Topic: General OOC Thread! [Keep it clean! :3]

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-09 02:38 EST
It's at this point i've decided something.

I don't have the heart to flat out destroy Yejix. I just can't do it.

i've played him since 1996. 14 years.

it's kinda hard to just let go of him like that.

what i want to do is completely ret-con everything related to him. start over completely.

back to basics. i'm typing this as i think about it, more as public notes,s o people can see my thought processes and how i plan to start these changes people want of me, to be a better guy, a better player, and to try to make something less extreme as he is, despite a bunch of praise i've gotten for having someone so.. unique and well developed.

So i'm thinking going the way of Star Trek (2009). an alternate timeline.

one that causes a much, much younger Yejix to come here, one who hasn't been jaded and screwed over by a lot of his life experiences. One who's less likely to be so stubborn and headstrong to jump into situations he doesn't know about.

one that, i feel should not be persecuted for the "crimes" of the first one. a type of Yejix 2.0

I invite anybody willing to come here and collaborate with me. help me build a better Yejix we can all enjoy.

heck if someone could help me come up with a different name, i'd do it.

i think, that by extending this to people that it's a major step in changing, to let other people help me make a character they'd want to play with.

so please. help me.

i'd be making an entirely new s/n, and just use this for lobby lurking and such.. but once we make this new fella, i'd like to transfer this folder's ownership to that new s/n, and continue to let you guys help me out.


Date: 2010-07-09 03:00 EST
For my personal opinion, I'd like to see you play a character closer to a human, in terms of powers. Maybe one or two special abilities, but no more than that. I'd also really love for you to write up a detailed concept -- background, strengths, weaknesses. A good place to start is by actually writing a very simple bit of backstory. For instance, write about one good day in your character's childhood, as all children have at least one good day to look back on.

Flesh out your character's emotions. Their strengths, but also, their weaknesses. That would be a good start.

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-09 03:06 EST
ah crud, accidentally double posted. so i'll just expound some more since i've already got this space..

There are 2 things, that i really do not want to lose in remaking this new guy when it comes to powers.

1) some degree of latent, but non-combative psionic ability
2) knowledge and ability to use arcane magick, such as runes and arrays like alchemy or transfiguration

a standard that has to be met, is that he is nonhuman, but no more powerful than say, an elf, and that he has a unique physiology.

he has to have extensive background in being an inventor of sorts, or some sort of mechanic or smithy.

i only ask for these things because it will help me ease into the new character, so i can get into his mindset a bit faster. it's what i'm comfortable with.

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-09 03:06 EST
-taking notes here, mind you! WRITTEN notes!-

What exactly about Yejix 1.0, as we should now call him "proto" was too overpowered?

I really played a lot on his ability to survive extreme environments and even moreso his water-like attributes (gills and lungs, water-nymph like abilities)

That's something i really don't want to take out, because when i was a kid i really liked swimming and being around water.. it's.. calming.

that and i have a bit of obsessive-compulsiveness to take nearly 6 showers a day and wash my hands a lot.


Date: 2010-07-09 03:15 EST
Then stick with his water abilities. ;-) He doesn't need the ability to pick up giant amounts, cast magic (outside of DoM), his own armory, or the ability to survive everything. A character has to be vulnerable.

So, say he has water abilities -- gills, etc. In that case, balance it: Make hot, dry weather hard on him. Make deserts a near death-sentence. Make it so that he has a vulnerability, and not a tiny one, to go with this extra strength. Make it so that hot, dry summer days mean he has to go stay very close to water.

See what I mean? And leave it at that. He can build other skills over time (and I mean years, not days), but just start with that base maybe. He is water-nymph like with a strength in any water-based areas. But he is weak in hot, dry areas. And no more or less than that.

ETA: Have him keep one, or the other. I'd suggest the latent psionic ability could be tied to the water-abilities somehow. As for the runes... how about he makes that his course of study, instead of having it be inborn? In which case, you can play a long running (months to years) storyline of him slowly learning the ability to use magic, starting with no ability and working up to stronger.

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-09 03:26 EST
that's the funniest thing. Because i've never run into a desert like environment while playing in rhydin, Yejix never experienced that weakness unless he went into the volcanoes in search of crystals to eat, and he felt weak as a freakin kitten.

