Topic: The Journey Begins


Date: 2006-06-14 00:43 EST
It did not take Sakura long at all to make friends in this new environment, indeed she had come to revel in the new and different individuals that waltzed in and out of the doors of the Inn. There was Viki, the strange yet fascinating mystic, Icer the ever-present benevolent dragon and her many children, Wyheree the lovely ice sorceress with the achingly sad smile, and so many more.

But what truly intrigued Sakura were the endless possibilities for patrons here?no longer was she confined to the tea house regulars and high-society, powerful males that dominated her time in her homeland. Here she could pick and choose at will who to bestow her patron-tokens upon and invite to share with her that secret world of beauty and artistry she wove so deftly.

It was a mark of great esteem, to be chosen by the diminutive geisha now, and those whom she had presented with her patron favor, the delicate pink rice paper origami of a cherry blossom, had been surprised, some puzzled, but overall seemed curious and delighted at the gift. Sakura herself had found her own choices mildly surprising, but she let her instincts guide her, and trusted them with every fiber of her being.

Drawn she was to the obviously genteel?those with fine manners and elegant airs about them. The wealthy and powerful still proved a great draw for the young woman, as it were, they seemed the most capable of appreciating the delicate nuances and effortless grace that she could bring to their worlds for an evening?s entertainment ? and they could afford her company as much as they desired. An artist though she may be, the girl also had needs.

But it was not only the wealthy sophisticates she bestowed her favors upon, but also those with much gentler, easier ways about them?the sweet Wyheree earned a pretty blossom, her kindness and offered friendship such a balm to Sakura?s initial nervousness that the pretty geisha would have stood the world on its side to make the woman laugh or smile for an evening?s entertainment.

Perhaps most oddly of all Sakura found herself drawn toward the Inn?s darker inhabitants, men and women with intoxicating smiles and dagger-sharp tongues. She found inexplicably drawn to the pull of their hungry gazes, eager, hard souls that would consume and consume but never be satiated. There was the Lord Von Locke, a gentleman of refined manners with a voice like satin stroking flesh, yet something so preternatural clinging to the air about him that made the fine hairs rise up on Sakura?s skin just to be near him. And then there was Alma?

The lady Alma, as Sakura called her, though she demurred each time, ordering the respectful title done away with a flip of her gloved hand, and yet Sakura could not bring herself to address her mundanely any more than she could have bid the moon to stay its course. In her presence, under the watchful gaze of those piercing grey eyes that seemed to see everything and lay all naked before her, Sakura felt as she never had before. Something inside her drew her to the woman like a compass needle northwards, and she felt both tested and appreciated at once fulfilling even the smallest task. And yet?a nameless fear clung to her heart even as it throbbed in love, no, lust for the blonde creature. A soft, crying darkness in the back of her mind that pleaded with her to be careful?be watchful? But then that siren would smile, so approving, and the voice would go silent, deadened in the rush of heady pleasure.

She had been the first Sakura had offered her patron-favor to, with trembling fingers, only to have it handed back, one side of the flawless blossom stained red with blood from Alma?s pierced lip. She had accepted it with wide eyes, along with the woman?s promise to consider the offer as well as a given offer of her own. The soiled bloom now lay beside Sakura?s bed at the Inn, on her nightstand, and not an evening had gone by that she had not lain in bed and held the trinket, fingering its blood-stiffened petals delicately, fancying that she could still smell the faint juniper note of gin clinging to the air around it.


Date: 2006-06-17 21:29 EST
Surprising then that it had been that Alma was not the first to request Sakura?s company?or rather, she had and Sakura had denied her.

It had been very late, or very early depending upon perspective and after a long evening of coy flirtations, gin, and discussions when Alma had finally caressed the curve of Sakura?s shell-fine earlobe and whispered those words inviting her away. Lost in a haze of desire and apprehension, her mind made slow with fatigue, Sakura had hesitated, her thoughts slipping away like water?she was not a whore, yet?she could do anything she wished to please a patron?and then again?Alma had not asked as a patron? She had floundered and fear had won out, aided by exhaustion. Sakura had demurred, doing the thing she hated most; disappointing a patron with a denial.

