least he could fool himself into thinking that. He leaned over the bed and pulled the sheet free, fixing them, covering him lightly before he sank down to sit onto the side of the bed Mal was turned towards. He reached up and caught a strand of the long, sandy blonde hair between his fingers, twisting it gently before he stroked it backwards, fingertips lightly raking the sleeping man's scalp, sliding slowly down the nape of his neck. Malachi Weston mumbled something unintelligible into his pillow - he was out, beyond drunk and completely asleep or unconscious one. Malachi was beautiful, and distant. Wonderfully cold while offering the illusion of warmth... so very much like himself. He leaned down slowly, lips parting... but he stopped a hairs breadth away from soft, warm skin. He drew back and felt the muscles of his jaw clench hard. He lent forward and clicked off the light then rose and picked his way out of the room, shutting the door behind him solidly.

Down to room two-oh he goes, further and further from the ambient noise of the madhouse, Everett slips his key in the lock. Not being a drunk sonofagun, this goes remarkably well. He does not even look up at the sound of a door clicking shut. With his luck, it's probably that sodding giant crab of nightmares, making a civilized entrance for once. Unclick.

Out in the hallway Gideon paced towards Everett's back as he unlocked the door. With all the grace and skill of a consummate killer he bore up behind him and pushed the now unlocked door open, guiding Everett into the room and shutting the door with no small force behind them both.

A gasp. Terror. Being surprised from behind was not a usual thing for the bookish gent. If he only knew the funny thing about about his room, this would not be a problem, not in the least. Alas for his heart. He stumbles a little in the dark room, righting himself and squinting.

"What in the--"

It was dark inside, but not pitch black, thanks to the silver splashes of checkerboard moonlight that played haphazardly across the floor. He caught Everett's face between his hands, fingers like ice, and pressed his forehead against the other's. So bloody close. He felt a sob rise up within and wring itself from his throat.

?Everett...? The name was more of a gasp, each syllable bearing more pain then they were made to.

Stutter. "G- Gideon?"

He was awkward as ever, and frankly, he was having trouble moving, mostly because he had not a clue what in the hell was going on. Not a one.

"Are--? Is--?" He would likely have a hundred false starts on that front. He patted the arm of the man. Godsteeth he was cold.

Gideon moved a millimeter closer...then pulled away, drew away like a kicked child, drawing his hands to himself, crossing his arms and tucking his fingers under them.

?'M sorry... I'm sorry. I just. God, Everett. I'm sorry.?

Is he about....? Ev shook it off and was starting to feel like he had really fallen through the looking glass, perhaps even moreso than that first night in the Inn.

"You hardly sound yourself. You need not apologize to me, nor to anyone, I think." He tentatively moved towards the light, that he might illuminate the little room and get a better look at that strange sounding friend of his.

?No...I do.? He winced as Everett clicked on the light and turned his face away, shame vying with the regret and longing that clouded his face. He shuddered.

?Could I... could I just take you up on that offer of a shirt, maybe?? Lame, lame grasp for misdirection, but he was desperate.

"Yes, of course Gideon, anything." He looked so dreadful that Everett could hardly keep the worry from the lines of his face. His lower lip tucked just a little between his teeth, as though he is literally holding back a flood of words. He just does not know what to make of any of this. His poor friend. These women do really drive a man mad. To the closet, he picks what he should think is his best one. They all hang loosely on him, he is a lanky thing without broad shoulders. Maybe it will not be a complete travesty. The shirt is pulled from the hanger and he walks back over, holding it out for Gideon.

Gideon shed his shirt slowly, pulling it up over his head, not caring about the mess it makes his of his hair, sending it all ridiculously on end from the nape of his neck to his brow. He handed the damp, cold shirt to Everett and accept the one he was handed. he shrugged it on and tried doing up the buttons but his fingers wouldn't work, chill and stiffness and emotion combined to make them clumsy.

Everett hung the damp shirt carefully over the back of one of the chairs and moved over near Gideon. The man looked a mess, something he never thought he would witness.

"I can help." A very quiet offer, but he did not get any closer. Something seemed off kilter, though he could not put an ink stained finger on exactly what. Gideon may just want his space, and the poet would not intervene, though it really is dreadful to watch a capable adult struggling with a little thing like a button.

Gideon gave up and let his arms fall at his side, giving Everett a tired glanced from under his brows before nodding his consent.

Unconscious worry in visual manifestation again as that lower lip vanished slightly as he held it between his teeth. He bowed his head a little, focusing on the gentle task at hand and still unable to get the worried lines from his forehead. Each button was pulled up towards him and carefully passed through the little hole, ink stained fingers hard at work. He would bite a little harder on that lip to stifle any of the rude, pressing questions his mind begged his tongue to voice. The most prevalent being: What the hell? And the second most constant being what on earth is wrong with you? Though neither sounded angry in his head, just horribly worried.

Gideon watched Everett button the shirt, conscious of his proximity, the warmth and scent of him, the moist, strong sound of his heart beating. He let his head drop until it rested on Everett's shoulder, and his arms went slowly round him as he exhaled a long, broken sigh.

?I'm sorry, Everett... I don't want you to hate me...?

Gideon would feel one of those warm hands cup on the back of his neck, a sort of manly shake to it as he embraced the poor man, just glad that he was anything to say.

"I have no reason to hate you, nor am I even cross with you. I ought to apologize for upsetting you so."

And then a funny shift as his brain registers some pertinent information. He firmly presses one hand in several different spots up Gid's back, assessing. It winds up on the side of his face, and his voice is positively heavy with concern.

"Godsteeth, Gideon, you are freezing." Ev touches his own face, feeling warmth, then back to Gid's feeling nothing. No wonder he was a wreck.

Gideon's eyes shut at the warm touch, the curl of fingers over the back of his neck, the press against the strong slope of his back and eventually to his cheek. He lifted his head and turned his face into the palm of Everett's hand, dark brows knitting together as his expression took on that perfect, absolute longing that he hid within his heart. He nestled against that warmth and opened his eyes to look out at Everett in pain.

?I'll be fine... just chilled from the rain.? Not even he believed the weak tone of his own voice.

The profound sadness crept into the poet's gentle heart as he recoginzed the expression on Gideon's face. He had seen in in the mirror. Kind words were summoned, a lame response, though he could hardly believe this was the same Gideon whom he had once found so intimidating.

"Yes. You will be fine." A couple of pats to poor Gideon's cheek before he extracted himself from the incredibly strange moment and backed up two slow steps.

Gideon felt the awkwardness there and dropped his gaze, looking more like a trapped animal than anything like the proud, carefree man he was. He tugged at the sleeves of the shirt and drew himself up slightly.

?I should go.... thank you Ev. I'm sorry I just...? He gave him a weak smile and moved for the door. ?I told you I was losing my mind. I just need to go Illy.?

Gideon?s hand closed over the door knob and he drew it open, giving Everett a last glance before he slipped out. The ghost of Thalon trailed him, whispered his name in his heart and twisted that cruel knife deeper. Home he needed and home he would go, before the burning rays of the sun came and he was tempted to give himself up to them at last.

?I-- Goodnight, Gideon. Perhaps tomorrow."

He watched, bewildered, as the door closed. Everett sat on his bed a long while, only to contemplate the two aforementioned questions at great length. The good news: this was all likely strange and confusing enough to wake his lazy muse.


Date: 2007-03-22 00:58 EST
"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the Spider to the Fly,
"'Tis the prettiest little parlor that ever you did spy;
The way into my parlor is up a winding stair,
And I have many curious things to show you when you are there."
"Oh no, no," said the Fly, "to ask me is in vain;
For who goes up your winding stair can ne'er come down again."

"I'm sure you must be weary, dear, with soaring up so high;
Will you rest upon my little bed?" said the Spider to the Fly.
"There are pretty curtains drawn around, the sheets are fine and thin;
And if you like to rest awhile, I'll snugly tuck you in!"
"Oh no, no," said the little Fly, "for I've often heard it said
They never, never wake again, who sleep upon your bed!"

Said the cunning Spider to the Fly, "Dear friend, what can I do
To prove that warm affection I've always felt for you?
I have within my pantry, good store of all that's nice;
I'm sure you're very welcome - will you please take a slice?"
"Oh no, no," said the little Fly, "kind sir, that cannot be,
I've heard what's in your pantry, and I do not wish to see!"

"Sweet creature," said the Spider, "you're witty and you're wise;
How handsome are your gauzy wings, how brilliant are your eyes!
I have a little looking-glass upon my parlor shelf;
If you step in one moment, dear, you shall behold yourself."
"I thank you, gentle sir," she said, "for what you're pleased to say;
And bidding you good morning now, I'll call another day."

The Spider turned him round about, and went into his den,
For well he knew the silly Fly would soon come back again;
So he wove a subtle web in a little corner sly,
And set his table ready to dine upon the Fly.
then he came out to his door again, and merrily did sing,
"Come hither, hither, pretty Fly, with the pearl and silver wing;
Your robes are green and purple, there's a crest upon your head;
Your eyes are like the diamond bright, but mine are as dull as lead."

Alas, alas! how very soon this silly little Fly,
Hearing his wily, flattering words, came slowly flitting by;
With buzzing wings she hung aloft, then near and nearer drew, -
Thinking only of her brilliant eyes, and green and purple hue;
Thinking only of her crested head - poor foolish thing! At last,
Up jumped the cunning Spider, and fiercely held her fast.
He dragged her up his winding stair, into his dismal den
Within his little parlor - but she ne'er came out again!

And now, dear little children, who may this story read,
To idle, silly, flattering words, I pray you ne'er heed;
Unto an evil counsellor close heart, and ear, and eye,
And take a lesson from this tale of the Spider and the Fly.


Date: 2007-03-22 15:00 EST
Everett still walked around with an unsettled feeling in his belly, even after two nights of (terrible) sleep and a fair amount of writing. Worry gnawed at him, almost as intently as the worthless feeling of being unable to write anything. He had half convinced himself that his one and only male ally in this world have managed to go insane and/or freeze to death. Neither was a suitable option. His note went without reply, so he waited until after working hours to slip out of the Inn and over to the impressive abode of his peculiar friend. The night was not too cold, really he was quite comfortable in the lightweight jacket that Lydia had sewed for him. A green-sleeved arm reached out to rap on the door before he took two steps back and waited, hands entwined behind his back.

Gideon had risen and fed as well, and shunning the crowds of the inn had returned home to sink into the brooding state that had become his stasis recently when he was not forced to put on song and dance for those who he entertained himself with. He had much to brood on anyway, many little threads of web to amuse himself with; Malachi the impossible, Cassie the obnoxious, Erin the Depressed... and not the least of all Everett. He'd acted a fool their last encounter and he'd been beating himself over it for three nights hence.

Everett's loving note, found under his door, now sat on the arm of a wing chair, read over far more often then it's brevity and sentiment was most likely worth. He'd snapped, like a stupid child. Lost the firm grip he always kept on himself. The knock at the door sent him lunging smoothly out of his chair and across the vast room, shoes ringing out softly on the hard marble. He drew the door open, but even before he did he knew who stood upon the other side, the scent of ink and the unique fragrance of Everett's soap...sandalwood was it? was unmistakable. He looked a thousand times better then when last Everett had seen him, cleaned up and possessing of all his faculties, clothed in black pinstriped trousers and a white oxford, untucked and only marginally buttoned. His smile was pure warmth, though touched with a shade of embarrassment.


A cheerful smile. No...unassuming was a great word for it, in every possible sense of that word. The curl of his lips, the slant of his brow, not an inch of it judged, not an inch of it made the mistake of assumption. Everett was simply present.

"Good Evening, my compatriot. I have brazenly assumed that you require company this evening, though I cannot tell a lie... I would sooner walk through fire this week than submit myself to the mercy of the Inn and her sirens."

A hapless shrug then and the eyebrows raised in question.

"Oh, will you not be my savior, sir? I shall go stark raving mad if I am to lock myself in my room with the lights off to deter visitors."

His appraisal of Gideon came quickly, and he was terrifically pleased to see how much better his friend looked. There was the Gideon who once intimidated him so. Dressed sharp as the butcher's best cleaver, and he had color and vigor and light. It seemed he had managed to avoid catching a severe chill, after all.

He reached out a hand to Everett and moved aside in the doorway to let him in, the curve of his generous smile broadening by the second.

?You've assumed quite right, Ev. And I too have no desire to set foot in the Inn this evening, or those past. Come inside and we'll claim sanctuary.?

Color indeed he had, and warmth too. His feed had been gluttonous and filling, and the blood burned high in his cheeks, lending him an air of health that was usually absent, it's lack only made noticeable by contrast to this glow.

A deep breath drawn and released as he crossed over the threshold. Perhaps events still weighed on him, somewhat, though it soothed him to see Gideon back in form. Everett figured they would be moving towards the elegant leather wingbacks, and so he strolled in that general direction, perhaps the way a man walks through a garden on a late spring day. He tucked his hands into the pocket of that jacket, ignoring the little reflected flares of light that flashed across his lenses.

"I am grateful, as ever, for your hospitality. I daresay your place is a good deal more comfortable than mine."

A wry little smile was cast over his shoulder briefly, but he would then turn his gaze back front to avoid doing something exceptionally clumsy or awkward. Like losing his step and face planting on the elegant marble floor.

"Oh, I don't know...I rather like your abode." And he did too, if for the simple fact that Everett's influences where everywhere one looked in the humble room of two-oh.

"Would you care for anything to drink? Tea, wine, a stiff martini? I have a good bottle of Scotch around here as well I'm sure..." He wandered into the kitchen and began poking about. "Not hungry are, you?"

"I would not mind a spot of wine, actually, though I have already supped, thank you." He cleared his throat and then continued on into the kitchen with Gideon, looking around the room.

"Do you cook often?" He did not think the kitchen smelled all that regularly used, but a lot of places here, he found, did not have nearly so powerful an olfactory presence as the places at home in Warwick.

Gideon laughed as he chose a bottle of wine, chilled, from the fridge which was fairly bare. He poured out two glasses of the cold, crisp Chablis and handed on to Everett.

?No, as a matter of fact I can barely microwave anything. I eat out all the time... leave the cooking to the experts and whatnot.?

Everett took the glass with a nod of thanks, and a smile. Everett's usual drinktime blessing slipped out before he had a taste.

"To your health." He took a nice sniff of the bouquet before enjoying a slow swallow of the wine, and leaned on a nearby counter when all was said and done.

"I suppose I have yet again missed that lovely girl of yours." His expression was more mirth than rue, painted well on the foreground of that earnest canvas. How he should like to spend an evening with Illy and Gid, sipping wine and discussing books and other civilized points, never to worry about interruption of the melodramatic variety.

?You have, I'm afraid. She's been terribly busy with her writing and other things I imagine.?

He feigned a sip of the cool wine, the sweet, bursting taste of it stinging the tip of his tongue nicely. He stepped out from behind the counter of the long island/bar and moved towards the fireplace.

?Oh! I have your shirt for you...? He changed tack and headed for the open door of his bedroom, a nod of the head inviting Everett along for the walk.

Wine in hand, Everett dutifully followed, taking in details of the place as he did. He felt a bit like he was touring a palace, Ev had never been inside any home that was all that grand. He was quiet, not for any particularly introspective reason, but more because he just did not have much to say, just yet. It had been an interesting day, and quite frankly, lunch had wearied the man somewhat. Everett tended to give a bit more of himself than perhaps he should. With artists it always seemed to be one extreme or the other- giving too much or taking too much. Wonder what the latter would look like on the bookish gent.

The wall of unending windows continued inside of Gideon's bed chamber, the large room painted a peaceful shade of grey. The most striking feature of the place, however, was the far wall, made up entirely of one enormous, shallow waterfall. The wall itself was ridged, its surface slightly rocky, lichens growing here and there among the ever-falling water that gathered into a shallow trench that stretched across its base, recycling the water upwards. The peaceful sound of the falling liquid pervaded the room. The headboard of the large bed rested just a foot from that waterfall, the bed itself strewn with a crisp white linens and pitch black comforter, a mass of soft pillows that looked well slept in gathered against the headboard.

Gideon crossed to a dresser and picked up a neatly striped paper bag that looked as if it had come from a rather expensive haberdasher's. He offered the bag to Everett. Inside lay his neatly steamed and pressed shirt along with five other new, crisp ones cut in the same size, but in a vastly sharper style, and several colors quite perfect for Everett and his wardrobe. Gideon smiled over the rim of his glass.

?Thank you very much for the use of it.?

The sight of it all struck him dumb. Everett stopped and looked up that far wall. With a slow blink, he thought perhaps he had a very interesting insight into how the truly privileged lived. He played near outdoor waterfalls in his youth, and this man slept near an indoor one. A thoughtful tuck of his lip between his teeth. Only Gideon's voice snapped him from the reverie, and he turned to see the bag.

"Oh, you did not need to have it cleaned." A smile as he took the bag, not really noticing the extra weight in it, as he was not the most observant creature in the world, sometimes.

"I thank you." Really, if you could not share a clean shirt with a wet friend, with whom could you share one? He sounded a bit quiet, overwhelmed, no doubt, by the room.

"This is quite the place, Gideon." Complimentary was the tone of the moment. That warm brown gaze slipped from his friend then back over some of the wildly extravagant features of the room. Impressive indeed. How small he felt in its scope.

"Thank you." He replied, gazing up at the waterfall as if he'd never really noticed it was there before. "Yes, it's quite nice...though it's hell when you've had too much to drink and need to use the loo."

Not that he'd know...but he could imagine. He turned to watch Everett marvel, his perspective and lack of jading making everything seem fresh and new. It was endearing. He moved past Everett back towards the main room and the twin chairs.

"So what have you been up to lately, Ev? Have any of the ladies under your spell yet?" It was half teasing and so was his tone. He noticed how others looked at Everett, how they watched him hungrily as himself, even if Everett did not.

Indeed he did not. A sound like a snort slipped out, a scoff at himself.

"Good heavens, no, nor do I deal in such witchcraft." Nor did he really fancy himself under the thrall of anyone. He brought the wine and the bag, and set the bag next to one of the chairs before he settled in.

"I work. I return home. I spend time with those I know, or I write and then I sleep." A hapless smile revealed that already he was bored to death with himself.

"Mine is a world devoid of the excitement that plagues so many of my dear friends." No woman, no cry. After a long sip of the wine, he settled his eyes on his friend.

"And you? How have you spent the past couple of days?"

"Well." He slipped into one of the two chairs and nonchalantly grabbed Everett's letter, stuffing it haphazardly into the pocket of his pants.

"I made some peace with Erin the other evening. Unexpectedly. I've you and Illy both to blame for it. You both are far too good an influence on me." He smiled sheepishly up at Everett, toying with the stem of his wineglass.

A long sip and a slow smile. Everett had lunched with the temperamental thing and heard her speak of Lydia. He did not know what happened to bring that sweet and patient lady to a state of impatience with her mad sister, so wisely, he had not asked.

"It would do my mother well to hear that, though I hardly think the news that I am a good influence would be heard kindly by my brothers."

William harbored some secret hope that Ev would go hog wild once away from Warwick and all that he knew. It had not happened, as of yet.

"I am, however, glad to hear that you and Erin are getting along. It makes things a great deal less complicated for me. I do so care for you both." Another long sip from the glass, pleased that things were ironing themselves out.

"You know that I don't mean to make you angry with my little spats, Everett. Unfortunately I'm not as even tempered as you, nor do I think I ever could be. But I am never needlessly cruel, even when it seems that way. I hope you'll believe me." He admitted with a soft sigh, casting his gaze away toward the shining lights of the cityscape outside, each small light glittering like a star among its brethren.

"I also hope that you'll forgive my ridiculousness the other night. I....was not myself." He added in a rush, wincing at the poor delivery.

Was this the reason for the rather intense moment the other night? Everett still did not understand what had happened, and frankly, there were questions that just did not fit well in his mouth, so he was loathe to ask them. There was quiet as he carefully chose his words.

"You must not mistake my unwillingness to be party to the spats to be anger. I simply refuse to get into the middle of things, particularly things I am quite certain I do not wholly understand."

One more drink and he had finished the wine.

"What passes between you and them is no business of mine." The second statement elicited a nearly immediate reaction, a question that floated through the foreground before submerging back to where it belonged again. If not yourself, then whom? Instead, he kept it light, kept it polite, sensing that was what the man preferred.

"Forgive what? It was plain that you were out of sorts, and what manner of friend would I be if I only called myself such in fair weather." It was hard to shake the rather intimate nature of the encounter, but Ev had done his level best.

"I don't begrudge you your peace, Everett. In fact some times I envy you it. But I'm a creature of habit, I'm afraid."

As if to illustrate he drew out a cigarette and lit it, savoring the fragrant smoke as he exhaled, his chin lifted while he slouched back into the chair, but only for a second as he saw Everett drain his glass. He rose in a smooth motion and took the crystal from him, moving back to the kitchen to refill it. A moment later and he'd returned, pressing a freshly chilled glassfull into the other's hand before resuming his seat and the enjoyment of his cigarette.

"I am glad you came tonight, though. There has been something I've been turning over in my mind. I spoke with Illy about it and she agrees."


Date: 2007-03-22 15:03 EST
"Thank you," he muttered as the wine was refilled. It was a rather delicious glass, he liked the chill of it, the sweet sting of it. Curiosity at the statement, which was clearly a lead into another topic. Thank goodness. He did not wish to speak of that odd moment in the dark too much, or the constant in fighting between just about everyone.

"Well, sir, no time like the present." One of those boyish, good natured smiles fell into place, matching the curious arc of his brow between long sips of the delightful wine.

"Yes." He could not help but effect a small, almost bittersweet smile at that line, and shifted his cool gaze to watch Everett carefully, his features arranged quiet seriously.

"I have come to the decision to set up a grant for you... a permanent fund for the specific purpose of publishing your works. All and any of them. And should you not use up the money, which I doubt you will because it is a considerable sum... it will be dispersed to your children, should you have any."

He took a long, slow draw upon the cigarette between his fingers and watched Everett intently, a half smile tugging the one corner of his mouth.

Cue the look of utter confusion. It knotted the brow rather heavily as behind the spectacles, a cornucopia of conflicting emotions tumbled out and rolled around, knocking awkwardly into one another. Words came slowly, like the long absent spring.

"I am certainly not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Gideon, though I must point out that unless you have been sneaking into my room when I am not there, I do not believe you have read a single thing I have written." A little bit hopeless.

At that Gideon's smile broke into all its embarrassed glory and he ran a hand back through his hair in that uncomfortable gesture that was his habit.

"Hope and belief in something that one has not seen. It is the definition of faith, is it not?" Glacial blues rose to meet Everett's soft browns. "If I have faith in anyone, Everett, it is you."

"Indeed," Another false sip of wine, "It is the only thing I have faith in."

It was simply that the prospect of publishing was both loved and feared and now right directly in front of him. He needed another drink. A swallow of the liquid courage (too bad he had not chosen the scotch), then Everett spoke again.
"I hardly feel worthy of such a gift, sir."

Did he speak of the money, or did he speak of the faith? A shrug. Though the man dreamed of greatness, he also had a firm belief in his own mediocrity. The proof was in the pudding.

"Indeed," Another false sip of wine, "It is the only thing I have faith in."

It was an intimidating offer made by an intimidating man in an intimidating palace of a home. Everett's response was quite logical.

"I am unsure of what I am to say, or to do." Funny, his own hand reached up to scratch near the back of his neck as that lip tucked itself between his teeth again. "Thank you, obviously, though..."

A tentative gaze up over the top of his lenses, making Gideon a dim blur.

"Insufficient beyond belief." Gulp. He downed the rest of the wine.

Gideon laughed softly.

"Everett... You are far more deserving of my money then I ever was or shall be. You have a gift, a talent and a dream. Three things no money could buy me."

He rose and left his wine on the table by the chair, the butt of his cigarette smoldering in the ashtray. Slow steps took him towards the great windowpanes as his hands slipped into his pockets. It was heart breaking, this truth, but carried it inside him long enough now. It wanted out and there was no room for it among his other secrets and lies. He stood at a distance, gazing out at the city below, crawling with others like ants on a brilliant log.

"I do envy you Everett." The words were soft and carried such saddness in them.

His tone mirrored the melancholy lilt of his companion's.

"There is a great irony in that, Gideon, for I am envious of you." He felt cold, and appropriately tucked his arms about himself, hands disappearing into the crook of his elbows. A rueful smile graced his lips.

"Is not that strange?"

"It is, for if you knew me you wouldn't envy a second in my skin." He turned and glanced over at Everett before looking back out the window.

"I don't think that you recognize the power you hold between those inkstained fingers of yours when you wield that pen. You brush the very cloak of immortality, Everett, you put your soul and heart and mind upon a page...and others read it and they know you as if you sat beside them. Your words will live on long after you've gone, and your voice will speak to others when even your progeny have forgotten your name. It is the closest any of the human race could come to life everlasting... and still enjoy the solace and rest of Death."