He had plenty of weaknesses, i didn't list them in public, but when i found the opportunity i played it out.

here's a list..

Fire, extreme sunlight, chocolate, empaths, salt, holy ground, swamps, heavy water, gravity-based magick, holy magick , sita's tears , very loud noises, being in vacuum for more than 5 minutes, lava , church bells, and white oak.


Date: 2010-07-09 03:33 EST
You might want to simplify, too. XD Just start with something basic. ::nods:: The reason why I suggest this is because simplicity, at least initially, will allow you to focus on his personality, his character, his emotions. His interpersonal relationships. Keep his abilities simple, ala what I described earlier, so you can actually focus on the more human, soulful parts of his character.

What makes or breaks our characters isn't their power, but their humanity. Scotty's human. As humans go, he is in excellent physical shape. He's very intelligent. He's capable of seeing patterns and connections naturally.

He's also reactive, jumpy and prone to extremes. He's mercurial. He has funky reactions to most blood-stream contamination. He's had about a thousand meltdowns in his time because his mental state is more than a bit messed up sometimes. Now, near a year later, he's calmed and settled some, and he's healed a good bit, but even then, he's far from perfect.

People like Scotty. He's not powerful, but he's human. He's relatable. He's someone you could get to know in your every day.

That's what you're aiming for. You want to make a character who, the center of him is his heart and soul, not his abilities. So, as I said above, make it simple. Make him water-nymph like, with latent mental ability (that is weak initially and would need honed to use) and an interest in learning magic. Make his weaknesses perhaps empaths, telepaths, and heat/dryness.

And for the reasons and example I stated above, focus on his heart. On what makes him someone we could know and care for as a person, not as an ability.

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-09 03:50 EST
an orphan then, one who grew up among friends and was treated well.

who got to be a kid, instead of suffer the horrors of holocaust as Yejix Prime did.

the orphaning would be because he watched his mother die of terminal illness, and his father disowned him and threw him to the wolves after doing nasty experiments on him in a surgical manner.



Date: 2010-07-09 03:54 EST
Ease up a little on that one. A genuinely sympathetic backstory is usually a more subtle one. Instead of having his father do horrible experiments on him, say that... his mother died, and his father ignored him. Neglected him severely. And eventually, he was taken away to grow up in foster-care/an orphanage, which was comparatively good, though perhaps a bit nervewracking at times for lack of a stable family unit.

Subtlety goes a long way -- he would be more sympathetic with the above scenario than with yours, especially as this is far more likely to be a reality everyone can relate to. You want to weave a story people can relate to -- they'd have an easier time relating to the isolation and loneliness of neglect, than the evil experimentation by a madman.

Now, take my scenario and answer these questions:

1.) How does this new young man react to people? Is he open and friendly because he's searching for more contact that he never had, or is he more wary and nervous because they might also leave him?

2.) Does he ever still long for the affection and attention of a paternal figure, or does he consider paternal figures to be a threat to him?

These are character-building questions. Try answering them based on my scenario, and you'll see what I mean.

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-09 04:08 EST
1.) How does this new young man react to people? Is he open and friendly because he's searching for more contact that he never had, or is he more wary and nervous because they might also leave him?

2.) Does he ever still long for the affection and attention of a paternal figure, or does he consider paternal figures to be a threat to him?

1) a bit of a nervous wreck, having not been around people he has known for a long time, shellshocked if anything.

2) i think he'd probably want to strangle paternal figures, and be overprotective of maternal ones.


Date: 2010-07-09 04:14 EST
All right, excellent start. He's nervous.

1.) Does he keep to himself, quietly waiting until the anxiety fades, or does he try to talk to people, even awkwardly, to see if he can make a connection?

2.) As he does start talking to people, does he have moments of anxiety? Does he need to take a break to step out and calm down, or does he power through them?

And the second:

1.) He is automatically antagonistic towards paternal figures. How will this affect his reactions, then, to older males?

2.) Will he get along well with males in his own age group?

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-09 04:17 EST
All right, excellent start. He's nervous.