Alma had simply smiled that knowing, slippery, sly smile of hers and whispered something softly about waiting making the having all the sweeter, and slunk out the door to the hushed sibilance of stockings stroking tweed, leaving Sakura feeling as if she were drowning beneath the weight of her silken words.

Several days later without even the faintest whiff of juniper-astringent gin in the tavern and Sakura had chided herself for displeasing the woman. Perhaps she?d lost a valuable opportunity and a potential danna to her own silly trepidations.

A chance meeting with another musician in the Inn had directed her to a music shop in town where instruments were sold, and a visit to the shop proved incredibly fruitful. The shop had indeed had the very instrument she sought ? a long necked, three stringed lute called a shamisen, which she was incredibly adept at playing. Much to her delight the elderly shop owner had taken a shine to her, and gave her the instrument for a song, literally. She had knelt in the middle of the dusty, sun drenched shop and plucked out an old, old Japanese love song on the shamisen, filling the air with the exotic twanging and lilting music that at once stirred the soul and clamed the senses. The clerk had applauded her music heartily and insisted she take the shamisen with his gratitude, pointing out that in all the time he had owned the shop no one had even looked at the old instrument, much less played it with such skill and obvious love. Sakura had hurried home to the Inn with her prize cradled in hands trembling with joy.

So it was early one afternoon she sat in the deserted tavern practicing her chords on the shamisen as the Inn?s regulars straggled in and out in pairs and singles, rarely remaining, leaving the young woman relative peace in which to coax her music forth. Her music did not go unappreciated, however. Enjoying the peaceful atmosphere of the quiet Inn for the afternoon and taking advantage of its placid environment to brood in anticipation of business dealings that would come later that evening, the Lord Von Locke sat musing at the bar, watching the young geisha with interest as she bent her dark head over her music. Cold eyes calculating, appreciative and intrigued. The geisha had given him a patron-token not a week earlier, recognizing his good-taste and fine manners for the nobility they bespoke.

From across the bar he had requested that she play him a song, and smiling at the invitation, and has played him an old Japanese lullaby, its softly trilling melodies and gently lilting chords much more beautiful than a common lullaby?s soothing, flat rhythms.

He had been enchanted, and that evening Sakura had earned her first patron-fee entertaining the strange, dark Lord in his quarters. When the night?s prior engagements carried him away from her company at last, Sakura had left his quarters for her own, exhausted. The evening had been a strange one, and try as she might she couldn?t recall all of it completely. Long pieces of the evening seemed gone, snatched away by some unseen hand; others seemed hazy, dark and unclear, opium dreams mingled with snatches of real memories.


Date: 2006-06-19 18:47 EST
It was a strange urging hunger that woke her that evening and drove her down into the inn to pursue the Lord Von Locke once more. Silent steps carried the diminutive woman down the steps and into the tavern, dark hair streaming silkily behind her like a mane. A small, secretive smile curled full lips as a careful sweep of a gaze took in the room and all its occupants. A half a moment before bare feet hit the floorboards her hand caught the railing and halted her hurried progress, long locks swinging to a stop shortly thereafter, slipping about her shoulders and over her cheeks. Breath caught in her throat and those deep, dark eyes scanned the room once more, slower this time, hesitating upon each face...searching.

Finding the lord part of a trio locked into a strange conversation, Sakura had sought out another aquatic and fetched up against Viki as she watched the odd conversation dwindle to an end before excusing herself from Viki's presence. Slipping through the heavy crowd of the evening, she made her way slowly, elegantly and yet with motions strained slightly, like one moving with a hunger pain. Delicate feet brought her before her patron. Dark eyes look famine-starved for a moment before she dipped a low bow, silky hair slinking over her shoulders and falling down before her.