He pressed his forehead to the window and felt the chill seep through, his hands spread out against the glass like a spider's web. Gideon turned his face and smiled ruefully at his companion, blood tears rimming his blue eyes, threatening to overspill their dams.

"I can think of no one else who deserves such a thing more."

It bothered him that Gideon did not seem to think he was known. He knew he was missing pieces, but he believed had a decent impression, at least. His words gradually began to fly at a faster clip, the passion that fueled that pen night after night slowly becoming evident. Less time to think on them, to consider their implications, to edit them. His eyes were trained, at first, on the bit of wine pooled at the bottom of his empty glass.

"What good is such a cloak if it only serves to make one smaller? Colder? What good are all my little words if I have nothing to say, and if I am destined to have only them? They are of precious little comfort to this wretched, ruined heart. I would give them away to live an easy life of confidence, to have the love of a good woman, to know that someone would always care to read them."

The blood had rushed to his face in the fury of the idea of it all, the futility of ink on paper, the clositered life he felt destined to lead. In his mind, he would go through life liked by many and loved by none. A terrible existence for a man of such quiet, desperate passion. At last he looked over to Gideon, and found the thrumming of his heart against his ribcage painful.

He turned from the windows and crossed the space of the penthouse slowly as he listened, to retrieve the bottle of wine from the kitchen and carry it over to where Everett sat. He picked up the empty glass and filled it once more, setting the near-empty bottle down on the table beside the glass. The bitterness, the regret in Everett's voice pained him far greater than any drama in his own life had ever. Excrutiating it was to look down at his friend and not speak his heart to him...more and more it became a thing Gideon could not bear. He would keep the color of Everett's eyes when all the world had forgotten his name... and yet he could not breathe this, he dared not to.

He moved as if in a dream, stepping closer to Everett's chair. He saw his hands reach out and draw the other's glasses up, saw his fingers cup that smooth plane of the other's cheek. He was on his knees but did not know it, his hands cradling Everett's face, thumbs tender in their trace of the soft lobe of his ear. He could hear the hard hammer of his heart, feel it echo in his brain and feel his own still heart aching to respond in kind, to echo its call. He drew Everett towards him and closed his mouth over his over-abused lower lip. The kiss was slow, soft and lingering, the caress of a cool tongue against warm flesh, a gentle suckling on one lip and then the other...tenderness in the extreme. He drew away at last, breathless, unable to meet Everett's eyes, ashamed of his own weakness and knowing full well he had shattered trust and friendship alike. He swallowed, hard, and forced down his emotions as his hands slide from their caress of the other male's face.

"Everett... I'm sorry... I..." What words were enough? None. Nothing could save him now.

Everett knew how to kiss, he had not been completely ignored in Warick. To be confronted with a situation like this, though, made a man forget a great number of the things that he knew. He was still, painfully still. At least Gideon had caused him to forget what he had been blathering on about. New information came in floods, muddying the active brain, sending the speech centers into something resembling a tailspin. It took a moment to right himself, and he drew a pair of inky fingers to his lips, as though to challenge and verify reality. To his great credit (and in keeping with the character of the fellow), he did not rage, nor flee. He merely sat and watched Gideon, until the first coherent thought spilled right out of his mouth, he became aware he was thinking it even as his ears heard it.

"You--- you are cold, Gideon." More abuse to the lip and he frowned, leaning foward a bit, the next thought seemed more appropriate, regardless of whether or not it was. "I am confused."

Gideon glanced up at Everett in confusion. Had he broken the poor man? He'd expected flight, rage, in the very least a solid fist to the face. He blinked up at the handsome face that gazed down at him, each expression a mirror image of the other's confusion. His mind grasped for straws and landed upon the first thing at hand.

"You can have both, Everett. Your writing and your other wishes."

Lame as a shot duck. He could still taste Everett on his mouth and it made him stupid, shy and stumbling. It was far better then he had imagined.

"I can't...I can't explain myself to you. I'm sorry."

Penance, confession. Sinner and Saint. He felt he'd break under the weight of that soft brown stare, under the love and lust that weighed upon his shoulders heavier than Atlas' burden.

[Gideon thinking of Everett, and Everett thinking of Gideon. More to the point, Everett thinking of... stutter. A flutter of a blink.

"Il--l--lly? Does she---?"

Know you kiss men? Approve? Care? It was only just now starting to trouble the poet that he had not reacted with any of the rage- flight-fist trinity that might be common to man who is certain he likes women. A sinking feeling in his stomach. The spending all day tomorrow in prayer feeling.

He had to laugh softly at that. Of course Everett would be so considerate.

"Yes, she knows. No, she does not care. She knows my heart and how I am. She knew my last lover." It was difficult to admit, but true. He remained knelt before Everett, still half in shock.


Well, at least the puzzle pieces of two nights ago began to fall into place. Do two half in shocks make a whole in shock. With another sudden flush, and a horrified press of fingers to those lips, recently trespassed upon, his eyes widened. The grant wasn't about this was it? He would hardly think such a thing of Gideon, but he also did not think Gideon was going to...


He responded before he could stop himself. He could hear Everett's thoughts as loud and clear as if he spoke them, and the idea that Everett might think that the gift he'd given was out of lust was more than he could bear.

"I just... I want you to have my gift because I respect you...and envy what gift you have.... I'm sorry Everett."

He rose and took two steps backwards.

"I'll understand...if you hate me, but I do care for you."

Pursed lips were released, and he frowned in Gideon's direction, though it was likely a product of the entire situation, including his rather ambiguous feelings on the subject. His voice was quiet, and all once he shook his head and shrugged a little, blinking rapidly... He was ready to apologize to Gideon for making the man so bloody uncomfortable, never mind that he had, more or less, brought it on himself.

"I-- You--" Pause, reset, gulp. Sigh. "I could not hate you." Some would call those famous last words. As long as Gideon didn't think it a dare, they might end up alright.

"I care for you- I am just-- This is--" Awkward. Hellish. An isolated incident? A learning experience? An unexplored country? Who knew? Not Everett Ogden. "I am at a terrible loss for words." Though still, he was really bloody calm. He happily remembered that he had a recently refilled glass of wine an with a long breath, he raised it to his lips and took a very long sip.

It was shock, surely. Once Everett had gotten home and had time to think the fact that his friend had just kissed him like a lover would sink in no doubt, and this neutrality would fade into anger, betrayal, and then fester to hatred. Gideon was so sure of it, he had prepared himself so thoroughly for it that he could fathom no other rational. He put a hand to his face and groaned softly before he turned away, raking fingers back through dark hair, sending it on end. His feet carried him back to the window pane and he lent against it, his head hitting it with a dull thud.

"You don't have to stay for my sake, Everett. Go if you want."

"I do not know what I want."

Fair truth, and he took another sip of wine, considering all manner of things. He stood and moved over to the window, leaving the wine, his heart just bleeding for the poor fellow. He kept his arms crossed, knotted together like the knot in his brow.

"That had never happened before." Who else would he have to talk to? He'd rather kill himself than have this particular discussion with any one of his girls.

Gideon laughed softly, a note of unhinged desperation creeping into the sound of it, the kind of laughing one did before one cried. He turned around and pressed his back to the window, watching Everett broken heartedly.

"Am I so terrible? So loathsome a thing? I wish I could keep myself from touching you Everett. I'm afraid my fingers would soil you."

"You are a man, Gideon, and so am I."

That made it something of an obstacle, in Everett's mind. Third glass hazy, not ready to flee, not wanting to leave his friend in such a state.

"I had thought to loathe you, that first night I saw the quarrel with Erin. She asked me to be civil. And I find that I like you. I crave your company, you are a good friend to me, a boon companion." A passionate man. A man who knew how to live, looking after the man who only knew how to write.

"I know nothing else." A defeated shrug, then.

Gideon moved away from the window and towards Everett. He knew what Gideon had wanted him to know, nothing more or less. And now he wished he could spill his secrets to this man, this mortal, more than he'd ever wanted to before. He drew close and cupped his hand round the curve of Everett's neck, fingers gentle, thumb nestling a soft caress behind the fold of his ear.

"I half wish you might have, Ev. Then I wouldn't care for you this way. You are everything I am not. Everything I would want to be. I can't lie to you... I can't barely keep one secret from you. And I don't want to hurt you."

He drew nearer and rested his forehead again against Everett's, swallowing hard once more before he moved again, sought another kiss, this one shyer, more chaste. A light brush of lips, his fingers spreading up the nape of Everett's neck and into the thick of his soft hair.

The proximity caused an accelerando in the ribcage, and as Gideon held him in so tender a fashion and leaned in, a mildly tipsy, inherently confused, exceptionally emotional Everett Ogden, gently, chastely, returned the kiss. Inky hands have come to rest lightly against the front of Gideon's shirt, bent arms between them, a barrier, a safety net. Taking a moment to actually have this genuinely terrifying experience, holding his breath all the while. He thought his heart might just beat hard enough to burst in his chest. Terror.

God and it broke Gideon inside, broke him worse than Thalon leaving, broke him harder than the loss of his humanity, and broke him crueler than anything Vincent had ever done to him...the return of that simple, soft kiss. If Everett felt terror, Gideon felt pain. Magnificent and radiant in its scope. He withdrew only a hair's breadth and drew a soft, slow breath, icy blue eyes opening to gaze at Everett in quiet gratitude. The fingers of his hand curled gently in the other's unruly hair and gave it the lightest of tugs.

Everett half expected some serious wrath of god business to rain down on him. Lightning. Pillars of salt. Plague of frogs. No suck luck. He opened his eyes, and the sad look on Gideon twisted his own lips into a mirrored smile. The kiss had not been all that different from kissing a woman, but it had just brought her to the forefront, she for whom he broke his own heart. Honeyed eyes and a laugh like a brook. What a pair.


Date: 2007-03-23 13:59 EST
It was Everett?s turn to step back, to retreat. He didn't go far, just enough to put a little bit of the space back between them. Fingers trailed the shirt for a whisper of a moment before he curled those inkstained instruments in on themselves, and his hands crept back into their pockets. Everett was a bit flushed, but could not peel his eyes from the pale, tortured gaze of his friend.

The terror was rather mesmerizing, and for once he perhaps understood how it was that a snake supposedly entranced its prey. That combination of fear, and awe in the heart wrenching beauty of the moment was the stuff of a thousand sonnets. He would consider his world a long minute before speaking again, never any louder than he needed to, certainly not in the still close proximity, certainly not in the deafening quiet of the space between them.

"Still confused, though I am certainly not anywhere near angry." A status report for the benefit of all.

Gideon couldn't help himself, with the dam broken and the gentle return of that kiss, Gideon ached for more, hungered for it. He couldn't feel Everett's pain, couldn't feel that heartbreak no more than Everett could feel his...but he let him go. He let his hand slide away from its cradle of Everett's nape, and only when his friend stepped back could he see the terror there registering itself in his eyes. He looked away as if slapped, turning his head slightly and training his eyes on the floor, on a flaw in the black marble, a tiny speck of white. His mouth pressed inwards on itself, generous lines condensing tightly as he exhaled shakily. He didn't know what to say, he had nothing left in him. The truth told left him feeling hollow and fragile as an empty glass.

The silence made it worse, and he started to wince. The spectacles were pulled from his face, and he polished them carefully, slow circles, pulling him back to center. In that moment, it seemed like he never could say the right thing with anyone. Never mind that there was no right thing to say, sometimes. Didn't stop him from talking.

"It never even occurred to me, before the other night, that something like this might ever happen to me." This meaning a man, this meaning that someone might want him in a way that he would not just immediately return. He was bloody never the unrequiter, always the unrequitee. And he was not entirely prepared to be either, in this instance. Everett was frightened of himself, of the change in the foundation upon which he built his reality. It made him more ridiculously worthless with words.

Gideon laughed softly and ran a hand over the back of his head.

"Everett... I feel like I've betrayed you. You trust me, and... this is what I do with it." He smiled dryly and flung out his arms for a second before letting them fall against his sides.

"I am not someone worth your knowing. I'm sorry I can't be who you wanted me to be, I am."

Gideon offered his friend a contrite smile and the smallest of glances. This was how he sabotaged himself, this was how he pushed people away. And perhaps half of it was that he truly did feel a love for Everett, but just as surely the other half of his motive was that he was afraid of that emotion, and he knew he was undeserving. He knew how to drive others away. It was what he did best.

"What I wanted you to be?"

He squinted, pausing in that nervous task then sliding his glasses back on to the bridge of the nose. Things were coming into focus for the playwright. Gentle words drifted on a gentle tone.

"I wanted a friend and a confidante. I fail to see how you have failed at either." Sensible Everett released one of those long suffering sighs, and found within him the fortitude to continue on this track.
"I highly doubt that I would think one of the girls unworthy of my company were a similar event to occur. Perhaps it is different. But perhaps it is not. I share more with you than I do with them."

It felt good to hear that, there was no denying it... Each turn Everett proved himself exactly the same as Illy; dogged, unfaltering, trusting and with this steadfast sense of loyalty that Gideon could not fathom. They were like angels, the pair of them, sent to both taunt and love him. He shook his head and moved shakily to a seat, slumping down in it as if his legs would not support the weight of him anymore. He couldn't meet Everett's gaze, couldn't even look up at him.

"I can't be those things and not care for you, Everett, not want to share affection. You know this feeling I know you do, I saw it in you when you spoke of Anne. Tell me, what would you say in my position? How would you feel?"

Everett moved to a seat, he would not loom over the poor fellow. The question struck him quiet again; it was so strange to hear her name aloud. What would he say? What had he said?

"Nothing. I said nothing, I could say nothing. I knew I could never be near her, and I felt I would die if I watched her marry John and live as his wife." The emotions in his system congregated into a tight knot in his belly, in his throat. It was hard to think. It was hard to breathe. He pressed his fist to his mouth, closing his eyes as he took a moment to compose himself before he make an unnecessary scene. the moment passed, and Everett propped his heavy chin in his hand, rather hunched in the chair.

"I love her still though it is a sin, though it is a hopeless affair." He glanced over at Gideon. It was not the same thing. Gid didn't have to see Ev with another. The jealousy had nearly consumed and destroyed the poor gentleman.

Gideon drew a slow breath and finally looked up, watching Everett wrestle with this demon of his that he had called forth.

"Why, Everett? Why didn't you take her? You wanted loved her. What would it have cost to tell her before it was too late? "

It angered him that Everett reined himself in, would not give way to his own anger, his feelings. He laughed mirthlessly and leaned forward in his chair, one hand gripping the arm of it hard enough that the leather groaned and creaked under the strain, the palm of the other open in gesticulation.

"Sin?! Loving is not a sin, Everett. That is something people who are dead inside tell you. Something people who can't love, who have never loved train you to believe so you can be as miserable as they are." He spat a breath derisively. "Sin."

"You don't know sin, Everett. Sin would turn your stomach, sin would make you doubt the very core of yourself. Sin would burn the threads that hold your world together. I know sin, Everett. I've seen it with my own two eyes and god help me I've committed it. Love...hope... holding on to someone you care about. That is not sin."

Red in the face again, though hardly angry. Just the response as he thought he might well up. Months and months on a boat, and he hadn't grieved for the desperate situation.

"I wanted her, yes. I loved her--love her. I did not burden her because I loved him too. My brother, my blood, my family. It would have cost me John, at least, if not the rest. We were both there, she chose him, Gideon."

How desperately he loved his family. Already he had died for them in a way, a broken heart robbed him of his innocence, and ultimately his home, because he loved them better than he loved himself. Even John who was too thick to see the way his little brother looked on the girl he was to marry.

"I chose him instead." No choice would have allowed him true happiness. Ev just chose the path of least resistance.

Gideon watched his friend wrestle his pain, and felt remorse for him, mourned for him. Of course it wasn't an easy choice Everett had made, nothing about it was simple. He slid from his chair to take to his knees in front of Everett again, his hands grasping the other's wrists as he looked up at him, brows knit, apologetic that he had to hold that mirror up.

"Everett. If I could help this with a choice like that I would."

"I would not cause you this grief."

A long sigh as Everett hung his head. He ought to have stayed in the library, right where he belonged. Then he would not have hurt anyone. He would not have the opportunity to hurt himself.

"I would not cause anyone this grief, if I could help it."

He met Gideon's eyes again. Surely he was right, at least in part, about Sin. Love could not be a sin, nor could holding another's welfare above your own.

"I could go. This is a big country, and perhaps if you were not plagued by my company, you would find your heart light again in no time."

What he wanted? Not in the least. Though surely, some farm on the Outlands could use an experienced hand for the spring and the summer. He would hate it, but he could write at night.

Gideon smiled at that, the way that angels smile, the way that devils they know. He reached up to touch Everett's face, stroke his cheek with the backs of his knuckles, trace the slow, full curve of his lower lip with his thumb.

"Oh." A soft sigh of a word, resigned, loving.

"You already have, Everett." He let his hand fall away.

"And if you anyone leaves here, it will be me." He winced and hung his head, groaning.

"Everett... don't you see? Your company is better than any I could ever hope for. I could live ten thousand millennia and not see the likes of you or Illy ever again. You don't plague me. You're a blessing I don't deserve."


He was disgusted with the bizarre quandary in which he found himself. And the longer he thought of it, the longer he realized that he was not entirely sure what the problem was. It was bloody frustrating.

"Is there nothing, then, that will enable us to be friends? No scope of your imagination where it might not torment you to enjoy this...this... blessing you call me? Or am I to wake one day, come to call only to find my friend Gideon, packed up and gone without a word?"

A sensible look on those features, something painfully pragmatic in its thinking. Every stitch of logic in him banded together to try to find some rational solution. All of this melodrama was simply unneccessary, better suited for some grand stage than for his humble life.

"And if I decide that I cannot abide the latter?" Earnest face bordered on challenging as he regarded the man before him, the eerie and flawless look of him. No. Everett Ogden had not seen this coming, not in a thousand millennia.

"Then I will never, ever touch you again or ask of you what I did tonight."

He yeilded to the challenge and accepted that that fate was most likely inevitable. He'd watch, he'd love from afar, and he'd know the burn of jealousy and want alongside the cold chains of promise. He rose from his knee smoothly and stepped back, gazing down at Everett passively.

"I know I want to be your friend, Gideon."

The rest was... well, something he would need to consider, at length. Best to step away from a situation before attempting to evaluate it. Everett stood, stuffing his hands again into his pockets.

"I think, however, that perhaps it is time that we part ways for the evening."

Before anyone else got emotional. Before anything else that made the world spin incorrectly might occur. "Thank you for your company." He was gracious, not a stitch of irony or sarcasm would lace those words together.

Gideon simply nodded and slid his hands into the pockets of his pants, watching silently as Everett too his leave at last, and when the door finally shut behind him, he sank to his knees in his empty apartment and let the world just cave in.


Date: 2007-03-24 02:02 EST
Gideon shouldered his way into the inn, lighting a cigarette as he went, the flashing glow of his lighter behind cupper hands throwing handsome features into stark illumination for one breif second before he drew the cigarette away and let a slow stream of smoke slide from between his lips as he strolled in.

Sascha adopted the Inn as her temporary home, really having little intention of staying after she'd done what she was sent to do. She wasn't quite sure that she was even going to do that. She chafed against authority and the leash Eve had her on made her positively viscious. She opted for casual tonight: Embroidered leather pants that sat low on her hips, a wide belt with a curious silver buckle, italian leather boots and a white tank. She adored making an entrance but now was not the time.

Gideon made his way towards the bar, cutting a jagged line through the evening's gathering crowd. He was clad in black pants with an even blacker pinstripe to them and a matching sportscoat, his oxford a dark, saturated sanguine shade that made the pale, pale blue of his eyes stand out even more. The tie at his throat was black silk, its knot pinned with a single, flawless black pearl. He looked perfect and polished tonight. Claiming a seat at the bar he slouched back mindlessly, enjoying the taste of the tobacco in his cigarette as he watched the evening's herd clambor for drinks and conversation.

Erin brushed past Gideon, smiling as she passed. A hand run over one shoulder in greeting and took up a lean at the bar, taptaptap to get Antonio or Kina's attention.

Sascha didn't feel at all like being proper tonight and ordered an extremely unladylike pint of ale. She'd clipped her hair into a disheveled pile at that back of her head, stray wisps floated about her neck and face giving her a false appearance of whimsy.

Cassie made her grand entrance through the front door. Which actually wasn't all that grand. She just kind of sauntered in, hands in the pockets of her jeans. Lavender curls were piled up and held to her head with those chopsticks she'd taken to wearing, and her blaster was on her hip, not quite covered by the jacket. She frowned just a bit as she noticed Gideon, but smoothed it away and continued on towards the bar, sidling up beside Erin.

?Hey.? And a smile for Antonio as well.

"Can you get me the bottle of pinot noir there, Toni?" Erin pointed to her favorite bottle. "And a glass?" A kind smile for her friend. "Thanks."

Gideon gave Erin an absent smile and watched her lean against the bar. She very nearly glowed. Sebastian being gone was good for her, perhaps the best thing that could happen for her. He chewed thoughtlessly on a manicured thumbnail as the smoke from his cigarette wafted overhead, weathing him in a soft of sinister halo. Glacial eyes narrowed as Cassie fetched up beside Erin, giving him that dull frown of hers. He was in no mood.

If Sascha had recognized Gideon she gave no outward sign but it was fortuitous that her other London acquaintance had chosen to take residence at his side. She pushed off the bar, glass in hand and "aimlessly" made her way to where they were standing.

Erin?s wine was poured into the glass and she turned to see Sascha approaching. She inwardly grimaced, something about being friendly not agreeing with her, but she outwardly smiled. She was in too good a mood to dampen it. IT wasn't that Sebastian's departure had brightened her... it was that sex did.

Cassandra followed Erin's gaze to Sascha, head canting to the side.

?She was the woman at the table before the Nexus dumped me in a wedding gown, right??

?Ahh Erin. I'd act surprised to see you here but as this seems to be one of the few places in town to be seen socially, we'll have to pretend surprise, astonishment and good fortune hmm??

It was much of a stretch to pretend any of those things as she was quite the adept at affecting whatever demeanor fit the moment.

?Nice to see you again.? She'd purposefully left out the formalities that had hindered them when they'd lived in London.

"Mmhmm" Erin mumbled to Cassie just as Sascha approached.

"And you, Sascha. Have you met my cousin Cassie?" A tilt of her head, a bit of a smile and a step aside to reveal the lavender vixen.

?I haven't had the pleasure.? Sascha?s lips curled up into a smile as she greeted the other woman. She winked, just slightly and extended her hand.

?Enchanted I'm quite sure.?

?I don't believe we have.? Cass eyed Sascha with a small bit of confusion. They spoke as if they knew each other for longer than just a few nights. She did smile though, and give her hand a firm shake.

?Pleasure to meet you.?

"Sascha's and my mother were friends. We spent a lot of our childhoods terrorizing the same people. It's a wonder we ended up here together." A smile offered to Sash and then to Cassie. She leans over the bar for another glass and pours some of the Pinot Noir for Sascha.

"Here, join us." The glass is offered.

?What Erin is too sweet to say is that we were the resident hellraisers in boarding school. I'm afraid I'm quite the bad influence.? She released Cass's hand and brought her glass to her lips for a drink.

?Oh! Well, it's certainly nice to meet someone who knew Erin before she landed here.? A chuckle. ?I can see her raising hell at boarding school, certainly.?

Nodding and grinning, Cass brought her water to her lips for a sip.

?Ahh, I've defected from prim and proper.? Sascha lifted up her ale in emphasis. ?It's no wonder I couldn't avoid scandal back at home.?

Erin laughed and nodded.

"I'm just a wino. Prim and proper certainly isn't part of it. Trust me." A wink.

"Oh, Cassie, you have no idea. I almost got kicked out of school like... what? Two.. three times? " The question directed at Sascha.

If Gideon thought Cassie's appearance on the scene was ill fortune, boy was Gideon in for a shock. He nearly choked on the last inhalation of his cigarette as a familiar face cropped up in the midst of the two girls. Coughing, he leaned forward to grind out the butt end of the cigarette as he stared pointedly at the three.

"What the hell is she doing here?" A soft grumble to himself as his relatively cheerful expression darkened slowly.

Cassandra was laughing at Erin, but she didn't miss the choking cough. She turned a bit, a brow arched to eye Gideon for a few moments. She noted the expression change, and simply turned back to her companions with a shrug. Too bad he didn't choke and die.

?Something like that. And if they could see us now? I'd tell them to stuff their rules and their etiquette.?

Sascha?s hearing was remarkably astute, unnaturally so and she arched a brow as she glanced over Erin's shoulder.

?Well hello Gideon, amazing coincidence, this. Don't you think?? Her lips were pressed into a wicked smirk.