1.) Does he keep to himself, quietly waiting until the anxiety fades, or does he try to talk to people, even awkwardly, to see if he can make a connection?

2.) As he does start talking to people, does he have moments of anxiety? Does he need to take a break to step out and calm down, or does he power through them?

And the second:

1.) He is automatically antagonistic towards paternal figures. How will this affect his reactions, then, to older males?

2.) Will he get along well with males in his own age group?

1A) He tries to talk.
1B) As long as older males do not attempt to dad him, he'd be alright.

2A) Breakdowns.
2B) Of his own age group, probably.


Date: 2010-07-09 04:23 EST
So, now you have a good basic idea of his initial interaction potential. And given these quirks of anxiety and tentative communication attempts, a potentially sympathetic character.

From there, start building more of a framework.

1.) Did he have friends, where he came from? Who was his best friend?
2.) What was one childhood memory that was really happy?
3.) What was one childhood memory that was really sweet?
4.) What was one childhood memory that was painful?
5.) What was one childhood memory that was lonely?

Be very specific with those answers. Don't generalize. Write out those memories -- give me at least one paragraph of only one specific incident, and take your time on it. ;-) Let's see what your young man is made of.

The better you know him, the better your basic framework, the more you have to build on from there in live play. Feel free to take your time. I'm looking forward to seeing what those answers are.

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-09 04:35 EST
1.) Did he have friends, where he came from? Who was his best friend?
2.) What was one childhood memory that was really happy?
3.) What was one childhood memory that was really sweet?
4.) What was one childhood memory that was painful?
5.) What was one childhood memory that was lonely?

1) He considered himself unworthy of having friends, because he felt that he was a freak of nature. Bursts of thermokinesis would cause things to become unbearably hot or bone chilling cold around him, so he was called a freak a lot. He had people who cared around him, but nobody would get too close because they might get hurt.

2) the day he managed to control his ability to a tiny extent, so that wild bursts of it never happened again and people stopped calling him a freak. then he managed to consciously control it so that when it was very hot outside, he was able to weather it.

3) the day he got his first pet, a white kitten that he named Frosty. A little girl kitten that never wanted to leave his side, and followed him around almost like a puppy or a chicken, and always curled up on his head.

4) when Frosty was killed by one of the kids in the orphanage, because the one who did it hated this young man so much he wanted him dead, because after he controlled his gift, people flocked to him, and he suddenly had friends, and this angry kid didn't.

5) when the angry kid got him kicked out of the orphanage by staging an assault and got the young man framed for it, and threatened the other kids that they'd wind up like the cast-out if they didn't bow down to him or hand over half of their monthly allowance.


Date: 2010-07-09 13:59 EST
You two mind if I chime in here? :grin:

I'd suggest the K.I.S. method to playing. Keep It Simple.

Start with the name, and a basic idea. Play for a while. (And if you're going to go into the dueling areas, don't have a practice duel with shadow-clones. Nice writing, but not something people in those rooms were interested in at the time. Old adage, rooms are for co-op, posts are for when you'd like pages of description.)

Establish a good play relationship with a few folks at that nice, basic level. Then add a little something, like the bad family memories to the mix. Work that into play, like having a deep sit-down conversation with someone, make it like you're letting your character open up. Work with that for a bit.

Or, to boil it down to the basics: Take little steps.


Date: 2010-07-09 14:04 EST
What Misty said. Character building is awesome for having it in your head, but when it DOES come time to play it, take your time revealing it.

As for the answers to the questions, those are a decent start. Just remember to downplay things a bit with it; don't have your character's narrative run off into angst at the drop of the hat. Play it subtle. Wait weeks or months to reveal a piece at a time, so that it doesn't all come out at once.

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-09 16:04 EST
okay all that's out of the way, what do we do about this guy's appearance?


Date: 2010-07-09 17:20 EST
Well, what do you think he should look like? XD Gimme a description, and I'll let you know what I think of it.

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-09 22:50 EST
that's.. just the thing.. i really don't know.

Harold Lee

Date: 2010-07-10 00:05 EST
You were using sprites from The World Ends With You, as far as I could tell, to build from. Do you want him to look entirely different from Yejix, or would you still base the appearance in that, or?