"My Lord...are you engaged this evening?"

He sipped, patient in his silent island solitude in the midst of a sea of patrons. He had chosen a table at the middle of the room, his surveil on all and none. It was sudden, however, those hard icy eyes assailed the form of Sakura like an arctic breeze.
"Sakura... "A faint slip of a smile, and a nod, "Do 'ave a seat, if it pleases ye."

He gestured to one of the chairs. His gaze shifting about.

"I've chosen to retire to this position for a time. Revelations this night bring dark tidings, indeed."

She rose slowly from her bow, eyes seeking his gaze with an unspoken torrent of questions. She graciously accepted the seat he offered, sinking down beside him slowly. She had glanced out at the room he spoke so darkly of before turning back to him.

"Trouble this evening, my lord?"

"A trifle, nothing that I need to be concerned about. Though, new elements are a cause for reviewing and a change in tactic." He added cryptically. He then cast the Asian woman a wink. His gaze shifting about thereafter.

"... is also something to be considered at length..."Trailing off again. He seemed to be juggling many thoughts at the moment.

"'ow do ye fare this eve?"

She canted her head to one side in question, lost in the cryptic train of consciousness drivel he muttered. Her heart constricted, and for a second she couldn't catch her breath as he glanced at her, but it is gone in a half a second and he is back to prowling the room with his eyes, seemingly fuming. She shook her head quietly, unwilling or unable to give voice to her need. Delicately fingered hands gathered masses of dark hair and pulled them away over her shoulder.

"I...I am fine, my lord..." The words are a whisper.

His nostrils flared slightly and he lowered his wine to the table. Something lurked at the edges of his mind -- something his keep perceptions alerted him to. His gaze shifted back to a woman named Arts seated nearby, then sudden as it happened, back to Sakura.

"Ye donnae sound convincing, my dear." His head canting. His brow arched, "Perhaps ye can tell me a secret..."

Tucking a strand of black hair behind his right ear, exposing it to her.
Onyx eyes watched his long finger tuck the dark lock back behind his ears and she caught herself softly sucking her lower lip as she leans towards him, small, soft hand resting with a warm weight upon his chest as her cheek brushed his. Petal lips touched sensitive earlobe as she whispered to him, breath a tickle.

"My lord...I miss...I want..."

She could not bring to mind what that nameless pleasure was, that small, aching hunger of an addiction planted within. He turned his gaze fully upon Sakura then. Dark eyes turned to his cold ones, searching...Did he understand?

"In time, little blossom. In time. Patience is key."

His smile was so brief, though sly. His head tilting away as he turned his head to her. Very close; extremely close. She felt a cold drop in the pit of her stomach, and for a moment, for the briefest second it's as if the bottom has dropped out of the world, but in the next second the sensation was gone, replaced with a new one a burning...something entirely new to the young woman...anger. White teeth sank into the fullness of her pale lower lip as she sits back slowly, black brows lowering slowly.

"My lord?"

He watched as her body tensed. He heard the roaring rush of liquid hasten. His features remained stoic, regal. His chin lifting slightly at the subtle shift in her lines.

"Good things come to those that wait... dear 'eart."

His gloved hand moved to press lightly upon her forearm. His look grew sharp, stern ... then suddenly.. started to fade into a soothing softness. The nimbus of regal magnetism starting to flow and grow wider, encompassing like the smooth rolling waters of a brook over eroded stone.

She inhaled deeply as he chided her quietly but with infinite firmness, his grip on her upper arm making her recoil within away from the heat of the anger, spirit retreating into the cool darkness of many years trained obedience. She exhaled slowly and drank in the stern glare before dropping her gaze, silent as the snow. Her voice was merely breath, soft as breeze.

"My lord..."