There was nothing for it. He relinquished his seat slowly and elbowed his way towards the small hen party, the mask of the charming smile slipping over his face, though his sharp eyes failed for once to follow.

"Hullo Ladies. And Cass."

He gave Sascha a broad, cold smile as he reached out to take her hand.

"Sash. It's been too long. How are you doing? You're the last face I expected to see here."

"You know Sascha, too?"

Erin?s brow rose and her face flushed a little. Erin had never realized she had been that close to Gideon on earth. It was a bit shocking.

Sascha?s smile was near frigid and yet her eyes danced as she watched him make nice in front of his "friends."

?And here yours was the only face I expected to see.?

"Of course I do. Her parents were nearly as wealthy as my own. And titled, if I recall. Quite the feat. Sascha and I used to run in much the same circles."

He gave her knuckles the brush of a kiss and dropped them as if he's rather have been holding live coals. One dark brow arched.

"Oh? And here I thought myself forgotten."

"If your parents knew her parents and my parents knew her parents.... this really is a small, small world." Erin shook her head in amazement, sipping long from the glass.

It was likely that Cassie's aunt and uncle had known, or at least known of, all of their parents as well, but she didn't feel the urge to add that in. So she simply sat quietly and listened to the reunion and reminiscing.

"Well Erin, England is a small island, isn't it?" He remarked, giving her a sly smile with only a hint of sarcasm. Just back in her good graces it wouldn't do to topple the house of cards with only its foundation laid.

?Hardly forgotten Gideon. In fact everyone is wondering how you are and what exactly it is that you're up to.? Sascha smiled at Erin.

?Nice to be allowed the privilege of choosing our own company these days hmm? As opposed to being forced into supposed friendships because of our wealth, title and status.?

Erin laughed merrily, nodding a little. Another sip of her wine as she watched the pair.

"I always forget." She was glowing, leaning on the bar. "Well, Sash, I do have to say... you, Becky and Anna were the best friends a girl could have. Even if you were all filthy rich boarding school brats." A wink.

?Yes well it's all still true, of me at least, I'm sad to say. Though on occasion I attempt to be well behaved. I find that I've no desire to return to any of that? Sascha returned, in reference to her and Erin's upbringing. ?I'll leave it to the ones who enjoy it and they can have their fill.?

Gideon?s smile in return for Sascha was taut. He'd bet they were wondering exactly what it was he was up to, bloody pack of wolves. It had been too much to hope that he'd be forgotten, marooned here for the rest of his days. Home he'd missed. Family he did not. His anger burned hotter than a branding iron and in his ire his gaze landed upon Cass.

"What, no hangers on tonight, peacock? No wet shirt for us all either? You must be slipping."

?It would appear so, wouldn't it Gideon?? Her voice crisp, cool, the same as the gaze Cass pinned on him, almost unblinkingly.

?Go back to your reminiscing. I'm content to listen.? Those blue-greys narrowing a bit.

Gideon ignored Cassie's reply for the most part, paying it mind would have implied he actually cared what came out of her mouth.

Sascha?s cheeks hollowed as she drew one side of her lower lip into her mouth. She loved that he was trying so very hard to be civil - she knew were they alone all pretense and civility would be out the proverbial window. Sad really that he was taking it out on Erin's cousin. She nibbled on her lip. Her turn would come soon enough, of that she was certain.

Gideon?s pale gaze flicked to Sascha and he lifted his chin in a prattish tilt.

"I might be mistaken, but doesn't a title imply obligation, Sash? You've a feifdom to run somewhere that's sorely missing it's lady."

Gideon's words made Erin flinch. Her cheeks reddened and her eyes went dull. She sipped at her wine long and hard, trying to disappear into the floor.

Sascha snorted and shrugged a bare shoulder.

?It's being run quite efficiently in my absence and I've no intention of throwing a kink into the wheels of productivity any time soon. They're perfectly content not to have me there mucking about and pretending as if I care. I'm content and rarely trouble myself thinking about it. I'm certainly not losing sleep.?

Erin moved closer to Cass as she kept up her drinking. It was amazing how fast Gideon had ruined her mood.

Cassandra kept quiet, chewing on her bottom lip to keep from making a smart ass remark, and smiled at Erin, though it was almost more a grimace than a smile. She sipped at her water, glancing about the vicinity.

"Taking a cue from the royal family then? How very noble of you."

The word noble a double entendre in this case. It was enough. He gave Cassie and Erin the most convincingly charming grin he could and took Sascha by the elbow, cold fingers pressing hard into equally cold and flawless flesh.

"If you'll both excuse us? Sash and I have a lot of catching up to do." And without waiting for a reply of by-your-leave he steered Sascha away from the other women ungently, moving her through the crowd all the way to the enormous double doors of the Great Hall. He shoved one door open and guided Sascha inside, stepping after her and kicking the heavy oak shut behind them both.

?There is no excuse for you Gideon.? Cass called after him oh so sweetly, even smiling brightly.

Sascha was glad she hadn't set her glass down or she would've been incredibly put out. She let Gideon manhandle her out of sheer curiosity and nothing more.

?Missed me terribly have you Gid? I realize that the pickings are slim in your charming retirement spot but I've no intention of going to bed with you.? Her tone was like ice and while she smiled, her entire demeanor seemed to shift into something utterly predatorial.


Date: 2007-03-24 02:32 EST
***WARNING - following contains some violence and mature language***

Once inside his grip moved from her elbow to her throat, and he fairly slammed her up against one of those solid doors. His features reassembling themselves into that livid anger he bore, luminous pale eyes flashing dangerously in the moonlight as he squeezed her windpipe, his smile falling to a snarl.

"Missed you like the plague you wretched bitch. What the hell are you doing here?"

[She'd not been idle since he'd been gone and her strength nearly matched his, nearly. She reached down and grabbed one of the select few, differing parts Gideon had and she did not. She squeezed with a force equal to his own. Her voice came out in a hiss.

?And the only one lamenting the loss of you, you arrogant bastard is Victor and he's become a pathetic excuse for man since you've left. Do you really think Eve will let him keep control after the mistake he made with you??

Her lip curled into a purely evil grin.

?I'm here to make sure that he doesn't receive any help from the outside. But really the only reason I'm here, is for me.?

The noise Gideon made was indescribable, halfway between a gasp and a growl. Her grip worked its magic, though and he released his squeeze on her throat, though his hand remained at its post. He spoke through gritted teeth, understandably.

"Eve?!" His voice was incredulous. "She's Victor's plaything. She couldn't even hope to match him. She's not much older than you or I, barely out of fledge. She's nothing more than a puppet for Victor..."

His voice trailed off. If Eve were stupid enough to try to take the coven from one as old and strong as Victor... he must truely have become pathetic. The thought of it left Gideon dumbfounded, as well as oddly pleased. Let the fucker suffer, let him wallow in his angst. He hated the monster with every fiber of his being. He released Sascha's throat and smacked her hand away from his groin before he turned on one heel and paced away slowly.

"What do you mean 'outside help'? No one sent me here but Victor himself, and no one knows how to bring me back."

?I really don't care about Eve or Victor and I certainly don't care about you. If Eve wants to think she's pulling the wool over Victor's eyes, then she can play her game. And if she wants to send me here to spy on you? The only reason I would come is for my own personal benefit. No matter which way this inane clusterfuck unfolds, I'll come out on top. If Eve wants to use the knowledge and I think she'll win - fine. If she really is no match for Victor - I'd be willing to bet he'd reward me handsomely for news of his lapdog. And apparently someone knows, or I wouldn't be here would I??

She clucked her tongue and looked at him as she would anyone with a mental handicap.

?Still not the brightest of the bunch are you Gideon??

He rounded on her. God, but he wanted to rip her limb from bloody limb and leave the mess out for the sun to claim. Lapdog. It was almost too much to bear, the reminder of who he was and his position back in London...that monster's plaything. He felt his skin crawl.

"Why the hell would you want to be here then? Just to gain Eve's favor? One night of fucking is enough to turn that' whore's favor towards you. Why give up London for here? This is exile. This is purgatory. Not a bloody vacation!"

Sascha rested her hand on her hips and ran a tongue over her left incisor.

?Better a King or Queen here than under a heel there. You seem to be doing quite well for yourself from what I've seen and heard thus far. I doubt that Victor would stand idly by if he knew the control you exerted here...if he knew all the pathetic playthings you have of your own. It'd push him over the precipice, of which he's already teetering dangerously. And who, poor simple Gideon would be there to take his place? That insidious bitch that, up until now, has hung on his every word.?

Gideon bared sharp teeth, the needle points of his fangs visible among the others in his rage.

"What do I care? Let Victor pine away until he throws himself into the sun. Let that blonde hellbitch take his place. At least she doesn't give a shit for me. She'll leave me here to rot."

It took some doing, and a few deep breaths, but soon enough he had a hold upon himself once more, and was able to regard Sascha calmly, if with distain.

"Don't think you'll be Queen here Sascha. Count yourself lucky we're coven blood. I've run three others out of here already. I don't share my hunting grounds willingly."

?I really don't care - not about Victor, not about Eve and least of all about you. London's a bore dear Gideon.?

She reached up and patted his cheek patronizingly.

?And you're the only I won't get into trouble for interfering with. I'm perfectly content to let them tear each other to shreds while I bask in a quaint paradise.?

Her blue eyes narrowed dangerously.

?I'm not asking your permission. I could give two fucks about what you're willing to do and what you aren't. And luck has absolutely nothing to do with it.?

Gideon snapped at her face, pearly whites clicking sharply a hair's breadth from her perfect, and most likely, surgically enhanced nose.
"Don't fuck with me, Sash. No one's got your back here. I'm screwed whether or not you report back to Eve or Victor or whoever you turn coat for. I have nothing to lose!" He laughed softly, the sound of it slightly unhinged.

Her voice dropped to a soft whisper.

?And do you honestly think, I don't know where I rank on the Coven's food chain. I'm less important even than you and you're exiled. So if you'd like to speak of nothing to lose....You haven't got the market. As for turning coat, I'm only in business for myself and everyone in London and everyone here can shut the fuck up or get the hell out. It makes no difference whatsoever to me. And Gideon...? She allowed her eyes to appraise him with no attempt to disguise the fact.

?There's no monopoly on jaded and maniacal. Cry yourself to sleep or beat your fists on the ground, whatever you have to do, to get over the fact that I've no intentions of leaving any time soon.?

He simply glared at her through her petty tirade, the muscles in his jaw working overtime as the flexed hard, teeth grinding together audibly as he tried to keep a grip on himself. There was more to Sascha then she let on, surely. Even she was not that carefree, not in the politics of the coven. She was dangerous to him, more dangerous than anything that had come before, and he knew it. She brought back with her all the reminders of why he was here, and at whose whim... a few careful moves in this chess game and he's be at her mercy. So many things rushed through his mind...Erin, Everett, Malachi, Thalon...and Illiana...his fledgling. She could destroy them all with a few well placed words in the right ear. And yet, if he killed her who ever was relying on her for information would surely come in her stead. He was trapped like an animal.

And Sascha knew he had no other choice. The only option he had was to tolerate her. She had no delusions about friendship - coexistence? For now it seemed plausible.

?So buck up and take it like a?? She tilted her head to the side and looked him over once again. ?I'd say man but perhaps you might want to chose an analogy that's a touch more realistic.?

She folded her arms over her chest and preened. Smugness didn't suit her but she enjoyed it none the less.

Glacial eyes narrowed coldly. Smugness seemed to suit her just fine.

"Fuck you."

?It's an entertaining thought Gideon, I doubt you could hold up your end of the bargain though. And I reserve being fucked for those that can actually handle the task. Now if I'm the one doing the fucking you'd just have to bend over and take it - though I've not had any complaints. Quite the opposite in fact. But wait!? And her smile, her eyes, danced with conceit.

?Your taste runs to boys doesn't it? I'd almost forgotten - you look so masculine tonight. The fact that your tie costs more than some of the people in there.? She nodded toward the Inn, ?make in a year, is a give away.?

Gideon gave her a predatory smile as he strolled forward slowly and took her chin between thumb and forefinger. He was taller than her by nearly a foot, and had to bend his neck to admire her coldly as he tilted her face up, not caring to be gentle.

"I've no prejudice so far as sex runs, and neither do you...or so I've heard. Six to one half dozen as far as jackals like us are concerned. And as far as holding up my end of the bargain... well."

He stroked a thumb over the softness of her lower lip, until it paused dead center and pressed against the tender flesh, pillowing it out in a rosy bud.

"The Dark Gift or not, you wouldn't walk straight for a day or two. I promise you.?

He dipped slightly, as if to kiss her, letting go of her chin so that his fingers flicked at her short hair.

"Besides. With your hair mangled like that you look enough like a boy to fool anyone."

?No better material than that Gid? I'm disappointed.?

She bit his finger and it wasn't done playfully. She always "meant to", when it came to drawing blood.

?You forget that I just held the meager amount of equipment in my hands. So, your overcompensation is ridiculously apparent.?

She leaned in and whispered softly, her breath hot against his flesh.

?I've slept with women that had more to offer. Don't kid'll only lead to disappointment from both sides.?

If she'd been a mortal woman he would have thought twice, but she wasn't. She was just a hollow husk of a mortal shell with a piece of the devil inside, a black little soul that blighted the earth and everything on it. His hand moved like lightening and caught her jaw, hard. Strong knuckles contacting with perfect flesh as he slapped her backhanded the way her father should have before she'd gotten such a mouth on her. He felt the satisfying impact as her head snapped to the side and the even more satisfying sensation of her lower lip splitting. He smiled like Lucifer himself as he raised his balled fist to his mouth and licked her blood lightly off his knuckles.

"Don't lie, Sascha. It doesn't suit you as well as it does me."

Her face was a mask of anger and silent rage. She ran her tongue slowly over her lower lip, the blood staining it a brilliant shade of crimson. Her eyes were cold, the color of an ocean at it's deepest point and the anger that hid behind them was uncalcuable. Her eyebrow arched she clenched her teeth and spoke.

?There's little if anything that suits you, Gideon.? She spat his name.

?Unless of course it's wicked old men making you their plaything and shoving their dick in your ass.?

She refused to back down.

?You wear that mantle quite well actually.?

Gideon canted his head coolly, the fox-sly smile on his face betraying the rage her words invoked.

"What's the matter, Sash? Upset it wasn't you he chose? They always branded you a social climber in London... I'm sure you'd have bent over willingly to make yourself the Princess of one circle or another. It only makes sense that when the legitimate royals snubbed you you'd try your hand at the illegitimates."

He took a step closer again, his face in her own livid one, grinning like the Cheshire cat himself.

"Sorry you couldn't scramble to the top as fast as I was drug there."

?You fashion yourself clever, mayhaps even a wit with that tongue of yours??

She narrowed the gap even further, her mouth inches from his.

?When I fuck, it's to get off. I have a working intellect that deals with my status or social climbing if that's what you call it. I don't beg. I have, however, been told that you became quite proficient at it...begging Victor to take you?begging that you needed it. And when Victor wasn't'd crawl to Eve and rather than fuck her like a man you bent over and took it like a pussy.?

?We can go all night Gideon, I've no other place to be.? She bared her fangs at him. ?But don't ever strike me again.?

The tone of her voice brooked no argument. She would have her revenge one way or another.

"You shut the fuck up!" He grabbed her by the jaw and bore her to the nearest wall until he could bang her head against it with a sickening crunch that would have snuffed out the life of anyone human. It wasn't striking her exactly. She'd pushed the wrong button, though. Pushed it in a very wrong way. He shoved her head against the wall again, harder, rage consuming him.

"You will regret the day you ever thought you'd come here to escape London you whore."

He let her go with another shove and stalked out, flinging one of the large French window doors of the room wide and storming out into the night in a black rage.

Sascha grinned to herself and tongued the clotted blood on her bottom lip.

?Dream of me and nothing else Gideon because this is hell and I'm your jailor.?

She spit and considered going after him.

?Should I leave you to your pout? Or should I push just a little bit more this evening...??

She tapped a manicured finger against her chin in silent contemplation, and decided better of it.


Date: 2007-03-25 13:42 EST
He?d been no more fortunate the next evening. Sascha, bearing Erin along behind her like a tug boat in the wake of an ocean liner, had cornered him as he sat by the hearth in the tavern. They?d gathered a group, the pull of them like the gravity of a small sun, drawing in Everett and Cass until Gideon felt sure that soon everyone he knew would join them all by the hearth to witness his discomfort in the presence of his coven-fellow. Everett, ever the polite, sensitive one had sensed the latent tension in the air and excused himself first? with Erin hot on his heels. Left alone with the two women he least wanted to share company with in all of Rhy?din, Gideon also made his escape in short time. He?d been eager to speak to Everett? but loathe to let Sascha know the extent of his friendship with the man. He?d snuck out through he great hall, hoping to throw her off the scent.

Gideon knew the back way up the small, cramped emergency staircase that led upstairs to the inn's rooms from within the great hall, and it was to this he made his escape, climbing up into the hallway. He made his way down the long corridor and paused. Erin's door open and the sound of her voice and Everett's together in low conversation. He moved silently to Everett's door and with little trouble picked the lock with his own key to a room at the inn. He shut the door behind himself silently and moved across the darkened room towards the windows and the little table there beneath them. He pulled out a chair and took a seat to wait.

A little melancholy, but calm at least, Everett left Erin?s room and moved down to the safety of room two oh to stick his key in the lock. He frowned. The door was unlocked. God, he had been so forgetful. It was amazing he had buttoned that smart shirt up correctly. With a sigh, he put the key into his pocket and opened the door to his room.

"Foolish, silly, absent-minded..." Mutter mutter.

"Everett..." His voice was quiet, to soften any alarm at his sitting there in the dark, waiting like a thief, and yet the way he said the name still held that bittersweet intonation it did when he'd spoke it the other night.

Everett gave a little start, but it quickly faded. He leaned on the door and it clicked shut behind him. He turned the lock, and placed a hand over his heart.

"Godsteeth." A deep breath and a little chuckle. "Gideon..."

He smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry Ev. I heard you and Erin talking...I didn't want to interrupt."

Everett?s heart was still beating against his ribcage rather hard. Another deep breath did little to quell it, but he spoke up nonetheless, voicing his worry.

"Gideon, are you quite well? I did not like the way that woman..." Anything, really. He didn't bother to finish the sentence.

He rose from his seat and crossed the room, reaching past Everett before he flicked on the lamp, his hand returning to cradle the other's face, his palm cupped round the curve of his jaw, thumb fitting neatly into that soft depression just before the ear. Gideon's glacial blue gaze was serious as he held Everett's soft brown eyes.

"Everett, listen to me. Stay away from that woman, please. She is dangerous. She's nothing but lies and trouble. Please promise me. Swear to me you will stay clear of her. Yes?" He gave him a gentle shake, his other hand resting on Everett's upper arm.

Everett did not say a word, but his eyes got very big at the words spewed in his direction, and he nodded, most gravely. Dangerous. Stay away. He could do that, happily. Besides, his dance card was quite full enough as it was. The very last thing he needed was another woman to look after.

"Thank you." Gideon sighed, appeased for the moment. He paused for a second, drawing just an inch closer before he hesitated and let Everett go, his hands falling away as he took a step back, then another, and turned to pace back to the leaded windowpanes, his hands shoving into the back pockets of his jeans.

It was a long beat before he found the words. In that moment, he correctly identified the source of his earlier melancholy. Envy. Perhaps a flash of it blazed briefly though those brown eyes as he spoke.

"You know her well, then."

"Know her well enough to hate every breath she draws." There was no end to the bitterness in his voice. "She...ran in the same circles as I did back home. She also knows Erin form their childhood together... both titled heiresses, they went to the same schools. She's a predator, Everett, and a dangerous one."

Everett finally leaned off of the door, and put the little embroidered pillow on the arm chair in the corner by the window. This required getting close to Gideon and then stepping back away again.

"She sounds dreadful." She seemed dreadful. "I dislike the way she looked at you, very much so."

That brow of his wrinkled up, that man was still confused.

Gideon glanced over his shoulder, watching Everett drawn near and then away again, and offering him a taut, grateful little smile as he slowly turned around to face his friend once more.

"She hates me possibly more than I do her, for her own reasons. She'd probably do anything to hurt me if she could."

"What happened to make you hate one another so very much?"

Both hands slipped into a pocket of his trousers, and with a slow blink, he regarded the lines of Gideon's face with great care.

Gideon crossed both arms slowly over his chest, the leather of his jacket giving a satisfying creak as he did so. Both shoulders lifted evenly.

"I can't really say, Everett. Just...politics I guess. In London everyone is trying their damnedest to be the next highest one on the rung of the social ladder."

It was half truths and full out lies, but he could in no way let Everett know the real secret behind the contempt they held for each other.

A rueful smile for Gideon.

"It was easier in the country. I never had to think about social circles all that much."

He moved away at last to pour himself a drink. He had recently bought a new bottle of old scotch. It would fit the bill nicely.

"Drink?" He had already pulled one of the proper glasses from the shelf when he asked, it was just a matter of pulling the second.

He really didn't feel up to the farce tonight, but Everett's hospitality was warm and comforting. He nodded with a grateful smile and drew out the chair by the table again to take a seat.

"Everett...about the other night...?" How to end that sentence? He grasped at straws as it hung there in the air between them.

Everett brought everything to the table and sat down, a little sigh at the change of subject.

"I have read this play. This is the part where you tell me to forget everything, and that you were not quite yourself, and you are so terribly sorry and that I need not worry about such madness, such is wont to occur beneath such a sick little sliver of a moon."

He opened the bottle, the rueful smile still boyish despite the weary quality to the lines of his face.
Eyebrows lifted to Gideon.

"Say when, will you?" And he set a glass before his compatriot and tipped the bottle gently.

Gideon laughed softly and ran a hand over his face, resting his elbow on the table as he scrubbed wearily at his eyes.

"No, no... I wouldn't... well, I'm done lying to you about that, Ev." He watched the bottom of the glass fill to two finger's depth. "When. Thank you."

With a nod, he set that before Gideon, and found the choice of words interesting, but wrote it off to his unusual obsession with words and the combination of them. His own glass was filled more generously, and Ev took a very long sip before he set it on the clean surface of the table.

"I am listening." His gaze was so steady, as though that since he understood the possibilities, he could face the truth boldly.

"Ah..." Long pause, helped along by the false gulp of a bit of whiskey. "I just...wanted to know if... you were alright."

Not what he wanted to ask at all, the coward. Clearly Everett was fine, still in possession of his faculties and wit. He drowned his blue gaze in the fragrant amber liquid before him, cowed.

"This is very good scotch." Lame, so lame.

"About that." Those two words spoken very quietly, as though they were just coming into focus. Louder, this one was obviously the reply. "I think I am. I mean really, Gideon, what other choice would I have but to carry on, to be well?"

It was not an option to hide, to lay down and die. Everett Ogden simply had to carry on, that was the Ogden way.

"And you, my friend?"

After he posed the question, he took another good long sip of his scotch. Ev was rather beleaguered by everything. The knowledge of it sat heavy upon him, particularly in concert with the other facts that went hand in hand with all of that. Things he had seen. Things he had heard. And the fact of the way Gid looked in that moment.

Gideon glanced up, giving Everett a mollified smile from under dark brows and black lashes that no man deserved to have.

"I know that, Ev." He replied quietly, toying with the scotch glass with both hands. "I am... I don't know."

And he didn't. He was on edge, half hoping his overture would be accepted, returned and half frightened they would not. And since running into Sascha last night the entire axis of his world had shifted. No longer was he the brat prince, using the town as his playground. He was the hunted, the exile, the prisoner again, and everything, everyone he loved in danger.

Another sip and the glass had been emptied. He would feel it before too long. Already, the tension in the air helped to loosen his tongue. He'd say just about anything to make it easier to breathe.

"Really, should it be so difficult for us to just... talk?" What was really the difference? He poured a second glass and took another long sip, more frustrated than pained at this point.

"Tonight, Erin was my sane and rational friend." An entertained quirk of the brow paired with a curl of his lip. "Is not that strange? I find more often she is half out of her wit, poor thing."

He could not help but laugh at that, and the laughter had a life of its own. Erin sane and rational? The laughter bubbled up within until he had his face in both hands and was quite literally guffawing. It subsided slowly and he let his hands drop to smile up at Everett, pale eyes narrowed and twinkling.

"You poor man. Left to seek rationality and sanity from Erin Dunbridge? Oh Everett I have been failing you. I'm sorry!" He lifted up his glass at that an took a small sip, wincing at the fire of it as it scorched his mouth. "What can I do to make it up to you?"

"Chin up, sir."

That was all. His friend Gideon was a passionate creature. He did not know him to be quiet, brooding, with long pained looks and short on words. He preferred the fire, the pluck, the sheer audacity of the man. It suited him better, and Everett found it infinitely easier to take comfort near him in such a fashion.