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-10 00:56 EST
You figured it out eh? Yea, i was using the big sprites from that game and then altering them heavily, because i really like the art style.

I'd like him to look somewhat different, but not too much. for all i know i may just retcon Yejix into this new guy, because i'm finding it very. very hard to want to just stop playing him.


Date: 2010-07-10 13:16 EST
Or, you can send Yejix off on a long-term quest. Which is to say, just shelf him, don't take away his history. Then, after you've had plenty of time to work out a new play style and learn a bit more, then you can bring him back and go about building his reputation. XD

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-10 14:18 EST
why do i have this strange feeling that if i do that, there's going to be massive amounts of amnesia at play?


... i don't sneeze. someone's talkin' 'bout meh. D:

Harold Lee

Date: 2010-07-10 15:53 EST
Well, if you retcon Yejix you might be able to play him differently, but remember that everyone else is going to remember him as he was, so he'll have to deal with encountering people who think he's the same guy.

Maybe do as Scotty suggested and do shelve him a bit until you can balance him?

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-11 13:32 EST
this is probably the biggest reason i hate people.

you go at length to try to change your ways, and yet the judgmental fools that they are will always hate you for the past because they can't move on.

it's like putting the sins of the father unto the son. :[


Date: 2010-07-11 14:11 EST
That's not a guarantee, Yejix. Shelve him awhile, and when he comes back, provided that you've picked up some new methods of RPing, he'll probably get a fair shot.

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-11 14:37 EST
in other news, i have found an old railroad spike and have attached it to my staff I am making. needs moar feathers and metal..

it'd be nice if i had a woodburning kit, i could do some serious runework on it and very nice designs.

Harold Lee

Date: 2010-07-11 15:19 EST
this is probably the biggest reason i hate people.

you go at length to try to change your ways, and yet the judgmental fools that they are will always hate you for the past because they can't move on.

it's like putting the sins of the father unto the son. :

Well, no, honey. My Harold's had to learn over time that when someone sees someone with his face coming by, they expect a certain thing. He's learned to deal with making the correction.

My guy's going to remember knowing Yejix; even if you, his mun, decide Yejix never existed in that form, he still touched the world at large. My guy still has his Zenny, for instance, even if you retcon Yejix away I won't be able to make Harold or anyone else forget he was here. If he sees a new guy who looks like him he's going to think, off the bat, it's the same guy.

It just means you'll have to deal with people remembering the old guy. So, it might be easier in the long run to keep him and shelve him so you can change your ways as a mun in the mean time, like my play partner is suggesting.

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-11 15:33 EST
that reminds me.. Yej did give The Lads a huge chest full of random electronic components leftover from his tinkering at his Complex..

did they ever do anything with them, or the pistols he gave them as a wedding gift? :O?

Harold Lee

Date: 2010-07-11 15:56 EST
Harold doesn't tinker; he's absolutely crap with electronics, so he doesn't know what became of them exactly. They would have gone into Scotty's box of things to tinker with XD The weapons went into their arsenal. They have a large one. Believe me. :D

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-12 03:46 EST
I'm at a roadblock.

I.. for the life of me i simply cannot figure out how i want to draw this fella. it just escapes my mental canvas.

could anybody, possibly, give me a few ideas or post a few pictures of guys that look like they're in their 20's so i could find some sort of -basis- i could go off of?

i haven't got much of an eye for this at all.

Kacilla Lynne

Date: 2010-07-12 14:48 EST
I'm not going to post up a bunch of pictures here, but for image references I often go to DeviantArt's stock images section; just be sure to link back to the stock artist you finally reference in your artwork!

As for the guidance you've been getting so far on the new character - I agree with Harold, Scotty and Misty. Keep things simple. Don't add a lot of drama. Less is more! Characters are going to react and interact with your new character based on what they see in the room, not what you put into his back-story. Personally, I tend to give my characters an exceedingly loose background and let things develop in play and through writing.

If you'd like, once you are satisfied with your character, I will make him a 3D character portrait. One condition - if I see you on with the new character while I'm playing, and I observe some of the behavior that caused so many problems with the Yejix character, please let me send you an IM with a "hey, this is what I just saw, and whether you meant it that way or not, this is how it came across to the other people present" message.