His fingers trailed lightly over her arm. Scintillating were the sensations through silken sleeve. They were soft and soothing as the tendrils of subconscious power rippled outward from his being like the waters of a pond when a stone is cast.

"Aye, Sakura?"

She barely repressed a shudder, trailing fingers light as feather through the silk, sensation gripping her belly in a tender, squeezing fist. Black lashes fluttered against honey cheeks as she ran the pink tip of a soft tongue over her lower lip, tasting the ridges of her bite there.

"I apologize..."

"There is nae a need for such.. Sakura." His tones were as comforting as his presence at the moment.

It was then that the woman named Artsblood turned her attention now to Erich and his companion, she positively strobes, white skin against worn black cotton shorts and t-shirt. She is too pale, too thin, too long of limb and digit, she perches atop Occam's razor between the lovely and the grotesque.

"Forgive my, Von Locke, business, of course..." Long fingers flick at the air.

"Business seems to tangle like many spider's webs."

His gaze alighted on Arts and he gestured to the table at which they sat. "
Please, do join us."
He turned his gaze to Sakura then.

"This is my colleague.. Lady Arts Shusberg. ...." He indicated the wan, pale woman with a sweep of his arm.

"Madame Shusberg.. this is Sakura..." Hand following the path of previous swipe, though reversed.

Sakura's black eyes flicked up at Erich's face, gaze hard as onyx crystals and glittering just as brightly...were there tears rimming those dark lashes? It was hard to tell, especially with the dip of her head in a slow bow, yet the line of her body seemed to tremble like an out of focus picture.

Artsblood flowed over to the couple, the too-intimate attention of her huge eyes licking over the dark haired beat. For an instant Sakura's gaze flicked to Artsblood, her voice a murmur.

"I'll leave..."

The other woman's laugh was velvet and warm honey.

"Ah, business and politesse can take all the pleasure out of life, lovely Sakura. You are pleasure, I, at the moment at least, business, pray stay?"
Erich patted the quaking limb of the girl at his side, conscious of her turmoil. He still continued to send out those soothing waves, though hushed, in a radius of perhaps three feet -- focus muting the sensations slightly.

Artsblood's patent cant of head, insectile, precise.

"You have news for me, Von Locke? I am ever greedy for it, news is the body of a new lover, the taste of a new wine"

Lord Erich Von Locke's gaze shifted to Sakura. "Your presence is soothing to me. I do beseech ye, bide a while longer."

Were it not for the presence of the spidery, ethereal Artsblood standing before them Sakura's upper lip may have curled tight against pearl teeth at being patted like an animal, but she kept her flawless composure and offered the woman a brief smile, deferring to her wish.

"Ah.. Sakura is a dear, dear friend to me. A new friend, though dear and sweet as the breath of life is sweet. I felt moved to save 'er from the subject of ye business... The wilted rose..."

Artsblood, a fingertip to her lip, she examined the girl now, the full knuckle-stroke attention of those outsized eyes.

" You are indeed the kind of beauty that the ships of may hearts might sunder upon, and whom is it that this noble saves you from, pretty Sakura?"

Erich's gaze shifted to Sakura then, curious to see if the seeds sewn had birthed the blossom of fruit. Did she even know?

Sakura could have gotten lost in those oversized eyes, and drown, wrecked upon the stony shore behind the siren's sweet song. She flushed despite herself and stroked her lower lip with soft fingertips, grasping lamely for an answer to the curious question.
"Oh...from myself..I suppose..."
The pale woman's attention pulls from the girl with a small, physical release, and turns to Erich.

"Ah, no, you are not in the business of saving women from themselves, old ally, nor are you in the habit of telling me of such if you do."

"In a way.. aye." He turned toward Arts then. His expression casual, "I 'ave come across the woman, Alma Stuart."

He quipped simply, the only explanation given. He continued down another path.

"She is not as charming as ye make 'er out to be. I was rather disappointed."
A slow blink of Arts' eyes accepts the compliment hidden in the barely implied comparison.