"As you wish then, mate." He gave Everett a genuine and brilliant smile, his first in days. "Have you been writing then?"

He nodded towards Everett's uncharacteristically mussed writing desk.

"Your muse finally broken through?"

Everett nodded as he glanced over to the desk. All manner of things were over the surface that day. A few sonnets, a stab at a villanelle or two, free verse, pages of notes and rhymes. Yes, the man had quite busy. If he had not bathed so recently, he would probably only smell of sweat and ink. Thank heaven for soap.

"For the time being. She will leave me again soon, of that I am utterly aware. I shall stumble again into something that entices her." A sigh. No telling when.

"Fickle mistress." He commented and rose from the table to approach the desk and its papers. He reached down for one but paused, recalling the anxiety and angst on Everett's face the last time he'd done such a thing. He glanced back to his friend.

"...may I?"

A slow nod, and the face reverted to a rather tense, colorless state. To his credit, he stayed put, but had another very long sip of his scotch. He certainly could not watch, so he busied himself with the view out the window.

He sifted through the papers and picked up a page only half full... the scrip considerably neater on this than others, a half finished draft. He scanned it, his reading slowing as he was swept into the sonnet. He read it twice, three times then set it down gently and exhaled.

?You've...such a talent Everett. You see things so clearly.?

He wanted to protest loudly. He was his own worst critic. Worse yet, Gid was looking at a draft. Instead, he minded his manners and very shyly glanced towards the man at the desk.

"Thank you." Quiet words, swallowed down and chased away by more of the fantastic scotch.

"Will you let me read more sometime?" He asked gently, still glancing at the papers on the desk before leaving them at last, sinking down on the corner of the bed. It was a small irony that the thing was neatly made, while its owner drifted through life almost always bearing a keen resemblance to a very unmade bed.

"I ought to, no?"

A little chuckle at himself and he moved over, an attempt to be brave. He pulled a thin journal from one corner of the desk. and presented it to Gideon. The single word only just made it out, sans stutter.

"Here." Newest completed works. Inspired by this place, by this madness.

"These, at least, are whole." There were few, but they were carefully made.

Gideon couldn't have been more shocked if Everett had slugged him. He exhaled a soft, silent breath of surprised laughter and reached out tentatively to take the book. He flipped it open to a page and gazed down, his fingertips stroking the handwriting on the vellum as intimately as they'd touch skin. He glanced up and handed the open book back to Everett.

"Will you read it to me? I'd like to hear it in your own voice." The request was gentle, nervous. It was a great thing to ask, he knew.

But my penmanship is so lovely! That might have served as good rebuttal. Alas it was not what he said. He was just relieved to be talking about anything aside from awkward confusing feelings. A little stutter, at first.

"V--very well." He reached for the book, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. Which one?

"The one on the page it's open to is fine." He suggested with an amused smile. Everett's nervousness was endearing, his self-consciousness making Gideon forget his own.

Everett looked down, wet his lips with a flash of tongue first, then clearing his throat. It took a moment for him to speak, he wanted to will the stutter right out of him. d-d-d-d-d-d-diana just doesn't have quite the same ring to it.

Everett took his time, careful with each word. They belonged to him. The last line came to a neat a cadence, a decrescendo both in sentiment and accordingly, in volume. "....some threads together never should be tied." Everett did not look up, rather, he just closed the book and set it on the desk. He was a little pale, it was exhausting and terrifying to display your heart, on any level. Everett did not stomach it well. He turned and moved to the table keeping his back to Gideon as he finished his second glass of scotch, grateful for the significant buzz of the first. The second might cause him to get drunk enough to silence his muse and allow him to sleep.

Gideon waited patiently, and was rewarded. He rose and moved after Everett, pausing just behind him to lift up the bottle of scotch and pour his friend a third, if smaller glass, this one just a shot, once he put the glass down again. He slid his hand over Everett's shoulder, his grip pinching lightly, reassuringly as he rested his chin on the opposite shoulder, smiling broadly, proud as a brother.

"Fantastic, Ev. Bloody brilliant. Don't be so frightened, god. I'm scared you're going to collapse!"

He gave him another gentle shake before letting him go and stepped back slightly.

"Thank you, Ev. That was a gift fine enough to repay that fund Illy and I have set up."

Maybe it was because he did not (usually) write about flowers and trees and skylines and children. Everything that came from his pen, though observational, was of a deeply intimate and personal nature. If he ever turned that pen on himself, his work would probably transcend anything he could imagine, though that thought was more intense that that with which he was prepared to deal. He took the third drink down and set the glass upside down on the table. No more. Everett turned to face Gideon at last. A lame, quiet explanation.

"I cannot help the way I feel about my words."


Date: 2007-03-25 13:44 EST
"And the rest of us cannot help standing in awe of them."

He responded quietly. It was time for him to take his leave, he knew it sure enough as if a script had told him so, exeunt stage right... unfortunately neither of them were lucky enough to have something so simple as a script guiding them through this. He longed to kiss Ev, to stroke his cheek, embrace him, whisper comfort against his warm skin, and then leave him to sleep's gentle arms... instead he smiled tautly and withdrew another step.

"You're tired, and I must go." It would have been too much to hope to be asked to stay, to feel Everett's hands against his own cool skin, lending warmth.

A gnaw at that lower lip, as though he heard all of those aching thoughts. He did not, and his own were too confused to sort out. A noisy mess in his head, dulled in volume by the scotch.

"I... thank you for coming up, Gideon." A boyish, sweet, slightly drunken smile for the likeable problem standing a few feet away.

Gideon would have gotten out the door safely too, if it weren't for that lure of that smile. He'd closed that three feat of space again in a second and caught Everett's upper lip between his own, sucking softly, the tip of his nose brushing Everett's cheek softly as his hands went to his throat, fingertips sliding down until they closed over the first button of his shirt and undid it, four more followed until he could slide his hands inside and run his thumbs over the line of Everett's collarbone. It all happened in seconds, before he could stop himself. Everett had wanted his passion, and there it was. He licked softly at the center of Everett's upper lip. The taste of him was perfect, that scotch lingering against the clean, sweet taste of his moist skin. He could feel himself exhale hard and lift his hands to drag fingertips back through the other's hair.

So. Confused. He backed just slightly, right into the table, and found himself running his fingertips along the cheeks of his friend, leaning his chin into the other's despite that his brain was most assuredly singing songs about hellfire and damnation. Also, reminding him that Gideon was not a woman. That was helping with the visions of aforementioned h and d. This all warred with the part where he was not remotely repulsed by the experience and you know, reciprocating. Somewhere in Warwick, Grandpa Ogden is rolling over in his grave.

Gideon moved, taking Everett's lower lip in a teasing grip of a tender bite, a soft growl escaping him. His hands dropped again, pulling open that shirt the rest of the way. Yeah one of those buttons went flying, so what? He shrugged his coat off, letting it fall, and slid his hands inside Everett's shirt, his hands spanning ribcage and sliding to his back, short nails digging gently into flesh as his fingers curled into fists. His tongue brushed against the part of Everett's lips, part entreaty, part invitation.

Everett sucked in a sharp breath when the button went flying. For a moment he gave in, pulling Gid's mouth open with his, this time remembering how everything worked. Entreaty, invitation, turned into an out-and-out invasion. The long absent feeling not of lust, but of need for contact crept in, and he answered it, a helpless hand hooked around the back of his neck, the other tangled in a collar. His heart pounded its protest, and for a good twenty seconds, he ignored it and gave in to the joy of actually being wanted. It wasn't too long before good (?) sense kicked in and hand him pulling his hands back around to front, light pressure first against Gid's chest as he awkwardly extracted himself, leaned strangely against the table's edge. He was fascinated and horrified and intimidated and curious. Yes. Confused. He opened his eyes to get a look at Gideon, but it was a soft expression in is eyes. A gulp.

"Em..." No coherent words to follow.

God, the return, the feel of Everett's mouth moving under his made Gideon's stomach clench in pleasure. The warmth of skin against skin, that soft, slide of mouth against mouth... it was his turn to take that step backward as Everett drove into their kiss, their embrace drawing the other male with him. His tongue slid against Everett's, curled round it, flicked against it silkenly. Gideon tasted strange, coppery sweet... like water, like blood. And then...that push, slow but insistent against his chest. He drew back from the kiss and gradually from the embrace itself, looking almost as confused as Everett as his hands fell uselessly to his sides. He pressed his lips together - damnit he could still taste that kiss!- and swallowed hard. "I... Everett, um." He drew a deep, sharp breath and stooped to pick up his fallen coat. There was no use for it, stepping on eggshells was not Gideon. He gave Everett a sly, half-smile, still managing to look somewhat embarrassed in the process.

"You're damn good at that, Ev."

A wince. He looked at the floor, conveniently located in front of Gid, scratching the back of his neck.

"I have heard that... From.... Women."

A hapless shrug as again, the crux of his hang up (Anne notwithstanding) was voiced. He would not say aloud that Gid was pretty bloody good at it too, though he thought it. No need to make things like that out loud, and therefore, true. It would not do, not one little bit. His smile was embarrassed, ridiculous, though not sad nor angry. Just? a change of pace. He looked up with that expression once more.

"I am still not nearly certain that this remotely resembles a good idea, Gideon."

Gideon stepped forward and placed a hand behind Everett's neck, drawing him forward just a bit so that their foreheads rested together, intimate but not intimidating.

"I can tell you over and over that it isn't wrong Everett... but I can't make you believe it. I can also tell you I would never do anything you didn't want to." He drew a slow breath of their shared air, piercing blues watching Everett mercilessly.

"There?s just... this...connection, something that I think we could share, if you wanted to. I don't want to make you doubt yourself... I just want...this." He said simply and released his friend, his open hand indicating the floor between them, the moment that had passed. He'd felt Everett's response... and he knew what it was, what it meant.

"I will not deny it, Gideon. I just am not certain what I will be able to do with this... whatever it is."

Another shrug, and he sank into the nearest chair, one hand drawing the brand new shirt (that already required repair) shut. It had begun to slink off his slight shoulders, and now was not the time for the skinny youth to be shirtless, that much he knew.

"I just need us to be able to be friends. Tonight was dreadful until you came up..." A sigh, and he took off his glasses to clean him, as he always did when he felt funny.

"Are we to walk strangely around one another everytime I see you downstairs, simply because I do not know what I am supposed to say to you?" Frankly, he thought he would be mortified if anyone else found out. While Everett might possibly have been ready to try kissing this man, he was not ready to speak openly about it. Hello closet.

"No, god no, Everett." He sighed, looking forlorn. "I couldn't live like that. We are friends, Everett. First and foremost. Please let's not act like pratts around each other? Tonight... I couldn't say anything, not with Sascha around. If she were to..."

He stopped himself there. The temptation to tell Everett everything was simply just too great. He shrugged his jacket back on.

"I would not bring this infront of anyone. It's no one's bloody business....especially not hers."

"Agreed." He nodded in concert with that word, then slid the lenses back on to their perch. No, it was nobody's business, thank goodness. He crossed his arms, watching Gideon shrug into the coat, listening to him speak.

Gideon moved to the door and rested a hand upon the knob.

"Think on it, Everett, for my sake try to make peace with it if you can... but don't leave me waiting like this... it's a torment." He gave his friend a tortured little smile.

"I won't step lightly around you anymore, I promise. I can't hide much from you anyway. And I would never leave you alone to deal with that pack of she-wolves downstairs."

He gave the knob a turn and moved to leave, but something stayed him.

"If you ever, for any reason feel you are in danger... come to me. Please. Promise me. Illy and I will protect you." His blue eyes were pleading as he stood by the open door.

Illy's name caused him a flash of guilt. He couldn't help it. He still replied quickly, though.

"Worry not Gideon, I promise I will seek safety." He knew where Gideon lived, not to mention the location of tiny savior of cakes, among other things.

"I will do my best to make my peace."

Though he hardly knew how. More writing. Prayer. What would his mother think? A wan smile, but he maintained his distance. He would be safest if he just stayed put, but nobody really knew that.

"Please be safe walking home." The world out there was big and dangerous. God forbid something should happen to Gideon.

Gideon?s smile grew at that, though it took on a tinge of something unreadable. He was what other people feared on their walks home.

"Good night, Ev. Fight the good fight, yeah?"

And he shut the door behind him, cutting Everett off from those sharp blues and that snake-charmer's smile.

Predictably, Everett went back to the desk. Though drunk, his muse would not stop her prattling, for obvious reasons. Another long night lay ahead for Everett Ogden, the confused playwright poet of Warwick.


Date: 2007-03-25 22:06 EST
Cassie had wandered into the Great Hall a little earlier to seek some peace and quiet. She was just feeling a little bit overwhelmed, and she had an upset stomach to boot. So she'd found a couch near the hearth and lain out on it, enjoying the quiet and the warmth until she'd managed to fall into a light sleep.

Malachi had a cup of coffee in his hands, yawning slightly he rolled his neck and looked sideways at Erin. He gave her a lazy half smile and pushed the door leading into the Hall, holding it open with his shoulder, allowing her to pass.

Erin hadn't showered so much in her life. Hair wet, again. It was pulled into those usual pigtails, neater, though, because hair is much harder to be messy when wet. Erin was dressed for Sunday. A faded green dress that had seen better days. She passed through the door smiling over her shoulder. She had tea.

?I think we're getting antisocial.?

?It's called sobriety - well convenient sobriety at least.? He followed her in, allowing the door to close with a thud in their wake.

?Aw, thanks, that's what this weird feeling in my head is?? A roll of her eyes as she moved further into the room.

The thud and voices didn't wake her yet, but she shifted on the couch, mumbling a little in her sleep as lips pulled into a frown for a moment before her features smoothed back out.

?Have any honey or shaving cream?? He whispered slyly at seeing Cass asleep on the couch.

?Why would I have shaving cream?? She gave him a nudge to his ribs, smiling over at Cass now too.

?It can be used extracurricularly?. He shrugged, ?I didn't want to put it past your eccentricity.?

Erin laughed a little, trying to keep it quiet.

?You really think quite highly of me.? A nod to the door that led to the inn.

?Really want honey?? An almost devilish grin.

Cass would kill them both! She did look so peaceful at times when she slept, and this was one of those times after that frown had smoothed away. One arm was hanging over the side of the couch, fingers just barely brushing the floor.

Erin slid from his side and back through the door, closing it rather quietly behind her. Erin knew the inn pretty well, and the bar better(she did work there!) so it wasn't long before she was back with a thing of honey. The type she didn't like, thankyouverymuch and pressed it into his hand.

? I'll have nothing to do with this.?

?Oh and you're definitely my accomplice.? He crept closer to the couch and the sleeping Cass.


Shake of the head, leaning on another chair as she watched him.

?I am an innocent bystander. I have no idea what is it you are doing with that honey.? Pause, quiet gasp. ?In fact, where on earth did you get it??
One of the large glass doors on the side of the hall clicked open and he stepped inside. He'd thought to make a quiet entrance into the inn... but it seemed there was more fun going on in here. He smiled silently as he shoved hands deep into the pockets of his jeans and strolled towards the small gathering, a brow lifting in interest as he watched Malachi approach Cass' sleeping form.

"Careful mate...she wears more weapons on her then she does underclothes."

Malachi flipped the top off the squeezable honey and glanced up at Gideon.

?Which makes it all the more fun eh??

Erin gave a roll of her eyes at Gideon, smirk still there as she watches from her lean.

?You two are cruel.?

That was her opening! One hand shot out to curl about the wrist holding the honey, and she'd give it a good yank, her grip iron. She'd shift so that she wouldn't get squished under him, and slip off of the couch, yanking his arm up around his back and press him into the couch if he didn't manage to wiggle free.

?The hell were you going to do with that??

?She doesn't usually wear underclothes does she? So that's really not saying a whole lot. Oof? As she twisted his arm he laughed, ?uhm paint by numbers??

Erin jumped back at the sudden movement, and it started her laughter, hands going to tighten a lose wet pigtail. She leaned back against the chair she had been leaning on, a hand wrapped around her midsection.

couldn't help but chuckle as Cass lived up to her of them. He hid his smile behind the cup of one hand across his lower face and moved forward, strolling over to where Cass held Chi prisoner.

"Come on Cass. I'm sure you've heard the old line about Honey catching more flies than vinegar. Malachi was just trying to help you out."

A swat to the back of his head, though it wasn't hard enough to really hurt.

?I do so wear underclothes!? Fingers reaching to snatch the honey, conveniently open. ?Think I'll do a little paint by number myself.?

?Oh, come on now guys....? Erin was sidestepping out of the way. ?No need for any sticky casualties, huh?? Sweet smile. inch, inch, inch.

Cass brandished the honey at Gideon, fingers tightening, threatening to squeeze honey at him!

?Perhaps you should examine your own manner and consider that statement.?

Erin was going to get it too!


He in turn caught Cassie's wrists and drew them back behind her, breaking her grip on Chi. His fingers were like iron, but she'd felt his grip before...she knew. He squeezed slowly, grinding delicate wrist bones together.

"Now, now Cass."

?Good I only just got out of the shower.? Malachi winked and uncharacteristically stuck his tongue out at Cass. ?Thank you Gideon.?

?Guys.... come on.? Erin was not amused. Her lips were pursed and she took a step towards Gideon and Cassie before she stopped.

Gideon gave Chi a priceless smile and held Cass captive before him, facing outwards.

Cassandra jerked her wrists even though she knew they wouldn't come loose. No wince at the pain, but she did drop the honey bottle. That was okay. She lifted a foot and stomped backwards, seeking his feet as her target.

And an easy step out of the way of her foot.

"Tsk. Come on, now peacock. Play nice, yes?"

?Gideon. Let her go.? Erin was getting angry. That happened quickly, if you knew. He would know. ?We were just playing.?

?Let me go and I'll show you just how nice I can play.? Jerking at her wrists again. May as well try. While she considered her other options. Those options getting increasingly violent in her head.

It was a delicious Sunday and unlike most, she had no regrets from the night before. In fact she thought very little about it. She slipped into the hall quite obviously seeking a quite spot of her own. Today was casual; airy linen pants that seemed to hang from her hips, a drawstring of the same material the only thing keeping them secured. Her shirt was cream silk, only buttoned to just above the navel, the rest left open to catch the breeze. Her hair was fixed, half up and half down and she was unabashedly barefoot. She had a leather-bound book in her hands and wore a pair of designer tortoiseshell reading glasses ? she looked at ease, comfortable and vulnerably human. She glanced up as she entered and laughed.

?Stage fighting or should I be concerned??

"I don't know...I think if I let her go now she'd try to kill me." His gaze flicked to Sash and her sashaying entrance onto the little scene. "Sash, come over here and calm Cass down won't you? You've a way with the wild ones."

It was difficult, but Cass didn't growl.

?If you don't let me go, I might kill you.? Her voice tight, controlled. She'd given up jerking on her wrists because she was just causing herself useless pain. Another stomp, the heel of her foot trying to find the top of his.

?God damn it, Gideon.? Erin was pissed, her hands were little fists at her sides, but she didn't move.

?Stop being a condescending ass for one minute of your life, please?? She was frustrated, mostly, her day was going well, and suddenly it wasn't.

Sascha grinned, a small dimple forming at the corner of her mouth.

?Let her go then. I doubt very much she's into being tied down.? She winked at Cass.

Malachi looked over at Erin in question and then to Sascha and back to Gideon and his captive.

?It's all fun and games until the lioness is released. Ease off Gid - bad idea on my part. I'll take the blame.? He shrugged and really didn't care if they were angry with him. He just wanted to sit and enjoy his coffee which was rapidly getting cold.

"Calm down, Erin." He gave her a bemused and condescending look, as if she were a child over reacting. Another smooth step out of the way of Cassie's foot. "Oh she's more into it then she let's on. Come on over and give her a kiss Sash. I promise she's gentle as a lamb."

?Let. Me. Go.? Low, her voice almost a growl now.

Sascha crossed the cold floor in a glide and smiled unerringly at Gideon.

?Tis a small price to pay for freedom, hmm??

She winked at Cass and leaned in to brush the lightest of kisses across her mouth. Her gaze flickered back to Gideon.

?Done and paid in full - let her go.?

He was doing more than pissing her off now, he was goading her on. Chi got a thankful look, saying just what she felt. Had it been any other person Gid had pinned, Erin may have just left, but that didn't seem pertinent at the moment, so she just dropped herself into a chair with a long somewhat labored sigh.

Gideon released Cassie's hands with Sascha's light kiss, and took two large and cautious steps waaaay back, holding his hands up before him in defense, laughing the entire time.

Sascha understood the joke while at the same time sympathizing with the gathered that didn't. For them life was short and every moment counted. For Gideon, for Sascha it was an eternity of repetition and anything done to divert was worth the price it exacted.

Cass was still for the kiss. Quiet, even. It didn't bother her much except that Gideon had manipulated the situation for it. As soon as she was released, she took back those two large steps, legs nearly as long as his eating up the distance, hands balled up, and swung a fist towards his jaw. Cassie could put her fist through the door of a car. It might break every bone in her hand, but she could do it. And a lot of that strength was throw into that punch.

Gideon?s head snapped towards the side, hard...and stayed there, laughter silenced for a second. His jaw flexed slowly, eyes narrowing in pain. He spat, black blood splattering the beautiful parquet wood floor, a string of it clinging to his chin... and then he laughed again softly, turning his head slowly back towards Cass, pale eyes taunting, dangerous.

When Cass threw the punch, Erin put down her tea, stood up and cast a look over her shoulder at Chi. A somewhat pained expression. She was not one for fights. She was tired of her friends always being at each other's throats. It was all so toxic lately... She pressed her fingers to the bridge of her nose, hung her head, and headed for the door that led to the outside.

?Find me when you're all fucking sane again.? Mutter, mumble, mutter.

Cassandra didn't stop with that punch. Her other hand had balled up, and she was stepping forward and into him, flinging another punch towards his stomach. There was nothing controlled or refined in her movements, just raw anger. She'd had enough of his using her as a punching bag. So now she was going to make him her punching bag.

?Cass?? Sascha laid a gentle hand on the flailing woman's arm. ?Enough hmm? I think the point has been made.?

?Fantastic? Malachi didn't know what his options were really. What he did know was that his coffee was fucking cold. And his face was an open book.

?It was goddamned honey - that's all. Jesus it's a fucking asylum when we're all in the same room.?

But that was about all he got out before the nexus snatched him away.

Gideon took the hit to the stomach and barely flinched, before he reached out to grab hold of her arms and bring her to stillness, pinning her close to him, face to bloody, bruised face.

"Easy. Easy." He smiled down at the enraged vixen. "Had that coming, did I?"

Cassandra paid the hand on her shoulder no mind. She was ready to go on and try to kill him with her bare hands, but he'd gotten hold of her once again. Cassie kept trying to fight against the grip, trying to bring her hands up between them to shove at his chest.

?Had that and more! I will not tolerate your abuse! I won't!? There were actually tears swimming in her eyes, threatening to spill over.

"Sssh. Ok. Alright."

The tears were a bit much for him. Anger he could take, snark he loved...but a crying woman he could not. He kept his grip on her but it was not rough, just strong enough to keep her from getting loose and decking him again. He relinquished though and wrapped both arms around her, pinning her against him in a hug, one hand at the back of her head.

"Ok, Cass, ok. It's ok."

Sascha stepped back and in time made her way to the wet bar. She poured a rather stiff drink and stood in mild amusement. She drank and settled her shoulder against the mantle, absently tugging at her bottom lip.

There was something going on that was more than just her being tired of his insults. Her struggles hadn't ceased, but they had become less and less as she began to tire.

?I won't! I do not have to anymore! No more?? A shuddering breath wracked through her body as eyes closed, trying to keep those cursed tears from falling. She finally gave over and just leaned against him. Not reciprocating the hug, but not trying to kill him anymore, for the moment.

?I won't??

Erin had counted to ten. She'd fought back the tears. And then she'd gotten over not being followed. So she pushed back into the room. Blinkblinkblink. Yeah, it was time for a drink. She headed to the wet bar, pouring a drink for herself and taking up a lean a somewhat safe distance from Sascha.

"Alright. Look, I'm sorry." So what if he only half meant it? He'd enjoyed tormenting her...he wasn't enjoying this. He stroked her hair lightly.

"You got me... mad." Jealous actually, but who was keeping score?

"I just let it get out of hand. I'll stop, alright? It's ok."

His fingers found their way under the soft strands of her hair to rub soothingly against her scalp. He let his cheek, the good one, rest against the top of her head.

It was hard not to relax when getting a scalp massage, and Cassie was no different in that regard. A quiet sniffle as she sagged into him a little further. Her energy as well as her strength seemed to have been sapped. It was something she'd consider later. The barest of nods, more easily felt than seen, but she was afraid to speak. Afraid a sob would come out instead. This was confusing. Cassie got angry, yes, but rarely did she lose control and cry, or even threaten to cry.