Think about it and let me know!

Oh, and if you want to see some of the pics I've done for other characters, send me a PM and I'll give you some links.

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-12 20:34 EST
the more i think about all of this, the more i'm seeing a disturbing pattern.

I, personally, have been the cause of these problems.

so why is Yejix catching the flak for OOC crap and my bad playing?

it almost feels as if it's another case of "sins of the father unto the son."

Peope here are intelligent, i'll give them that, but it makes no sense at all for my mistakes to be piled onto a character who had no idea he was doing wrong.

it isn't fair, and the more i think about it, the angrier i'm getting.

any reasonable advice from the gallery?

edit: can't believe it slipped my mind, but Harry had to remind me of it. thanks for offering to do that Kacilla.


Date: 2010-07-12 20:42 EST
the more i think about all of this, the more i'm seeing a disturbing pattern.

I, personally, have been the cause of these problems.

so why is Yejix catching the flak for OOC crap and my bad playing?

it almost feels as if it's another case of "sins of the father unto the son."

Peope here are intelligent, i'll give them that, but it makes no sense at all for my mistakes to be piled onto a character who had no idea he was doing wrong.

it isn't fair, and the more i think about it, the angrier i'm getting.

any reasonable advice from the gallery?

ICA=ICC. Yejix's actions affected other characters lives, and therefore, other muns' play. That's why. When Yejix does something wrong in-game, it has a negative effect on the lives of the characters and their storylines, which in turn, irritates the muns. Just because it was your lack of understanding OOC doesn't mean these events didn't happen IC.

Meaning, there are doubtless characters who don't like Yejix for something he did, but have no problems with you as a mun. Or, there are characters who do like Yejix, but their muns don't like you.

What you do OOC is not visible to the characters. What he does IC is. Therefore, when he's been bad IC, the characters will remember that.


Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-12 20:47 EST
No, i don't see at all.


Date: 2010-07-12 20:53 EST
Okay. Hypothetical:

Yejix is having an important conversation in the Inn that is vastly important to the storyline you're working on. Suddenly, a troll character comes in and starts interrupting. Being obnoxious. Ruining the entire scene. Moding your character. Insulting you in the lobby just for the mere fact that you didn't accept their forced actions against your character.

Would you be annoyed?


Now. A week later. The mun of the troll has apologized. But what's this? Yejix doesn't know this, for Yejix is a character. Therefore, when he sees the troll, all he will remember is that the troll ruined this important conversation he was having. Even if you, as a mun, have forgiven the other mun for the offense, Yejix will still remember his last encounter with this troll as being bad.

That help any?

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-12 21:04 EST
Well then.

How about this..

I will post a sticky here and allow it to be considered IC knowledge that Yejix has in a way apologized for being a douchebag, thought it would be my words, not his.

i would allow this one instance of blending to occur, if only to try and right things, so that when Yejix does decide to come back into the public's eye that they know he meant it.

I really don't want to have to go to every single player and have to apologize IC for his actions because it would take too much time and energy to do so.


Date: 2010-07-12 21:07 EST
I don't know, I think him apologizing to each person IC would be excellent character building. And it'd be a whole lot more meaningful, too, than a blanket, (insert your name here) letter.

Even if he doesn't do it immediately, he could try.

But really, more blending on top of blending probably isn't the best idea. You're doing really well in so many ways right now -- keep it up. Just handle things one day at a time, including Yejix's 'return to salvation'. It will be far more meaningful to him, you, the community and everyone if you do that, versus a blank letter.

Harold Lee

Date: 2010-07-12 21:09 EST
Just to add to Scotty-mun's reply; if I saw a letter like that in this folder, if my guy was one of the wronged characters, I wouldn't blend it in. If someone did him wrong he would want his own apology. A blanket one wouldn't really be enough for him to honestly feel the situation righted.

None of my characters are any Yejix has wronged, but I thought I'd mention this. I avoid blending as much as humanly possible, in general, as well.

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-12 21:12 EST
Why should I have to do that? Why should I have to have him go up to every single person and apologize face to face, when i have the knowledge that i'm being actively shunned IC and OOC?

