Topic: Welcome to the Orc Nation of Rhydin


Date: 2007-12-04 15:28 EST
Welcome Folks to the Orc Nation of Rhydin, please watch your step. This is the First Orc Nation of Rhydin, a home for Orcs, Trolls, and those who are considered outcasts and outsiders, whatever the reason maybe. Now you are probably wondering where is this Nation for Orcs? Well for arguement sakes not anywhere in praticular, except that it is based on the main landmass of the Planet of Rhydin. There really is no central community to speak of, though there are a number of spread out communities, all united in the fact that they are excepted fully by the Orc Nation of Rhydin.

What does the Orc nation of Rhydin want? To be excepted the people of Rhydin, to have equal rights as everyone else, and been subjected to the prejudice that Orcs and Trolls eat babies and raid villages. Just because some do, does not mean all do. However the First Orc nation of Rhydin wants to have its own culture and values, not have the values of Humans, Elves, Dwarves and anyone else imposed upon them.

Who are seen as the Leaders of this Nation for Orcs, Trolls and the unwanted? At present three strong leaders are the ones who represent The First Nation of Orcs, High Chief Koruush BlackClaw, his second in command, First War Captain Kark, and a rather urbane Ork, named Khaine, and Ork from the world known as Earth. High Chief Koruush and his second in command, Kark, represent the natives and so called primative tribal Orcs and Trolls. Khaine repersents the more modern Ork and Troll, who live in the cities, dress in more urban style clothes and use such things as guns, phones and vehicles.

Of course all three leaders of the Orc Nation, except anyone seen as an outcast, due to appearance, habits, race and culture, or those who do not wish to be part of society. They are open to all, except flesh eating undead, and anyone found bashing on Orcs, Trolls, or anyother member of the First Nation of Orcs.

The Motto for the First Nation of Orcs is this-

"Freedom, Equality and Unity for all Orcs, Trolls and the Outcasts of Society"