"Many find her so, whose tastes are as refined as my own."

Sakura could not help but repress a small smile at this, dark eyes suddenly fascinated with drinking in the gossamer, breathless beauty of the woman before her, so slight and yet sharp as a knife's edge. Almondine eyes raked the angles and edges of this work of minimalist art, shyly. Another lick of eyes over Sakura, this one embarrassingly intimate.

"And tell me, precious one, did you find the Stuart woman lacking in charm, and are you well and truly severed from her spell?"

Something like laughter danced in the great eyes; something akin to a challenge, as well. Erich turned his gaze to Sakura, her ease noted, her humility as well. A sly grin offered to Arts.

"Others might beg to argue the difference between ye.. without saying a word.. Lady Shusberg."

The back of Sakura's mind follows the conversation in a detached manner, soft hand coming to rest lightly on Erich's thigh as her body relaxes, no longer the over-tight harp string of hunger and emotion it was minutes ago. Again Artsblood splayed fingers like a fan and rolled them down in acceptance of the compliment implied.

Sakura considers this new question for a half a moment before answering with a slow, introverted smile.

"No lady Shusburg...charming is not the word for what I found lady Alma to be..."
It was Erich who spoke next.

"The other.. the adversary... it seems she's endearing to some, aye.... and yet... she struck me as quite abrasive and mocking. A faux and plastic beauty. I relish the sweetness of a living flower over those of wax..."

Artsblood gave a soft laugh.

"Not so charming as I, then?"

The gaze sharpens, touching places hidden, her eyes on the girl still.

"Give me a word, then, you who are so good with words, and at keeping things vague..."
Erich cut in.

"Well guarded though, is she." He frowned, a moment taken to collect his thoughts,

"And leaves little opening for exploiting."

Artsblood's eyes darted back to Erich.

"You would tell me so, were you her ally, would you not?" Her laugh ripe and sweet.

"Perhaps that is a path on which I intend.. or to make it seem as if such were true. We, who are masters of the charade. Perhaps she may take notice, perhaps... though..."
Artsblood's eyes went again on the dark beauty.

"Flattery tastes like blueberries from your lips, pretty Sakura, but give me your word for Alma Stuart's appeal."

Lord Von Locke spoke again.

"I 'ave not yet considered..." He turned his gaze once more to Sakura. His features impassive, his gaze hawk-like.

Artsblood gave another brittle laugh for Erich.

"Indeed, and perhaps I intend to steal your pretty here, or trade her to the Stuart woman for peace, or perhaps she and you are red herrings in a struggle invisible to all but me, and perhaps I and mine are such to you. It keeps us awake, at least?"

A soft curve touches Sakura's even softer lips as she inclines her head in obeisance, finally given a chance to reply.

"I have to demure...I haven't yet found the words to describe how I find the lady Alma..."
Artsblood's smile at Sakura sudden and consuming.

"You have not yet, and thus you will."

"We must all tread carefully in the rattler's den." Erich's lips purse into a smile, turning his gaze back to Arts.

Sakura glanced to Erich, all to aware of his curious gaze before looking back to Artsblood.

"I hope so...with all my soul."

Artsblood ghosted to her feet, her smile at Sakura both predatory and strangely sartorial.

"Your soul? if you pledge that, you shall have her I'm sure, but it is a nougat once given that sours in the mouths of others..."

White eyebrows rose as she teased with her huge eyes.

"I, for one, would not wise a candy that the Stuart had already sampled."
Her grin quick, there and gone.

"Unless it served my ends to do so."

"It amuses me Arts. Do ye think I would sacrifice a lamb so carelessly?" Erich's head tilted as he glanced once more to Ms. Shusberg. His hand raking through his hair, the other leaving Sakura's form as he suddenly staunched the flow of soothing emotional radiation streaming forth from his being. A sip taken from his goblet.

Artsblood bowed to Erich.