That's blending of the worst sort!

So why can't I be allowed to do that one instance where i know people are going to see it out there in the open?

people want me to change, but they being backwards about it. If people keep shunning me, then they deny themselves the fruit of my labor and will just keep acting as if I haven't tried anything at all to right things with people.

it just.. makes me so mad. it's ass-backwards.

Harold Lee

Date: 2010-07-12 21:17 EST

You apologize for yourself.

Yejix apologizes for himself.

Never the twain should meet.

The more you right your actions, the more you'll be forgiven.

The more he rights his actions, the more he'll be forgiven.

Do you see the difference?

You can write a prose piece for your folder that Yejix is contrite for his actions, so that the muns are aware he is, but each wrong should be approached in a personal way, otherwise it cheapens the apology. Do you see what I mean?


Date: 2010-07-12 21:17 EST
No. It's not backwards.

You are not Yejix.

Yejix is not you.

You are working on getting along better with the muns. Excellent. The muns are coming around to forgiving you for past transgressions.

They are not their characters. Their characters are not them.

You are not Yejix. You can't apologize for Yejix to other characters. You are the mun, you can only apologize to other muns. Yejix has to apologize to the characters, because he is a character.

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-12 22:45 EST
hmm yes yes. i'm going to doa s i told harry-mun. start treating people like i do /b/tards. ignore the idiots, pay attention only to those with a civil head and meaningful input.

if they don't like me, they'll have to deal with it, because i am not going to change Yejix to make anybody but myself happy. let them shun him, ignore him, whatever. if they really want apologies IC from him, they'll be willing to hear him out, if not. well, their loss.


Date: 2010-07-12 22:52 EST
hmm yes yes. i'm going to doa s i told harry-mun. start treating people like i do /b/tards. ignore the idiots, pay attention only to those with a civil head and meaningful input.

if they don't like me, they'll have to deal with it, because i am not going to change Yejix to make anybody but myself happy. let them shun him, ignore him, whatever. if they really want apologies IC from him, they'll be willing to hear him out, if not. well, their loss.

Fair enough.

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-12 22:54 EST
speak your mind, don't just tell me "fair enough."

i want opinions. i want to hear input. just because this is how i've decided how i'm going to deal with things, does not mean that i am not going to do more to make things better.

that is just my plan to handle those who refuse to see anything i've done in effort to be a better player and person.

..uhh and no if you feel i'm being acerbic, i don't intend it to come off that way. sorry.


Date: 2010-07-12 22:55 EST
Excuse me. I have spoken my mind and given you plenty of input. Please don't take that tone with me.

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-13 00:20 EST
- points at the edit of his last point. looks sheepish-


Date: 2010-07-13 01:17 EST
Pinging in again, here. . .

Yejix-MUN, buddy ol' pal ol' chum. . . Take a step back, a nice deep breath, and exhale all that out.

Holding it in will only increase that stress, and might bring on one of those migraines.

This, all this stuff from FFRP, from the RDI/DM site, the RoH site, everyone signed up on it, it's all just stuff. But behind all that stuff, is people. At this point in time, they're all jaded people.

Patience is the key here. Keep up with the good steps, and show people that changes are a'happening, and are sticking. Folks will eventually come around. It just takes time.

Yes, there are asshats out there. And if they don't decide to play with Yejix, that's their choice. You can't shove your character down their throats and expect them to go "Mmmm, tasty!"

Besides, if you keep up these changes and turn out the better, and they still don't want to play, it's their loss.

I'll post more later, when it's not oh-dark-thirty in the morning and I'm not getting pulled off to bed, m'kay?


Date: 2010-07-13 14:15 EST
Thank you. I've given you a good bit of input, and I think that you've got a good plan. So, go ahead with it, and good luck!

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-13 16:18 EST
and now, nonsense to make this gloomy crap go away.

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-14 20:59 EST
-snicker-snacks at the empty thread-

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-17 02:01 EST
An ounce of copper is 18 cents.
An ounce of silver is $17.87.
An ounce of gold is $1,193.05.

I'd like us all to take a good hard look at what we do in Rhydin.

my question is, how are we not in a massive hyperinflated mess with all this silver and gold flying around?

