Topic: Sunny Side Up or Down?


Date: 2008-10-24 15:36 EST
"I don't know Harvey, you remember what happened last time you let me in the kitchen right?"

Sev wasn't at all sure about this lates scheme of the pumpkinhead's. She was a natural disaster in the kitchen, and the last time had set the ceiling on fire trying to make a pot of coffee. And they had a nice simple electric coffee maker! Compared to that what Harv was asking for was like asking god to change the shade of the sky to just a touch more purple for the next hour or so. It was just impossible.

"Ba baba bo babaaa" Harvey was looking dapper in an apron and a chef's hat, and waving a spatuala and a skillet threateningly at Sev. "Beh bahhhh baah."

"Its not just and egg, its a disaster waiting to happen, I just know it. Remember the exploding cup'o noodles? This is like a hundred times worse."

Harvey ploped the frying pan on the stove and pointed at her, making a noise suspiciously like a growl.

She knew what that meant. Do as Harvey says or the refridgerator gets locked. So she reluctantly moved to the stove and took the spatula and the egg that Harvey was holding out. He showed her how to carefully crack the shell and pour the contents into the heating skillet, then how to lift the edges gently to keep it from burning as it cooked.

"Look Harv! I did it!" The finished project wasn't pretty, but it wasn't burnt either. Harvey helped her move it to the waiting plate, already loaded with buttered toast and sauasages.

Sev took the tray the plate was on and set it in front of Richard's door, straightening the single white daisy in the milkglass vase before knocking and then dissapearing back into the kitchen.

Richard Walsh

Date: 2008-10-27 15:07 EST
Richard looked up to the knocking on his door. " Come in. " After a few minutes passed and no one openned the door, he rose from his chair as he tossed the paper Harv had got for him on the table. He then moved to the door, before openning it. A scan of the hallway, before looking down at the tray of food.

He smiled to that, before looking in the direction of the kitchen, as he picked it up. " I guess Harv is teaching Sev how to cook.. I wish him luck." Turnning to head back itno his room, then sits at the table. Slowly he would start to eat the prepared food. In all honesty..It wasn't all that bad.

" Who ever cooked this needs to keep at it! ' He looked over his shoulder, as he hoped Sev or Harb heard him. As he was just teasing Sev to be honest.