And it was then Sascha realized Gideon wasn't at all the same as he was in London. He'd grown a conscience, apparently and while still his arrogant self he actually seemed to care. She didn't remember the last time she really cared about anything and thus the entire situation became an anomaly - a puzzle to be figured out.

Erin was watching. Thinking. Cassie wasn?t' Cassie. Bottom lip taken in her mouth as she started thinking about a few things. That was something to puzzle on.... she sipped from the short glass filled with whiskey and looked over the room. Chi was gone. A mental note made to find him later.

Gideon brushed a kiss across her forehead and released the hug somewhat so that he could cup her face in his hands. God it hurt to talk, hurt to smile, or even move his face. The girl had a helluva arm on her that was for bloody sure. He forced a smile nonetheless.

"Ah Cass, don't cry now..." Thumbs strokes her cheekbones. "I'm an arse, alright? And you got me back fair and square. I'll shut up, ok?"

A few had managed to spill over, and she was blinking rapidly to ensure that the rest didn't follow. She swallowed, and nodded a bit, teeth grabbing her lower lip between them and abusing it for a few moments before she finally did speak, her voice a hoarse whisper.

?I did not mean to cry??

And now an apology she would've sworn it a farce if it weren't for Cass's apparent anguish and the lack of any subterfuge in Gideon's eyes, posture and aura. Sascha squinted rolling around all possible scenarios in her mind.

Gideon laughed softly and brushed the tears away for her. "Well if it'll make you feel better you can hit me again... just not in the face this time, yes? I'm too pretty for that.

The urge to get Cass a cocktail was pushed down. Erin wasn't sure why, but she got her a bottle of water instead. It was that something wasn't sitting right with her. Perhaps it would hit Cassie, too, the water instead of Erin's typical tequila offering. But she held the bottle, and headed to the pair, standing far enough away to not interrupt, but close enough to allow her cousin to claim her if she wished.

That drew a smile and a small laugh from her, despite herself.

?I will think on it. Your face will be pretty again, though. Perhaps I'll abstain from hitting you again. For now.?

Another little smile, before she caught Erin's appearance. The water was accepted gratefully, though not opened yet.

?Thank you.?

Gideon glanced up at Erin's approach and released his grasp on Cassie, whilst giving Erin a grim smile, pale eyes teasing lightly.

"Hell I'm out numbered now... if all three of you are carrying daggers and a man named Brutus shows up I'm screwed."

Not outnumbered for long as that nexus arm reached out and snatched Sascha away.

Erin raised her hands.

?I'm just the moderator.? Said softly.stepping back again. ?And I'm not armed this morning. It was supposed to be peaceful...?

A half smile and a bit of a shrug. It was supposed to be a time when she could finally actually talk to Chi rather than shove him on a bed, or against a wall, or be shoved onto get the point.

Cassie was too wrapped up in current events to wonder why Erin had gotten her water. Cassie liked water. She was opening it up and taking a sip at that moment even.

?Don't worry. If I decide to kill you, I'd probably do it by myself.? Perhaps not a reassuring statement, but the teasing lilt to her voice might be.

"Oh well good. I'd hate to be known as the bloke who was harangued to death by a group of ladies. Though I suppose there are worse ways to go."

Sascha had disappeared...thankfully. He stepped past Cassie and Erin and strolled nonchalantly outside into the garden, pausing to spit and spit again until two teeth hit the pavement. He groaned and put a hand to his throbbing jaw, cracking is gently. The motion sending a nauseating wave of pain straight through him like a bolt of lightening.

Erin turned to watch Gideon for a long moment, taking her lip back into her mouth.

?Wow...? Muttered to herself. She turned in a small circle, she wanted to help him too, but she wasn't sure what to get him. Another bottle of water grabbed and she told Cassie to take a seat before peeking her head out the door.

?Hey, got you one too.? Really softly, that.

Cassandra glanced at Erin, looking a little embarrassed as Gideon headed out, and she obeyed, retaking her seat on the couch that she'd been napping on. She rubbed at the knuckles of her right hand some, frowning. She'd split them open on his face, and they were aching now as well. Or at least, she was finally noticing the ache.

"Mmn. Fanks." He reached out and took the water, unscrewed the top and took a glug, swishing it round his mouth and spitting again onto the flagstones, the bloody water dark.

?You okay, hun?? She stepped out the rest of the way. ?Want me to take a look at it? That could really smart...?

Erin knew what she believed, and she knew what she saw. Neither fit the other, so she shrugged it off.

?You deserved something, but not teeth.? She was looking for his teeth on the pavement, thinking about what she had learned about how to save them.

"No.. no. It's awight. I'll be fwine" He gave her an attempt at a smile that turned out more of a grimace. "Just leave the teef. It's ok."

?I can get you a coach... You really should clean your mouth out.. and put the teeth in milk...?

She was worried, it was clear on her face, shifting from foot to foot. A look over her shoulder at where Cass was sitting. Another worry.

?Is your stomach okay? She could have really hurt you... perhaps you should...? And she trailed off and took a step back realizing she suddenly seemed a little nuts.

Cassandra was fidgeting on the couch, sipping her water periodically and examining her knuckles, the little bit of blood that still oozed slowly. She might have cracked or even broken a knuckle on his face. Faces weren't exactly soft pillows for a fist.

Gideon gave Erin a look... that exasperated male look.

"Weally. I'm fwine. I'm just...gonna head home an get some ice." He handed her back the bottle of water and gave her another grimacing smile. A few hours and he'd be right as rain and with no way to explain it. God bless the magical healers that worked in the city. He could show up the next night looking perfect and attribute it to one of them.

The look she gave him was one of knowing. He could read it, she knew he could. But she wouldn't say a word. She had promised herself that this would be something they both knew the other knew and pretended they didn?t. She looked at the water, the blood on the bottle.

?You should keep this. Don't want blood around, never know what's in it.? Said softly. A pointed acceptance. ?Be careful on your walk.?

Gideon returned Erin's look with one of confusion. Play the fool to the T. He shook his head in befuddlement and took the bottle to turn it over and let it splash on the flagstones. If she wanted to confront him as Cassie had with her suspicions then she had better be more forthright about it. As it was he was in no condition to have an argument about it now. He shoved the empty bottle back into her hands and struck off for the maze of alleyways.


Ah, but she wasn't confronting him. She was way more subtle than that.

?Don't forget to take the teeth.? If he did, she'd go and get them later. Not things to leave hanging about. And she pushed back into the hall to look after her cousin. A shake of her head as she heads to the bar for ice.

Gideon grumbled something unintelligable and scooped the broken enamel up off the walk on his way past, shoving them into his pocket.


Date: 2007-03-27 03:36 EST
Gideon ground the end of his cigarette out underfoot before he gave the door a shove with his shoulder and stepped inside. Instead of heading for the bar though he gave the gathered crowd a quick, disinterested glance before making for the stairs, taking them easily two at a time with his long strides. He strolled along the dimly lit hallway towards two-oh, and gave the door in question a light rap with his knuckles.

Everett Ogden needed a cup of tea, and so he was dressed for public consumption. He donned another one of those new shirts, neatly pressed. This one was hunter green, almost precisely the shade of the lovely coat Lydia had constructed for him. Ah, sweet Lydia. As he mused that he must pay a call to the shop, he heard a knock on the door. It was promptly opened. His eyebrows raised in faint surprise and he smiled.

"Gideon. Good Evening. What brings you here, mate?"

Relatively casual tonight in dark jeans worn pale at the knees and thighs, paired with a crisp black oxford, its inky surface scrolled with an erratic, large white design in places, covered by his favorite italian motorcycle jacket. As the door opened his expression automatically lightened, his smile instantly brighter.

"Come to ask you down for a drink, Ev. I could use the company."

"I was just on my way down for tea."

Ev snatched his key from the hook near the door and stepped right into the hallway, closing then locking the door behind him.

"Your timing is impeccable." He seemed calm that night, despite that naughty cowlick of his wreaking unruly havoc on his crown. With a companionable clap to Gideon's shoulder, he made for the stairs.

"How is Illy?"

"Too busy. I miss her. Seems she's more a love for books and writing than she does for me."

His tone more joking than not, his smile only half rueful. He did miss his quiet beauty, and he needed her now more then he ever had. He put a hand gently to Everett's back as the other clapped his shoulder, and strolled easily down the hallway with him.

He led his friend down the stairs and moved towards the bar, looking for a tender. Seeing none, he slipped behind to put on the tea, carefully unbuttoning and rolling the sleeves once behind the bar. Had to be careful with those buttons.

Gideon followed his friend behind the bar to help with the tea, seeking out the tin of leaves and locating two mugs. He handed the tin to Everett and set the mugs on the countertop before leaning back against it, arms crossing comfortably.

?How about yourself? Any of the women driven themselves to the asylum yet? Any plotting to murder me in my sleep?? He smiled dryly.

"I assume you've heard about Cass and myself."

Everett had been pointedly avoiding a number of people. Nothing against them, it was quite a personal matter, in the truest sense of the word. He shook his head slowly.

"I can only imagine what that must mean."

Everett got everything going, set the tea to steep, and took up a similar lean against the counter. He brushed the hair from his face and watched Gid curiously.

Malachi had decided to run after work, since he hadn?t had the chance this morning and it was the one cathartic thing he could do. Boy did he need catharsis; his brain had rolled over a million ?what-ifs? and wouldn?t stop. Normally he would?ve opted to enter the Inn via the Hall. However, the past few times he?d done that, the Hall had provided more drama than the bar on a Friday night. So he figured he?d pop in for a quick drink and then head upstairs. He had on a pair of red football shorts, a black beater and a gray pair of New Balance. His hair, wet with sweat, was pulled back but for a few strands that weren?t long enough which he?d tucked haphazardly behind his ears.

Gideon glanced towards the door by chance as it opened, though his gaze lingered as Chi came wandering in...lingered a bit too long. He jerked himself back to the conversation and his gaze back to Everett.

"Mmn. Well, she got a bit offended by a little good fun Erin, Malachi and I had at her expense the other evening...and took it out on me...or my face I should say."

Everett lowered his voice and leaned nearer, fascinated and horrified.

"You mean she..." He lightly feigned a slap with his hand, batting at the air in front of him.

Malachi had caught the tail end of their conversation as he approached the bar.

"It was my fault in a lot of ways. Might not have been quite so bad if I weren't trying to smother her in honey." He shrugged and offered them both a smile.

Gideon pushed off his lean at the bar and dug around in the ice cooler before coming up with a bottle of cold, cold water. He offered it across the bar to Chi with a warm, if slightly smug smile.

"Yes was a tempting endeavor." He turned back to Everett. "But it wasn't wholly undeserved on my part. I gave her a piece of my mind for a solid week and in exchange she knocked out two of my teeth."

He had to laugh at Everett's pantomime, blue eyes crinkling in amusement.

"No, Ev. Cassie's not the slapping type."

Malachi took the water from Chi and twisted off the cap.

"I missed the actual boxing. The Nexus stole me away and I'm not sure that I'm sorry for it." He tilted his head back and took a long pull from the water bottle.

"What's it, poker night or boys night out and I didn't get the memo?" Said as he glanced around the testosterone injected bar.

The shift was very subtle, perhaps just the slightest tense of the neck and shoulders, a little lift of the chin. Hard to notice, and harder still to tell if the tiniest shift in his body language was due to the subject of intra-friend violence or the presence of Chi. Everett said nothing, but just shrugged. If Gid had deserved it, then he would not worry much about it. He hardly looked bruised. Ev handed Gid his tea as he dressed his own the way he liked it. Plus milk, touch of honey.

Gideon accepted the tea from Ev with a nod of thanks and wrapped both hands around the comforting warmth radiating from the mug, the chill digits of his hands soaking up the heat greedily.

"Not to worry, Ev... we made up, and I promised to behave myself better if she promised to stop beating the snot out of me."

"Guy's night out I suppose." He gave Everett a calculating glance. "I'd be willing to bet anything that even with four brothers Ev here hasn't the foggiest how to play poker. Though that is a good idea for a slow night some time.?

His grin broadened in that way it did when he had nothing but trouble on his mind.

"Nothing wrong with some healthy wagering."

On the contrary, and against all odds, Everett was actually a bit of a killer at the poker table. He looked innocent all the time, made bluffing work well. A humble little smile.

"The game is not entirely beyond my capabilities." Cassandra had tried to get him in on a game of strip poker, and very nearly killed him with it. Other than that, it had been a long while since he had considered a hand of cards.

A suprised raise of Gideon?s brows at that.

"Really? Well that settles it. A poker night it is sometime. Sans the ladies unless they can ante up."

"Only if you've the capitol to actually wager, though."

Malachi was quite certain he came off, to some, as an unperceptive, slightly ignorant lout of a man. He didn't correct them. It made perception and observation that much easier for him. He didn't look at Everett, he did however note the lack of verbal greeting..lack of facial expression. It made him wary.

"I'm not much of a gambler. I have a bad habit of wanting to hold on to the things that are mine." He drank down the rest of the water, recapped the bottle and tossed it in the trash.

"Ante up, what exactly?" Ev and his brothers had fallen into the custom of playing the unload unsavory chores. Perhaps that was one reason he had gotten so good at poker, the occasional morning to sleep a bit later on the farm was to be treasured in those days. He scratched at the back of his head before taking a good long sip of tea.

Gideon took up his pleasant lean beside Everett again, shoulder brushing slightly shorter shoulder. He feigned a slow sip of tea, pale eyes sparkling wickedly at Malachi's demeanor. Let others say and think what they wanted about the man, he loved the posturing and pomposity of every word and motion... and the vulnerability that drove them.

?Back in a bit though, hopefully you lot will still be here eh? I am in desperate need of a shower."
Malachi?s smile was wicked and he winked to the both of them. He then stepped around the pair and made his way to the stairs.

"I haven't a lot to spare, these days..." A little shrug to Gid, and he nodded to Chi's statement and exit. A long sip of tea followed and he was quiet a moment as he tried to place his finger right exactly on the source of the feeling that sat cold in his gut.

"Of course... and when you come back you could tell us what you'd be willing to put on the table for a game." He called, over the rim of his mug. He turned a smile on Everett as the other man walked away. "I never find playing for money any fun at all."

Everett peeled from Gideon and moved for a seat in a place decidedly not behind the bar.

"It seems that you and he are no longer engaging in..." He sought the right words for a moment, and settled on ones that were somewhat blunt. "...pointless assertive verbal displays."

Everett sat in an empty chair across the bar and turned those intelligent eyes up to his compatriot. Of that much he approved.

Gideon didn't miss that odd, introspective look that came over Everett's boyishly handsome features, nor the slight change in posture. Gideon made a study of such things. His smile fell a notch, and his voice softened to that tone he seemed only to use between Everett and Illy.

"What's on your mind, Ev?"

His question answered nearly as he asked it.

"Well... Not always no, Malachi and I can be civil when we wish. We've actually some things in common aside from our lack of tact or manners."

An attempt at an impish grin as he took a lean on both elbows across the bar from where Everett sat, remaining behind the partition.

"I thought you'd be pleased."

Everett clucked his tongue a couple times in his mouth, let go of a sigh and had a long sip. He kept his voice low and discreet, as he certainly did not wish to be rude. To Gideon, he replied quiet earnestly.

"There is something about that man I find extraordinarily distasteful." He wished he knew what, so that he could address it or dismiss it.

"I am always pleased when you are civil. I dislike confrontation."

Especially the sort Gideon tended to draw. Too explosive, too wild, the stakes were always too high. It was grating and harsh, especially now that he counted the man a friend.

Gideon frowned slightly into his mug and fiddled with it's handle.

"You didn't like me either when you first met me, right? Don't be so harsh to judge, Ev. He's had it rough I think... more than his fair share."

It was as far as Gideon had chipped into the wall that surrounded Malachi, though he yearned to pull down all the stones in one great tumble.

Who among them hadn't? Granted, had Erin not asked him to, it was unlikely Everett would have ever given Gideon the time of day after that first explosion. Still. There was something else, again, something that irked him. He really had no idea the extent of anything that was going on in outside of the clueless bubble that surrounded him, at least not consciously, something just did not sit right. Gid's words stung, if only a little. Again, an unplaceable sting. He put up a weak argument.

"I do not think it overly harsh or overly judgmental to verbalize one's instincts about a person. He has given me little reason to think well of him, and I sense he has disdain for me." He had not met the man in a favorable hour, to be certain.

A flick of eyes up from the steaming mug at his friend, searching the bespeckled face for a bit of compassion. He'd leave out his longing to wring from Malachi the passion and anger and pain he held so close to his breast, along with the fact that he was financing the man's shop's reparations. No need to disclose all...not at the moment anyway. He reached foward and slid his hand over the one of Everett's that held his mug, his thumb caressing lightly against the thrum of pulse and velvet of skin for a moment before he withdrew the tiny touch and wrapped his hand once more around his own mug.

"He doesn't distain you Ev, not in the least. He just..." His eyes flicked towards the stairs for a moment as he released a sigh. "He's just..."

Words failed him. He knew what he meant to say, but not how to say it so that Everett would understand. He shrugged and sipped again at the tea.

Malachi had showered off the sweat and the grime and dressed in record time. He wasn?t too concerned with appearances, there was way too much going on in other realms of thought for him to care. He?d tugged on a brown pair of corduroys and a long-sleeved white undershirt that fit almost like second skin. Add a pair of navy low top Chuck Taylors and the outfit was complete. He didn?t really want to go back down but he?d said he would and believe it or not Malachi was nearly obsessive when it came to keeping his word. So down he went, slipping silently back, into the less than crowded Inn.

Everett looked a Gideon a long moment, a solid wrinkle in his brow. He banished it the minute the Chucks hit the bottom of the stairs though the feeling just got worse. In one long gulp, Everett finished his tea.

"I am really very tired."

He was in no mood for emotional chess with Gideon, or with this man who rubbed him the wrong way from minute one for that moment.

"Thank you for your company."

He pushed from the bar and stood, just slightly red in the face as he began his retreat. He would mumble a polite goodnight to Malachi as they crossed paths, No need to be rude.

The muscle in Malachi?s jaw spasmed slightly before he willed his lips to curve into a welcoming smile.

"Off already then Ev?" He was all politeness and in all actuality it wasn't contrived where Everett was concerned. "Sorry to lose your company."

He inclined his head as they passed one another and glanced over his shoulder briefly, before continuing on his way.

"You as well." Everett was quiet in his response, and then he disappeared up the stairs. It was not fifteen whole seconds between the moment his foot hit the top landing and the lock on his door tumbled into place behind him.

Everett's shortness stung, and he watched his friend leave in silence, his smiles faded, replaced by a look far more pained then the one he'd borne when Cass had clocked him. He watched Everett go and Malachi come before turning back to his tea, shoulders hunched like a kicked dog. Checkmate, Everett.

"You know it's funny..." Ma;achi leaned back against the bar. "I've become accustomed to dislike, perhaps even disdain. But distaste, not for my circumstance or social position but actual distaste in regard to my It smarts..stings..whatever you want to call it."

His eyes were distant, his mouth drawing into a thin hard line.

"Does it now?"

Gideon was bitter cold, hurt melting into the liquid heat of anger...and emotion so much easier to deal with.

"I'd forgotten."

If Gideon could swing a cat and not hit someone who distained him for who he was and not what he was it was a miracle. He shot Chi a glare over his shoulder before he stood from his lean and turned to face the other.

"I thought I had. I think it's time for something other than water." It'd been a hellacious day and he was so close to the edge, his anger barely contained behind his icy green eyes.

Gideon?s stomach clenched in had been days now, and the insistent pain was growing worse, the raw drive of the hunger welling slowly up against his throat. He crossed the distance between himself and Malachi slowly, though his hand moved with a speed all it's own, catching the man's jaw in careful fingers. He could have wrenched his head back, sunk his teeth in and drank down the man's life in a matter of seconds if he chose too. Instead he brushed a light kiss over the place where jaw met throat, and another slightly lower, until he sighed and released his hold, his head sinking to rest lightly on Malachi's shoulder for a defeated moment.

Malachi swallowed and rested his chin on Gideon's head. He was too angry to speak, unable to be comforting he squeezed the man's shoulder in a futile act of companionability.

"Not always fun being the bad guy eh?" He said it to himself, more than to Gideon but it applied in both cases none the less.

"I'm sorry."

He mumbled quietly. They were words he was saying far too often lately. He lifted his head and ran the backs of his fingers over Malachi's cheek before he leaned in to close the slim inch between them with a grazing kiss.

"For what is worth, I don't distain you."

He sighed as he withdrew, stepping back to shove his hands into the pockets of his jeans. He glanced towards the steps again. Everett's odd coldness had cut him deeply, deeply enough that he couldn't bring himself to follow, not this time. He gave Chi an apologetic attempt at a smile.

"I have to go... a second raincheck on that drink?"

He didn't speak, merely swallowed hard and nodded his head. His own hands finding his back pockets, palms out.

Gideon?s brows drawn together over an expression equal parts hurt and anger, Gideon took his leave of the back of the bar and strode out the door into the night, to hunt, to kill, and to find release.


Date: 2007-03-28 21:36 EST
Alone, the massive appartment seemed more spacious and silent then usual. Gideon sat, sprawled on the couch before the fireplace lost to the unpleasentness of his own thoughts, arms locked behind his head. He was clad in a fresh white oxford untucked over well tailored black pants.

The large vehicle idled outside of the hotel for some time, as if waiting patiently for the last few rays of sunlight to wither and for their mild refractions against the fog to be smothered completely. When the darkness at last covered the car like a blanket, an older gentleman emerged from the driver's side and bustled 'round to open the side door. Legs first, as if requiring a bit of steadying, and then the entirety of the woman rose tentatively from the dim cocoon. The dress was long and dark, made of fine black silk that grazed the pale flesh of her calves, and her eyes were covered with large sunglasses. She slipped the elder man a few bills, smiled mysteriously, and moved into the hotel without waiting for her things to be removed from the car. They would come later. She wrung her hands at her middle in the elevator, mercilessly excited, and when at last she came to the apartment door, she took a deep breath and paused before stepping inside. Her hip leaned against the frame of the door, and she slid the sunglasses from her eyes, holding them


Her voice shocked him. He'd missed it more and more with each passing day. Legs swung off the couch as he sat up. He was at the door in a second, arms around her, lifting her as he burried his face in her neck, inhaling the scent of her hair as he laughed in joy.

"Illy! Ah, god...Illy!"

Swept up into his arms, all of the nervous joy trapped in her chest seemed to burst from her mouth in a startled cry. Laughing, she wrapped her arms around him and felt her heels lift from the hardwood floor. Shifting herself so that she could bathe his neck in kisses, she smiled and shook gently within his grasp as her lips moved up to his ear.

"It was terrible to travel without you. I've missed you awfully."

"Not nearly so much as I've missed you. God I've been worried sick."

He kept her hoisted in his arms and returned the kisses urgently to her ear and cheek before catching her mouth in this own, the first sweet kiss he'd enjoyed in weeks without fear of rebuke.

"Ah, thank god you're back."

He carried her towards his bedroom and fell down upon the bed with her, over top of her. He drew back slightly, balanced on his elbows. He stroked the curve of her cheek worshipfully as his eyes just drank her in, re-memorizing the beauty of her features.

She pulled back somewhat to stare at him, the same glimmer of wonder in her eyes that always seemed to surface when she remembered the cool metal at her finger. Her gaze softened and she leaned upwards to brush the tip of her nose against his before wriggling beneath him against the feathery comforter, hair spilling like curled tendrils of wine, framing her features and her pleasure. She sighed happily and grinned at him, reaching up to touch his jawline with reverence.

"You look as if you haven't slept in a month, Gideon."

He leaned down to kiss her tenderly, sucking softly on her lower lip before he drew back and sighed his bliss. He toyed gently with one of her auburn curls.

"I've been in it up to my eyeballs as usual, Illy." He admitted, releasing the curl to stroke a hand down her shoulder.

"What's happened?"

There was an edge of sudden worry to her voice, and while she
nearly purred against his kisses and his touch, she felt the strong pull of some nearly maternal instinct in her lungs. Her eyebrows came together just enough to admit her concern. Her fingers moved from his jaw to his hairline, and she stroked the short, boyish strands tenderly.

Glacial blues closed in pleasure as her fingers sent mild shivers down the length of his spine.

"Well...I've told Everett about the grant we set up so that he might publish." He smiled bitterly. "And more than that... I've told him..." He toyed restlessly with a fold of her dress, "Told him how I felt for him."

Again that bitter half smile.

"He didn't seem overly pleased about either admission."

She studied him as his eyes closed, watching the shape of his lips as he spoke of Everett, at the dip of his eyebrows - that voice of the features which spoke without permission and revealed heartache or joy so needlessly. She stole her fingers from his hair, kissed the pads and brought them to his forehead before once again stroking his scalp.