Surely there's some way we can find some sort of reasonable balance in the realm.

2 silver is the normal fare for a drink in the RDI. that's $15.74 a drink. You'd expect this for fifths, or bottles of widely available alcohol.

now comes a big blow. i've seen someone in the marketplace pay a GOLD COIN for BREAD.

either Rhydin has godly wheat, or the gov't doesn't care that by an earth standard, people are being robbed blind.

comments, plz.


Date: 2010-07-17 02:28 EST
Law of economics, Yejix. When things are plentiful, they're worth less. Gold, silver and copper is very plentiful in Rhy'Din, therefore, it's worth less than it is here on Earth. Supply and demand.

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-17 02:31 EST
yes, but HOW plentiful?

how does Copper get any backing? what of Silver? Gold has backing, but by how much?

is it fiat currency, or is it based on a physical worth?

these things keep me up at night.


Date: 2010-07-17 02:51 EST
Physical worth. No one backs Rhy'Din currency, it's an agreed upon standard of exchange by the people, for the people.


Date: 2010-07-17 04:29 EST
What Scott said.

An example can be found now in today's American economy with gold. Right now, at least in my area, gold-buyers and shops that buy, sell or trade (mostly buy and trade) gold, silver or platimun based jewelry/watches are cropping up like zits on an adolescent's face. Right now, gold's worth is at an all-time high, mostly thanks to India. (If I recall right, India is the largest or one of the largest gold buyers out there).

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-24 07:11 EST
threw in Yejix's lot with an application to Shambles. might be good for getting his rep restored.

Ethan Kaiser

Date: 2010-07-24 15:37 EST
Also... a lot of us don't even pay attention to what copper/silver/gold actually equals out to in real money. I've never thought about it. Since I came here 5 years ago, I saw that these three things were used as currency and so that's what I play. Sometimes I'll pay a few copper for something, and the next day I'll toss down a silver for the same thing. It's not really in the forefront of my mind.

Elisa Clarke

Date: 2010-07-24 17:01 EST
What Scotty and Ethan said. They've stated it pretty clearly!

I don't think I've ever played a character that has put money into any cohesive play. I've never thought about it, as it's kind of low on the totem pole of interesting concepts. Granted, Mayu's without any kind of cash whatsoever and often mooches off of her friends? but, and this is just my opinion, the general consensus is that money is hardly an issue in these parts. Most characters I've come across over the years are comfortably wealthy. Some are overblown, and some have very little but enough to afford a drink. Plentiful is probably a generous way of mentioning the quantity.

To answer your comments about inflation and using your example of one gold for a loaf of bread, all I have to say is: Everybody's different and will view things their own way. This is, after all, just a massive game. They'll play their own way as you will your own way. Variety is the spice of life.

Dean Winchester

Date: 2010-07-24 17:29 EST
Yej... Very little in Rhydin makes sense. Never has. Never will. Sorry it keeps you up nights, but that's pretty much how things are here. You just have to figure out what makes sense for you and your character(s) and story. It's the best you can do. :|

Harold Lee

Date: 2010-07-24 17:57 EST
Don't let it keep you up at night, Yej. It seriously is not that important. Just like others have said, write what makes sense to you and go with it. Nitpicking'll just drive you nuts.

And please, IM me, that last one you left before dropping off worried me.

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-24 21:06 EST
not exactly feeling so good. i went to sleep and woke up when i couldn't breathe normally.

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-07-25 08:03 EST
Considering turning in my Silver to start an investment fund.

discuss merits of hoarding this resource and putting stock into it, or merits of investing into a silver mining company.

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-08-02 20:34 EST


Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-09-03 02:50 EST

you being to look at your character's name, try to sound it out in japanese..

and come up with weird shit.

"Yejix Auric Zabiru" is phonetically, in Naian, said "Ee-ay-zhi O-rick Sha-bey-roo"

Now then. Closest you can get in Japanese, is Iejishu Oriku Shaberu.
"No Surrender" , Oriku , and Shaberu


Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-11-03 13:34 EST
anybody else get sick and tired of people screaming at you first thing in the morning?

as in you haven't even had an hour's peace yet?

that just happened to me.