"A pas de deux continued, a dance of elegance has its own beauty."

Sakura's soft fingers delicately stroked the fabric of the breeches that covered Erich's thigh as she watched Arts rise, all her words of warning making Sakura's head swim. She knew she should ask outright what the other woman knew of Alma, and why Erich spoke so poorly of her when not in her presence, but something stayed her lips, questions caught in her throat until she forces a breath, gasping as she is suddenly set adrift by Erich.

"Mmmm... though shall it be a waltz, or tango... next we meet?"

His brow piqued, his tones cryptic, "Adieu, M'lady Shusberg."

Sakura catches herself and offered Artsblood a deep bow.

"Good Evening, my lady."

Artsblood's voice rich and furred.

"There are partner changes yet before we circumnavigate the room"

A last invasion of huge eyes on the woman, a penetration of attention, sharp as a leer.
Sakura could not hold that gaze, and felt naked, and alone suddenly under it, longing for, and yet unsure of the secrets held fast behind the pale woman's smile.


Date: 2006-06-19 19:00 EST
The next evening proved no less eventful for the poor geisha. With sleepy steps she had descended the stairs to enter the tavern for the evening, tired but glowing with a strange, subtle light from the previous evening

Her entrance had not gone unnoticed, particularly by the spidery creature Artsblood. The woman perhaps scented Sakura before otherwise sensed her, for it was a lift of the blade of nose that turned the huge eyes to her, and cocked the flesh-poor face in curiosity.
Her raven hair down loose in fine strands of black silk that gathered over one silk-clad shoulder as she paused at the lowermost set of stairs and scanned the scene before her, onyx eyes alighting upon the wispy creature she had met the night before. The geisha had smiled; gentle, warm as sunshine, and slipped into the tavern, lowering her gaze.
Arts had watched her approach, as one examines a sculpture, notes the light on an old master from different angles, little chin trapped on a teepee of fingertip.

Sakura's sidelong glance as she made her way through the crowd, however, revealed a beloved friend in recline on a couch, and she had stalled for but a second before turning towards Wyheree, making her way over toward the couch with elegant, small steps to fall onto her knees beside the woman.

" Lady Wyheree!"

Wyheree's eyes turned toward Sakura's voice, but the odd silver eyes could not see.

"Lady - Sakura? I am sorry - I cannot see you."

Sakura's small, delicate fingers closed around her friend's hand, warm, comforting.

"Wyheree, what happened?"

Wyheree had gently pulled her hand away from her friend.

"Please - it is best not to touch me when my eyes are like this."

Her skin had been absolutely cold, thin silver lines tracing down her cheeks and down her neck into the bruises there.

Sakura had glanced to her friend in concern, but feeling herself unwanted, or at least unneeded, rose, and touching her shoulder for the briefest second moved away.

"Tell me if I can help you my lady..."

She slipped away hesitantly, heading toward the bar with much less alacrity, glancing back over her shoulder as she slipped into a seat.

Artsblood had spoken in a musing, almost sotto vocce just then.

"When the big bad rises, all of the small madnesses blow in its wake like leaves to a passing train"

Sakura had half overheard Arts and turned toward her with a questioning glance.

"My lady Shusburg...good evening."

Huge eyes rested on Sakura again, her voice almost monotone as it continued the thought.

"And if all of our little madnesses suddenly gain ascendance, how would yours manifest itself, pretty Sakura? Would the subservient caress hide a razor, or would your search for your own jealous pleasure cause you to lose a world for a lost moment?"

The little chin perched on a tent of fingertips again, great eyes licked at the dark haired
beauty, intimate as fingertips.

Sakura's dark brow furrowed at Arts' all too observant question, and her gaze dropped, unsure of how to answer such a query. She looked up at those huge, pale eyes once more and shook her head slowly, voice a whisper.

"None of us know our ends my lady..."

Artsblood put a freakish finger to her mouth.