"He is so modest, I would not be surprised if he felt undeserving. That is his beauty."

Pausing, she tugged at the locks of his hair thoughtfully.

"As for the rest..." She whispered faintly. "I can imagine he feels undeserving of many things."

Again he lent to claim her mouth, his kiss deeper this time, slower, taking his time as his tongue found it mate and caressed sweetly, slowly. When he pulled back at last it was to nip another small kiss from the tip of her nose.

"He misses you terribly. You should visit him soon... I think he could stand to borrow some perspective from someone far more reasonable then myself."

He moved back, drawing away to sit up.

"I've other news too, Illy, far less trivial."

Her intoxication gave way to that lick of fear, and as he moved away, she came up on her elbows for a beat and then sat up completely, drawing her knees toward her chest. Tilting her head at him, she drew her fingers through her hair, guiding the locks into place at her shoulders. The word was choked from her darkly, quietly, and her eyes fell to his lips.


Reaching down, she smoothed the fabric of her dress along her legs primly. Oh, if only she could be unaffected!

His head snapped round and he studied her features sharply. He had no idea of how largely the specter of Thalon loomed in her fears. He reached out and drew her to him, taking her face in his hands, dark brows drawn together tightly.

"No, Illy... and if he ever does come back he will be my problem to deal with. I will never let him harm you. Put him from your mind, yes?"

Slowly, she nodded, and while she imagined Thalon to be her largest fear, the idea that it would be something else rang unkind bells in her stomach. Reaching to grip his wrist gently, she licked her lips and took a long, unsure breath.

"If it isn't...if he hasn't returned, what would shake you so?" Swallowing with difficultly, she squeezed where her fingers met his flesh. "Not...surely not Vincent?"

He could not hide the reflexive wince at Vincent's name, the muscle of his jaw tensing.

"Yes...and no."

"Tell me." Her grip loosened and she reached out to slide her fingers along his neck, downward until her hands rested in her lap.

He sighed and rose from the bed, running both hands back through his hair in exasperation.

"There's a woman here, in Rhy'din now. Her name is Sascha, and she is a member of the coven I was a part of in London. She's been sent here to watch me, to make sure my exile is appropriately miserable."

"Does she know about me? Are we in danger? Will they want to harm you?"

The idea that anyone might want to bring pain to Gideon sent her belly into what may only have been comparable to nausea. The rolling, unsettling sensations made her dizzy.

"Tell me what I must do."

"She doesn't yet." He couldn't help it, he started pacing. "I don't know what will happen when she finds out I've made a fledgling. It's against all our rules...only the elders are allowed to do such things. I'm still a fledgling myself. And Victor would..."

He shook his head wordlessly, swallowing dryly as he scrubbed a hand over his face.

"I don't know, Illy. I don't know what you must do because I don't know what to do myself."

"Is there no way to hide it? Without me here, she didn't seem to glean the information on her own."

Truly sickened now, she tugged the expensive heels from her feet and let them fall to the floor beside the bed. Dangling her legs, she touched the floor with the tips of her toes and stared at them.

"I could...if it would protect you, I could run."

Another pace or two and he knelt before Illy, hands cupping themsleves behind her knees and stroking down to kneed gently at her calves.

"I can't be without you Illy. If anything these past two weeks have proved it. I will protect you if I can... if not then yes, you must run. I can only assume that she will find out, it's what she is good at. She's a bloody vulture, nothing more."

She wanted to touch him, to stroke his neck as he knelt at her feet, but she felt suddenly as if her very existence threatened him, and the sense of it was so overwhelming that she felt herself sway a little. Catching herself, she whispered.

"What will they do to you?"

He lowered his head until it rested against her knees.

"They will take me back...or else kill me." He sighed heavily. "Or leave me here if I am fortunate. I am sorry Illy. This is the world I've drug you into."

"Take you back? To London? Gideon, if this is your exile, would you not want to return there?"

For all of the panic she felt, her voice was steady and lent itself to comforting him. He looked broken there on his knees, and her heart felt as if it would burst.

"God no." He lifted his head, though he couldn't meet her eyes. "I miss my city, but I don't miss what drove me here. I'd rather they kill me or forget about me."

"What is it they desire so fiercely? Is there no reasoning with them? No trade you could make, no offering you could give for your freedom?"

She stroked his cheek, then, wishing desperately that she could soothe him. There was a certain empty, cold sliding sense in her throat that told her she had no power here.

"Ah, Illy... I'm not ready to tell you these stories."

He nestled his cheek into her palm and let his eyes close, brow wrinkled.

"Then keep me hidden as long as you must. I will stay here, or elsewhere, tell me and I will do all that you ask." It was matter of fact, if clipped by the growing ball of emotion in her throat. "I cannot think of any harm coming to you."

He turned his head and warmly kissed her palm.

"I love you, Illy."

He stood and drew her up with him, taking her left hand in his right and lifting it to admire the ring he'd put there on her finger.

"I love you...but this is the life I lead. Sascha will find you out, all the quicker if you hide. This is my crime and I will bear the brunt of it. When and if they come you must leave, run away. I won't let them harm you."

She slid her arms around his frame and pressed her forehead to his chest, sighing.

"I will be grateful for the time I have with you, but if you ask me to leave you to save myself, I can't make that promise to you. I will only leave your side if my existence harms you. There is no convincing me of anything else."

His arms slid round her, holding her close, blocking out the rest of the world. His lips pressed to the top of her head as he watched the city skyline flickering to life, its lights coming on one by one as the darkness of evening descended deeper and deeper.


Date: 2007-03-30 12:11 EST
Heaven bend to take my hand
And lead me through the fire
Be the long awaited answer
To a long and painful fight
Truth be told I tried my best
But somewhere along the way
I got caught up in all there was to offer
And the cost was so much more than I could bear

Though I've tried I've fallen
I have sunk so low
I've messed up
Better I should know
So don't come round here and
Tell me I told you so

We all begin with good intent
When love was raw and young
We believe that we can change ourselves
The past can be undone
But we carry on our back the burden time always reveals
In the lonely light of morning
In the wound that would not heal
It's the bitter taste of losing everything
I've held so dear

I've fallen
I have sunk so low
I've messed up
Better I should know
So don't come round here and
Tell me I told you so

Heaven bend to take my hand
With no where left to turn
I'm lost to those I thought were friends
To everyone I know
Oh they turn their heads embarrassed
Pretend that they don't see
That it's one missed step, one slip before you know it
And there doesn't seem a way to be redeemed

Though I've tried I've fallen
I have sunk so low
I've messed up
Better I should know
So don't come round here and
Tell me I told you so

Gideon slipped in the alley door. In truth there was no where he'd rather be less, but being the social creature he was, silence and loneliness were killers to Gideon. Even just being surrounded by the press and chatter of the inn was some small comfort, though there was no one there tonight he longed to see... and more then likely several people about he longed very much not to run across.

Everett and his shadow, having tea and a simple meal with a pretty elf. He had already eaten a great deal, and was feeling the content fill of it in his belly. The company suited him, as did the smell of the kitchen and the quiet of the evening. Maybe he was still in pieces, but they were better stitched together than the had been.

Charlotte?s brown eyes immediately sought out the only familiar face in the, make that two. She smiled to the first and then focused on Malachi - odd, that one. She'd smile, never one to hold much against a man for too long. Again her eyes were on Gideon, across the room, contemplating her approach of the man.

Clad in jeans and a sports coat with a thin hoodie underneath and what looked to be a very worn concert t-shirt, Gideon crossed to the hearth and took up residence in his favorite armchair there, slouching down until he could rest his neck against it's back, his head lolling back slightly. No one called his name, no one caught his eye. Perhaps he was safe.

Empathy on it's warpath, Charlotte slowly made her way towards Gideon - the one with the sad sort of soul. Never did she dare consider herself a friend, but merely a concerned acquaintance with another's best interest at heart. Besides, he looked lonely. A slender hand tentatively reached out and settled on Gideon's forearm.

?Senor Gideon??

He glanced up at the small hand that settled on his arm, pale eyes widening in surprise to see the pretty Charlotte standing there.

"Charlotte? Well hullo, luv..." He was struggling for civility, forcing that mask of cheerful sociability back into place as he gave her a charming little smile and collected her slender hand, raising it to his lips to give it a kiss. "What can I do for you?"

The Rose was no stranger to masked indifference...or pain. She knew it well, in fact - old friends, they were. A kind smile and a dip of her head to the gentleman sitting before her.

?I thought that perhaps I could return the favor and get a drink for you tonight? And...? Gaze lowered and lifted, a seconds span, hoping not to tread on unwanted ground. ?be a friend to you tonight??

God bless the little dark haired angel. He smiled up at her, warmth and regard seeping across his handsome features. He kept a hold of her hand and stroked her knuckles lightly with an absent brush of his thumb.

"You are sweet as strawberries, Charlotte. I would love to share a drink with you tonight." He released her hand and rose from his seat before glancing toward the bar, a hand extended. "After you, please."

?Oh no, Senor. Please, sit.? She took his hand and gently pressed him back towards his chair, though not nearly strong enough to even begin to move him; a gentle urging if you will. Her short, lithe frame could actually be quite intimidating (which was how the Rose managed to sway her husband) and her expression playfully dared Gideon to refuse.

Ever ready to indulge, Gideon sank back into his seat as the diminutive woman ordered, looking playfully obedient, his smile broad and genuine with humor, pale eyes crinkled at their outer edges they way they only did when he was truly amused.

"As you wish..."

A delightful ring of laughter erupted from the Rose as Gideon played along to her bidding. One hand moved to smooth her skirts, pink tongue licking at her lips.

?Would you like some Merlot, Senor? I'm in the mood for something a little more robust than Sangiovese.?


The night, unfortunately had not gone quite so smoothly as its promise seemed to indicate. No sooner had sweet Charlotte returned to the hearthside with two glasses of red wine, but Everett and Viki had decided to join them. It was like a nightmare for Gideon. He knew the little seer?s reputation for seeing well past secrets and lies? and he had studiously kept a fair distance between himself and her for just such a reason. Now he was faced with the little witch who could reveal all his secrets and Everett standing just beside her. If ever the undead could have suffered a heart attack, Gideon did.

What made it doubly worse was Everett. Gideon had made no effort to see or speak to the man since he?d left him so coldly a few nights ago, with no warning or explanation given. Now face to face with him, Gideon could barely work up a smile. Everett had the ability to make him far happier than anyone else, but in hand with that came his ability to make Gideon far more miserable than anyone else either.

Uncomfortable, lost, and miserable Gideon could not bring himself to stay, and with hasty apologies to poor Charlotte, who could not understand her friend?s sudden unease, he excused himself, barely making it outside into the alley in time to choke back a tortured sob. Bless her heart, though, Charlotte had come after him, out of concern and confusion both.

Charlotte remained a respectful distance away, allowing him to hold her hand closely. She graced him with a motherly sort of smile, her free hand reaching upwards to touch his cheek briefly.

?Grief and turmoil are certainly not better company than I, dear Gideon. Clinging to anger and hurt will accomplish nothing but bitterness.? A slow, calculated glance over her shoulder to the shadows and then back to Gideon. ?Anything can be saved that is worth saving.?

Another deep breath and Everett could not find his words, but he remembered a few of the Seer's. They could help. He would likely later consider that extra moment to have been a windfall. Pink in the face, but not quite so flustered, he moved again for the alley door, this time putting his hand to the handle and opened the door.

Gideon?s dark brows drew together as the little beauty managed to put her finger upon the situation with almost eerie perceptiveness. He sighed as she put her hand to his face, but had no time to relax into the caress, no time to respond. The alleyway door opened and he glanced towards the spill of light reflexively. He recognized the figure that stood outlined there in a heartbeat, and his stomach sank again. He gave Charlotte a grateful little smile and reached up to take her wrist and draw her hand from his face, gently giving her back both of her hands.

"Thank you luv. Would you mind giving us a moment?"

?I shall give you the night, Senor.?

The Italian beauty beamed at him, giving his hands a squeeze before he drew away.

?Forgiveness and understanding are becoming qualities, Gideon. Remember that.? She gave a wink, uncharacteristic for the Rose, but it had been there none-the-less.

?Goodnight, gentlemen.? Coy smile played lightly on her lips, nodding to them both before slowly heading away from them both.

Everett stood there, holding the door for Charlotte. A pair of gentlemen, keeping up appearances for the gentle lady. With his free hand, he scratched at the back of his head. When she had gone wherever she would go, he let the door close and stepped all the way out into the Alley, quiet a good long moment.

"I hardly understand a bit of this." He paced back and forth, because it gave all that energy somewhere to go, but he kept his gaze trained on his peculiar friend.

Gideon watched her go, the smiles he'd put on for her benefit fading fast as he turned back to watch Everett descend the three short steps and come out into the night to regard him in silence. He had no words and highly doubted speech possible even if he could string a few together. He just looked miserable.

"I don't... I don't know what you want, Ev." He said quietly.

A mirthless laugh then, it stopped Everett and he looked up to the night sky.

"I hardly know what I want. I know you think I might undo twenty three years of sermons in a week over a few mad moments." And they had been mad, every last one of them.
"What I cannot tell is what you really want. You seem so... earnest with me. And yet I see you. I see the way you dote on others. It is similar, and it..." He shuddered a little bit, shaking off the cold edge that might threaten to creep back into his voice.

"It is not fair, Gideon, what you ask. I cannot tell if you mean what you say."

He thought of the way Gid had been so quick to defend Malachi, and in fact, the way he had noted his friend watching the man with such interest. It brought out something ugly in the sensitive playwright. He stood there in the alley, smelling like that Seer, traces of her sweet ways all over his heart and in his room, and he could see, on Gideon, what it might look like on him. Yes, it was an ugly thing to see.

Gideon hung his head like a scolded dog. Everett, yes, Everett Ogden of Warwick had shamed Gideon Davidoff. He didn't want to ruin the man's faith, he had no longing to steal him from his imagined salvation. He drew a breath and it trembled, hot tears felt close and he fought them tooth and nail. He kept his eyes on his shoes when he could open them at all.

"Everett..." The name was spoken quietly, with a hint of pleading. He glanced up from under his brows.

Nobody had said his name that way before Gideon, and it made him weak to hear it. Maybe nobody else ever would. It could be hard to notice a person who tried to move through the universe so quietly. There was this idea of the unappreciated artist, alone and unlauded in their lifetimes, and he thought it completely conceivable in his case. Though it didn't have to be. He took a step nearer, gentler, still the lost boyish man in a big scary world at the end of the day.

Gideon shook his head and put a hand to his face, long fingers splaying over the handsome features like a shield.

"I told Malachi once...when he asked me about you..." He dropped his hand loosely. "He saw how I looked at you, how I watched and smiled at you...and he asked me about it."

A small, bitter smile curved his lips.

"I told him... that you were too good for me, and I knew it. That I loved you but I didn't deserve you. But then I couldn't stop myself... I couldn't be near you and push the feeling aside. I'm selfish and stupid... Everett..." Again that soft pleading, "This is all my fault. I don't want to make you doubt yourself... I don't want to make you miserable. I can't stand the pain I see when I touch you. But god in heaven, Everett... if I mean what I say to anyone I mean what I say to you!"

His voice broke over the sentence and the tears welled. He choked and turned away, humiliated, his hand rising to hide the dark stains that slipped over his cheeks.

"You damned fool."

Everett approached slowly, withdrawing a hanky. He would not grab at Gideon- he hated to be touched when he truly despaired- but he wanted to help all the same. He extended it.

"You are passionate and beautiful, you are the dream and envy of any poet, or any would be poet." The latter comment made derisively, always self effacing, always doubting is worth. "I cannot tell you what I want until I know, that would hardly be fair to anyone. I cannot know until I make my peace with it. With what you are. With what I might or might not be. And I cannot conduct this business before the world. I can tell you I think the only thing that might break my heart again would be to lose you. I am too drawn to you, though it terrifies me. I admire you. You drive me mad."

Gideon ignored the offer of the handkerchief, noting only the lack of touch... for in despair or joy it was touch Gideon craved most. He removed the tears roughly, impatiently hiding the bloodstains against the rear pockets of his jeans before he turned back around, or at least halfway. He half laughed-half sobbed at that last admission of Everett's and glanced at the other male.

"At least we share somethings in common."

He sighed softly and drew the pieces of himself together slowly before reaching out to cradle the side of Everett's neck in one hand.

"For what it's worth... You and Illy mean the world to me. I would move heaven and earth for you both... and no one else." He bit at his lower lip and drew a slow breath.

"But you have to understand that what I do in the inn is just for amusement. The women, the flirting... It's nothing, they are nothing. Some are friends, yes... but none of them hold my heart or my attentions the way you or Illy do."

Everett watched carefully as he tucked the handkerchief away, singsong echoes floating through his mind as he listened to Gid's words, as he took in the details and fought with impulse. A desperate past time of his. How it could make the blood boil. He placed a warmed hand over the one on his neck. Quiet words, words of impulse as he peered right into the pale blues eyes a step away.

"It is worth a great deal."

Everett's free hand crept forth, fingers first to graze the cool cheek before him and hooked around the back of his head. He drew Gideon to him and first pressed a reverent kiss to the corner of his mouth. His inky thumb trespassed along a hairline as lips trespassed on lips, his breath hot against Gid's face, his emotions all mirrored despair and desperation and longing.

The breath caught in his throat as Everett drew him forward and kissed him, every nerve in him raw and suddenly jangling with the rush of heady pleasure that the gentle kiss induced. He returned it in kind, though far more tentatively than he ever had previously, almost frightened to break the spell as he closed the part of his lips over the soft give of Everett's cupid's bow. His fingers upon his neck slid upwards into the softness of slightly wild hair. He didn't push the kiss, and let Everett take what he wanted before he drew away but slightly to press a lingering kiss to the other's forehead, arms wrapping round slightly shorter shoulders in a warm embrace. There was something about Gideon's hugs that seemed so perfectly strong, like they could blot out the world for the moment while one existed within their orbit. He shuddered slightly and then released the other slowly, still watching him with an unbearable amount of pain in the pale blue of his eyes, oddly luminous out here in the darkness.

Everett Ogden sighed there, and then laughed in spite of himself. He had said he did not know, and then gone and proved his further confusion. In the comfort of another's arms, he even forgot what had prompted him to chase Gideon into the night.

"You must learn to be patient, and I must learn to be open."

As Gid released him, he slipped away, to climb up to his room and back to the safety of the bed that still smelled of her, of sanctuary, of stories.

"It will not come tomorrow." How could it?

It was all he could do to nod assent...what other choice did he have? Everett gave with one hand and took away with the other. The hope he'd offered tonight was irreplaceable though... the kiss, the caress, it soothed wounds that ran far deeper than Gideon was willing to admit, and it sustained him. He would wait, patient as he could be.

Everett slipped back into the Inn with a backwards smile, impossibly apologetic, sad, and well aware of the pathetic humor of the situation. And then Everett closed the door behind him and went back to his room, where he belonged.


Date: 2007-04-03 11:12 EST
It had been an evening like any other, indeed like many others since Malachi had come to the city, with everyone meeting in the inn and getting on well enough, but with everyone nonetheless going in their separate directions, roiling with childish anger at some odd slight or another.

Gideon gave a slow roll of his eyes as he leaned back against Cass slightly, one elbow on the bar, watching the odd interactions between Everett and Malachi from a distance. The entire thing puzzled him. Everett's distaste seemed to extend beyond his simple dislike of the confrontational Malachi, and for his part Malachi's constant head-butting with Everett seemed overly personal.

If he was taking note, Gideon would be rewarded another reassuring smile before the poet slipped from sight, all the way up and down the hall way to his room. He was careful with the balancing act as he fished his key from his pocket and turned it in the lock. Into his room, he was greeted by the insistant mewling of the room's newest tenant.

And now it was Malachi?s turn for the shower. He pushed off of the bar.

"It appears the evening is lessened by my presence so I'll take my leave and perhaps you've the rest of the evening to make up for this bit."

The cockney dropped with his ire, a habit Malachi was unaware of. And off he went - it was better, he thought, there were still a few loose ends from his trip that needed to be put to bed.

"Ah, Chi." He muttered. Gideon was getting sick and tired of men who behaved like pouting little girls at the smallest slight. Incredibly tired of it. He rested his temple against Cass's cheek as she leaned over his shoulders. A slight turn of her head let lips brush along his temple absently.

And Malachi was up the stairs, two at a time and staring at the number seventeen before he knew it. He wiggled the key in the lock and once it caught he turned the handle and stepped inside. Again out of character, he not only pulled the door closed behind him but also slipped the lock back in place. Flipping on the lamp, he walked to the liquor cabinet and poured himself a rather large drink. Let them blame him. He rolled his shoulders.

A honey-sweet, slow smile spread at the brush of Cassie's lips, and he let his eyes drift shut, enjoying the weightless caress rather then angsting over the odd tension between the two men ha had the most regard for in the city.

"Mmn, peacock. You're being quite sweet tonight."

Her breath released in a quiet sigh, warm against his skin, and she let lips brush another path across his temple.

"Yeah. Perhaps. Sweet is my speed right now, I think. I'm a bit tired. Physically. And tired of some of the fighting. Nothing's turning up in work." She didn't need to say it was frustrating. The tone of her voice said it all for her.


Try as he might he just couldn't bring himself to be interested in Alain and Cassie's work as PI's. It was too far right of the law to intrigue him. And the killer didn't bother him in the least, at least not so far. He turned his head to nuzzle a kiss behind the vixen's ear, inhaling her soft scent gratefully.

"I'm quite tired of all arguments as well. I could do with a night of peace here without everyone shooting furtive looks behind each other's backs and you women chasing one or another of us up the stairs or out the door."
"Everything is a dead end." A shrug of her shoulders. She didn't elaborate all that much. Then a sigh, at his next words.

"Yeah.. There are a lot of undercurrents here.. I'm not sure what's going on.. I'm just tired of the tension. If someone felt run off on account of me, it was most certainly not my intention."

More of a lean, at the kiss. He'd smell the citrus of her shampoo, and the underlying unique scent that was her own. That each person had.

"Mmmmn hmmn."

All he could respond as he took the curve of her earlobe between teeth and tounge and gave the tender fold a series of extremely ticklish little bites. Ah what a pleasent, perfect distraction.


That little purr, accompanied by shivers and shudders at the teasing of his teeth against the sensitive skin of her ear. A perfect distraction for Cassandra as well. Especially because it meant she was no longer feuding with Gideon. She'd been quite tired of that. As he'd found out rather painfully. Painful for her too, actually.

Gideon gave the soft lobe a slow suck before he trailed a light line of kisses down the slope of her neck. She smelt good but...different. His brow furrowed and he sniffed again, the scent of her, her blood...something just slightly off about it. He pressed another kiss to the arch of her collarbone and then withdrew suddenly as it struck him. He glanced up at her in shock.

"Cass....have you? That is..." he cleared his throat and tried very hard to rearrange the features of his face into something less then outright shock and surprise. Most likely she didn't know - yet. He couldn't be the one to tell her, that was for damned sure. An uncomfortable attempt at a smile.

"Have you been feeling alright lately?"

She'd been enjoying the attentions of his lips, his teeth, the normalcy of necking. Or at least, her being able to pretend everything was normal. But when he looked at her like that.. Oh she knew. Well, she knew that he knew. The look on his face was enough to confirm it, and then the following dialogue. Familiar, now. One hand shot up, fingers pressing against his lips, her own face taking on a slightly panicked look, before she managed to school her features into a more neutral expression.

"I don't want to talk right now.." It sounded lame, because it was lame. She wanted to pretend tonight that everything was normal. And that really hinged on no one else challenging the normalcy.

Gideon blinked, and then the horror on her own face registered itself. She knew that he knew, and now he knew that she knew too. Shite. He feigned confusion like nobody's business. No one could fake ignorance as convincingly as Gideon.

"Talk about what, Cass? You feel you have a fever. Have you been to the doctor." Yeah he was grasping at straws, but so what?

"Yes.. I have been a bit feverish.. The flu.. I just don't feel like talking in general.. Just.. Want to sit, is all."

And she took the out. As for how to proceed, she was suddenly at a loss. Suddenly the illusion of normalcy was lost.

"Please.. I just want to sit and be close.. That's all.." Almost begging.

"Ok...well...ok." He slid an arm around her. "I hope that you feel better, yeah? Let me know if you need anything."

God, he could not believe this...or rather he could but he thought that for sure Cass would have been smarter. She wasn't exactly the monogamous type. If he were crueler, colder and more distant from the situation he'd almost find it an amusing twist of fate. As it was her misery was large and looming present, directly in his face. He couldn't bring himself to do anything other than offer her a bit of lame comfort.

She nodded.

"Yeah.. Thanks.. I'll remember that.."

