Topic: Lack of Social Skills Can Lead To Paranoia.


Date: 2010-01-27 03:47 EST
Welcome to The Paranoia Project.

The game was all the rage among the agents who frequented Gustave's "mad scientists lab". Savy had brought the discs back from that backwater plane that she and Hannah had been assainged to for way too long now.

It was an online game for multiple players and had a fairly simple premise. What if they really were all out to get you?

Logging in to Delirium server. Please Wait.


Welcome Gustave Grey.

Checking for Updates. Please Wait.

The login screen was a deceptively simple box with the look of brushed steel. As it cycled through the various phases of the update process little windows in the surface of the box would appear, lighting up one by one until the box had morphed into the facade of a skyscraper on a cliff. The camera zoomed in on one of those windows giving you a view of your avatar, seated in front of a computer monitor. Here is where you found a mix of Out of Character information and in game hints, separated into folders so you could tell the two apart.

Gustave checked the Out of Character folder first.

Today in Pandora's Box: Check out the scoop on the quest for the Scarab of Deception in our forums.

He clicked on the link to open the the forum post and scanned its contents.

The Five parts of the Scarab of Deception have been scattered around the floors of the offices by a careless lab tech. To initiate this quest in came, Speak to Conrad Quibbley on floor nine.

It wasn't highly detailed, but then the forum posts never were. There were a stream of comments, mostly speculation as to what the scarab was, that Gus didn't even bother to read. He move on to the In Game memos.

Message from the 13th floor Research Offices: Remember to report suspicious activities to the proper officials. Management are your friends and are here to help you.

Employees wishing to visit the city environs should file the proper travel permit papers in the Human Resource Office.

Set in the offices of a fictional company named Preserve XVII, in the town of Malign Glen, the game had a rather Noir Horror feel to it, with some Lovecraftian undertones. Preserve XVII was a research company, though what they researched seemed to be a mater that was open for debate. Every person Gustave had spoken to in game and out had their own opinions based on their own in game experiences. The first level of the game was always played solo, and started out with a rather dark personality quiz. This determined your "position" in the company, which defined your initial skill set and starting point and personal objectives.

The object of the game was to working on your own or in groups, achieve each of your objectives while fighting through various obstacles ranging from zombie virus outbreaks and marauding monsters to complex traps and puzzles. All to survive to the next working day. There was an interesting aspect to the multiplayer angle in that players had the ability to doublecross and backstab each other to reach their own goals. You never knew just who you could trust. Even the NPC's could be deceiving you.

Memos read for the session Gustave got down to playing.


Date: 2010-05-11 14:51 EST
"No! Harvey you bastard son of an eggplant! It took me two weeks to put together that clue." Sev growled into her headset and glared at the pumpkinhead across the room that Gus had set up as a computer room for them.

The clue in question was a fifteen parts of a twenty part puzzle, that Harvey had gleefully selected "Put through paper shredder" on when Sev had shared it with him, hoping to get any of the parts she was missing.

"Ba Babbaaa Boo!" Harvey chuckled gleefully. The Paranoia Project was on of the few game he and Sev could play on an equal footing.

"He's got a point Savy, you walked into that one." Gustave's voice crackled over the speakers, the result of him being earthside this week instead of at the beach house. "You know in this game your blunt honesty screws you over every time."

"Bastard. Keep your opinions to yourself." Sev set her avatar to collecting the shredded mess that was once her clue. "I'll get you for this Harv. Just you wait!"