"Ah, but it is not the end I ask, but a stop on the route. And I think we know our madnesses, though we avert our eyes when they wave at us in public." The great brown eyes seem to fill the world, "If you had nothing to lose, if there were no future to be smirched by your actions, where would your madness take you?"

Pearl teeth catch petal-pink lip in a vice as she met the starved gaze once more, almost daring.

"And your own soul manifest, my would it appear?"

Artsblood mused.

"Did you think that her loving might make you mad? I have been accused of doing such." A single bark of a laugh, plosive, incongruous from the soft spoken, almost melancholy face, "Ah, love, I have been mad for lo these many years."

Artsblood kissed at her sugared wine, lets the curve of the glass shape a smile of sorts.
Sakura's own full lips grew into a slow smile, like a rose blooming in the sunshine and she laughed, softly, the sound like sweet water from a deep, deep spring.

"My lady you speak of things that have already come to pass for me. I face my freedom now, and find myself at a crossroads...I cannot say that I know which way to turn...though so many paths call my name so sweetly. But I hope the one I choose I do not pick from madness."

Artsblood had nodded, the delicate bone-box of her tiny chin trembling.

"To seek my bed would be madness, certainly, though perhaps worth the pain. But I think it is another lady who fills your dreams with imagined ecstasies. A small blonde, perhaps, conservative of dress and rapacious of hidden eye?"

And now the thin mouth did grin, and the great eyes were almost warm.
She stretched, the wings of her shoulder blades lifting against worn cotton, the points of her tiny breasts drew lines against the fabric.

Sakura smiles wryly and turned her face away, putting her in striking profile to the lights that flickered over her left shoulder. She shook her head slowly, silently.

"Tell me my you think you know me perhaps better than I know myself, though you only met me yesterday?"

Artsblood had given the characteristic cant of her head, insectile, precise.

"Perhaps I should seduce you and save you from yourself, it would, perhaps, be the Christian thing to do..."And this laugh was a purr, "and how would I know if I know you better than you know yourself, while I still attempt to spelunk the depths of your self delusion, if indeed you are not wise and unmarked by such."

A point of tongue, pale pink and quick as a snake's, wetted the thin lips.

"And perhaps I am in grave error, and the Stuart woman has not sunk her barb deep into the tender meat of that pretty mouth?"
Sakura turned a demure smile toward Arts, black lashes tickling soft, high cheekbones as she laughed gently.

"You speak in such riddles, lady Shusburg... and all your words sting like nettles."
Her smile faded slowly and she gazed at the wisp of a woman plainly, looking straight through each facade and barricade with those fathomless eyes.

"What would you warn me of in this world, if you were to warn me of anything?"

Fingertip to her thin lips, the great eyes reveling in the challenge tossed at them by the woman's daring attention, she whispered the words into the well of the black eyes, like pebbles dropped into a well.

"I would warn you of myself. Never believe me, I am a weaver of fabrics and I serve mine own ends. And I would warn you not to share the bed of Alma Stuart. You must decide, I imagine, if the first warning informs the second."

Sakura nodded slowly, a sadness tingeing the smile that graced her fine-boned features, a wry humor mingled into to cocktail of emotions that swirled within her expression.

"I see..."

Huge eyes swam and swelled

"Ah, ah, ah, you half love her already! Then dare her, pretty Sakura, I have been wrong before. Or perhaps you would suffer the kiss of these thin lips and see if they might ease the pull upon you?" Her voice a whisper, almost without breath to propel it, almost as if they eyes spoke, "She is beautiful beyond appearances, and I am sure a very mistress of the pleasing arts."

Sakura frowned slightly at Arts' prodding words, dark brow furrowing in concern as she turned each word over in her mind a thousand times or more. She raised her eyes slowly towards the all-consuming brown gaze.