Her thoughts were kind of parallel to his. She was cursing herself. Thought she'd been careful enough, but apparently she hadn't. She'd tried monogamy, and it hadn't been her who'd screwed up first, but once it had been broken, she'd made no attempts to deny herself anyone that she'd wanted. And it was coming back to bite her in the ass. And so now she leaned more firmly into him, almost as if she wanted to burrow into him.

Gideon?s other arm came up around her and pulled her in close, though he felt awkward doing it, awkward offering this comfort. Gideon had no experience at all with these manner of issues, and he and Cass had not been on the best of terms lately. He held her for a long moment before he disentangled himself and gave her another weak smile, an attempt at encouragement.

"You should go get some rest, yeah? I have to go check on someone upstairs, but you really should go lay down for a bit." Right, that was most likely how she got into this trouble in the first place.

She was content to be held. Disappointed when he pulled back, even. But she didn't let it show on her face. She simply nodded, making an attempt at a smile for him as well.

"Yeah. Yeah, probably I should. Have a good rest of the night?"

Another half-hearted smile for Cass and he moved towards the stairs. He was an idiot for even saying anything, what the hell had he been thinking?! He climbed the steps quickly and ignored the raised voices coming from behind the door of room 17. He had no patience or interest in the trials of Malachi and Erin tonight. He rapped gently upon door 20 and waited a half a second before he simply tried the knob and opened the door to poke his head in.


He withdrew his head and stepped inside quickly, shutting the door behind him and leaning back against it with a groan. "I'm sorry Ev...I needed an escape...just for a little while, I promise. I'm exhusted." And he was.


Date: 2007-04-03 11:20 EST
Once upstairs, Everett had knelt down, and poured the bit of milk into the saucer as the kitten weaved between his legs in happy figure eights. Once he set it down, Benny abandoned him for the treat, and Ev moved to settle in a chair, pondering what to do with the rest of his evening. He had a few mad ideas, a few rational ideas, and there was now always the option of stay inside, write poetry, and dangle a bootlace in front of the kitten. It was not without its appeal.

A grin as he felt a small furry head collide with his shin. Everett reached down and pulled the kitten into his lap, turning him over to scratch at his belly. In true ferocious form, Benny responded by gnawing on Ev's knuckles, purring like a maniac all the while. His tiny claws were sharp, but the picture was much too funny to draw the ire of the poet.

"Naughty varlet. I bring you milk and this is how you respond?" Yes. Alone in his room, talking to a kitten.

Benny finally gave up the fight, and curled into a ball. Everett watched in wonder as the mad little thing yawned, causing his mouth to spread into a gaping maw and his ears to flatten against his tiny head. His flesh was a bit pink for the abuse of the needle sharp teeth, but the poet was no worse for the wear. Ev set the little thing on the edge of the bed and got himself ready to join his companion there. At least this one would not inspire fits of insane jealousy.

Once he had brushed up and disrobed, Ev turned down the lights and moved across the room. With a yawn and a happy sigh, he crawled into the bed. Foot contacted the lump at the foot of the bed, and that little lump scampered up towards the head before settling in, that content sound filling the whole room. Everett put his spectacles aside, and doted on the kitten until he could no longer keep his eyes open.

He had not locked the door, had he? Everett had still been thinking about returning downstairs, and then he had just given up on the idea and gone to bed. Benedick was first up, a little stretch as he bounded across the surface of the bed to greet Gid. Everett sat up and reached for his glasses, though he stayed put.

"Of course." He scratched the back of his head and blinked as he slipped them on to the bridge of his nose. "Gideon, you know you are welcome here."

"Hey little one!" He exclaimed softly and reached down to scoop up the little fuzzball in one sure hand, holding the fat belly of the kitten so that legs dangled conveniently between fingers and wrist. He rubbed absently at the top of the fuzzy little head as he moved away from the door and into the room, offering Everett a grateful smile.

"Thank you."

Gideon paused and drew his shoes off one by one, using his toes and then took a seat on Everett's bed He set Benny down upon his thigh and the kitten immediately turned and decided that Gideon made excellent mountain climbing territory. He dug his needle-sharp little claws in and scaled the man's expensive oxford. He gasped and winced, but couldn't help his laugher.

"Ah god!"

Benny mewled his protest at the capture as Everett put on the light at the bedside table, sitting up, though keeping the blankets tucked up over most of him.

"There was not another mad quarrel tonight, was there?"

He was concerned about his friend, despite that he found her priorities greatly questionable. Ev watched as Gid made himself comfortable. Apparently, so did Benny, the explorer, yelping all the while.

"He has some personality, as I have spent today discovering. I meant to be back down, earlier," He had, in fact, fully intended on making nice. "Though I brought him the milk, and just got so caught up..." The kitten was tremendously diverting. They would be lucky if they ever saw Everett Ogden again.

"No, no...though Malachi and Erin are enjoying a good row from the sound of things down the hall." He said flippantly. He pried the kitten off his shoulder and lay back across the bed, settling the fuzzball onto his chest.

"Has the little man got a name yet? Or shall it just be Trouble? It'd fitting...I believe that is my middle name."

"Benedick, after Much Ado."

One of Everett's favorites, and it suited the little fellow, all fire even as he purred, all fight even as he curled up. A half smile as he regarded the fuzzball.

"Though I have called him Benny all day." Everett crossed his arms in front of him, smiling companionably to Gid. He had a great deal to say on the subject of Erin and of Malachi- another reason he had wisely chosen the company of the cat. True to form, he opted to say nothing at all.

"Benny?" The kitten purred and stalked his way off of Gideon's chest to curl up against Everett.

"It suits him. Little bugger." He rolled onto his side and smiled up at Ev, laying slightly lower than him on the bed, quite comfortable sharing the space.

"No, no arguments tonight...just one helluva surprise." He pinched the bridge of his nose slightly and let out a long sigh. "I think... Cass might be pregnant."

How on earth could that have ever come as a surprise? He had seen the woman in action. Still, Everett, bless him, raised his brows high as inky fingers absently placated his demanding little friend.

"Did she--" He frowned. "Well, has she---" A sigh of his own, and he shook his head. "I imagine she will need her friends very much."

Most of the men he had seen her pursue had not been men he would ever suspect might honor some commitment to her. No.

"I imagine Cass doesn't want a soul to know about it for the moment until she realizes what it is she is going to do." He rebuked gently, drawing his hand away from the bridge of his nose to lay it over the curve of Everett's leg, just above his knee where the blankets mounded over it. He gave his leg a gentle squeeze.

"You cannot say anything to her, Ev, alright? Promise me."

Everett patted the hand on his knee, blushing a little.

"You know I would not be so gauche." Earnest Everett spoke softly, and every word was true. Besides, he would be too mortified to bring it up. The secret was utterly safe with him.


Date: 2007-04-03 11:46 EST
"I know it, but it bears saying."

Gideon turned his hand over and caught the other's with it, drawing it forward towards him slowly as he turned it over to bare the tender wrist. He bent his dark head over Everett's captured arm and pressed a warm kiss to the thin, pale skin that covered the thrumming pulse there. Ivory teeth scraped lightly over that hidden heartbeat before another slow kiss soothed the light tickle.

He tucked his lip between his teeth, blinked as he watched the scene before him. Sometimes it felt blurry and strange, like he was watching someone else in a dream, like it wasn't his hand, his wrist, his pulse. The thrill, the chill that ran from his spine told him otherwise. Everett sat up a little straighter, still trying to come to grips with the clash of feelings these moments brought. It was a powerful collide, and sometimes, even as it terrified him, it caused him to see stars.


The name slipped out in a small whisper, though the poet was not all that certain what words might follow in a line after it.

The dark head lifted, those sharp pale eyes wonderfully wicked with their almost feline slant betraying the almost innocently pleased smile that curved the generous mouth below them. A smooth roll onto an elbow moved him closer, and he leaned in, this time his mouth brushing the indent between pectorals. His breath was a cool wash against warm skin, the soft touch of the tip of a tongue like damp silk against the soft angle of his collarbone. Long, careful fingers drew the modesty of the sheets down just a little to bare his stomach to the navel so that they could smooth across it and curl over his side, touch careful, studious as a sculpter's.

He shuddered, the hand that was still curled over his own lap curling more tightly into the sheets, part in response to Gideon's advance, part in defense of them. The red flags in his head popped up left and right. He wanted to stop. He did not wish to stop. He felt he would never understand this. A few more words managed to slip out, as his fingers traced almost fearfully up the side of Gideon's face to rest their pads on his cheekbone.

"Gideon." Slower, more possessed of himself. His gaze felt weak and unsteady against the ice of the eyes of the other, but he managed to keep the stutter from his voice. "You did not come up here to talk about Cassie." A question that wore a statement's hat.

"I came up here to get away from her."

He murmured quietly, unperturbed by Everett's gentle attempt at an accusation. He rose up onto one knee, pushing from elbow to hand as the hand at Everett's side rose up and withdrew the shield of his glasses, laying them carefully aside on the table beside the bed. He returned from his lean to come face to face with Everett, close enough that his own features were only softly, slightly blurred. His fingertips swept slowly over a dark brow... the backs of his knuckles brushing the hollow of his cheek. But the caress of his eyes was far more intimate than a touch or a kiss could have ever been as they drank in each detail with deliberate, careful slowness.

There was a kind of strange sadness there to their crystalline depths, an odd and almost frightening knowledge or foresight, as one would look at a rose in full bloom, and know that what lay ahead for it was to wither and fade away. But there was love there too, painfully vulnerable and so very pressing. His thumb stroked the curve of Everett's lower lip with the delicacy of a painter's brush.

Dark brown eyes fluttered and he drew in another sharp breath as his spectacles were taken. The look in Gideon's eyes was nearly too much to bear, as was the faint touch to his lip. His lids fell closed, and he leaned. He wanted to kiss the man. Everett was still so afraid of what that said about him. The knuckles on the hand that clutched the sheet had gone stark white, he held it so tensely. Every muscle in his body seemed rigid as he leaned towards Gideon, lips gently parted.

He stopped but a breath away, still so hesitant. This was madness. A razor's edge from a kiss he knew was a terrible idea. Also, probably a very good one. How his heart pounded.

Gideon felt his heart constrict with that sweet, painful joy that filled him with the rush of a drug as he watched Everett move towards him, watched his lips part. He could feel the other tremble beneath him, each muscle taut as a strung bow. He leaned forward with infinite tenderness and closed the distance between them, meeting Everett's warm mouth with a slow kiss, a light, lingering suck of his upper lip that turned into a gentle tug of a bite against the fullness of its lower brother. His fingers cradled the other's head as he grew bolder, his tongue sliding past the barriers of both their lips to find its mate in a slow caress. The taste of Everett?s mouth wrung the quietest moan from him, the pleasurable pain of the moment exquisite.

Everett?s brow knotted together and he reached for the man, inky fingers to graze the fabric of his shirt and find rest against his chest. They curled as Gideon kissed him, mirroring their partners that held his sheets fast around him. Everett could hear nothing over his pulse in his ears, as the blood rushed into his face. He could feel it burning his cheeks, his brow. A long moment locked in that perfect pain. His chest had gone so tight he had forgotten to breathe. As he ached for the air, he pressed the hand against Gideon as he pulled himself away and gasped. His other hand swept across his own mouth, still parted a little in shock.

His brow furrowed slightly in concern as Everett suddenly broke their kiss to gasp for air like a man drowning, and pale blue eyes blinked rapidly before concern melted into an amused smile. Dramatic Everett, painfully, wonderfully over-thinking Everett. He reached out and took the hand whose fingers touched that mouth, and drew it towards him, nuzzling his face into it's palm, gently nipping at the taut flesh at the base of the thumb.

Everett took a deep breath, eyes closing and opening again before he looked to Gid, that knot back in his brow again. A thought spilled out of him, his voice heavy with wonder.

"I wish that I might see what it is that you see in me."

He looked at those that surrounded him, and marveled at the attention the elegant Gideon bothered to shower upon him. To the poet, it simply did not compute.

Luminous pale eyes rose again to Everett's sweet, kind and rather adorably confused face. He released a soft sigh of a breath and moved, carefully and easily bearing the other male down to the pillows, resting on elbows above him. His fingers stroked slowly through the slightly wild mess of soft hair as his thumbs traced the line of his forehead lightly. Again that intimate sweep of eyes.

"I see in you everything good and perfect I will never be. I see in you temperence and patience, trust and loyalty..." the fingers continued their journey as they traveled over the curve of his jaw, "gentleness and honesty."

He smiled sadly and stole another slow kiss before he raised his head again.

"You are so beautiful, Everett, it breaks my heart."

A mirror again, one sad smile meets another. He restricted the impulse to flee to self effacing humor in an attempt to squirm from beneath the piercing quality of Gideon's gaze. Instead, he drew his lips into a tight line as his own fingers engaged in a study of the strange and lovely angles of Gideons face. As he pressed his warm palm to a cool cheek, he shook his head.

"I am envy and cowardice. I prefer books to most people. I think the most awful things." There was some honesty for Gideon. "I wish, how I wish none to ever break their heart on my account. It is a dreadful thing."

"You're wrong, Ev. I am envy and cowardice. You are appreciative and shy. You see the world without the taint of greed or jealousy, and without the blinders of vanity or pride."

A warmed hand slid between Everett's back and the bed beneath him, fingers moving in a long, slow stroke along the curve of the small of his back. His smile warmed as well, shedding its sadness.

"I think that is the one thing you could wish that I could not give you. I am sure that you break more hearts then you know of Everett."

"No..." He was insistent, almost like a child for a moment, for he would not abide some lie between them. "I envy, furiously so."
Example swam to the forefront, and he did not try to bite back the name that slipped from his lips, trailed immediately by a labored sigh. God he hated himself for that one.


He dropped his hands in humiliation over his face, another shake of his head. He spoke as they lay over lips and cheek, fingers curled over his closed eyes. It made a funny, muffled sound.

"God help me, I envy that man."

Another sigh, as he was so irritated with himself. It was probably wrong to think so, but he thought himself the better man, and still he envied the beautiful leathersmith. It was a waste of time.

Gideon's jaw dropped open even as a surprised and slightly baffled smile curled the edges of his mouth. He couldn't repress the soft laughter that shook his shoulders as he drew Everett's hands away from his face.

"Malachi?" His tone was disbelief touched with gentle humor. He moved backwards to sit up, his hand running back through his hair in that habitual gesture of consternation.

"What on earth would you envy Malachi for?" He shook his head and gave Everett another bemused glance. "I thought... well I thought you hated him."

"I could not hate a man I cannot pretend to know."

His arms pulled away, one strewn across him, the other found a home curled at the elbow and tucked beneath his head.

"I do not trust him, that I will make clear. I find him unnecessarily boorish, and frankly, impolite at every opportunity he finds to prove himself otherwise."

A long sigh then, and he turned his eyes to Gideon.

"Since he has arrived, I can barely get Erin or Cassandra to engage in a conversation with me. Not to mention that you seem to carry some regard, some interest in him. I have no right to envy that, I make no claim on you. And it still stings."

A shrug. It was not so bad to say it aloud. He had expected some manner of horror to occur, but instead, he felt a little relieved to throw it out in the open.

"There you have it. Hideous envy, revealed."

It was difficult not to smile lovingly at the man as he made his confession. This burden was featherweight compared to the sins of envy some others carried within their hearts, and yet to him it was as dark a blight as any. This was why Gideon loved him. His smiled curled higher on one side as the pull of gentle laughter tugged harder at him.

"Oh, yes. Hideous."

His tone dripped with sarcasm and he shook his head.

"I cannot speak for Erin and Cass... but my regard for Malachi holds no weight or bearing upon the regard I hold for you."

He lent down again and buried his face warmly in the nook of Everett's neck and shoulder, one arm comfortably draping across the other's chest.

"No one could steal away the way I feel for you." His words were muffled, and the vibrations of them tickled against Everett's throat.

He leaned a cheek against the top of Gid's head, and smiled as the little explorer returned, tiny paws trekking up and over Ev's belly to settle on his chest, against Gideon's arm. Benny purred up a storm for a few moments, until he started to slip into unconsciousness. This was not bad. This was, in fact, mind numbingly simple. A sing song swam through his thoughts. Lover is love is bodies without borders. Simple words. Beautiful words. They would function more easily for him were he truly free.

Maybe one day soon, he would wake up and forget her entirely. His heart could finish with her once and for all and he could really give something else a chance.

"Your words are a comfort."

He would try to recall them next time he felt a sting lash at him. He only wished he had words that might do the same for his friend, but he would not lie. Everett could not love Gideon until he found all the pieces of his heart again. Not in the fashion that Gideon truly desired of him.

The body beside him drew a long, slow breath that raised its shoulders and arched its back slightly before it sighed the air out again once more, as useless leaving as it had been coming in.

"As are your kisses."

Again the soft, muffled words, and this time he turned his head to trace a line of such candied things along the pulse of Everett's throat, the moist touch of them a slow, hot burn against pale, fragile skin.

"Touch me, Everett...?" It was a hushed breath of a question, the plea for a caress from prisoner to gaoler.

One of them needed to breathe, and so he drew in a long, slow breath, swallowed down the lump in his throat. It was the feeling of heartbreak mingled with the feeling of ecstasy. To burn, like Saint Theresa. He slipped his own arm from beneath the neck, and the act lengthed the trail that Gideon walked. One hand slipped up to catch Gid at the side of his neck, to graze his jaw as the other crept through the hair, down the line at the back of the neck. his thumb traced the line where hair and flesh met as curious fingers trespassed into Gid's collar, making notes of the places where shoulders and neck collided. Strong tissue, smooth skin. The way he imagined a marble statue might feel, brought to life.

Gideon?s head turned, forehead resting against the other's cheek as eyes like sea-foam phosphorescence drifted shut. He trembled at the touch, the careful, cautious graze of curious fingers. Dark brows drew together gently and he held to the sensation as is slid away like sand through fingers. His own hand, all broad palm and long fingers spread out against Everett's chest, splaying over the precious beat of his heart as if he would capture it there and keep it thudding in that cage for all time. He lifted his face and bit gently at the soft lobe of his ear.

Every breath was labored as he fought for control and for some semblance of direction, for he was lost. At the bite, those stained fingers responded with sudden, distinct pressure into the tissue along Gideon's back. The cat, wisely, got right out of there, went to go curl up indignantly in the armchair. It took him two tries to jump up, poor little thing, but Everett certainly did not notice. The hand that was not busy creeping further down the collar of Gideon's shirt grazed from his belly all the way up, across sternum, as his fingers carefully sought to free a couple of those buttons. They stuttered, like his words might if he went looking for them in that moment, but before too long he had loosened the shirt sufficiently enough to allow the other arm a deeper passage. One at a time, fingers took stock of the bumps of Gideon's spine.

The bite turned into a soft suckling kiss before it strayed, moving across Everett's cheek toward the corner of his mouth, stealing another gentle, nuzzling kiss there. The ridged muscles of his stomach clenched lightly with the brush of fingers. Loosened, his shirt gave way to the push of hands, sliding back off shoulders. He moved and shrugged one arm free of it's sleeve, the other stuck under them both remained put for the time being. His hand returned to Everett's chest, fingers sweeping absently over a nipple and down along the sweep of ribs. Everett might have been boyish and on the thinner side but he was still a farm lad, and what muscle he had his leaness lent gentle definition to. Gideon's fingertips grazed lightly at the dip of his navel, their stroke gently ticklish.

With a slight tilt of his head, Everett claimed the lips at the corner of his own, even as his hand captured the back of Gideon's neck again, fingers through the hairs there, pulling him in, feeling that burn of envy and the all too familiar passion it ignited, one that usually fueled late nights with a pen and paper. His abused lower lip was one of two to capture the same part of the man in his bed. The nip to his own ear was mimicked in kind on Gideon's lip before he blazed his own trail of kisses, from mouth to chin and along the jaw, each one slow and heated, each one accompanied with a stroke through the fine hair of his... what on earth were they doing? He did not know what to call it. He just knew that he liked the feeling of Gideon's hair between his fingers.

Gideon?s head tilted back and he yielded to the kiss, the warmth of it flooding through him like sunlight, the sudden bursts of passion or need or hunger in Everett like rare jewels, each one more of a treasure then the last. Pale eyes shut once more in pleasure as the heat of the other's kisses strayed from his mouth across smooth, pale skin. The flex and gentle tug of Everett's fingers through the fine, dark silk of his hair made him growl softly, and his own hand caressed up the other's spine in one long, smooth sweep, only to have his fingers curl under, short, blunt nails biting gently into tender flesh only to be drug lightly back down their same path in a tease of a scrape.

His hot hand came to rest flat against the cooler cheek, a thumb grazing across Gid's mouth as he buried himself in the hollow of the man's neck, positively drunk on the want. It had been so long absent from him, it returned with quite a lot of persistence. Even as he traced the tip of his tongue along the elegant lines of an elegant neck, he pushed up to a sit, setting them at even ground for a moment, though it was awkward. Everett pulled away to look at Gideon, to really see him for a moment as he cradled the beautiful face in one hand, holding himself up with the other, pressed flat against his bed. This was surreal. No wonder he had been thrown right off his sonnets. Everett had been thrown off of all of his rhythms.

Luminous blue eyes flickered open at the slight withdrawal to gaze up at Everett in curiosity, lust still writ clear on every line of that beautiful face the ink-stained hand cradled. Lust and fear, desire and a keen, beautiful vulnerability, all echoed the perfect lines and angles of the vampire's face, as if the strong, bold, passionate man could be crushed as easily as one of Everett's discarded drafts. He blinked and a slow smile spread across the fullness of his mouth, intimate and languorous. His fingertips rose to stroke the knuckles of the hand that cupped his face, touch featherlight.

The look floored him and frightened him, as he had never seen it on anyone's face before. Not a soul. He had never felt so powerful and so powerless all at once. He could do nothing to save Gideon from it, and precious little to save himself. Everett leaned in again and pressed another kiss to Gid's mouth, gentle as it lingered, decidedly less forward than what he had just been doing. A gentle caress of the face before him as the very flushed poet had one too many thoughts swirling through that head.

He felt in it for the wrong reasons, and a desire to learn the right ones, but he did not know how to approach it. Puppy love he had done, kissing underneath leafy oaks in June with the alemaster's daughter, who smelled of hops. He did not know how to manage any adult sort, save the unrequited variety.

Gideon accepted the kiss, his smile softened as Everett pulled away again, those sharp eyes dropping for a moment as he laughed quietly and rose up onto his elbow, toying absently with the button of his half-discarded shirt.
"And I used to think that I over-thought things too often."

A furrow of that brow again made him look appropriately perplexed.

"How is it that you always seem to know what I am thinking?"

He had never really connected with anyone like that, save his brothers, and he had definitely done a few things with Gideon he had certainly NOT done with any of his brothers. Everett sat up a little straighter, reaching to pull some sheet with him as he became sheepishly aware, again, that he was not wearing all that much.

Gideon?s smile grew slightly sheepish, though he kept his eyes on the covers that slid slowly away from him, as for his own state of near undress, he wore it like a Grecian statue, as if it were more natural to him then being fully clothed. He drew a slow, deep sigh of a breath.

"Because... every single thing you think Everett, shows clear upon your face. You've expressions like water... I can see clean through them to your thoughts as if you'd writ them there as you do your sonnets."

That one presented itself, too, an almost pathetic little protest of the brow, a little sadness in the eyes that he might be so transparent. Everett fancied himself reserved and proper.

"I am that apparent?" A sigh, a little hang of his head and the smallest of laughs. "A sad state of affairs. It is a wonder anyone will speak with me at all."

He glanced up in surprise and in one smooth motion moved from his lounge to collect Everett's face in his hands, leaving his shirt behind upon the bed.

"It is a wonder that you are not fawned over by everyone who sees you. Your guilelessness is charming, Everett... and your honesty refreshing."

He brought his friend's hanging head up and kissed him breifly, twice...three times, as if he could entice a smile back with the tiny caresses, his own growing encouragingly.

"If only we all could be so honest."

Honesty had started this exquisite mess in the first place, right down to the fact that they were alone in his room and not still downstairs at the bar, having scotch and pointedly ignoring meaning. It occurred to him to say something then, something he knew he had to say before he burst.

"I will not lie to you, Gideon, not about anything. I would not even try. I care for you, but I will not tell you I love you unless I mean it." And when Everett meant those words, they carried a great power indeed.

His heart, though young, was far too wise to love so easily again.

"You are too dear for lies."

Impulsively, he wrapped his arms around Gideon and embraced him, fitting into all the spots such contact might allow. Cheeks and necks, arms entangled, bare chests together. He never noticed what was missing.

Gideon gasped softly as Everett embraced him with a startling suddenness. His own arms went impulsively around the other, taut and sure, their circle one reassuring band, broad hands spread wide to catch all. He choked back a silent sob that pressed against his throat and instead pushed a fierce kiss to Everett's shoulder as he lowered his head.