"I have yet to love, my lady... I think you assume I know more about lady Alma than I actually my lord Erich assumes I know much less."
She smiled at the offer of a kiss, bashful and alluring in her unassuming shyness.

"Would you enjoy a kiss from me, lady Artsblood?"

Her voice a whisper, breath cool and perfumed with sugar wine.

"One only knows first love when it is lost, pretty darling, beware."

Delicate fingers twined themselves around each other.

"Perhaps...I've never known love, my lady...but I long for it."

Artsblood's whisper was furred and warm and close.

"I cannot know until I taste it, nor can you I think. I am not the beauty that the Stuart woman is, nor perhaps her equal in erotic arts, but I have thrilled no few."

The sweep of Sakura's eyes were soft as satin as they swept the woman's lithe, hungry frame, coming to rest upon the razor planes of her fashionable, striking face.

"Anyone who has told you you are not beautiful my lady has neither eyes to see nor sense to behold all that you are."

Wyheree, tired beyond measure, she slowly stood and made her way carefully around the tavern and slowly toward the stairs, pausing a moment by Sakura, laying a cool hand on her shoulder.

"I will tell you what happened tomorrow. Good night, Lady Sakura"

Sakura turned and grasped the hand of her friend, eyes suddenly urgent.

"Lady Wyheree! Are you alright?"

Artsblood leaned back, if eyes could sigh the great brown moons did so, and watched Sakura and her friend. Wyheree rested her other hand against Sakura's cheek.

"I will be, dear Sakura. Brian has given me a room, and I will rest there awhile until I am able to phase home." She had brushed her cheek with cool lips, "Good night, Lady Sakura."

"Good night Wyheree..."

She watches her friend go with no mild concern in her eyes then turned back toward the bar with a soft sigh. Lazy as smoke rising from a snuffed match, she slipped to her feet.

"You care for your friend. she has not consumed you totally yet..." She Hesitated, thoughtful, "And nor have I...count yourself lucky for the moment my opal set in onyx, and every fortunate moment is to be treasured for its brief life."

Fingertips spread beneath the woman's exquisite, delicate chin.

"I have no right to ask anything, but I ask that you kiss me before she beds you, a poultice against her fever....or that you kiss her before you bed me, for similar reasons. Madness rises in these winds like corpse dust from a broken tomb, use care, pretty one."

She gazed silently at the slim woman for a long moment before she leaned over slowly, and taking the razor jaw in her slim, soft fingers she drew her near, softly stroking pale blond locks back behind translucent ears. Sakura's lips touched hers softly, gentle as a whisper, like petals brushing snow at first, and then more firmly, closing over Arts' mouth with a gentle demand, softly sucking at her lower lip, her mouth warm, inviting.
Artsblood's thin lips parted, and the great eyes closed, and their mouths meeting and moving against each other and learn and danced that learning, and a cool tongue traces the inner edges of Sakura's lush lips.

No effort to touch otherwise, though it was all implied and promised in that tongue, in the surprising richness of her seemingly thin lips, in the fierce offering and taking that spun within that kiss. Sakura's cool, silken tongue caressed the other woman's for the briefest instant before she pulled away, trembling despite herself. Whatever secrets the young geisha hid, her emotions run as honest as blood. She opened her eyes slowly and gazed quietly at Arts, gentle nature clashing against the hot words that boiled up inside her and escaped suddenly like too much steam in a kettle.

"My lady...I may be a flower of the tea houses, someone bred to create beauty in a world that can be cruel...and unforgiving...but I am not something to be consumed...I beg you not to speak of me this way again..."

"The consummation I devoutly wish is mutual, my jade, my jewel, beware those that would consume and be untouched by the tire."

Cool fingertips stroke a cheek as she turns, and runway struts, long legs scissoring, to where the night holds its cloak for her, ever a perfect fit. After a long moment Sakura rose and slipped away, up the stairs to her room, lost in a hurricane of her own thoughts, tossed like a paper blossom in a maelstrom.