"I do not need to hear it." He whispered in return. He swallowed hard against that painful lump and rested his cheek against the plain of Everett's shoulder.

"...I only ask that you let me love you."

She had never lied to him outright. But perhaps if she had been clearer, he would not be such a mess in the present. This, he knew at last as he sat there and did as Gideon asked. He let the man love him. Everett was quiet a long moment then, a bit startled and overwhelmed by everything. God, he needed to write, but he was too weary and too wired all at once. It was a strange dichotomy. He pulled away and then scooted back, leaning into his pillows with that thoughtful look on his face. Not sick, nor sad, nor well, but instead, desperately contemplative. There was much to consider. For example, that which sat in proximity. Eyes traced the impeccable form in front of him, a slow crawl from the bed all the way to the haunting, haunted eyes.

He sighed softly as Everett pulled away and sat back, his smile gentle, quiet in a way. He didn't need powers of perception that extended into the realm of the supernatural in order to see once again the thought process that swept across Everett's face. He nodded towards the spare pillow upon the bed.

"Would you mind? If I slept here a bit, I mean. I promise I'll be gone by morning." His smile grew somewhat, mischevious in its tint this time. "And I promise also to behave myself so you needn't sleep in a chair."

"You would not have to go, even then. I trust you."

A slow blink and he curled up, one arm under his own pillow, the other draped rather carelessly over his middle and the sheets. Everett faced the middle of the bed that he might look on his friend a while longer. Things had gotten very strange, indeed. At least he was not wholly convinced he would burn in hell for all eternity because of them. Eternity was an awfully long time to spend on a sin where nobody really got hurt. At least nobody innocent.

He could not help the pleasure that showed upon his face at that admission, and he pushed his discarded shirt to the floor, mindless of an article of clothing that most likely cost more then the entire room's rent for week. He laid down facing Everett, upon his side, one hand slid under the pillow, the other reaching to slide along the smooth expanse of Everett's forearm, fingers coming to rest lightly over his wrist as pale eyes closed and he heaved a soft sigh as he relaxed into sleep.

It was nice to finish an evening like this one without a sinking feeling that he had done something wrong, without terrible confusion. His eyes slipped closed after Gideon's, though before he drifted entirely into sleep, he did hear the little marauder leave his post near the window and make his way up on to the bed. Like any insistent child, Benny wedged himself between the two in the bed, and the funny image of it made Everett smile as at last he drifted off to sleep.

I never loved nobody fully
Always one foot on the ground
And by protecting my heart truly
I got lost in the sounds
I hear in my mind
All these voices
I hear in my mind all these words
I hear in my mind all this music

And it breaks my heart
It breaks my heart

And suppose I never met you
Suppose we never fell in love
Suppose I never ever let you kiss me so sweet and so soft
Suppose I never ever saw you
Suppose we never ever called
Suppose I kept on singing love songs just to break my own fall
Just to break my fall
Break my fall

I never love nobody fully
Always one foot on the ground
And by protecting by heart truly
I got lost
In the sounds
I hear in my mind
All these voices
I hear in my mind all these words
I hear in my mind
All this music
And it breaks my heart
It breaks my heart
Breaks my
Breaks my heart


Date: 2007-04-03 21:41 EST
He could not truely sleep, not the way Everett could, but Gideon could doze and lay there, enjoying the soothing warmth of the bed they shared, and the comfort of Everett beside him. The steady rythmn of the other's breathing, the soft, but ever present percussion of his was wonderfully lulling. One or twice he roused himself to watch Everett sleep, or else to caress him lightly as he drempt, delighting in the way a kiss pressed to Everett's forehead made the corners of his lips curl unconsciously in a sleepy smile.

He roused himself for the last time just before dawn. The pair of them had nestled together under the covers, Gideon's slightly longer form spooning Everett's, back pressed to front, Gideon's arm draped possesively over his bedmate, fingers entangled in Everett's own like the mesh of a net. They sky outside was turning grey as dawn was coming on, and a feeling of heavy, insistant sleep was drawing on Gideon, the weight of it a warning.

Loathe to leave the warm, soft shelter of the covers and the simple bed, he knew he had to leave, and soon. He untangled himself gently, and stole one last kiss from the nape of Everett's neck before he slid from under the covers, waking only Benny, who opened a pair of sleep-slanted eyes at him, yawned widely, and curled right back up into sleep, tucked as he was in the comma of Everett's body.

Gideon shrugged his shirt on and scrawled a hasty note to Everett upon a blank sheet of paper that lay upon his desk, and with one last lingering look at his friend, curled so peacefully in his bed, he took his leave, moving home at a near run, racing the searing heat of the sun as it soared ever faster towards the horizon.

Those seemingly harmless rays crept slowly into Everett's room through the leaded glass windowpanes, their long, thing fingers stroking over the edge of the desk, touching the note that lay there.

Please forgive me that I could not stay. I had an early meeting this morning, and I also wished to get home before Illy woke so that she would not worry. I couldn't bear to wake you to say goodbye.


Date: 2007-04-04 13:52 EST
Everett had been in his room a long portion of the evening, but he decided he required a diversion. Trouble was that things were mad in the Inn. He recognized a few of the faces there (to his dismay) but saw nobody he really knew. In addition, for the second consecutive evening, Erin had not come by as she had said she would. Never one to mope, the unsinkable Everett Ogden found respite in the vast quiet of the hall. He lounged beside the hearth with a full glass of some rather tasty wine- he had not bothered to check the label, he only knew that it was full bodied and red- and Paradise Lost, which he was finally getting around to finishing.

The creak of the door leading from the tavern let it a slash of light and sound briefly before it shut, leaving only the sound of measured steps in well-made leather shoes across the vast, beautiful wooden floors. But Everett would have scarcely heard them before they stopped and lips that felt almost feverishly hot grazed his earlobe. Fueled by the excellent mood the past night had put him in, Gideon had fed and fed well. Gorged now, his skin was almost hot to the touch, and flushed with high color as if he'd come in out of a stiff, cold wind. He smiled as he grazed Everett's earlobe and pressed a kiss to his temple. He leaned against the couch where Everett had taken his repose, arms folded along its back. The small fire flickering in the fireplace did strange things to the odd but handsome angles of his face.

?Feeling anti-social again tonight??

He startled a little at the touch, softening immediately when he saw Gideon. It caused him to settle back into his own skin. Everett responded as he tucked a bookmark into place and closed the book, setting it in his lap.

"Quite the contrary, but the Inn held no friendly face and too much noise, so I swiped my book and came in here."

He had no use for twenty some strangers all wrapped up in their own lives and dramas. He had hoped to run into Gideon, or Lydia, Storm, or even Cassandra, but alas, he was quite out of luck. No matter. Milton made fine company there in the dim light of the hall.

"And you, what on earth brings you into this vast empty space? If you require some time alone, I am happy to let you be."

A funny little smile curled his lips as he cast the jest at Gideon, who, despite his odd choice of venue, was not looking his most anti-social.

The Cheshire smile broadened at Everett's jest and he stood to come round the couch and claim his own seat there. "When have you ever known me to seek solitude?" He rebuffed with laughter in his tone. He was dressed very well tonight, black trousers and a crisp oxford the same shade as the wine in Everett's glass, with a tie made of black silk so fine it was matte and opalescent all at once. He wore no blazer though, and he hand tossed his woolen peacoat over the end of the sofa before sitting down.

"I asked at the bar when you did not answer the knock at your door. Someone saw you bring your wine in here."

He glanced around, gaze sweeping the space before the enormous hearth from floor to soaring ceiling.

"This place suits you... I could see you very at home in a place like this."

A little sigh at the sight of the delicious tie. Everett loved being near such fine things. He had never seen them growing up on that farm in the English countryside. Everett's first real impression of Gideon had been based solely on one of those neckties, crimson, impeccably knotted and beautiful. It had, at the time, intimidated the hell out of him.

"You dress well." Said the man who stated the obvious as a force of habit. Another sip of the mentioned wine turned into a funny smile as he looked all over the room. He found it flattering that Gideon had gone looking for him, but shook off the thought and instead answered the question.

"Like this? It is really terribly grand. There is far more space in this room than I would ever know how to use."

Despite that it smelled of him, and he had doubled his wardrobe with Gideon's extravagant gift, his room did not hold very many things. Everett would always have exponentially more words than objects.

He gifted Everett a pleased smile at the compliment, accompanied by a dip of his chin towards his chest.

"Thank you."

He spared the room another glance and lifted one shoulder in a smooth shrug.

"It's grand, yes...but its the atmosphere that suits you. The grand fireplace, the couch... all of it." He sank back against the couch and picked at the velvet of the couch's upholstery. "I'm considering moving."

"Not into the Great Hall, I hope. I think you would have a terrible time convincing them to let it to you."

He was sharp that night, perhaps a sharp wit and a sharp tongue were matched well enough to Gideon's sharp attire. His own, per usual, was a delightfully rumpled mess. Most days, he really did look like he had slept in his clothes, though that was just not the case.

"Would you go very far?" His tone was gently curious with the question, as he looked to the side of the couch where Gideon lounged so effortlessly, watching over the rim of the glass as he took another long sip of that wine.

That earned him the breath of a laugh as Gideon caught his lower lip between his teeth, chewing lightly upon it as he regarded the flickering flames.

"No, not the Hall, fond as I am of parties." He ran the tip of his tongue over the abused skin. "I don't know. Not too far...somewhere within the city. I'm tired of the Lanesbrough though. It was novel in the begning but now... it lacks a certain something."

He laughed softly, mirthlessly.

"Its so cold. Thalon once called it a mausoleum."


A curious lilt of a question, an echo of the name he did not himself know. Everett finished the wine and set it down on the side of the sofa, and placed his book there as well. He turned to the side, somewhat tucked into the crook of the piece of furniture that he might better look on his companion. The poet indulged himself and allowed another study of the strange beauty before him. How strange the other night had been. How strange that he really harbored no lasting guilt. Ev draped his arm carelessly over the back of the couch as he listened, and the other came to rest with fingers curled in a loose cup over one of his own bony knees.

His jaw flexed slightly, a sudden tightening that the rest of his body reflected, particularly the set of his shoulders.

"Just a man. He's gone now."

How incredibly flippant of him. To sum up his first love in those two demeaningly tiny sentences. An entire novel would have been insufficient to explain Thalon. Gideon turned his face slowly towards Everett and gave the poet a bitter smile.

"You would have hated him."

"You know, hate is a word I am not wont to use."

Perhaps it was cast at himself from time to time, but Everett believed you had to expend a great deal of energy on such a powerful emotion, and he had not the energy to spare.

"Though I will infer from your smile that it is unlikely he and I would be bosom friends."

A compassionate study of Gid's face, thoughtful as always. The words that trailed behind their cousins were smaller, softer words.

"I am sorry, for... whatever it is."

It was likely that the only reason Everett could read so much on Gideon's face was because Gideon allowed it, not that he would ever know that. Still, it stung a bit to see that strange mirthless look. He preferred the warmth that he often sought and found there, instead.

"If I could have ever picked a man to be your opposite, Everett... Thalon was it. He was cruel where you are kind, harsh where you are soft. He asked no forgiveness of anyone for any trespass."

His eyes flicked away, though he kept his face towards his friend. Thalon. The name conjured the ghost, and he could practically feel the unnatural heat of slippery blood on his tongue, he could feel the sweet sting of a lash laying open the flawless skin of his back. Thalon was possessiveness and abandon, anger and lust. He was the devil in the darkness that Gideon had loved... a passion that had gone as quickly and unexpectedly as he had arrived. He rose from the couch, suddenly too warm, uncomfortable in his own skin. He paced away quickly, three sharp strides before he drew up and ran an angry hand back through his hair as he drew a deep breath.

"It is nothing. Nothing." He said firmly, as if he convince even himself to believe it.

He kept his back to the poet, though, afraid of the lack of control he had over his expressions at the moment. He shook his head with a mirthless laugh and the hard set of his shoulders gave slightly.


Date: 2007-04-04 13:55 EST
The coolness of the words from the man too warm in his own skin disquieted the gentle fellow, caused his lips to tuck in on themselves. He felt the way a person feels when they round a corner and see a pair locked in a clandestine embrace. Intrusive without intent, which, in a way, made it harder to bear. As Gideon retreated in the geographical sense, Everett let his words take two steps back, instead. To side bar, to find something that would bring Gideon back into the room, back to the couch.

"Benny has figured out how to open the closet door. I came home to quite the mess, and know that I now must keep treats for him on the top shelf of the closet. You did find the cleverest little thing to keep me company."

It was not the strongest reply, but despite that he could have done better, he could have done far, far worse.

"It is nearly a tragedy that he will not stay small long. He is comical, and so convinced of his ferocity that he would almost have me believe it."

He offered Everett a half-hearted attempt at a laugh and glanced back over his shoulder at the other man before he turned towards the fireplace. He moved towards the hearth with slow steps, the fingers of his right hand rubbing at his chin in absent thought.

"Perhaps... Perhaps he would have been better off an alley tom instead of cooped in a poet's study?" He said quietly, and through the odd melancholy of his tone it was clear it was not the cat he spoke of, or at least not only the cat.

"I am sorry he made a mess of things." He murmured as he paused before the fireplace, the great maw of the hearth nearly as tall as he. Careful fingers ran slowly over the design of grapevines that the achitect had cleverly wrought in bas-relief upon the stone.

"He is cooped all the same, and I fear I shall not be able to part with him, no matter how fearfully bits of him may yet long for the alley."
Benny would mellow, as would the grief, or so he had hoped, for both their sakes. A little smile at the thought of the mess, and Everett shrugged, though Gideon would not see it.

"I really do not mind messes all that much, certainly not the ones that are so easy to clean. But a memory, now."

Never mind how memory could sting. Even then, the lies in honeyed eyes stung him, things he had read, foolishly, wants and words that never were there. Damnable fool. Still he rallied, that he might keep his heart light, if for no other reason than for the plain delight to be found when the company is good. Another attempt at a diversion as he watched the elegant fingers of the elegant man trace over graceful lines carved in stone.

"A garden. I can picture you in a home with a garden, the sculpted kind, perhaps with citrus trees." It was a Grecian affair, in Everett's mind, or at least what he had seen in books of classical artwork. Perfectly manicured hedges and flowers in tidy, symmetrical rows. "Jasmine. Nightshade. Perhaps even some English roses."

The smile that curved his mouth was softer this time as Everett's words turned his thoughts away from old anger and hurt at last. Pale eyes followed his fingertips as they continued their hypnotic tracery of the swirling, tangled vines.

"That sounds lovely."

A garden he should never really see, save by the pale, selfish light of the moon, but Everett's words conjured the memories of sunshine, the scent it lent to fresh air and grass. It was a pleasant nostalgia. He left the hearth at last, fingers falling away, and returned to his friend, his posture apologetic, humbled. He sank down onto the floor beside where Everett sat upon the couch, resting his back against the cushions before where Everett had nestled himself. His head rocked back against the plush velveteen.

"I've been thinking of a manor house, nothing too grand...Illy hates the ostentatious. She would like gardens though...I think"

"I am certain that she would, and I hardly know her. She strikes me as the type to enjoy a stroll through a garden." A proper lady, like any fine heroine. "I would compel you to plant snapdragons, and I might lie prettily about how much I think Illy would like them."

Everett chuckled at himself and without really thinking about it, reached out to weave his finger's through Gideon's hair. It was a crime of convenience.

"In sooth, I just find them so lovely that no garden should be without them. They are both civilized and wild all at once, the neat way they grow on stalks, and the peculiar shape and angles of their petals. Godsteeth, they are lovely things."

Gideon released a slow breath, eyes drifting shut as that ink-stained finger played his his hair.

"If I could find such a place, I would make you a room there and think of all kinds of ways to entice you to come and visit, so that we could steal you away from the world for days at a time. And you could plant whatever you wanted in the garden."

"Is it not strange that already I feel that way? Snatched from the world. This place is still so strange."

At least he had stopped panicking about his surroundings on a painfully regular basis. It helped that truly, fewer madly fantastical things had occurred in the past few weeks. No sightings of abnormally sized crustaceans. No arguments with dragons. No assault by nameless street urchins. Just a more familiar sort of trauma. This was lovely though. Peace and space and quiet words.

Gideon chuckled quietly.

"Perhaps a romp in a garden would keep Benny out of your wardrobe?"

He turned and pressed a hand to the edge of the couch to help lift himself so he sat perched on the edge of the cushion Everett sat upon. He stroked the back of his hand down the poet's cheek.

"I can understand, though... in my case, it is I who is stealing time from the world."

Still again, like a statue, albeit a statue that blinked in rapid succession.

"Stealing your time, or stealing mine?"

With nearer proximity, Everett lowered the volume further, eyes unwavering as they rose to catch Gid's. Anticipation curled in his gut, coiled like a snake ready to strike. It was an electric little thrill, and still a point of fear. No wonder he craved this alien intimacy. All the conflicting signals in his head produced a fair amount of adrenaline, a powerfully addictive substance for a man maybe a little prone to obsession.

"My own, though I'll borrow a bit of yours if you'll let me." He teased with a quiet smile. His hand fell to rest over Everett's stomach, broad palm and long fingers pressing gently over that nest of sudden coiling snakes, as if he knew they were there. He lent forward and stole the smallest of kisses from the outer curve of the poet's lower lip, just barely closing the tender flesh between his lips before release.

The muscles all went taut at the contact, and he felt a little dizzy at the chemical pop in his head. His lip tingled, and felt colder the moment it was released. A lustful, lonely sensation that he appeased tucking it between his teeth for the millionth time.

"I- em."

A gulp, a sheepish smile. He felt incredibly exposed, almost as much as he had the other night, despite several obvious differences.

"I like your neck-tie." Everett pulled his hand off his own knee to touch his index finger to the very fine silk, lightest brush across the knot, averting his eyes to that less dangerous corner of the world, where his finger had inkspots and there were a few stains on his cuff.

A lifetime ago, or so it seemed, Gideon would have eagerly pulled that knot free and used the rare, perfect silk tie to knot Everett's hands to a sturdy bedframe. Thalon had ruined such pleasures for him though. As it was he simply let one corner of his mouth curl higher than the other as lowered eyes watched Everett's nervous fingers. His hand pressed lightly at the vulnerable belly under it, and then smoothed softly in a slow stroke across it.

"Do you?"

Those muscles relaxed, only to tighten again as the fabric of his shirt trailed softly against the flesh. The question was met with a response of a slow nod. The words were slower in coming, as he still had to remember to release that captive lip. His soft words were articulated in such an urbane fashion, like so many of his words. Like the ones he used when reading his poetry aloud.

"Yes. I think it very fine." The pad of his finger tapped it gently twice before he pulled back his hand, fingers curling in on themselves as he drew it away, in towards himself.

"Do I frighten you, Everett?" He asked quietly, making no efforts to withdraw his proximity. Quite to the contrary, he moved closer once more to steal another miniscule kiss, this one from Everett's upper lip, the light lick of the very tip of his tongue a momentary thing, though hot as the touch of a firebrand.

"Because you frighten me a great deal."

Gideon's 'because' caused his eyes to raise up to that face that was inches away, lids pulled back, the eyes wide with wonder. How on earth could he ever frighten anyone?

"Of course you frighten me." His heart pounded its agreement, and though it ought to have been a difficult admission, he had promised not to lie and it slipped out with ease.

"This frightens me." That hand finished its slow retreat, fingers curling self consciously into the front of his old shirt, bunching and pulling the fabric with that whisper sound of cotton scraping against fingers and chest.

The fingers of his other hand rose and the tips of them drew their way in a gentle arch down the curve of Everett's face, from temple to jaw.

"What about it frightens you?" Asked in that same quiet tone, so innocently curious and yet so conniving knowing.

"That..." A pause and he looked away to collect all his little words. Flashes of fear and want and worry and loneliness running though him all the while. All culminating in the hovering uncertainty that either looked a dark cloud or a rainbow over him at all times, depending on the hour of the day.

"That all at once I feel that I want to be near you, and that it is wrong for several reasons. I feel I defy God. It frightens me how little I have cared, of late. I fear forgetting myself in you, or for you."

He spurted those thoughts out carefully, with only a bit of his nervous stutter. He would scratch at the back of his head if he could, but too many things made that difficult. Thoughts out, and his lids lowered, rising again to find his gaze dead ahead.

Generous lips tightened but slightly in something close to resignment and pale eyes dropped to watch that clutching hand that held to Everett's shirt, as if he would lunge forward any second and rip it off the poor man. He licked softly at his own lower lip. "I cannot speak for god, particularly one who has forgotten me... But if you were ever to forget yourself, Everett, I would remember you." He swallowed hard and drew away, rising off the couch to retreive his coat and shrug it on.

If he heard that sentence, God would forgive Everett with ease. There was nothing a poet's heart could love more than perfectly placed words. They stung and pleased, so like the feeling in his belly, so like his remorse the minute Gideon rose. Everett took a deep breath and stood, closing the distance with haste. He made a maddened, hungered grab found the lapels of Gideon's peacoat, that he might pull that strangely kindred spirit against him and taste him again. Eyes closed behind the lenses as his lips were eager to part the ones they found. The slightest little sigh slipped out, a fragile sound. He was like a glass, he would shatter if dropped.

Pale eyes went wide in surprise at Everett's sudden surge forward, and his gasp scarcely had time to pass his lips before they were sealed into the kiss. His hands had come up as he was grabbed, and now held onto Everett's arms tightly. He struggled to catch up within the kiss, his mouth opening under the insistence of soft lips, and his tongue greeting its mate eagerly. He tasted of water and copper... almost too clean, not salty or sweet... put pure. His grip on Everett's arms loosened gradually as his hands slid upwards around shoulders until his fingers could splay out over shoulder blades and curl under, digging in, biting into both shirt and flesh with want.

Fingers uncurled and slid from lapel, thumbs to skim the silk of the tie as they followed fingers up, pressed firmly against the flesh of Gid's neck, creeping to cheeks. There one lingered, fingers unfurled over the chisled angles of his face. The other sought the soft hair at the back of Gid's head, pads and nails digging lightly across the scalp as those four fingers curled and uncurled. He let the desire lead, for once. It would not last all that long, but how it burned in that moment as he clutched Gideon near, to taste the clean mouth with his own, in which notes of the fine wine lingered still.

Gideon groaned softly as the travel of Everett's fingers ended with one fist raking scalp and soft hair. The violence of it, the rawness of the gentler man's sudden explosion was breathtaking. He felt as if he could not catch his breath, and for once was grateful he had no need of it. One hand left Everett's back to cradle his jaw as he returned the kiss with utter abandon. Mouth and tongue, fingertips and skin... this was all that existed for the moment, and it was more then enough. He broke the kiss of their mouths to trail a blaze of biting, suckling kisses down the soft line of Everett's throat and back up again, teeth achingly gentle as they abused the delicate flesh of the other's ear, lips soothing the hot sting they might leave behind.

Mouth released, the chin jutted upward as he gasped for air, a heave of that narrowly constructed chest. His slight shoulders collapsed in a shudder then at the attention being lavished on him, the culmination at his ear caused his eyes to open. All of that tension between them had to go somewhere, and this was infinitely preferable to uncomfortable silence or heated, pointless words. Still, that wicked interjection of sense popped up, looking for trouble with the ridiculous upstance of a squirrel sensing danger. With furious tenderness, both hands came to a rest on either side of Gideons face, and he pressed another long, firm kiss to the lips between them before he pulled back. Ev did not even know there were tears in his eyes. He just was not ready. There were things to sort through, still.

"You are poetry." Words ached and dripped with desire, as his fingers dared flutter along the rise of cheekbone before him. God, he needed to go.

Gideon moved back with the insistent push/pull on Everett's part, and as glacial blues registered the tears that welled in the soft chocolate eyes behind the lenses, along with the distraught look on Everett's face, Gideon could not have looked more pained if he'd been struck. His lips parted, lost for speech and his hands reached out to grasp Everett's sides, his turn to grasp the fabric of that shirt in a tight fist. He leaned forward to press his forehead against Everett's as his jaw worked, flexing hard against the choking glut of emotions that Everett had beaten out of him. He drew a sucking breath and released Everett's shirt to cradle his face in both hands for a moment, fingers trembling. He pushed the other away at last, forcing him to go as he needed to, and longed to. Any more of this and Gideon's own tears would spill, their crimson causing more problems then they would heal.

"Perhaps some day you'll write me, Ev... and I can live beside you in your world of ink and words." His voice shook on the words.

Everett had written some of Gideon already, some words the man had seen, but many he had not. To spare them both the scene that threatened to erupt, he backpedaled a few steps and got right out of there. Gideon would likely be the one finding notes the following day, left with the post in the afternoon. For the moment, he needed to go back to his room and his kitten, to pray for release from a few of his demons, and to write out those that prayer would not free.